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Резултати претраге страна 12

Број резултата: 509


Cosmos - it is bruises

Cosmos - it is bruises on your heart,
On your heart, on your heart.
Our feelings are far from what we used to see in the movies on VHS in our childhood, you and I.
Cosmos - it is bruises on your heart,
On your heart, on your heart.
I have got almost the full collection of them.
But that what is beautiful,
Sometimes is very painful.
Cosmos - it is bruises.
Very painful sometimes.
2001 and first tears
About the most unfortunate love.
Cause you gave him your heart, your prose,
But he replied with bruises.
But every case is just an experience, your own experience.
And there will be tons of them,
Simply tons of them.
Those who spoke so beautifully,
But caused us pain afterwards.
Cosmos - it is bruises on your heart,
On your heart, on your heart.
Our feelings are far from what we used to see in the movies on VHS in our childhood, you and I.
Cosmos - it is bruises on your heart,
On your heart, on your heart.
I have got almost the full collection of them.
But that what is beautiful,
Sometimes is very painful.
But every case is just an experience, your own experience.
And there will be tons of them,
Simply tons of them.
Those who spoke so beautifully,
But caused us pain afterwards.
Cosmos - it is bruises
Cosmos - it is bruises,
Bruises, bruises,
Bruises, bruises
Cosmos - it is bruises on your heart,
On your heart, on your heart.
Our feelings are far from what we used to see in the movies on VHS in our childhood, you and I.
Cosmos - it is bruises on your heart,
On your heart, on your heart.
I have got almost the full collection of them.
But that what is beautiful,
Sometimes is very painful.

To all Four Winds

No bird strays here into my hidden corner,
no black swallow that brings longing,
no white gull that tides a storm…
In the shadow of the rocks my wildness stays awake,
ready to fly at the slightest whisper, at approaching steps…
Soundless and blue is my world, blessed…
I have a door to all four winds.
I have a golden door to the east
– for love that never comes,
I have a door for day and another for sadness,
I have a door for death
– that one is always open.

ERBR #9 Moljčevokrilo pr. Mrkožuta

Mothwing: (Moljčevokrilo:)
Hej pris je li ti nedostajala tovoja polu-sestra iz Klana Rijeke?
Ili da li uopšte znaš o meni mom bratu, ili jadnom Tadpolu?
Ne naravno! Previše si zauzeta svojom dramom
Ne možeš da vidiš da niko nije na strani tvog brata tate i mame.
To mora da je teško!
Skačući iz mijesta klana da mijesta klana
Izgleda da kada dijelo prođe
Žutomrkin let uzima svijetlo reflektora
Udarila sam rijeku sa ponosom moje šame se nisu osušile trčeći na taticinu stranu ako ME neko rasplače
I samo tako
Odeš trčeći nazad
kada sunce pocrni
kao uplašena mala kućna mačka
Ti si kao šetajući predznak
Loša sreća gde ideš
Od šumskih požara i munje
do sina koji je loš u plivanju
Inficirala si pola klanova
sa svojim sranje planovima
Udarila si domovinu
probaj travnjake!
Niko te ne želi,
ti si ubica klanova
Nije me briga gde završiš
samo ostani van moje rijeke!
Tawnypelt: (Mrkožuta:)
Stvarno nije toliko teško da se pogleda i vidi
Koja strana porodice
je dobila sranje vreća gena
tvoj brat je ubica
Tvoja mama?
ko je čuo za nju!
Naravno da znam njihova imena,
ali pokušavam da se ne sijetim
Teško je biti povazan se lažovom i prevaranticom
Naši preci iznad trebali bi zabraniti tvoje način
Zaslučila sam apsolutno sve, od najranije posvete. Nijedna mačka iz klanova ne želi da uzme tvoju medicinu
Ako je ovaj rep tvoja misija da ge učinis takmičenjem
Ne traba mi 'vizija'
da shvatim tvoje jadne izbore
iskupljenje, opraštaj,
Nisu u tvom ustavu
Držiš se svoje zablude
i njihove samo i nema riješenja
za pione
tvoj brat te izigrao
tačno u njegove šape
kao bespomoćni komad plijena
Za sramotu!
izrasti si kičmu
prije nego što je prekasno
tvoj vidni nedostatak dostojanstva
me ostavio zaprepašćenom
Mothwing: (Moljčevokrilo:)
Moja zabluda? Nedostatak dostojanstva?
Stvarno vidiš stavri drugačije
Ja nisam ona koja živu na izmišljenoj fantaziji o klanu zvijezda
Izdržala sam sama
to je tvoja obmana koju odbacujem
ako to znači da nemam kičmu, gledaj me kako uzimam polomljeno sranje na tvom mjesečevomkamenu
Sada mi trošiš vrijeme, imam prave mačke da liječim
Dosta mi je tvog vrijemena za igru
Volim da se fokusiram na življenje, nemam koristi od mrtvih
možeš nastaviti svoje ljubljenje duha u tvojoj glavi!
Tawnypelt: (Mrkožuta:)
Tako si izluđujuće duhovita da je granica viješta
Nema mačke koja može prihvatiti da si ti samo tako viješta
Ćerka si pobunjenika, i ne pratiš kod
Samo nas otarasi ovog tereta, požuri i udari put
Muka mi je tvoje balade, tvoje svađe su nevažeće, sramota je što smo rod jer ti jednostavno ne možeš pobijediti!
Ja sam ona koja to može podijeliti, vrijeme ti je da to jednostavno napustiš, kao predznak ti emituješ
tvoju veliku vreću sranja

Каква мајка, таква ћерка

Алелуја, ја сам наказа, наказа сам
Алелуја, сваки дан у недељи
Одрадићу те, као да те желим
Нилски сам крокодил, ма пирана
О мој Боже, баш је моћна
О погледај је, баш је моћна
Баш, баш, зато
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
Вратила сам се да узмем што је моје
Незгодна сам, зла сам
Ко зна шта нам стављају у воду, а можда је то јер сам пљунута мајка
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
Вратила сам се да узмем што је моје
Незгодна сам, зла сам
Ко зна шта нам стављају у воду, а можда је то јер сам пљунута мајка
Зато одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, момче, хеј
Одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, момче, хеј
Алелуја, ја сам вештица, вештица сам
Алелуја, пљас, пљас
Гађам за тројку
Ударам директ кроз тебе
Као врућ ветар покрај реке, о да
О мој Боже, баш је моћна
Ма погледај је, баш је моћна
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
Вратила сам се да узмем што је моје
Незгодна сам, зла сам
Ко зна шта нам стављају у воду, а можда је то јер сам пљунута мајка
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
Вратила сам се да узмем што је моје
Незгодна сам, зла сам
Ко зна шта нам стављају у воду, а можда је то јер сам пљунута мајка
Зато одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, момче, хеј
Одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, момче, хеј
Одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, момче, хеј
Одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, одбиј, момче, хеј
Мама ми је увек говорила да ћу успети
Да ћу успети, и зато сам успела
Подметнула сам леђа и пружила срце
И успела сам, да, пошло ми је за руком
Мама ми је увек говорила да ћу успети
Да ћу успети, и зато сам успела
Подметнула сам леђа и пружила срце
И успела сам, да, пошло ми је за руком
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
Вратила сам се да узмем што је моје
Незгодна сам, зла сам
Ко зна шта нам стављају у воду, а можда је то јер сам пљунута мајка
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
О мој Боже, о мој Боже
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
О мој Боже, о мој Боже
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
О мој Боже, о мој Боже
Немој да се зајебаваш с мојом слободом
О мој Боже, о мој Боже
Пљас, пљас, мајку ти твоју! (Ау)

More Tightly

You're my buddy, you are my bestie
Let's sing together now
You are my treasure, you are my only one
Isn't that right? You, you, you, you
Don't be sad
It isn't like you to sigh
Count on me
I'll take you to a special place
Continuously happening bad days
You don't have to face them alone
Oh, your usual facial expression
As usual, I'm waiting for you
Jump in more
Tightly, let's become one
Surely, us being gathered here
Was inevitable
Feel so high, so good
Let's mess around a lot
There's nothing else to do but laugh
Yeah, let's get it
If you notice, it's been so long time
The usual home ground
Faces which haven't changed
Buddy who spent time whole heartedly
Yah yah the music we listened to together
Yah yah the worn-out shoes
Even tremendous dreams
Memories of the night we spent together
Even a single person
Every one of them can't be left behind
Oh, look around you
I'm always calling out for you
Jump in more
Tightly, let's become one
Surely, us being gathered here
Was inevitable
Feel so high, so good
Let's mess around a lot
There's nothing else to do but laugh
You're my buddy, you are my bestie
Let's sing together now
You are my treasure, you are my only one
Isn't that right? You, you, you, you
Jump in more
Tightly, let's become one
Surely, us being gathered here
Was inevitable
Feel so high, so good
Let's mess around a lot
We'll be together now and forever

Emotivna Mašina

[Prva strofa]
Teško je videti
Da želiš da budeš slobodan
Jer te ne volim
Onako kako ti želiš
Odvojena od odanosti, izgubljena u okeanu
Bez emocija za tebe
Ja sam mašina
Emotivno biće
Otkad sam bila tinejdžerka
Ostavila svoja osećanja potpuno, potpuno
[Druga strofa]
Nije izgovor
Da me tretiraš tako
Opažanje mi je slabo
Jer znam kroz šta si prošao
Odvojena od odanosti, izgubljena u okeanu
Bez emocija za tebe
Ja sam mašina
Emotivno biće
Otkad sam bila tinejdžerka
Ostavila svoja osećanja potpuno, potpuno
[Posle refrena]
U, u
U, u
U, u
U, u
Da li si me ikada zaista voleo? (Da li si me ikada zaista voleo?)
Ili si samo previše uplašen da budeš slobodan? (Ili si samo previše uplašen da budeš slobodan?)
Moj Bog umire tiho (Moj Bog umire tiho)
Niko ne veruje
Niko ne veruje
Ja sam mašina
Emotivno biće
Otkad sam bila tinejdžerka
Ostavila svoja osećanja potpuno, potpuno
Ja sam mašina (Da li da se pretvaram da ne postojiš?)
Emotivno biće (Da li da se pretvaram da mi nedostaješ?)
Otkad sam bila tinejdžerka (Rukavica od somota na čeličnoj pesnici)
Ostavila svoja osećanja potpuno, potpuno (Ako želiš da preživiš, neznanje je onda blaženstvo)
[Posle refrena]
U, u
U, u
U, u
U, u
nov prevodilac

Between the Lines, Between the Words

Tonight the sea is calm, we can see the islands.
The children know their lessons.
I learned songs for the tourists:
your dog is dead, your sister has a boy.
For us, I have no complaints:
we eat very well—we want for nothing.
We eat very well—we want for nothing.
I have so many things to tell you that I cannot find the words.
You must read between the lines, between the words.
Sunday we danced—it was the celebration
but I'm not invited
because I wait for open house:
my day of celebration when you will come back to me.
For us, I have no complaints:
we eat very well—we want for nothing.
We eat very well—we want for nothing.
I have so many things to tell you that I cannot find the words.
You must read between the lines, between the words.

love forgive

И ты полетишь с моими мечтами.
Посмотри на мою душу.,
Встретив, ты подарила мне любовь.
Это приводит меня к действию!
И ты можешь лететь по моей воле.
Слушать мое сердце.
Ты обнимешь меня в своем сердце
Это приводит к желанию!
Могу простить любовь
Скажи мне, любовь моя.
Время прошло
Любовь, пожалуйста,
Могу простить любовь
Скажи мне, любовь моя.
Прощаю прошлое, люблю прощать.
И ты полетишь с моими мечтами.
Посмотри на мою душу.,
Встретив, ты подарила мне любовь.
Это приводит меня к действию!
Могу простить любовь
Скажи мне, любовь моя.
Прощаю прошлое, люблю прощать.
Могу простить любовь
Скажи мне, любовь моя.
Прощаю прошлое, люблю прощать.
Могу простить любовь
Скажи мне, любовь моя.
Прощаю прошлое, люблю прощать.
Могу простить любовь
Скажи мне, любовь моя.
Прости прошлое, прости.

Nations of the World

Yakko: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru
Dominican Republic, Cuba, Caribbean, Greenland and El Salvador
Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guinea and also
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina, and Ecuador, Chile, Guam
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda, The Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan
Paraguay, Uruguay, another Guinea, Barbados, Brazil, Suriname
Norway and Sweden and Iceland and Finland, of course one Germany
Switzerland and Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy and Turkey, Greece
Poland, Rumania, Scotland, Albania, Ireland and Russia, Oman
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq and Iran
Yemen, Lebanon, Israel, Bahrain, Syria, Jordan and Kuwait
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, England, Denmark, France
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan, Thailand, Nepal and Bhutan
Cambodia, Malaysia, Korea and Asia, Bangladesh, China and Japan
Mongolia, Laos, Tibet, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan,
Sri Lanka, Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand, Borneo and also Vietnam
Tunesia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana
Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia, Algeria, Guinea and Ghana
Burundi, Lesotho, Malawi and Togo, the Spanish desert vanished
Niger, Nigeria, Benin and Liberia, Egypt, Gabon and also Chad
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya and Mali, Sierra Leone, Algiers
Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya, Cameroon, and also Kongo, Zaire
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Rwanda, Mallorca, Cayman
Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia --
Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania,
Monaco and Liechtenstein, Malta and Palestine, Fiji, Australia, Sudan!

I Have Fallen In Love With Someone Else

You would be the cloud, the love would fly away
Now it's only me
Now you're far away and bless me
Don't you know my heart is so painful
The day we broken up, I begged you not to leave
I begged you to think again
Though tears fell down over my face
Overcome those days
When my heart nearly forgot it all
I wanted to come back to me
Is it too late darling
Now when someone is by my side
The one who give me happiness
Who never hurt me
Darling I can't
Although I still know that my love still miss you so much
I still miss the rainy days you picked me up
Hand in hand, promise to love each other forever
You yourself went away now you want to come back
Please let me be, don't come close to me
Please let me forget the sad dream
The past will flow away with those tears
Now the regret is too late
I have fallen in love with someone

Bong Sugi

I do not want to go home.
Honey, the ballast is shining or I'll stay (let's stay)
I'm not going home anymore. Tequila,
Shikatsu's going home.
I can not go fuzzy.
It's a booze, a simple word at home.
I can not go fuzzy.
You stay or you go out.
Uh-uh Uh-uh
Uh-uh Uh-uh
Hey, Bong Sook, the taxi's gotta get caught.
I'll have a fetus at home if I drink my brother's drink (I'll have a fetus)
Let's just get out of there. Let's just have 30 minutes.
I'm going to break my drink.
Ohhhhhhh ~ ~
Ohhhhhhh ~ ~
I can not go fuzzy.
It's a booze, a simple word at home.
I can not go fuzzy.
You stay or you go out.
I can not go fuzzy.
It's a booze, a simple word at home.
It's not easy.
You stay or you go out.
Finding love and finding people
I'm still hitting today.
Finding love and finding people
I'm still hitting today.

Reč Fibes

Sada, mogu li znati
Koga imam čast da imam za muža?
Ja sam pesnik Grengoar, princ pariskih ulica
On je princ pariskih ulica
Ja nisam 'ženskaroš', ali ako ti želiš napraviću od tebe svoju muzu, svoju inspiraciju, svoju damu
Ti koji znaš da čitaš i pišeš
Ti, pesniče, možeš li mi reći
Šta znači 'Fibes'?
Jupitera mi,
Ko se na ovoj zemlji
Usuđuje da nosi takvo ime?
To je onaj za koga moje srce kuca
Ako se sećam svog latinskog, reč 'Fibes' znači 'sunce'
'Fibes' znači 'sunce'


Versions: #2
You, you destroyed everything I believed in
You turned my world inside-out
But you did it with such grace
You, you pulled my heart right out
You filled my stomach with butterflies
But time took them all away
And now I'm asking myself, just for kicks
If something had come of us
If I hadn't held back like I did
If you wouldn't have forgotten me so
I'll never forgive myself
Life's strange that way, isn't it?
Tell me, how did I get here
Just another guest, on your wedding day
I've kept something from you, you should know
Little flowers, in my dresser drawer, still hoping
And other musings, too
And I never did tell you
But it doesn't matter now
Life is a beautiful path
I'm saying goodbye to you all over again
And now I'm asking myself, just for kicks
If something had come of us
If I hadn't held back
If you wouldn't have forgotten me so
I'll never forgive myself
Life's strange that way, isn't it?
Tell me, how did I get here
Just another guest, on your wedding day

In Other Words

Versions: #2
Poets have fine words
To tell of their love.
Their poems are always beautiful
For they always rhyme.
I put to the melody
Words that I wrote for you.
So that you may know their poetry,
I'll translate each time.
Behold the white birds
Near the clouds on the sea
The carry in their flight
Their hearts toward the light.
In other words,
My love,
In other words:
I adore you.
Up in the sky
To the stars we will go
And see if love is greater
On Jupiter or Juno.
In other words,
My love,
In other words:
I love you.
In other words,
My love,
In other words:
I love you.

On the way to Motown

Our mom is a restless ostrich
Who does her chores
And in the sauna
She puts on herbal poultices
She feels adventurous and smells of sweat
Even though she's trapped at home
Free from pressures, cleaning agents
Can find Motown music
And the porridge scoop can be used as a meat mallet
And the twill tape can be used as spaghetti
The unwavering peace of mind remains
When you ignore the risks
A powder brush or a wet kiss
Sometimes smacks the cheek
While in the middle of cooking, throwing plates
There's an explosion in the kitchen
There's crying and sauce fluids
The chicken's scorched again
But smiling gently you can handle the situation
With a proverb
You can use soap to decorate the cake
And everyone can die from food poisoning
And for desert you can lick the plates
To avoid doing dishes
Our mommy is a great mommy
Who does her chores
And in the sauna
She puts on herbal poultices
She feels adventurous and smells of sweat
Even though she's trapped at home
Free from pressures, cleaning agents
Can find Motown music
Motown music
A powder brush or a wet kiss
Sometimes smacks the cheek
While in the middle of cooking, throwing plates
There's an explosion in the kitchen
There's crying and sauce fluids
The chicken's scorched again
But smiling gently you can handle the situation
With a proverb
A proverb
Our mom is a restless ostrich
Who does her chores
And in the sauna
She puts on herbal poultices
She feels adventurous and smells of sweat
Even though she's trapped at home
Free from pressures, cleaning agents
Can find Motown music
Motown music


Poor me, I ended up
On a reeling piece of wood
A trembling twig
I ended up
poor me, on a shivering leaf
Not even I know
Which road I'll take
Which way
I'll choose to run
Don't know which road to take
Once my mother could
Once she could make an apple
I guess she planted a sapling
Couldn't tend to it
I grew up without a father
I grew up without parents
The backwoods are my home
My house
My house is on the berry shrubs
The sky is intricately embroidered
The Big Dipper is well made
I wonder how my life is
I wonder
The life of me, dark-browed
Once my mother could
Once she could make an apple
I guess she planted a sapling
Couldn't tend to it
Once my mother could
Once she could make an apple
I guess she planted a sapling
Couldn't tend to it
It was put in a bad place
On the edge of a dark cloud
On the hard roots of the birch
Deep in the autumn night

Zak Storm Theme Song

Zak Storm!
Zak Storm!
Zak Storm!
I will always be with you,
Do not step away!
Together to the battle,
We will win!
I will always be with you,
Success is waiting for us!
(You) To forget about fear,
(You) To go on a journey with me!
Zak Storm!
Zak Storm!
I will always be with you,
I will not stop!
(You) To forget about fear,
(You) To go on a journey with me!
Zak Storm!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Ноћни лептир

Строфа 1:
Једно је јасно, без тебе је немогуће живети!
Само ти то никако да схватиш.
И због овога сам тако спокојна и узнемирена,
Ако си опет долетео, лептире.
Ти си мој ноћни лептир, летиш, летиш, летиш.
Да те је чекао мој жар – не знаш, не знаш, не знаш.
А ујутру у другу топлину јуриш, јуриш, јуриш.
Наду си разбио као стакло, опрашташ се са мном, опрашташ.
Строфа 2:
Мој лептире, где ли ћеш срећу да изградиш?
И због кога дуги лет да прекинеш?
Можда ћеш са другом своје срце да умириш?
Можда ћеш са мном још једну ноћ да проведеш?
Ти си мој ноћни лептир, летиш, летиш, летиш.
Да те је чекао мој жар – не знаш, не знаш, не знаш.
А ујутру у другу топлину јуриш, јуриш, јуриш.
Наду си разбио као стакло, опрашташ се са мном, опрашташ.
Ти си мој ноћни лептир, летиш, летиш, летиш.
Да те је чекао мој жар – не знаш, не знаш, не знаш.
А ујутру у другу топлину јуриш, јуриш, јуриш.
Наду си разбио као стакло, опрашташ се са мном, опрашташ.
Мој лепире, летиш, летиш...

If I never would have met you I'd been happy now.

It's something in your glance
I don't know what I have yet
If you gave me a chance a last time, I wouldn't take it
It's something in your way, ah I think it drags me down
First when I've gotten under you, you want to see me.
If I never would have met you, would I've been happy now?
I woke by a dream, one morning it laid here on the table
Like a rain of sun* I laid, he who had a hard time with the words
He wrote that it was over now, that I could breathe now.
That I probably shouldn't be here, that we should meet others.
If I never would have met you, would he have been happy now?
The one who got burnt by the fire, blows even though it's cold
The one who got scared once, and feels worry for everything
If I never would have met you, would I've been happy now?
He was like a room, one with white cracked edges
She wanted to give you all from what I understand.
But that which is easy in the beginning
often becomes harder with time
And she became like an ocean that runs along the cheek
If I never would have met you, would she'd been happy now?
The one who got burnt by the fire, blows even though it's cold
The one who got scared once, and feels worry for everything
If I never would have met you, would I've been happy now?

Where is Italy

I have always been hidden
Between those who win and those who lose
Above board
When someone looks at me
And somebody else consumes me
For every life that has been imagined
My life passes by
In a moment I think about those who stayed close to me
In a distant thought
But at the sime time
On a flying carpet
Between those who win and those who lose
And those who just don't feel comfortable
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost too
Like that time, a few steps from the sea
Between those who praied the moon
Dreaming to leave again
We saw it coming
Looking devastated like those who don't remember what is love
And don't know where to go
Since that moment, no one ever saw it
Since that moment, no one ever saw it
In a second I think about you staying close to me
In that summer night
You taught me how to dance
And I imagine her
Between the stars and the sun
On the flying carpet
Between those who win and those who lose
And those who just don't feel comfortable
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost too
I got lost too
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost
Where is Italy, my love?
I got lost


That girl has no shame, she likes to play terror
Already gave me insomnia, my calm ended
Nightmare of the envious, dream of the one who didn't taste
When she goes down, is equal to the earthquake
She moves and doesn't stop, she plays terror
When she goes down, is equal to the earthquake
She moves and doesn't stop, she plays terror
When I go down, is equal to the earthquake
I twerk, I don't stop, I play terror
When I go down, is equal to the earthquake
I twerk, I don't stop, I play terror
Shameless, powerful, I like to play terror
To see you loosing the line, your tranquility ended
Nightmare of the envious, I know that I am your wish
When I go down, is equal to the earthquake
I twerk, I don't stop, I play terror
When I go down, is equal to the earthquake
I twerk, I don't stop, I play terror
[Kevinho & Anitta]
When she goes down, is equal to the earthquake
She moves and doesn't stop, she plays terror
When she goes down, is equal to the earthquake
She moves and doesn't stop
And she came into my mind in an indecent way
I don't eat more, I don't sleep anymore, I'm going to get sick
I want you again, he has already fallen in my game
Can't burn, then why play with fire?
But I'm a gunner and I'm going to turn the game
I'm going to start up, back is tastier
I won this stop, you can be sure
You will see that I am trouble, haha, do you think?
When I go down, is equal to the earthquake
I twerk, I don't stop, I play terror
When she goes down, is equal to the earthquake
She moves and doesn't stop, she plays terror
I go down, I don't stop, I twerk, I play terror
And she goes down, she doesn't stop, she twerks, she plays terror
I go down, I don't stop, I twerk, I play terror
And she goes down, she doesn't stop, she twerks, she plays terror

Mother Owl, Father Ocean

[Anna von Hausswolff]
Look at your sea
Look at your sea (it remains)
I understand (it understands)
It remains (like in a song)
Like in a song
See how big a sea
See how big a sea (it understands everything)
Here I walk
Look at a sea
How you feel
Here I walk
It understands
It remains

Maya's Alphabet: T - Timotej

Imagine in the arms of nature
Where even blades of grass have a name
The most beautiful is Timotej
A name that would suit me!
Imagine in the arms of nature
Where even blades of grass have a name
The most beautiful is Timotej
A name that would suit me!
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Poem About Motherland

Surly like drunkards slow barracks hardly ridge
Or creeping road patrol service car with 2 pairs of eyes Glittering from inside like M&M's.
Toggled-looked new buildings hold the sky, the same black Lada 2109 is crossing wastelands.
Worker drags a coffin like a tarantula its cocoon.
Humans' offal is in photo frames of windows.
I come along Vostochny-city streets like I'm in Manhattan
Not hiding edematose face from the sunbeams.
Children sniff in carriages being lulled by carriages springs.
All my female classmates are drown close to me.
I come across midday streets like I do it in Montparnasse.
I'll let deceive me to each hooligan.
I'll drink and use drugs excessively in the gateway.
Then I'll fall down to your chest like a hydrogenous bomb.
My Motherland- is my love.
A sight from the window shows the mono-city wearing a dress Made of a grey cloth.
My Motherland- is my love.
Slum soldiers smile me back.My Motherland- is my love.
A sight from the window shows the mono-city wearing a dress Made of a grey cloth.
My Motherland- is my love where I read the poems not to the point.
I read the poems to an automatic
Our people(Russians) take part in wars or they're imprisoned.
I remember every Monday minute in October: how I was Assembling money for a pink police officer bribe.
Being afraid that he can take my fellow into prison for 10 Years.
Another brother said that he has nothing to lose and he went
To fight in a senseless war and to die there.
I only stayed here like a chatter-bird, like a child in fear Beyond the plastic windows.
We look like peers
In carriage wagon some random people consumpting a food.
Do you remember that you died and we were eating your Flesh that has a mummy flavor being forgotten in Mausoleum?
I'm sending a lost Chaldean language where it used to be Sent.
Trainman being in cold and in sweat has weaken significantly.
And I tell you genuinely that I love you loudly and with not a Shame.
At the carriage wagon of the train going to nowhere.
My Motherland- is my love.
A sight from the window shows the mono-city wearing a dress Made of a grey cloth.
My Motherland- is my love.
Slum soldiers smile me back.My Motherland- is my love.
A sight from the window shows the mono-city wearing a dress Made of a grey cloth.
My Motherland- is my love where I read the poems not to the point.
I read the poems to the automatic.


Nebitno je da li me voliš ili ne,
Obmanula si me, ja tebe dvaput.
Srce jeca glasom soprana,
Zakasnio sam, a ti… ti si poranila.
Moja duša je u agoniji, pati, željna je revanša,
Spreman sam da idem za tobom sve do Lamanša…
Ne mogu da dišem, mada moje srce zna
Koliko želim da uzviknem da ovo znači
Da smo jedino mi, na celom svetu,
Verovali u ljubav, u ljubav za sva vremena.
Ne mogu da dišem, mada moje srce zna
Koliko želim da uzviknem da ovo znači
Da smo jedino mi na celom svetu,
Verovali u ljubav, u ljubav za sva vremena.
Zajedno ili ne - nema razlike…
Pesma za pesmom, strofa za strofom,
Srce viče ‘Prekinite!’
Skoro sve veze među nama se kidaju.
Režeš me bez noža, na živo
Molim te, hajde da krenemo ispočetka…
Ne mogu da dišem, mada moje srce zna
Koliko želim da uzviknem da ovo znači
Da smo jedino mi, na celom svetu,
Verovali u ljubav, u ljubav za sva vremena.
Ne mogu da dišem, mada moje srce zna
Koliko želim da uzviknem da ovo znači
Da smo jedino mi na celom svetu,
Verovali u ljubav, u ljubav za sva vremena.
Nebitno je da li me voliš ili ne,
Obmanula si me, a ja tebe dvaput.
Srce jeca glasom soprana...
Ne mogu da dišem, mada moje srce zna
Koliko želim da uzviknem da ovo znači
Da smo jedino mi, na celom svetu,
Verovali u ljubav, u ljubav za sva vremena.
Ne mogu da dišem, mada moje srce zna
Koliko želim da uzviknem da ovo znači
Da smo jedino mi na celom svetu,
Verovali u ljubav, u ljubav za sva vremena.

Saint Loneliness

Versions: #2
From whispers to pencil, from pencil to pen
My life transformed from acapella to a remix
I've put more degrees in grams, but it wasn't easier
The more hands thrown in the air, the lonelier I got
Drink from my glass of whiskey if you'd like
But I'm warning you, you'll find cheap ice at its bottom
And you'll only feel its taste in the middle of the storm
When the hardest verses remain under the roof of your mouth
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
Without looking at the price, I tried it on myself
You have no idea what it's like to trade soil for happiness
Yeah, the path to the stars is paved with tears and lost friends
And a lot of patience that I've spread on bread instead of butter
And you got lost in yesterday's dreams
My quarrel was with time, yours was with expectations
I've told you so many times and now for the last:
Between music and you, you were just a lover
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
I live without limits, my dear, forgive me
You know I only feel alive when I'm on the edge
And if you get close, please, don't fuck up my state of mind
Close your eyes and listen to the sea sing to us...


[Emma M]
Birds on the roof have forgotten the sky.
I remember that summer, I remember you.
Day and night warm up, smoke cigarettes.
In our magazine, the feeling of love was over.
[Misha Marvin]
If I could take her with me
To warm it even in the cold winter.
My thoughts still live in memory
Breathing takes place when you are here.
[Emma M and Misha Marvin]
And even if for a couple of minutes
I want to drown with you!
And every time in a new way,
You just rewind us.
You, just you, rewind! Rewind
You, only you, do not fly!
You rewind each time!
[Emma M]
Fashion trends rule the world.
And the sky was frozen, but we were not in a hurry
Catch yourself in expensive showcases.
We just loved! We just love!
[Misha Marvin]
If she did not hurt
Presented to you to carry with you.
Thoughts in my memory still live,
Breathing takes place when you are here.
[Emma M and Misha Marvin]
And even if for a couple of minutes (a couple of minutes),
I want to drown with you!
And each time in a new way (in a new way),
You just rewind us.
You, just you, rewind! Rewind
You, only you, do not fly!
You rewind each time!

Secrets words

Our old dog understood englsih
And never stop to be upset
So we spell all words that we don't want he understand
Yes we say S-U-G-A-R
Becase if he take more than two
We must going to make him a I-N-J-E-C-T-I-O-N
He does'nt support that we considere him like
And he doesn't want to that we
O-F-F-L-E-A-S-H him
If I put Susie on my knees
It make him really jealous
So we're waiting he's aslept
For K-I-S-S-I-N-G us
Quietly without he glances us
We have trouble in all the block
He's thinlikg only to love (as his master)
However he's all peeled
Old beau style
Beside his littles L-E-G-S
He did really well for having
with all the she-dogs around.
When I told to Susie, we need to bring him
Without offending him
To the V-E-T-E-R-I-N-A-R-Y, the vet
In order to C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E him
That's where he told us : Hey, you two
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
Oh yeah !

Aroma Curd TVC

0:03 - 0:05 If it's 'A', it's always Aroma
0:06 - 0:08 If it's curd, Aroma is the one
0:10 - 0:17 Thick and tasty, the mind will ask for more and more
0:19 - 0:21 Aroma curd, thick and tasty curd
0:22 - 0:24 If it's 'A', it's always Aroma
0:25 - 0:28 If it's curd, Aroma is the one

Aroma Milk TVC

0:01 - 0:06 Come on, come on
0:09 - 0:11 If it's 'A', it is always Aroma
0:13 - 0:15 If it's milk, then it's Aroma
0:20 - 0:22
0:24 - 0:25 If it's milk, then it's Aroma
0:26 - 0:30 Clean and tasty, with love, Aroma milk

Aroma Ghee TVC

0:02 - 0:09 Smell out in the air, mind mesmerized with the taste
0:10 - 0:18 Pure and true happy feeling, will it change?
0:23 - 0:26 Will the happy feeling change?
0:27 - 0:33 The taste is great in Aroma ghee, smell is superb
0:34 - 0:36 Will the happy feeling change?

Girias TVC ft Hansika

0:00 - 0:05 Girias, a great shop
0:06 - 0:13 Girias is mass, Girias is class, Girias has top sale, Girias has low price
0:14 - 0:16 The whole city will say it is a big and great shop
0:17 - 0:19 People will buy things due to its lower price
0:20 - 0:25 Come here, let's buy, a great shop is Girias
0:25 - 0:27 Guarantee for low price, Girias
0:28 - 0:30 A great shop, low price