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U ime satane

Umoči pero krvlju
Sad potpiši svoju sudbinu meni
Sada u mojim rukama tvoja sudbina je data
Molim te da mi se pridružiš
U smrti kada život koji živiš
Blizu kraj dolazi i
Udji u moje carstvo i primi moju ruku
Potpiši moju tužbu krvlju tvojih vena
I moja obaveza će isto toliko dugo
Živiš da bi ispunio svoje opsesije
Živkt pun uspijeha i bogatstva
Sada je tvoja želja moja zapovijed ali
Čim život dodje na kraj
Vidjećeš me mašući ti da me primiš za ruku
Umačem pero krvlju
Sada potpisujem svoju sudbinu tebi
Sada u mojim rukama moja sudbina
Tebi je data moja duša
Moja duša pridružiće se tebi
U smrti kada život
Ja živim
Blizu kraj dolazi i
Udji u tvoje carstvo i dohvati tvoju ruku
Potpisana je tvoja tužba krvlju mojom
I tvoja obaveza
Moj život svijetli
Da ispunim svoju opsesiju
Život pun uspijeha i bogastva
Sada moja želja je tvoja zapovijed
Čim život dodje na kraj
Vidjećeš me ispruzenog da dohvatim tvoju ruku
U moja carstva
Sada vidim svjetlost
Sada u mom kraljevstvu podnesen je zahtjev
Vezama krvlju podnesen je zahtjev
Gospodaru ovdje te pozivam na pažnju
Ja sam sada uzmi moju dušu
Sada zora ere plamena počinje
Udji u čeljustj moje rupe pakla
Sveti plamenovi
Zagrlite me
I iskoristite moju žudnu dušu
Napravi korak ka beskonačnosti
I primi vječno blaženstvo
Sada palim dijete grijeha
Medju dušama gori u ovoj rupi
Robovi svi vezani istom krvlju


Želim da se uhvatim
Dok bude padala ljubav
Za tvoje telo da se uhvatim
Sa kamenom oko vrata
Želim da se uhvatim
Dok bude padala ljubav
I ako se sa tobom spasim
I ako sa tobom nestanem
Ti, srce moje i čoveče moj
Sada kada oko nas puca nebo
U tvoje naručje da dođem
Uvek kada svet oko nas postane ambis
Želim da se uhvatim
Iako propadaju oči
Suze kaplju u prazno
Ali, ruke su ka Bogu
Želim da se uhvatim
Iako propadaju oči
Pravo u tebe ja ću gledati
Kao u kopno, kao u vodu
Ti, srce moje i čoveče moj
Sada kada oko nas puca nebo
U tvoje naručje da dođem
Uvek kada svet oko nas postane ambis

My friend

My friend, don't be angry
take my money, my woman, my anything
but don't take my blues
that's shadowing my days!...
I'd suddenly be too happy
I'd be a happiness convict
and no one can understand and no one knows
how much does this thing cost sometimes...
My friend, don't be angry
I'd like to be sad

My Land

I have become homeless
I have moved from one home to another
Without you, I have always been with sorrow
My only love, my existence
My poems and songs have no meaning without you
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Silenced without songs1
My land
Impatient without medicine (hope)
My land
My land
Who has sung your sorrow?
My land
Who has solved your problems?
My land
Who has been loyal to you?
My land
My moon and my star, my new way
I can't live anywhere but in you
They stole your treasures to enrich themselves
Everyone in turn, broke your heart
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Unsung and silenced
My land
Impatient without medicine
My land
My land
You're like someone who is awaiting
My land
You're like a desert full of dust
My land
You're like a grieve heart
My land
Became homeless
I moved from a home to another
Without you, I have always been with sorrow
My only love, my existence
My poems and songs have no meaning without you
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Silenced without songs1
My land
Impatient without medicine (hope)
My land
My land
Like someone who is awaiting
My land
Like a desert full of dust
My land
Like a grieve heart
My land

My Land

I have become homeless
I have moved from one home to another
Without you, I have always been with sorrow
My only love, my existence
My poems and songs have no meaning without you
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Silenced without songs1
My land
Impatient without medicine (hope)
My land
My land
Who has sung your sorrow?
My land
Who has solved your problems?
My land
Who has been loyal to you?
My land
My moon and my star, my new way
I can't live anywhere but in you
They stole your treasures to enrich themselves
Everyone in turn, broke your heart
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Unsung and silenced
My land
Impatient without medicine
My land
My land
You're like someone who is awaiting
My land
You're like a desert full of dust
My land
You're like a grieve heart
My land
Became homeless
I moved from a home to another
Without you, I have always been with sorrow
My only love, my existence
My poems and songs have no meaning without you
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Silenced without songs1
My land
Impatient without medicine (hope)
My land
My land
Like someone who is awaiting
My land
Like a desert full of dust
My land
Like a grieve heart
My land
  • This song has released in 1998, the year Afghanistan was controlled by Taliban. And people were not allowed of listening or singing songs

Time for myself

You're used by society, don't forget, the world forgets
It throws you away and then they spit you
I don't pray, I don't beg, ain't got a begger's soul
Suck my dick in public, not living blogging
Ain't no drug that can control me, cause I'm tough
My pride is keeping me alive, in one piece, on my own two feet
Get some legal shit, I'll smoke my weed
And I'll be there chillin while you get on the gourney
Ain't telling lies or staying real
That's not something still, on native hills
Ain't got no past, got only present, they're all getting together
Since I was young have learned that it don't last forever
Didn't have a mansion or a C series at my folks
Fuck it, maybe we weren't nice at all
We ain't got no money making works, or money sadly
Like we don't got access to closed cases entirely
Didn't have a lot which is why nothing is lacking
Life is a trial, the street is a test standing
I want time for myself, with hatred forward
Time for myself, to put hatred in a word
It's easy as fuck, no way in hell I will shut up
I wanna do whatever I wanna do in life
We eat cheap food, filled with E-s
And we pay good money to swim in garbage
We are pacified with a perverted stupidity
And we crawl day by day, sleep walking loosely
We spend out cash we didn't work for yet
When we wanna give it back, enough ain't gonna be
Look how we lower life expectancy, get to work
With our shiny shoe and our ironed trousers
Drink your coffee and shut it, that's why you got a leash
Let loose on your char and shine your piece
All the fuckers say that I've lost it
I say what I believe and I believe in what I'm sayin'
Seeking for the beauty in all that is nasty
And living my disappointment with a knot in the neck
Got back to the real world without a 'Welcome back'
Have been sleeping deeply, now woken up
I want time for myself, with hatred forward
Time for myself, to put hatred in a word
It's easy as fuck, no way in hell I will shut up
I wanna do whatever I wanna do in life


Grass, tall grass,
I would go home
But I cannot because I have swore
I would go home
But I cannot because I have swore.
Tall grass, green grass
I cannot go home
Grass, tall grass
I would go home
But I cannot because I have swore.
You've left the shack empty
You've left the shack empty
(A) Wrinkly, (and) covered (shack)
But it's full of poverty
But it's full of poverty
My God, what should I do?
The flowers, (are) yellow in the house
The flowers, (are) yellow in the house
Black roosters have sung, oh
The bells have trembled, oh.
The bells have trembled, oh.

RV 644 4. Recitative: My commander, my Lord.

My commander, my Lord…
What do you want?
I come as messenger of your happiness.
What good news do you bring?
Nothing but a great addition to your glory,
and, truly, a sweet portent to your eyes.

For a Moment when I had You

Please kiss me too long
Do it, so that you can get me to believe in this
All of my dreams, like this come true
When I can be with you, so close
Now this is real
When I have you even for a moment
I won't resist
I will just let go
And even though, this would soon be over
Then this will remain a sweet memory
For a moment when I had you
Knock legs from under me, I go around
You got me thinking everything in a new light
I stayed in the power of your spell
And got freed and turned
Did I stay the right way?
All the seconds
For a moment when I had you
My body feels
It wishes to always be home
Even though, it wouldn't last long...
So now I don't have care!
Happiness with you, for a moment I got
Bur your light shines for me, my beloved
Moonlight whispers:
'If they just were past'
From you I don't wish to leave!
For a moment when I had you
For the first time I feel that I am...

The morning brought, the evening took away

I still remember you often when I'm alone
like a candle is this life of ours
only a small wind can sometimes extinguish the flame
occasionally it can withstand a storm
You were just a flower in my garden
the petals had just opened
such a beautiful flower I can never forget
that summer you were all mine
What the morning brought, the evening always took away
that's how I lived the best days of my youth
that's how I left my friends [behind]
but I also stayed [behind] myself
the autum had also come to my life
Now I look at the old hands and the work completed
they would be filled with tears, I can feel it
at this point in my life it's my turn to cry
and then the tab has to be paid
What the morning brought, the evening always took away
that's how I lived the best days of my youth
that's how I left my friends [behind]
but I also stayed [behind] myself
the autum had also come to my life
I still remember you often when I'm alone
like a candle is this life of ours
only a small wind can sometimes extinguish the flame
occasionally it can withstand a storm

Jasmine Flower

What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower

Crying For You

I'm like always, wishing for you
I'm tired of endlessly waiting for you
And I know that every day I need you more.
I feel the very cold rain that falls on me
And I'll live a sad and simple life
Longing for things that I've left behind.
Accidentally I get lost in a lot
Of dreams without a beginning, without an ending
Accidentally I desire your caresses, yes,
There are moments in which I dream of you being here
And I can no longer dream,
I'll live a life without your heat, and I'll suffer.
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
Accidentally I get lost in a lot
Of dreams without a beginning, without an ending
Accidentally I desire your caresses, yes,
There are moments in which I dream of you being here
And I can no longer dream,
I'll live a life without your heat, and I'll suffer.
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
I'm crying for you...
I feel the very cold rain that falls on me
And I'll live a sad and simple life
Longing for things that I've left behind.
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
I'm crying for you...

The nameless one

The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
Move to Vengard, the world's only place of freedom
Greet me, temple keeper.
The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
Move to Vengard, the world's only place of freedom
Greet me, temple keeper.

She Was Following Her Path in the Woods

She was following her path in the woods,
I take it after her footsteps.
When I get alongside her,
It takes my breath away.
I breathe one more time,
I say a word, she startles
And she looks in another part,
And she has no answer at all.
But I approach her more and more,
And I talk, and I give her advice.
She defends herself with one hand
And she always looks elsewhere.
When I put my arm on her waist,
She is bending, wants to escape,
But I always pull her at me,
Closer to me, closer to me.
She doesn't want it and she wants too.
I put her head on my shoulder,
I put on her close eyes, on her mouth
Countless kisses.
I hug her tighter to my chest.
My breath is closer to its end.
I ask her why she is grieved,
I ask her if she loves me.
And she opens her eyes,
Big, and powerful, and floating:
'You are dear to me exceedingly,
But you are naughty sometimes.'

Nu ești fiul meu

Ei bine, cheia supraviețuirii mele
Nu a fost niciodată pusă la îndoială
Întrebarea era cum aș putea să mă păstrez sănătos
Încercând să găsesc o cale de ieșire
Lucrurile nu au fost niciodată atât de ușoare pentru mine
Pacea sufletească era greu de găsit
Și aveam nevoie de un loc în care să mă ascund
Pe care l-aș putea numi pe al meu
Nu m-am gândit prea mult la asta
Până să înceapă să se întâmple tot timpul
Mai apoi am trăit cu frică în fiecare zi
De ce s-ar putea întâmpla în noaptea aceea
Nu suportam să aud plânsul
Mamei mele - și îmi amintesc când
M-am gândit că asta va fi ultima dată când mă vor vedea
Și nu m-am mai întors acasă
Ei spun că timpul este vindecător
Iar acum rănile mele nu sunt la fel
Încleștat cu inima în gură
Trebuie să aud ce spune
M-a așezat să vorbească cu mine
M-a privit drept în ochi
El a spus: „Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiul meu”
Dar unde ar trebui să merg și ce ar trebui să fac
'Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiu al meu'
Dar am venit aici pentru ajutor, oh, am venit aici pentru tine
Ei bine, anii au trecut atât de încet
Mă gândeam la el în fiecare zi
Ce aș face dacă ne-am intersecta pe stradă
Aș continua să fug
În și în afara ascunzătorilor
În curând, va trebui să mă confrunt cu faptele
Ar trebui să ne așezăm și să vorbim
Și asta ar însemna să ne întoarcem
Ei spun că timpul este vindecător
Iar acum rănile mele nu sunt la fel
Încleștat cu inima în gură
Trebuie să aud ce spune
M-a așezat să vorbească cu mine
M-a privit drept în ochi
El a spus: „Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiul meu”
Dar unde ar trebui să merg și ce ar trebui să fac
'Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiu al meu'
Dar am venit aici pentru ajutor, oh, am venit aici pentru tine
'Nu ești fiu, nu ești fiul meu ...'

Be mine

I wached over it, your love, the long farewell
Rather than always getting hurt, this is better
Look at me carefully, it’s because i don’t like you crying
Being hurt is tiring, yeah, every time i see you like that
Be mine, i love you, okey? I worry about you, okey?
I’ll take care of you until the end
Being, You know me, right? You saw me, right?
I’ll protect you until the end
The moonlight that changes every day and the time to pledge eternity
The serenade that remains alone in the darkness that spread to you my Juliet
I hope you will never lose forever in a blazing rose
Waiting for you in the same seat below the window
Come to me, it’s because i like when you smile
I’ll make your comfortable, yeah, at least i can for you
Be mine, i love you, okey? I worry about you, okey?
I’ll take care of you until the end
Being, You know me, right? You saw me, right?
I’ll protect you until the end
Be mine, i love you, okey? I worry about you, okey?
I’ll take care of you until the end
Let’s go together, don’t walk onto the hard path, okey? It wasn’t easy, right?
I don’t want to see you like that ever again
To live without your love, i will die in hate when we meet again
I wish i could become a flower, i was sacrificed to fate again
Don’t be a fool, even if fate separates us

Učiniti te mojom

Strofa 1
Pa, zvaću te dragom i sve će biti uredu
Jer ti znaš da sam tvoj i ti moja
Nije bitno svakako
Uveče, prošetaćemo, ništa nije smešno
Samo da pričamo
Stavi ruku u moju
Znaš da želim da budem sa tobom sve vreme
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Dok ne budeš moja
Strofa 2
Pa, nazvao sam te dragom i rećiću to opet i opet
Ljubi me dok mi nije žao što si otišla i ja sam haos
I povrediću te, i ti češ povrediti mene i rećićemo stvari koje ne možemo da ponovimo
Stavi ruku u moju
Znaš da želim da budem sa tobom sve vreme
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Dok ne budeš moja
Moraš da znaš
Ićićemo polako
Nedostaješ mi
Ićićemo polako
Teško je osećati kako mi isklizavaš, a meni su prsti tako ukočeni
I kako je trebalo da znam da ti nisi ta?
Stavi ruku u moju
Znaš da želim da budem sa tobom sve vreme
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Dok ne budeš moja
Stavi ruku u moju
Znaš da želim da budem sa tobom sve vreme
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Znaš da neću stati dok ne budeš moja
Dok ne budeš moja

Falling, The Star Light

The star that twinkles far away
Is a spark of light disclosing the distant, endless future
As it's falling down
If some kind of magic exists within my heart
Now then, what will I accomplish?
Dreams are overflowing
The mist that's hazing in the distance
Is a grieving commotion in between my faraway memories
And when the light comes through
The treasure you lost as a child
I want to take it quickly to where you are
A dream without end

Whatever you left half, I hate whatever it has left half

Whatever you left half, I hate whatever it has left half
I count my mistakes....suddenly in front of space
Strange nights, hours that you aren't here
And I am, I am still here ...
The 'goodbye' that I always loathed to say,
I don't want us to dance damn
I learned to forgive...
But not to forget as well
Always I was laughing at because I was wearing my clothes inside-out
I never cared for the expensive clothes, my love
But the people are clothes as well
They have the 'inside' and the 'out' side
But I choose to have my etiquette in front of me. When they look at me in the eyes
How much idiots we are?
Every time we make dreams with an obvious ending
We fall in love with the wrong person over and over
Since the fairytale was perfect like the old times
I learned to pretend that it doesn't matter to me
Since in reality it was killing me with coyness
I lend you the tomorrow and you were looking at yesterday
I lost me, not you, what are saying?
Love at first sight doesn't exist baby
You got lost in front of me, everything is a matter of time
Here that they killed in front of me whatever I loved
Here that people sell you for few gusta
All of you are giving love, your love is fucking
I doesn't fuck,
I stay the only asshole that I insist
Better the frustrate from the usual...
Whatever you left half, I hate whatever it has left half
I count my mistakes....suddenly in front of space
Strange nights, hours that you aren't here
And I am, I am still here ...
Right moments in wrong time
Wrong people in an puplic room
Tell for storms
The greatest words hid in three dots ....
Cursed I go around in the time
Shook up I smell you everywhere , I mutter
Im hurt, damn I saw you and you remind me
The reason that I walk alone
Strangely, in the town of Athena I feel like a stranger and like a familiar at the same time
Between million faces
Im wandering in the dirty alleys like a ghost
I stop to take a breath a bit of oxygen with anathema
Still here I smell your smell, damn I'm fed up
To be addicted in something that I don't have to feel whole and I'm despairing
Saturday night together, Sunday morning what?
And if love uppermost the next day would have found us together
But again you are missing
Always something it will be missing, you know don't worry for me, im used to it
Outside it's raining, they say that it's sad weather
But I smile because with me the weather laughs
For her wish, I would be a falling star
But tonight I would like you to be beside me not behind me....
Really soever

Mogla si biti moja

Versions: #2
Hladnokrvan sam srcelomac
Spreman za dalje i pocepaću ti srce
I ostaviti te da ležiš na krevetu
Otići ću pre nego se probudiš
Ništa novo za tebe
Jer mislim da smo oboje to već doživeli
Jer mogla si biti moja
Ali si žestoko preterala
Sa tim tvojim repovanjem sa psovkama
I drogiranim blebetanjem
Ništa ne postižeš
Rekoh, mogla si biti moja
Sad praznici dolaze, a onda i odu
Ništa novo danas
Imaš još jednu uspomenu
Kad se vratim kući kasno noću
Ne pitaj me gde sam bio
Samo da budeš srećna što sam došao
Jer mogla si biti moja
Ali si žestoko preterala
Sa tim tvojim repovanjem sa psovkama
I drogiranim blebetanjem
Ništa ne postižeš
Rekoh, mogla si biti moja
Prečesto si pravila scene
Zašto malo ne o'ladiš sa time
Moraš uvek da nađeš
Novi razlog za kukanje
Dok mi ti kidaš živce
Ja se trudim da skontam
Nebitno kako uradimo
Jer se uvek isto završi
Možeš sve ovo još malo da razvučeš
Ali kočnice su već oslabile
A ja mogu da pustim da to prenoći
Ali ovom košmaru nema kraja
Ne zaboravi da pozoveš moje advokate
I izneseš im smešne zahteve
I možeš na sažaljenje da igraš
Ali ne mogu to više da izdržim
Jer ovo Vrzino kolo je već dosadno
Reci koliko je već prošlo
Jer 5 godina je predugo
A ti još nisi sazrela
Mogla si biti moja
Ali si žestoko preterala
Sa tim tvojim repovanjem sa psovkama
I drogiranim blebetanjem
Ništa ne postižeš
Rekoh, mogla si biti
Trebala si biti
Mogla si biti moja

Little Child

Little child, dry your cheek
Let your cry quiet down
Rest your head on my lap
Listen to my song
Beloved child
Little child, come to me
Forget all wrong towards you
Life is often a bit sad
Not that good
Beloved child
Little child, calm your cry
Dry your cheek, it's wet
Dear child
Remember there's no one quite like you
Not to me, dear, my child
Dear child, dear child

Endangered Minors

Children are born at dawn
And kill themselves in June
Panicked by school failure
Some hang themselves
Other go without a word
Their father's gun on their shoulder
To shoot up the teacher's lounge
Like a last show of force
We teach them to hate
Or to think too well
They have no critical thinking
They are the panic-children
In this jungle of a world
Where their teachers shit on them
It's enough to drive you crazy
They fight in the streets
They run away, they slam the door
They choose to struggle
And on the Beaubourg pavement
They look for a bit of love
At the bottom of staircases
In all the big housing projects
They loiter, they live in gangs
These are the Endangered Minors
They struggle in the neighbourhood
And drugs come to them
So they let themselves get trapped
Habituation closes their eyes
They aren't cautious
And they have no money
But be fucking careful
Of prostitution
Robbery become their law
They would do anything
They deal and run on poison
And they get stranded in prison
And when Christmas comes
With its debauchery of cash
They have no choice except
To O.D. between two pigs
They don't know about China
Or the Youth Movement
But they take fine death/morphine
And they don't give a shit about anything else
Listen, youth of France
Be united to win
The future isn't in violence
But in solidarity!
Listen, deranged youth
Be united to win
The future isn't in violence
But in solidarity!

Come morning

Come evening, come night, come tomorrow
as I've been so sad today
Come next moment, hurry up,
as this moment weighs like it would be my last
And I don't want it at all,
that beautiful world that's waiting for me
Evening will come, night will come, tomorrow will come,
but still I'm just so sad
Sleep doesn't come, as the pain knocks me awake
to tell me why I'm not happy

Ničija krivica sem moja

O, ničija krivica sem moja
Ničija krivica sem moja
Pokušavam da spasim dušu noćas
Ničija krivica sem moja
Đavo mi je rekao da pokrenem
Đavo, on mi je rekao da pokrenem
Kako da pokrenem taj teret noćas
Ničija krivica sem moja
Brat mi je pokazao da zvonim
Moj brat, on mi je pokazao ding-dong, ding-dong
Kako da udaram to zvono noćas
O, ničija krivica sem moja
Taj teret koji nosim
Teret koji nosim na svojim leđima
Promeniću svoje načine noćas
Ničija krivica sem moja
Kako da udaram to zvono noćas
N-n-n-n-n-ničija krivica.

My wings hold

It’s me!
If it’s a witch you’re looking for
Turn your eyes to the west
So will you all see
That the one who flies the highest
Flies the best!
Perhaps I am alone
But I am in any case free
To those who bound me
Listen here now what I’m going to say
Now look at how, look what distance I can go1
Look at what I can do
And at what distance I can go
Let them all be aware
  • 1. The title of the song, 'Mine vinger bærer', quotes an idiom with which, talking about how much the wings can hold, what is meant are the capabilities of a person. e.g. the expression 'One shouldn't fly higher than one's wings can hold' means 'One shouldn't dare doing what one is not able to do'.

Great Man

All the strength to win.
And the knowledge to command.
All this will one day come.
On the journey that begins,
a thousand questions will arise.
You'll find your answers.
You'll know where to go.
Only you will find,
freedom to live,
and one day then you will be,
as a great man should be.
Even without anyone with you.
No one to guide you.
But with faith and patience,
I know a man you will become.
Only you will find,
freedom to live.
And one day then it will be,
as a great man should be!
The pursuit of knowledge,
will show the direction.
But always listening to the voice of the heart.
There is of all your dreams,
what you desired the most.
It will become reality,
You've already won
Only you will find,
freedom to live.
And one day then it will be,
as a great man ought to be.
You'll know, how a great man should be!

Spirit of the air

Fly, spirit... fly...
You are the fairy spirit of the air
I hear your whisper of winds
I clothe myself with your scent...
Like a spirit of the air
It goes alone
Hiding in the night
Seeking its own place
Like a spirit of the air
That is only felt flying
Like a spirit of the air
That is just heard singing
Larai larai
Just seeking a place
Free its soul, free me
Like a spirit of the air
It goes alone
Like a dream of the night
That you will never see rest
Like a spirit of the air
Seeking to catch its dream
Like a spirit of the air
You can see it flying
Free its soul, free me
Free its soul, free me
Dreams, spirit... hover...
I often fell asleep in your arms...
Even when I couldn't see you...
Are you the spirit I'm calling?
Spirit, oh, you fairy spirit of the airs
Like a spirit (daba, daba, daba, dam, dam)
In the air (daba, daba, daba, dam)
Like a spirit (daba, daba, daba, dam, dam)
In the air (daba, daba, daba, dam)
Free its soul, free me
Free its soul, free me
Free its soul, free me
Like a spirit of the air
Seeking to catch its dream
Like a spirit of the air
You can see it flying
Spirit, oh, you fairy spirit of the airs
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.



[Verse 1]
I am an egotist
I said I'd be there when you die
But I wasn't there
I was not there
What you are now
Is no longer here
And I also don't here
How it wasn't me
How it wasn't me
What I like, I grab onto
What I grab, suffers
Glue on my hand
I wish you were a stranger
But I'm taking you with me now
Whether you like it or not
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
I'm behaving sordidly
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
My hands are sticky
But I pretend that I don't realise
[Verse 2]
I am an egotist
I treasure you and told you how it is
And then I wasn't there
I was not there
What you want now
I don't have it
And I also don't know
If it was ever in me
If it was ever in me
What I like, what I
What I almost suffer from
Glue on my hand
I wish you were a stranger
But I'm taking you with me now
Whether you like it or not
With gloves on
I can do nothing more
Glue on my hand
I wish it was a stranger
And now please take me with you
Whether I like it or not
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
I'm behaving sordidly
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
My hands are sticky
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
I'm behaving sordidly
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
My hands are sticky
But I pretend that I don't realise

The Miner

Shady days of mining galleries
nights of tragedy
hopelessness and disappointment
I feel deep in my soul.
My life is passing by like that
because I'm a miner,
miner that for my homeland I give
all my existence.
But in life I must bear
so much ingratitude
my great tragedy will end
far away from here.
I'm fated to live
in holy heaven
that's why I beseech God to let me die
as a good miner.
I'm a miner of my hometown
I live as a miner
I don't have anything whatsoever
I will leave you only my heart.
You will remember to be a miner,
I will live as a miner
he'll say to me perhaps if he is alive
crying I had departed...


I'm sure the suit color for you
Is not red, blue or yellow
Even the burning flame
There is the only one color will left
To be happy is
Have to pay something
I see the sky that seems to be crying
I know your strength
Like the color that seems dirty
You are sulking like that
without being seen by other people
you wipe your tears on your sleeves
I'll take you to the city that cover in pure white
The beautiful green and red light
Until the sleeve arm being warms
The footprints of the two peoples
which coloured snowy road
If goodness has color
It is not red, blue or yellow
Mix them all together
and only one color is formed
It's gray, right
Don't wrinkle your face
Without knowing by other people
you spend the night without sleep
Let's go to our home
On the way back it looks like a silhouette
The Footprints face each other and hold hands
to the people who smell of dinner
It seems to be strong and weak
But, gray is the color that is given to you
which looks weak and strong
This year, winter feels warm
I’ve told you earlier
In a such moment, the world
become pure white like this
I'll take you to the city that cover in pure white
The beautiful green and red light
Until the sleeve arm being warms
The footprints of the two peoples
which coloured snowy road
and the footprint continues

Keep your head up

Being young isn't always easy
Even if your childhood dreams come true
Can you tell me straight up
Are you mine, or someone else's?
Sometimes difficult, being alone melancholic, but
I'm ready, tear me apart, I want only you
People here spread coldness
But dad said hey girl keep your head up
Whatever mistakes you will make
Never put all of your happiness in one person
But then I saw you and I knew: here we go
I'll just jump on the ride even though I don't know if I'll stay alive
Or something that others don't understand
Or something that I didn't even know I wanted
And I should sleep, but how could I
When I see you were still online 15 minutes ago
I'm an idiot, I wish we both were
But I miss you as soon as you walk out the door
Of course this might cause anxiety tomorrow
But I'm ready, tear me apart, break me, I want only you
U-uu-uuuuuu uuu-u-uuh
Keep your head up
U-uu-uuuuuu uuu-u-uuh
I'll give you a gun to shoot with
Put my finger in the flame and I don't want it to go out
I don't want it to go out, I don't want this to go out
I want this to feel, I want this to hurt
And when I've had enough I want more
Because you just feel better than anything
And I feel a wife in my arms
But I don't even know if I'm your only one
And I want to say this now that you're there
I love sssshhhhhhh or I don't know
It's hard to put into words what I'm feeling
But if I wasn't ready
I probably wouldn't have made this song
U-uu-uuuuuu uuu-u-uuh
Keep your head up
U-uu-uuuuuu uuu-u-uuh
This feeling makes us go crazy
No one else feels right
Let's break the silence, tell me what it really feels like
We don't know if we'll be here always
But I want to be with you
U-uu-uuuuuu uuu-u-uuh
Keep your head up
U-uu-uuuuuu uuu-u-uuh
Being young isn't always easy
Even if your childhood dreams come true
Can you tell me straight up
Are you mine, or someone else's?
Sometimes difficult, being alone melancholic, but
I'm ready, tear me apart, break me, leave me, I want only you
People here spread coldness
But dad said hey girl keep your head up

The Luminous (letter to my son)

The road will be grand,
Luminous, and fantastic
Every second, everything begins
Always at birth, one exists
There will be long walls
Which stand out along your way
With walls and faults*
One does not make houses
There will be elegance
With which you will love
Stormily without moderation
Because tomorrow will not wait
For you I only want the sublime
Funambulistic beauty
For you I only hope for the summit
And the wings for aspiring
And well, whoever dares
He will never live slowly
And fear is ankylosis
The void is so wonderful