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Резултати претраге страна 7

Број резултата: 478


Сећање на тебе

У углу сам неке кафане
слушам песму коју сам наручио.
Баш ми служе моју малу текилу.
а моје мисли већ лете ка теби.
Знај, ти си моја несрећа,
и опет долазим овамо да те се сетим.
јер горко је оно што нам се десило
и кад је жена безосећајно зла .
Ко није у свом животу спознао,
издају познату ту
кад вас изневери та љубав зла ?
Ко у кафану није ишао
тражећи своју текилу
и тражећи своју песму?
Сипају ми већ задње пиће.
Не знам сад да ли још има вере у мени
Сад се само поново питам
Што дирати поново ,,Оно што је прошло,, .
Ко није у овом животу спознао,
издају познату ту
кад вас изневери та љубав зла ?
Ко у кафану није ишао
тражећи своју текилу
и тражећи своју песму?
Спају ми већ задње пиће,
не знам дали још има вере у мени
Сад се само већ поново питам
што дирати поново ,,Оно што је прошло,,

Tra Tra

Yo, DJ
Tell her to throw it-1
Back, back, back, back
Back, back, back, back
Back, back, back, back
Now we're gonna ride her
Back, back, back, back (we're gonna ride her)
Back, back, back, back (we're gonna ride her)
Back, back, back, back (we're gonna ride her)
Take you from behind
Um, um, um (There)
Um, um, um (There)
Um, um, um (There)
Now we're gonna ride her
(There, there, there, there, there, there, there)
Now we're gonna ride her
(There, there, there, there)
Yo, DJ
Tell her to throw it-1
Back, back, back, back
Back, back, back, back
Back, back, back, back
Now we're gonna ride her
Tell her to throw it-
Back, back, back, back
Back, back, back, back
Back, back, back, back
I'm N-Fasis
DJ Alexis is the producer
Reggaeton, Latino, and more, the album, hahaha
  • Throw it back means to shake your ass/twerk

You Train, You Small Car

Green scabiosa leaf,
Green scabiosa leaf,
You train, you small car,
Where are you taking John?
His dear Marry, yo!
You train, you small car,
Where are you taking John?
His dear Marry, yo!
You're taking him in circles,
You're taking him in circles,
From Craiova to Pitești,
And his last stop is in Bucharest.
His dear Marry, yo!
From Craiova to Pitești,
And his last stop is in Bucharest.
His dear Marry, yo!
You train, may you lose
You train, may you lose
All your screws
And all the tracks from under your wheels.
His dear Marry, yo!
Cuz you've took my man far away from me,
Cuz you've took my man far away from me.
His dear Marry, yo!
You train, since you took him,
You train, since you took him,
I've been crying non-stop,
I've been crying non-stop.
His dear Marry, yo!
You train, since you took him,
I've been lamenting non-stop.
His dear Marry, yo!
Once again, green scabiosa leaf,
You train, you small car,
Where are you taking John?
Where are you taking John?
His dear Marry, yo!
You're taking him in circles,
From Craiova to Pitești.
His dear Marry, yo!
You're taking him in circles,
From Craiova to Pitești.
His dear Marry, yo!
And his last stop is in Bucharest,
And his last stop is in Bucharest.
His dear Marry, yo!

Don't watch

Don't watch, don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch
This show would ruin your life night and day
Every single episode causes dismay
Just don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch
Three kids lose their home and go live with a brute
He wants their dues with an unlawful plan
The things they have to live through can't be quantified
Or what's the real reason why you're here watching
Just don't watch, don't watch
All you're going to find are anguish and horror
Even a sane would reply to this question with:
'Don't watch, don't watch, don't watch'
Don't watch, don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch

The distance is impossible to bear (What a distance)

I am in Iran and you're in Iraq
The distance is impossible to bear, the distance is impossible to bear
Remember me, every now and then
The distance is impossible to bear, the distance is impossible to bear
This distance makes no sense to me
Haram is where I'm meant to be
Being worlds apart is breaking me
I'm dying
Karbala is a necessity, Hussain
This Arbaeen, what will become of me, Hussain
This year I'll have to wait patiently
I'm dying
I am in Iran and you're in Iraq
The distance is impossible to bear, the distance is impossible to bear
I'd give my youth for your flag-bearer's
The distance is impossible to bear, the distance is impossible to bear
I dream of the walk on Arbaeen
To be in Karbala, closer to my Deen
To take refuge in you ree flag, serene
O serenity
These days I'm craving black locust cologne
The sweet bitterness of hot Iraqi tea on my tongue
To weep in the shrine of your flag-bearer alone
O serenity

Beautiful Beautiful

Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam
Breathe In Out even for a 0.1 sec
I'm serious I'm deeply sincere (yes I mean it)
You&I even now we are expanding
like universe deeper universe
It's all about the frame people made up
Never gonna give in Imma break it
I'll set up the courage to be hated
damagin' me but it makin' me strong
Today too I blessed myself for my hard work
I'm beautiful sing it yeah yeah yeah
All my cry-out of my life is now art art art
I'm wonderful feel it la la la la
show it to the world we blossomin' some more
Sing it with me
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabapabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabapabam pam (Beautiful!)
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabapabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabapabam pam
Set me free Throw it all Throw it all away
Let me be the way I am, just the way I am
I, awake Who are you to control me No
I'm my own master My own master
all I wanna be is not
Number one I mean only one
every day racing
stronger I mean stranger
Yeah I'm shinin' more than ever
Uh, I was excited to see me like this
That's me, this me, listen
Toast up for a day like this
I'm beautiful sing it yeah yeah yeah
All my cry-out of my life is now art art art
I'm wonderful feel it la la la la
show it to the world we blossomin' some more
So you know we all have a galaxy in ours hearts (oh, oh)
tears are droppin' after overcomin' darkness (Oh)
We become brilliant stars
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam
I'm beautiful sing it yeah yeah yeah
All my cry-out of my life is now art art art
I'm wonderful feel it la la la la
show it to the world go louder and we shout
sing it with me
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam (Beautiful!)
Still aliven we are, still dreaming we are,
how beautiful we are, we be, we still here
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam
Brrram pabam pabam pampam, pampabampabam pam (Beautiful)

My Name Is

I'm Hyojin, that red hair kid from ONF
like a sensitive roe deer when it's empty stomachs
That'a not how I feel inside even I nag you a lot
I'm Hyojin, the leader of the team ON
Hello this is WYATT
You know, when you listening to my voice,
It will make you feel like that yu're in a cave,
I know that suits to my face image, but that's not my true personality
Twist os Twist Yeah, now yu can call me a princess
I'm the one who isn't brave, but wanna be brave
And the one who wants to be close to MK
My Name Is
My Name Is
I'm J-US My nickname sounds funny
I like to be chilly but I hate to be bothered
When I am rehearsing, nag modes ON, cucumber in gimbab is OFF
I'm J-US the leadear of the team OFF
I'm E-tion Lee Chang Yoon Sensation
Third leadear Yeah I'm a fashion leadear
Keep loving me even I look 'chang-dol' sometimes
I'm E-tion Everything is sesation
My Name Is
My Name Is
I am U, got cute personality
I know I look grown up
but I am actually the youngest member U
I'm MK a Lemon it's fresh more than yesterday and today
you'd better be careful pop pop pop I might pop out
I look like a weirdo sometimes
but no one can stop me
except 'father Hwang' when I'm doing music
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ONF
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ONF
I will be the light of your youth
Dn't be alone 'Fuse' lghts on lights on
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
My Name Is
ON and OFF
My Name Is
ON and OFF

That Was Just A Moment

That was just a moment
just an instant
that I looked into your eyes, so close
Now I remember you
as if you were mine
A whole eternity
It's not just a dream, because you exist
and one day you will know
someone loves you
but when?
I know and I try
so that I can find you


Smireno osećam kako se razvijam
Užasno, toliko toga ne otkrivam
Odugovlačio sam, mislim da čujem aplauze, dozivaju
Miks-kasete nisu nešto čime se bavim, ali bilo je strašno zamarajuće
Držeći se za pesme ovako dugo je obezhrabrujuće
Što me navelo da uputim poziv koji se činio hrabrim
Rezultujući onime što vidite danas, nastavljam da se prepuštam
Kao i uvek, poni sa jednim trikom je tu1, zato prekinite da se durite
Rođen efikasan, imam ambicija, pomalo zloban, jap, to sam ja
Nisam umetnički nadaren, nerealističan, šovinista, ništa od toga
Idem do kraja, tako produktivan, postovi su kriptični, krećem se brzo
Nepokoran, kralj nestašluka
Zlatna karta, retkost
Ostajem predan, prihvatam strogoću
Vragolast sam sa njom, da, u osnovi
Predobar da bih imitirao, ti mrziš, ogorčen si
Nema favorizovanja, to je u redu
Stvaram zagonetke, prikazan kao neljudski
Pomalo nesiguran, oh, da, zaista
Prosto je i jednostavno, daleko sam od krtog
'Nesalomiv', pratiš li me?
Ja sam Brus Vilis u železničkoj nesreći2
Ja sam kao kada menjaš svoj auto za novi avion3
Ja sam kao kada uznemiriš šefa
Jer si mu tražio manju platu
Ja sam kao kada radiš stoj na glavi sa slomljenim vratom
Ja sam kao neko ko ti gleda dete kako prohodava
Ja sam kao kada kažeš da Bil Gejts ne može da plati stanarinu
Jer je previše dekintiran, šta želim da kažem sa ovim?
Neverovatno, da, da, nezamislivo
Vidim sebe kao relativno razumnu osobu
Ali nekada znam biti tvrdoglav, tako da
Ako treba, poljuljaću situaciju
Obično ne biram lakši način
To prosto nije moj fah
Ono što misliš da je verovatno neizvodljivo
Ja sam to uradio stostruko, stostruko
Vrlo je verovatno da ću pritisnuti kovertu
Ideje su astronomske
Ponekad mi se čine komičnim
Da, neuporedivo, ponovljive vrednosti fenomenalne
Izbor bita izvanredan, usporiti me, nemoguće
Ne furam Rolekse
Ne družim se sa folirantima (Ne)
Zapravo nemam trofeje
Ne znam zašto me Bog izabrao (Ne znam)
Imam nešto u šolji, nije kodein (Nikad)
Promeni stil, rekli su mi
Sada mi dolaze sa 'Buraz'
Čoveče, bolje bi vam bilo da se odmaknete polako, odmaknete polako
Vuu, koga vi zajebavate?
Kako ste mogli da sumnjate u mene? Uvek sam ispunjavao zahteve
Čupajući mi zube napolje iz zadnjeg dela usta
Je najbliže što prići mojoj mudrosti4
Vidiš, moja prva pomisao je bila da čekam
Ali šta da kažem? Morao sam da dođem u posetu
Vidim kako ste momci, jeste mi dobri?
Godina vam je bila baš sranje? Da, to sam i mislio
Pokrivaju glave svaki put kada se pojavim
Poljuljam celu industriju, stavim ih u šok
Pojavim se iz oblaka poput meteora
I onda sletim na zemlju kao 'Spremni ili ne?'
Ne postoji niko poput mene, najbolji među svima
Nemoj da se kurčiš, bolje mi pokaži poštovanje
Podignem ti telo i postavim blok5
Okej, priznajem, to je preterivanje, ne
Pogledi poput onih kod jelena pred farovima kada spustim nogu na zemlju
Zamenjuju me za jadnika bez značaja u svom imenu
Zemlja se upravo zatresla, hajde da ne okolišamo
Čak ih je i moja B-strana iznenadila, kao 'kako to uspeva?'
Neki kažu da sam dobar uzor
Ne znam baš, ali jesam dao sve od sebe
'Holivud, Holivud
Hope Nate neće stići do Holivuda'
To mislite, ne poznajete me dobro
To mislite, ne poznajete me dobro
'Holivud, Holivud
Hope Nate neće stići do Holivuda'
To mislite, ne poznajete me dobro
To mislite, ne poznajete me
Uvek napredujem, govorim kako se osećam, znate za šta se zalažem
Pomeram granicu, moram da se proširim
Na vrhu top liste, postavljam kampanju
Zalažem uloge, postavljam svoj šator
Pucam pravo u zvezde, padaju mi na dlan
Držim se svojih pištolja, ni ne trzam se
Možeš da guraš koliko god hoćeš, neću se pomeriti ni inča
Retko promašujem, znaš da sam nemilosrdan
Nemam izbora, nema načina da se spreči
Prosto sam takav, i ne žalim
Vidim šta želim i onda idem po to
Pratio sam svoj instinkt, srećan sam što sam to uradio
Uspeo iako nisam imao šanse, nemam limita
Ne mogu biti zaustavljen, obraćaš li pažnju?
Ne moram ni reći, znaju o čemu razmišljam
Znaju o čemu razmišljam
  • 1. Osoba koja poseduje samo jedan talenat
  • 2. Unbreakable je film u kojem Brus Vilisov lik nakon nesreće u vozu saznaje da mu ništa ne može nauditi, nakon što je jedini koji je preživeo nesreću
  • 3. ovde je greška u tekstu na engleskom, treba da piše 'new jet'
  • 4. u pitanju je igra reči - takođe se misli na umnjake (engl. wisdom teeth)
  • 5. 'Throw a block' je termin iz američkog fudbala kada se udara o protivničkog igrača kako bi se sprečio da izvrši obaranje

Flower Girl

Lady, flower girl
Love, first love
You're the awakening of a song
Which fell asleep in my heart
And today came love arriving, love singing
I heard love speak
In the voice of your gaze
Look, child
First love, flower girl
Look, child
In such a time
First love, flower girl


Pucaj, pa pa pa
bežiš od mene
Gledaš me u oči
Gra ta ta ta ta
Pucaj pa pa pa
Bežiš od mene
Gledaš me u oči
Gra ta ta ta ta
Tako te volim moja duso, mamice!
Ne trebaju ti Gucci, Louis, Prada
Svojom skromnoscu ubila si u meni gada
Pare padaju sa neba, ah dobro
Šta je sa nama
Pogledaj nas
Šta mi radimo sa tobom
Sad smo zauzeti
Šta je sa nama
Pogledaj nas
Šta mi radimo sa tobom
Sad smo zauzeti
Pucaj, pa-pa-pa
Bežiš od mene
Gledaš me u oči
Gra ta-ta-ta-ta
Pucaj pa-pa-pa
Bežis od mene
Gledaš me u oči
Ja te tako volim moja dušo, mamice!
Ne trebaju ti Gucci Louis Prada
Svojom skromnošću ubila si u meni gada
Pare padaju sa neba, o dobro
Pucaj, pa pa pa
zabolela me glava
Ti si mi pevala la la la
I srce ukrala la la la
Ovaj pogled
me tako privlači
to je istina
Svoju tugu ću ja
reći u svojim bitovima
Pucaj, pa-pa-pa
Bežis od mene
Gledaš me u oči
Pucaj pa pa pa
Bežiš od mene
Gledaš me u oči
Gra -ta -ta- ta- ta
Tako te volim moja duso, mamice!
Ne trebaju ti Gucci, Louis, Prada
Svojom skromnošću ubila si u meni gada
Pare padaju sa neba, o dobro
Tako te volim moja dušo, mamice!
Ne trebaju ti, Gucci, Louis, Prada
Svojom skromnošću ubila si u meni gada
Pare padaju sa neba, o dobro


ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
When I look into my heart
That I silently kept
Precious days are endlessly spread out
I was quietly looking over
As I gathered my scattered breaths
Then I blew in warmth into the cold air
I miss so many things
So I’m closing my eyes just a little longer
As if I’m still traveling
Between the memories
Between the seasons
All the moments that were forgotten
I’m bringing them back again one by one
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
The crinkling leaves under my toes
Suddenly become white snow
As it slightly wets my feet
Along with my built up hopes and dreams
I’m placing you in this white scene
I’m thankful for so much
So I’m standing here for a little longer
I miss so many things
So I’m closing my eyes just a little longer
As if I’m still traveling
Between the memories
Between the seasons
All the moments that were forgotten
I’m bringing them back again one by one
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
As if to get my breath back
I’m leaning on a corner of a memory
And when I exhale all the tired emotions
It gets so clear
Between the memories
Between the seasons
So all the moments that remain
Won’t fade
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah


Tonight I am going out carousing
To see if I can get rid of
A sorrow that I have in my soul
That burdens me and makes me cry.
If I meet up with death there,
As a man I should not fear it.
If your love I have lost forever,
What do I care if I lose my life?
I already tried to live without seeing her.
I already struggled to not be unhappy,
And I only found two ways:
Either I win or I stop living.
Tonight I will serenade her,
I don't care if I lose or win.
Tonight I will sing to the ingrate
Three songs that will make her cry.
If they kill me at the foot of her gate,
As a man they would be doing me a favor.
What more can I ask of life
Than to die together, together with my love?
I already tried to live without seeing her.
I already struggled to not be unhappy,
And I only found two ways:
Either I win or I stop living.


Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš?
Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš? (Okej)
Moj brat te mrzi, moja majka te mrzi, moj otac i sestra takođe
Čekaj, pa čak i nemam sestru
Ali da je imam, mrzela bi te
Sve je u prošlom vremenu
Jer smo definitivno više nego završili
I ponestaje mi
Posnestaje načina da ti objasnim
Mislim da je slatko
Pogledaj me u oči,
Nećeš to uraditi (vuu)
Šest noževa u moja leđa
Reci mi zašto bi to uradio (uradio to)
Sunce zađe, drugo lice
Mislio si da neću saznati njeno ime
Dala sam ti sve poverenje
Ne mogu da verujem da bi to zloupotrebio
Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš?
Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš?
Svi ti izlivi besa
Neće me povratiti, ljubavi
Samo budi muško, ljubavi
I ne mislim na verziju za javnost
Samo mislim da budeš bolja osoba
Jednom, odrasti (okej)
Kada bi preuzeo odgovornost
I dalje bi držao moju ruku
Možda ne tako čvrsto, ali barem bi možda
Možda bi imao šanse
Ne želim čak ni da nastavljam da pričam o ovome
Pa ću samo stati
Moša, mislila sam da sam završila, ali nisam (završila, ali nisam)
Mislim da je slatko
Pogledaj me u oči,
Nećeš to uraditi (uraditi to)
Šest noževa u moja leđa
Reci mi zašto bi to uradio
Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš?
Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš?
Svi ti izlivi besa
Neće me povratiti, ljubavi
Samo budi muško, ljubavi
I ne mislim na verziju za javnost
Samo mislim da budeš bolja osoba
Jednom, odrasti (okej)
Oh, da,da,da,da
Oh, da,da,da,da
Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš?
Odrasti, odrasti (da)
Mali dečače, zar nećeš da odrasteš?
Svi ti izlivi besa
Neće me povratiti, ljubavi
Samo budi muško, ljubavi
I ne mislim na verziju za javnost
Samo mislim da budeš bolja osoba
Jednom, odrasti (okej)
Samo budi muško, ti bebo
Završila sam (okej)

Pogrešan pravac

[Strofa 1]
Ne mrzim te
Ne, ne bih mogla ni kada bih htela
Samo mrzim sav bol
Koji si mi naneo
I što krivim sebe
Jer sam ti dozvolila
Jesi li znao da sam.vec znala?
Nisam te čak mogla ni videti
Kroz dim
Sad kad razmislim, verovatno je trebalo da znam
Ali samo sam želela da verujem da si spavao sam
Voleo si me sa najgorim namerama
Nisi čak ni stao da se zapitaš
Svaki put kada si me osramotio
Ne znam kako, za trenutak delovao je kao raj
Voleo si me sa najgorim namerama
Naslikao si nam srećan kraj
Svaki put kada si me osramotio
Ne znam kako, za trenutak delovao je kao raj
I to je vrlo gadno
Padanje u pogrešnom pravcu
[Strofa 2]
Na vrhovima prstiju
Ali i dalje nisam mogla da dohvatim tvoj ego
Izgleda da sam bila luda da ti dam svoje telo, svoj um
Ne znam šta sam mislila do sada
Svi misle da si neko drugi
Čak si ubedio i sebe
Nisam te čak mogla ni videti
Kroz dim
Sad kad razmislim, verovatno je trebalo da znam
Ali samo sam želela da verujem da si spavao sam
Voleo si me sa najgorim namerama
Nisi čak ni stao da se zapitaš
Svaki put kada si me osramotio
Ne znam kako, za trenutak delovao je kao raj
Voleo si me sa najgorim namerama
Naslikao si nam srećan kraj
Svaki put kada si me osramotio
Ne znam kako, za trenutak delovao je kao raj
I to je tako gadno (uuu, uuu)
Padanje u pogrešnom pravcu (uuu, uuu)
Kako si me oborio s nogu?
Dušo, ne mogu da nastavim
Da padam u pogrešnom pravcu
Kako si me oborio s nogu?
S nogu?
Nisam te čak mogla ni videti
Kroz dim
Sad kad razmislim, verovatno je trebalo da znam
Ali samo sam želela da verujem da si spavao sam
Voleo si me sa najgorim namerama
Nisi čak ni stao da se zapitaš
Svaki put kada si me osramotio
Ne znam kako, za trenutak delovao je kao raj
Voleo si me sa najgorim namerama
Naslikao si nam srećan kraj
Svaki put kada si me osramotio
Ne znam kako, za trenutak delovao je kao raj
I to je vrlo gadno
Padanje u pogrešnom pravcu

Zagrobni zivot

Crvene oci,kao dim se dizemo
Kao sveca koja lagano gori
Veruj mi u sta zelis
Da li se igras samnom?
Svaki put tvoje ime,kada napusti moje usne
Pece i dalje,kao ne izgovovorene reci
Vatra u mojim venama,pij duboko,ljubavi
Podseti me da sam ziva
Hoces li me voleti kada mi otkucaj srca stane?
Kada mi otkucaj srca stane,hoces li ostati moj? (Moj)
Hoces li mi obecati da ces potraziti nas?
Hoces li me pronaci nakon zivota? (Zivota)
Oh,u dobru ili u zlu
Hoce li smrt biti nas poslednji poljubac,moja ljubavi? (Ljubavi)
Hoces li mi obecati da ces potraziti nas?
Hoces li me pronaci nakon zivota? (Zivota)
Zvoni mi u uhu
Oh,zarobljena sam,niko ne dolazi
Besmrtnost je blazenstvo
Spustis me,pa me stavis na pijedestel
Sada kad me nema,nedostajacu ti
Svaki put tvoje ime,kada napusti moje usne
Pece i dalje,kao ne izgovovorene reci
Vatra u mojim venama,pij duboko,ljubavi
Podseti me da sam ziva
Hoces li me voleti kada mi otkucaj srca stane?
Kada mi otkucaj srca stane,hoces li ostati moj? (Moj)
Hoces li mi obecati da ces potraziti nas?
Hoces li me pronaci nakon zivota? (Zivota)
Oh,u dobru ili u zlu
Hoce li smrt biti nas poslednji poljubac,moja ljubavi? (Ljubavi)
Hoces li mi obecati da ces potraziti nas?
Hoces li me pronaci nakon zivota? (Zivota)
Sveca gori
Hoces li pronaci,hoces li me pronaci nakon zivota?
Oh,nakon zivota,zagrobni zivot
Hoces li voleti (Hoces li voleti) u zagrobnom zivotu?
Hoces li voleti (Hoces li voleti),hoces li voleti mene?
Hoces li voleti (Hoces li voleti) u zagrobnom zivotu?
Hoces li voleti (Hoces li voleti),hoces li voleti mene?
Hoces li me voleti kada moj otkucaj srca stane?
Kada mi otkucaj srca stane,hoces li ostati moj?
Hoces li mi obecati da ces potraziti nas?
Hoces li me pronaci nakon zivota? (Zivota)
Oh,u dobru ili u zlu
Hoce li smrt biti nas poslednji poljubac,moja ljubavi? Oh-oh
Kada mi otkucaj srca stane,hoces li ostati moj?
Zagrobni zivot
Zagrobni zivot

Childhood 80

I touched to the past
With my fingers, I lived yesterday as if it was again
I know that the truth never dies
It's rocking like the snow fallen from the pastel sky
I leave tomorrow to others
I take only the moment
If it's for thinking the end
Count on my childhood dreams
Why stop dreaming
If peace can be found
When it gets close to the end
I won't get up
Little, I'm running from the time, already fear of conveniences
And the truth enrichs the people, it's crazy what they think
We fly in paper planes, they won't be able to catch us
If we shout our thirst doesn't end
I leave tomorrow to others
I take only the moment
If it's for thinking the end
Count on my childhood dreams
Why stop dreaming
If peace can be found
When it gets close to the end
I won't get up
I regret my adolescence
However it's not still over
When you're little there's mistrust
And then comes the contempt
There are days when you're not doing well
Which you forget when it goes well
Adults scream, they complain
They say things that aren't useful
You spend your life in the past
However it's not that good
Do you remember the days you spent?
The months of May, water fights
You have to get used, you're only grown-up
There will be plenty of them, you'll see
Good things, nice moments
When it's over you'll regret
I leave tomorrow to others
I take only the moment
If it's for thinking the end
Count on my childhood dreams
Why stop dreaming
If peace can be found
When it gets close to the end
I won't get up

Dear on myself

Leave me on my grief
Continue to desert me
Let humans know
I'm crazy in your love
I'm disappointed in you
I miss reaching to you with longing
Across the sea of ​​fear
I'm used not to see,
Other than your eyes
I'm disappointed in you
It wasn't in my mind
To be stubborn and arrogance
You injured me while I was patient
After patience, what will be happened
I'm disappointed in you
I am dear on myself
I don't care at what happened yesterday
And today is not like yesterday
Tomorrow you will come back wounded
I'm disappointed in you
I'm disappointed in you

Under the Moon

Long shadows were suspended
On the wet asphalt after the rain
It was sparkling so much that
Suddenly my tears came welling up.
On the thorny path you guided me down
I shed blood,
Rusting over.
My heart aches deep within.
I want to sink my suffering body into the ocean.
Beyond the darkness I didn't wish for
The moon laughs at me as I tremble.
We spend time making something and then immediately give up
Breaking it without so much as a reason.
Those are always intangible things,
And we only begin to realize after we've lost them.
If my arms that embrace you
Are a hindrance, it's alright if you trample over them.
Wound up in the thread of fate,
Unable to move my body, I just stumble around.
In this world without sound
Even if you're there
There's no reason for me to live.
Don't stop the hands pressing you forward
See them off until the end...
Wound up in the thread of fate,
Unable to move my body, I just stumble around.
In this world without sound
Even if you're there
There's no reason for me to live.
I've counted so much endless darkness
That selfishly passes me by.
As I sang out to the sky, unable to reach it
The moon was shining down
Upon me.

Mushrooms and a field

One day a boy went out to pick some mushrooms in the woods.
Somehow he found his way on to the minefield...
He walked all over the mines, he had a lot of fun.
This boy must have had a light step.

Neuspesno Snalazenje Sa Prirodnom Lepotom Preljube

A) anorgenska transmutogeneza (sinteticka podela)
Veruj i bice ti verovano
Kaze lazov budali
Pozuda - pa sta i ako te provale?
U ljubavi i ratu nema pravila
Da li verujes u vecnost?
Ja cak ne verujem ni u sutrasnjicu
Jedine stvari koje traju vecno su
Uspomene i tuga
Daleko od ociju daleko od srca
To je moto izdaje
Proroci propovedaju kako da oprostimo i zaboravimo
Zao mi je, ali za to nisam sposoban
B) prekinuti snosaj
C) Znam Da Jebes Nekog Drugog
U Subotu uvece si otisla da vodis ljubav
Crveni nokti i karmin, obukla si preusku haljinu za dve velicine
Njegov jezik u tvom grlu
Njegova ruka pod tvojom suknjom
Ja jesam muskarac
Ali, to idalje boli
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
Imala si kurac na pameti
I spermu u svom dahu
Ubacio sam tu membranu pre nego sto si otisla
Vezbam honorarnu ginekologiju
Kada ima utrobe ima i nacina
A sa tobom je sve za dzabe
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
To sam vec uradio
Toliko puta
I odbijao sam da naucim tvoju lekciju
Davao sam sve dok nije pocelo da boli
Mislio sam da je bilo ispravno
Ali, samo budale prave greske dva puta
Tako da, sedis kod kuce
Dok pijes sama
Prazna flasa u tvojoj ruci
Nemoj ni da pokusavas
Da razvrstas lazi
Jos gore je ako pokusas da razumes
Ti me teras da mrzim sebe!
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
Znam da jebes nekog drugog
(On zna da ti jebes nekog drugog)
Ja znam
(On zna)
Rekao sam da znam
(On je rekao da zna)
Ja znam
(On zna)


I can't see in the future
Only in the past
I believe that I have learned something
About love, doubt, loneliness
But what I don't understand is time
Feels like I was 17 yesterday
How fast can we live?
I can't see in the future
Only in the past
Like it was, it will never be the same
Like it was, it will never be the same
Luckily I am not alone with my past (Past)
Luckily I am not alone with my past (Past)
Yes (Yes, yes)

Back to the future

Come come
The time is over
The time is over
The time is over
What do you call it
Do you feel like before?
Come come
The time is over
The time’s never coming again
The time is over
What do you call it
Play our songs
Earlier is over
We’re renovating our time
Dreams drop easily onto us
We are free
Back to the future
Back in your heart
Back in life
We are free
Back to the future
Back in your heart
Back in life
We are free
Come Come
The time in over
The time is over
The time is over
What do you call it
Do you feel like before?
Come give me your hand
Come come
We are starting again
Dancing together in the new beginning
Earlier is over
We’re renovating our time
Dreams drop easily onto us
We are free
Back to the future
Back in your heart
Back in life
We are free
Back to the future
Back in your heart
Back in life
We are free

Song of the Sanfedists

At the sound of bass drums
Hail the lower class.
At the sound of the tambourines
the poor have risen up.
At the sound of bells long live the peasantry.
At the sound of violins death to jacobins.
Its singing, the Carmagnola is singing,
advisers are singing
long live the King with his family.
At Sant Eremo
they've kicked their asses, *
to this shameless cuckold
they have placed the miter on the head.
Majesty, who betrayed you,
who had the stomach for it,
the lords and knights
they wanted to imprison you.
Its singing, the Carmagnola is singing,
advisers are singing
long live the King with his family.
On the 30th of June, Saint Anthony the Glorious, these rascals,
busted the lords asses!
The French have come,
and imposed new taxes on us,
liberté ... egalité ...
ypu rob me,
I rob you ...
Its singing, the Carmagnola is singing,
advisers are singing
long live the King with his family.
The French have arrived and already bled us dry
and voila, and volia
kick the liberty in the ass.
At the Maddalena bridge
Lady Louise stood pregnant,
and 3 medics that arrived, none of them could make her deliver.
Its singing, the Carmagnola is singing,
advisers are singing
long live the King with his family.
By the end of the war, on a dock,
they have downed the liberty's mast, they've caught the jacobins and teared them like dirty rugs.
It's the end of equality, and it's the end of liberty, for they have stomach aches now, gentlemen, go to bed.
Its singing, the Carmagnola is singing,
advisers are singing
long live the King with his family.
The rainy month went by, and so the windy and irascible and in the reaping month they've discovered your fraud.
Long live Tata Maccarone who has ruspect for religion, Jacobins to the sea, your asses are burning.
Its singing, the Carmagnola is singing,
advisers are singing
long live the King with his family.

Want you for mine

Versions: #1
You and I will meet
Whatever the meeting cost us
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the prayers
We will pray
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the invocation
We will give up our hearts
Hanging in the sky
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the sins
We will commit it
And the Lord who
knowledgeable in our heartsWill forgive and Merciful of us
It's all about me
I don't want to meet
Like cowardly lovers
Hidden among the lyrics of the poems
I don't want to meet you in a letter
After reading it
I miss you
And your chest is still far away
I want your hug
your smell
Your details
Your laugh
I want you for myself

The Schützenfest

We met then
For the open Schützenfest
For me she looks like
the Heino's sister
Dark brown is the Hazelnut,
Dark brunette was her hair
Oh my Bavarian girl, just go there
Just knowing, lie down there too
We just don't shit with
The Schützenfest, nevermore seen.
We make love
In the pig trough
My pants explode
Due my doodle tail1
She thought I was a dandy and
Her calf was as the Eisbein2
Oh my Bavarian girl, just go there
Just knowing, lie down there too
We just don't shit with
The Schützenfest, nevermore seen.
Oh Klingel... ja ja... Hund!... Hund weg !...
Hund weg! Arschloch!... Hund weg!3
She made my heart a white sausage
She dances ute-ut and the Schuhplattler
The armpit4 was fresh and fragrant as
Summer morning, summer morning.
Oh girl, she put in my
Superlochwel5 her bra
Weekend, but not with the
Schützenfest nevermore seen
Nevermore seen.
  • 1. (derogatory) male sexual organ.
  • 2. (derogatory) ham hock
  • 3. some swearing and aleatory words
  • 4. sounds similar to 'Arschloch', aforementioned, asshole
  • 5. well, this one makes no sense in German. a made-up word

She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy

She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy,
Just like when I used live next to her.
When I see her hair, it's a bit snowy
But in her heart, never comes the winter.
When I'm far from her
I imagine her
And I think I can still see her smile.
She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy,
I can redis / cover myself in her.
True, her forehead is already wrinkled,
So often she had to look after me.
When I'm far from her
I imagine her
And I think I can still see her smile.
She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy,
Just like when I used live next to her.
When I see her hair, it's a bit snowy
But in her heart, never comes the winter.

On the other side of infinity

Everyday I sit down
And I write to you from far away
And I speak to you and I see you again
And my hand trembles a little
I begin every waking day by telling you
About me, about us, about our home
About my desire to hug you
That way I feel closer to you
That way I feel you breathing
And I hold that child in my arms
The child that I wasn’t able to love enough
To love...
But nothing is over
Nothing is finished
You only slipped away
On the other side of infinity
And in infinity
We will see each other once again
Of this I am certain
There where the horizon meets
The open sea
The open sea
In a life less bitter
And not so cruel
Walking down a street
Walking together still
That way I feel you closer
And I’m not afraid of waiting
Because nothing is over
Nothing is finished
You only slipped away
On the other side of infinity
And in infinity
We will see each other once again
Of this I am certain
There where the horizon meets
The open sea
Nothing is over, nothing is finished...
A letter for you
A love letter
A letter for me
To cure my pain
But nothing is over
Nothing is finished
You only slipped away
On the other side of infinity
And in infinity
We will see each other once again
Of this I am certain
There where the horizon meets
The open sea
Nothing is over
Nothing is finished

i wish i'm a sacrifice for the birds of your holy sanctuary

Imam reza , i wish i'm a sacrifice for the birds of your holy sanctuary
i ask you for a look under your feet
i came kneeling
and i know very well how guilty and bad i am
i know , your the captivator of all hearts
and the consoller of the broken ones
O your my stability and my calmness
it is enough for me that you'r next to me
i would like to say that your my safety
your generosity is greater than my sin
let me be fitted with looking at you
i came to address you from the bottom of my heart
Imam reza , i wish i'm a sacrifice for the birds of your holy sanctuary
i ask you for a look under your feet
i came kneeling
and i know very well how guilty and bad i am
i know , your the captivator of all hearts
and the consoller of the broken ones

Loving You Is Easy

The birds in the sky flap their wings,
And fall upwards towards the sun,
And everything that must stay below
Starts to run wild
I fall too, into your arms,
And it comes to me quite easily,
The fear and the rage are almost all used up,
I fall and I know:
Loving you is quite easy,
Just like the coming and going of the waves on the shore,
Like the arrival of a new morning,
Just like the courage that has found me again
I have an image in my mind,
I see you from afar with a daughter holding your hand,
Standing in line at the ice cream parlour,
And the two of you smile so beautifully
Three years have passed quickly,
My doors are open to you, and my windows as well,
You come in, walk along a long hallway,
You turn on the lights, room by room
The brightness is unfamiliar to me,
I walk like a lost child,
And then I talk, and talk, and talk so long, until
I find myself again in your smile and I know:
Loving you is quite easy,
Just like the coming and going of the waves on the shore,
Like the arrival of a new morning,
Just like the courage that has once again found me
We're standing in the U-Bahn,
Tightly packed, and you take my hand,
And I can see our reflections in the window panes,
We're smiling so beautifully, we're smiling so beautifully

The girl was coming home late

The girl was walking home late,
Suddenly she came across gloomy men.
- Oh, let me go, good men!
- Well, do you see a stop sign? Come away, for God's sake!

my breath

O my breath,O my pain & my cure
you are sweeter & dearest than my life
please don't torture me , me who gave you my heart
my breath, you are more beautiful , as
i can not described you, you are the one that my heart wants
there is much talk in my heart
what would you like to tell you?
Ohh, if your heart is with me ,on my own i will fight everyone
i love you so much
there is much talk in my heart
what would you like to tell you?
Ohh, if your heart is with me ,on my own i will fight everyone
i love you so much
O my dreamy beautiful love
you by your beauty
and i by my longing known
night by his light
you by your eyes
and i by crazy about you known
O my breath
you are my pain and my cure
your fairy hair looks like sea
your beautiful face and
your anxious eyes
even your dreams in sleep , is beautiful , so beautiful
there is much talk in my heart
what would you like to tell you?
Ohh, if your heart is with me ,on my own i will fight everyone
i love you so much
there is much talk in my heart
what would you like to tell you?
Ohh, if your heart is with me ,on my own i will fight everyone
i love you so much