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Број резултата: 77


Холивудска Брда

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Сада ово није ни време ни место
за сломљена срца,
јер ово је крај дуге
где нико не може бити превише тужан
Не, не желим да идем
али морам да идем напред
јер мој живот припада другој страни
иза таласа великог океана
Збогом, Холивудска брда
Недостајаћеш ми, где год да идем
Вратићу се поново да шетам овим улицама
Збогом, Холивудска брда заувек
Хвала вам на јутарњим шетњама на слатком заласку сунца
И за вреле ноћне тренутке
За фантазију у мом кревету
Сада носим део тебе са собом
и нећете га добити назад
и део мене ће остати овде,
можеш га задржати заувек, драга
Збогом, Холивудска брда
Недостајаћеш ми, где год да идем
Вратићу се поново да шетам овим улицама
Запамтите да смо се забављали заједно
Збогом, Родео девојке
Волећу вас где год да одем
Вратићу се да можемо да играмо заједно
Збогом, Холивудска брда заувек
Љубав на даљину не функционише
Све миље између уђу у твоју главу
Не, не желим да идем
Не желим да идем
Збогом, Холивудска брда
Недостајаћеш ми, где год да идем
Вратићу се поново да шетам овим улицама
Збогом, Холивудска брда
Недостајаћеш ми, где год да идем
Вратићу се поново да шетам овим улицама
Запамтите да смо се забављали заједно
Збогом, Родео девојке
Волећу вас, где год да идем
Вратићу се да можемо да играмо заједно
Збогом, Холивудска брда заувек
Холивудска брда заувек, да
Холивудска брда заувек

Божиковина божанска

Да, да!
Покушавају да ми кажу да ми је суђено да изгубим,
само ти сањај, боље би ти било да само
наставиш да спаваш, дечко.
Будан сам и идем на њих
док ти само осматраш.
Крв, зној и сузе,
назови то плаћањем мојих обавеза.
Ипак сам корак испред
тешко да си нека конкуренција.
Краљ брда, борим се к'о Федерер,
никад нисам одустао, због било каквог разлога,
мислиш да ћу стати, да, настави да сањаш.
Божиковину божанску сањам.
То сам што сам, у шта верујем,
ниједна борба не може да спречи да успем.
Божиковина божанска.
То сам што сам, у шта верујем.
Певајте песму, певајте је, певајте је гласно!
Никада не предајем кад паднем док не добијем злато,
а моје злато је да успем,
колико год да је нераван пут.
Претпостављам да желиш да знаш
како сам савладао тешкоће?
И експлодирао, као из пушке,
као да разбијам калуп.
Моје друго ја расте само под јаким светлом,
зато боље да се припремиш,
руке горе, прва рунда, борба!
И она долази
и ја трчим баш као што ће ветар,
божиковина божанска.
пошто ми је Господ дао крила
да се уздигнем изнад вреве,
звук победе ми помаже,
води ме кроз.... сметње.
Недостаје ми борба,
морао сам да се потрудим само да је добијем,
спреман сам за борбу јер не занемарујем тактику.
Ове ципеле ме боле док ходам,
али неуспех није опција.
Морам да наставим да се крећем,
иако моји пси лају, да.
Нађи ме на циљу
и неће дуго,
јер кад све победим
наћи ћеш ме како певам моју песму.
Певајте, певајте песму над песмама,
певајте је, певајте је гласно!
Позови сунце у глуво доба ноћи
и грех ће се уздићи на небо.
Додирни човека који не може да хода да се усправи
и тај хроми човек, он ће летети, летеће!
Божиковину божанску сањам.
То сам што сам, у шта верујем.
Певајте песму, певајте је, певајте гласно!
Сањајте божански сан.
То сам што сам, у шта верујем,
ниједна борба не може да спречи да успем.
Песма о божиковини божанској.
То сам што сам, у шта верујем.
Певајте песму, певајте је, певајте гласно!
Сањајте божански сан.
То сам што сам, у шта верујем,
ниједна борба не може да спречи да успем.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

The Edelweiss Pirates Ballad

A bronze-plaque mounted at the embankment
Somebody put some flowers on the ground.
In the arcade across the way a dream world, glaring and colourful.
The wind blows rain across the sqare where once the gallows stood.
The raindrops run along the embankment.
The Venloer street is jammed, rush hour, four pm.
Life goes on, what's over is over,
among those murdered wrere boys from Ehrenfeld.*
At the time when in a brown night freedom died,
a whole nation was forced into a brown, black and grey uniform.
As the limping man* agitated for war and invasion,
as half the worl was burned for the Führer and capital,
as in barracs, schools and plants the youth was worn out,
over heavily bombed cities and Auschwitz stood the smoke,
there bloomed a little flower in our destoyed city, strongly windswept,
which did not die in spite of the swastika, Gestapo and death's-head.
With guitars against the Nazi marches, it started that way.
And were they caught on a forbidden trip, then there were fights:
the girls stayed behind, they held the guitars.
The boys bravely fought the HJ, Gestapo and SS.
They didn't want a HJ uniform,
they didn't want any drill.
They went out into nature
and played Buffalo Bill.
In the Königsforst*, at the Felsensee,
with guitars, dreams in their heads,
there they were sitting and singing,
when the HJ came they fought.
Swastika and Hitler salute,
that didn't suit them.
And also the master race bullshit
they didn't go along with.
Edelweiss pirates, that's what they called themselves,
where that little flower bloomed, yes, there was resistance.
The fashists knew it very well
But nowadays hardly a schoolbook talks about this.
But then in 39, when the masters started war,
any method to fight the Edelweiss was used.
In Brauweiler*, in the EL-DE house* they beat up the boys,
the hangmen didn't care about the fact that some of them still were kids.
And those who were not broken knew: It's over now!
Next time we are dead, we can't go back home!
In ruins, parks and garden huts they hid themselves.
They stole food and weapons, otherwise they would have died.
With some people of the underground they shared like brothers
And when nazis shot at them they defended themselves.
They also killed nazis, but that didn't always work out.
In October 44 a part of them was caught.
They didn't want a HJ uniform...
A bronze-plaque mounted at the embankment
Somebody put some flowers on the ground.
Life goes on, do you know what happened at that time?
The youngest of the boys killed here was 16 years old.
Today this part of the street where the gallows stood
is called 'Bartholomäus-Schink-Street'.
Bartel was one of the youngest
hanged by the nazis.
The fact, that this part nowadays is called after him
didn't happen by itself.
We have fought for it, year after year,
against the masters here in the government in Cologne.
The masters nowadays
don't want to acknowledge the Edelweiss pirates
as members of the resistance and honour them.
They partly refer to statements and
reports written by their hangmen:
to Gestapo records!
But - we don't forget.
Edelweiss pirates, that's what they called themselves (4x)

Emptiness (04)

It's just...
I wanted to show you a lot
about life, people, politics, books
and other things like that,
like it usually happens in the movies that taught you love
For us to live an exciting life,
to have wild sex,
and laugh with other noj exciting people,
saying jokes that only the two of us can understand
For me to tease you but you not be upset,
and shooting it down saying something like:
'Quit the crap babe
I know you better than the palm of my hand.'
For us to be staying in bed at noons,
you sleeping on my chest,
and me reading whatever
Drinking coffe and playing backgammon in some balcony
that overlooks other balconies
where old people are patiently waiting for their time to come,
a random noon of a random summer,
when heat melts the clocks,
and hours pass by unseen
But fuck
The timing was bad
I had my own issues
And your post-teen phase wasn't helpful at all
And I guess in the end we're not as interesting as we thought
And maybe we should just accept that
Maybe all relationships are like that,
some more and some less
Maybe everything runs its circle
And -yes I know- I have to accept
reality as it is
and move onnhassd on that
But here's the thing...
it's this weird
relationship of mine with endings
that I could never manage
You want to 'keep talking' in spite of that eventually
Well we'll see
PS. The place where we greeted each other the first time
happened to be the exact same as the place we said goodbye the last
A pedestrian street outside of a metro station
Here's how even us -the unspecial ones- lived something reminiscent of a movie!

Nice, dreamy days

With friends, we often gathered
Searching for the bright, nice future
We made all kinds of big plans
Thinking we shall easily make them happen
Nice, dreamy days, rebellious nights
I hadn't believed it could be otherwise, too
Our paths are splitting, our desires are changing
You only need to believe, and hope will carry you further
We passionately debated the present
Our thoughts got hold of us
We had fun, but were singing in tears
Maybe we suspected we'll also have pains
Nice, dreamy days, rebellious nights
I hadn't believed it could be otherwise, too
Our paths are splitting, our desires are changing
But you need to believe, and hope will carry you further
We had passion, we deny and we trust
To our dreams, we make no limit
Still, as the years fly by
We cannot bring back anything
Nice, dreamy days, rebellious nights
I hadn't believed it could be otherwise, too
Our paths are splitting, our desires are changing
You need to believe now, and hope will carry you further
Nice, dreamy days, rebellious nights
I hadn't believed it could be otherwise, too
Our paths are splitting, our desires are changing
You need to believe now, and hope will carry you further

Together we are many

Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Falsifications (No), machinations (No)
Little understandings (No), no to lies
Yushchenko (Yes), Yushchenko (Yes)
Is our president (Yes, yes)
Falsifications (No), machinations (No)
Little understandings (No), no to lies
Yushchenko (Yes), Yushchenko (Yes)
Is our president (Yes, yes)
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
We aren’t beasts of burden, we aren’t goats
We are Ukrainians, sons and daughters
It’s now or never, enough of waiting
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
We aren’t beasts of burden, we aren’t goats
We are Ukrainians, sons and daughters
It’s now or never, enough of waiting
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (We can’t be defeated)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (Together we are many)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (We can’t be defeated)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (Together we are many)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated

There Is A Woman Missing

Michelle Peña Herrera
Nalvia Rosa Mena Alvarado
Cecilia Castro Salvadores
Ida Amelia Almarza
There is a woman missing
There is a woman missing
In Chile
In Chile
In Chile
And the junta, and the junta knows
And the junta knows where she is
And the junta knows where they are hiding her, she's dying
There is a woman missing
There is a woman missing
In Chile
In Chile
In Chile
Clara Elena Cantero
Elisa Del Carmen Escobar
Eliana Maria Espinosa
Rosa Elena Morales
There is a woman missing
There is a woman missing
In Chile
In Chile
In Chile
And the junta, and the junta knows
And the junta knows where she is
And the junta knows where they are hiding her, she's dying
There is a woman missing
There is a woman missing
In Chile
In Chile
In Chile
Missing in Brazil
Missing in Uruguay
Missing, Guatemala
Missing, El Salvador
There is a man, there is a child
Oh the children
There is a woman missing


They must know
[Verse 1]
A tiny makeshift stage by the counter on a Monday at the mall
By the highway roundabout I sang playback for nothing
Seemed shady, You used to say ”lil sweetie”
You should be grateful, should be grateful
That was before I had to starve until I soared in corsets above stages that I never got to keep
If I didn’t have the ”follow”, if I didn’t want to ”swallow”
If I wasn’t ”Carola”, wasn’t ”Carola”
Was so lost but refused to stop
What needs to happen must go down
They must know
They must know
[Verse 2]
My boyfriends were boys
Had six-packs, were a free pass
True divas & real hotties that half of Sweden wished to strangle
Could dance, could sing
Had dreams just like mine, dreams like mine (Dreams, dreams like mine)
In front of everyone & the camera, no one liked it
All wanted to watch me fall until I lay there on a dance floor
No one saw but everyone watched, paparazzi, ”Se & Hör” [=gossip magazine]
Poor stupid little girl, stupid little girl
Was so lost but refused to stop
What needs to happen must go down
They must know
They must know
[Verse 3]
In a backseat on ”Sunset” with a fucking row of palm trees
Spend 10 000 hours, LA dreaming, who
is breaking?
Mum dad already divorced
My sisters stopped calling, sisters stopped calling
Take a selfie, real tan
Up the ”Hills” in someone’s mansion, all losers,
All famous in a smog of smoke & mist
The producers want to bang me, oh, surprise, deliver lines
Want to rip me off completely
Real tears, real salt


Cleopatri, na-na-na-na-na
Milk chocolate, come on, kiss me
You whirl in a moondance, my love
What am I against your spells?
I’m your little boy, read me a fairytale
“Be bolder, come on”, your hips tell me
Just let me abduct you
From your palace
Crystal, baby, give me crystal, hand it over
Crystal, baby, give me crystal, hand it over
Crystal, baby, give me crystal, hand it over
Crys-crystal, hand it over, c-c-crystal, come on, hand it over
An evening dress, you mustn’t hide away
You’re wasting yourself
I’m losing you, I won’t see tomorrow
Baby, you know (K.O.)
You’re in my arms, you’re in my arms
Woolly llama
Pick up this rhythm, lip to lip
You’ve lost the game
Away you fly, lose our sweet trail
Ash on a hotel bedsheet
My heart frying dully in the boiler
The mini-bar has closed
Turn out the light, go on, turn out the light
You’re not for me, it’s just a dream
(Pick up this rhythm, lip to lip
(And you’ve lost the game)
Cleopatri, na-na-na-na-na
Milk chocolate, come on, kiss me
You whirl in a moondance, my love
What am I against your spells?
I’m your little boy, read me a fairytale
“Be bolder, come on”, your hips tell me
Just let me abduct you
From your palace
Crystal, baby, give me crystal, hand it over
Crystal, baby, give me crystal, hand it over
Crystal, baby, give me crystal, hand it over
Crys-crystal, hand it over, c-c-crystal, come on, hand it over
Cleopatri, na-na-na-na-na
Milk chocolate, come on, kiss me
You whirl in a moondance, my love
What am I against your spells?
I’m your little boy, read me a fairytale
“Be bolder, come on”, your hips tell me
Just let me abduct you
From your palace


Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
Your lips are like fire against my skin
Soothing the cold inside me
If only I could zoom out
And still be here with you
Because I want to go slow
And you want to live fast
If we can look far ahead
We will catch up
If we can be bigger
Bigger than we have ever imagined
If we can think farther
Further than we have ever done
We leave the earth to spin, the time pass
See us from the moon, then we can understand
One day when we are bigger
Then it will maybe hurt a bit less
[Verse 2]
They say all good things come to an end
Damn, then we must be reaching ours soon
But if we pretend what we have is ugly
Maybe we will get to keep it
Because I want to go slow
And you want to live fast
But someday, sometime gradually
We will both have our place
If we can be bigger
Bigger than we have ever imagined
If we can think farther
Further than we have ever done
We leave the earth to spin, the time pass
See us from the moon, then we can understand
One day when we are bigger
Then it will maybe hurt a bit less
Because right now we're leaning two different directions
But we will crash down onto the same floor
We have to end it to start over
Build something important, we are for real
But we are just not ready yet
We have to die now to live later
One day when we are better
Then we can be the best thing to ever happen
[Chorus 2]
Because we are much bigger
Bigger than we ever have imagined
And we will go farther
Farther than we ever have done
We leave the earth to spin, the time to pass
See us from the moon, then we can understand
One day when we are bigger
Then it will surely be a lot less
A lot less painful
If we can only be, if we can only be
If we can only be bigger than
If we can only be, if we can only be
If we can only be bigger than