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Резултати претраге страна 6

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Није баш најбоље живети као лабораторијски пацов
У ћошку плексигласа
Напуни своју .308 и нека непријатељ то зна
Истина је урезана у месинг
Путеви света постали су трули
Све до коске
Са забрањеним оловом
Комора чиста и угланчана
На опасном, издајничким путем
Боље је бити мртав
Када је слобода укинута
Него слушати заморни говор
Гладан, одбачен и заборављен
Уморан, али не и сам самцит
Один је дао
Ствар коју не могу одбити
Десна рука слободног света која ће
Их послати у пакао
То је све за чиме жудиш
Зато пиј из Мимировог бунара
И сети се да је све што ти треба твој
Вода ће бити оскудна
Твој пламен се можда гаси
Али предаја је опција избота
Онај који чува и носи
Је дужан да брани
Речи утишаног гласа
Онда до последњег метка, и
Сети се када си сам
Один је дао
Ствар коју не могу одбити
Десна рука слободног света која ће
Их послати у пакао
То је све за чиме жудиш
Зато пиј из Мимировог бунара
И сети се да је све што ти треба твој
Твоји меци, крв и браћа
И твој ФН ФАЛ

Умиремо заједно

На твом сам задњем сједишту
док ме водиш до лудила
Имаш потпуну контролу
као и увијек, па
да ли се забављаш?
Јер ми се чини да ниси баш добро
Не смијемо се више
А и када плачемо, не плачемо заједно
Била нам је ово баш лијепа година
да, тако кажу
А протекла година била је ужасна
јер живимо у страху
и на корак смо да одустанемо од свега
Али ако умремо заједно сада
увијек ћемо имати једно друго
нећу те изгубити због неког другог
И ако умремо заједно сад
бићеш у мом загрљају заувијек
ако умремо заједно, умремо заједно сад
Волим те, реци да волиш и ти мене
Само тако ћемо изаћи из овог пакла који смо створили
Била нам је ово баш лијепа година
да, тако кажу
А протекла година била је ужасна
јер живимо у страху
и на корак смо да одустанемо од свега
Али ако умремо заједно сада
увијек ћемо имати једно друго
нећу те изгубити због неког другог
И ако умремо заједно сад
бићеш у мом загрљају заувијек
ако умремо заједно, умремо заједно сад
Узми моје срце и ишчупај га
понеси га на ону другу страну
Узми моје срце и ишчупај га
понеси га на ону другу страну
Узми моје срце и ишчупај га
понеси га на ону другу страну
Узми моје срце и ишчупај га
Узми моје срце и ишчупај га
Али ако умремо заједно сада
увијек ћемо имати једно друго
нећу те изгубити због неког другог
И ако умремо заједно сад
бићеш у мом загрљају заувијек
ако умремо заједно, умремо заједно сад


Прохожий, мне больно каждый раз!
Ты заставляешь меня чувствовать себя шл*хой!
Жаждущий и голодный, всегда просишь большего
Этой ночью с тобой, завтра с другим
Эгоистичные придурки, вы даже не беспокоитесь!
Ты даже не удосужишься спросить, что я чувствую
Когда я задыхаюсь и утопаю в слезах
Сломана, увлечена мелодией
Пытаюсь держать себя в руках, потому что ты пялишься на меня
Лицо, которое ты видишь, смотря на меня, это не я!
Это просто кожа и мышцы, не настоящая я
Не меня ты слышите, когда я пою для тебя
Не меня ты чувствуешь, когда я тебя касаюсь
Не меня!
Прохожий, это больно каждый раз
Когда я открываюсь, исповедуюсь тебе
Безжалостный, ты пожираешь меня живьём
Но всё же, ты — мой единственный выход, моё спасение!
Я знаю, что глазурь на торте сладкая
Но внутри он горький
Лезвия бритвы во рту
Потеряна в зеркальном лабиринте смерти
Прохожий, это больно каждый раз
Когда я открываюсь, исповедуюсь тебе
Безжалостный, ты пожираешь меня живьём
Но всё же, ты — мой единственный выход, моё спасение!
Здравствуй, тёмная сцена!
Прими меня в свои объятия!
Позволь времени проходит мимо меня, сотри меня!
Позволь мне раствориться в тишине, проглоти меня
Я задыхающаяся и ничтожная, прости меня, прости!

Eye Of The Tiger

He walks in the streets
he walks, he walks alone
yes the tiger, is a powerful young man
no one messes with him
He works out every day in the gym
he jumps rope very quickly
he surrounds the training area
with the track suit that he bought in Lod
Because the eye of the tiger saw wars
and horrors that we should not know of
yes, the eye of the tiger saw wars
the sparkle has not gone out
in the eye of the tiger
He walks in the streets
with bands and stripes
his fur is like steel
no one messes with him


I was dizzy
I was the worst, and deep in my heart,
I was trapped by something like a wall
When loneliness came to wake me up,
I pleaded for it to stay away
You were the only one in my life,
Yet I bury you in darkness
No human
Will be able to stay sane right now, no (no)
I’m fine, let it go
Do I regret it? No trouble.
Leave me alone (leave me alone)
I can’t bring myself to realistic
You are not Sober
So we are over
I'm really Sober
Get out my mind
Hey, at the moment, I cannot let go
I kneel, I hold onto your leg, I plead,
But we can’t go back Anymore (Sober)
I act like I’m fine,
Yet I don’t know what to do
I’ve never faced something like this,
So I can’t help but cry inside
No human
Will be able to stay sane right now, no (no)
I’m fine, let it go
Do I regret it? No trouble
Leave me alone (leave me alone)
I can’t bring myself to realistic
What do you know about me?
I want it all to disappear
I can deal with it if it happens now
No human
Will be able to stay sane right now, no (no)
I’m fine, let it go
Do I regret it? No trouble
Leave me alone (leave me alone)
I can’t bring myself to realistic
You are not Sober
So we are over
I'm really Sober
Get out my mind (Get out my mind)
You are not Sober
So we are over
I'm really Sober
Get out my mind

I don't give a

After the fall
I'm on my feet again, but nobody knows
Even the words you say to me yeah
I don't give a sh
I don't care no more
I'm on fire
leavin' desire
Throw away the heart I tried to hold on for so long
Unfulfilled yesterday's dream
At the end of it, I still on my way
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
I'm ready to take off
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
The only way to live is living without rules
I'm about to take off
Here in the thick fog
I gradually begin to see my blurry path
A strong wind blows right in my face
But I'll just turn around and go the other way
I'm on fire
leavin' desire
Throw away the heart I tried to hold on for so long
Unfulfilled yesterday's dream
At the end of it, I still on my way
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
I'm ready to take off
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
The only way to live is living without rules
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
I'm ready to take off
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
The only way to live is living without rules
I'm about to take off

Opus 03

Versions: #1
One girl has found a grenade in a field,
[But] she didn't know what to do with such thing.
Then an old man told her: Pull out the pin.
Long time her sandal flew over the field.

Very Very

I don't even need stars from the sky
Only your chocolate lips are sweeter
I don't need days without you, and nights
Only with you, very very much
I don't even need stars from the sky
Only your chocolate lips are sweeter
I don't need days without you, and nights
Only with you, very very much
Yes I was seduced, vroom vroom
But only in the Rolls
Do you want to know how I forgot you?
It's very simple, hey
Yes I'm young, ice on me
How long have I been running after her
She shouted: 'you made it'
Yes I'm young, ice on me
Where, where, where, where, where can I find you
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes we're on lite
She wants likes on insta
But I'm leaving, forgive me
I'm leaving,
No, I'm not coming back
I can't
I'll just smile
I don't even need stars from the sky
Only your chocolate lips are sweeter
I don't need days without you, and nights
Only with you, very very much
I don't even need stars from the sky
Only your chocolate lips are sweeter
I don't need days without you, and nights
Only with you, very very much
Where are your promises?
She begs for attention
I wave goodbye
Didn't live up to expectations
Who brought you to me
Babe, show me
What is love?
You tell me
She came to me, stole my heart
No, I'm not sad, my soul is singing
I got rid of everything that reminded me of you
I have a lot of money
Became a bird, flew higher (so early)
Your soul is aching (like a wound)
All my tracks are about you (a ballad)
I remember you didn't sleep at night, yeah
I don't even need stars from the sky
Only your chocolate lips are sweeter
I don't need days without you, and nights
Only with you, very very much
I don't even need stars from the sky
Only your chocolate lips are sweeter
I don't need days without you, and nights
Only with you, very very much

Becoming Insane

I don't remember what happened
I didn't even realize what stung me
Everything's spinning like a carousel
Insanity's running all over my skin
Wake me up before I change again
Remind me of the story that I won't get insane
Tell me why it's always the same
Explain me the reason why I'm so much in pain
Before I change again...
Remind me of the story that I won't get insane
Before I change again...
Remind me the story that I won't get insane
I'm losing, losing
I'm losing, losing
I'm losing, losing
I'm losing, losing
I'm losing ground...
I'm becoming Insane.
Insane, Insane, Insane, Insane, I'm becoming insane!!!

Just to sing

It’s a song without a title,
just to sing, to do something.
It’s nothing extraordinary,
is something of our country
that you can sing even without voice,
the health is enough.
If you have health, you have everything,
with just health and a pair of new shoes
you can travel all over the world…
and I accompany myself alone.
To make life less bitter
I’ve bought a guitar
and when the sun sets and dies
I feel my heart is a singer.
My voice is little but tuned,
It’s no use to serenade
but only to make me able
to have a dream early in the evening.
Just to sing
because I feel a thrill in my heart
Just to dream
Because a flower is blooming in my bosom
A lilac flower
that brings me back to my first love
who sighed while singing my songs
and made me crazy with her lies.
Beautiful, passionate songs
that remind me of my Rome,
sang just for spite
but with a yearning heart,
I don’t sing you in full voice,
but all my soul is serene
and when the sky fades in colour
nobody falls in love with me.
Just to sing
because I feel a thrill in my heart
Just to dream
Because a flower is blooming in my bosom
A lilac flower
that brings me back to my first love
who sighed while singing my songs
and made me crazy with her lies.
Just to sing
because I feel a thrill in my heart
Just to dream
Because a flower is blooming in my bosom
A lilac flower
that brings me back to my first love
who sighed while singing my songs
and made me crazy with her lies.

It's already getting light over Berlin

(It's already getting light over Berlin)
We wander through the night, enjoying life
The night was hot, where was the time?
The sweat on the skin tastes like salty rain
You have stolen my heart tonight
The morning dawns and everything revolves around us
Like in a circle tonight
And I have the suspicion
You have kindled love in me tonight
It's already getting light over Berlin
The sun is rising, lilac clouds drifting
It's already getting light over Berlin
We dance together on the Kurfürstendamm
Barefoot through the night, until the day dawns
Swimming in the Spree, then a coffee-milk
It's already getting light over Berlin
So beautiful, don't want to go to sleep
We reel with happiness towards love
I hold you in my arms
Berlin is awake and we dance in the rain
What have you, have you done to me?
The morning dew laughs, my feeling says
It is true love tonight
And I have the suspicion
You have lit a fire inside me
It's already getting light over Berlin
The sun is rising, lilac clouds drifting
It's already getting light over Berlin
We dance together on the Kurfürstendamm
Barefoot through the night, until the day dawns
Swimming in the Spree, then a coffee-milk
It's already getting light over Berlin
So beautiful, don't want to go to sleep
The morning dawns and everything revolves around us
Like in a circle tonight
And I have the suspicion
You have kindled love in me tonight
It's already getting light over Berlin
The sun is rising, lilac clouds drifting
It's already getting light over Berlin
We dance together on the Kurfürstendamm
It's already getting light over Berlin
The sun is rising, lilac clouds drifting
It's already getting light over Berlin
We dance together on the Kurfürstendamm
Barefoot through the night, until the day dawns
Swimming in the Spree, then a coffee-milk
It's already getting light over Berlin
So beautiful, don't want to go to sleep