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Број резултата: 199


City of the Sun

What will you take with you,
If you won't return home anymore?
What will you take?
What will you take?
Is it just that.
What will you take with you,
If you won't return anymore?
What will you take with you,
If you won't return anymore?
What will you take with you,
If you won't return home anymore?
Homewards... Homewards... Homewards...
The airplane flies, leaving a trace
Hitting the clouds with its wings.
The airplane flies, and inside it are people
The whole city is in the palm of your hand.
The people fly, looking at the sunset,
Like the flame of a childish love.
And the light, is the light of naivety.
Do not die in love
With this imperfect era.
After all, that's where the sun sings
And mama will call so tenderly.
After all, that's where the sun sings
And mama will sigh so tenderly.
Eight million people
Are forced to leave their home
Because of persecution and war.
What will be their future memories,
Depends not only on them, but also on us.
Please, let's all be kinder.

An Elixir Of Love: A Hidden Tear

Versions: #1
A hidden tear
It welled up in her eyes
Those bright, youthful ones
She seemed to envy so
What more could I search for?
For what more could I seek?
She loves me, yes, she loves me, I see it, I see it's so.
For an instant the trembling
Of her beautiful heart I can hear it!
This yearning of mine confounding
For a brief while as she sighed!
Her beating heart, the quivering I can hear it
Confusing my own with her sighs
Heavens, one may die
I ask for no more, I plead not
Ah, Heaven, one may die
I ask for no more, I beg not
One may die
One can die
Of love!

I'm On My Own Again

Your justice hurts ( me )
Scale is on your side
Your courage hits the road
To the far places that I don't know
Every one that gets away is right indeed
If there's no memory in this love
If you turn your heart to the sun
It will never look like spring
I'm on my own again
You're on your own again
We've fought, but we've lost
With a pride so-called love
With a fake honor
We couldn't know this love's precious
I'm on my own again
You're on your own again
We've fought, but we've lost
With a pride so-called love
With a fake honor
We couldn't know this love's precious
Your justice hurts ( me )
Scale is on your side
Your courage hits the road
To the far places that I don't know
Every one that gets away is right indeed
If there's no memory in this love
If you turn your heart to the sun
It will never look like spring
I'm on my own again
You're on your own again
We've fought, but we've lost
With a pride so-called love
With a fake honor
We couldn't know this love's precious
I'm on my own again
You're on your own again
We've fought, but we've lost
With a pride so-called love
With a fake honor
We couldn't know this love's precious

Али ако кажем врати се

Данас је унутра ватра
Уморан сам и помало ћутим
Нема јутра, боли ме срце
Увек сам увређена и помало нервозна
Шта год да се догоди, ваша душа не чује
Ако ваше очи могу да виде, ваше срце неће знати
Свако одвајање је почетак
Овај без краја
моја љубав
Али ако кажем врати се
Волим те ако кажем дођи
Кад бисте само знали како сте ми недостајали
У мојим очима има времена, сузе ће заплакати
Понекад теку и застану
На тренутак моје речи плачу
Кажем љубав, постају тужни
Шта год да се догоди, ваша душа не чује
Ако ваше очи могу да виде, ваше срце неће знати
Свако одвајање је почетак
Овај без краја
моја љубав

i wanted to go from my country today

i wanted to go from my country today
i said it right, i wanted to go
i wanted to go from my country today
my mother is here, i couldn't go
when i open my eyes in the morning
i wanted all this to be a nightmare
through the green meadows through the grass
i wanted to go
i wanted to go from my country today
i was scared, just wanted to run away
i wanted to go from my country today
my father is here, i couldn't go
a few more days passed over us
i wanted it to be like nothing happened
nothing is right, nothing is beautiful
i wish it was beautiful

Your eyes

Your eyes are what God has written for me
So let me sleep
between them
And close the door
on me ...

Spain, Wild Wine

Whenever a lady gets on a metro
Especially if she's pregnant
All of the Spanish gentlemen and lads
Will try to give her a seat
If a car is about
To hit someone on bicycle
All of the Spanish people hurl abuse at him
At Puerta del Sol
If you go to Spain
To Madrid, to beautiful Madrid
To the rose gardens where smells wonderful
You'll drink your wine in front of them
In Aranjuez
The land of memories most beautiful
My beautiful Spain
While taking a seat in your squares
Where I was listening to 'Wilder Wein'
When our pockets run out of
The land where I eat Gouda and drinks her cheap wines
Your breath, smells like wine, ye, the orange-colored land
With everything, with every spots
You are my most beautiful Homeland...
My friend...
You can't be dead!
No, no, no, no, no!
The boy!

I'm Alone And Lonely

I'm miserable
I'm alone and lonely
I'm lugubrious
I'm awful

The House Cries

The roof is looking daggers at me
The bed keeps pushing me to the ground
And the nightstand decided to scream
your name really loud to wake me up
I look in the mirror and I see your face
I brush my teeth, but your taste doesn’t go away
I sit on the sofa and turn on the TV
The news lady looks at me and asks about you
Even the house cries all the time
Who loves too much will suffer a lot
Will drink a lot, will cry a lot
And without love, what can you do
You don’t do, you don’t do
My heart wants you and my body wants you even more
Who loves too much will suffer a lot
Will drink a lot, will cry a lot
And without love, what can you do
You don’t do, you don’t do
My heart wants you and my body wants you even more
Ah ah, ah ah and my body wants you even more
Ah ah, ah ah
I look in the mirror and I see your face
I brush my teeth, but your taste doesn’t go away
I sit on the sofa and turn on the TV
The news lady looks at me and asks about you
Even the house cries all the time
Who loves too much will suffer a lot
Will drink a lot, will cry a lot
And without love, what can you do
You don’t do, you don’t do
My heart wants you and my body wants you even more
Who loves too much will suffer a lot
Will drink a lot, will cry a lot
And without love, what can you do
You don’t do, you don’t do
My heart wants you and my body wants you even more
Ah ah, ah ah and my body wants you even more
Ah ah, ah ah

Dođi da nas pogledaš, Janeze!

Danas je umrla naša država.
Oni stari su opet plakali kao i inače.
Drugovi su već spakovali kofere,
da ne bi bili svedoci na sahrani.
Ali meni je sve ukupno poputno užasno,
ne razmišljam o beženju,
ostajem ovde, na ulici.
Ref. x3
Dođi da nas pogledaš, Janeze,
dođi da nas pogledaš, Janeze, bre.
Apatični mrtvaci su konačno dobili SLO nakon života.
Ref. x3
Dođi da nas pogledaš,
decu oportunizma,
neka te ne bude strah nas,
oživelih mrtvaca.
Ref. x3


Why did I commit suicide, dear bather*?
Look more carefully at my body
You'll get the answer, while you bath my own body
The life stigmatized my body


Come brother, afraid of the storm?
It's way too cold outside anyway
Come a lil' closer, lemme warm you up
Closer and feel my warmth, little brother
Feel my warmth...
Don't you be afraid, little brother
My sole purpose is you to get warmed
My sole purpose is you to feel warm
My sole purpose is a little bit more warmth
A little warmer...
Should you keep your hands off, you can't get warm
Ah, I'm warming you up little brother of mine
If that spot of yours don't get warmed, it'll be a big noy for the record
I'm gonna warm your butt up too little brother
How about a game, brother?
It's a little, amusing one...
We're gonna play a game and you'll be sitting on my lap
And no call for telling your parents about this
Sit on my lap brother, there you go, sit like this...
And bounce little brother, bounce...
How about me opening your tiny spot...
Would be a better game then, huh?
Bounce brother, bounce faster...
Faster, ah....
Let us venture into orgasm with this game
Oh, what does Orgasm mean?
Orgasm, it's like letting your hair down, dear brother
I'm having an orgasm, bounce faster brother!
Don't pay attention to that thingy pouring out like a milk, it's just a confetti
Ah, I'm drowning at the orgasm's pit
Are you getting hurt?
May you don't, little brother
Which you don't...
Would anyone ever get hurt while playing a game?

Alliens Welcome

Versions: #1
As I heard that,you have come from outer space
Let's have a seat and let's have a chit-chat
What brings you out here?
Aliens Welcome
It was straining my mind
Aliens Welcome
We are very glad to see you
Are you hungry or full?
How is everything in the Atmosphere
Aliens Welcome
Which section is your nationality?
Is that what your clothes really are?
How is your relationship with the sun?
Aliens Welcome
Is Mars or Moon your province?
From which language is your language?
Do you have a lot of mads as well?
Aliens Welcome
In what condition your state?
Does anger have in leaders?
İs form a goverment difficult?
Aliens Welcome
Is there the act of break a heart in there of you?
Is there any nepotism?
Is there discriminatory behavious like Rightist or Lefttist?
Aliens Welcome
Is it winter or snow in there?
Is your budget wide or narrow?
Do you have any petroleum shortage?
Aliens Welcome
How's there...

Fucking Pudicity

What's your beef with this word anyway?
How many lives will it claim this pest called pudicity
The blood you've shed will fall short of you
Y'all, y'all are pricks, sons of bitches
Pudicity pest, yeah right
Fuck your pudicity!
Your sister that you've killed when she was fifteen
What crime did she commit, beyond taking her lover by the hand
The blood you've shed are now watering the firmament
The lives you've claimed, the mothers who cry
Won't fuck you on the very spot when you say pudicity pest
Sentenced one too...
The lives you've forbidden the use of, ah those lives that smell like rose
Maybe they won't bring you to book
That fucking missing law is taking the side of the people like you
May y'all choke death on every water you've drunk, on every bit you've swallowed
When that prick was beating your sister that you've given in marriage when she was fifteen
I'll ream that mindset of yours' ass that says, he's your husband, he can beat and clapperclaw you
The lives that you've mucked up will surely wreak vengeance on you
Enough, enough, enough...
How many more Fatma's, Emine's should depart this life
How many times should the people suffer agony
How many more women should be raped
That fucking missing law...
One or other day
Underdogs will curse for their cruelty for sure
I swear black and blue, on that day
You'll run at full gallop


Cock snot
Who fell down
To this earth
Maybe a laced mutton's
Customer's bastard
Maybe a prophet's son
Maybe a child bride's virginity's disappearance
Maybe a manifestation's gatecrasher of a high school sweetheart
Reflecting on sex
Or a prick who took condom to pieces
Me a
Sunk into oblivion
Me human
Fuck yourself
The one who flatters me better than myself
Fuck yourself

Go Fuck Yourselves

Let those take it personal
The ones who doesn't work
For this country
Go fuck yourselves
Those who want religious law
Revile against Ataturk
Go fuck yourselves
All the way to Arabia
Those who think they're the bee's knees
Those who're the masters of disguise
Those who cut across all boundaries when it comes to ass-kissing
Go fuck yourselves
Those who interfere in people's lives
Those who split people into raghead, rabelaisian
Those who have their bread buttered on both sides
Go fuck yourselves

Story of The Loneliness

Do you remember we used to dream often?
Ah, how short those streets seemed when walking with you
Now there's no voice nor sound anywhere, everywhere is silent
Whatever i do, these stories don't change
Lie to me just like you did that day
Lie to me even when i don't buy it at all
A story of loneliness
Your absence is everywhere
Only if you come once more, we would forget all of our sufferings
Flow inside of me, clear up all the fogs just like the rain falling to soil
Ah If only you were here, we would forget all of our sufferings
We lived whatever there is, the best times of our lives
Fearlessly dreaming together and then believing in them
Those time are too far away now
Believe me, no one was like you and will never be
Lie to me just like you did that day
Lie to me even when i don't buy it at all
A story of loneliness
Your absence is everywhere
Only if you come once more, we would forget all of our sufferings
Flow inside of me, clear up all the fogs just like the rain falling to soil
Ah If only you were here, we would forget all of our sufferings


If only they knew that I love you
As much as Deniz loved revolution
They'd hang me by the neck, certainly
In the wee small hours

I have to wake up

It's hard when you realize
Nothing to do when you give up
There is no meaning, there is no reason,
the thing i believe, is something like this
Possibilities, awareness, road divides as you go
Old loves, tiredness, people get lonely as they grow
I have to get used to the crowd in my head
I have to wake up one more day
I have to live for tomorrow's good days
That's exacly why,
You know it better
Tell me, tell me, tell me

A message to my lover

Do you write the poem with me?
Or you are a part of my mouth?
Or are you my voice?
How do you move to another space?
After you have lived in my eyes and my house?
You still ask me about my birthday
So Register your permission ..what you do not know
The date of your love for me.. the date of my birth
I complained you to the sky
How did you, how, to summarize
All the women in the universe
In vain, what I write my lady
My sense is greater than my language
And my feeling for you is skipping
My voice ... and my throat
In vain, what I write .. as long as
My words .. wider than my lips
I hate it all my writing
My problem .. you are my problem
Because my love for you is above the level of speech
I decided to shut up ... . And be in peace (Salam)

Little Affairs

You're going through it. Without paying attention.
I have my life equal to me.
All my life.
Incidents.. You may not interest you.
I'm building palaces.
And live on it for months.
And I spin a lot of stories from her.
And a thousand heavens.
And a thousand islands.
Your little affairs.
When you smoke, i kneel in front of you.
Like your good cat.
And I'm safe.
I'm chasing a fan.-
Smoke strings
Distribute it in the corners of the place.
Circles.. Circles
And you leave at the end of the night for me.
As a star, as an immigrant.
And leave me, my life friend.
For the smell of tobacco and memories.
And I keep.
In solitary frost.
And all my supplies is
Cigarette debris
And a plate. It's made up of ashes.
Featuring gray.
And when I'm sick.
And you carry your precious flowers.
My friend.. To me
And you put my hand in your hands.
It's up to me to color and wellness.
And the sun sticks in my cheek.
And I'm crying. And I'm crying. Without will.
And you're giving my cover back to me.
And make my head over the pillow.
I wished all the wishes.
My friend.. If I
I keep. I'm staying aday.
To ask about me.
To bear me every day.
Beautiful roses.
And if the phone rings in our house,
I'm flying to it.
me.. My dear friend.
With the joy of a little boy.
Longing as a lost bird
And embrace the rigid machine.
And squeeze its cold wires.
And i'm waiting for the sound.
Your voice matters to me.
A double. Full.. Strong
Like the voice of a prophet.
Like the sound and impact of the stars.
Like the sound of the fall of the ornaments.
And I'm crying. And I'm crying.
Because you thought about
Because you're from the balconies of the clouds.
She cheered for me.
And the day I come to you.
To borrow a book.
To pretend I came to borrow a book.
Stretch your tired fingers.
To the library.
And I keep. In the fog of fog.
It's like I'm an unanswered question.
I'm staring at you and the library.
Like a good cat.
You've found out?
See you know?
I came to change the book.
And I'm nothing but a liar.
And he quickly went to my room..
I add the book to my ribs.
It's like I've been with me.
And light my light. And i'm going to stow away around me.
And dig between the lines. And behind the lines.
And get back behind the commas. Come back.
Behind the spin points
And my head is spinning.
It's like I'm a hungry bird.
You're looking for seed waste.
Maybe.. Hey, i don't know what you' My dear friend.
I was left in one corner.
A short love phrase.
A little longing garden
Maybe among the sheets, you hid something.
A little peace. Bring peace back to me.
And when we're together on the way.
And unwittingly take my arm.
I feel like I'm.
With something deep.
Something like a fire.
On my elbow.
And raise my hands to the sky.
To make my path unfinished.
And I'm crying. And cry without interruption
So i'm going to keep losing.
And when I get back in the evening, I'm back in my room.
And take off my shoulders.
I feel like, and what you're in my room.
That your hands.
A phone at the mercy of my elbow.
And I stay to worship, exhausted.
Where your warm fingers are.
On the sleeve of my blue dress..
And I'm crying. And I'm crying. Uninterrupted
It's like my arm's not my arm.

A woman walks inside me

No one read my cup.
Unless you find out you're my girlfriend.
No one studied my handwriting.
Unless you find out your four letters.
Everything can be refuted.
Except for the smell of a woman we love.
Everything can be hidden.
Only the steps of a woman moving inside us.
Everything is debatable.
Except for your femininity.
Where do I hide you, my love?
We're two woods on fire.
And all the TV cameras are on us.
Where do I hide you, baby?
And all the reporters want to make you
The cover star.
And they make me a Greek hero.
And a scandal written.
Where do I get you?
Where are you going with me?
and all the coffee shops keep our faces by heart
And all the hotels keep our names by heart.
And all the sidewalks keep the music of our feet.
By heart.
We're exposed to the world as a balcony.
And visible as two gold fish.
In a crystal pot.
No one read my poems about you.
Only the sources of my language are known.
No one traveled in my books.
Unless he gets to the harbor of your eyes.
No one gave him my home address.
Unless you go to your lips.
No one opened my neighborhood.
Unless he finds you sleeping there like a bed.
And no one digs up my papers.
Unless he knew the history of your life.
Teach me
I'm holding you in the
And stop you from going out.
Teach me to draw around your breasts.
Circle with purple pen
And stop them from flying.
Teach me a way to arrest you as a point at the end of the line.
Teach me how to walk under the rain of your eyes. And I don't get wet.
And i smell your body full of Indian spices. And I don't get dizzy.
And i'm rolling from the towering heights of your breasts.
I don't get apart....
Take your hands off my little habits.
And my little things.
About the pen I'm writing in.
And the papers I'm scribbling on.
And the key relationship I'm holding.
And the coffee I'm having.
And the ties I'm getting.
Take your hands off my writing.
It doesn't make sense to write with your fingers.
And breathe your lungs.
It doesn't make sense to laugh with your lips.
And you cry with my eyes!!.
Sit with me for a while.
Let's reconsider my love map.
Harshly, a Mughal conqueror.
And the selfish woman wants to tell a man:
'Be. So it's ..'
Talk to me with democracy
The males of the tribe in my country.
They've mastered the game of political repression.
And I don't want you to practice with me.
The game of emotional repression.
Sit down until we see.
Where are the limits?
And where are the limits of my sorrows?
Where does your regional waters start?
And where does my blood end?
Sit down until we get along.
On any part of my body.
Your conquests will stop.
And at any hour of the night.
You're going to start your conquests?
Sit with me for a while.
Until we agree on a way of love.
Don't be in it.
And I don't have a small colony.
On your list of colonies.
That's still going on since the 17th century.
Your breasts demand liberation.
And they don't hear.
And they don't hear.

My Walls

Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!

My Walls

Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!

In Flakes

Even though I knew the end of this, I crossed this border.
I chose what was the best for both of us.
None of my dreams go by her nature.
All she is good for is herself.
This time I'm leaving for sure, there won't be a return.
It hurted me once but the second time wouldn't touch me.
And her life doesn't fit in my life.
If you can find the same person whenever you want, that means he is deprived of character.
It is snowing in flakes onto my heart but my beloved won't see.
With whom the seeds I planted in you will blossom?
She hurted and hurted me, she ended up slapping my soul, but she will never know that.
Each and every difficulty I went through will go back to what caused it.
I couldn't see any way out, she left and I waited.
I haven't smiled ever since I loved her.
Her height fits my height but the problem is with her behaviours.
''Someone who is so in love can also leave'' , my eye!
Her pink lips came to my mind.
I couldn't hide it, she crippled me.
Whom did my love bring clean?
Her cheeks wait 2 streets away
and I can't kiss them.
It is snowing in flakes onto my heart but my beloved won't see.
With whom the seeds I planted will blossom?
She hurted and hurted me, she ended up slapping my soul, but she will never know that.
Each and every difficulty I went through will go back to what caused it.

March of Turkish Submarine Fleet

We are named after Murat, Oruç, Burak
Flowing blood in our veins are of Barbaros' and Turgut's1
We dive blue high seas day and night
Our motto is 'We're ready, anywhere and anytime!'
Our true home is these blue deepnesses
Defending the homeland is our sincere dream
Green board! Dive! We are coming, enemy!
In silence and depth, give no one quarter
Officers, sergeants and privates join hands
To make the deep darknesses a home together
Our true home is these blue deepnesses
Defending the homeland is our sincere dream
Bearing on end distance, torpedoes are on guard
We work to be veterans, our wish is to be martyrs
We devoted our life to the seas, we'll sacrifice this very soul,
Long live the homeland, the submariner vows!
Our true home is these blue deepnesses
Defending the homeland is our sincere dream
  • 1. Historical Turkish captains

You are prettier than on the photos.

I hope you are happier without me
and I mean it, it's not just I sing about it.
Whoever has not died for love cannot live.
I didn't want to die so quickly.
I'm not singing it to make you come back to me,
or to make that they will feel sorry for me,
but I have to throw it out.
Because Fendi, Gucci or Louis V did not help me.
I know you are watching me on a different account.
How do I know? I also watch.
Everyone around tells me that I'm 21 years old
and I have time to get to know another girl.
But I don't want to trust anyone anymore.
No, if that's what it looks like.
You taught me to drive.
Others are asking me to slow down.
So I drive alone more and more often and faster
and I try not to crash.
It's my fault, I love too much and my love is toxic
I've never been able to admit.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
I feel uncomfortable around people.
But you can cure it.
When they wanted to kill me, you had ridden with me.
And you had two pistols in your purse.
You'll never stab me in the back with a knife.
You are my G, you are OG.
If we're fucking riding, then we're riding.
I never want to be alone again.
I will love you until my death.
For others, I am the greatest,
but I'll be small for you today,
or I'll be big.
I will take you where there won't more storm.
Although I love it when it rains on us.
I will fuck motherfucker up, if he hurts you,
because I love you.
You are my little 'Bibi'.
It's your birthday every day.
Every day I will sing 'Happy Birthday'.
I don't see the point without you.
Stop talk nonsense now and get in.
I don't want to sit in Range Rover without you.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.

Farewell My Brother Sea

Versions: #2
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea
We took some of your pebble
A little bit of your blue rich salt as well
Also a little bit of your everlastingness
A little bit of your gleam as well
A little bit of your grief as well
You gave some voice to us
About being a sea's destiny
We're full of hope a bit more
We mended our ways a bit more
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea

The scent of the sea

I am bringing the scent of the sea
Humidity pervaded into my salty body
My eyes are red because of the morning frost
I am singing a song
I can't make it stop
I can't make it stop
I am bringing the scent of the sea
The top of the snowy mountains
Is Freedom
The bottom of it is a sea
Here is the Mediterranean Sea
A frivolous lightness
Is flying around my head
I can't believe it
I can't believe it
Ankara is half day away
To play the docile, urban (person) in the streets
To read the newspapers again
The night weariness, again
To get used to the night hastes, again
I am bringing the scent of the sea
The sun burnt skin of mine
I don't know why I am careless and bare
Like after sex
I really don't know
I really don't know
Ankara is half day away
To play the docile, urban (person) in the streets
To read the newspapers again
The night weariness, again
To get used to the night hastes, again
I am bringing the scent of the sea
The sun burnt skin of mine
I don't know why I am careless and bare
Like after sex
I really don't know
I really don't know


Versions: #1
People always love what's hard to get every time
The truth is hidden with me
and the fake one is hidden on tongue.
I'm the one who turned out to be upset
over the word love
and the one who made me upset is hidden in my heart.
I know it is not easy
If this is life, what's reality,
Since you made me get used to crying
from now on even death will feel like a fairytale.
It's so hard.
Trust me I can't put it in words.
It's too hard.
You're not there when I face what's real.
By looking at the mirrors,
I find myself complaining about me to me
like I'm going insane

To İsa, To Eylül, To Efe, To Timuçin, To Sinan, To Utku...

''God loves everyone the way he creates''
People and their norms
Out of 'em, hell and fire
People and their brains
Nothing but potato sack
Geography is the destiny
Wherever you go, they're after you
They are not us, they must die
They are not like us, they be burned
The chains of the ignorance of mine are grits in the ocean
My glasses is nothing but blinders
What be said! To anomalies
Must be hanged, be cut, be fusilladed
I was this, in Baku, they didn't want my face everlasting smiling
I was this, in Istanbul, they shutted my mouth that always talks good
I was this, in Tehran, they exiled me into Turkey
I was this, I'm this, I'll be this, I died being this, I've been murdered!
Long live the everlasting ignorance of yours!
Shall never end the superstition made by your minds
The god you believe gave me this burden, you didn't help me at all
Things you believe gave me this, you've never wanted
I've been murdered without having said what I've done to you
''Go kill yourself, do not waste our efforts'' I was told
''You shall be prostitute, eh'' I was told
I found the rope on my neck without having said I feel myself the way I'm
Only solution I have was the rope on my neck and the chair beneath me
Only thing will solve this, is to make oxygen can't flow to the brain
How could I manage my own life, they hate me already
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
If he exists, he loves already, but people he created
They don't, because they don't possess hearts
Ignoramus this bigot herd is, they won't relief without killing
For the people who think like me, the death is the only solution
My pride is the only chance
My pride
Pride of EFE
Pride of EYLÜL
Pride of Timuçin
Pride of all of ours
Run away from 'em
Don't die
Don't leave me be

You without me, me without you

Versions: #1
Out there, a summer rain
Wet streets, without you, without me
Evening has fallen, a warm wind
Dim lights, without you, without me
Past years, a fairy tale
How many leaves do we have in our hands
Love had been a dream, we awakened
The name of it remains on our tongues
The instruments aren’t resounding
Of the taverns, without you, without me
Strangers at our table
Memories, without you, without me
Past years, a fairy tale
How many leaves do we have in our hands
Love had been a dream, we awakened
The name of it remains on our tongues
Let this story end
Let fate close our door
Closed in our hearts
You without me, me without you
Past years, a fairy tale
How many leaves do we have in our hands
Love had been a dream, we awakened
The name of it remains on our tongues