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Prigrliti prazninu

Dugo sam bio loše ali nikad ovoliko
Godine muke se konačno uočavaju
Toliko sam video za svoje godine
Ovim slomljenim rukama
Obrisao sam suze
Bože moli se za mene
Molim te uzmi sve što ti nudim
Sve što imam
Gotov sam
Kroz ove oči vidim očajnog čoveka
Izgubio sam snagu, za koju sam mislio da sam nekad imao
Toliko sam video za svoje godine
Ovim slomljenim rukama
Obrisao sam suze
Uči od svega ovoga
Nauči da budeš muškarac
Gori od svega ovoga
Spali moje srce u mojoj ruci


Is there any place without sadness
it looks at me and mocks me and
tells me 'dare you'
The world tells me
'I love you'
Well, it is a lie and
making me a fool
The world want us only
to be good
Well, it is a lie
I tried, too
Is there any place without sadness
it looks at me and mocks me and
tells me 'dare you'
For the world we live in
thinking of you, I
Try and try
Is there any place without sadness
it looks at me and mocks me and
tells me 'dare you'
it notices my mind
it tells me
'Though the world lies to you,
you must keep staring me
and leave yourself behind.
For now on.'


When everything gets sad
And happiness is no longer enough
Enemies get cold
And it's your fault
If you surrender to the fear
That comes to torment your dreams
There still is the human fire against hypocrisy
When everyone humiliates you
And push you into failure
Challenge agony, wake up your inner clown
Get happy like the innocents do
Don't become someone decadent
Don't look in the future
For something that you have in your present
Your desire is a serpent
An indecent angel
That, when touching your skin,
Makes you feel a fever
That throws you against the world
Till you assume who you are
And repeat to yourself
I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful
And there's a great love waiting close to me
I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful
And there's a great love waiting close to me
It's never too late or too early
When anguish devours you
At each step, you lose direction and feel nostalgic
The past is good, but it dies
Like a mourning you cry
Adventures are particular to each one
There's only bravery in the passion only if the will is brave
And till you prove otherwise, you need to be happy
And say, madly, that it was because of love
It was beautiful, it was beautiful
To have my great love
Always close to me
It was beautiful, it was beautiful
To have my great love
Always close to me
It was beautiful, it was beautiful
To have my great love
Always close to me
It was beautiful, it was beautiful
To have my great love
Always close to me
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Miles Away

You are thinking
Whether today or tomorrow?
What can you change
With all the worries?
Where are your dreams
Where are the moments?
Let's get rid of
Or is it the end?
Come on, let's go
Let's see sunset together
Yes, I have enough
Everything else is like self deception
Miles away with you on the beach
Always along the miles
Like a heart, heart stop
Miles away with you
Even if the sun is not shining
Our hearts are united
1000 times and 1000 nights long
Let us live the dreams endlessly long
You will be with me 1000 times
And we are never alone again
Never alone
Never alone
I know you have doubts
You can leave it
How do you want to know
If we can do it
If you do not come
You will always ask
It would go
Then I can tell you
Come on, let's go
Let's see sunset together
Yes, I have enough
Everything else is like self-deception

You Are My Island

Where the live is dancing there i'm at home
But sometimes the noise of the time silences me
When my little boat
Dares to sink in the storm
Then i dock on near you
You are my island far in the ocean
Approximately next to the sun
I drift to it cause there are you
For me forever
From you i get more as i lost
I have a dream and you appear in it
You are everything for me i of course got you
You are my Island
Final destination Feeling - I'm dropping the anchor
Here can i be like i am, like i need it
Come you said long time i dared nothing
Hang yourself on a cloud i'm there.
You are my island far in the ocean
Approximately next to the sun
I drift to it cause there are you
For me forever
From you i get more as i lost
I have a dream and you appear in it
You are everything for me i of course got you
You are my Island
Come you said long time i dared nothing
Hang yourself on a cloud i'm there.
You are my island far in the ocean
Approximately next to the sun
I drift to it cause there are you
For me forever
From you i get more as i lost
I have a dream and you appear in it
You are everything for me i of course got you
You are my Island

Море лудила

„Море лудила“
Напољу на улици неко плаче,
Напољу у ноћи ватре горе,
Можда вечерас неко плаче,
Стигли смо тачке с које нема повратка.
Оооо, моје очи, оне виде, али ја не могу да верујем!
Оооо, моје срце је тешко док окрећем леђа и одлазим!
Као орао и голуб,
Лети тако високо на крилима изнад,
Када све што видиш може само да ти донесе тугу.
Као река ћемо тећи
Према мору ми идемо,
Када све што урадиш може само да ти донесе тугу.
На мору лудила!
Негде чујем глас који зове,
Напољу у тами гори сан,
Мораш да се надаш када падаш
Да ћеш наћи свет који си већ видео!
Оооо, моје очи, оне виде, али ја не могу да верујем!
Оооо, моје срце је тешко док окрећем леђа и одлазим!
То је лудило!
Сунце не сија!
На мору лудила
Нема ветра који ће испунити твоја једра!
Када све што видиш може да ти донесе само тугу...
Према мору ми идемо...
Напољу на улици неко плаче,
Напољу у ноћи ватре горе,
Можда вечерас неко плаче,
Стигли смо тачко с које нема повратка.
Оооо, моје очи, оне виде, али ја не могу да верујем!
Оооо, моје срце је тешко док окрећем леђа и одлазим!

If I Didn't Have You

If I didn't have you
With whom would I fight?
If I didn't have you
The Sun wouldn't rise
If I didn't have you
What would be this life of mine?
If I didn't have you
I'd look for you myself
If I didn't have you
With whom would I eat in the night?
With whom would I share good
And the bread of this heart?
If I didn't have you
I'd always be alone
Because close to me
No one can be
Only you can turn all the lights in the sky off
Every night, to make love with me
Caress me in the dark, hold me and kiss my thoughts
And my fear of losing you fades away
Slowly, slowly, you rise up with the shame of someone who's still naked
Take the Moon between your hands
And bring it to me
If I didn't have you
I would wait for you anyway
And if you didn't exist
Maybe I'd invent you
If I didn't have you
I wouldn't be crying for love
Because these eyes of mine
Won't be bathed by anyone else
Only you can turn all the lights in the sky off
Every night, to make love with me
Caress me in the dark, hold me and kiss my thoughts
And my fear of losing you fades away
Slowly, slowly, you rise up with the shame of someone who's still naked
Take the Moon between your hands
You, only you, there's no one after you
You're the good that can never end
Every day starts if you kiss me first
And it only ends if we kiss twice
Me, awake in my bed, see you counting the minutes
Waiting to come
Another day with you
Me, awake in my bed, see you counting the minutes
Waiting to come
Another day with you
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Летња туга

Versions: #1
Пољуби ме јако пре него што одеш
Летња туго
Само сам желела да знаш
Да си, душо, најбољи
Обукла сам своју црвену хаљину вечерас
Испусти је као да је врела на бледој месечини
Подигла сам косу у стилу праве лепотице
Скидам високе штикле, осећам се живо
Ох, Боже мој, осећам у ваздуху
Телефонске жице изнад, све врело попут твог погледа
Душо ја горим, осећам то свуда
Ништа ме више не плаши
Пољуби ме јако пре него што одеш
Летња туго
Само сам желела да знаш
Да си, душо, најбољи
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Ох, ох, ох
Осећам се наелектрисано вечерас
Крстарим обалом поред пута 99
Имам свог неваљалог драгог крај себе
Ох и ако умрем, умрећу срећна вечерас
Ох, Боже мој, осећам у ваздуху
Телефонске жице изнад, све врело попут твог погледа
Душо ја горим, осећам то свуда
Ништа ме више не плаши
Пољуби ме јако пре него што одеш
Летња туго
Само сам желела да знаш
Да си, душо, најбољи
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Ох, ох, ох
Мислим да ћу те заувек волети
Као што звездама недостаје сунце на јутарњем небу
И касно је боље него никад
Чак и ако умрем, возићу, возићу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Ох, ох, ох
Пољуби ме јако пре него што одеш
Летња туго
Само сам желела да знаш
Да си, душо, најбољи
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Имам ту летњу, летњу тугу
Ох, ох, ох


Seni orada buldum, bir göz kırpması arasında.
Seni özledim.
Binlerce rüyadan vazgeçip,
Neyden bahsettiklerini buldum.
Seni orada kaybettim, hakikatin bir anında.
Sana güvendim.
Sana tek ve eşsiz kalbimi hediye ettim.
Yırtıp atman için bir armağan.
Lekele beni, kurtar beni
Beni evime götür.
Tut beni, göster bana
Beni evime götür.
Şimdi daha güçsüz, benden sıvı akıyor.
Beni öldürdün.
Daha demin yaptığın şeyden korkmuyorum,
Ama olmaya başladığın şeyden korkuyorum.

Nỗi Buồn Mùa Hạ

Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Vận lên chiếc váy đỏ, em đi vào màn đêm
Nhảy múa trong bóng tối cùng ánh trăng mờ ảo
Cuốn mái tóc lên thật to, như một nữ hoàng sắc đẹp
Cởi giày ra, em như được hồi sinh
Ôi, trời ơi, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Đường dây điện chằng chéo như mạng nhện
Anh yêu, em đang rực cháy, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Chẳng còn gì có thể làm em sợ hãi được nữa
Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh
Em cảm thấy thật rạo rực, đêm nay
Chạy xe dọc bờ biển, khoảng 99 cây/ giờ
Có người tình xấu xa ở bên thiên đường của em
Nếu có phải chết, em biết rằng em sẽ chết một cách hạnh phúc vào đêm nay
Ôi, trời ơi, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Đường dây điện chằng chéo như mạng nhện
Anh yêu, em đang rực cháy, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Chẳng còn gì có thể làm em sợ hãi được nữa
Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh
Em nghĩ rằng em sẽ nhớ anh đến vĩnh hằng
Như những vì tinh tú nhớ thương mặt trời trên bầu trời buổi sớm mai
Trễ còn hơn không
Kể cả khi anh đi rồi, em vẫn sẽ chạy, chạy
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh
Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh

In all of your colors

I thought that the sun
would shine through your eyes.
That the stars would turn pink
and that the world would go crazy.
I thought that everything would then
turn to cotton candy,
when we find each other,
you and I.
Yet when I look at you,
like you look at me,
then I see so much more.
You are like spring in winter,
You are my favorite gallery,
but you are a thousand times more colorful,
than the blossoms of my fantasy.
And I fell in love with all your colors,
and in all your colors do I love you.
I had imagined
that you would give me every flower
and that every day with you
would start with a sweet kiss.
I had hoped, that you, just like me,
would dream in colors,
and that the gloomy days,
would never make it to our home.
Yet when I look at you,
like you look at me,
then I see so much more.
You are like spring in winter,
You are my favorite gallery,
but you are a thousand times more colorful,
than the blossoms of my fantasy.
And I fell in love with all your colors,
and in all your colors do I love you.
And I fell in love with all your colors,
and in all your colors do I love you.

Sea and the Darkness

Tired out,
but still
being chased by shadows
and trying to escape
My voice is withered
and my way out is now covered
by surging waves,
only surging waves...
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are deeply appreciated.

None of you

None of you speaks about him,
tells me the truth.
What point has now your pity
when I have nothing left.
If one of you has ever loved like this
then he/she will understand,
will understand,
will understand!
If you hear me, my love,
return to me, here to me,
I love you very much
and would not live without you.
I don't cry for myself,
I cry for him,
nobody will understand him
as I do!
None of you, none of you
tells me the truth.
If other is with him, what does it matter,
I know that I will forgive him.
Where are you? Who are you with?
If you hear me, my love
return to me, here to me,
I love you very much
and wouldn't live without you.
I don't cry for myself,
I cry for him,
Nobody will understand him
as I do!
If you hear me, my love,
return to me, here to me,
I love you very much
and would not live without you.
I would not live without you,
without you.

Sour Love

All my love is for you
But it hasn't been appreciated yet
Mmmh hmmm
This is like sour love
One day we're happy, the next you're reporting to me
This is like sour love
One day we're happy, the next you're annoying
This is like sour love
You said you wouldn't cheat on me
My heart has no more capacity
Because this love is sour
Cos I’m giving you loving (uh huh)
And you doing the touching (uh uh)
And I know that you want me
But you doing me strong thing
Mr. P
Girl girl girl you give me loving (uh huh)
And I’m doing the touching (uh uh)
And I know that you want me (uh huh)
But the feeling is hurting
Sour love, sour love...
This is like sour love
Every word feels like you're joking
Even though I see your ticks turn blue
I don’t never get to hear from you
Mr. P
Stop complaining about the things I do
To be honest this is me not you
I just wanna make it up to you ooh
Girl nobody do you like I do, yeah
‘Cause I’m giving you loving (uh huh)
And you doing the touching (uh huh)
And I know that you want me (uh huh)
But you doing me strong thing
Mr. P
Girl girl girl you give me loving (uh huh)
And I’m doing the touching (uh uh)
And I know that you want me (uh huh)
But the feeling is hurting
Sour love
Sour love
Sour love


I can't see the starry sky
because the clouds are endless today
And I've been waiting for you, for now and forever
Can we see each other tonight though?
Because I have to discuss so much with you
And I know I love you, now and always
Now and always
And a rainbow shows the way
Between dream and night, how it goes on
And I'll always be with you, forever
And a rainbow will hold us tightly
If luck1 would leave us alone for once
And I'll always be with you, forever
the moon is not visible tonight
But it is beautiful despite that
If you're with me, for now and ever
You give me warmth and you give me time
You are my sun in the dark
And I know I love you, now and always
Now and always
And a rainbow shows the way
Between dream and night, how it goes on
And I'll always be with you, forever
And a rainbow will hold us tightly
If luck1 would leave us alone for once
And I'll always be with you, forever
Let yourself fall, let us live, float over all things
Let us love, let us drift, get annoyed by some things
I simply always want to be with you
And a rainbow shows the way
Between dream and night, how it goes on
And I'll always be with you, forever
And a rainbow will hold us tightly
If luck1 would leave us alone for once
And I'll always be with you, forever
I always want to be with you
  • Or 'happiness' but that would make little sense I believe.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

One Note Samba

Versions: #2
This is a little Samba
Built upon a single note
other notes are bound to follow
But the root is still that note
Now this new one is the consequence
Of the one we've just been through
As I'm bound to be the unavoidable
Consequence of you
There's so many people who just talk and talk and talk
And just say nothing
Or nearly nothing
I've used up all the scales I know and at the end
I've come to nothing, or nearly nothing
So i come back to my first note
As I must come back to you
I will pour into that one note
All the love I feel for you!
Anyone who wants the whole show
Ray Mi Fa So La Ti Do
He will find himself with no show
Better play the note you know

Preludium to Madness

Let him come to your kingdom.
the king of the country and the emperor of heaven
and land and sea and all animals
which live within .
Come and for the valorous David and Solomon
the holy king and his clavicle
and do not haste to help:
Six of you pray with the virtuous virgin
I bless you in the name of our god Satan.
May the devil be with you and with your spirit.
-Specter, the Flying Fox


Znam da se nikad neću osećati isto
Znam da možda nikad neću prihvatiti promenu, ali želim
Buljim u svoj ekran
Čekam na znak, čekam na smešak da mi dodje
Svakog dana vesti su smrt
Vi moću-opijeni seratori punite moju glavu očajem
Ne srećom..
Lažovi! (Lažovi!)
Lažovi! (Lažovi!)
Lažovi! (Lažovi!)
Možda sam postao previše čist
Možda je droga jedini način da budem slobodan...
Oh! Sreća...
Ne uništavam anksioznost
Čovek koji sam pokušao ali nikada nisam mogao biti je izbledeo
Sa srećom...
Svakog dana licemerstvo
Vidim zombije kako hodaju ulicom i to me ubija..
Njihova sreća...
Lažovi! (Lažovi!)
Lažovi! (Lažovi!)
Lažovi! (Lažovi!)


Don’t you know that
La Li La La La Sadness
La Li La La La Woo woo woo woo woo
Don’t you know that
La Li La La La Sadness
La Li La La La Woo woo woo woo woo
The love lost, pain is heading towards us, you’re not here, with the power of a tidal wave
My whole head is being filled with thoughts of missing you, I can’t run away
Time cannot erase love, but leave a heavy pain.
My memories keep on replaying, as if you had never left
Come back
Do you know that I’m still waiting?
I’m unable to break free, I have nowhere to evade
Unable to stand up to the deepest loneliness
I don’t know why why why why
Tell me why why why why
Does love still exist within despair?
Don’t you know that
La Li La La La Sad ne e e ess
La Li La La La Sad ne e e ess
La Li La La La La Li La La La Sadness
Sad ne e e ess
Loneliness is a black hole that swallows me, unable to stand up, I passively fall
No matter how many times I miss you, just let me withstand this twist of fate
Strained, heartache
The night is so cold it seems frozen, my thoughts of you have gone out of control
Never say good bye
Time cannot erase love, but leave a heavy pain
My memories keep on replaying, as if you had never left
Come back
Do you know that I’m still waiting?
I’m unable to break free, I have nowhere to evade
Unable to stand up to the deepest loneliness
I don’t know why why why why
Tell me why why why why
Does love still exist within despair?
Don’t you know that
La Li La La La Sad ne e e ess
La Li La La La Sad ne e e ess
La Li La La La La Li La La La Sadness
Sad ne e e ess
Colour has faded throughout the world, don’t know why
Yet I still believe you’ll come back, don’t know why
Come back~
I’m unable to break free, I have nowhere to evade
Unable to stand up to the deepest loneliness
I don’t know why why why why
Tell me why why why why
Does love still exist within despair?
Don’t you know that
La Li La La La Sad ne e e ess
La Li La La La Sad ne e e ess
La Li La La La La Li La La La Sadness
Sad ne e e ess Sadness

Tennessee Waltz

As I danced with my loved one
To the Tennessee Waltz
A girl approached us whom I hadn't seen in a long time
And she called him by his name
And he kissed her hand
And they had fallen for one another
In love, they danced
To the Tennessee Waltz
But I was watching them alone
Tonight I am lonely
But that girl has been his girlfriend
Ever since the Tennessee Waltz
In love, they danced
To the Tennessee Waltz
But I was watching them alone
Tonight I am lonely
But that girl has been his girlfriend
Ever since the Tennessee Waltz
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.


Let's make it a secret, baby
Yooo zane valee baby
Yooo zane valee papaaa
I have applied brakes on my flirting train
and you are the station (it's you, my love)
I don't have much, I'm not a child of the city
I was taught in the village, my love
Vanessa Mdee
That's nothing but a fake storytale!
Shame on you for the empty talk, I'm still young
Just yesterday you came out with flowers (yes)
You sent me a letter, but I didn't open it (why?)
If you were to read it (why?) you'd know many things (no)
Such as my heart which is filled with stakes
You have a husband (I love him) and I have a wife
We might make away with it, let's not panic! (loh)
Vanessa Mdee
You're a hoolingan
That's why I can't share love with you
What's wrong with me being insulted by that?
And what's wrong with your wife at home?
Ooh yeah, ooh ooh!
First, I would beg
My dear, accept it
We'll make it our little secret, just between the two of us
Vanessa Mdee
You will put me in trouble with this
A secret between two people is no secret
If you accept it
I will give you a car
and a salary
So you can make me a sister du
Vanessa Mdee
My mother taught me
that I should be afraid of boys
that I should stay away from them
You're all very bad
Vanessa Mdee
At our home
We were raised under religious principles
'Love your first home'
'Then you love yourself'
(or a false daddy)
Oh thank you for your time
I'd like to hear your response
Let me ask you a question? (ask what?)
about your husband, you know how much he makes?
He's a hoolingan (liar)
What do you tell me? (liar)
Everyday (liar)
My words do not harvest love
[Vanessa Mdee]
You have nothing new (liar)
What are you saying? (liar)
My words are (liar)
Your wife knows worse than that
Vanessa Mdee
You're a hoolingan
Then I can't share love with you
What's wrong with me being insulted by that?
And what's wrong with your wife at home?
Ooh yeah, ooh ooh!
If you accept it
I will give you a car
and a salary
So you can make me a sister du
Vanessa Mdee
My mother taught me
that I should be afraid of boys
that I should stay away from them
You're all very bad
First, I would beg
My dear, accept it
We'll make it our little secret, just between the two of us
Vanessa Mdee
You will put me in trouble with this
There is no secret between two people
If you accept
I will give you a car
and a salary
So you can make me a sister du
Vanessa Mdee
My mother taught me
that I should be afraid of boys
that I should stay away from them
You're all very bad


If the light in my room is on, will
someone come to hug the lonely me again?
with whom will I eat now
the dirty tasteless ramen I cooked?
a person of a few words and brusque
not the type to hug me at all
the night you didn't let my hands because yours were cold
I miss you, today my heart feels suffocated
you must be laughing when you think of me
the words we used for each other, we were so comfortable
again today I am buried in the bed
Eh-eh nights without you are so lonely
I'm tired of pretending to be strong every day
like the love song I made for you
on my bed your scent
I couldn't even erase that trace, it's can't be
I will go to you
just in the dream
it's easy to say that I will forget you
I hate myself for trying to forget you
it's easy to say that I will forget you
I hate myself for trying to forget you
you are my baby
why am I comparing all those women that like me with you?
no matter how much light there is, it's of no assistance
I'll love without inspiration
I can't avoid this
I fell in love and lost my soul
I became a corpse broken in pieces
this way it's better for me to go on a lonely road
to erase myself so that no one remembers me
'sorry, I can't do this anymore'
this is what you told me
but still 'I love you'
this is what I regret the most
I'm tired of pretending to be strong every day
like the love song I made for you
on my bed your scent
I couldn't even erase that trace, it's can't be
I will go to you
just in the dream
it's easy to say that I will forget you
I hate myself for trying to forget you
it's easy to say that I will forget you
I hate myself for trying to forget you
you are my baby
you must be laughing when you think of me
the words we used for each other, we were so comfortable
again today I am buried in the bed
Eh-eh nights without you are so lonely
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Time for waking (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Tíme for wáking!
Tíme for wáking!
You tóo Princéss are sléepless
Shút in your cóld apártments
Wátching the stár rays
Still trémble with afféction
And wíth endúrance...
But my mýstery‿is búried in mé
My real náme shall stáy unknówn!
No, no! Kíssing your móuth tomórrow‿at dáwn
Í shall disclóse‿it, ónly thén!
Only my kíss is bound to bréak the sílence
That mákes you míne.
(Choir of women)
His real náme shall stáy unknówn...
And all of ús, alás, are dóomed to díe!
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Do vánish, dárkness! Stars, do sét alréady!
Stars, do sét alréady! When dáwn comes Í shall wín!
Í shall wín! Í sháll wín!

Riskantan posao

Devojko, ti ulaziš u sobu kao uragan
Stav loše kučke me oduva
Ne vrištim, ali moje telo kaže možda, oh
Mogu da te odvedem kući, možemo ga držati na niskom
Jer srce neće goreti ako srce ne zna
Tvoje telo je vožnja, želim da se vozim celu noć
Ali kada me dodirneš, ja skrenem sa puta
Ta tvoja haljina je magična, uvaliće me u nevolju
Napravi dobrog čoveka, želim da prekršim pravila
Primačem se samo malo do tvog riskantnog posla
Pusti to
Gledaj me
Ulovi me
Pusti to
Gledaj me
Ulovi me
Ta tvoja haljina je magična, uvaliće me u nevolju
Napravi dobrog čoveka, želim da prekršim pravila
Primačem se samo malo do tvog riskantnog posla
Dušo, moram da ti kažem istinu koja me tera da lažem
Zato što izgledaš kao dezert od koga dobijam apetit
Ne vrištim, ali moje telo kaže možda, oh
Mogu da te odvedem kući, možemo ga držati na niskom
Jer srce neće goreti ako srce ne zna
Tvoje telo je vožnja, želim da se vozim celu noć
Ali kada me dodirneš, ja skrenem sa puta
Ta tvoja haljina je magična, uvaliće me u nevolju
Napravi dobrog čoveka, želim da prekršim pravila
Primačem se samo malo do tvog riskantnog posla
Pusti to
Gledaj me
Ulovi me
Pusti to
Gledaj me
Ulovi me
Ta tvoja haljina je magična, uvaliće me u nevolju
Napravi dobrog čoveka, želim da prekršim pravila
Primačem se samo malo do tvog riskantnog posla
Riskantan posao
Ti imaš cenu
Reci mi da si skupa
Sada ne mogu da te priuštim
Trčim, trčim, trčim za tobom
Znam koliko mi se sviđa
Ti si kao moja psiha
Prekoračujem brzinu
Trčim, trčim, trčim za tobom
Ti si kao zločin
Šta nije uredu sa time?
Ta tvoja haljina je magična, uvaliće me u nevolju
Napravi dobrog čoveka, želim da prekršim pravila
Primačem se samo malo do tvog riskantnog posla

Umirem za tebe

Da li znas, sve je tako hladno i prazno
bez tebe.
Veruj mi, sve je tako prazno i tesko
bez tebe.
i otkad si otisao,
jasno mi je,
koliko cvrsto i duboko to sa nama je bilo vec.
Nedostajes mi,
da, volim te,
sve dok moje srce kuca.
I kad umirem,
umrecu za tebe (i nocas umrecu za tebe)
i kad placem
placem za tobom (i nocas placem za tobom)
i kad mislim
mislicu na tebe (i nocas mislicu na tebe)
Tako me boli bez tebe!
Da li znas, to sa nama
bilo je jednostavno kraljevsko.
Veruj mi, to sa nama
kunem se, bilo je tako veliko za mene
oh bebo, veruj mi,
skuzila sam to,
svet zastaje,
kad se izgubi najbolje.
Nedostajes mi,
da, volim te,
sve dok moje srce kuca.
I kad umirem,
umrecu za tebe (i nocas umrecu za tebe)
i kad placem
placem za tobom (i nocas placem za tobom)
i kad mislim
mislicu na tebe (i nocas mislicu na tebe)
Tako me boli bez tebe!
umirem za tebe,
placem za tobom,
mislim na tebe,
placem za tobom.
I kad umirem,
umrecu za tebe (i nocas umrecu za tebe)
i kad placem
placem za tobom (i nocas placem za tobom)
i kad mislim
mislicu na tebe (i nocas mislicu na tebe)
Tako me boli bez tebe!

Usamljenost trkača na velikoj udaljenosti

Naporna je staza
Sa vetrom
I kišom koja pada na
Tvoja leđa.
Tvoje srce udara glasno
I postaje glasnije.
I postaje glasnije sve dok
Ti zvuk ne odzvanja u glavi
Sa svakim korakom kojim gaziš
I svakim uzdahom koji napraviš.
Čini da trčiš, da se nikada ne zaustaviš.
Moraš da pobediš, moraš da trčiš dok ne padneš.
Održi tempo, izdrži trku.
Um ti postaje bistriji.
Prešao si pola puta,
Ali milje, deluje kao da im nema kraja.
Kao da si u snu,
Ne stižeš nigde.
Deluje tako uzaludno.
Nastavi da trčiš i trčiš.
Nastavi da trčiš i trčiš.
Usamljenost trkača na velikoj udaljenosti.
Moram da održim kurs.
Moram da nastavim da trčim i pobedim.
Sve košta...
Moram da ostanem jak.
Moram da budem odlučan i poguram sebe napred.
Pretrči stepenice preko polja.
Okreni se da vidiš ko je na tvojim potpeticama
Mnogo ispred polja.
Linija postaje bliža, ali
Želiš li slavu koja dolazi
Kada se na kraju rastegneš?
Ideali su samo trag
Koji osećaš kada odustaješ od trke.
Sve je to uzaludno.