Резултати претраге страна 61
Број резултата: 2633
Round and round inside my head, goes the trending music that I often listen to
Swinging and swaying in my heart, let’s try following the direction we hear clapping(1)
Today too was the worst day ever. Don’t laugh like that.
I was all by myself and there wasn’t particularly anything to do
I’m anxious, Highway Star. The sun’s already coming up.
Tomorrow kick away the copy-and-paste mannequin that you act like!
Round and round inside my head, goes the trending music that I often listen to
Swinging and swaying in my heart, let’s try following the direction we hear clapping
Round and round goes your voice, a completely purple refrain
Swinging and swaying goes my voice, goodbye to the days of tears
I can definitely be decorated. 335 Melancholy
Well then quickly make the arrangements
For the rendezvous that I’m not super excited about
Hurry up, Overdrive, cause the effect lasts a short time
The lined-up speakers I pretend to know
Let’s send them all flying!
Click your heels, clap your hands
Those who get with it win lalalalala~
I don’t know anything and I don’t care
I’m fine with that Oh oh oh oh~
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I got in trouble
Tuesday and Thursday were a little unlucky
If I meet you this weekend
In the end that’ll also be a mess(2)
Round and round inside my head, goes the trending music that I often listen to
Swinging and swaying in my heart, let’s try following the direction we hear clapping
Round and round goes your voice, a pet alien that fell in love
Swinging and swaying goes my voice, goodbye to the days of tears bye bye
Translated by Rachel @minini_1 on Twitter and 1-mini-1 on Tumblr.
All is as it were
All is as it were
It was quite a hot summer
Now it's getting cooler
There will be tons of apples
Soon we'll have juice again
All is as it were
I guess the ponds have stayed in place
I should probably go check
An old spinning rod
I cleaned it this morning
All is as it were
He's playing with his tractors
He'll always like them
I make my songs
The rhymes fall in place
All is as it were
In the Spring we'll go
And tour Finland
Maybe we'll go to Turku
And down some booze
All is as it were
I like it just like this
To call my friend
San Fransisco 69
Suddenly I see it all
All is as it were
The clouds are like ships
They wait in the horizon
Once it will take me home
This bumpy road
All is as it were
The wine glass grows empty
Though I ask you not to go
Well, let's buy another glass
And raise you a toast
All is as it were
Well, let's buy another glass
And raise you a toast
All is as it were
[I Deo]
[Strofa 1]
Po tvom gradu, po ceo dan
Svakome trebaš
Ne, ne mogu ti svi biti jednaki
Iako imaš veliku porodicu
Čak ni nemaš nikog ko je iskren prema tebi
Dišem dok ne isparim
Moje celo telo je providno
Transport, ručno napravljen (G)
I znam to bolje od većine
Svakako im ne verujem
Ne možeš prekršiti zakon sa njima
Nađi neke ženske, imaj mirnu noć
Strelci se ubijaju na sve strane
Radim kroz moju najgoru noć
Ako zaradim pare kako treba
Znaš da mi nećeš trebati
I kažem ti, (pičko)
Nadam se da je vreća do vrha puna
Jebeno sam, ne sjeban sam
Trošim kada dobijem to
Ne pokušavam da te zadržim
Ne možeš ići u korak sa razgovorom
Niko ne može da te dohvati
Zašto su ti oči tako gore?
Jesi li me zvao sa seanse?
Ti si iz mog prošlog života
Nadam se da si dobro buraz
Bio sam ovde prvo glavom
Uvek sam voleo oralno
Signal dolazi i odlazi
Nadam se da si dobro buraz
Svakome trebaš, svakome trebaš
Oooh nani nani
Ovo je takav osećaj kao quaalude
Nema sna u mom telu
Nema kučke u mom telu
Novi počeci, ahh
Novi počeci, probudi se brate
Sunce zalazi
Vreme je da započneš dana buraz
Ne možeš nastaviti tako opušten
Znaš da ti trebaju pare ako želiš da preživiš
To svakonoćno sranje, svakodnevno sranje
Odbacim dragu do kuće pre noćne smene
Znaš da ne mogu da slušam to 'prenoći' sranje
To kumbaja sranje
Želim da vidim nirvanu, ali ne želim još da umrem
Ipak želim da osetim tu na na, možeš li da navratiš?
Zajebavaj se sa mnom posle moje smene
Znam da ti momci žele da me vide skrhanog i tako to
To je svakodnevno sranje
Jebeno začepi ne želim tvoje priče
Motam marihuanu to je jeftin odmor
Moje svakodnevno sranje, svakonoćno sranje, moje svakodnevno sranje
(Svakonoćno sranje, noćno sranje, noćno sranje, noćno sranje)
Celu noć, bio sam spreman za tebe celu noć
Čekao sam te celu noć
Otvoriću ti vrata, samo javi kada budeš ispred
Celu noć, nedostajala si mi celu noć
I dalje imam neke dobre noći zapamćene
I prisećanja me čine da se osećam dobro
[II Deo: mokro mokro]
[Strofa 2]
Svaka noć sjebe svaki dan
Svaki dan krpi noć
Za Boga bi trebao da ga zapališ, to je taj nokaut
Nema belih upaljača dok ne sjebem 28-u
1998. moja porodica je imala tu Akuru
Oh, legenda
Držao sam barem 6 diskova u šaržeru
Tada kada su Boswell i Percy bili aktuelni
Par biskupa u vili gradskih zgrada
Svi sveštenici
Propovedaju status o samopostignutim milionerima
Kada bismo samo mogli da jedemo u Shoney's povremeno
Nakon što je pokušao da udari, morao sam da menjam kampus
Tvoj stan u Hjustonu je gde sam čekao
Ostao kod tebe kada nisam imao adresu
Jebao se s tobom kada nisam imao dušek
Radio da bih se izvukao iz Teksasa, svaku noć
Odbacim dragu do kuće pre noćne smene
Znaš da ne mogu da slušam to 'prenoći' sranje
To kumbaja sranje
Želim da vidim nirvanu, ali ne želim još da umrem
Ipak želim da osetim tu na na, možeš li da navratiš?
Zajebavaj se sa mnom posle moje smene
Znam da ti momci žele da me vide skrhanog i tako to
To je svakodnevno sranje
Jebeno začepi ne želim tvoje priče
Motam marihuanu to je jeftin odmor
Moje svakodnevno sranje, moje svakodnevno sranje
Moje svakodnevno sranje, moje svakodnevno sranje
Moje svakodnevno sranje, moje svakodnevno sranje
Moje svakodnevno sranje, moje svakonoćno sranje
We'll do it
Versions: #3
We'll do it! We'll do it! We'll do it!
Let's hang the Aristocrats !
We'll do it! We'll do it! We'll do it!
The Aristocrats will be hanged!
For three hundred years they've been
promising to grant us some bread.
For three hundred years they've been
making merry and keeping whores!
For three hundred years we've been crushed.
Enough lies and smooth talk already!
We are no longer willing to starve!
For three hundred years they've been
waging war with fives and drums
while we were famished to death.
This could not go on forever...
For three hundred years they've been taking our men
and treating us like beasts of burden.
This could not go on forever !
Retribution is coming your way,
for the people is reclaiming its rights.
You really took us for a ride
the ride is over, ye mighty kings!
You'll no longer lead us anywhere,
we will lead you to the scaffold,
for the law is now in our hands!
You, in my hands
You, in my eyes
Nights that passes, forlorn
You are beside me with everything of yours
This is the hardest one
Without saying 'I love you'
I left from you
You don't exist actually
I'm alone on this shore
What are you doing?
While you have not me in Ankara
It's for that that I sing
It's for that that I sing
Listen to my heart sing
It sings so well, my heart
When it doesn't have fear
It's for that that I sing
I do not know to speak
Without music to help me
I would never dare
In front of you I no longer know
The words that I speak to you
But in singing this melody
They become much more pretty
It's for that that I sing
Listen to my heart sing
It sings so well, my heart
It at least does not have fear
It is for that that I sing
I would never learn
That I love you to death
It is for that that I sing
Trčanje sa lavovima
Ako želiš da vidiš, jednostavno otvori oči
Ako želiš da dišeš, idemo napolje na otvoreno
Izvan otvorenog
Nema potrebe da stojiš zaključana unutra
Ovo kraljevstvo je tvoje i ovo kraljevstvo je moje
Dozvoli mi da ti pokažem
Samo mi dozvoli da ti pokažem
Nema potrebe da budeš uplašena
Ne moraš se skrivati
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Ako želiš da govoriš, samo otvori usta
Ne brini za reči, snaćićemo se
Samo probaj
Samo probaj
Nema potrebe da se bojiš
Nema potrebe da se kriješ
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Pa mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Trči sa lavovima
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Pa mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Just say Winx
Do you want to be on the team
You too will be
One of us
Winx, let's join hands
Power and strength together
The five of us are so much stronger together
Winx, a smile can do everything
So laugh, change the world
That way we are strong enough to fly, fly with us
Do you want to be on the team
You too will be
One of us
Good energy creates magic
That's how starlight begins, let it shine!
When I fly
Through time and dreams
Then I know life has colours
That fit well
Winx, let's join hands
Power and strength together
The five of us are so much stronger together
Winx, new kids in your area
Find power in your friendships
Fly freely with them, look now!
Winx, that magic, Winx
Imagine you too if you know how
With us it's so easy
Just say Winx
Otprati me kući
[Strofa 1]
Ima nešto u tome kako kolutaš očima
Vraća me nazad u bolja vremena
Kada sam videla da je sve dobro
Ali sada si jedina dobra stvar
Pokušavam da stanem na obe noge
Ovaj razgovor mi nije lagan
I dragi, znam da postaje kasno
Zato šta kažeš da odemo odavde
Otprati me kući
Ne mogu da budem sama sa svime što mi se mota po mislima, mhm
Zato reci da ćeš ostati sa mnom večeras
Jer ima toliko toga lošeg što se dešava napolju
[Strofa 2]
Ima nešto u načinu kako želim da plačem
Što me tera da mislim da ćemo se izvući živi
Zato doći i pokaži mi kako smo dobri
Mislim da bismo mogli da napravimo nešto dobro, mhm
Otprati me kući
Ne mogu biti sama sa svime što mi se mota po mislima, mhm
Zato reci da ćeš ostati sa mnom večeras
Jer ima toliko toga lošeg što se dešava napolju
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Otprati me kući u gluvo doba noći
Jer ne mogu biti sama sa svime što mi se mota po mislima
Reci da ćeš ostati sa mnom večeras
Jer ima toliko toga lošeg što se dešava napolju
Otprati me kući u gluvo doba noći
Ne mogu biti sama sa svime što mi se mota po mislima
Zato reci da ćeš ostati sa mnom večeras
Jer ima toliko toga lošeg
Ima toliko toga lošeg
Ima toliko toga lošeg što se dešava napolju
Volim seks
Ah, ah, ah, želim seks
Ah, jako je dobar osjećaj
Ah, seks je jako dobar osjećaj
Volim seks
Hoću da imam seks svaki dan
Seks, hoću da stavim kurac u tvoju pizdu
Ah, tako je dobar osjećaj, želim da ga stavim
Dok mi ne prokrvari nos
Pizda je tako dobra
Jako je vlažna
*ring ring* halo? Seks, molim
Volim seks, kurac mi je tvrd
Volim seks, volim tebe
Jer ti je pizda najvlažnija
Želim je svaki dan
Možda želim da ti ga stavim u dupe
Volim seks svaki dan (seks!)
Volim seks, volim ga najviše
Želim seks
Daj mi da ti malo ližem pizdu SEKS
Daj mi da ti malo ližem pizdu SEKS
Daj mi da ti malo ližem pizdu SEKS
Daj mi da ti malo ližem pizdu SEKS
Volim seks
Hoću da imam seks svaki dan
Seks, hoću da stavim kurac u tvoju pizdu
Ah, tako je dobar osjećaj, želim da ga stavim
Ja sam u Family Mart-u, čitam hentai
Stvarno želim da imam seks svaki dan
Daj mi seks, hoću da imam seks
Sirovo žito, sirova riža, sirovi seks
Volim creampies, creampies, creampies
Volim creampies, creampies, creampies
Zdravo? Seks molim
Volim seks
Zdravo? Seks molim
Volim seks
Stavljam kurac u tvoju pizdu
Tako je vlažna, vlažna
Vlažna, vlažna pizda je ukusna
Vlažna, vlažna pizda je ukusna
Volim seks
Hoću da imam seks svaki dan
Seks, hoću da stavim kurac u tvoju pizdu
Ah, tako je dobar osjećaj, želim da ga stavim
Volim seks
Hoću da imam seks svaki dan
Seks, hoću da stavim kurac u tvoju pizdu
Ah, tako je dobar osjećaj, želim da ga stavim
Once my brother
[Verse 1: Søren Karim]
You were my best friend, my loyal companion
My blood, my brother, my squire in the battle of childhood
But the years rushed by, and we couldn't keep up
I'd wish I could rewind time
[Pre-chorus: Lau]
So that you may blow your own cloud
And you may sail in your own lake
But never forget who was there from the start
And you may build your own town
But don't count on getting a visit
But if everything crumbles, I'll be there
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
Once my brother
Once my brother
Always my brother
[Verse 2: Mads]
We grew up side by side, and I remember for better or worse
We laughed, we cried, did all we could get to do
I haven't seen you in a thousand years
Too busy, too much, lost in a moment
[Pre-chorus: Lau]
So that you may blow your own cloud
And you may sail in your own lake
But never forget who was there from the start
And you may build your own town
But don't count on getting a visit
But if everything crumbles, I'll be there
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
Once my brother
Once my brother
Always my brother
[Verse 3: Loke Deph]
We could kill a man together
Let me know, I've got it all under control, let the clouds come crashing down
We'll drive to Saltholm when the shadows grow long
Getting close to one another, don't be afraid
Do you recall what you said when you said once?
I thought it was permanent, we made the plan
But if anything's up, say my name three times
And I'll be ready, just call me, let's talk
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Ој, сива кукавице
Ој, сива кукавице,
Новогодишње вече*, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Све вртове си облетела,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Али у једном ниси била.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у том врту су три терема**.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у првом – светли Месец,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у другом – лепо Сунце,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у трећем – ситне звезде.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Светли месец је господин домаћин,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Лепо сунце је његова жена,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Ситне звезде су њихова деца.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
O Sleep My Little Kozak
Anatoliy Sukhogo's lyrics and music
Sleep, my little Kozak son,
Go turn upon your side,
Sleep, my dear son, your mother is now lulling you,│
Sleep, O Kozak, your horse will calmly wait for you. │2
Luli, luli, bye and bye,
Come will Nicholas, tomorrow,
Bringing you as a gift, │
There a packet of Golden songs. │2
And in the quiet winter night, │
We will venture out to the Sich, │
There they will give to us │
A lovely sliced carrot│2
Sleep, O Kozak, it's early yet for battle,
Your Hetmans there are all still young,
And when you go to your first battle- │
There are few of us now, and even less of you. │2
Sleep my dear son, you must sleep now ,
The bunny sleeps as does brother wolf,
The blue waterfall does play, so │
A fairy tale drifts over the land, │
Luli-luli, bye and bye. │2
Реци шта те мучи?
Нежно ћу те пољубити и све ће за трен проћи.
Ко би знао, колико те волим.
Због тебе сам на све спремна –
Само ме не пуштај да идем.
Моје срце не пуштај.
Нека према теби лети
Светлост моје љубави.
Ој, држи и никада ме не пуштај да идем.
Ој, држи, ја волим само тебе.
Заборави све које си упознао пре мене –
И држи, моју руку не пуштај.
Никада те нећу пустити да одеш и никоме те нећу дати.
Чујеш, срце куца исто тако.
У томе нема заустављања и нема умора.
И ствар није у томе да никада
Нисам хтела да се вратим твојој кући
Поново и да љубим
Свету икону своје љубави.
Ој, држи и никада ме не пуштај да идем.
Ој, држи, ја волим само тебе.
Заборави све које си упознао пре мене –
И држи, моју руку не пуштај.
Завежи нас нежним речима,
Врелим уснама и бол ће тада проћи.
Појављује се тај зрак између нас.
Ти хваташ мој поглед очима.
Само ме не пуштај да идем,
Моје срце не пуштај.
Нека према теби лети
Светлост моје љубави.
Ој, држи и никада ме не пуштај да идем.
Ој, држи, ја волим само тебе.
Заборави све које си упознао пре мене –
И држи, моју руку не пуштај.
My Dearest Grandmother
My dearest grandmother
You know all things so well:
The grief that I bear here,
You, probably can guess it?
When I close my eyes shut
Oh, no, no you don't now,
From somewhere immediately
A Kozak's here beside me.
Give herbs, O grandmother
Again here at midnight
That - that Kozak may yet
Not come before my eyes
- No, dear heart my girl
This thing can not be cured
Such is your fate here -
The time's come to love now.
Опорука (Кад умрем, учините ми)
Кад умрем, учините ми
Да ме груди приме
Наше лепе степе
Дивне Украјине.
Да путеве моћног Дњепра
И видим и чујем,
Низ широке поле поља
Како бучно хује.
Кад плине из Украјине
У дубоко море
Крв душманска... оставићу
И поља и горе –
Да излетим и долетим
До самога Бога
Да се молим... а до тога
Не познајем Бога.
Учините, па скините
Окове свом роду.
И душманском клетом крвљу
Залијте слободу.
Па у дому многољудном,
Слободном и новом,
Спомените тад и мене
Добрим, тихим словом.
Мисли моје, мисли моје
Мисли моје, мисли моје,
Часи злополучни!
Што стојите на папиру
Ко редови мучни?...
Што вас ветар не расеје
Дуж бескрајне степе?
Што вас јад тај не пригрли
Као своје дете?...
Мисли моје, мисли моје,
Децо, цвеће младо!
Подигох вас, однеговах –
Куда ћете сада?...
Крените пут Украјине,
Наше Украјине!
Сирочићи – ја остајем,
Овде да погинем.
Тамо су вам топле речи,
Врело срце право,
Срешћете се са истином,
А, можда, и славом...
Пригрли их, Украјино!
Мајко непрегледна!
Моју децу неразумну,
Као своја чеда.
[Тарас Шевченко, 1839, Санкт Петербург]
They Said About You
They said about you that beauty in your eyes dwelt
They said that you are prettier than all the girls
They said about you that beauty in your eyes dwelt
They said that you are prettier than all the girls
And that your love is a rough path
They said you've something from angels
I went to see you, & honestly,
You exceeded all expectations !
They said your eyes to be the ultimate model of beauty
Everything about you is prettier than imagination
They said your eyes to be the ultimate model of beauty
Everything about you is prettier than imagination
But there is a wall hiding you
Difficult for any one to reach you
I said I'd go, what harm if I fell for you
As who has ever died of love !
And when I saw you, my heart got attracted hard to you
You, whose love was imposed tightly upon my heart
And when I saw you, my heart got attracted hard to you
You, whose love was imposed tightly upon my heart
If I'm to say, you a full moon at its grandeur,
I would be describing you less than you deserve & it more than it is (the moon)
In a matter of seconds you did to me
What no human ever done to me
Wasteland – Waste Rags Vibrant Smoke
Wasteland – waste rags vibrant smoke
Blue stain – grizzle mere dirt
Envy – a two-page prose piece
Walking blindly on the road
Wooden thingy with eight strings
He who fingers it’s a prick
Downpour – horseflesh – reservoir
An unpainful acheless jab
Aspen stake into the sand
They have healed the empty space
They have got the rivulet darned
They have sutured its shore fronts
Sleeting – pulping just the rain
Watering an empty sheet
Pulling fibres all apart
At the skyline Whalefish goes
Working his long way back home
Candles – matches – tiny lights…
Suddenly, if you come suddenly
While I am falling to sleep, in my cold bed.
Loneliness, isn't always the solution,
If you leave behind, a broken man,
These rains,
Never hurt me this much,
Every single tear came alive within me,
Hopes aren't what you give up, it's life,
You leave it behind but it's always on your mind,
If you come suddenly,
While I am falling to sleep, in my cold bed.
These rains,
Never hurt me this much,
Every single tear came alive within me,
Hopes aren't what you give up, it's life,
You leave it behind but it's always on your mind,
If you come suddenly,
While you left are some words to these clean papers.
The State of Loss and Woe
The State of Loss and Woe
Is the destination of a gloomy mind.
Be it a man or a woman,
No one can escape it.
The State of Loss and Woe
Is a place of tears and confusion.
Hunger, thirst, and burning heat
Bring upon untold suffering.
The State of Loss and Woe
Is a place where beings are packed together.
It's filled with vomit
And misshapen bodies.
The State of Loss and Woe
Where rebirth happens millions of times a day.
The pain is horrific,
The suffering is endless... The State of Loss and Woe.
The State of Loss and Woe.
It's the destination of a gloomy mind.
Take it away!
I feel sorry, sorry
I loved a wrong man very much
Now I'm looking for a cure to get over him
And I'm learning now how to suffer, 'cause I was naive
I'm trying to understand where I went wrong
[Chorus x2]
I feel sorry, sorry
That you were in my way
And that you stole my happiness
In return, you only gave me tears
You're not the right for me, I know that well now
And chaos is in my head, I want to emerge
And I'm learning now how to suffer, 'cause I was naive
I'm trying to understand where I went wrong
[Chorus x3]
I feel sorry, sorry
That you were in my way
And that you stole my happiness
In return, you only gave me tears
Хвала ти
Хвала ти за овај дан...
Шетали смо по граду у дебелим капутима,
држала ме је за руку
и вукла ме кроз гомилу.
Глеадо сам како се осмехује
док се сунце пробија кроз облаке.
Има ли још љубави у овом срцу?
Има ли још љубави у овом срцу?
Хвала ти за овај сан,
како све изгледа стварно.
Будим се блед и растурен у њеном наручју,
док се јака киша одбија од ролетне од бамбуса...
Има ли још љубави у овом срцу?
Има ли још љубави у овом срцу?
„Кад бих имала поруку за васиону“,
питала ме је, „каква би била?“
„Кад бих имала поруку за васиону“,
питала ме је, „каква би била?“
Хвала ти...
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
I don’t have a childhood hero
Versions: #2
I changed my last name back to my father’s name
when my stepdad said I’m not his daughter
Six-year-old, waited for my brothers to come home from school
In the song Agnetha was thanking the music
Brothers wete dragged to the town hall
I’m offering a Pectus drop to Paavo
I stayed to play their Atari
because I was left home alone again
Under our skin, there’s lizard green
I’m watching the stars from behing the kennels
Red teeth from a color tablet
I rip my own faces off of photos
And when I can’t handle the reality
I’ll fall asleep in the closet
There I invent a new world
there I’ll wake in the morning
When playing house I’m the family dog
miracle baby, magic son
I’m the santa in penkkarit*
on graduation day I’m working for others
I’ve believed in God
and fucked my cousin
with both I agreed
that this probably won’t continue
my songs
Fly away from here
Carry on somewhere
when I die
Images of pop stars
I don’t remember Tiina Lillak**
I’m not some soldier
I don’t have a childhood hero
Hitting the bottom in cars***
And I’m not some soldier
I don’t have a childhood hero
Twelve years old getting my stomach pumped
Learned that I shouldn’t drink this much
Girls don’t act like that
I was taught in school
The patterns of the ceilinh pine panel
resemble magical creatures
Of cource I’ll make some mistakes with their upbringing
even tho I lovingly care for my little brothers
Like when I let them watch the Blairwitch Project too early
Look mom
I did leave looking like this
The same goddamn kid
Yes, it’s just me
Carry on somewhere
when i die
Images of pop stars
I don’t remember Tiina Lillak**
I’m not some soldier
I don’t have a childhood hero
Hitting the bottom in cars***
And I’m not some soldier
I don’t have a childhood hero
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Yπερφύσισσπάστιγκούτσιγούτσικαλιρίο
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
Yiam diridam diridam diridam
Yiam Diridam diridam diridam dim dam
And if these children do not behave well
They don't have much love in their life
They have a strict father
But one day they learn a new magic word
A word that gave them happiness in their life
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it backwards
You gonna get a prize
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
Playing With fire
I was always told by mama
take care around certain guys
Because love wants to see you burn
You can get hurt
I guess my mama was always right
Because it gets hotter as you approach me
But I'm not afraid, I just want
You even more Eh
This shivering romance doesn`t stop
On and on and on
I want to dedicate
My all to you
Look at me look at me now
Because of you, I am burning
I can´t erase it
This love is Playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
Oh no, now I can´t look back
Love doesn`t feel like a fun game anymore
Got me fired up we burnin’
I don’t need no water can’t stop its urgent
I ain’t never had nobody do it better but oh no
Your bad meaning bad but boy I’m loco
Showin’ out lets smoke them out
Match scratch light up
Kiss him will I diss him I don’t know but I miss him
Flame in my vein this love is like crack
Can you feel my heart go black
This shivering romance doesn`t stop
On and on and on
I want to dedicate
My all to you
Look at me look at me now
Because of you, I am burning
I can´t erase it
This love is Playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
I can´t hold it in much longer
The fire is spreading at a tremendous speed
Fighting it is of no use enymore
Jus let our love burn to ashes … Whooo
Screwed Off–Stirred Up–Whirled In A Glass...
Screwed off–stirred up–whirled in a glass
Dispelled–dispersed like green smoke
Into the hellhole through smoke and pain
Having got unhinged, the wounds opened
To the sky, under the ground with living eyes
Started moving with an under-the-wheel joggle
The joggle is chopper-like
Not even a bone will be left under the sun of July
The cards won’t be spread to tell whether it’s love or not
An eternal rain
A small red particle
On a bluish black background
On a sharp edge
Without a sound, without a step, without a sigh
Having clung to the wire of childish hatred
Onto the blade of public opinion
Onto the spike of unriddled dreams
You’re going to the bottom, but how’s that for going through the ice?
Through the thick intercalary February
Through October smoke
On the ice in the skates of drunken optimism
You’ll fall through! –Ah, ain’t a fuck!..
You’ll only catch a cold
And warm yourself at a campfire made using papers
Ruled, covered in scrawls–an auto-da-fé
An auto-da-fé under the sun of July
Through a magnifying glass
Of our best, our “veriest”
Chilly truisms
There’s nothing to cloak the naked pain with
There’s nothing to tether to–enjoy–it’s liberty!
No future–here and now
Cells with shaven-headed fellows–wards–they’ll be later
Now it’s happiness
We make ourselves heard
What are we doing with the parents
They kicked out of the church all the saints
Not even God is really up
Their cross is just a plus sign
What are we doing with the army
Mom cries, children cry, dad leaves
Instead of quiet we wait for war
But who is defending us from us
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
What are we doing with the power
Of whom that don't feel our pain
They'll better take the hand of our world
The hope is the last window
What are we doing with ours
Us, that are we waiting in vain
To have politicians with style
Not animals dressed like civils
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
Good, and now the we asked what it has to be done
That half of the country is sold, they're fighting for resources from Danube to Prut
I am afraid to even listen, if I would talk with the ancestors I would be ashamed to told them who I am
Those who sell us, those who lie to us, those who don't feel us
Let me tell my prayer in my mind
And if we all do it, maybe, finally, we will find out what it has to be done
Dress me in your impenetrable love
So I can offer them a true soldier in this memorable fight
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
What are we doing with the truth
In it is hiding our future
We will stay here until you don't lie anymore
What are you doing when you here us
I'll be crying for you
I'll be crying for you,
I'll be crying for you,
But I know there's no point in that anymore:
You're not going to come back to me.
I'll be crying for you,
I'll laugh because
I know I've lost you
And I hope you'll come back to me.
I'll be crying for you
Like the wind that
Creates for me
The past and you.
I'll be crying for you,
I'll be crying for you,
But I know there's no point in that anymore:
You're not going to come back to me.
I'll be crying for you
Like the wind that
Creates for me
The past and you.
I'll be crying for you,
I'll be crying for you,
But I know there's no point in that anymore:
You're not going to come back to me.
Radoznali fićfirić
Osvaja me jedan fićfirić,
stasit, zavodljiv.
Nesramno radoznao taj je ptić
i kao miš čeprkav.
Reci mi, gde imaš srce,
radoznao je, neugnan.
Odakle ti rastu noge,
pita me svaki dan.
Razi, mici, micika,
Taj je nagizdan.
Gospodin je, bez novaca,
Zavodljiv mangup.
Mici, mici, micika,
Pazi na noge.
Dalje od fićfirića,
Otrov je za srce!
Zašto imaš to, i šta je to?
prepipao sve bi rado.
Zašto oblačiš tol'ko haljina
ne prestaje zapitkivati.
Zaistinu je radoznao i čeprkav,
vragolast je kao kradljivac.
Sa mnom, noćas bi rado grešio,
taj ludi fićfirić.
Soaring star
Oh soaring star, the light of ancient times
May you flicker for eternity and become my guide
All alone in the darkness, fumbling in search for something
Though it is formless, I believe I can find it
All alone in the endless night, aimlessly wandering about
Believing that the sun will rise without any doubt
In times of despair and in times of anxiety
I could keep believing because you were there
Oh soaring star, the light of ancient times
May you flicker for eternity and guide me
I send those unrestrainable emotions to you, my beloved
I hope you will one day return them so that our hearts shall become one, they shall
Gently calling the name of my beloved
Silently embracing each other as we sleep in the sunlight
In times of happiness and in times I feel at ease
I could feel so because you were there
Oh soaring wind, the pulse of ancient times
May you keep blowing for eternity and guide me
I send those unrestrainable emotions to you alone
I want you to be by my side so that our hearts shall become one, they shall
Oh soaring star, the light of ancient times
May you flicker for eternity and guide me
I send those unrestrainable emotions to you, my beloved
I hope you will one day return them so that our hearts shall become one
Oh soaring wind, the pulse of ancient times
May you keep blowing for eternity and guide me
I send those unrestrainable emotions to you alone
I want you to be by my side so that our hearts shall become one
they shall become one for eternity
Koja si ti jebena pizda
Ti si glupa pizda, popusi mi
Prestani da budes jebena pizda
Niko te cak ni ne zeli ovdje
Samo zelim da znas, ti si glupa jebena pizda
Hajde govori sta hoces, picko, bas me zabole
Ti si glupo govno, ti si glupa jebena kurva
Skidaj mi se s kurca, skidaj mi se s kurca, ono
Molim te ubij se, molim te ubij se
Stvarno moram da istaknem, nikoga nije briga jesi li ziv
Ti si jebena kurceva rupa, uzmi kurac pa ga pojedi cijelog
Moram da znam jesu li te ispustili dok si jos bio fetus
Toliko si jebeno ruzan i lice ti je jebeno grdno, zaboga
Tako si jebeno glasan, mozes li zavezati svoju jebena gubicu, mozes li
Koja si ti jebena pizda
Ti si glupa pizda, popusi mi
Prestani da budes jebena pizda
Niko te cak ni ne zeli ovdje
Zavezi jebenu gubicu, tako si jebeno glup
Ako me mrzis, zasto pricas? Nema nikakvog smisla
Tuzan ti je zivot, tuzan zivot, idi do jebenog vraga
Jesi li glup ili poremecen, covjece, stvarno ne mogu skontati
Ti si jebeno glupo govno, cak ni ne seres
Nosi mi se s ociju i idi go vraga i pojedi kurac
Dodji da te ispickam, momak
Dodji pa mi se suprotstavi, momak
Nisam lud, radim to sve zato sto mi se moze, momak
Nadam se da ces jebeno umrijeti u saobracajnoj nesreci
Nadam se da ces pasti na glavu i slomiti vrat
Nadam se da ces imati lijepu djecu sto ce umrijeti od raka
Nadam se da ces zakaciti zika virus kad ti zena zatrudni
Nadam se da ces dobiti na lutriji i umrijeti sljedeci dan
I da ce tvoja cerka da gleda kako te spustaju u grob
Ono, uh, oh, to je bilo malo mracno
Zao mi je, to je bilo malo mracno, jako los ukus
Nije trebalo to da kazem
Koja si ti jebena pizda
Zapravo, ne, trebalo je
Zapravo, nisam rekao dovoljno
Ti si glupa pizda, popusi mi
Prestani da budes jebena pizda
Niko te cak ni ne zeli ovdje