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Vrati se svojim čulima

Ti si u etru
Ja ispod zemlje
Signal gubi se, naći se ne može
Napokon se otvaram
Za tebe bih sve uradila
Ali ti me stišavaš
Baš kad sam počela da pevam
Vrati se svojim čulima
Odaberi, ne brani se
I ti znaš ili barem si znao
Zar ne sećaš se kako je sve počelo
Bili smo samo ti i ja
Bili smo samo ja i ti
Moram se smejati
Jer bila je prava predstava
Ljubav je Passe u ovim danima i godinama
Kako onda da očekujemo da raste
Ti poput viteza
Ja kao kraljica
A sve što imam večeras
Je taman ekran
Vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana
Ako radimo ono sta osećamo
Zar se ne sećaš da kada je sve počelo bili smo samo ti i ja
Ali sada je vazduh preplavljen konfuzijom
A zamenili smo brigu iluzijom
Od kad je cool biti hladan?
Ah da i više nista ne traje zauvek
I ljubav je postala potrošna ( jednokratna)
Ovo je oblik stvari koji ne trebamo ignorisati
Daj vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana ako zeliš da budeš prazan prostor na displeju
Mili budi stvaran
Mozeš opet osećati
Ne treba ti melodija muzičke kutije da bi znao šta hoću reći
Vrati se svojim čulima
Dušo daj lriberi se
Vrati se svojim čulima
Vrati se svojim čulima

Vrati se svojim čulima

Ti si u etru
Ja ispod zemlje
Signal gubi se, naći se ne može
Napokon se otvaram
Za tebe bih sve uradila
Ali ti me stišavaš
Baš kad sam počela da pevam
Vrati se svojim čulima
Odaberi, ne brani se
I ti znaš ili barem si znao
Zar ne sećaš se kako je sve počelo
Bili smo samo ti i ja
Bili smo samo ja i ti
Moram se smejati
Jer bila je prava predstava
Ljubav je Passe u ovim danima i godinama
Kako onda da očekujemo da raste
Ti poput viteza
Ja kao kraljica
A sve što imam večeras
Je taman ekran
Vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana
Ako radimo ono sta osećamo
Zar se ne sećaš da kada je sve počelo bili smo samo ti i ja
Ali sada je vazduh preplavljen konfuzijom
A zamenili smo brigu iluzijom
Od kad je cool biti hladan?
Ah da i više nista ne traje zauvek
I ljubav je postala potrošna ( jednokratna)
Ovo je oblik stvari koji ne trebamo ignorisati
Daj vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana ako zeliš da budeš prazan prostor na displeju
Mili budi stvaran
Mozeš opet osećati
Ne treba ti melodija muzičke kutije da bi znao šta hoću reći
Vrati se svojim čulima
Dušo daj lriberi se
Vrati se svojim čulima
Vrati se svojim čulima


Обожавам те,
али ако прође дан а да те не видим,
заборавим те.
Како то да сам те овога пута у мислима нацртао?
Чежња покреће носталгију у мом срцу,
ноћ постаје дужа, а дан се враћа уназад.
О, моје крхко срце,
Одвојеност од тебе ме убија.
Немам решење,
немам решење...
Моје срце не воли једном,
нити моје срце жуди за тобом само једном.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

You Made Me As I Am

You are beautiful and strong
You borrow strength when i dont have
You borrow strength when i dont have
You are there when I grow
With you I can be weak
With you I can be weak
Sorry that this took so long
That I get to say this
But your place will be not filled by anyone else
Somtimes halves can be whole
My heart knows when it's home
By being there you have changed so much
Becouse you made me as I am
Becouse you made me as I am
I have a seacret that I want to tell
It was me who drank your limoncellos
Replace with water close the cap
And I realized that this is very bad idea
Luckily I made it out alive from that
I look at the same grin from the mirror
In the same gang until death
The best mother for me came from the bench
Don't worry I'm here today
Let's continue from where we were last time
And even though words are just words
Heart knows that you'll stand behind me
Somtimes halves can be whole
My heart knows when it's home
By being there you have changed so much
Becouse you made me as I am
Somtimes halves can be whole
My heart knows when it's home
By being there you have changed so much
Becouse you made me as I am
I did this becouse of you
You held on untill the end
And I will never forget
I did this becouse of you
You held on untill the end
And I will never forget
Somtimes halves can be whole
My heart knows when it's home
By being there you have changed so much
Becouse you made me as I am
Becouse you made me as I am

Superimposed Catboxes

Your gaze feels like meeting the eyes of someone looking back at you
The thread of their eyes entangles you--you're nearly drowning in love this deep
Break the fourth wall! Logic offers no solution for this.
The illusions you're seeing? They appeared so suddenly
The blood-red scene of the disaster (In order to thoroughly belittle you) Spreads out before you
With a mysterious power, an unseen manipulator leaps over your ideas--
The proof of a devil who's lost his consideration and worth
An unreal portrait

Slikaj sada

U mojim snovima se vidi plavih neba
I smeh koji je beskrajan
Vidi se polja zelenih trava
I sreća i nada za sutra
Moja šolja je puna i moje srce
iscuri nespretan i neprijatan krv
Na belim zlatnim ulicama
I ne stidim se od mrlje koji moji koracu ostavljaju
Suze liju niz moje obraze
Samo da upoznam njihovog skupitelja i da budem uklonjen
I tu postoji radost

This is Mine

This is mine
This is mine
Maybe everyone wants what’s real
The reins of destiny that God has placed
I need a sword in one hand, handshake in the other
When the red blood becomes hot
I’ll make your heart beat
Awaken those numb cells
This is mine
This is mine
Even if a rough storm comes
Even if the sun burns up
Don’t set a limit, I won’t ever let go
Own it Own it
This is mine
The tainted air, the poisonous bowl
I’ll keep the blue diamond polished
Where is the moonlight crying toward?
Toward the faint constellations
I hear the bells of the funeral
It rips through the sky
Through the dark days and bright nights
It’s a variation of my illusion
Whatever it is, wherever it is
It’s my war, raise the light
This is mine
This is mine
Even if a rough storm comes
Even if the sun burns up
Don’t set a limit, I won’t ever let go
Own it Own it
This is mine
Will you let me rest in the place where the stars fall?
I need your embrace
Even if it’s a dream, to the place that pulls me in
This is mine
This is mine
Don’t make me stop
You can’t make me stop
This is mine
Even if my breath is up
Even if a rough storm comes
Even if the sun burns up
Don’t set a limit, I won’t ever let go
Own it Own it
This is mine

Difficult to digest

Okay, there I
crawled, as I had said I would, all the way here without a spine
In the made nest everything is perfect
I want to have everything, if there's nothing, well, I'll gnaw on the bones
The most important thing is not to do anything, drunk for years in the shadow of
Honestly too many who were good at things
And I thought I wouldn't stand out if I go underground
It must have been a waking dream while I was walking through the city in the evening
Steps cut paths through the smog
I doubt signs of liberation through a God
The oblique glance of my friends says: They know something
Even though I hide it so conscientiously
But sadly noone calls me to explain anything
And punch me in the face
Meanwhile I secretly shower in my clothes in the fetal curl
In my glass palace, everyone knows that's how it was...
Easy to get
But difficult to digest
My stomach turns
Around itself
What have you got?
I'll take what you have
And I swallow everything
Until my pride decays
The path of least resistance
Doing what you can
Success handed on a plate
Lock the bad ones away
Discovered youth from a can
I didn't know what was happening
I am dripping
I am water
I always take the easiest path, of course
It could be better
I could be better
But I just flow behind the others
I'll blindly eat what I get
I accept everything
Even though I always feel worse afterwards
At least I'm not taking a risk
It was always important to me to please everyone
But not really myself
It was always important to me to please everyone
But not really myself
It's easy for me to adapt
But it's not good for me
And as long as I do it
I will never stop looking for something
Neurotoxin with caffeine
In a funnel becomes
Coke Zero in my beam
I don't want to be fat
Because I really want you to love me
Look at the sneakers
Because they cost as much as a kilo of meat without chemicals
Give me pills, I fly through Berlin
Mister pharmacist, I don't drink that much cough syrup
Because of Mac Miller, but I rap on the beat in triplets
So others like me, I let myself float and I don't decide on anything
That is very important, everything will be good
Mark Forster says
But a subwoofer drowns that out
I am not happy, but I don't miss anything
I am a middle course extremist
Easy to get
But difficult to digest
My stomach turns
Around itself
What have you got?
I'll take what you have
And I swallow everything
Until my pride decays
Until my pride decays


I am a hundred years old
My head is full, my feet cold
The whole world sat down on my chest
Humans are such innocent creatures
The sea is made of plastic
The hunger is big
As long as you aren't weary
I won't let you go
All of this will only last
Until it goes bad someday
I can't see the sun going
I see the earth turning
You counted hours
Until your child falls into the well
The sea is made of plastic
The hunger is big
As long as you aren't weary
I won't let you go
All of this will only last
Until it goes bad someday
I am the human and I am animal
I am full of shame, am full of greed
I am looking for the luck that I destroy
None of that belonged to me
The sea is made of plastic
The hunger is big
As long as you aren't weary
I won't let you go
All of this will only last
Until it goes bad someday

Only Today

I have nothing to do with it
I have nothing to do with it
I have nothing to do with it
I have nothing to do with it
And my yesterday is so arrogant, it is hiding under the hood as if someone cares
My tomorrow is so careless, it is constantly varying like the balance of an account
My yesterday calls to my ex'es, my yesterday is curious if we could be friends
It is raving a bit, it does not understand why I opiated
it with its medicine
I have nothing to do with it
I have nothing to do with it
My tomorrow dances vogue, dances vogue, begs for a friend, begs for many things
Listens to boss instead of the refrain, pays for a couple of drinks to go outside
It does not leave 'seen' under the messages, scrolls the pages of a book
Extinguishes the fires of Amazon with his brothers
My yesterday does not take straws in Coffein
It promises not to be like yesterday, especially on Sundays. It deletes the pics on purpose
Awkwardly tramples, probably haven't found the right words
Are you kidding me, people are failing for arrangements
In slow steps, with pants that were ironed over the crease
An arrogant philistine decorated with an implant
Easily flirts, easily leaves
My tomorrow does not have whiskey in the backstage
Something between yesterday and tomorrow
Somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow
Something between yesterday and tomorrow
Somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow
And I have nothing to do with it (I'm only today)
And I have nothing to do with it (I'm only today)
And I have nothing to do with it (I'm only today)
Yesterday wrote this text, tomorrow genuinely dislikes it
Not mine, not for me, I don't need it, I don't want it, I don't see it
Yesterday wrote this text, tomorrow genuinely dislikes it
Not mine, not for me, I don't need it, I don't want it, I don't see it
Yesterday wrote this text, tomorrow genuinely dislikes it
Not mine, not for me, I don't need it, I don't want it, I don't see it

I'm Crying Over You

I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every day it hurts more and more!
I'm crying over you...
I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every passing day,
It hurts more!
I'm crying over you...
Today, just I always, I want you so badly,
And I grow tired of endlessly waiting for you
And I know that I need you more and more each day.
I feel the rain fall over me, so very cold,
And I will lead a simple and sad life
Longing for those things I've left behind...
I lose myself in a heap
Of dreams that have neither a beginning, nor an end.
I crave your caresses, yes I do!
There are moments
When I dream that you're here
And I cannot keep dreaming anymore...
I shall live
My life, without your warmth
And I will suffer.
I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every day it hurts more and more!

I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every passing day,
It hurts more!

I lose myself in a heap
Of dreams that have neither a beginning, nor an end.
I crave your caresses, yes I do!
There are moments
When I dream that you're here
And I cannot keep dreaming anymore...
I shall live
My life, without your warmth
And I will suffer.
I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every day it hurts more and more!

I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every passing day,
It hurts more!

I feel the rain fall over me, so very cold,
And I will lead a simple and sad life
Longing for those things I've left behind...
I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every day it hurts more and more!

I'm crying over you...
I'm crying because of things from the past
And every day,
Every passing day,
It hurts more!

I'm crying over you...

Girl with Green Eyes

Full of longing,
My ship was floating on the high seas,
But without seeing
Another mast on the way.
Today, at last,
I anchored in your harbor,
To your shore with green waters
I bound a bridge.
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.
When I look at her
I live a true dream.
To love, to be loved
It's so wonderful!
Today I found out
That longing can sometimes
To turn the nights into the mornings
And tears into flowers.
Chorus (x3):
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.


Izgleda da je ovako kako je, ha?
Mislim da je očigledno
Da se nikada nećemo gledati oči u oči
Smešno je
Koliko god te mrzim
Trebaš mi
Ovo je muzika koja će te ubiti
Imam predosećaj
Osećam da je kraj blizu
Užitak je postao bol
Čujem simfoniju kako svira
Desetine hiljada violina
Duše odplovljavaju kao pera na vetru
Rekli su da sam na poslednjem albumu bio žestok
Ne, zvučao sam kao opak reper
Koji devedeset posto
Ovih hipokrata pokušava da se reši
Ali zašto bih stavio čip u svoje rame?
Jedno vreme sam bio smatran za najbolesnijeg
Kučko, još uvek sam važan kao tvoj rajsferšlus
Istina, samo postajem bogatiji
Ali čak i da je ikada bilo sve u novcu
Onda bih odustao pre jebeno mnogo vremena
Kučko, začepi
Trebao bih otići i reći ovo sranje Tech N9neu ili Jiggi
Niko nije rekao ni sranje o 2 Chainzu od kada je ovde, sranje
Ne čudim se što si ljut, sada sam i ja
Gledam u nagrade, brojim ih
Ja sam L.L. Cool. veći i gluvlji, tako je
Prodam kao četiri miliona kada izbacim loš album(Šta?)
Revival je propao, vratio se i uplašio ih na smrt
Ali Rolling Stone zvezda, dobijem dva ipo
Pet, i smejaću se naglas
Jer to je što su davali nekada u moje vreme
Što je zapravo učinilo da se ne osećam tako loše sad, jer
Ako se desi Džejmsu
Može se desiti Shadiju
Ućinili su isto sranje Bradiju
Više ljudi me mrzi nego voli
Ova igra će učiniti da poludiš
Jer ćeš postati Š V O R C
Bio sam K, O Z A
Jednom kada se vrtela moja muzika
Na svakoj radio stanici
Rekli su da sam lirski neverovatan
Ali nemam ništa da kažem
Ali onda kada sam izbacio Revival i kada sam imao nešto da kažem
Rekli su da su mrzeli, prezirali me
Izgubio sam bes, pitom
Dobio sam ga nazad, kažu da sam previše ljut
Moram da mi nabavim Dre beats
Ne, treba da se smotam sa Tay Keithom
Fanovi me vuku na jednu stranu
Hejteri na drugu
Imam više kuka u sebi nego Swae Lee
Idem uzeti tegove i dizati dok mi se se tetovaža Hailie-na lica ne rastegne
Kažu da sam samo slab, zvučim kao beba
Kažem svoje mišljenje ali ne mogu da ga podnesu
Ali ja ga podnosim, pa kažem opet
I oni postaniu uznemireni
Ovo sranje je skoro komično
I čekaj, nisam mislio da budem neučtiv
Nisam ponizio Tech-a, ono nije bila uvreda prema 2 Chainzu ili Jay-Zu
Oni se verovatno osećaju isto jer u poslednje vreme
Umesto da budemo poštovani zbog dugovečnosti
I toga što možemo biti tako dugo na ovom levelu, nama
je rečeno da nikad nećemo biti što smo bili
Kučko, da sam upola dobar kao što sam bio
Još uvek sam duplo bolji nego što ćeš ti ikad biti
Jedini način kako si ispred mene je abecedno
Jer ako me uvrediš dolazim po tebe kao slovo V
Ubijam sve, pusti ovaj ritam, ovo je tvoj hvalospev
Ovo je tvoja sahrana, pripremi se da umreš
Ovo je muzika koja će te ubiti

The Eve on The Hill

Versions: #1
The horn is mourning on the hill, in the new evening,
The herds slowly climb it, the stars show the way, happy shining,
The waters weep into the wells, clearly springing,
Under an acacia tree, you, my darling, are waiting.
Holly and clear the moon pass through the skies,
You scout through the leaves with your very bright eyes,
The stars give birth, on the sky with clear nights,
Your heart is filled with longings, your mind filled with thoughts.
Rushing clouds fight with the sunrays at noon,
Old hidden houses dance under the full moon,
Broken and rusty well’s bucket squeak in the wind,
The valley is in a fog, the murmuring whistles left behind.
Weary peasants with their scythes on their back
Return from the fields


Versions: #1
A comet shines far away
Prometheus' command is
Now listen:
Create the heaven and the Earth!
Poseidon shall commence the work
You all have the power to do that
There's no rest allowed
It's glowing pure hot lava
That Haades brought from Manala
And look:
Ash before death
Created life here already
The sword of Zeus is flashing
Now the gods are screaming for the lost justice
And the oceans are sheer murder, the mountais are burning, I secretly stayed there
And saw the creation
Kronos sees the agony of creation
Still no human
The one's who worships the gods
Demands for the mission
To fill the Earth as his own image
Now the gods are screaming for the lost justice
And the oceans are sheer murder, the mountais are burning, I secretly stayed there
And saw the creation
And look:
Ash before death
Created life here already
The sword of Zeus is flashing
Now the gods are screaming for the lost justice
And the oceans are sheer murder, the mountais are burning, I secretly stayed there
The gods are screaming
The mountains are burning, I secretly stayed there
And saw the creation


I shine, every night in your world
Are you ready to see me being the brightest of all?
I am ultra-luminescent
You confide your joys and hopes to me,
I am the evening star
Make a wish from the bottom of your heart
I am the star of happiness
The stars are shining
In this mist
Born to gravity, they burn
They wish they could
Dethrone me
But they will never compete with me
I am the fairy of the light of your nights
You can enjoy it thanks to my beauty
I shall be the most glowing star of all
I am ultra-luminescent
Oh, oh, oh, oh, welcome to Lunaria
Oh, oh, oh, oh, so spectacularia
Oh, oh, oh, oh, super singulary and revolutionary
The golden reflections of the hidden sun
Make me glow at night
And the Milky Way is said
To never stop envying me
I am the brightest of all
The most impressive
It used to be a desert on the moon
Before that life
Jade collected my tears
As well as my grief
And made a potion
That turned the night
Into an endless light
I am finally shining
Like crazy!
I am the fairy of the light of your nights
You can enjoy it thanks to my beauty
I shall be the most glowing star of all
I am ultra-luminescent
Oh, oh, oh, oh, welcome to Lunaria
Oh, oh, oh, oh, so spectacularia
Oh, oh, oh, oh, super singulary and revolutionary

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning,
The white apple flowers,
Christmas morning.
Old Christmas is coming,
The white apple flowers,
Old Christmas is coming.
And he always comes,
The white apple flowers,
And he always comes.
For the horse is stubborn,
The white apple flowers,
For the horse is stubborn.
And it should be shod,
The white apple flowers,
And it should be shod.
With horseshoes,
The white apple flowers,
With horseshoes.
And with sausage nails
White apple flowers,
And with sausage nails
And it should be watered,
The white apple flowers,
And it should be watered.
With a bucket of burnt wine,
The white apple flowers,
With a bucket of burnt wine.
Let's put it under its nose,
White apple flowers
Let's put it under its nose.
Host, stay healthy,
The white apple flowers,
Host, stay healthy.
Pay our carol,
The white apple flowers,
Pay our carol.

Behind Three doors

In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture
In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture
To picture, to attraction
To adventure, to doubting of words, do you still believe?
To see off
To search for the edge of the wolrd, leave it behind the door
With spoiled thoughts climbing the walls
They remained under the shirt useless
We will open the windows at night
I don't know, maybe it's about the same thing
Probably not today
Most likely, not
I felt her between my fingers
And anyway, it will not be a surprise
Probably not today
Most likely, not
I saw her near
And it won't be the first time
Probably not today
(Probably not today)
I felt her between my fingers
And anyway, it will not be a surprise
Probably not today
Most likely, not
I saw her near
And it won't be the first time
Behind the door, behind the walls, behind the image
Behind the panel, the filters and the whims
It will not get boring to look at one
It is not boring to look at one
For 'I don't want', 'I can't', 'I hate'
I will come back as the next, with an exhaustive tone
It seems that it's not getting boring to look at the one [person]
It's not that bright behind three doors
You are such a person behind three doors
It's not that bright behind three doors
You are such a person behind three doors
In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture
In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture