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Invisible treasure

I keep the invisible treasure
The trace of this love in myself, and I begin to understand that
Even when it doesn't look like that, all my songs are about you
Connected with desire and dream
While I whisper your name
Like the beginning of verse
Then I walk without weight
Happier than everyone
Year after year
We share good and bad
I love you without breather
And I can't change that
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes
I am quiet, but where from myself
When hours flow into nothing
Because a lot of it means little
Now I live, but I die for you
Because you knew how to know
Find the untouched heart
While I whisper your name
Like the beginning of verse
Then I walk without weight
Happier than everyone
Year after year
We share good and bad
I love you without breather
And I can't change that
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes

Невидљива породица

Versions: #2
Ти и ја смо заједно купили дан,
Он ће трајати дуго. Зар нам то није довољно?
Ти и ја смо заједно попили ноћ.
Не бој се, тако нежно нико неће питати.
Око нас је свет, а ти и ја смо
Једна невидљива породица!
Ти и ја смо заједно видели свет
И можда постоји неки други. Зар смо га тражили?
Трчаћу сам, а ти не устај,
Толико желим да поново пијем
Вино и крв, а свега има тако мало!
Око нас је свет, а ти и ја смо
Једна невидљива породица!
Ја већ треба да идем, а ја и ти смо
Легли на дно и нико нас неће пронаћи!

I Want Names

I want to hear names, who are the executioners of '56?
Who brought judgment over a clean revolution?
Because a crime is still a crime, blood stains their hands
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
I want to hear names, I cannot forgive,
For the long prison years, for the dust befallen tears
Because a crime remains a crime, blood stains their hands,
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
Wittner, Mária:1
'Now the world expects us, out of pure Christian mercy,
to forgive, and move on? Forgive those who trampled children with tanks? Who lead the firing squad?
Forgive the massacres? The many years of cruel oppression?
Forget, that Hungarians were buried faced down?
That for many, emigration was the only option?
Forget the horrors of the torture? The last words of the death sentenced?
Forgive, and history will judge?!
Well no...
No, and no!'
Because a crime remains a crime, blood stains their hands,
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
Because a crime is still a crime, blood stains their hands
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
  • 1. 1956 revolution survivor and freedom fighter, 19 year old single mother - imprisoned for 12 years (her son was 1 years old)
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And I'd like to think about it some more,
we're frightened by this angel.
Come to think of it, it's true, who knows where is
the last word that concerned you.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know where it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
Who among us already has an idea?
Seeing you again and not talking with you makes me shiver,
mad obsession of those who don't know who is
a new love being born here.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know how it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know how it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
Only you, only you...
In my mind
only you, only you...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Lady Carneval

Great as Lolo, posh as little Jane
beautiful as Aphrodite once in Athens
All of them together, that's what I call perfect
like this and nothing else is Lady Carneval
One in a hundred - only one can it be
99 times it is not what it seems
There are Ladies everywhere, but Lady Carneval
exists only one time, only one time
When we find each other, that's clear as a crystal
the people say, we are the most beautiful couple
and the one that I mean, knows it for a long time
Today is the day of the most beautiful time that will come
Your eyes are promising so much
although I know that everything is just a game
Red roses, red wine, beeing happy - just for a few days
only with you

Никад нећеш знати

Никад нећеш знати
колико ми недостајеш,
никад нећеш знати
колико ми је стало до тебе.
И да покушам, не бих могао да сакријем
љубав према теби,
требало би да знаш,
јер, зар ти нисам то рекао
милион и више пута?
Отишла си и моје срце је отишло с тобом.
Сваки пут кад се молим поменем твоје име.
Ако постоји неки други начин да докажем да те волим,
кунем се, ја не знам како.
Никад нећеш знати ако не знаш сада.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Memory, memory, what do you want of me? Autumn
Makes the thrush fly through colourless air,
And the sun casts its monotonous glare
On the yellowing woods where the north winds hum.
We were alone, and walking in dream,
She and I, hair and thoughts wind-blown.
Then, turning her troubling gaze on me,
‘Your loveliest day?’ in her voice of fine gold,
Her voice, with its angel’s tone, fresh, vibrant, sweet.
I gave her my answer, a smile so discreet,
And kissed her white hand with devotion.
– Ah! The first flowers, what a fragrance they have!
And how charming the murmured emotion
Of a first ‘yes’ let slip from lips that we love!

Never Land

Hands on the clock made a full circle - it's another day
Lyrics sung over and over - forgetten again
Blame it on the neighbor's fat cat - it's footsteps are too loud
Tree branches peek through skyscrapers
The night owl’s eyes look to and fro
People passing by walk in dancing steps
Wrong rhythm are not important
Tedious rules are meant to be ignored
Let boredom end in the next second
Unstoppable mood makes you scream
Baby join our crazy fun
Let’s be high and forget all troubles
Spread our joy throughout the universe
Bypass those snobbish channels
Send a simple and direct signal
Only pictographs are considered old-fashioned
Wrong rhythm are not important
Tedious rules are meant to be ignored
Let boredom end in the next second
Unstoppable mood makes you scream
Baby join our crazy fun
Let’s be high and forget all troubles
Spread our joy throughout the universe


I'm throwing off yesterday's world and leaving on a trip for the ocean
This map of the future that I drew with my small mind and this luggage
I threw them out and ran off with one bag
I'm always bad at telling my dreams, with a cold look I'm listening to stories of another place
'Is it like that? That's not what mine's like'
I'm always howling that out only in my heart
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?
It's always noisy inside my head, every day there is a big speech only in there
The world is overflowing with the words of successful people, at any time
The microphone is never turned towards the defeated
That vivid shining, this hand with all one's might
A pointed fingertip, sweeps over the world
If I could be with you on a night like this
I feel like we might reach it
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?

Never Get Enough

So fragile is modernity, so simple to get bored with
Blocked is my Visa, but I go shopping
Confused under the bedsheets **
Yet you have a life which one can only dream of
But tomorrow you will be deleted
That’s the way it is, how it goes, how it goes
Like it or not, don’t worry
I’ve photoshopped everything
Find me, like me, follow me
‘Cause we never never get enough
‘Cause we never never get enough
No, we never get enough
Hey, decode the gold rush
‘Cause we never never get enough
‘Cause we never never get enough
No, we never get enough
Hey, we have everything but we never get enough
So vain is the celebrity, bloated ego
My aura will be quelled, I want my private life
You have a scruffy Tanguy appearance
But give some Bitcoin
Oh that’s the way it is
How it goes, how it goes
Like it or not, don’t worry
I’ve photoshopped you
Find me, take me, like me
‘Cause we never never get enough
‘Cause we never never get enough
No, we never get enough
Hey, decode the gold rush
‘Cause we never never get enough
No, we never never get enough
No, we never get enough
Hey, we have everything but we never get enough
‘Cause we never never get enough
No, we never never get enough
No, we never get enough
Hey, we have everything but we never get enough
‘Cause we never never get enough, get enough
No, we never never get enough, get enough
Never, never get enough
Hey, what the hell are we looking for
‘Cause we never never get enough, get enough
‘Cause we never never get enough, get enough
Never, never get enough
Hey, decode the gold rush
’Cause we never never never get enough
No, we never never
’Cause we never never get enough
Hey, we have everything but we never get enough

Our breakup

2:00, three numbers, but in the night
They crush me so hard that it makes me want to scream
I feel like the ceiling is crumbling all over me
Every night I fall asleep praying, 'text me'
Look at me, I walked right beside you, I took every blow
There is only one that I didn't survive, when you were indifferent towards me
Consider me dead and move on with your life
Drink with thousands women for our breakup
I hope you care for each one only for a day
And look for the love that you had with me
Look at me, I walked right beside you, I took every blow
There is only one that I didn't survive, when you were indifferent towards me
I started hating all sad songs, damn you
It's like every single one is written about you
I have memories for dinner and tears for breakfast
In my calendar there are wounds instead of days
Consider me dead and move on with your life
Drink with thousands women for our breakup
I hope you care for each one only for a day
And look for the love that you had with me
Look at me, I walked right beside you, I took every blow
There is only one that I didn't survive, when you were indifferent towards me
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.

Greška je bila

Ako je imao način da imam vremena sa tobom ponovo,
Puziću, goreću, vrištaću, ali te ne bih povredila.
Želim da budeš povređen, od ljubomore želim da budeš slomljen,
da se sažališ na mene, da se pobiješ, 'ona je moja' da vrištiš.
I kako ne razumeš, ja sam jedan, ti si jedna.
Rekao si da je ovo greška bila, nije bila ljubav što si spavao sa mnom,
ali bilo je draga moja, svi nakon tebe su bili povređeni.
Dišem da te zagrlim, dišem jedino da ti se osvetim,
Srce imaš li? Žao mi je, od kako si ga slomio, nemam ga.
Kao malo dete sam te povredio bez razmišljanja
Bićeš drugačiji, zvaćeš me, ali znam da ti nedostajem i da ne možeš spavati.
Želim da budeš povređen, od ljubomore želim da budeš slomljen,
da se sažališ na mene, da se pobiješ, 'ona je moja' da vrištiš.
I kako ne razumeš, ja sam jedan, ti si jedna.
U očima njegovim mu reci, da ga ne voliš,
za svakoga sam tvoja, ali te mrzim ako me pitaš.(x2)
Ako me pitaš.(x3)
U očima njegovim mu reci, da ga ne voliš,
za svakoga sam tvoja, ali te mrzim ako me pitaš.(x2)
Ako me pitaš.(x3)

Swamps of Neva River

My tendons are like cables, and my memory's like ice,
My heart is like a diesel engine, and my blood's like honey,
Yet I'm destined to live here among the grey grass,
In the exhausted darkness of the swamps of Neva.
Where the houses are but facades, and the words are empty shells,
And this prospect is nothing but a trail of the burnt star.
I wish I could be like a sun, but I've became like a shadow on the wall,
And the dead man with no last rites sat on my neck.
Since then, I've started seeing us all being like in chains,
And the souls of dead soldiers on the fir tree branches
Are silently watching us waltzing in the candle light,
Everyone of us with a handful of ash and with a dead man on the neck.
When the day of the forgiveness comes, God bless it, but I won't bear the wait,
I found the way out, I'll go away and then I'll come back,
I'll bring this word, like a key to the vast blueness
To let them go home,
All of them who are sleeping at the swamps of Neva.

To Nevada with a Sierra

Ford Sierra 85 2.0, can't feel good to drive anymore
Jump in, (No I won't) Here's a party (yeah yeah sure)
The trip lasts 3 days, turn off the traction control system
Here we have direct gasoline injection, release the beast Antti Tuisku
Body kit, bucket seat, rims, gear shaft
Turbocharger, manual, central lock like an asshole
A power chip, subwoofer, take it from behind
Others have Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bugattis,
Jaguars, Pagans, but I'll go
To Nevada with a Sierra!
I wish I could drive on rims... into deck chairs
To Nevada with a Sierra!
There women have oiled bumbers, bikinis can't be found.
Ford Sierra accelerates from a 100 to 0
Now you can chill on the side of the road
Raise the clutch when you hear this rhythm
Up next is a push start, Repsikka has a sporty quarter hour
The break line is broken, the oil pan almost blown out
Spark wires, connecting rod, water pump, gas tank,
Track rod, tail lights, decayed track arms
Windshield, alcolock, some blockage in the gas feed
Others have Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bugattis,
Jaguars, Pagans, but I'll go
To Nevada with a Sierra!
I wish I could drive on rims... into deck chairs
To Nevada with a Sierra!
There women have oiled bumbers, bikinis can't be found.
I have a furry hat, a deep sound, a leather jacket
Dark glasses always on, to the track again on Saturday
Others have Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bugattis,
Jaguars, Pagans, but I'll go
To Nevada with a Sierra!
I wish I could drive on rims... into deck chairs
To Nevada with a Sierra!
There women have oiled bumbers, bikinis can't be found.

Love Is Never Gone

Yeah- Love is never gone no no no no
I don’t have enough courage
To open my eyes and let you go
We won’t meet again when that door opens
If I send you away
But for a while I’ve been happy
So I should endure anything since I allowed it
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
And take you away
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me
I’ll try to endure it, so you can leave
Just let it go (let it go) Just let it go
I’ll get through it
So don’t look back at me anymore
But my foolish hands and lips
Might still try and stop you
It’s okay, don’t let foolishness bring you tears
It makes you hesitate
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
And take you away
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me
I’ll try to endure it, so you can leave
Will I be able you erase you?
I will have to forget
The way I loved you
The memories we made when we spent time together
Leave them with me (leave them)
Then you can turn away
I’ll eventually let go of all the feelings
I have for you
So you don’t have to be sorry
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
Time will take you away
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me
I’ll try to endure it, so you can leave
The memories we made when we spent time together
Leave them with me (leave them)
I’ll eventually let go of all the feelings
I have for you
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me

I Never Let Go

Even if I've tried for days
To forget you, to erase you
Calmly, like a fool
An awkward greeting was all I could do
These awkward words are for you
My heart for you is my reason
(It's for you)
I'll miss you, even for just one day for one second
You've become so far way
I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (don't leave)
Forever in my arms I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (dont' leave)
Forever by my side
Why are you leaving? Tell me
I can't understand what am I to do?
Is it the end of your smile
That protected me shyly, too?
The long time is for you too
Everything for you, is my reason
(It's for you)
It'll be hard, even for just one day for one second
You've become so far way
I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (don't leave)
Forever in my arms I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (dont' leave)
Forever by my side
Even if another time comes, only you are my everything
Always you are my only, only you make me live
I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (don't leave)
Forever in my arms I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (dont' leave)
Forever by my side
For you, eternity

My Filth Is So Unfathomable...

My filth is so unfathomable and so innocent
Tell me, what’s on the telly today
And if you watch the telly–you’ll turn into a goat
Suck it up to the best of your ability
Having got your horns worn out you’ll be given some cabbage
And now dig the ground with a hoof–it’s just so tempting to love
It’s evil–you may fall in love with a goat when waters are out
oozing as murky blood from the fingers cut by strings
The Sea Witch made legs out of the Little Mermaid’s fishtail
Willing to help, she proved to be a wicked witch
Isn’t this for the entire life–ask an occasional night quack
What’s this? The alarm clock rings on time
It’s midnight, but the hands are apart–they can’t get together any way
Rustling, rising up to the neck there’s a heap of paper scraps
Fair copies, not interlined, not slantwise
superscribed in red pencil
Get the whole in advance–isn’t it a good earnest?
The bird of paradise with fried potatoes
Wings are yours–in exchange for horns.

You can take my youth away, but you can never take my dream away(내 젊음은 가져가도 꿈은 줄 수 없어)

The reason I dance alone
Doubting what i see and what i hear
Lying in the shade of a palm tree
to watch the pouring sunset
An unheard-of thing
Things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away
In the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
I have a brigh future in front of me
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
The green spring day that faded away
We just can't face each other again.
without memorable moments goin' thru our minds
I'm sorry, but I'm fine.
An unheard-of thing
things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away in the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away (X2)
I still wander on indefinite ways
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away

It was mistake

If there was a way to have time with you again ,
I will crawl, burn, scream, but I would not hurt you.
I want you to be hurt, from jealous i want you to be heartbroken,
to pity for me, to break, 'she is mine' to scream.
And how you don't understand, i am one , you are one.
You said that this was mistake, it was not love that you slept with me,
but it was my dear, every one after you was hurting.
I am breathing to hug you, i am breathing only to revenge you.
You don't have heart? I am sorry, since you broke it i don't have.
Like little child i hurt you, without thinking at all,
you will be different, you will be calling to me, but i know that you miss me and you can't sleep.
I want you to be hurt, from jealous i want you to be heartbroken,
to pity for me, to break, 'she is mine' to scream.
And how you don't understand, i am one , you are one.
In tha eyes of other men you say to him that you don't love him,
for everyone i am yours, but i hate you if you ask m.e (х2)
If you ask me. (х3)
In tha eyes of other men you say to him that you don't love him,
for everyone i am yours, but i hate you if you ask me. (х2)
If you ask me. (х3)

Stars of August are falling down

The stars of August are falling down,
The generous earth gave her fruits.
The garden, illuminated by the light, doesn’t sleep:
It is covering the whole yard with its pears.
The old pear-tree, because you are old (how could it be?)
You were about to be cut down,
But you have given such generous harvest,
And have thrown your pears into the house.
But you have given such generous harvest,
And have thrown your pears into the house.
Such sweet and fragrant pears
That taste like honey to me.
But why does my soul ache,
And tears drop because of the pears?
They are so sweet and fragrant,
And taste like honey to me.
But why does my soul ache,
And tears drop because of the pears?
But why does my soul ache,
And tears drop because of the pears?

Silent Stony Guards

On my yard many nights them dark shapes been stalking
hard granite men swinging their leather belts
I'm in a bad place in a mountain cabin
attacking me with erect lances
stony men, extinguished minds
wounds aren't light!
A form dark, stone hard from my door bursts
A black thong of leather my skin now deeply furrows
I'm in a bad place in a mountain cabin
attacking me with erect lances
stony men, extinguished minds
wounds aren't light!

My Dearest

Touch me with your heart,
lift me high to the sky.
My dear, my dearest,
heat me up stronger than fire.
Happiness got address with you,
it is named after you.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
My dear, my dearest,
which skies sent you to me.
All day and all night next to you,
your touch is only for me.
Happiness got address with you,
it is named after you.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Just how strong you love,
you wake up my whole heart,
nine days, ten nights
necause I cannot live without you
without you.
Just how strong,
just how strong you love,
just how strong,
my dearest.
Just how strong,
just how strong you love,
just how strong,
my dearest.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.

Vena, Nevena

It's all because of you, Vena1 (x2)
Vena, Vena, you, Nevena,
You burnt their hearts, Vena, with fire,
It's because you were named Vena, Nevena.
You burnt, Vena, the whole world.
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena. (2)
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena. (2)
Those who were, Vena, engaged,
They have returned, Vena, their rings,
And became, Vena, bachelors
And obsessed, Vena, by you2
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena. (2)
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena.
It's all because of you, Vena.
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena.
It's all because of you, Vena.
  • 1. This is short form of female's name Nevena
  • 2. Literally - 'drunk because of you'


Somebody is waiting for you
Somebody is forgiving you
Somebody is accepting you as you are
Somebody is believing you
Somebody is seeing you
Who is it and who would you want it to be?
Do you know who's gonna be
that somebody
who's gonna give you
all that you need
all that you want
There's somebody for sure
that will follow you
night and day
Just say it
and you'll see
Somebody is feeling you
Somebody is choosing you
and will always understand you
Somebody is waiting for you
Somebody is forgiving you
Somebody is accepting you as you are
Do you know who's gonna be
that somebody
who's gonna give you
all that you need
all that you want
There's somebody for sure
that will follow you
night and day
Just say it
and you'll see
Do you know who's gonna be
that somebody
who's gonna give you
all that you need
all that you want
There's somebody for sure
that will follow you
night and day
Just say it
and you'll see

Legende nikada ne umiru

Legende nikada ne umiru
Kada te svet zove
Da li ih čuješ kako viču tvoje ime?
Legende nikad ne umiru
Oni postoju deo tebe
Savki put kad krvariš kako bi postigao dostojanstvenost (veličinu)
Nemilosrdno preživiš
Nikada ne gube nadu kada je sve hladno i borba se sprema
Duboko u svojim kostima trčaće u dim kada je požar žestok
O, ustani, jer
Legende nikada ne umiru
Kada te svet zove
Da li ih čuješ kako viču tvoje ime?
Legende nikad ne umiru
Oni postoju deo tebe
Savki put kad krvariš kako bi postigao dostojanstvenost (veličinu)
Nemilosrdno preživiš
Zapisani su u večnosti
Ali nikada nećeš videti cenu
Ožiljci koji su ih obeležili tokom života
Kada je sve izgubljeno
Podignu svoja srca i osvete poraz
Pre nego što sve počne
Trpe bol samo da bi dodirnuli san
Ustani, jer
Legende nikada ne umiru
Kada te svet zove
Da li ih čuješ kako viču tvoje ime?
Legende nikad ne umiru
Oni postoju deo tebe
Savki put kad krvariš kako bi postigao dostojanstvenost (veličinu)
Nemilosrdno preživiš
Kada svet viče tvoje ime
Moli te da se boriš
Ustani, još jednom
Ustani, jer
Legende nikada ne umiru
Kada te svet zove
Da li ih čuješ kako viču tvoje ime?
Legende nikad ne umiru
Oni postoju deo tebe
Savki put kad krvariš kako bi postigao dostojanstvenost (veličinu)
Nemilosrdno preživiš

The Wine Hasn't Gone Sour Yet

/: The wine hasn't gone sour yet, let's drink it, lads : /
/: Let's drink it, lads, let's drink it, lads, let's drink it, lads
Till the morning, till the morning, till the white morning : /
/: The girl hasn't groen up, yet, let's take her, lads : /
/: Let's take her, lads, let's take her, lads, let's take her, lads
we will be dancing with her till the white morning : /

Nikad neću biti ista

Versions: #3
Mora da se nešto pokvarilo u mom mozgu
Imam sve tvoje hemikalije u mojim venama
Osećam sve visine, osećam sav bol
Puštam kormilo, staza je ograničena
Sad postajem besna, ne razmišljam pravilno
Zamagljujem sve granice, truješ me
Baš kao nikotin, heroin, morfin
Iznenada, ja sam zavisnik i ti si sve što mi treba
Sve što mi treba, da, sve što mi treba
To si ti, bebo
I obožavam način na koji se krećeš, bebo
I mogla bih pokušati bežati, ali bilo bi beskorisno
Ti si kriv
Samo jedna doza tebe, znaću da više nikada neću biti ista
To si ti, bebo
I obožavam način na koji se krećeš, bebo
I mogla bih pokušati bežati, ali bilo bi beskorisno
Ti si kriv
Samo jedna doza tebe, znaću da više nikada neću biti ista
Ja nikada neću biti ista
Ja nikada neću biti ista
Ja nikada neću biti ista
Ušunjavam se u LA kada su svetla prigušena
Od jednog dodira bih se mogla predozirati
Rekao si, 'Prestani igrati sigurno
Devojko, želim da vidim kako gubiš kontrolu'
Baš kao nikotin, heroin, morfin
Iznenada, ja sam zavisnik i ti si sve što mi treba
Sve što mi treba, da, sve što mi treba
To si ti, bebo
I obožavam način na koji se krećeš, bebo
I mogla bih pokušati bežati, ali bilo bi beskorisno
Ti si kriv
Samo jedna doza tebe, znaću da više nikada neću biti ista
To si ti, bebo
I obožavam način na koji se krećeš, bebo
I mogla bih pokušati bežati, ali bilo bi beskorisno
Ti si kriv
Samo jedna doza tebe, znaću da više nikada neću biti ista
Ja nikada neću biti ista
Ja nikada neću biti ista
Ja nikada neću biti ista
Ti si mi u krvi, ti si u mojim venama, ti si u mojoj glavi
Ti si mi u krvi, ti si u mojim venama, ti si u mojoj glavi
Govorim to si ti, bebo
I obožavam način na koji se krećeš, bebo
I mogla bih pokušati bežati, ali bilo bi beskorisno
Ti si kriv (ti si kriv)
Samo jedna doza tebe, znaću da više nikada neću biti ista
To si ti, bebo
I obožavam način na koji se krećeš, bebo
I mogla bih pokušati bežati, ali bilo bi beskorisno
Ti si kriv
Samo jedna doza tebe, znaću da više nikada neću biti ista

My bride will truly sob for me

My bride will truly sob for me,
My friends will pay my debts for me,
Others will sing all the songs for me,
And, perhaps, my enemies will toast to me.
I am not given interesting books to read,
And my guitar is without strings,
And I'm not allowed beyond and I'm not allowed below,
And for me there is no sun and no moon.
I am not allowd freedom: I have no right,
One is only to go from the door - to the wall,
I'm not allowed to the left, I'm not allowed to the right,
One is only allowed a piece of the sky, one is allowed to dream.
I am dreaming, how I come out, how my padlock is opened,
How my guitar is returned,
Who will be waiting there for me, how I shall be embraced,
And which songs will be sung for me.

Nikad te neću izneveriti

Versions: #2
Kad ti je srce slabo i ranjivo
Biću tu
Kad si sama i ne znaš gde bi
Biću tu
Kad si u dilemi, biću tu da te razvedrim
Jer treba da znaš da će sunce opet zasijati
Biću tu
Uvek ima dana kad si neraspoložena
I sve deluje nemoguće
Tad treba da znaš jedno
Svaki put kad izgubiš nadu
I ne znaš gde bi
Tad treba da znaš jedno
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Uvek ću biti tu negde
Kad si povređena, žao mi je
Biću tu, ne brini
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Čuvaću te od svega
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Čuvaću te od svega
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Od sada do kraja sveta
Biću tu
Da ti dodam maramicu da obrišeš suze
Biću tu
Ako ti treba senka, zasadiću drvo
Ako ti treba pomoć, potraži me
Biću tu
Svaki put kad izgubiš nadu
I ne znaš gde bi
Tad treba da znaš jedno
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Uvek ću biti tu negde
Kad si povređena, žao mi je
Biću tu, ne brini
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Čuvaću te od svega
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Čuvaću te od svega
Nikad te neću izneveriti
I kad budem star i moji dani odbrojani
Ušuškaj se ispod pokrivača naših uspomena*
Moja ljubav prema tebi je večna i kad odem
I kad odem, i kad odem
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Uvek ću biti tu negde
Kad si povređena, žao mi je
Biću tu, ne brini
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Čuvaću te od svega
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Čuvaću te od svega
Nikad te neću izneveriti
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Više nikad neću voljeti

Voljela bih da sam,
da sam se mogla oprostiti
rekla bih ti ono što želim
možda bih i plakala
Da sam znala da je to poslednji put
prepolovila bih svoje srce
da tako sačuvam dio tebe
Ne želim da me neko drugi dodiruje
Ne želim da započnem novu strast
Ne želim da nekog drugog ljubim
Samo tvoje ime mi je na usnama
Ne želim da dam svoje srce
nekom drugom strancu
niti želim da svane novi dan
neću ni pustiti sunce da uđe
Ne, više nikad neću voljeti
Nikad više neću voljeti
Kada smo se prvi put sreli
Nikad nisam mislila da ću pasti na tebe
Nikad nisam mislila da ću se jednom naći u tvom zagrljaju
I želim da se pretvaram da nije istina, da te, dragi, nema
jer moj svijet se vrti, vrti, vrti ali ja ne idem dalje
Ne želim da me neko drugi dodiruje
Ne želim da započnem novu strast
Ne želim da nekog drugog ljubim
Samo tvoje ime mi je na usnama
Ne želim da dam svoje srce
nekom drugom strancu
niti želim da svane novi dan
neću ni pustiti sunce da uđe
Ne, više neću voljeti
Ne želim da osjetim više ovo, osim sa tobom
Ne želim da propustim nijedan trenutak
I ne želim nekom drugom da dam najbolji dio sebe
Radije bih čekala tebe
Ne želim da me neko drugi dodiruje
Ne želim da započnem novu strast
Ne želim da nekog drugog ljubim
Samo tvoje ime mi je na usnama
Ne želim da dam svoje srce
nekom drugom strancu
niti želim da svane novi dan
neću ni pustiti sunce da uđe
Ne, više nikad neću voljeti
Voljeti ponovo
Nikad više neću voljeti
Nikad neću voljeti
Neću, neću, kunem ti se, ne mogu
Kamo sreće da mogu, ali prosto, neću
Nikad više neću voljeti
Nikad neću voljeti

Your infidelity

Through spines and glass I'll follow you
for you I would reach into fire with my bare hands
but that wasn't enough for you
everyone tells me 'you fool, go and get medical treatment'
But I drink and I don't hide from the others that my disease is love
friday shoots and I'm falling like a bullet, my friends
without you, heart is colder than the north
if this drink doesn't destroy me, your infidelity will
I loved you untill my last drop of blood
and now sorrow crumbles me like never before
in two halfs, I already part in two halfs
everyone's keeping me away from the pain, they tell me 'go get sober from this love'
Chorus 2x
But I drink and I don't hide from the others that my disease is love
friday shoots and I'm falling like a bullet, my friends
without you, heart is colder than the north
if this drink doesn't destroy me, your infidelity will
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


The cloud had covered the castle at the top of the mountain
Which lights up towards the sky and glows like yesterday
While the droplets stream down the branches and fall down
And the earth is full it does not swallow them anymore
Your smile is magical, laugh, kneel in the puddle
Bow to the lightning bolts, they are furious
Insane loggers cut from the top and the trees break
Your smile is magical, laugh, kneel in the puddle
Bow to the lightning bolts, they are furious
Insane loggers cut from the top and the trees break
And the big firs fall down, and the pitch is their blood
And the rains are tears and water will pass
Through Sava and Drina, and people will stay
As they were
Because they don't want and don't want to know