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Број резултата: 199


Ах, те твоје очи

Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Никад се нисам овако осећао раније
Чак и ако није била у питању ' узвраћена љубав'
Ти си ме одувала
Свака част*
Сад си сунце које се рађа
Сваког пролећа, ти си мој цвет
Ти си моја једина жеља од Бога
Свака част
Осетио сам љубав на први поглед чим сам те угледао
Време као да је стало
'Ударила си ме' у леву страну мојих груди
Без милости, попут најгорег окрутника
Није тешко заборавити твоје име
Оно што је тешко је...
а, а, а, а ....
Ах, те твоје очи, Ах, те твоје очи
Ах, те твоје очи, Ах, те твоје очи
Твоје очи су ми стално у мислима
Натерала си ме да се изгубим
Свака част
Твоје слике су по мојим зидовима
Кад слушам песме, видим твоје очи
Скроз си ме узела под своје
Свака част

Да ли је то била лаж?

Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Годинама сам стајао пред тобом
Толико смо тонули у мору љубави
Колико ноћи смо претворили у зоре? Ноћу бисмо се будили
Зар је могуће да смо узалуд киснули кад је падала киша?
Да ли мислиш да сам џаба плакао због тебе?
Да ли мислиш да је лаж то што сам 'цикао' док сам клечао на коленима?
Да ли мислиш да је лаж то што сам потрошио своју младост на тебе?
Можда за тебе јесте
Узалуд си уништила своје место у мом срцу
Повредила си моје срце, све моје жарке жеље
Колико ноћи смо претворили у зоре? Ноћу бисмо се будили
Зар је могуће да смо узалуд киснули кад је падала киша?
Моје срце рањено
је постало место где ће сунце залазити
Буди ми светлост
Дај ми мало наде
Био сам као твој хлеб на трпезаријском столу
Мојим уснама си била попут обећања
Небитно колико година да прође
Увек ћеш бити само моја
Да ли мислиш да сам џаба плакао због тебе?
Да ли мислиш да је лаж то што сам 'цикао' док сам клечао на коленима?
Да ли мислиш да је лаж то што сам потрошио своју младост на тебе?
Хајде, реци ми

Ако се вратим

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Данас је у мени ватра
Уморан сам и помало ћутим
Нема јутра, боли ме срце
Увек сам увређен и помало нервозан
Шта год да се догоди, твоја душа не чује
Ако твоје очи могу да виде, ваше срце неће знати
Свако одвајање је почетак
Овај без краја
моја љубав
Али ако кажем врати се
Волим те ако кажем дођи
Кад би само знали како си ми недостајала
У мојим очима има времена, сузе ће заплакати
Понекад теку и застану
На тренутак моје речи плачу
Кажем љубав, постају тужни
Шта год да се догоди, ваша твоја не чује
Ако твоје очи могу да виде, ваше срце неће знати
Свако одвајање је почетак
Овај без краја
моја љубав

I Am the Dust Beneath the Feet of

My heart is intoxicated with the omnipotent one's heady brew
My body throbs with joy at the Beloved's company
I am not the only one intoxicated in this tavern
For I count Junaid Baghdadi (RA), Abu Bakr Al Shibli (RA), and Fariduddin Attar (RA) among my fellow inebriates
Due to the enchanting effect of Shamsuddin Tabriz's blessed visage
Even the clerics in the marketplace walk around in a state of intoxication
I am the dust beneath the feet of the inebriates of the Kharabaat
May my life be sacrificed for the ruby red lips of the beauteous beloved's of the Kharabaat
My prayers comprise nothing but tormenting my heart and destroying my Self
I offer my prostrations towards the arched eyebrows of the beauties of the Kharabaat
I am a mirror, a reflection of my Beloved, a treasure-chest of secrets
Smitten by the wonder of love, I am now the pride of Kharabaat
I am a reflection of all that is real and true
I do not claim to be God but I am a manifestation of His majesty
I have lost my bearings in this curious search for answers
If I do not exist, why am I here? And if I do, what am I?
Like a mirror, whenever I come before Him
All I see within me is a reflection of His being
Look at my face and tell me, whose reflection do you see?
I am a reflection of my Beloved, for I have lost myself within Him
Whoever wishes to catch a glimpse of You, should observe me instead
For You are reflected in me, just as I am a reflection of you
Word for word, whatever you heard in that realm, you shall hear here
There isn't one hair breadth of a difference between here and there, it's plain to see
It is the very essence of 'Believe, for this is a narration of true events'
The face of mine that you see, it's the spitting image of the Beloved's visage
The same feature, the same complexion


Versions: #1
I'm a soldier
I haven't slept in 5 years
There are bags under my eyes
I haven't seen them myself
but so I was told
I am a soldier
And I lack a head
It got beaten off with their boots
Yo-yo-yo, the commander shouts
commander's mouth is torn open
because it was a grenade…
White bandages, red bandages
Won't heal a soldier.
I'm a soldier
Self-aborted child of the war
I'm a soldier
Mama, heal my wounds
I'm a soldier
Soldier of the land forbidden by god
I'm 'a hero'
Tell me of which novel
O, o-o-o
I'm a soldier
I feel hurt when there is just one bullet left,
it's either just me or him
The last train,
There are millions like us
In the UN
I'm a soldier
and I know my job,
my job is to shoot
so that the bullet goes through
the enemy's body.
This reggae is for you Mother-War
Are you glad now?
I'm a soldier
Self-aborted child of the war
I'm a soldier
Mama, heal my wounds
I'm a soldier
Soldier of the land forbidden by god
I'm 'a hero'
Tell me of which novel
I'm a soldier
I'm a soldier
I'm a soldier
I'm a soldier
I'm a sol...dier,... sol...dier
I'm a soldier
Self-aborted child of the war
I'm a soldier
Mama, heal my wounds
I'm a soldier
Soldier of the land forbidden by god
I'm 'a hero'
Tell me of which novel

Tell Me

My exiled heart has settled down again
It won't trail behind anyone anymore
While everyone is living with their heart, mine is of no use to me
Tell me what I can put in its place?
While everyone is living with their heart mine is of no use to me
Tell me whom I can put in its place?
I was searching for it for years, I wandered like a cloud
I'm a drifter who likes wine, don't let my pitcher stay empty
The bed is as cold as a nail in the streets every day
Tell me how to make it warm
The bed is as cold as a nail in the streets every day
Tell me how to make it warm
I'm too tired to fly, I can't wander your world
I'm ignorant, I'll only leave some songs and some books behind
I only have some food and a cardigan to my name
And they can't cease my pain
Tell me how to heal my wounds
I only have some food and a cardigan to my name
And they can't cease my pain
Tell me how to heal my wounds
I became a bird and took wings, flew in the wild, and grew up
I bared my heart and dressed my wounds, winter came and love left my city
I'm left unfinished, without myself, I was the 1001 nights, the tales
Tell me how should I put you to sleep?
I became a bird and took wings, flew in the wild, and grew up
I bared my heart and dressed my wounds, winter came and love left my city
I'm left unfinished, without myself, I was the 1001 nights, the tales
Tell me how should I put you to sleep?
I'm left unfinished, without myself, I was the 1001 nights, the tales
Tell me how should I put you to sleep?

The Cruel One Has A Grudge

I don't want lies, I don't expect too much sufficiency
If I stop then the devil doesn't stop, there is no fairness
Don't you believe that we will change the world at all?
Does the human consist of just a body?
I resisted, I was defeated but I can't say that I lost it
The deficiency is not in life, it's in our minds
I felt sorry but it's not a reason for the hate, I can't be offended
I don't need your respect, all of my friends are with me
The cruel one even has a grudge against our ashes
The cruel one couldn't end the merciful one's name by burning
The sun didn't rise but of course, ​it will rise
The story of my heart will be long this night
The cruel one even has a grudge against our ashes
The cruel one couldn't end the merciful one's name by burning
The sun didn't rise but of course, ​it will rise
The story of my heart will be long this night
I may not always be aware of many things
I'm not awake while I'm writing this part of this song
Sometimes liking like was better than liking people
I gave my heart to someone when she took it everything changed
You resisted, you were defeated, you lost it every time
Let me manage to do it for all of us this time
The cruel one even has a grudge against our ashes
The cruel one couldn't end the merciful one's name by burning
The sun didn't rise but of course, ​it will rise
The story of my heart will be long this night
The cruel one even has a grudge against our ashes
The cruel one couldn't end the merciful one's name by burning
The sun didn't rise but of course, ​it will rise
The story of my heart will be long this night
The cruel one even has a grudge against our ashes
The cruel one couldn't end the merciful one's name by burning
The sun didn't rise but of course, ​it will rise
The story of my heart will be long this night
The cruel one even has a grudge against our ashes
The cruel one couldn't end the merciful one's name by burning
The sun didn't rise but of course, ​it will rise
The story of my heart will be long this night


You said 'left everything behind u'
Everything, in one breath
Missing is easier than meeting with you
If i ever look back
You loved once, but you went thousands
Running away is easier than believing u
Forgetting is easier than remembering, easier
Do not stop, let me be free
Finish this silence
Take this, this tiredness off me
Neither like an absent nor an extra
Neither like a winner nor a loser
Come and take your feelings, off me, off me
You said 'be my home' on that first night, with your cold voice
Now if you get cold its easy to burn your house..
You get used to, get used to
'You get along with this situation' is easy to say
From the far

Entrapped it in the water

Versions: #1
There's no love, neither a confession.
No address,
nor empty streets help.
I couldn't find it without asking,
maybe I lost my way.
Even if I read it, I can't say your name
because I entrapped you in water.
I memorized it by reading and reading
but no matter what I did, I couldn't teach you about love.
I couldn't wake up when I was sleeping next to your
knees even
when I wake up.
I couldn't find it without asking,
maybe I lost my way.
Even if I read it, I can't say your name
because I entrapped you in water.
Neither birds nor these trees help.
There are so many mornings I spent without seeing.
When I was delusionally repeating love love love,
just when I said I gave up, I lost the way.
Even when I cry, I couldn't tell you my problem.
Because I entrapped you in water.

This love wont fit in this city

Versions: #1
I dive into bottomless depths.
Someone inside me cries for me.
I'm still a child, I build dreams
in these half enjoyable nights.
I hold onto one song to other.
I put one thousand stars on one cherry lip.
Heart goes and falls for the moon.
The body is blood red from head to toe.
No solution can be found if I die or stay alive.
This love is impossible, it won't fit in this city.
It is an open sea, ports are on my heart.
Your memory comes and goes, goes and comes back.
I know my hope is stubborn to hold on in vain.
My hope can pass as a white sail.

Ivan's Childhood

It's just that the hunter never missed a shot
It's just that the bird never learned to fly
Hands got tired of holding the handrails
And the dough hardened too quickly
It's just that the train went ahead and rolled
To the quiet beating of wagon wheels
To the subtle beating of train wheels
It's just that somebody's glove was lost
And one foot tripped over the other
It's just that everything already happened
It's just that everything already happened
And only when a human dies
Does he stop telling lies
In the left side of my chest grass sways in the wind
The branch bent in half — I will live for a long time
A fly rips itself from the sticky paper
Tearing apart its worthless flesh
Leaving behind its disgusting flesh
Sitting in emptiness, but still feeling good
An asshole doesn't need much
Ivan's childhood is a thing of the past
It was the fun year of the war
Things were dropped, things were lost,
Some didn't finish, some didn't eat
But does it really matter what to eat?
Does it really matter what to shit with?
To live life is to march across a field,
So then what is that smell from the earth?
In the left side of my chest grass sways in the wind
The branch bent in half — I will live for a long time
A fly rips itself from the sticky paper
Tearing apart its worthless flesh
Leaving behind its disgusting flesh

Празне сенке, неправедне страхоте

Празне сенке, неправедне страхоте,
што мучите душу моју,
нека мој бол и моји страхови
и ваш безбожнички бол,
нестану ако за милост знате.
Осећам, Боже, да не могу више
да издржим толику муку.
Ах, промените, звезде тиранске,
вашу безбожничку окрутност.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

It’s Starting

The person in front of me
Is extremely smart and kind
She is a warrior, protects herself
And she is waiting for you just on the bend.
You are a hero there, who lights up around
Who walks with courage and dreams with heart
And then you see, it’s the real world.
It’s starting
There is no time for wondering
I got a new role model
The person you want to transform into
Is starting
You’re on the way, tell the moon
Let the stars know this
Say goodbye to the past
It’s starting
She’s the girl next door
I’m more than what they think
I’m rising from the deep also, towards the unknown
And then i saw the light
I want to hold on to my dreams with pride
I’m courageous and powerful when i have close friends by my side
I will finally reach there
It’s starting
There is no time for wondering
I got a new role model
The person you want to transform into
Is starting
You’re on the way, tell the moon
Let the stars know this
Say goodbye to the past
It’s starting
It’s starting…
One day this will come to an end, i will have a golden heart
The person in front of me, is a tale as old as time
It’s starting
There is no time for wondering
I got a new role model
The person you want to transform into
Is starting
You’re on the way, tell the moon
Let the stars know this
Say goodbye to the past
It’s starting
I’m starting, i am starting
I’m starting, i am starting, yeah
I’m starting

I'm going to take you from the brothel

Pack up your suitcase that I'm coming to take you from here at once
Put on your clothes that from today I will assume you
My family will disinherit me
I don't care, let the people speak
From today, you will be my woman
I'm going to take you from the brothel
As of today, you are no longer a whore
You will be the woman of my life
From today, you will be my woman
I'm going to take you from the brothel
As of today, you are no longer a whore
You will be the woman of my life
To take her from the brothel with me
Come here Safadão
Oh, Israell Muniz
Go, Safadão!
Pack up your suitcase that I'm coming to take you from here at once
Put on your clothes that from today I will assume you
My family will disinherit me
I don't care, let the people speak
From today, you will be my woman
I'm going to take you from the brothel
As of today, you are no longer a whore
You will be the woman of my life
From today, you will be my woman
I'm going to take you from the brothel
As of today, you are no longer a whore
You will be the woman of my life

Short Skirt

Versions: #1
You're a bad girl that likes to go hang out late at night
You like to do drugs with everyone drinking beer
You take pictures of your tits and ass and like selfies
Dating all the bosses that like Louis Vuitton clothes
I am a good boy 'from inside the house to outside in the alley'
Make you become infatuated because I have a little talent
A short skirt slowly steps into the bar
How many guys love you but don't dare to express it?
I know, I know you are an angel
And I'm just a diligent student
But in your heart there is always my name
Nobody is beside you so get beside me
You don't like to go home before ten o'clock at night
You say you're lonely, there's always someone waiting for you
You say that everyone has the right to love
Because only then will you have money to spend
You are a bad girl with a short skirt
Eating out on the street, unafraid of sunburn
As long as there's money, you don't discriminate, you are a bad girl you like money
You are a bad girl with a short skirt
Eating out on the street, unafraid of sunburn
As long as there's money, you don't discriminate, you are a bad girl you like money
There's a wound from childhood that you're trying to heal
After that, your life had to experience uncountable bitterness
A few scores whenever you stepped into love affairs
And every month, dating tens of guys is a normal thing
You felt remorse and then cried in bed
After that, you went back again like a horse familiar with the old path
You say that in life there's nothing to worry about
Because you are yourself in those times that you smoke weed
There's a tattoo on the skin
Write both mother's name and father's name
The highs are indescribable
It causes you to not want to go home tonight
Habits that don't need to be quit
I want you to care, I need a little trick
Life isn't sad nor happy
But it's important to have money in your pocket
You don't like to be given roses
The thing you need is a room full of money
And money is something you always keep in your heart
And your bank account has never been without money
Because you're beautiful at every centimeter
You cause so many guys to sacrifice themselves to die
But no matter what, you still don't care
And you became a whore while at a young age
You are a bad girl with a short skirt
Eating out on the street, unafraid of sunburn
As long as there's money, you don't discriminate, you are a bad girl you like money
You are a bad girl with a short skirt
Eating out on the street, unafraid of sunburn
As long as there's money, you don't discriminate, you are a bad girl you like money
I put on a short skirt, then I go in
Glancing over to see me arrive, you must say hello
I say that I'm a bad girl, for sure
If you don't like it, don't get roped in
The DJ plays the music on top
What goes down must come back up
You turned around to ask for my name
Dude, why do you remember and then forget?
This dude is a player
Things you buy don't need to be repaid (on loan)
Why would I sell purses anyway, you guys keep looking for a place to put your wallets
You gaze at me for a truly long time
I'm beautiful to death
Look at my round butt and you know
From where do the waves begin?
How much money is your rent?
There's a lot that you keep taking out
You don't need to be afraid of getting scolded
Because it's my loud voice instead
If I flirt then you fall
I only need to say a few sentences
Meeting you is like crossing legs on my neck
But that doesn't mean I'm running away
Anytime the streets light up, I go to the bar
I just need to play, no need to pay
Bad girls like me aren't widespread
And what I like are bruises on the skin
You want to try the strange flavor
Just call me and I'll come over quickly
Good girls only make you bored
And I am corrupt (enough) to make you happy
You are a bad girl with a short skirt
Eating out on the street, unafraid of sunburn
As long as there's money, you don't discriminate, you are a bad girl you like money
You are a bad girl with a short skirt
Eating out on the street, unafraid of sunburn
As long as there's money, you don't discriminate, you are a bad girl you like money
You are bad girl you like money (yah yah)
You are bad girl you like money (yah yah)
You are bad girl you like money (yah yah)
You are bad girl you like money.

You Said Farewell

You said farewell
How could you do so
Streets are emptier than a banker’s heart
I am a mess
I am tearing up
I am feeling chilly
In the future, the worm turns
And I may forget you
Will it get rid of, tell me
Your heart from this love
It would not be so easy
To get your shit together
Will it get rid of, tell me
Your heart from this love
It would not be so easy
To get your shit together
I will not beg you for nothing
Do not wait for it, I will not call you
One day, may our breaking up be forgotten by me
I am sufficient for myself
I cannot fade away with my burdens
For nothing, for nothing
Do not wait for it, I will not call you
One day, may our breaking up be forgotten by me
I am sufficient for myself
I cannot fade away with my burdens
You said farewell
How could you do so
Streets are emptier than a banker’s heart
I am a mess
I am tearing up
I am feeling chilly
In the future, the worm turns
And I may forget you
Will it get rid of, tell me
Your heart from this love
It would not be so easy
To get your shit together
Will it get rid of, tell me
This heart of yours..


If you haven't saw miracles yet I'll tell you some
Because there's some you can see with your own eyes
Instead of the U.F.O.s and newscasts
Go see, who's living above your neighbor
Ok, that it's a flat or a ranch
And the kid robs you at the corner
But you can still see the miracle, look
a mother carries bags in her hands
because after 8 hours of work
She goes home and cooks dinner
by this she wins a big a match
Although she doesn't get a medal, she's still a hero
Just like the girl, who now
Listens to her parents instead of screaming at them
If she has something in her mind, but she fails
She won't throw cups and she won't be broken
This is a miracle just like all those
Other everday champions
A real hero is not Superman or Batman
The miracle lives in you and me
You don't have to save the whole world
Stars do that in the movies anyway
Miracle, that doctors save lives
Miracle, that I save lives with songs
It's a miracle too, that there's some of you
Who still listen to the orginial discs
Miracle, that there're still girls
Who want and wait for love instead of money
Miracle, that a little boy stands up for himself
Instead of getting drunk and smoking with the big kids
Miracle, that someone sitting in a wheelchair
Wins a gold, because they don't run away
from the world, pitying themselves
They smile into your eyes and finds a friend
Miracle, that behind the suits
there are still politicians who want to help
Miracle, that the paramedic, fireman and policemen
Save lives and and gives up the money
A real hero is not Superman or Batman
The miracle lives in you and me
You don't have to save the whole world
Stars do that in the movies anyway
Hero, who stays loyal for a life
Hero, who doesn't entrust their fate on anyone else
Hero is a boss, who lead and asks
and doesn't scold and fire for more profit
Hero is someone who can live a life
and doesn't count miracles in likes
Hero is someone who understand, not just listens
Raising up their head while recognizing themselves

Take A Picture

Wanna wanna wanna
Take a picture now, take a picture now
Gonna gonna gonna
be unforgettable
Wanna wanna wanna
Take a picture now, take a picture now
Gonna Gonna Gonna
be unforgettable
I wanna let you know
How much I love it when I feel your arms around me
I’ll give it all
To you oh forever
I’ll never let go
I got this feeling now my heart skips a beat
And it’s falling down all over me
Whenever we’re together, I feel like I can fly
Let’s cherish each moment
One for our love
Two for our youth
Three for all these precious memories that we’re making
Four for every smile
Five cuz we are young and wild
Let’s remember this forever
Wanna wanna wanna
Take a picture now, take a picture now
Gonna gonna gonna
be unforgettable
Feelings from you
Feelings from me
I wanna give it all
Wanna give it to you
When you give it to me
Cuz you make me wanna do anything
I’ll never let go
I feel alive when I’m with you and I know I like it
And it’s burning up inside of me
Whenever we’re together, you make me feel so right
Let’s celebrate this moment
One for our love
Two for our youth
Three for all these precious memories that we’re making
Four for every smile
Five cuz we are young and wild
Let’s remember this forever
Whenever I look at you
You know you make me go ooh-ahh
I say la la, when I have you around
Take a pic, take a pic
You’re my merry-go-round
Whenever I look at you
You know you make me go ooh-ahh
Wanna remember everything we do
turn on the flashlight hey let it pop
I’ll be here right next to you when it gets dark and gets so cold
Never worry and believe me
I won’t leave you lonely
I don’t know yet what tomorrow will bring
But I’m ready to take that chance
One for our love
Two for our youth
Three for all these precious memories that we’re making
Four for every smile
Five cuz we are young and wild
Let’s remember this forever
Wanna wanna wanna
Take a picture now, take a picture now
Gonna gonna gonna
be unforgettable
Wanna wanna wanna
Take a picture now, take a picture now
Gonna gonna gonna
be unforgettable