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Goodbye, See You Again

the cherry blossom blooms
and gets carried by the wind
like us who was looking for memories
it's time to tick away and take flight
our time of youth passes through
first time i didn't even know what 'friendship' means
I guess I grew more than the past
the black board where everyone's name was written on
made me feel the day of departure
ah... I wonder how many times I have fought with him
how many times we acted like fools and got scolded
there was also love that never came true
it's all good memories now
to make sure the memories that bloomed won't scatter
I will go forward to a new path
no need to keep memories in our heart
it's okay, it's engraved in the core
when we meet again in the future
let's act like fools and laugh together
until the day we can meet again
goodbye, see you again!
the cherry blossom blooms
and gets carried by the wind
and us who was looking for memories
it's time for tick away and take flight
from our youth that can't come back anymore
first time i didn't even know what 'farewell' was
but I think i understood just a bit
i didn't know why but my classmates' backs
just looked very lonely
ah.. i remember chatting about dreams with you
i was actually the criminal that day
i wish she would have happiness in her life
it's all good memories now
to make sure the memories that bloomed won't scatter
i will go forward to a new path
there is a bit regret, but
you were the one who made me strong
when we meet again in the future
let's continue the story we talked about last time
until the day we can meet again
goodbye see you again!
if the time pauses
if days like this continues forever
just a little longer
just a little more
i wanna keep on laughing right here
to make sure the memories that bloomed won't scatter
i will go forward to the new path
no need to keep our memories in our heart
it's okay, it's engraved in the core
when we meet again in the future
let's act like fools and laugh together
until the day we can meet again
goodbye, see you again!
to make sure the memories that bloomed won't scatter
i will go forward to the new path
because the memory would make me stronger
it's alright, any walls can't stop me!
when we meet again in the future
let's act like fools and laugh together
until the day we can meet again
goodbye, see you again!
Enchanted by a spell, I fell in love with you-

The Bells Say Goodbye

A gentle rain comes falling down. A person's hair is soaked through.
From the top of a long, winding hill, I just barely hear the sound of a bell.
From the very depths of my heart, you begin to disappear.
This frightening loneliness takes hold of my body.
Goodbye, my love. I'm already on the other side.
Goodbye, my love. I see a vision of you before my eyes.
Some time ago, we were smiling. Then the two of us finally broke up.
They are such beautiful memories to me. We said goodbye so gracefully.
Then a day came when you arrived, to make your home inside my heart.
And just like a naive girl I secretly longed for you.
Goodbye, my love. I'm just such an idiot.
Goodbye, my love. I congratulate you in a small voice.
Goodbye, my love. The bell rings so wonderfully.
Goodbye, my love. The sound of goodbye echoes through me.
Goodbye, my love. The bell rings so wonderfully.
Goodbye, my love.

Tiger Merry Melody

Like a tiger snapping up the flowing sky
Like a bird sneaking into high mountains
Like a bear crossing each end of earth
The whole mountain bursts with the merry melody
The morning star pierce its knitting needle into the sky
Flowers opened their mouth turning the waterfall on
Stares the river gathering at the ship trail
Let's sing a gleaming river song
Roll over and over, my days
Time is a narcissus threaded in the mountain
Sing a song, my wind
Love and the living count up the stars
Let's go with each other winding and meandering,
Beyond where we reach the sky
Vanish, dark night, vanish away
The moon hanging on the mountain is the song of peace
Let's go with each other winding and meandering,
Beyond where we reach the first light
Let's stay all day, having no time to think
The bird's song sitting on the rock is the song of merry melody
One dog running the hill over and over
One crow sitting on the pole fidgeting all over
One fox next to the stream-side heated up by the sizzling sun
That tiger of this mountain begins her journey
Ocean of dewy grass draws a wave
Night and day, seeps through three feets far
The Cloudhawk sails through high up in the sky
Let's sing the hundred-year melody
My moon, my moon, my bright Moon
Seasons are the wind winding through pine trees everyday
Echoing Ari-Arirang all over the mountain
Plays the drum up above the mountain ridge
Let's go with each other winding and meandering,
Beyond where we reach the sky
Vanish, dark night, vanish away
The moon hanging on the mountain is the song of peace
Let's go with each other winding and meandering,
Beyond where we reach the first light
Let's stay all day, having no time to think
The bird's song sitting on the rock is the song of merry melody
Roll over and over, my days
Time is a narcissus threaded in the mountain
Sing a song, my wind
Love and the living count up the stars
Let's go with each other winding and meandering,
Beyond where we reach the sky
Vanish, dark night, vanish away
The moon hanging on the mountain is the song of peace
Let's go with each other winding and meandering,
Beyond where we reach the sky
Vanish, dark night, vanish away
The moon hanging on the mountain is the song of peace
Let's go with each other winding and meandering,
Beyond where we reach the first light
Let's stay all day, having no time to think
The bird's song sitting on the rock is the song of merry melody
The star shining in the mountain is a song of youth
The tune opening this day is my song of merry melody

Razumeti ljubav

Samo sa muzikom i ljudima...
pojacava se ton ambijenta...
Kada se oci razumeju,
kada se usne ukljuce,
zele se more i pun mesec
i izgubi se odelo nemarno.
Posle te uhvati nostalgija,
osecas da se svet podelio na dva dela.
Dolazi plima peska i vatra
malo nize od srca.
Izadji iz samog sebe, istrazi ambis
jer se na kraju pali svetlost:
taj pogled izgubljen u nicemu
trazi isto sto i ti.
Nauciti nesto u zivotu...
Razumeti ljubav...
Otkriti kakav je svet...
Nauciti nesto u zivotu...
Razumeti potpuno ljubav...
Izmisliti iluziju...
¡Hey! ¡Hey eh!
Plesi skriveno u magli
lepa i tamna kao zivotinja,
cekajuci signale zabranjene ljubavi,
tvoja figura u mraku.
Gledaj tu kisu reflektora,
pogledaj kako se clanovi zagrevaju...
Plesi u toj sumi ludih tela
mrdajuci bez kontrole.
[Puente + Estribillo]


Ja sam bila zlatna ruza sunca,
kisa vina, balon ljubavi.
I moja palata je bila mladost:
kada sam pevala ja, sanjao si ti...
Imala sam slavu! Imala sam tvoju predanost!
I osecala sam se voljeno,
razmazena zbog zivota,
slepa u zabludnoj iluziji.
Arija ljubavi!
Dok aplaudiraju iza zavese,
u sumraku umire stari bog.
Arija ljubavi!
Himera... Pesma...
Da pobeda je velika
i Evropa... Velika...
Velika sudbina je danas!
Otrovana od ljubavi...
Otrovana od ljubavi...
Ja sam bila diva one nacije,
veliki pozorista su ispunjavala moj glas:
i moja palata, tako lepa juce,
od samoce i mermera je bila posle.
Pad... Konacno resenje...
Izmedju hiljadu zastava, krstova i lobanja,
simbola himera...
Izgubila sam te.
Arija ljubavi!
Dok aplaudiraju iza zavese,
u sumrak umires, stara Evropa:
Sama!... Aj, luda i potopljena!
Ali zasto je tako mracno ovde?
Zasto ova tama?
Ocajna sam!
Pijana sam! Pijana sam od ljubavi!
Cujem bombe, orlove terora...
i sanjam u smecu
koje okruzuje tvoju figuru
i pronalazim utehu u alkoholu...
Arija ljubavi!
Arija ljubavi!
Himera... Pesma...
Da poraz je veliki
i Evropa... Velika...
Veliki na kraju ti i ja!
Otrovana od ljubavi...
Otrovana od ljubavi...

Sada, sada

Da se skinem malo po malo,
da te zapalim ako te dodirnem,
Gledamo se u ogledalu,
nanosis mi bol i ne zalim se,
Vlaznost u tvom pogledu
nezno prosuta,
Tvoja zalost i moja zalost
lete zajedno u istom trenutku,
Ono sto zelim sada
je tvoje telo, sada...
Da budem njegov vlasnik, sada,
da budem njegov rob sada!
I da ga vezem sada!
I da ga obozavam sada!
Da zaustavim vreme, sada
i da ga milujem sada!
¡Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Da predam otvoreno telo,
da kroz pupak osetim tvoj uzdah,
Kako poplavi more stenu,
dodji i lizi med sa mojih usana,
Ja te zelim sada,
sa usnama, sada,
sa rukom, sada,
sa mesom sada!
Hitno je sada!
da se napijem sada!
Da izgubim tacku sada
i da se prospem sada!
¡Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ay... La, la ra la ra la...
Tako, nezno... Sada...

If The World Is Crying

A newscaster dispassionately tells me
a bit of sad news that TV tells
The drafts already been ready, the newscaster was reading them mechanically, trying not to misread
Even if it is so hard
People will get used to it
They ignore hurts and forget it
The world is crying
I'm going to cry bitterly
I can't be pretending not to notice
like nothing happened
If someone cries
I am going to stop there
If I'm being indifferent
I have no worth to live myself
On one of the newspaper fresh tears
A chain of fights only have a despair way
Tell me some smart person
Where should I shake hands with whom? to see white pigeons fly
People whose hearts hurt
would change the channel
They must watch funny videos
The world is crying
I'm going to cry bitterly
I can't think that it is someone else's business
like it happened in a far country
If someone is crying
Around the someone must help
We are living in the same times
I'm one of them
' I am powerless. I can do nothing. I only can cry with '
' I don't want get used to sadness. So if the world is crying, I'm going to cry bitterly '
The world is crying
I'm going to cry bitterly
I can't be pretending not to notice
like nothing happened
If someone cries
I'm going to stop there
If I'm being indifferent
I have not worth to live myself

He Stands Between You and Me

I have left all the doors open
Waiting for dawn to blossom.
Overcoming the effect of the heat,
The melancholy
And yesterday's memories.
Longing visits my bed,
Waking my silenced desires
And awakening the rage of the pain,
And the void
That your love has left.
Now I understand how it happened:
We opened this path...
Meanwhile, he stands
Between you and me...
The autumnal wind
Will drag us away,
And in my Copacabana, it will rain
Dying the whole sea with the colour of tears
As they fall from the sky.
The greenery that wrapped
That immense place,
Reclaims our wet warmth
From the past,
Caressing the hope
That your soul has left in me...
Submerged in distant waters,
Travelling across the salty dunes
Love liberated me,
Taking me far away from what I truly was.
My words would keep you calm,
My caresses would weave your tranquility
And little by little, the clock
Started to indicate that it was the time for a new goodbye.
I fee so broken... What can I do
If he is still standing in our way?
In my boat, there is only room for two...
The autumnal wind
Will drag us away,
And in my Copacabana, it will rain
Dying the whole sea with the colour of tears
As they fall from the sky.
The greenery that wrapped
That immense place,
Reclaims our wet warmth
From the past,
Caressing the hope
That your soul has left in me...

Orange Sun

I am happy, orange sun
I owe nothing, I live today and that reaches me
I'm from plush, I'm orange.
I going to the promised land
I have God
I know about love, I know about hate.
I prefer you because you are out of everything
I live in peace, I'm lucky
I have you and it is sufficient
I have God
Let's think it's natural
That is how it happened
Let's think it's natural
This is how you can live in peace
I have God

Always Near You

The wind has hushed and with it the song
The song over the sea
The words are said and once more
The sun goes down with the day.
Let me always live near you
Near your heart and near your hug
Our longing shall carry us
Over the heaviest sea to land
Come let us emigrate
Into a love that never ends.
The storm has calmed down and the lights are lit
In our house here in the city
And nobody except us knows what happened
When the sun rises above the roofs.

season of farewells

The wrinkled shirt is becoming a little dirty
however voices can still be heard from the playground
Will you always be enduring those tears?
Since you understand this you hurriedly go over to your friends
Though we will be sure see each other until graduation, right?
However the times when we were hanging out can no longer return
As we bid farewell to the autumn wind we both just hang down our heads
Since each of us decided the road we will walk
We gently bid our farewells to our most loved ones
I thought that I couldn't be a nuisance​ and now I already must go
The lie 'lets meet up every once in a while' became vexing
I probably can't say this since I fear it will hurt your feelings
Until the graduation I have to find my own way of life because I can't be forgetful
As we bid farewell to the autumn wind the season becomes cold
The streets start to get noisy and yet
We gently bid our farewells even though we really want to stay together
we can't do anything about this
I liked the memories of times when we were all smiling
even though someday I'll certainly have to bear that pain alone
As we bid farewell to the autumn wind we both just hang down our heads
Since we can't wait for the spring we quietly start walking this road without turning back

If I could make only one vow

The tears blurred your back as I was unable to follow it
My heart was pierced deeply by a thorn and I stood alone motionless
You were gentle with a big and warm heart
that feeling of comfort became an ordinary thing and I hurt your feelings
The promise we made that night can no longer be returned
the glass road dispersed like our future
Though I don't know the way of love
If I could make only one vow
would my sealed heart be eventually forgiven
Just being gently embraced in your arms
Though you send me the warm heart
I'm being charmed by something that is far away
I was unable to understand your loneliness
And so I'm sorry...my dear
Suddenly I hear the tones of the song that you liked
just like in that day I sing it to myself as many big tears fall down
If with this you would seem to find happiness
I'll put an end to this eternal longing since I would discover my future self
At least tonight the dreams of laughing angels...
Though I don't know the way of love
If I could make only one vow
With anybody I happen to meet from now on
and make sure to pass the meaning of my love
It's sure you were best than anything
Those memories of my precious time will never come back again
without just throwing them away I shall leave them behind
hey each of us walk...my way
I couldn't say it but thank you...my love

Goodbye to a Childhood Friend

I'm not a child
I'm not a child, but
I don't want to grow up
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid, but
I don't know what will happen in the future
Will things ever be the same again?
I don't want to be parted from you
I have to go on alone
And I have left you behind
Thank you
Those days will not return
But within my heart
I will keep your memory alive
I'm not lonely
I'm not lonely, but
I don't want to be alone
It doesn't hurt
It doesn't hurt, but
There's an empty feeling inside my chest
Even if you are gone, the world will not change
So, why won't these tears stop?
I have to go on alone
And I have left you behind
Thank you
Those days will not return
But within my heart
I will keep your memory alive
I have to go on alone
And I have left you behind
Thank you
Those days will not return
But within my heart
I will keep your memory alive
Translation by Albaniana. If you ever want to republish this translation, please ask for permission first and cite me as the author. Lyrics are protected by copyright./Përkthimi nga Albaniana. Në qoftse ndonjëherë doni të ripublikoni këtë përkthim, të lutem pytni për leje para dhe me citoni si autoria. Tekstet janë mbrojtur nga e drejta e autorit.

Blooming Orange Tree

She was blander than water
Than soft water
She was fresher than the river
Blooming orange tree
And in that street of weariness
Lost street
She left a piece of my life
And left...
First one must know how to suffer
Then love, then part
And finally go on without a thought
Perfume of blooming orange tree
Empty promises of a love
That escaped with the wind
And then, who cares about the 'then'!
All of my life is yesterday
That keeps me in the past
Eternal and old youth
That has left me a coward
Like a bird without light
What must my hands have done to her
What have they done...
To have left in my chest
So much pain
Old grove pain
Corner music
With a piece of life
Blooming orange tree
First one must know how to suffer
Then love, then part
And finally go on without a thought
Perfume of blooming orange tree
Empty promises of a love
That escaped with the wind
And then, who cares about the 'then'!
All of my life is yesterday
That keeps me in the past
Eternal and old youth
That has left me a coward
Like a bird without light...

Say it yourself

A bad dawning in the morning
It was a day like many others
Look, what a destiny!
As a witness, only stones
They killed them for no reason,
Just for some lie. Not worth it.
Say it yourself1
Why did you mourn?
Say it yourself
Are they proud of it?
Killing two men
Is not a bravery
There is more courage
In forgiving
The bells are tolling the death knell
The whole village is mourning
How many fathers and mothers
Will still weep and sob?
They give no value to life anymore
They have more respect for a lamb
Ruined houses that seem to stand
And the memories come to mind
Small candles and many Masses
Hoping that someone may return
How many crosses have still to be raised
Before the time for peace comes?
  • 1. “Naralu tue” is an idiom meaning approximately “You can judge yourself”.

My boyfriend is a zombie

His teeth are not white, he only has three.
His skin is both trasparent and green.
His yellow eyes drive me crazy.
That boy has something I don't know.
We are inseparable
And I see as very probable
Marry him.
He always wears white clothes and looks good on it.
He never wear shoes, he knows why.
We are inseparable
he has already met my parents.
He is happy and I am happy.
My boyfriend is a zombie,
is a living dead
that came from the other side to stay with me.
My life is useful at least,
I recovered lost love,
intact but decomposed.
His yellow eyes drive me crazy.
That boy has something I don't know.
Sometimes I think it couldn't be,
but I know nobody will separate me from him.
He is dead, although he denied it
he is a zombie but he loves me.
We are inseparable
he has already met my parents.
He is happy and I am happy.
My boyfriend is a zombie,
is a living dead
that came from the other side to stay with me.
My life is useful at least,
I recovered lost love,
intact but decomposed.
My boyfriend is a zombie,
is a living dead
that came from the other side to stay with me.
My life is useful at least,
I recovered lost love,
intact but decomposed.
My boyfriend is a zombie
My boyfriend is a zombie

Good bye prince

I was your funny joke
A rupture love letter was given
Bought a Complex ・ Collection
Today I wonder which one to wear?
The audience will return soon
After all I really like the gossip
I'm not a good girl at all but stick around until you life ends
Good bye my prince
In the dark Swaying Swayed
Good bye my prince
The 0 o'clock bell rang rang rang
Ignorant, childish, superficial, shallow because of the chasing
I want to say to you get to married,I want to say to you that's an order
The kept traumatic pink ribbon was given as a present
'It's like my eyes are dead'
It's an usual thing
Sweet dreams are over
Clear all the building blocks
Wait in vain for the weather forecast
A bus guide as an excuse
A girl in a square,with a missile equipment inside a pouch
Tear the page and come here
Don't say that you are a child?
If only are words to list in the screen inside the pouch, throw it away
Good bye my prince
An apple appeared in the dark
Good bye my prince
Heels were took off I don't care I don't care I don't care
She takes off the heels
Gave up becoming an adult
Intends to cool down the heart
It's no longer a good girl
Looks back at the usual home
Faces the blue corridor
A police stationed side by side with vending machines
As that day, throws it away
Good bye my prince
In the dark Swaying Swayed
Good bye my prince
The 0 o'clock bell rang rang rang
Unstable Unstable Unstable with​ it
Good bye Good bye Good bye
Unstable Unstable Unstable with​ it
Heels were took off I don't care I don't care I don't care