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Резултати претраге страна 9

Број резултата: 319


Prave boje

Vi sa tuznim ocima
ne dajte se obeshrabriti
oh shvatam
tesko je skupiti hrabrost
u svetu punim ljudima
mozes izgubiti iz vida sve
i tamu u tebi
moze da te ucini da se osecas tako malo
Ali ja vidim tvoje prave boje
koje sjaje
vidim tvoje prave boje
i zato te volim
zato se nemoj bojati da im pokazes
svoje prave boje
prave boje su prelepe
kao duga
Pokazi mi osmeh onda
nemoj biti nesrecan ne mogu da se setim
kada sam te videla poslednji put da se smejes
ako te ovaj svet cini ludim
i ako si izdrzao sve sto mozes da podneses
pozovi me
jer znas da bicu tu
I ja vidim tvoje prave boje
koje sjaje
vidim tvoje prave boje
i zato te volim
zato se nemoj bojati da im pokazes
svoje prave boje
prave boje su prelepe
kao duga


(Believe on you)
[Verse 1]
Too many eyes I don't give up fxxk it
I don't know what I want (what I want)
When I was young, don't try to be frank
Please you have to be like this
I wonder, I'm strange or who is strange
Everything is so different than I thought
But isn't it natural
The words that I've heard until now, the words were repeated because I don't want to be heard
Now, we don't have to listen. I think we can do that
Would you take my hand out of the window?
Look for a rainbow to fly
I could be your love
But never mind, I'm Neverland
You never mind, I'm Neverland
But never mind, I'm Neverland
[Verse 2]
Living life for own my way, it's me after all
It's not too far in Wonderland
I only know the end
Teenage dream follow my future
Teenage dream follow my future
Everything is so different than I thought
But isn't it natural
The words that I've heard until now, the words were repeated because I don't want to be heard
Now, we don't have to listen. I think we can do that
Would you take my hand out of the window?
Look for a rainbow to fly
I could be your love
But never mind, I'm Neverland
You never mind, I'm Neverland
But never mind, I'm Neverland
Because we are young and we love (because we love)
It's okay if we don't have anywhere else to go
As far as I know (I know, I know)
Don't worry and fly
Would you take my hand out of the window?
Look for a rainbow to fly
I could be your love
But never mind, I'm Neverland (but never mind)
You never mind, I'm Neverland (you never mind)
But never mind, I'm Neverland

La Vita Che Non Ho Avuto Mai (Reprise) [The Life I Never Led (Reprise)]

I've never dared
answer 'no'
I've always obeyed
and I don't know why
I listen more to you
than I would like
I cancel my will
But now not anymore
I won't give in
She is my sister
and I'll be by her side
I won't stay here
saying others 'yes'
I take
my freedom
You've always promised me that one day
God will call me too
That day has already came
God called me
I'll be a sister
or I won't live
She stays with us
otherwise I'm leaving with her
I'll live that life I had not [1]

They Never Know

I’ve opened all of me for you
My eyes, the deepest part of my heart
In a world that’s closed without a small crack
It’s the only place that’s open for you
They never know
A completely different world
Only we can feel it
They never know
The reason we became this close
The rain makes everything wet
We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes
I’ll cross the line first
To the place where you are, cross that
Oh would you dare to cross the line
Yeah, don’t listen to the things
That try to break us down no oh oh
They’re jealous of us
Because we enjoy it rather than avoiding it
Our own message
They targeted it
Hurting us however they wanted
The more I kiss the scar from the arrows
I’m falling more for you every day
They never know
They haven’t seen
The back of the blue moon
They never know
The reason I’m going closer
The rain makes everything wet
(Rain that covers eyes)
We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes
(Love is blind, love is blind)
I’ll cross the line first
To the same world you’re in, cross that
My love is already in your heart
Filled up like a full moon, set free
Past the hesitation, past that line
No matter what they say, don’t believe it
Let go, don’t say no
Let go, don’t say no
Don’t listen to other voices baby
Let go, don’t say no
Let go, don’t say, don’t say
You’re too beautiful
For us to follow the ending
They’ve already thought out
The rain makes everything wet
We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes
I’ll cross the line first
To the place where you are
Baby tell me where the line is
Baby tell me where the line is


Tell everyone about this crazy woman with you, how jealous she was, how she followed you around & how I secretly went through phones messages, because of you I became different
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.
I'm not all dressed up for you like this
I'm not wearing this lipstick for you my dear, I'm sorry you're the last to know how long I was with you out of fear only
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.

A Supplementary Story : You Never Walk Alone

Versions: #2
Yeah, I wonder why God
Keeps making us feel lonely
Yeah, even if we’re covered in wounds
We can smile if we’re together
Whether there’s something at the end of this road that we walk alone
I want to try treading it
Even if I’m tired or in pain at times
I’m fine because I’m by your side
Because if you and I are together
I can smile
Yeah, even if I want to fly, I don’t have any wings
BUT your hands become my wings
I want to try forgetting the things that are dark and lonely
Together with you
Even though these wings sprouted from pain
They’re wings that face the light
Even if it’s hard and it hurts
If I can fly, I’m going to fly
Can you hold my hand
So that I won’t be afraid anymore?
Because if you and I are together
I can smile
Even if you say that
This is the path I chose
And that this is the destiny I created
This is the crime I committed
And even if you say that this entire life
Is just the price that I’ll pay
Please walk with me, please fly with me
So that I can reach the ends of the skies
Because even if it hurts this much, if you and I are together
I can smile
Ayy I never walk alone
I can feel your hand that I’m holding, your warmth
Ayy you never walk alone
Feel me, you’re not alone either
Come on
Crawl crawl crawl crawl it
like it like that
Baby Walk walk walk walk it
like it like that
Baby run run run run it
like it like that
Baby fly fly fly fly it
like it like that
Even if this path is far and dangerous
Will you walk it with me?
Even if we fall and get hurt at times
Will you walk it with me?
Ayy I never walk alone
Because if you and I are together I can smile
Ayy You never walk alone
Because if you and I are together I can smile
Because if you and I are together I can smile

Nikad Nisi Sama

Obecavam da cu jednog dana biti u blizini
Zadrzat cu te sigurnom
Zadrzat cu tvoj zvuk
Sada je prilicno ludo
I ne znam kako stati ili usporiti
Znam da su tamo neke stvari o kojima trebamo pricati
I ne mogu ostati
Zato daj da te sada drzim malo duze
Uzmi komad moga srca
I učini ga cijelim svojim vlastitim
pa smo tada jedno
Nikad neces biti sama [x2]
Nika neces biti sama
Kada mi bude nedostajalo da zatvoris svoje oci
Mogu biti daleko ali nikad ne mogu otici
Kada zaspes veceras samo zapamti da smo lezali
pod istim zvezdama
I Hej
Znam da su tamo neke stvari o kojima trebamo pricati
I ne mogu ostati
Zato daj da te sada drzim malo duze
I uzmi komad moga srca
I učini ga cijelim svojim vlastitim
pa smo tada jedno
Nikad neces biti sama [x6]
Uzmi komad moga srca
I učini ga svojim vlastitim
pa smo tada jedno
Nikad neces biti sama
Nikad nisi sama.


Raspričaj o toj kukavici s tobom,
koliko je ljubomorna bila, koliko te je pratila,
kako ti je krišom ''SMS'' poruke čitala,
to je zasluga tvoja, što sam postala drugačija.
Čestitam, diši dragi,
ženu prevaspitaj,
da ne pravi više drame,
da ne pita gde si.
Vidi koliko sam dobra,
kako te srećna ispraćam noćas.
Samo nisi shvatio,
da nisam tvoja više.
Nisam zbog tebe tako obučena,
nije dušo, zbog tebe ovaj karmin.
Sažaljevam, što si zadnji shvatio,
koliko dugo sam sa tobom od straha bila.
Čestitam, diši dragi,
ženu prevaspitaj,
da ne pravi više drame,
da ne pita gde si.
Vidi koliko sam dobra,
kako te srećna ispraćam noćas.
Samo nisi shvatio,
da nisam tvoja više.

Nikada dovoljno

pokusavam da zadrzim dah
pusti neka ostane ovako
ne mogu da zaustavim ovaj trenutak
odustao si od snova sa mnom
postajes glasniji sada
cujes li kako odjekuje ?
uzmi me za ruku
hoces li da podelis ovo sa mnom ?
jer dragi bez tebe
sav sjaj hiljadu reflektora
sve zvezde koje smo krali sa nocnog neba
nikada nece biti dovoljni
kule od zlata jos uvek su premalene
ove ruke mogu drzati svet ali one
nikada nece biti dovoljne
nikada nece biti dovoljne
za mene
nikada, nikada
nikada, nikada
nikada, za mene
nikada dovoljne
nikada dovoljne
nikada dovoljne
za mene
za mene
za mene
sav sjaj hiljadu reflektora
sve zvezde koje smo krali sa nocnog neba
nikada nece biti dovoljni
kule od zlata jos uvek su premalene
ove ruke mogu drzati svet ali one
nikada nece biti dovoljne
nikada nece biti dovoljne
za mene
nikada, nikada
nikada, nikada
nikada, za mene
nikada dovoljne
nikada, nikada
nikada dovoljne
nikada, nikada
nikada dovoljne
za mene
za mene
za mene
za mene

The Nevsky Avenue(Prospect)

Versions: #2
You flying like an arrow from *Lavra to the Headquarters ,
Year after year- soon three centuries, still new.
In my city - You are the most important,
The most wonderful Nevsky Avenue!
My Nevsky, you have become for Leningrad citizens
My Nevsky, you have become for Leningrad citizens
A symbol of kindness and beauty.
We have become accustomed to refer to you -friend,
We have become accustomed to refer to you- friend,
Like to an old friend, with familiarity.
Like to an old friend, with familiarity.
Above *Fontanka *Clodt Horses striving for the sky
Above *Kazan' Cathedral the dawn began anew
And working from morning till night
The most busy Avenue!
My Nevsky, you have become for Leningrad citizens
My Nevsky, you have become for Leningrad citizens
A symbol of kindness and beauty.
We have become accustomed to refer to you -friend,
We have become accustomed to refer to you- friend,
Like to an old friend, with familiarity!
Like to an old friend, with familiarity!
Here, everyone feels himself always at home,
And there is no better place to meet you,
Than friendly and so well known-
The most cheerful of Avenues!
Chorus: 2 x
My Nevsky, you have become for Leningrad citizens
My Nevsky, you have become for Leningrad citizens
A symbol of kindness and beauty.
We have become accustomed to refer to you -friend,
We have become accustomed to refer to you- friend,
Like to an old friend, with familiarity!
Like to an old friend, with familiarity!

Бездјетна невјеста

Закукала жално кукавица,
закукала, море, насред села.
То не бјеше жална кукавица,
већ то бјеше бездјетна невјеста.
Море, закукала кукавица, Јово, ле, ју,
кукавица, птица, ле, Јово, Јово ле,
Море, над селом, ју дрво, Јово, ле, ју.
Ју, дрво, птица ле, Јово, Јово, ле.
Море, кука, кука, док премишља, Јово, ле, ју,
море, премишља, Јово,
море, Кољо има девет снаха,
а десета - Радулинка, Јово, ле.
Море, свака има по дјетенце, Јово, ле, ју,
свака има по дјетенце,
море, Радулинка - ниједно
свака има по дјетенце, свака има по дјетенце.
Море, па је Васкрс дошао, Јово, ле, ју,
васкршњи дан, птица, ле, Јово, Јово, ле,
Море, зла свекрва говорила, Јово, ле, ју,
говорила, птица, ле, Јово:
- Лијепе снахе, снахе, миле снахе, Јово, ле, ју,
лијепе снахе, миле снахе,
море, умијте се, накитите,
па у оро хајте, Јово, ле.
Море, најмлађа Радулинка, Јово, ле, ју
Она ће чувати мушку дјецу,
море, најмлађа Радулинка
чуваће мушку дјецу јер је бездјетна.
Закукала жално кукавица,
закукала, море, насред села.
То не бјеше жална кукавица,
већ то бјеше бездјетна невјеста.

Nikad nisam bio tamo

[1. strofa]
Šta je to zbog čega odrastao čovjek želi da zaplače?
(Plače, plače, plače, plače)
Zbog čega želi da oduzme sebi život?
Njegova sreća nikad nije stvarna
(Stvarna, stvarna, stvarna, stvarna)
I osjeća se kao besmisleni seks, osjeća
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme
Neće biti bitno (nije bitno)
Neće biti bitno (bitno)
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme (vrijeme, vrijeme je, dušo)
Neće biti bitno (neće biti bitno, dušo)
Neće biti bitno (da)
Bilo je kao da nikad nisam bio tamo
(Bilo je kao da nikad nisam bio tamo)
Bilo je kao da je to bilo više od rijetkog vazduha, o
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, o dušo
Neće biti bitno, neće biti bitno, dušo
[Nakon refrena]
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme
Neće biti bitno, neće biti bitno
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme
Neće biti bitno, neće biti bitno
Bilo je kao da nikad nisam bio tamo
Bilo je kao da je to bilo više od rijetkog vazduha
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme
Neće biti bitno, neće biti bitno
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme
Neće biti bitno, neće biti bitno
Kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme, kad bude vrijeme
Neće biti bitno, neće biti bitno
Oo, kad niko ne zna šta je ljubav
I ja znam da nisi zasigurno
Ti bi radije bila nešto otrovno
Pa, trujem se opet, opet
Dok ne budem osjećao ništa
U svojoj duši (u svojoj duši)
Na ivici sam nečeg što se lomi
Osjećam da mi um polako blijedi
Ako nastavim, neću uspjeti
Ako nastavim, neću uspjeti
I sve je to zbog tebe
Sve je to zbog tebe
Sve je to zbog tebe
Sve je to zbog tebe
Vou, vou
Zar ne, dušo, hej
Neće biti bitno, dušo
Zar ne znaš?
Zar ne znaš?
Oo, ne

Nikada ne govorim da mi je zao

nikada ne govorim da mi je zao
ja sam klovn za svakoga
nikada te ne izneverim,
stalno sam ovde kao sunce
gubitnik sam, to je sigurno cinjenica
srecna sam cak i kada ne zelis
da me pozoves van na igranku nocas
nisam normalna, znam to, ne marim
nikada se ne izvinjavam
ja sam klovn za svakoga
nikada te ne izneverim,
stalno sam ovde kao sunce
nikada se ne izvinjavam
ja sam klovn za svakoga
nikada te ne izneverim,
stalno sam ovde poput sunca
stalno sam ovde poput sunca, stalno sam ovde
kao duh pratim tvoje korake tako prave
ne treba da me podmicujes ili punis
daj mi samo minut da sijam sa tobom
mogu da te usrecim jako, da te nasmejem
nikada se ne izvinjavam zbog sustine moje duse
ima tako puno nacina da promenim moj zivot
jer zelim da...oh
ja sam poput klovna, ja sam zabava za svakoga...
nikada se ne izvinjavam...

Presumption of innocence

You once told me
that when I'll distance myself from you
When I'll get recklessly fired up
for a another shore
Then you will stay alone
and you'll get out of my way
You will extinguish your memories
And set the nostalgia on fire
Just as you have said
you got out of the way
But then I can't sleep at night
when he lays down next to me
and dreams keep deceiving me
Then I ask myself, why do I keep imagining you
The soul has reconciled
and a crime was committed against the heart
Pressure from the presumption of innocence
deceived the innocent
And I then cry into the bathtub
How is your life and how are you doing
Supposedly you found your elevator
which took you up to another (girl)
And the memories will die
But when I see the two of you, I can't breathe and sleep
The soul has reconciled
and a crime is committed against the heart
Except I... except I... except I then cry into the bathtub
The closer I am to you
The further you get away from me
And when I want to ask
You don't hear anything
Just like knife tips
with their sharper side
They cut into my soul
When you give me a farewell
Just as you have said
you got out of the way
But then I can't sleep at night
when he lays down next to me
and dreams keep deceiving me
Then I ask myself, why do I keep imagining you
The soul has reconciled
and a crime was committed against the heart
Pressure from the presumption of innocence
deceived the innocent
And I then cry into the bathtub
How is your life and how are you doing
Supposedly you found your elevator
which took you up to another (girl)
And the memories will die
But when I see the two of you, I can't breathe and sleep
The soul has reconciled
and a crime was committed against the heart
Except I... except I... except I then cry into the bathtub
The soul has reconciled
and a crime was committed against the heart
Pressure from the presumption of innocence
deceived the innocent
And I then cry into the bathtub
How is your life and how are you doing
Supposedly you found your elevator
which took you up to another (girl)
And the memories will die
But when I see the two of you, I can't breathe and sleep
The soul has reconciled
and a crime was committed against the heart
Except I... except I... except I then cry into the bathtub
The soul has reconciled
and a crime was committed against the heart
Except I... except I... except I then cry into the bathtub


My ship sank, just like many years ago.
I was so happy about it, I was having fun.
Whatever I do, there is never a good outcome,
And it's nobody's fault that I was born unlucky.
If I fall in love, it's always with a snake,
And then I can't sleep at night whilst she doesn't care.
If I leave my house, it starts to rain heavily.
If I follow advice, it turns out to be a lie.
But I'm thankful for the gift I have:
I can't even die successfully.
The rope breaks when I try to hang myself,
The trusty old pistol misfires.
So I'm quite content with my fate:
I'm unlucky but alive. Alive.
Even though I stumble where others walk easily
And the storm clouds thicken above my head.

Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš

Zašto ne možeš samo da pustiš da se ovaj raskid desi?
Pravilo broj jedan: Ne možemo i dalje da budemo prijatelji
Nema poziva kasno uveče
Nema pitanja 'kako si ti'
Već sam gledao taj film, znam kako se završava
Započinješ svađu
Izgovori da me vidiš večeras
Kažeš 'idem dalje'
Zašto si onda ponovo ovde u mom naručju?
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Svaki put kada pokušam da ti kažem zbogom
Ti se pojaviš u mom domu
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Svaki put kada pokušam da ti kažem zbogom
Ti se pojaviš u mom domu
Jutro je, budim se s tobom u mom krevetu
Ova instant kafa ima pravi ukus kajanja
Brojim dane dok ne počnem da zaboravljam
Čim se tvoje ogrebotine skinu s mog vrata
Izvinjavaš mi se iznova što si ovo učinila
Kažeš 'idem dalje'
Zašto onda ne možeš da se ne vraćaš?
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Svaki put kada pokušam da ti kažem zbogom
Ti se pojaviš u mom domu
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Svaki put kada pokušam da ti kažem zbogom
Ti se pojaviš u mom domu
Zašto su bivši ljubavnici najbolji ljubavnici
I uvek nas poraze?
Zbunjuje me i gužva moje prekrivače, o, o, o
Zašto su bivši ljubavnici najbolji ljubavnici
I uvek nas poraze?
Zbunjuje me i gužva moje prekrivače, da, da
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Jer svaki put kada pokušam da ti kažem zbogom
Ti se pojaviš u mom domu, domu, domu, da
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
Svaki put kada pokušam da ti kažem zbogom
Ti se pojaviš u mom domu (ti se pojaviš u mom domu)
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
(Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš)
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš
(Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš)
(Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš)
Svaki put kada pokušam da ti kažem zbogom
Ti se pojaviš u mom domu (mom domu)
Nikada me ne puštaš
Nikada me ne puštaš da te pustim da odeš

You're My Man

We'd walked along the beach
Reading without words
All this world and each other
And autumn wasn't coming yet
And the sun was to set yet
And our thoughts spinning around
That from now on you and I
Were one whole
An unsplittable whole
That we'd never be
The same as before
I said to you with fond affection
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
The man I love
Along the beach
We'd been walking as if for a thousand years
We'd been searching for each other
As if there were only two of us
On this vast planet
And our thoughts spinning around
That from now on you and I
Were one whole
An unsplittable whole
That we'd never forget this moment
That happiness was there
And what's after - who cares?
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
The man I love
And the warms waves
Erasing footprints on the sand
Suddenly subdued, remember?
I had never felt better
Anywhere, ever or with anyone else.
I'm asking you for one thing only
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
Call out my name
And I shall come, so beautiful and strong
The man I love
Call out my name
And I shall come, so beautiful and strong (х2)

Had We Never Loved So Kindly

Versions: #2
Had we not behaved like children,
Had we not loved on blind impulse,
Had we not met and then parted,
Then we'd never known the heartache.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


I'm going round in circles
Spending my time
Trying to find out why or how
I managed not to see before
That living in the present is enough
The past is an old love
The future a sweet suitor
But nothing is enough
I'm taking my last overdose
I promise, then I'll move on to something else
I'm making peace with this fake me
Of which he is the ego, I am not
I undergo the metamorphosis
Of the inevitable neurosis
Suddenly I settle
Time is unchanging
Like this song
In a child's heart
Which withstands
Fathomless and yet
It is in the here, the now
That life is lived
I'm not going round any more
I speak as if
Words were no longer a challenge
But the unspeakable a real story
Although it may not please Descartes
Between words and their silence
I find the real meaning
I am, therefore I think
Time is unchanging
Like this song
In a child's heart
Which withstands
Fathomless and yet
It is in the here, the now
That life is lived
I'm taking my last overdose
I promise, then I'll move on to something else
Suddenly I settle
Time is unchanging
Like this song
In a child's heart
Which withstands
Fathomless and yet
It is in the here, the now
That life is lived
Like this wind
Everything is in the present moment
An exemption from time
On which we depend
Miniscule, and yet
It is in the here and now
That nothing hurts any more
Nothing hurts us any more
Nothing hurts us any more

Nikada nas neće rastaviti

[Stih 1]
Ne pitaj me
Ono što znaš je istina
Ne moram da ti kažem
Oh, ja volim tvoje dragoceno srce
Ja sam stajao
Ti si bila tamo
Dva sveta su se sudarila
I oni nas nikada ikada ne bi mogli rastaviti
[Stih 2]
I mogli bismo živeti
hiljadu godina
Ali ako te povredim
Napravio bih vino od tvojih suza
Oh, rekao sam ti
Da smo mogli da letimo
Jer svi mi imamo krila
Ali neki od nas ne znaju zašto
Ja sam stajao
Ti si bila tamo
Dva sveta su se sudarila
I oni nas nikada ikada ne bi mogli rastaviti
I oni nas nikada ikada ne bi mogli rastaviti
Oh, oh, oh
Ja sam stajao (Ja sam stajao)
Ti si bila tamo (Ti si bila tamo)
Dva sveta su se sudarila
I oni nas nikada ikada ne bi mogli rastaviti (rastaviti)
Rastaviti, oh woah
I oni nas nikada ikada ne bi mogli rastaviti

Let's Write

Let's write on the soil, on the tree, on the bird's feather, on the clouds
Let's write on the leaves ,on the water , in the surfs' book, on the sea
Let's write that god is at the bottom of the mirror's heart,
like the passion of clamors (shouting) or the breath, is inside the fence of the chest.
Staying with (sticking to) 'always' when nothing lasts
It's the peak of every lover's voice that is unbreakable.
I'll write you everywhere with my voice,
on the mirror of my tears, on my wet cheeks.
You, whose name means the clean sky,
the root of voice, the pulse of love, under the crust
Let's write on the soil, on the tree, on the bird's feather, on the clouds
Let's write on the leaves ,on the water , in the surfs' book, on the sea.
In the soil's dreams the roots will sing with me
at the burgeoning time, when it's time to talk about you.
Come and open my eyes to the dawn.
Call the garden by the melody of your breaths.
I'll write you everywhere with my voice,
on the mirror of my tears, on my wet cheeks.
You, whose name means the clean sky,
the root of voice, the pulse of love, under the crust,
Let's write on the soil, on the tree, on the bird's feather, on the clouds
Let's write on the leaves ,on the water , in the surfs' book, on the sea.
I'll write a song with the melody of your breaths
I'll call your name so romantically like a sonnet.
Come, it's time to come back already
The moment of seeing you, when your shirt scents the air.
I'll write you everywhere with my voice,
on the mirror of my tears, on my wet cheeks.
You, whose name means the clean sky,
the root of voice, the pulse of love, under the crust,
Let's write on the soil, on the tree, on the bird's feather, on the clouds
Let's write on the leaves ,on the water , in the surfs' book, on the sea.

Oj, u trešnjinom vrtu

Oj, u trešnjinom vrtu, tamo je slavuj cvrkutao.
Kući ja sam htela, a ti me nisi puštao.
Kući ja sam htela, a ti me nisi puštao.
Ti, mili si moj, a ja sam tvoja, pusti me, uzdigle se zvezde.
Probudiće se majka moja, pitaće gde sam bila ja.
Probudiće se majka moja, pitaće gde sam bila ja.
A ti joj tako odgovori, kako je čudesna majska noć.
Proleće dolazi, lepotu donosi, a toj lepoti raduje se sve.
Proleće dolazi, lepotu donosi, a toj lepoti raduje se sve.
Ćero moja, nije o tome reč, gde si ti šetala celu noć.
Zašto ti je raspletena kosa, a u očima sijaju suze?
Zašto ti je raspletena kosa, a u očima sijaju suze?
Kosa je moja raspletena, nju je drugarica rasplela.
A u očima sijaju suze, jer sam se sa milim rastala ja.
A u očima sijaju suze, jer sam se sa milim rastala ja.
Majko moja, ti si već stara, a ja sam devojka mlada.
Ja hoću da živim, ja volim, majko, ne grdi ćeru svoju.
Ja hoću da živim, ja volim, majko, ne grdi ćeru svoju.


Why did you get wrapped up in me
When you knew my faults
Why did you love me that much
That you put all things aside
Why did you love me that much
That you put all things aside
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you couldn't resist me
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you didn't get over me
Why did you get wrapped up in me
When you knew what would happen?
Why did you love me that much
when you knew you would be sorry
Why did you love me that much
when you knew you would be sorry
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you couldn't resist me
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you didn't get over me


Believe on you
Too many aims, I never forget
I don't know what I want (What I want)
When I was young,
Don't try to be frank, please you have to be like this
I wonder, I'm strange or who is strange
Everything is so different than I thought
But isn't it natural
The words that I've heard until now, the words were repeated because I don't want to be heard
Now, we don't have to listen. I think we can do that
Would you take my hand out of the window? Look for a rainbow to
Fly, I could be alone
But never mind, I'm in Neverland
You never mind, I'm in Neverland
But never mind, I'm in Neverland
Neverland, Neverland
Living life for own my way
It's me after all, I will not cry in Wonderland
I only know the end
Teenage dream follow my future
Teenage dream follow my future
Everything is so different than I thought
But isn't it natural
The words that I've heard until now, the words were repeated because I don't want to be heard
Now, we don't have to listen. I think we can do that
Would you take my hand out of the window? Look for a rainbow to
Fly, I could be alone
But never mind, I'm in Neverland
You never mind, I'm in Neverland
But never mind, I'm in Neverland
Neverland, Neverland
Because we are young and we love (Because we love)
It's okay if we don't have anywhere else to go
We as far as I know (I know, I know)
Don't worry and fly
Would you take my hand out of the window? Look for a rainbow to
Fly, I could be alone
But never mind, I'm in Neverland
You never mind, I'm in Neverland
But never mind, I'm in Neverland
Neverland, Neverland

Sto nikada necu pronaci

Vreme za odlazak
Dole putem ne mogu se skriti
Hocu li biti bezimen
Za sudbinu koju ne mogu pronaci
Hocu li lutati sam
Zauvek je pusta staza vremena
Tragam li za necim sto
nikada necu pronaci
Jesi li dozivala moje ime
Otici cu iz ovog sna
Osecas li bol
Lagano me napusta
Hoces li me drzati za ruku
I olaksati mi prelazak na drugu stranu
Tragam li za necim
Sto nikada necu naci
Cujes li me
Cujes li me u noci
Hoces li me osetiti
Ako me ostavis hocu li plakati
Cujes li me
Osecas li da se oprastam

I need you right now

Are you a distant memory or a dream?
Tell me, tell me
Should I tell you, I am not sure
I do not want seconds with you
Give me years instead, years
And will you ever realize how lonesome you are?
Rumours already reach you
That I have spent more time with another one
It's not fair but it is easy
To reach out for him so often
It's not fair but it is easy
To tell him I need you right now
Aw, aw, aw, aw I need you right now
Aw, aw, aw, aw I need you right now
I am running it through my head again if you only knew
C'mon tell me, tell me
How many moments you are missing out on with me
Your place is long taken
Does it sting, does it sting
I am with him in your head, not with you
It's not fair but it is easy
To reach out for him so often
And it's not fair but it's easy
To tell him I need you right now
Aw,aw, aw, aw I need you right now
Aw, aw, aw, aw I need you right now
Legit rumours reach you
I have spent more time with another one
It's too late for you! Roger that?
We have been strangers for some time
Different altogether
Like night and day
It's not fair but it is easy
To reach out for him so often
And it's not fair but it is easy
To tell him I need you right now
Aw, aw, aw, aw I need you right now
Aw, aw, aw, aw I need you right now

I'll Strangle

Your love plays with in me,
You make my bold run cold, I don't understand how.
But still I hold myself up,
It's the last sigh, you drove me mad
I cannot tell you 'Stop!',
It's not hard, but everything is not that simple
I'm losing thoughts, head spinning,
And in this sense I know I'm right
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you.
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you
I realized there's no point in playing,
In you eyes is the disered answer.
I'll tame you for sure,
I just want to be in your arms.
I cannot tell you 'Stop!',
It's not hard, but everything is not that simple
I'm losing thoughts, head spinning,
And in this sense I know I'm right
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you.
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you

There's someone else

When I call you home late,
they tell me you've left...
The voice that answers me
confuses me with some other boy!
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Your daddy tells me
that he has the same name
and, probably, it's still me!...
Don't you try to avoid me
Don't run away from me
There's just one thing that I want to know
Only you can explain me:
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...

The Motherland

Know that I will be next to you until your final breath,
until your last moment - I promise!
For me you are shores and sea.
This Bulgarian heart of mine will beat for you.
The Motherland! (she is, she is so precious) (x4)
When I was little the spark was ignited,
I'm a chess piece, but not the queen.
I love my hometown, there under the hills.
Freedom is the wind and we are the passers.
When you enter a classroom know that it's a temple.
If I watch the news I feel ashamed.
With a hand on my heart I forgive
and promise myself to fight for freedom.
She is, she is so precious! (x2)
Know that I will be next to you until your final breath,
until your last moment - I promise!
For me you are shores and sea.
This Bulgarian heart of mine will beat for you.
The Motherland! (she is, she is so precious) (x4)
Motherland is not just a word, it is a feeling.
I am free to feel, no need to be reminded.
Fly the flags, but the branded ones.
Remember the heroes, love your compatriots.
When you enter a classroom know that it's a temple.
If I watch the news I feel ashamed.
With a hand on my heart I forgive
and promise myself to fight for freedom.
She is, she is so precious! (x2)
Know that I will be next to you until your final breath,
until your last moment - I promise!
For me you are shores and sea.
This Bulgarian heart of mine will beat for you.
The Motherland! (she is, she is so precious) (x4)

Никогда Не Говори Никогда

Никогда не говори никогда (никогда никогда никогда)
Быстрей, быстрей, быстрей, быстрей,
Быстрей, быстрей, быстрей, быстрей,
Быстрей, быстрей, быстрей, быстрей,
Быстрей, быстрей, быстрей, быстрей,
Видишь, я никогда не думал что смогу пройти через огонь
Никогда не думал что выдержу ожог
У меня никогда не было сил карабкаться наверх
Пока я не достиг точки невозврата
И поздно вернуться назад
Когда твое сердце атакуют
Я сделаю все что смогу
Это моя судьба
Я никогда не скажу никогда (буду бороться)
Я буду бороться всегда (сделаю правильно)
Всегда когда ты меня будешь сбивать с ног
Я не останусь на земле
Быстрей, быстрей
Быстрей, быстрей
И никогда не говори никогда (ни-никогда не говори никогда 3раза)
Я никогда не думал что смогу чувствовать такую силу
Я никогда не думал что смогу чувствовать себя настолько свободным
Я достаточно силен чтоб залезть на самую высокую башьню
И я настолько быстрый что могу бежать по морю
Потому что просто не возможно вернуться назад
Когда твое сердце атакуют
Я сделаю все что смогу
Это моя судьба
[Джэйден Смит]
Ну начнем
Угадайте кто
Дж. Смит и Дж. Би
Я тебя поддержу брат
Я смогу с ним справиться
Он больше меня, он выше меня,
И он старше меня, и сильнее меня,
И его руки чуть длиннее чем я
Но он не на песне Дж.Би со мной
Я пытаюсь расслабиться
Они пытаются кайфовать
Без шуток, меня вырастила сила воли (1)
Как Люк с силой если заставят
Как Кобе с четвертым, леденая вода с кровью (Давай!)
Я должен быть лучшим
И самым крутым
И да мы самые крутые
Как Давид и Голиаф
Я победил великана
И теперь весь мир у меня на ладоне
Я родился из двух звезд
Так что луна будет местом где я приземлюсь

Io non amerò più così

Tu guardi dentro le mie fantasie
e le rendi tutte vere,
qualcosa che nessun altro aveva mai trovato un modo di fare.
Ho tenuto i ricordi uno per uno
dal momento che mi hai accolta.
Io so che non amerò più così.
Io so che non amerò più così
quindi continuo a tenerlo stretto prima che il bene sia svanito.
Io so che non amerò più così.
Non mollare, non mollare, non mollare.
Uno stupido perderà il domani
cercando di raggiungere il ieri.
Io non girerò la mia testa nel dolore
se dovresti andare via.
Resterò qui e ricorderò
quanto buono questo sia stato
e so che non amerò più così.
Io so che non amerò più così
quindi continuo a tenerlo stretto prima che il bene sia svanito.
Io so che non amerò più così.
Non mollare, non mollare, non mollare.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Niemals Genug

[Verse 1]
Will die ganze Nacht durchmachen
Und in etwas geraten, das wir nie vergessen werden
Will wach bleiben und feiern
Das Wochenende durch ohne zu wissen, wann wir aufhören sollten
Will die ganze Nacht fahren bis zum Ende der Welt
Und über den Rand gehen
Will mit dir aufwachen
Und sagen, Baby, lass uns das wiederholen
Lippen so gut, dass ich meinen Namen vergesse
Ich schwöre, ich könnte dir alles geben
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Komm schon
Komm schon
[Verse 2]
Will die ganze Nacht durchmachen
Und in etwas geraten, das wir nie vergessen werden
Will wach bleiben und feiern
Das Wochenende durch ohne zu wissen, wann wir aufhören sollten
Will die ganze Nacht fahren bis zum Ende der Welt
Und über den Rand gehen
Will mit dir aufwachen
Und sagen, Baby, lass uns das wiederholen
Lippen so gut, dass ich meinen Namen vergesse
Ich schwöre, ich könnte dir alles geben
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Niemals genug, niemals genug
Niemals genug, niemals genug
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon