Резултати претраге страна 52
Број резултата: 1822
Ја сам бунтовник у љубави
Разбила се лопта и дошао сам на свет
Научили су ме да говорим грчки језик
Рекли су ми - што више будеш давао
То ћеш мање добити на крају
Али, ја сам волео свако моје претеривање
Иако то плаћам најскупље могуће
Љубим ти уста и нага леђа
Да би се самоћа уплашила и отишла
Ја сам бунтовник у љубави и идем до краја
Имам душу, имам пољубац и загрљај за тебе
И све моје жалбе стају у један плес, за мене
Зејбекико за моју душу
Бог и бол су једно
Те ноћи када се потрефило да сам дошао на свет
Опила се љубав од црвеног вина
Пусти ти мене да тражим оно што ми фали
И не питај колико ћемо бити заједно
Ја сам бунтовник у љубави и идем до краја...
Ти одговараш за мене
Ако хоћеш да идеш, иди, нема везе
И шта ће бити са мном, не брини
Ако хоћеш да ме повредиш, повреди ме
Ради шта хоћеш, нећу те спречити
Само те на једно подсећам
Ти одговараш за мене
И ако одем бестрага
То ће бити твоја кривица
И терет око твог врата
Ако желиш моје срце ти да сломиш
Слободно, љубави, не оклевај
Ако хоћеш да ме докрајчиш, докрајчи ме
Ради шта хоћеш, нећу те спречити
Само те на једно подсећам
Отишла си
Ништа неће бити као раније
Испуниле су се ноћи самоћом
А мој живот је изненада утихнуо
И са мојих усана смех је нестао
Отишла си ти
И све личи
На пусто острво
Плаши ме
Отишла си и ти
А мој живот
Као неми филм
Без смисла
Отишла си
И све је са тобом отишло
Постало је киша и ветар
Зашто си опет отишла?
Сви су нестали са лица земље
На телефоне се не јавља нико
А у мојој кући више нисам сам
Цимер ми је самоћа
Отишла си ти...
Дај ми мало времена
У мојим очима суза
Не живи, нема ивицу
Али, у мени тече
Не желим да ти је покажем
И кад бих казаљке окренуо
Дошло би оно после
Дај ми мало времена
Само мало времена
Морам да заборавим
Да заборавим
Дај ми још времена
Знам, убијам те
Не желим да те изгубим
Нећу нестати
У твојим очима су сати
Покисле узбрдице
Нисам далеко
Временом се не отвараш
Желим те, не гуши ме
Али, грли ме
Дај ми мало времена
Само мало времена
Морам да заборавим
Да заборавим
Дај ми још времена
Знам, убијам те
Не желим да те изгубим
Нећу нестати
Шта хоћеш од мене, шта ми тражиш?
Шта кријеш, па ме не гледаш у очи?
Оно што осећаш кажи, пре него што размислиш
Од рођења сам велики егоиста
Оно што осећаш кажи, пре него што размислиш
Од рођења сам велики егоиста
Проговори, осећам се миљама далеко од тебе
Стави на усне горки отров
Зло које ћеш нанети је мало.
Проговори, не брини за мене уопште
Знам добро сценарио ове улоге
Видео сам много таквих представа.
Шта хоћеш од мене, реци ми поново
Шта заиста осећаш у срцу?
На мене последњег мисли
Од рођења сам велики егоиста
На мене последњег мисли
Од рођења сам велики егоиста
Проговори, осећам се миљама далеко од тебе
Стави на усне горки отров
Зло које ћеш нанети је мало.
Проговори, не брини за мене уопште
Знам добро сценарио ове улоге
Видео сам много таквих представа.
Преживео сам и горе
Као да нису били довољни таласи, још и поруке
Као нокти које зариваш манично у моје срце
И сакрила си их, прегазила си ме...
Моје тело је пиксла, а твој језик је цигарета
Уништила си ме, раставила си ме...
Ту где си била моја страст сада је рупа
Моја грешка, опусти се, опусти се
Још увек моја душа с тобом није завршила
Преживео сам и горе
Али, ова ноћ не пролази
И нека дођу и друге
Зашто ова да ме победи
Останите уздигнуте, очи моје
Преживео сам и горе...
Као да те је ђаво сипао, онај оклопљени
Као алкохол и со на моје ране сваку ноћ
Губио сам свест, али сам те чекао
Бич спремам, сада је дошао на тебе ред
Бацила си ме на колена и пустила си ме
Да падам са петог спрата, а ти да летиш
Али смири се, видећеш како оживљава онај кога су сломили...
Преживео сам и горе
Али, ова ноћ не пролази
И нека дођу и друге
Зашто ова да ме победи
Останите уздигнуте, очи моје
Преживео сам и горе...
Дођи да видиш
Versions: #2
Дуго је прошло од како се љубав не појављује
Све је другачије, није као на почетку
Црвена боја не постоји, нестала је
Зашто, зашто мора наш крај да дође?
Ти си тамо негде далеко
Али, ако дођеш као некада
Имам овде само за тебе један загрљај
Не одлази опет од мене
То ћу ти говорити сваки пут
Имам овде само за тебе један загрљај
Дођи да видиш мојој души колико недостајеш
Све сам испразнио, да би имала места да живиш
Пече бол, расте, не гаси се
У пепелу ћеш наћи своју кривицу
Ноћ долази после ноћи, а љубав је ексер
Који прети да ће стално горети
Како бледи и празни се тренутак
Зашто, зашто мора наш крај да дође?
Сваки пут ми наплаћујеш бројне грешке
И говориш да ћеш опет отићи
Твоје претње, говорим ти, луде су
Сваки пут ми наплаћујеш бројне грешке и говориш да ћеш опет отићи
И тражиш разлоге да отвараш нове ране
Овде, враћаћеш се овде
Бићеш увек овде
Нећеш издржати ти нигде
Умираћеш овде
Сваке ноћи овде
У друго тело не улазиш опет
Опет ћу ти то рећи
Бићеш увек овде
Овде, враћаћеш се овде
Бићеш увек овде
Са мојим траговима, овде
Твоја душа је овде
Твоје тело је овде
И твој празни живот је овде
Опет ћу ти то рећи
Бићеш увек овде
Сваки пут, тек тако, имаш неке луде мисли и после се мењаш
Твоја прикривена кривица те води са мном у јуче
Сваки пут, тек тако, роде ти се луде мисли да опет одеш
Ужелео сам те се
Реци ми шта се дешава, ти си једина мисао
У мојој глави
Затичем себе стално залепљеног
За телефон
И стално зовем да ти кажем
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Отишла си пре два минута
И већ ми много недостајеш
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Не могу далеко од тебе ни минут
Врати се, дуговаћу ти услугу
Ужелео сам те се
Не препознајем се, не могу да контролишем
Више себе,
Малопре сам те звао, али те зовем поново
Замисли, љубави
Опет сам те звао да ти кажем
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Отишла си пре два минута
И већ ми много недостајеш
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Не могу далеко од тебе ни минут
Врати се, дуговаћу ти услугу
Ужелео сам те се
Гучи хаљина
Све је било ОК док ниси ушла ти
И од тог момента кад сам те видео, потпуно сам полудео
Нису по мом укусу девојке као ти, али
Нешто ми се дешава у последње време и нисам добро
На тебе сам се навукао и не могу другу више да замислим
Не свиђаш ми се и чудим се што ми се ово дешава
Превелики си сноб
Опусти се мало, превише си пуна себе
Имаш бројне фанове који ти вичу 'Ура'
Од клинаца до матораца
Играш се са свим и свачим, говориш им 'хоћу-нећу'
И хоћеш да твоје жеље буду за њих заповест
Али, авај, не могу
Сада да се одупрем
Тој Гучи хаљини коју носиш
И ритму у ком вечерас своје тело њишеш
Рођен сам и одрастао у западној Атици
Ми одатле знамо за понос и часну реч
Бурнази, Егалео, Перистери, знам, тешко ти пада
То су места која ти и твоје другарице сматрате дном
С друге стране, ја у Екали нисам крочио никад
Јер је то место са прецењеним женама
Са претенциозним девојчицама богатог тате
Које знају само хиљаду начина да ти узму паре
Ако ти се не свиђа мој ауто, заболе ме
Нађи млакоњу из Кифисије са БМВ-ом
Који увече пре него што легне говори 'Лаку ноћ, мама'
И изиграва фрајера са татиним парама
Узми њега, јешћеш добро, са мамом и татом
Башта, базен и паре
Да му мажеш путер на хлеб
Али, без обзира на све, живећеш у великом луксузу
Али, авај, не могу
Сада да се одупрем
Тој Гучи хаљини коју носиш
И ритму у ком вечерас своје тело њишеш
Рођен сам и одрастао у западној Атици
Рођен сам и одрастао
Рођен сам и одрастао
Све чега се гадим, све то имаш ти
И личног шминкера и фризера
Два сата хоћеш да ти раде француски маникир
Док ти разговараш преко телефона с још једним дебилом
Да погађам, тема разговора је мода и трачеви
Свет гори, али ви фурате ваше
Волиш Вог и Ел и Мадам Фигаро
Али, ако те одведем у кревет, свиђаћу ти се само ја
Дубоке чизме, врућ мини, љубави, вечерас доминираш
Кажем ти, нешто под хитно мора да се деси међу нама
С једне стране, ти да ми покажеш како се живи у луксузу
А ја, с друге стране, како се то ради у Кесарјани
Али, авај, не могу
Сада да се одупрем
Тој Гучи хаљини коју носиш
И ритму у ком вечерас своје тело њишеш
Као две капи кише
Да те нисам упознао, много тога не бих знао
И све би остало половично
Не бих имао коме своју срећу да поклањам
Али, сада, љубави моја, овде си
Када ме гледаш, раде ми вене
Твој поглед ме опија, снови почињу да се остварују
Када ми говориш речи из душе
Смрт обмањујеш пољупцем живота
Као две капи кише, тако смо исти ја и ти
И ако те загрлим
Постаћемо једна, постаћемо једна
Као две капи воде, ми смо делови неба
Који су пали на земљу
Заувек заједно, заувек заједно
У теби сам нашао све што сам желео да нађем
Сваку радост, сваки бол
И питам се да ли сам толики срећник
Или сам те само сањао
Ја живим свој живот
Не питај ме шта ми је
Не брини, могу да издржим
То што су се затворили путеви за нас заувек.
Ти, која ме не познајеш, за љубав не мариш
Ми смо два света вековима удаљенс.
Не желим ништа, не тражим ноћу друштво
Не оптерећуј се, не постојим, падам у ватру
Ја живим свој живот, а ти живи свој
Ја ћу бити у свом сну, а ти у својој сенци
Судбина ти показује на врата пред тобом
Нећу опет плаћати твоје грешке
Ја живим свој живот, а ти живи свој
Још један дан не остајем поред тебе
Још једну ноћ у твом празном наручју
Лаж не бришу твоје сузе.
Заробљеник нећу бити, ноћу спавам
У овом кошмару који сече као стакло
Представа је завршена, а на завеси остаје
Љубав која умире са тобом у публици
Ја живим свој живот, а ти живи свој...
Vitamin D
Give me the shock ...
A good day replaced the night,
and in the sky the stars are like you (exactly the same)
There are no negative factors, evil directors,
unsafe sectors.
All the boredom fled, and reminded: I'm not tired.
Yes. I worked hard, but this beauty invigorates.
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless ...
nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D. (along with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
Your smooth movements improve the sight of everyone
(All!) Get pleasure from the moment of each
(with you) on each body a glare, the dew shines (it is necessary)
And everyone sees! Everybody sees! Everyone sees miracles, and I ...
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D.
(together with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
They asked: '... tell at the mercy of the sisters and brothers that in the beginning there was music or dancing ...?'
The answer is simple: no one has seen such beauty,
let's dance do not wait ...
First you appeared!
In the beginning appeared: 'Hey, you! You're there, let's go dancing with us!
Hey, you! You are there with us! Come on! Do not be bored, get Vitamin D,
Well, a little more ...
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
This is what makes you mad.
Wait, why is it so?
Shh-sh-sh ... shut up, do not want to miss the beginning.
Catch the melody the way I catch it.
So, as I love, it's as if:
Why are you with the eyes of ben-pa-ben.
Running laziness away, pumping out that there is urine at night.
Or in the daytime, if you want - we'll come
Closer to the center, all the views will be taken.
You do not call yourself in hand, bitch-bitch.
You will know me. How to be lucky, quiet brothers, without a fight - Only tanchiki-dance.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
This is what makes you crazy.
In a good way, do not pick on words.
Yes, medicine is right. This is something that does not hurt your head.
Second Verse: MONATIK:
So go out and light it up.
So that they want to be you all.
Chsh-sh-sh! Show them skill, pick your head.
Tear off your ovations, tear them in half.
In this business, you're just a monster.
In this case, all movements are simply cosmos.
Just space and temperature rise.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
This is what makes you mad.
It's your part, you wanted it so bad.
(That's right, like that, like this.)
Let the best parts of the body work.
(Like this! More often!)
It's your part, you wanted it so bad.
Come on!
Let the best parts of the body work.
More often! More often!
This is what makes you mad.
(More often!)
the one with wifebeater
we ve made the ambiance but you re not here
I always call but you dont reply , I m not angry with you anymore, ıt's clear that you
aren't unable to withstand
Did I live and let live ?
Did I burningly react?
what did I say , what
don't act like a cold fish
I'm sensitive about this case
is it a crime to love
ain't it a shame against me
ah I exerted myself
Hey! who am I talkin' to
do you read me
let me buy your attitude, ıt's
classic now I'm used to it
don't flirt thereout
it is seen from here
come on mend our fences
my prince with wifebeater
are you confused
chatty to everyone
only cow me down
who am I talkin' to
Till Here
If he left then, so what
If he left then, so what
Let him go, let him fly away
Change is a good thing anyways
Without someone else, nobody ever
was tortured and torn down totally
It's actually good if you make changes
things can become good for you this way
Till here ends
my unpleasant relationship with you
I am never ever returning
to the ones who turned out to be worthless
If someone leaves me, it's their loss
and they do me a favor
You see, whoever is up high remains so
And whoever is low remains low
Your love is worth nothing
I don't want you, I don't want
You being far away is to me a feast
The one who cheats and lies
does you a favor when he goes away
Your love only made me
agitated and furious
Go on, leave my world
Let me live my days
It turned out that you are not worth
all my love and my attention
The world became lit without you
Go away, oh you who have been unfair to me
I won't bring my head down or bow
And go back on my words
I like how things are this way
Nobody is on my mind
And it's all tip-top
Grief, sadness and wounds..
Your love is a burden that I've been relieved of
Everything that has to do with you is gone
Leave me, I want to be in peace
It is my right to leave the ones who
cause disturbance to my heart
If someone loves me truly, I love them truly
And I dedicate to them my life and love
But it doesn't make sense to stay up and long for someone
for all my efforts to wash upon the shore
In this case, no, let him go his way
And I will go my way
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
The lonely man
Versions: #2
lyrics: Lazaros Andreou
music: Nikos Papazoglou
The lonely man
while the other celebrate
is ashamed of being alone
and sings out of tune in the joy
When the wine takes me
and the fun spreads
I am ashamed to sing
and nobody talks to him
The lonely man
while the other celebrate
becomes alone twice
and bows his head
Čista mašta
Kreni za mnom
I bices
U svetu
Čiste mašte
I videćeš
Svoju maštu
Počećemo sa malim obrtom
Putujući u svetu moje kreacije
Sta cemo videti ce prkositi objašnjenjima
Ako zeliš da vidiš raj
Jednostavno pogledaj oko sebe i vidi ga
Štagod zelis da uradiš
Zeliš li da promeniš svet?
Nema ničega od toga
Nema zivota, znam
Da se poredi sa čistom maštom
Ziveći tamo, bićeš slobodan
Samo ako to stvarni zeliš
Ako zeliš da vidiš raj
Jednostavno pogledaj oko sebe i vidi ga
Štagod zelis da uradiš
Zeliš li da promeniš svet?
Nema ničega od toga
Everyone is looking down on others
[First verse: Sokół]
Marysia was in bit of a shock. Proud as a peacock.
Quite curvaceous, smart. Girlfriend material.
She wanted to chill out and went for a pizza
somewhere in north Śródmieście area.
She was writing him a text.
She thought to herself that she feels kinda like
the first time she gave a paper downloaded from the internet for checking.
But this time the excitement was bigger.
Today she cheated on Rysiek for the first time.
She felt better than him and that she deserves better.
Ryszard – cabbie working on a freelance basis.
He met Marysia three years ago during holidays.
Apart from cuckolding him today she also has her master’s defense.
She’s super nervous so she’s stuffing herself with double pepperoni.
Although she usually watches her figure, this time she doesn’t give a fuck.
Now few words about him. Rysio – taxi driver.
Similarities with ” Klan” are coincidental. (Polish soap opera in which there was a
character named Rysio/Ryszard who was also a taxi driver)
He’s overcharging his client, using Rate 4.
She’s pissing him off cause she smells of greengrocer’s.
He’s looking over his shoulder to check if she’s not leaving any dirt on the back seat.
Meanwhile Janina, that’s the name of the hag,
is thinking about the dubious lout who’s driving the cab.
This is the last time she’s catching a taxi on the street.
She doesn’t do it too often. She spends most of her time
at her son-in-law’s fruit and vegetable shop.
But he’s not in today and hoodlums with knives showed up again.
Janina cannot take it anymore.
And even though he forbade her to report this to the police,
cause it may only make things worse,
she closes the shop, put the takings in an envelope, catches a taxi
and heads to the police station.
[Chorus: Sokół]
Everyone is looking down on others – sons of bitches!
Treating another person as if he/she was nothing.
Everyone is the smartest – fuckers – they think they’re special.
Everyone, unfortunately…
Words fail me when I see such attitude.
[Second verse: Sokół]
Some time ago a guy named Grzegorz
left his village and moved to the capital city in search for a better life.
He knows a guy from his county who works in a pizza parlour since ’99.
The dude’s name is Karol. He’s in the “dough business”.
Grzegorz decided to try his hand at catering himself.
He got out at Warsaw East Station.
Happy that he didn’t pay for the ticket.
He spent the trip in the toilet and smelled of shit afterwards.
His legs were a bit numb but who gives a fuck, right?
He was happy that he saved a few quid. Please…
A bit confused Grzegorz was askin’ people about the way to the pizza parlour,
when all of a sudden he was approached by patrolmen.
He starts to explain that he’s on his way to see a friend.
He looked like an ordinary guy
but had a brown sweater and violet sweatpants on him.
He matched the description perfectly.
He was cursing, apologizing, jawing away.
Later that day. Ms Janina closes the door of Rysio’s cab.
” What a thief ” she’s thinking to herself.
“POLICE” sign. She enters the bulding, testifies.
Line-ups are usually a fuckin’ joke.
They’re just rounding up whoever.
And even though there are few young men standing in front of her
she’s certain that it’s the guy in violet sweatpants and brown sweater.
Grześ is completely stunned, copper strokes his moustache.
He holds them both in contempt.
Grześ is like, but I just got here!
But he dodged the fare and screwed himself over.
And that’s that.
[Chorus: Sokół]
[Third verse: Sokół]
Unsuspecting Karol made few pizzas.
He wasn’t aware that Grześ was on his way to see him.
As usual, clients came to eat.
Sometime around 2 p.m. friend of his came up with a dope ass idea.
To put LSD in pepperoni.
Someone will eat it unconsciously.
Who is who?
Check this out.
The very same Marysia, cabbie’s girlfriend, ate the pizza.
And as you can imagine the exam she’s about to take may not go well.
She thought that the pizzeria’s employees were checking her out
cause she’s the most beautiful chick in the neighbourhood.
I, being the storyteller, wished that they knew she was just
about to have her master’s defense. They would be laughing their asses off.
But they’ve witnessed her first acid trip.
Sweat drops on her forehead were shining like diamonds.
Karol and his crew are having a blast. She’s euphoric. For now.
Believe me when I say she was ultra-shocked.
She reached the pith and core of the subject matter.
She decided to share it with her examiners.
Sunday victims and torturers.
Everyone looks down on others – everyone’s the smartest.
Old Janina is sitting in a rocking chair, thinking about Grześ.
“Why I’ve done this?”
She wasn’t hundred percent sure, but pointed her finger at him.
Today she had the upper hand in this unfair fight.
To her all these young, bald men are the same. Scum!
She really thinks that way.
Karol finished work around that time.
He was laughing about the prank he played on the girl.
Then all of a sudden – flashback.
And even though he hasn’t seen Grześ for ages
I could swear he started recollecting his homeland.
He was standing there for awhile, looking abashed.
Here’s what went down.
Beer-house. Evening time.
Local birds. Karol and Grześ are sitting by the table.
Grzegorz peed in a mug and Karol drank it unconsciously.
Some fuckin’ prank.
And…back to reality. Bus stop near the pizzeria.
Karol, few lads and hidden pain.
Ryszard – the cabbie is eating French bread pizza
from a food stand situated near the Palace of Culture and Science.
Neoplan stopped nearby.
Two female tourists got out. They look quite young.
Rysiu turns his head and start checkin’ them out.
Both got nice legs, decent size breasts and cute face.
He would fuck them both hard
He took a last bite
and glanced at a guy in “PROSTO” sweatshirt
as the bloke was getting into a cab.
“Where to?” he asked
and lets finish the story here.
[First Verse]
It was yesterday. I remember, even though I’ve got poor memory.
I’ve got a call. I’ve picked up the receiver and said: ” Hello?”
All of a sudden everything is in flames.
It’s God calling. He asks me: ” Łona, what’s goin’ on down there?”
Nah, it must be some kind of mistake. I don’t understand a thing.
” Saint Peter chose your number at random. Clouds are blocking me the view.
Bad visibility. So, cut the crap and tell me what’s up down there!”
– It’s shit. Everyone’s anonymous.
There’s war everywhere. Or at least martial law.
The authorities are a group of con men with the biggest one at the helm
and the Bible stopped being a bestseller long time ago.
– Hmmm, so maybe I should send the Messiah one more time?
– Don’t be silly, he’ll end up on an electric chair! (reference to the movie “The Green Mile”)
It’s a waste of time. People are swollen-headed. It’s too late to reform these sinners.
– Really? – Yeah. – Well, things are not going too well here either.
I feel lonely, not many people go to heaven these days.
No one tells me “bless you!” when I sneeze. Ahchoo!
– Bless you!”
[Chorus] x2
Yesterday God called me.
” Tell everyone it’s high time to sober up.
– That’s not going to work. – What?
You’ve seen it before.
– That’s not going to work? – No, things went too far.”
[Second Verse]
Then God started shouting.
” I’ve sent the Flood once, I can do it again.”
– For the love of God!
– Who? – Oh, my bad.
But it would be the biggest disgrace possible.
Maybe something can be done? I don’t know… fixed.
– Cut to the chase, son. It’s not funny anymore.
– Maybe people will start to get along again?
– What guarantees do I have? – You need to take my word for it.
But chances that everything will turn out well are still quite good.
– Okay, I’ll let you be but I’m gon’ holla at you later.”
He put the receiver down and I’d like to know
what should I do to save the mankind ?
So, people, let’s do something to make the world a better place
or He’ll call me and bawl me out again!
Fuck, I had to put a ceilling on it to make this video.
Agia Sofia
Some have kept you in silence for so many years
Glorious and immortal Church.
You have depths inside of us as though they have tried
To make you become lost in the oblivion.
Our heart seeks out of a holy desire that
Your bells might sound again
Silence, do not cry Panagia, and the legion of the marbled king wakes again
Come on, come, let's go to Agia Sofia
Come on, come, so the Liturgy may begin
You are a perennial flame, an impressive fairy
In the darkness of this world
And you made the last believer proud
Our city, no one forgets you...
Our heart seeks out of a holy desire...
The prayers of the heroes, to speak to you
We have them like a lighthouse and a guide.
We climbed the peaks again in Tricorfu to resurrect
Your big bell tower.
Our heart seeks out of a holy desire...
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
Llorona („Uplakana žena”)
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Čak i života to da me košta, Llorona
Neću prestati da te volim
Neću prestati da te volim
Popeh se na najviši bor, Llorona
Da vidim da li ću te ugledati
Popeh se na najviši bor, Llorona
Da vidim da li ću te ugledati
Kako je bor bio dirljiv, Llorona
Videvši me da plačem, plakao je
Kako je bor bio dirljiv, Llorona
Videvši me da plačem, plakao je
Tuga i što tuga nije, Llorona
Sve je tuga za mene
Tuga i što tuga nije, Llorona
Sve je tuga za mene
Juče plakah jer želeh da te vidim, Llorona
Sada plačem jer te videh
Juče plakah jer želeh da te vidim, Llorona
Sada plačem jer te videh
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Čak i života to da me košta, Llorona
Neću prestati da te volim
Čak i života to da me košta, Llorona
Neću prestati da te volim
Neću prestati da te volim
Neću prestati da te volim
Jao, jao, jao!
Eledim Eledim
Eledim Eledim
Eledim Eledim Höllük Eledim,
Aynalı Beşikte Canan Bebek Beledim.
Büyüttüm Besledim Asker Eyledim,
Gitti De Gelmedi Canan Buna Ne Çare,
Yandı Ciğerim De Canan Buna Ne Çare.
Bir Güzel Simâdır Aklımı Alan,
Aşkın Sevdasını Canan Sineme Saran.
Bizi Kınamasın Ehl-i Dil Olan.
Gitti De Gelmedi Canan Buna Ne Çare,
Yandı Ciğerim De Canan Buna Ne Çare.
Romanian hawk
Nothing in the world is more holy
Or even nicer, on this earth,
Rather than die as a fighter
Wrapped in tricolor.
Nothing in the world is more holy
Or even nicer, on this earth,
Rather than die as a fighter
Wrapped in tricolor.
Romanian hawk, Romanian hawk
Ardelean, the 2nd Battalion
The clarion call, let's go to war
The braves gathered together with the thousands of heroes
And one chance I'm gonna die
Next to a bloody bush
Next to an oak bush
Next to the captain
And one chance I'm gonna die
Next to a bloody bush
Next to an oak bush
Next to the captain
Crown of Creation
Crown of creation
Will you come home for dinner?
This life is so short
I want way more of you
Let's say... take me to the dance
Get me stars, perhaps
I'm worth way more next to you
Crown of creation
Superstition of our ancestors
Rather take me to the dance
The years are flying by you
I barely fit into my suitcase
Bring colors into today
Don't shout when talking to me
For soft talk reaches me as well
I'll quietly get some rest
You don't need to take me to the dance
I wish you weren't this numb
You're lying here at noon, not a move
You, you, you... crown of creation
I'm dying once
I'm dying a hundred times
I'm denying it once
I'm denying it a hundred times
I'm dying once
I'm dying a hundred times
Dance is our life
The soul is pounding
It's pounding because of the dance
I'm dying once
I'm dying a hundred times
I'm denying it once
I'm denying it once
We won't even wake up
Crown of creation
Your dinner is inside the dog
This life is short
You're done forever now
Ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Mislim da je vreme da rizikujem otkrivši ti svoja osećanja
Mislim da je vreme da kažem šta mi se vrti u glavi
Vidim te van s njim i kažem da sam dobro
Dešava se svaki put (svaki put)
Preko glave mi je igranja igara
Preko glave mi je da sam na drugom mestu
I znam da ako nikada ne pokušam
Biće mi preko glave što mi je svega preko glave
Ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Devojko, ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Devojko, ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Devojko, ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš, devojko)
Znaš koliko volim kada me pozoveš van
Vidiš mi to u očima, način na koji prate tvoje pokrete
Jer da, sviđa mi se kako plešeš
Znaš da je tako, da, tako je
Jer to si samo ti
Preko glave mi je da smo drugari
Preko glave mi je da sam tu
I znam da ako nikada ne pokušam
Biće mi preko glave što mi je svega preko glave
Devojko, ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Devojko, ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Pa, hajde da učinimo da postane lično
Reci mi šta ti se dopada
Hajde da učinimo da postane lično
Jer znam da želiš da pokušamo da postanemo bliski
Reci mi šta ti se dopada
Hajde da učinimo da postane lično (lično)
Zato, ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Devojko, ne shvati to lično
Ali lično mislim da bi ti bolje bilo s nekim poput mene
Ali najgore od svega, ti čak ni ne vidiš (ti čak ni ne vidiš)
Andres Pou Gelane Mesa All Ponane
summers and winters
words like the anemones
Promise of love words
of great delusion.
In my mind they always
roam you they remind me
Night you said our love
will endure
But you betrayed me
before sunrise
men who laugh in them
They make a heart of
stone, they don't lygane.
Men who laugh in the
back don't spin
in their souls tears hide
and they keep their world.
Autumnal images become
a separation centuries
and for Senane, they talk
about the mistakes that
In my mind they always
roam you they remind me
Night you said our love
will endure
But you betrayed me
before sunrise
men who laugh in them
They make a heart of
stone, they don't lygane.
Men who laugh in the
back don't spin
in their souls tears hide
and they keep their world.
Without Father
I’ve seen her passing by, just now:
she held her son in her arms, crying,
she was hugging him tightly to her bosom
because he no longer has his father's love.
She raises her beautiful child
never telling about her sad misfortune,
but he must know, because mom sings,
because every night she sings to him this way:
Sleep, you, my son,
sleep, my dear child,
anyway you know that God
can’t abandon you.
Dad has gone in flight,
sad is your destiny,
your mom, in life and in death,
always will console you.
Sleep, sleep…
Summer Clothes
Sick of this view
To many things have happened within it
But it's new to you
You point at Stockholm, saying:
'I like this, I like this
It's not Rome, but nothing is'
In summer clothes
And maybe a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
And what's up
With the others tonight,
Did we have a plan?
Don't want to see a DJ, baby
There's cava
There's a party at a balcony
All night long
And we can go there later
But hey baby, check out the sky
And this light
And this light
Not as in Rome, but it's alright
(It's alright)
In summer clothes
And Stockholm, a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
Stockholm, a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
(I like this)
In summer clothes
I'll slide without getting distracted
I won't look down so I won't suffer
I'll listen to you without seeing you, yet
You'll harvest ripe fruit, kissed by the sun
We'll walk, you go ahead of me
On a carpet of big dreams
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
You were there with me
It will be that time of the year again
It will change like it happens with fashion
Every memory you have hidden
Tell me how can you
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
In a bar downtown, I notice you
Thinking it's just an impossible affair
A glass falls from a counter
A story falls apart
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
Bianca, as the snow gets whiter
You move forward into the night
And I can't find anymore
All traces of you
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Красна Лужица
Красна Лужица,
Исправна, пријатељска,
мојих српских отаца крај,
мојих блажених снова рај,
света су ми твоја поља!
Часу будући,
ускликни радосно!
О, нека буду са твојег
крила дошли мужеви,
пријатни вечног спомињања!
Стихови искључени из званичне верзије:
Битке се жестоко бориле,
Ратови од гвожђа ковани,
Наши преци су поносно певали.
Речи ратних песама гласно су зазвониле.
Ко ће нам сада рећи своје приче?
Када је црна божанска земља,
Последњи штанд древне вероисповести,
Сад се гавранова ограда налази ту,
Древна маховина на камењу је једном гола,
Олтари за обожавање наших предака.
Air Conditioning Set to 15(ºC)
Five days, one hour, ten minutes since I last saw you. The clock counts the hours while I count on my fingers all the kisses I never gave you. My longing just grows and grows. I don't even know where it'll stop. I'll make it. I'm going crazy just from my imagination. Have you ever thought about it? The air conditioning set to 15(ºC) and the two of us sweating? The TV on max volume and the two of us loving each other? What are you waiting for? A day without you feels like a year!