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When Love Blossoms

I, with my voice,
with a serene heart and soul,
I’m singing with the joy
of someone who had a pleasant grace in his life,
because after so many years that I’ve been waiting for love,
I get to know the fruit and the flower.
My life, love is what shines in you…
My life, you’re each breath for me
and my heart sings like a bird
because I want to thank God a thousand times.
You’re the sun in the Orient,
which shines with love in the morning.
Of every hope you light up,
you turn the cold of winter into a spring.
I pray that this love be son of the good luck,
blessed in heaven by the Lord.
My life, love is what shines in you…
My life, you’re each breath for me
and my heart sings like a bird
because I want to thank God a thousand times [x2]

To the Mother of God

Tonight I want to sing,
I want to entrust a song to the wind,
To Mary, Holy Virgin,
Daughter of God and Mother of the Lord.
You who could suffer,
You who could love,
You who gave your life
To God, Father Omnipotent,
You, girl, to the angel
You opened your mind and your heart
And with love, you,
Full of holiness,
In the cave of Bethlehem
You’ve brought the light.
Pray for us, Holy Mother,
Today all in chorus we pray to you,
With the angels we sing glory to God
Because the King came down from the sky
For us, the sinners.
You who could suffer,
You who could love,
You who gave your life
To God, Father Omnipotent…
In the sky a bright star
Illuminated shepherds and kings
Who brought rich gifts of gold
For the Son of God, a child, heavenly treasure.
Pray for us, Holy Mother,
You, girl, to the angel
You opened your heart
And in the cave of Bethlehem
You’ve brought the light.
For us… for us… for us

I’m not Gallurese

As a child, I went
to Gallura to sing
and I can confirm
that I liked it right away.
With humility, to everybody
in this place I offered myself
as a woman and as a singer:
now I feel I'm yours too.
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing
to thank all the people
who come to listen to my voice.
I’m not Gallurese
but I’m in love with Gallura
for what all the people give me
in this place and for how they treat me.
In no time, I wouldn’t have believed,
the Gallurese have appreciated me:
for their kindness and pleasantness
these people have enchanted me.
I’m meeting everywhere
cheerful and hospitable people,
in each party, in each house
you all are singing my music.
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing
to thank all the people
who come to listen to my voice.
I’m not Gallurese
but I’m in love with Gallura
for what all the people give me
in this place and for how they treat me.
I’ve been coming here for so many years
and every time I’ve felt better and better,
I care a lot about this land
and I love it so much.
I do apologise
if I don’t sing well in Gallurese.
Just not to get the wrong accent and tone,
now you all sing with me:
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing
to thank all the people
who come to listen to my voice.
I’m not Gallurese
but I’m in love with Gallura
for what all the people give me
in this place and for how they treat me.
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing…

Bad Neighbour

The dog has bitten my neighbour,
he said that he’ll make me pay
because he thinks that I’ve incited it,
but how can he think so?
My dog did his duty.
It saw people coming into its house:
it’s my house, and so be it!
He said he was coming in to greet,
yeah, to say “good evening” at midnight.
But he was touching my lemons and oranges,
not certainly to say hello at such an hour!
Then it was he the malefactor,
that’s why all the fruit was missing:
he jumped over the low wall and got in.
You can think of your neighbour:
evil bird, the fox was you!
Hide your face in a corner,
ask, if you need something.
My dog doesn’t want anyone to touch
its master’s oranges and lemons.
Forgive it and shut your mouth,
that’s what is anywhere in the world.
Whoever touches what he shouldn’t touch
can only expect a hard way,
he can’t expect to have grace
when he takes possession of other people’s things.
Malefactor, with a low wall!
So the chicken-stealer fox has jumped:
hide your face in a corner,
ask, if you need anything,
be it lemon, orange or onion.
Forgive it and shut your mouth,
that’s what is anywhere in the world.
So it was he the malefactor,
that’s why all the fruit was missing:
he jumped over the low wall and got in.
You can think of your neighbour:
evil bird, you are the fox!
Hide your face in a corner,
ask, if you need something.
My dog doesn’t want anyone to touch
its master’s oranges and lemons.
Forgive it and shut your mouth,
that’s what is anywhere in the world.

Need all

I don't need all
All this noise
These crowded beaches
Sweaty hands
Illusions and victories of wasted days
Counting the cars passing in the town
In summer afternoons
No, I don't need all
All this pain
Sacks full of stars
Bitter tears and not to be able to play anymore
To talk about weather
About the TV news
About holidays
And about me, who can't hope anymore
Me, who can't smile anymore
We'll have mouths to talk with each other
To insult each other
To understand and blabber
To make love
To lightly touch each other
To meet and greet each other
To eat and make love
To forgive each other even for the worst of mistakes
I don't need all
All of this mess
Smoke and wine
Continuous fun
Throwing a sandwich and not having you by me
The TV news
The distracted cat
The town
The end of the month and me
Me, who can't smile anymore
We'll have mouths to talk with each other
To insult each other
To understand and blabber
To make love
To lightly touch each other
To meet and greet each other
To eat and make love
We'll have mouths to talk with each other
To insult each other
To understand and blabber
To make love
To lightly touch each other
To meet and greet each other
To eat and make love
To forgive each other even for the worst of mistakes
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The Dirge

I miss the sun, they have put it out
They’ve stopped your heart and your smile
I can no longer hear you leaving safe our home
Now you are endlessly sleeping, you, my brother
You were good and brave, my brother
You were handsome and prudent in the truth
Against the malicious hearts, the myrtle
And the scent of the highland have lost
Oh, the death has hit you this time
They’ve cut off the flower of our home
The tree of youth, the friendly and strong tree
In its shade I can no longer stay
The tree of youth, the friendly and strong tree
God broke it down

White Swan

White swan swimming
Calmly gliding
In a silent lake
Wandering alone
Once upon a time
An anguished princess
Without fault nor sin
Was cursed by a witch
Her lover the prince
Forever searching
Wherever the princess
His heart's desire
May I be
Like the white swan
Or like the prince
In loss
Her lover the prince
Forever searching
Wherever the princess
His heart's desire
May I be
Like the white swan
Or like the prince
In loss

Through the clouds

I look at the sky and I look for the sun,
a kite above my city
and I walk slowly not to get hit by the wind which blows by my shoulders.
I've fallen in love with you,
I've messed myself
I noticed that I don't do anything but I think about you
I don't do anything but I think about you.
Rit.) through the clouds a rainbow
with intense colours which have no end
since I have you by my side, I don't feel no ending no more
and I don't want to get rid of
and I don't know if ewerything will be true
but I don't care because...
I've fallen in love with you,
I've noticed that
I'm fine since I have you
there's no such thing as being two
as in big fairytales
there's a special (happy) ending
and a new risounding song borns
it looks like it is just written for us.
Rit.) through the clouds a rainbow
with intense colours which have no end
since I have you by my side, I don't feel no ending no more
and I don't want to get rid of
and I don't know if ewerything will be true
but I don't care because...
if you stay by my side I'm not scared anymore
I don't feel to be alone no more,
I want to fill every moment with you
since I, I've got you by my side
and I son't want to get rid of and I don't know if it will all be true
as in big fairytales, I've got you by my side!

Voices of the Heart

An expanse of salt water all around
like a caring, loving mother,
the safest land for me
to embrace life.
The children you raised
giving them every chance,
sometimes they didn’t respect you
and offered you an incinerated moon.1
Bonfires dedicated to Saints
with a lot of wine and mirth,
voices that look like lullabies,
nougat and chestnuts for everybody.
You’re as warm as fire in the fireplace,
you’re green in the summertime,
time passes pleasantly
with sheep, cows and good wine in the vine.
Songs danced in circles,
winds that stir the sea,
kids who want to speak
the most beautiful language in the world.
Songs danced in circles,
winds that stir the sea,
kids who want to speak
the most beautiful language in the world
… danced in circles.
  • 1. Meaning: dreams reduced to ashes, disappointments.


Versions: #2
Tebi koja si jedina na svetu, jedini razlog
da dođem do punoće sa svakim svojim uzdisajem.
Kada te gledam nakon dana punog riječi,
bez da mi kažeš išta, sve bude jasno.
Tebi koja si me našla u uglu sa stisnutim pesnicama
sa leđima uz zid, spreman da se branim.
Sa spuštenim očima, stajao sam u redu sa razočaranima.
Ti si me pokupila kao mačku i ponela me sa sobom.
Tebi pevam ovu pesmu jer nemam ništa drugo
ništa bolje da ti ponudim od svega što imam.
Uzimaš moje vrijeme i magiju koje sa samo jednim skokom
čini nam da letimo kroz vazduh kao mehurići.
Tebi koja si
Jednostavno si
Suština mojih dana
Suština mojih dana
Tebi koja si moja velika ljubav i moja ljubav velika
tebi koja si uzela moj život i učinila ga mnogo boljim.
tebi koja si dala smisao vremenu bez mere
tebi koja si moja ljubav velika i moja velika ljubav.
Tebi koju sam te vidio kako plačeš na mojoj ruci
krhku da bih te mogao ubiti stisnuvši te malo
posle sam te vidio sa snagom aviona
uzimaš u ruke svoj život i odvlačiš ga na sigurno.
Tebi koja si me naučila snovima i umetnosti avanture
tebi koja veruješ u hrabrost ali i u strah.
Tebi koja si najbolja stvar koja mi se desila
tebi koja se mjenjaš svakoga dana i ostaješ uvek ista.
Tebi koja si
jednostavno si
suština mojih dana
suština mojih dana.
Tebi koja si
suštinski si
suština mojih dana
suština mojih dana
Tebi koja se ne sviđaš sebi ali si predivna
snage prirode su skoncentrisane u tebi
ti si jedna stena, jedna biljka, jedan uragan.
Ti si horizont koji me dočeka kada se udaljim.
Tebi koja si jedina prijateljica koju mogu imati,
jedina ljubav koju bih želio kad te ne bih imao kraj sebe.
Tebi koja si učinila moj život lep da se umire,
koja uspevaš napraviti od muke veliko zadovoljstvo.
Tebi koja si moja velika ljubav i moja ljubav velika,
tebi koja si uzela moj život i učinila ga mnogo boljim,
tebi koja si dala smisao vremenu bez mere.
Tebi koja si moja ljubav velika i moja velika ljubav.
Tebi koja si,
jednostavno si,
suština mojih dana,
suština mojih dana...
i tebi koja si,
jednostavno si,
pratilac mojih dana,
suština mojih snova...

Star of Love

Star of love, sparkling star,
descended on earth from paradise,
all the people are sighing for you
and in every mouth a sigh arises.
Since I saw you, star of love,
my heart could do nothing but cry,
open for me the doors of your heart,
that I’m going in search of my fortune.
Who made you this sweet little mouth,
who made you this pretty little nose?
With puffy eyes you smiled at me
and came into my heart.
Since I saw you, star of love,
my heart could do nothing but cry,
open for me the doors of your heart,
that I’m going in search of my fortune.
Star of love, shining star,
descended on earth from paradise,
all the people are sighing for you
and the sighs arise in every mouth.
Since I saw you, star of love,
my heart could do nothing but cry,
open for me the doors of your heart,
that I’m going in search of my fortune.


I'm alone

By the seashore, while the sun goes down,
I’m waiting for a request for love from you.
My beautiful love, I keep you inside my chest,
I keep you in my thoughts every day, constantly.
Oh oh oh – Oooh - Oh oh oh
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here, I’m alone.
Oh oh oh – Oooh - Oh oh oh
Sighs of the earth in the moonlight,
the best dreams in the darkest night.
I’ll open to you on the sly, if you are happy:
we’ll lie down in two, we’ll get up in three.
Oh oh oh – Oooh - Oh oh oh
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here... (x2)
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here, I’m alone. (2)
With your warm breath on the side of my room
came see me and I’ll make you happy.
Beautiful is the flame that’s vivifying,
only your breath is what I like at any time.
Be the future time always serene,
I soar light in the air in your company.
I also thank God because he created love,
I’d have always been alone if I hadn’t meet you.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here... (x2)
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here, I’m alone. (2)

Stolen Night

Slipping into the bottomless mist
I whisper to you for the twentieth time
That we shouldn't break up
But we cannot be together
I reached out my hand to your face
And you happened to respond
I took for myself someone else's youth
I feel hurt and sad in my soul
Remembering every woman's name
I drive your name away from my heart
You are my wife for one night
The night around us is stolen
Alas, my beauty,
Dawn waves into the windows
At home your family waits you
What's to be done with our love?
Your eyes swim with mist
And you cannot stem your tears
We entered into this deceit together
But we must leave it separately
Do not hide your eyes, my beauty
We are both to blame
Your tears, my tears...
Now it is our day of reckoning.
Remembering every woman's name
I drive your name away from my heart
You are my wife for one night
The night around us is stolen
Alas, my beauty,
Dawn waves into the windows
At home your family waits you
What's to be done with our love?
Good bye, my beauty!
Dawn waves into the windows
At home your family waits you
What's to be done with our love?

First choice

Save tears, honey
they can be useful once
in this damn world
nothing can last, neither the pain
I swear on my life
As soon as I leave
your sadness become greedy
and just then it wants
to settle accounts with you
it doesn´t have a chance
but it tries again
Happiness chooses only brave people
and you´re, honey, its first choice
never belive in miracles
but always count on them
and you´ll be on your own
This life plays on luck
every hundredth wins
it hit me like an empty bag
but I still play from hobby
Every day something bothers me
anxiety, boredom, panic, but I know
that everything I can´t resolve myself
it´ll resolve my habit, and you´ll finish it

The Songs

Laughing makes you want to cry
If you think about all the times when in the golden moments
You were thinking about something else
In another place
At another time
Just right now as I'm watching you
In this corner
Of this world
Where the songs are souls
Where we're stupid from our childhood on
And we like the wrong things
That may later be the right ones
And we swim against the current
And we make absurd decisions
But you reflect more on them and you make more mistakes
The instinct is the arm that pulls you outside
From the quicksand that sweeps away
You are right
The songs don't have to be beautiful
They have to be stars
Light up the night
Make the people dance
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
My voice eludes me from the inside out
From a zone that's out of control
Makes the lungs swell
Exits the throat
And then it leaves and never goes back inside
We thought it was enough to break a window pane
That separates us from the rest of the world
To be free at the bottom
It's a surface above the surface
One can read the deep meaning
In the lightness of a song
In the flash that captures the expression
We are all diverse, all scattered
Always on the edge of a revolution
Looking at the world like in an autopsy
Leaving the fantasy
And crying makes us want to cry
Like the sailors of a famous song
My way, sketched for progress
Towards a world of free people
The songs don't have to be beautiful
They have to be stars
Light up the night
Make the people dance
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
The spirit is heavy
To carry on one's own
Take a bit of mine
Give me a bit of yours
And give me a strong hug
An even stronger one
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
The songs don't have to be beautiful
They have to be stars
Light up the night
Make the people dance
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
Hit dat big ol’ “thanks!” butt’n or rate if helpful, PM corrections or suggestions. Give credit if reposting, it’s unique stuff anyway.


How are you now with your new boyfriend
do I have to leave or break him
I suffered with you
with him the sadness is worthwhile
First, second, third, my face is stiffed
the sky is black, my minds are black
Now it´s too late for repentance
the love is a dangerous poisoning
All duty teames are working already
and I´ll for you this night in the vein too
From bad to worst
life goes without a trace
How are you now with your new boyfriend
do I have to leave or break him
I suffered with you
with him the sadness is worthwhile
How are you now with your new boyfriend
does it know that fool that I still love you
I suffered with you
with him the sadness is worthwhile
In the hand millions
hold you this night that there is no fracture
look where are you know, brother, and you were a Don
I´m, I´m, I´m sorry looking you like that, it´s not easy for me
but you wanted this way
Now it´s too late for repentance
the love is a dangerous poisoning
Belive me, I didn´t want doing this
it´s not on me saving you like once
From bad to worst
Life goes without a trace
How are you now with your new boyfriend
do I have to leave or break him
I suffered with you
with him the sadness is worthwhile
How are you now with your new boyfriend
does it know that fool that I still love you
I suffered with you
with him the sadness is worthwhile
In the hand millions
hold you this night that there is no fracture
look where are you know, brother, and you were a Don
How are you now with your new boyfriend
do I have to leave or break him
I suffered with you
with him the sadness is worthwhile
How are you now with your new boyfriend
does it know that fool that I still love you
I suffered with you
with him the sadness is worthwhile

The hand of God

It’s written in the heart,
in the blood of each people:
from dust, from gold
a big prayer rises.
In every part of the world,
even where there seems to be nothing,
a hope is stronger,
a light comes on in the heart.
When the soul is alone
on paths of sadness,
the time that passes
is the hand of God.
When it seems to be over
and your spirit runs away
you will see that life
will come back inside you
and you will be born anew.
How many skies you’ve seen,
how many paths inside you,
how many anxieties of others
without knowing why, for whom.
We are all searching
and we want more and more
without wanting to understand
that we all need ourselves.
When the soul is alone
on paths of sadness,
the time that passes
is the hand of God.
When it seems to be over
and your spirit runs away
you will see that life
will come back inside you
and you will be born anew.


Бачен као звезда у мој бескрајан сан
отворио сам очи да провирим
и открио да сам крај мора
и да гледам с миром
Тад је хегедуш
наишао певајући љубавне песме,
тад кад је хегедуш
наишао певајући љубавне песме
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
Историја давних доба
непросвећене сенке баца
кроз читаву вечност
плач човечанства
Тад је хегедуш
наишао певајући љубавне песме,
тад кад је хегедуш
наишао певајући љубавне песме
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
Кад истина буде закопана дубоко
испод хиљада година сна
време захтева преокрет
и тад истина буде опет пронађена
Буђење хегедуша
што долази певајући љубавне песме
ево стиже хегедуш
и сви певају љубавне песме
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
ево стиже дебељко, и он пева љубавне песме
'Дебељко, дебељко, дебељко', певао је
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
'Хегедуш, хегедуш, хегедуш', певао је
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

When there is no us

Versions: #2
do you ask yourself what they'll tell you about me nextday
whom I've been with and wheher i've had fun till dawn yesterday
do you ask yourself what'll happen to me while you're next to another
and whether the sorrows you couse me worth my trouble
Chorus :
where shall i seek a new happiness for me
when you've just crushed you and me
where will a find a salvation for my soul
when we don't exist for you no more
are you asking yourself, why has all this happened just to ourselves
whether i'm in love now or have got to live by myself
are you asking yourself, are my dreams still about you
and whether at those nights i long for you
Chorus :
where will i find joy anew
now that this one had been crused by you
where will i find an escape for my soul
when there's no us anymore

Make It Turn

You know that appearances do not deceive
And the swans inside the water do not get wet
You know there is a fever that makes you heal
And that there is a silence that makes itself felt
You know that the DNA is longer than the equator
You know that there is a spirit even inside an engine
You know that great mystics have strong arms
And the great players have got stunted feet
You know that you can hear the sounds in your stomach
You know that even the wicked do good deeds
You know that every sunset is a vampire's dawn
And that future ideas are already around
You know that right now a man is dying
You know that right now a baby is being born
You know that right now we are living and something right now we are exchanging
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can see it
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can hear it
Zebras are white with black stripes
Zebras are black with white stripes
You know that for the flies we are very slow
And for a whale we are very small
Africa is the richest continent on the planet
Sometimes the alphabet starts with the zeta
You know that the holy grail is in my grandmother's living room
And the center of the earth is under the skirt
You know that a kilo of gold weighs like a kilo of air
You know that God exists until proven otherwise there are two ways
To get out of jail
Discount your sentence or an escape
You know that there is no gravity in space
You know that sometimes there is not even here
You know that this night will explode a star
You know that an emotion can not be canceled
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can see it
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can hear it
You know that there is a fever that makes you heal
And that there is a silence that makes itself felt
You know that the DNA is longer than the equator
You know that there is a spirit even inside an engine
You know that great mystics have strong arms
And the great players have got stunted feet
You know that you can hear the sounds in your stomach
You know that even the wicked do good deeds
You know that every sunset is a vampire's dawn
And that future ideas are already around
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can see it
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can hear it

Don Giovanni, Act II, Commendatore scene(Second Act, Scene Nineteen)

Don Giovanni, you invited me to dinner
and I have come!
I never would have believed it,
but I will do what I can.
Leporello, see to it
that another dinner is served at once!
Ah, master, we are lost.
Go, I said!
Wait a moment! He who dines on Heavenly food
has no need for the food of the mortals!
Other more serious considerations
have caused me to come here!
I feel as if I have a fever,
for I cannot control my limbs.
Speak then! What do you ask? What do you wish?
I will speak. Listen! My time is short! etc.
Speak then, for I am listening, etc.
For I cannot control my limbs, etc.
You invited me to dinner,
now you know your duty.
Answer me: will you come to dine with me?
Oh my! Excuse him, but he doesn’t have time.
No one will say of me
that I have ever been afraid.
Make up your mind!
I have done so already!
You will come?
Tell him no!
My heart beats firmly.
I’m not afraid: I’ll come!
Give me your hand upon it!
Here it is!
(He gives the statue his hand.)
Oh me!
What is wrong?
What is this deadly chill?
Repent! Change your ways,
for this is your last hour!
DON GIOVANNI (trying to free himself)
No, no, I will not repent.
Let me be!
Repent, scoundrel!
No, you old fool!
Repent! etc.
No! etc.
Yes! Yes!
No! No!
Ah, your time is up!
(The statue disappears. Flames appear on all
sides and the earth begins to tremble under Don
Giovanni’s feet.)
What strange fear
now assails my soul!
Where do those
flames of horror come from?
No horror is too dreadful for you!
Come, there is worse in store!
Who lacerates my soul?
Who torments my body?
What torment, oh me, what agony!
What a Hell! What a terror!
What a look of desperation!
The gestures of the damned!
What cries, what laments!
How he makes me afraid!
No horror is too dreadful, etc.
Who lacerates, etc.
What a look, etc.
(The flames engulf Don Giovanni. After his
disappearance everything returns to normal and
the other characters enter.)

You'll Become My Fan

Hey, where are u going so rushed, hum?
I've never seen you, but I know
You must be that guy
That I've dreamed about
Don't say to me
That you didn't see me
When I looked to you
You smiled
You must even imagined
What I imagined, I guess
Don't be afraid of me
But I'm saying to you
When I want something I get it
And I want you
In the way I explain
How you'll become my fan


Come here, give me your hand, poor wretch,
you are worthy of my love.
Fighting amid a sea of anguish
you has deserved this virgin heart.
How many times you was delirious for me,
dreaming of that pure Maria
who is here now, saying: “Push away
your sorrow, you are loved by her”.
I am the one you loves, dear flower,
who leaves the garden, smiling,
to make of you my owner.
I am the one you loves, dear flower.
So come here, don’t live worried
nor having just a love dream,
lay down your head on my loving bosom
So come here, don’t live worried.
I am the one you loves, dear flower,
who leaves the garden, smiling,
to make of you my owner.
I am the one you loves, dear flower.

Only a sound and conscious lust can save the youngsters from stress and Catholic Action.

Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action1.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.
I'd like to do what is not allowed,
But [in order to make that possible] you should't tell me
- As always - yes:
[This is] because for me the bride
Is like a rose.
What sex had become [now]:
I don't like it.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.
I'd like to tell you
What you don't like [to hear]:
'I miss you', 'I miss you', 'I miss you':
But not like that.
There are new things
[For us] to discover
With a little bit of fantasy
And Immagination.
And you deny, deny yourself but then you hit that:
'Oh, I didn't want [to do] it'.
See, at the end you hit that:
'Oh, I didn't want [to do] it, I didn't want it.'
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.

The wind is picking up

The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
There's not even time
To reflect.
Have you heard?
Another man looked back,
He gave up,
Just when there were just a few meters left.
The wind is picking up,
If you look outside, you'll see the trees shaking.
I'm going to pick you up,
Let's go all the way to our best mistake
In the deserts
And in the parks that are emptying out
In the open seas
And among the crowd and the faces that get all mixed up.
The slaves, the pyramids
The plagues and the promises.
The night that lights up
With whispered words.
The game rooms are thundering,
You can hear it from outside too.
Let's get away from here,
To see that at the bottom of these hearts of ours,
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
Day and night
Falling in love with an amazing idea,
The rock’n’roll
The freedom that was under the tables when we were kids,
Those things
That we say to each other and then let go.
For instance,
Try to really do what you wanted.
The slaves, the pyramids
The plagues and the promises.
The night that lights up
With whispered words.
The game rooms are thundering,
You can hear it from outside too,
Let's get inside and see what's there.
At the bottom of these hearts of ours,
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
The wind is picking up,
We need to live, try to live.
Winter is coming

Daddy's in da house

MC Khovansky a. k. a. Toughy Scoundrel
Came to da house!
I'm joining the game carefully,
She isn't ready yet.
This bitch doesn't listen to Jay-Z,
But she knows who's Khova.
After gambling with me
You're on the Judgment Day.
I'm judging you with a smile
And with beer in my hand.
Faggots are hiding under the bunk.
Noize* the bum had seen the battle
And pissed on his cardboard.
He's a freestyler, but he will stand on all fours on the rug,
Because on each freestyler we have a Rakamakafo**.
This is diss on everyone, I hear the shriek of sluts.
I'll kill you faster than Beats by Dre***.
Grasp, I'm here to bully your rap.
Eldar and Ilich aren't here, but I hear KlikKlak****.
Daddy's in da house!
Save your asses!
Obey the fella Khovansky!
I fucking bet you, I'll be a gangsta! [х2]
I made you sweat, I made me a top.
Bitches turn the battle on, in Peter***** is fucking flooding.
Some flat whore is begging to fuck her hard.
But not as hard as Larin******.
I don't fuck trash, she goes under the table.
She becomes squirt of Khovansky in the face tonight*******.
Cause she knows who's daddy
And you'll remember it forever like your childhood in Kukan.
This is diss on everyone, I hear the shriek of sluts.
I'll kill you faster than Beats by Dre.
Grasp, I'm here to bully your rap.
Eldar and Ilich aren't here, but I hear KlikKlak.
Daddy's in da house!
Save your asses!
Obey the fella Khovansky!
I fucking bet you, I'll be a gangsta! [х2]
This is million, another million extra.
All of them want, they want Versus.
This is million, another million extra.
All of them want, they want Versus. [х2]
Daddy's in da house!
Save your asses!
Obey the fella Khovansky!
I fucking bet you, I'll be a gangsta! [х2]

When lilacs start smelling

Versions: #1#2#3
How many times I died, but you brought me back to life
What a drunkard I was, but you sobered me up
What fires burned me, but you put them out
What rock bottom I hit, but you saved me.
After you my soul remained barren like a desert
After you love comes to me like alms
There are nights when I pour grief in my glass instead of wine
But there aren't days as lasting as the wound in my heart.
You will do alright without me, but how will I get by without you?
When tough days come, when all my friends leave
When lilacs start smelling...
After you my soul remained barren like a desert
After you loves comes to me like alms
There are nights when I pour grief in my glass instead of wine
But there aren't days as lasting as the wound in my heart.
You will do alright without me, but how will I get by without you?
When tough days comes, when all my friends leave
When lilacs start smelling...

Ништа нас не може поделити

Не плачи
Мораш чути неке ствари о мени
Које ти могу преокренути
Због којих можеш посумњати у мене
Слушала си гласине
Видим ти у очима
Покушавају да те увере да неко други може преузети твоје место
Можеш ми веровати
Нећу те никад оставити
Подигни главу високо и нека сви виде:
Уз љубав која нас води ништа нас не може поделити
Не плачи
Има нека вера у нама
Не дозволи да нестане
Не дозволи да нас лажи раздвоје
И не веруј шта ти говоре
Живот је пун љубоморних људи који ти продају љубоморне лажи
Можеш ми веровати
Нећу те никад оставити
Можеш ми веровати
Љубав ће победити
Ништа на свету неће никад променити шта ми је у срцу
Уз љубав која нас води ништа нас не може поделити
Слушала си гласине
Видим ти у очима
Покушавају да те увере да неко други може преузети твоје место
Можеш ми веровати
Нећу те никад оставити
Уз љубав која нас води ништа нас не може поделити
Уз љубав која нас води ништа нас не може поделити
Можеш ми веровати
Нећу те никад оставити
Можеш ми веровати
Љубав ће победити

Још једна ноћ

Могу наћи боље решење, могу сакрити емоције
Могу се увек помеђати са гомилом али некако не могу провести дан
Али твој осмех ме прогони док вече пролази
Још једна ноћ и још те нема
Још један сан да долазиш кући
Још један дан могу преживети а не могу поднети још једну ноћ
Могу покушати да побегнем од света, могу бити са пријатељима сваки дан
Са свим тим људима могу мирно да разговарам
Али мој осмех их не може заварати, виде ми то у очима
Још једна ноћ и још те нема
Још један сан да долазиш кући
Још један дан могу преживети а не могу поднети још једну ноћ
Још једну ноћ да издржим
Још један сан још једна песма
Још један дан може бити у реду али не може још једна ноћ
Али твој глас почиње да одјекује кад мрак почне да пада
Још једна ноћ и још те нема
Још један сан да долазиш кући
Још један дан могу преживети а не могу поднети још једну ноћ
Још једна ноћ и још те нема
Још један сан да долазиш кући
Још један дан могу преживети а не могу поднети још једну ноћ