Резултати претраге страна 5
Број резултата: 258
Да ли чујеш какоНорне обрћу
Клупко твоје судбине на калем
И на крају почетка
Ти остајеш згрожен
Запрепашћен и изигран
Чуј како се пророчанство испуњава
Чуј Волву како то прича
Биће много страве и убијања
Сада гледај свет
Који ће се истопити
Сузе мајки
И крв очева
Изоран у земљу и блато
Свака кап зноја
Завет и наслеђе
Дали су слободу и огњиште
И везу са земљом
Која није на теби да заборавиш
Али мрачни ветрови изблеђују будућност
И крије сузу на мајчином образу
Дува прејако
Звано од насмејаног лица
У топао загрљај
Призивају моје име
Али га погрешно кажу
Црне лажи за змајево злато
Прича никада не стари
Вођен похлепом
Узимаш више од потребног
И гнусна страна коју храниш
Ће временом пући и искрварити
Плима ће се ускоро надићи
Сан ће се сломити
И твоја судбина ће изгорети
Сва нада ће избледети
Види светлост звезда у пророковом оку
Како се ближи крај
Таме је направљен
Као Вејландов
Чекић уздизај и пад
Као Нидхогови зуби
Који гризу и глођу
Сумрак богова удара и погађа
Човека, бога и пепео
Драугури газе
Неживи пут
Храбрима се ругају
Кукавичјим гневом
Звезде су у пламену
Падају са кључаћег неба
Чуј Гарма како плаче
Док освета изговара његово име
Брат одзума брату живот
Отров капље са
Издајниковог ножа
Пламен је запаљен
Управитељ, сељак
Ропство и господари
Сада време је за мачеве
Живот човека сада је изгубљен
Као Вејландов
Чекић уздизај и пад
Као Нидхогови зуби
Који гризу и глођу
Сумрак богова удара и погађа
Човека, бога и пепео
Kad dođe taj dan(Proizvodnja Odeljenja za opremu vazduhoplovnih snaga Kineske narodne oslobodilačke vojske)
Kad dođe taj danKada taj dan zaista dođe
Za otadžbinu ću hrabro marširati
Bilo je vedro jutro,
Dove zvižduk je praćen zviždukom za buđenje
Ali svet nije mirno mesto,
nestabilnost postoji čak iu vremenima mira
Pogledaj gde se vijori vojna zastava,
gde vozila, brodovi i avioni marširaju
Sa našim imenima na njima,
mladi vojnici su željni da izgrade zasluge
Jeste li spremni, braćo po oružju,
kada dolazi taj dan?
Možda je prekasno da se oprostim od rođaka
Za otadžbinu ću hrabro marširati
Jeste li spremni, braćo po oružju,
kada dolazi taj dan?
Možda je prekasno da se oprostim od rođaka
Za otadžbinu ću hrabro marširati
Bilo je vedro jutro,
Dove zvižduk je praćen zviždukom za buđenje
Ali svet nije mirno mesto,
nestabilnost postoji čak iu vremenima mira
Pogledaj gde se vijori vojna zastava,
gde vozila, brodovi i avioni marširaju
Sa našim imenima na njima,
mladi vojnici su željni da izgrade zasluge
Jeste li spremni, braćo po oružju,
kada dolazi taj dan?
Možda je prekasno da se oprostim od rođaka
Za otadžbinu ću hrabro marširati
Jeste li spremni, braćo po oružju,
kada dolazi taj dan?
Možda je prekasno da se oprostim od rođaka
Za otadžbinu ću hrabro marširati
Jeste li spremni, braćo po oružju,
Kad taj dan dođe?
Budi siguran, domovino, budi siguran rodbine
Za pobedu, marširaću do nje
She wants me
She wants me-ee-eeIt was late, I wanted to go
Next to the wardrobe and I had my coat on already
She said: will you wait a little while?
And just fifteen seconds later
Her lips had left a print on my neck
No, she is not shy
I see that every boy secretly looks at her
She has everyone in easy reach
But she wants me and wants that to be known
She wants me, and she is far too ambitious
But still before I could have imagined possible
Her name is all over my body
She wants me-ee-ee, yes she wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
On the way to her house
I pay for the taxi and her shoes are already off
Because we couldn't wait anymore
She closes the door, turns off the lights
Clothes on the staircase and my fingers on her skin
It will be a sleepless night
I see that every boy secretly looks at her
She has everyone in easy reach
But she wants me and wants that to be known
She wants me, and she is far too ambitious
But still before I could have imagined possible
Her name is all over my body
She wants me-ee-ee, yes she wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
I cannot believe that I am here, I am here
She wants me alone but even closer, nooo
I cannot believe that I am here, I am here
She wants me alone but even closer
But she wants me and wants that to be known
She wants me, and she is far too ambitious
But still before I could have imagined possible
Her name is all over my body
She wants me-ee-ee, yes she wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Tears Fall like Rain
When I was young, every time the rain fellI would always run to Grandma and say that I'm afraid
'Little lamb wants to go home'
Grandma would lull me to sleep by singing with a hoarse voice
And then kissing my cheeks
People say childhood is an ivory tower
To see the world, we have to cross the fence
This little lamb wanted to leave home
I traveled alone to see the lights and bustle as they said
When tears fall like rain, it's like the sky is about to collapse
I missed my family and friends, alone in a faraway land
Tears fall like rain, the road home was more slippery
I remembered what Grandma said back then
Every step, no matter how small, can be regarded as growing up
After I left, the rain kept pouring
I couldn't tell my man that I'm afraid
This little lamb wanted to go home, but where is home?
I cried wolf but nobody listened, in my heart I struggled
People say grass that is very green is fake
Apathy is a wall, not a fence
'Little lamb, don't go home'
I heard the answer, as long as there is a path in my heart, it's never complicated
When tears fall like rain, it's like the sky is about to collapse
I still have my family and friends, what is there to lose?
Tears fall like rain, the road ahead is not slippery
Only then do I understand what Grandma said back then
The first step is growing up
When tears fall like rain, it's like the sky is about to collapse
I still have my family and friends, what is there to lose?
Tears fall like rain, the road ahead is not slippery
Only then do I understand what Grandma said back then
The first step is growing up
I pluck my favorite Mandolin's strings
Versions: #1Beyond the mountains is setting the sun
All is quiet on Lake Weishan
I pluck my favorite mandolin’s strings
I sing the songs moving and fun
Climbing on trains flashing by
Like riding galloping steeds
All the stations and railways
are battlefield where foes’ blood sprays
We robbed the trains, and machine-guns did steal.
blew up bridges crashed the wheel
Like stabbing foe’s chests with blade of steel
Beat them, make them in terror squeal
Beyond the mountains is setting the sun
The devils’ doom has come. They are done.
I pluck my favorite mandolin’s strings
I sing the songs moving and fun
Woman, you are right
Woman, you are rightWoman, tell me who you are
But what would I do
Alone like never before
Maybe you are right
When so you want
My life does not exist for you
My life does not exist for you
For you it doesn't exist
For you it doesn't exist
You ... are not for me
You ... are not for me
My life no longer exists
If you are not with me
You go, but where are you going?
You go, but where are you going?
Dark world black and yellow
Dark world, black and yellow, where we areDark world, black and yellow, everything is inside us
While we are all alone, alone against us
Oh, stop
Stop, I don't live anymore
Oh, stop
Stop, I can't resist anymore
Air, sun, tears and boredom is what you give me
Nora run away from dreams and voices while she leaves
When we go down deeper, what about us?
Oh, stop
Stop, I don't live anymore
Oh, stop
Stop, I can't resist anymore
Dark world, black and yellow, where we are
Dark world, black and yellow, everything is inside us
While we are all alone, alone against us
Oh, stop
Stop, I don't live anymore
Oh, stop
Stop, I can't resist anymore
Air, sun, tears and boredom is what you give me
Nora run away from dreams and voices while she leaves
When we go down deeper, what about us?
Oh, stop
Stop, I don't live anymore
Oh, stop
Stop, I can't resist anymore
The Hymn of the Sun
Sun, sun, like a brilliant eye,Shines forever on the mountains.
Upon the earth, upon the meadow,
The flower will always blossom.
The winter was already gone,
Will you come with your song?
Then we dance before the cold night.
The soil wet and the river flows by,
Sing the song and even never cease!
Remember the flower and its song!
Have you heard or sung it?
Remember the flower and its song!
Have you heard or sung it?
Shout! When you meet the flower.
Shout! In the feast or at the festival.
Shout! For the perpetual life!
Please remember this song forevermore.
Sun, sun, the brilliant eye,
Shines forever on the mountains.
Beneath the skydome, upon the meadow,
The flower will keep blossoming.
The condor is passing by
The condor of the Andes awokeWith the light of a happy dawn.
He slowly spread his wings
And flew down to the blue river to drink.
Behind him the earth was covered with greenery
With love and peace,
Behind him the branches blossomed and the sun sprang up
In the wheat field,
In the wheat field.
The condor of the Andes flew down
When a happy dawn came.
The sky wept at the sight of his departure
And poured out its grey weeping when it flew away.
Behind him the earth was covered with greenery
With love and peace,
Behind him the branches blossomed and the sun sprang up
In the wheat field,
In the wheat field.
Chitala lopis****
Chitala lopis****Is caught, it laughs got some tee-hees**
Chitala lopis****
Is bought, it will say: no, sorries
If you now really wanna eat
Pass to mouth and then go to chew it
In to stomach and outta bushes*
I'm so confused, baby with bushes*
Chitala lopis****
Is caught, it laughs got some tee-hees**
Chitala lopis****
Is bought, it will say: no, sorries
If the chickens now wanna eat
Wear shirts, then beanie don't forget it
Go for the tables with some rushes
I'm so confused, baby with bushes*
Chitala lopis...**** (Chitala lopis...**** Chitala lopis....****)
Baby with bushes...* (Baby with bushes...* Baby with bushes...*)
Chitala lopis...**** (Chitala lopis...**** Chitala lopis....****)
Chitala lopis...**** (Chitala lopis...**** Chitala lopis....****)
Chitala lopis...**** (Baby with bushes...* Chitala lopis....****)
Baby with bushes...* (Baby with bushes...* Baby with bushes...*)
Today should be Joyful
In the downtown area, today the lanterns line upNewspaper says today it's as splendid as that day
Several days spent, time and time again
I filled the letter with my feelings and wishes
Wai Jip, alone in America, has many new intentions
Marie, now living in Australia, lives in warmth everyday
Gazing at the photo, so many memories line up
A lively Christmas night replays before my eyes
Wing Daat and Daai Git sang hymns in intoxicating voice
Sau Lai leaned on Lok Man's shoulder, a face so gentle
How joyful it is, how joyful it is
How warm it is, how warm it is
The happy ones, shoulder to shoulder
Today it should be joyful
Today it should be warm
As we dream as if we were still together
In the downtown area, today the lanterns line up
Newspaper says today it's as splendid as that day
Several days spent, time and time again
I filled the letter with my feelings and wishes
Alone I gaze at the old photo, reminiscing about the yore
Silently I add some words on it as if to meet
How joyful it is, how joyful it is
How warm it is, how warm it is
The happy ones, shoulder to shoulder
Today it should be joyful
Today it should be warm
As we dream as if we were still together
Story of Stone
Having seen all the floating snow blown by chilling winds - Which then accumulates and gets thicker.My shoes worn, the path utterly soaked.
And seen all the floating catkins blown in the remote mountains - And the feeble willow,
Once drunk alone, ill and thinned.
And heard all the melodies travelling softly in the vast human world
The lone dancer and the ragged sideburns.
Only meant to throw away the worries so virtual as true,
As the old dream rises and sinks again in the deep yard
To live like a millionaireisn't difficult at all to me.
My savings account is empty again...
I don´t care, I'm lying by the sea.
The young guys strike a pose here again
and we all call 'We want more beer'
The young girls run here at the beach,
I put lotion on a sunburn.
While partying, something occurs to me,
I want to be in Mallorca.
Summer, warmth, sunlight
and just being at ease
And your friends sing for me
Lalalalalalala, ease
Lalalalalalala, ease
Just being at ease.
Lalalalalalala, ease
Lalalalalalala, ease
Just being at ease.
To live like a millionaire
is not hard at all to me.
My glass is empty again
I go to the bar, drink more.
I only want to party without going back.
I´m on Mallorca, try to find my fortune.
The young girls run here at the beach,
I put lotion on a sunburn.
While partying, something occurs to me,
I want to be in Mallorca.
Summer, warmth, sunlight
and just being at ease.
And your friends sing for me.
Lalalalalalala, ease...
The Sea O My Native Land
When I was little my mother told me, the sea is my native land.By the seashore I was born, and in seawater I grew up.
O the Sea, it is the place where I live.
Winds blow, waves roll, together we travel to everywhere.
O the Sea, it reminds me of my mother.
Even if at the edge of the world, you are always close to me.
Side By Side
I want to hold hands with you butI don’t know what to do what to do
You make me wonder with your cryptic glances
Two question marks that widen when I look into them
Cool and chic but my heart’s a traffic jam
Twelve melodies driving my heart yeh eh eh
One two three four five
Two two three four five
Three two three four five
Baby I’m ready for you uh
I want to hold hands with you but
I don’t know what to do what to do oh baby
I want to give all my heart to you but
I’m lost for words when I’m before you
Do you hate me? (No no no)
Can you love me? (Um um um)
You showed up and made things difficult
You make me anxious every day
Pull drag tug-of-war with no referee
Trust me meet me in the middle oh yeh
One two three four five
Two two three four five
Three two three four five
Baby I’m ready for you uh
I want to hold hands with you but
I don’t know what to do what to do oh baby
I want to give all my heart to you but
I’m lost for words when I’m before you
You’ll tell right away
But I hope you don’t notice
Just stay like this like this by my side My baby
I want to hold hands with you but
I don’t know what to do what to do oh baby
I want to give all my heart to you but
You still don’t know what’s in my heart
Like red dawn
In this land where I took the first steps
My song was born – a red dawn.
In our land where I greet people
Our joy is endless.
- Chorus 2x
In your scores, may the sun always shine
And to the people you be modest
Like the motherland.
In this land where I took the first steps
My song was born – a red dawn.
In our land where I greet people
Our joy is endless.
In any earth lump of my land
It lives a song, a dance, a life.
And in every note of our song
An earth lump from the dear land lives.
- Chorus 2x
In your scores, may the sun always shine
And to the people you be modest
Like the motherland.
In this land where I took the first steps
My song was born – a red dawn.
In our land where I greet people
Our joy is endless.
Memories of the heart
YouHopes that I hope
Smiles and tears of mine
Promises of happiness
And dreams in which I flew
And the first merciless love of mine
You are for me
Lost and never lost
I was passionate about you
On you I swore
And tormented myself with it
It seems nothing, but the heart was mine
Then if it was you
Wind will blow
Rain will rain
Fog will veil
The sun will beat down
But memories never passing
They stay with us
Here they are
But how good those kisses between us
Maybe you never want to stop
To see you are enough
Your bright eyes
If you like and if you still want
In the memory even without us
Everything is possible again
You are here too, oh
Here in my heart
But the memories never go away
They stay with us
They are much stronger than us
More alive
And if it's not forever we live nowYou were my biggest gift making the same go away
With you, the time goes by and I don't even notice
Face to face I get shivers from end to end
And it's true that your love has made me your associate
And in my head, I organize moments in a portfolio
I don't even listen to the clock hands anymore
But in this case, the noise is the soul of the business
Tic tac, you can't hear the tic tac with your voice on top
And the walls don't talk anymore to not spoil the climate
Turn off the lights and keep the candle, like Vinci, Mona Lisa on a canvas
And this girl does everything that I wish
Because she knows what I wish without me having to speak
I'm not liking anymore or I'm liking too much
So good doesn't last forever
Please tell me you won't go
That you won't leave
My side
Because now I'm more than used to
Than used to
You're the girl that makes me
Chase my dreams without looking back
If it's to leave, then let's go
Live life without plans
And if it's to stay, then be by home
Lean against my chest and hug my trunk
Just don't cause any damage
Stay a couple more years
You stay a couple more years if it's not to be forever
I promise this time everything will be so different
Put your hand on your heart, just feel your heartbeat
It increases next to you and believe it, it doesn't lie
And I'll do everything
To see you
With a smile on your face
And believe it, I'll give you a world and the other
And it's not there that this stops
Cause I've been my whole life searching for you
And you came to take all the sorrow and bitterness
My broken heart finally found a cure
And now our love is the only thing that endures
This pure feeling
You're the only one with the ability to mess with me
And that makes me doubt if it's to just be friends
I don't know if it's a cause of the age
But so much complexity
Makes me think about the future and let it be with you
Because I just want more and more, and more
You're the girl that makes me
Chase my dreams without looking back
If it's to leave, then let's go
Live life without plans
And if it's to stay, then be by home
Lean against my chest and hug my trunk
Just don't cause any damage
Stay a couple more years
You're the girl that makes me
Chase my dreams without looking back
If it's to leave, then let's go
Live life without plans
And if it's to stay, then be by home
Lean against my chest and hug my trunk
Just don't cause any damage
Stay a couple more years
[Bridge]I sit at Plan B on my own for two hours
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Three hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
[Verse 1]
Life is a bunch of nonsense but I'd like mine to be rare
You don't pick up the phone so I'm sending letters
It stopped raining already and worms are slithering into the city
They're probably all going on a date with you, those cunts
My once healthy lungs are now whistling
Rattling, buzzing, whistling, I drank gin before visiting the internist
I keep telling him about the lung but he doesn't want to listen to me
Tells me: 'Son of a bitch, go away'
Healthy brain keeps producing bad dreams
And memories chase me like that verse from 'Crybaby'
I gave you unique things like those Peweksy
But now you call me an 'ex-guy'
I don't have you, I don't have anything, only those lyrics
That keep biting eachother in my notebook like rabid dogs
Tiny bit away from madness, cold and dirt in the brain
And my heart is shaking like an epileptic
So many hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Life is:
Race through space. Some tears, sometimes bliss
And then: a sticky cobweb in an empty wallet
Life is:
Race with flags between barricades
While death is chasing and yelling 'Stop, citizen!'
Open your briefcase please (okay)
Tell us your PESEL please (hmm, okay)
Please don't worry about the world or your own existence
Please remember that there's no soul, you're just a piece of meat
Tell us your PESEL please
[Verse 2]
To all the happy people: please stop fucking pissing me off
Because I'm planning to tear something off of every single happy person
And all those pretty teeth will roll down the pavement
If you keep shining them at me, fucking hell!
It's not a comedy, Antigone is meant to be your example
Here it's supposed to be a tragedy, an antique choir has to stand nearby
Please, go kill yourselves, seriously I can even give you a rope myself
Or some kind of a rifle, just all of you go sleep in coffins
I don't sleep, I swallow energy drinks
You see, how am I supposed to sleep when I hear those damn yells everywhere?
I hear conversations and sticky vomit from the parties
And there's even a violinist playing under my window, though he's doing quite well...
Besides that I wait, I wait for a call from her
Tobacco spinning in my lungs and concrete running in my veins
My life is running away again, I'm chasing the peloton again
But life is getting faster and it runs away with my woman
Ditch sleeping, leave sleep to the skeletons
I'm waiting for you at Plan B, I'll be waiting here forever
I write, and you say nothing, understand that you hurt and dishonor me
I've just seen you, are you having fun in the city? Kill yourself
I keep waiting, Saviour Square, come and save me
I won't bite or shoot, come and drink with me
After all I can see you're reading what I write
So tomorrow I'll write it all down and send it to the public
So many hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Life is:
Race through space. Some tears, sometimes bliss
And then: a sticky cobweb in an empty wallet
Life is:
Race with flags between barricades
While death is chasing and yelling 'Stop, citizen!'
Open your briefcase please (okay)
Tell us your PESEL please (hmm, okay)
Please don't worry about the world or your own existence
Please remember that there's no soul, you're just a piece of meat
Tell us your PESEL please
The Blue Without Name
The fantasies that built up within lonelinessHowever I tried, unable to put them to words all along
Because of immaturity, they overflowed from these two small hands
Finally, they've filled up the canvas
Like it's welling up from the horizon
Like it's going along completely chilled cheeks
That warm colour becomes my voice
Imagination surpasses reality, and the heavily drooping clouds dispersed
If I could leave that view behind [for someone]
[a vivid colour]* that could even let my voice pierce the eye of an unknown person a thousand years from now -
A vivid colour, that is a colour still without name
The fantasies that built up within loneliness
Unable to even share them with someone
Even now, they're still squirming in the depths of my heart
What shall I call this feeling that bears no name?
So I don't forget
So I don't lose [it/them]
Like the spring that worries about tomorrow
Like the pulse that runs through this body
With that soft colour, I became me
The future I struck the pure white canvas with
Has become [my] life unnoticed, will become proof that I lived
[a vivid colour]* that could even overturn the foundations of someone's life a thousand years from now -
A vivid colour, breathtakingly beautiful
Surely, that would still be the blue without name
Rocket to Venus
As pale pink skies invite me into the night, I shall fly awaySending my thoughts to the illusion, tearing the evening calm apart
Race through at the speed of one-thousandth second
Speed it up until Venus glittering in the night disappears out of sight
If there’s only one truth to see, you have to make it fly faster than anyone else
Monologue unfolds from the moment a land breeze blows
When it dies, you won’t be no longer here
One-thousandth second will last forever
The rocket vanishing o’er the stars above so fast that you can’t watch it
Amid the scenery that goes on accelerating, what do you reflect on at the end of life?
Speed it up until Venus glittering in the night disappears out of sight
If there’s only one truth to see, you have to make it fly faster than anyone else
Next station
It's Jarzyna's birthday, I drove to MłocinyIn the morning the hangover only came after I drove past Wawrzyszew
Constantly drunk, I go past Stare Bielany
Constantly buzzed, in old clothes, constantly sleepy
If I was religious I would go to confession
But I have issues with God, I think (that) as I see Słodowiec
The air escaping somewhere near Marymont metro
I didn't have enough to exhale again, I have to go ashore
Some boy eats a sandwich loudly
And it's only Plac Wilsona, I might pass out
An artist with a briefcase thinks he's some Matejka or Banksy
But he lacks imagination, Dworzec Gdański soon
(Next station) - Ratusz Arsenał
'Ł' said with front of the tongue, and I'm suffering right now
I close my eyes and pray to be at Świętokrzyska already
People came in with kebab, grinding meat in their mouths
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
I hear someone playing on a chair, this must be the downtown
He's quite good, someone should buy him a drum already
I struggle with pain when I go past Politechnika
I think some guy wants my seat, he's standing and staring
(Next station): Pole Mokotowskie
A nun is reading God's Word sadly
Dead silence in the wagon, Racławicka metro is soon
Everyone's a little unkempt, everyone's tightening the belt
Gentlemen without wives, their penises are itching
They talk about women as we pas Wierzbno
My tongue meets my teeth and feels the aftertaste of wine
But that's the last remaining drop, Wilanowska soon
I have to get out, I cant do it anymore
Rain, storming from my temples to my hindbrain, and it's only Służew
I know! I forgot to drink any liquids
I move the water bottle, It's already Ursynów
At least I think so, I can't see well, I have to cut my hair
I'm really fed up with this, I go past Stokłosy
I think I drank with the demons yesterday
They begged me to share with them, Imielin soon
And now please be quite like monks from Shaolin
My head is hurting a lot, you hear me? Natolin soon.
And suddenly I know that I'm in trouble
The last station: Kabaty
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
My family is probably praying and missing (me)
They probably went to a pilgrimage at Matka Boska Liecheńska
Because this party lasted around as much as the Congress of Vienna
But I come back, go into metro, Dworzec Wileński station
IPhone calling but I don't feel like talking
A minx from Praga is standing in a disco-baroque outfit
Now the train goes past the Stadion Narodowy station quickly
I used to buy GTA and Eminem's new albums here
Centrum Nauki Kopernik
A boy with dreads is holding a bag, and inside it is a greenhouse
The smell of marijuana eases my temple while I'm still drunk
I smile at it, but the guy dares to walk out
An accordionist got inside on the Uniwersytet station
He loves to play gypsy rhythms and scream
I give him two złoty because I like music too
Though I think metro's wagon is ruining his acoustic
Metro Świętokrzyska
People came in with kebab, grinding meat in their mouths
One of them so hairy he'd need a hundred tweezers
The hot sauce stains his hoodie somewhere around Rondo ONZ
I could stare at him all day
A simple travel in metro, and so many excitements come from it
But enough of this drive, I have to get out and look at the sky again
Last station Rondo Daszyńskiego
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
Имам очи само за тебе
Моја љубав мора да је слепа,не видим никога осим тебе.
Да ли су звезде вечерас изашле?
Не знам да ли је облачно или ведро,
имам очи само за тебе драга.
Месец је можда високо,
али ја не видим ништа на небу,
имам очи само за тебе.
Не знам да ли смо у парку
или на препуној авенији?
Ти си ту, као и ја,
можда милиони људи прођу
али сви они нестају из видокруга,
а ја имам само очи за тебе.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Opaque blanket of snow
This opaque blanket of snowProbably, holds some meaning
For that I collected
I pray
Ah, the shape of my heart
formed in my childhood,
Brought me back to this time
I spent with you
In solitude I was overflowing with loneliness
Unable to say anything, I hid it all
Memories of your crying profile
pile up like snow
I drop you into the restless
depths of my heart
because you bring light to me
The dream ends...
This opaque blanket of snow
Probably, holds some meaning
For that I collected
I pray
I feel like I can still remember
Even your habits and movements
One day, it'll all melt and become pure again
Ah, this place I spent time with you
The mornings I'm not
by your side
pile up like snow...
Your words and voice
Ring in my ears
Even though we were so tightly knit...
My murky feelings
Pushed you away
The words I didn't mean to say increase...
I really wanted to convey it
That I love you
But I couldn't put power into it...
Laugh for me one last time
Will your smile, one day
melt into the snow, and become pure again?
Under this opaque blanket of snow
The days that we spent together
and the love we had, are melting away...