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Rendezvous this night
I cannot forget...
Rendezvous this time
Left me some feelings
Although we met for short time
(I) only took a glimpse of you
Enough to give memories
Beautiful... and sacred
If we meet again
Like this
(I will) look at your face
To my heart's content
I don't want... to come home
Although my time is up
I want to live
A thousand years more
Rendezvous this night
I cannot forget...
Rendezvous this time
Left me some feelings
Although we met for short time
(I) only took a glimpse of you
Enough to give memories
Beautiful... and sacred
If we meet again
Like this
(I will) look at your face
To my heart's content
I don't want... to come home
Although my time is up
I want to live
A thousand years more
I want to live
A thousand years more

My ex

I met my ex on the street
tonight, by chance
Thus we went to a cafe
and he offered me a drink
It's amazing how he remained
the usual crazy
with an innocent air
while I was calm outside
but I was shaking inside.
A wealth of many secrets
and old talks
made us look like two accomplices
funny and a little lost
He asked me about you
then he told me
that he has a woman now
whom he loves and likes
and that basically, among many problems,
he is a happy man.
You know, I don't know what it is
maybe a little jealousy
but I regret knowing he's happy
even without me.
You know, I don't know what it is
maybe a little jealousy
but I regret knowing he's happy
even without me.
It was strange though
to see him so closely
with those eyes I wanted
for my baby
He spoke and spoke and I laughed
and so for a moment
it almost seemed
that between us all the time
hadn't really passed.
Then, when I realized it,
I got scared
and so I suddenly left him
and I almost rushed away
and I ran the road
to ask you for help
to hold you close to me
and I say to myself:
'I love you, I love you, I love nobody else but you!'
You know, I don't know what it is
maybe too much imagination
but I regret knowing he's happy
even without me.
You know, I don't know what it is
maybe I think he 'was mine'
but I regret knowing he's living
even without me.


Latin is a precise, basic language.
It will fall into disuse not because it is unsuitable to the new necessities of progress, but because the new men will be unsuitable to it.
At the dawn of the age of demagogues, of charlatans, a language such as Latin will not be of use anymore, and any boor will be able to give a speech scot-free, and speak in a way that wouldn't result in him being taken off the stage and beaten.
And the trick will be this: that such a person, by taking advantage of a vague, elusive and 'sweet-sounding' jargon, will be able to talk for one hour while saying absolutely nothing.
Which is impossible with Latin.

Chained by One Chain

Frankpledge is greasy like soot
I take someone’s hand but feel an elbow
I look for the eyes but feel a look
Where above the heads there is a butt
The red sunrise is followed by the pink sunset
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one...
Here, the joints are frail, and the spaces are huge
Here, the trains were crumpled to make columns
Some words are for kitchens, others are for streets
Here, the eagles were dropped, to give space to broiler chickens
And even when kissing, I keep my eyes on...
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
One can believe in the absence of faith
One can do when there is nothing to do
Beggars are praying, praying that
Their poverty is guaranteed
Here you can play trumpet for yourself
But however you play, you always play taps
And if there are those who come to you
There will be those who come for you
As you..
chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one...
Here, women are seeking, but they only find age
Here, fatigue is considered as the measure of work
There are no villains in leather cabinets here
Here, the first ones look like the last ones
And no less than the last ones they are probably tired
To be...
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal

Salmo 110, 3 Dominare.

Be thou ruler,
even in the midst among thine enemies.

Break, Dawn

Versions: #2
Do you hear, my darling
My horses trot,
Do you hear, from the mountains
Calling for you, my voice?
Trumpets made sound,
The battle is done
Bells are ringing, The dawn is breaking,
I'm returning, my blood
Oh, well, break, dawn
Wake my old mom
So she can see
Who's coming home
Oh, well, break, dawn
My true love, I want to kiss
And her pale body, I want to hug
When there, far away
I see the gray chimney,
The old plum, the childhood fealds,
I'm coming home, alive
And the best are not here,
They were taken by the war
I was guarded by a photo of you,
I'm coming back, my love

Okovani jednim lancem

Kolektivna odgovornost prlja sve poput čađi
Ja uzimam nečiju ruku, a osjećam lakat
Tražim oči, a osjećam pogled
Gdje se iznad glava nalazi zadnjica
Iza crvenog izlaska sunca slijedi ružičasti zalazak
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Ovdje su zglobovi uveli, a prostranstva ogromna,
Ovdje su smrvili smjesu da naprave stubove
Neke riječi su za kuhinje, druge za ulice
Ovdje su napušteni orlovi zbog brojlernih kokoši
I ja čak i ljubeći se slijedim primjer
Okovanih jednim lancem, povezanih jednim ciljem
Okovanih jednim lancem, povezanih jednim ciljem
Moguće je vjerovati i kad vjere nema
Moguće je raditi i kad rada nema
Prosjaci se mole, mole da je
njihova neimaština zajamčena
Ovdje možeš na trubi zasvirati o sebi
Ali kako god zasviraš svejedno ćeš zasvirati signal za povlačenje
I ako postoje oni koji dolaze po tebe
Naći će se i oni koji će poći za tobom
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Ovdje žene traže, ali nalaze samo starost
Ovdje mjerilom rada smatraju umor
Ovdje nema nitkova u kožnim kabinetima
Ovdje prvi nalikuju na posljednje
I nisu manje umorni od posljednjih, možda
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem
Okovani jednim lancem, povezani jednim ciljem

Just Take It Easy

You seduce and conquer
And then, honey, you relax
But you should never relax
Or else the consequences shouldn't surprise you...
When the girls' night out starts
When you count down every hour
When your day is empty
When you realize that you're alone
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy...
I am not your slave girl
I am a woman and a real goddess
Be careful about my feelings
Because my hunch usually doesn't fail me
When the girls' night out starts
When you count down every hour
When your day is empty
When you realize that you're alone
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy while seducing me
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy...
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy!
Listen to me carefully, just leave me alone
Like a venom, you're always being negative
Just let me be, just let me breathe
Let me be me and swing my hips
I love the sea, I need some air
I wanna dance, just pass me the tambourine
You are my partner, my best friend
Keep supporting me, I dance with you
I'm young, I'm alive, I dance and I feel...
Listen to me, try and understand me, just don't suffocate me...
Just take it easy!
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy while seducing me...
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy...
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy!

Stood the Mother of Sorrows

Stood the Mother of Sorrows
in tears at the Cross
on which the Son hung.
A sword pierced.
his groaning, grieved
and sore soul.
O how sad and afflicted
was that holy Mother
of the Only Begotten Son!
How saddened and hurt
the pious Mother
seeing the pains of the glorious Son.
Who is the man, who would not weep,
whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
She saw her tender Child,
hang in desolation,
till His spirit forth sent.
O Mother! fount of love!
let me feel the strength of your pain,
so I can cry with you.
Make my heart blaze
in the loving of Christ, the Lord,
so that I may please Him.
Holy Mother, do it,
the crucified Christ's sores
hard print in my hearth
Make me bear the death of Christ,
Make me share His Passion,
and His wounds remember.
Make me be afflicted with those wounds
And intoxicated with this Cross
and blood of Your Son.
That I am not burned by the flames,
that I am, O Virgin, defended by you
in the Judgment Day.
When body will die,
may the soul get
the Paradise’s glory.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Giovanni Vs. Morsay - Epic Pokemon Battle #4

Seriously truand2laGalère raps better!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Morsay! Truand 2 La Galère!
Send me your henchmen, share to your little brothers
By the tens, by the hundreds, they won't be able to do anything.
I'm not afraid of anything... I'm a real gangster!
So you steal the kids' pokemons?
ZUBAT, RATTATA, what interesting pokemons...
While you're at it, steal some great candy from them.
And just to prevent... also some potions!
Because I'm going to murder you, verbally, morally,
Mentally, violently, even literally!
I have no mercy, I take your henchmen one by one.
I'm going to stab them so much... they'll call me godfather!
I'll bleed you to death. It'll make tomato sauce.
And since you're Italian, I'm going to cut off all your legs.
You're making a mistake by confronting a guy this big...
But at least you have enough to make spaghetti bologna!
All right, are you done? Can I go back to my business?
Taking care of a kiddo... I don't have all day!
Go back to school! Go learn respect!
Or I'll call your parents..........well, I won't need it.
I have Italian roots and I am proud of it!
I know where I come from, I knew my mother, I knew my father.
And today... I respect my brothers.
My henchmen are my family and we're going to blow you to dust!
Your shitty humor won't hurt me
I'm stirring billions! What do you say, kid?
You think you're tough, but you're going straight into the wall.
You're not a little gangster... just a scumbag!
Stop it! I'm going to cry! I never knew my father...
On the other hand, the whole world knows my grandfather!
And how are you talking about family? You don't have any friends!
Your henchmen are here for your money. Not for your Panzannis!
I have a rare and class pokemon and, look my Charizard!
Let me see yours? Oh my God, my eyes hurt!!
Only dinosaurs? You have a prehistoric style.
I understand why you lose so often against Lunatic.
Why so arrogant? You have a lack of confidence?
Look how you're dressed, it looks like you just graduated from first grade.
You want to be a champion? Here, here are some TCs!
Because you lack technique, so go back to training!
If you want a duel, come on, my victory is certain!
I'll tell you a secret I'm the last arena champion!
And frankly... you're talking about my Pokemons
But Lunatic beat me twice, you, the triple minimum!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

Don Giovanni, Act II, Commendatore scene(Second Act, Scene Nineteen)

Don Giovanni, you invited me to dinner
and I have come!
I never would have believed it,
but I will do what I can.
Leporello, see to it
that another dinner is served at once!
Ah, master, we are lost.
Go, I said!
Wait a moment! He who dines on Heavenly food
has no need for the food of the mortals!
Other more serious considerations
have caused me to come here!
I feel as if I have a fever,
for I cannot control my limbs.
Speak then! What do you ask? What do you wish?
I will speak. Listen! My time is short! etc.
Speak then, for I am listening, etc.
For I cannot control my limbs, etc.
You invited me to dinner,
now you know your duty.
Answer me: will you come to dine with me?
Oh my! Excuse him, but he doesn’t have time.
No one will say of me
that I have ever been afraid.
Make up your mind!
I have done so already!
You will come?
Tell him no!
My heart beats firmly.
I’m not afraid: I’ll come!
Give me your hand upon it!
Here it is!
(He gives the statue his hand.)
Oh me!
What is wrong?
What is this deadly chill?
Repent! Change your ways,
for this is your last hour!
DON GIOVANNI (trying to free himself)
No, no, I will not repent.
Let me be!
Repent, scoundrel!
No, you old fool!
Repent! etc.
No! etc.
Yes! Yes!
No! No!
Ah, your time is up!
(The statue disappears. Flames appear on all
sides and the earth begins to tremble under Don
Giovanni’s feet.)
What strange fear
now assails my soul!
Where do those
flames of horror come from?
No horror is too dreadful for you!
Come, there is worse in store!
Who lacerates my soul?
Who torments my body?
What torment, oh me, what agony!
What a Hell! What a terror!
What a look of desperation!
The gestures of the damned!
What cries, what laments!
How he makes me afraid!
No horror is too dreadful, etc.
Who lacerates, etc.
What a look, etc.
(The flames engulf Don Giovanni. After his
disappearance everything returns to normal and
the other characters enter.)
If there's no source link, you can use this translation whenever and wherever you want
Warn me if I made translation mistakes otherwise enjoy the translation!

She saw her tender Child

She saw her tender Child,
hang in desolation,
Till His spirit forth sent.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Who is the man

Who is the man, who would not weep,
whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Who is the man

Who is the man, who would not weep,
whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

She saw her tender Child

She saw her tender Child,
hang in desolation,
Till His spirit forth sent.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.


Tonight, mama,
I’ve heard famous men
In a chorus with God.
Give me back my life,
Great voice of the heaven.
Till my departure
May the pain be sweet to me.
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you

Tonight, mama,
We’re all together.
Only one wish,
That of the Sardinians like you.
Sons of history
Sons of unity
We are the memory
We’re today, we’re tomorrow
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you (x2)


The Girl On Top

I should really sleep but I'm not myself
The neighbours under here are playing really loud music
I don't hear any words but I can understand it anyway
The song is about a girl who doesn't get it
The girl, she feels lonely sometimes
She dreams of travelling to an exciting country
Her eyes tell a secret
But the answer to the riddle is one that no one else knows
The girl in the song is like a child
Feeling trapped in a cheap novel
But nobody can reach through the wall
She's the girl on top
I'm still lying in bed even though it's noon
I'm thinking about the song I heard through my floor
The lines about a girl that someone sang
Everything that someone wrote etched in my dream
The girl, she says 'I'm nothing'
All the old thoughts just spinning around
And I never want to love so deeply again
If you leave yourself you always get bunred
The girl in the song is like a child
Feeling trapped in a cheap novel
But nobody can reach through the wall
She's the girl on top
The girl in the song is like a child
Feeling trapped in a cheap novel
But nobody can reach through the wall
She's the girl on top
She's the girl on top
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

They say arrested...

They say arrested was
A kind lad, was taken in
for three words,-
They say arrested was
Mishka Larin
for three words.
They say, the lawyer didn't help him,
I wouldn't lie,-
Mishka Larin, as the worst criminal that has ever been
Was certified.
It is a true injustice after all!
I say: not guilty,
After all, not out of malice,
After all, it's the wine to blame!..
I say: not guilty,
And to defame-
what kind of news is this!
I say, that Mishka wouldn't rise a hand
on that bitch,-
So give Mishka a bail, don't put him in the prison van-
here, let's shake a hand on it!
Otherwise, it is a true injustice after all!
They say, before the wedding
He will return,
before the wedding,-
What if it would be you send in,
What if it was you
left to rot!
What if it was you send to Kamchatka, to Kamchatka-
and given prison bunks to lie.-
You should've feel sorry for our *Mishatka,
you should've cried!..
Otherwise, it is a true injustice after all!
I say: defend the guy!
I repeat: it's not fare
on parole, release!
If you are so stingy, and deny-
I declare:
Just you wait, you bitches!
Like a ton of bricks I'll come down! Like a ton of bricks
I'll come down!
I won't forget my friend Mishka- and I'll bury you all
under the ground!
Otherwise, it is a true injustice after all!

Sadness Expeller Bird

Versions: #2
Pour the rain onto your tears,
The dream will fly towards spring.
Roads will thaw and talk,
I'll make your absence happy... (x2)
It's my habit, I die,
I am divided to many loves.
I am moon, I always eclipse,
I am protected by many lights.
Sadness expeller bird has come,
And has perched onto night's cheek.
The moon skinned lover has responded to my song... (x2)
My appereance comes from me,
I mean my shadow comes from myself.
Love is beautifuler than death,
Look and see, life is in dreams... (x2)
It's my habit, I resurrect,
I am poured from many mountains.
I am moon, I always get dark,
I get lightened by many kisses...
Sadness expeller bird has come
And has perched on to night's cheek
The moon skinned lover has responded to my song.

What kind of Christmas is it?

How many roads around me
A thousand lights on you
I fell the energy of the people who
In their world are looking for themselves
I’m thinking of every idea that gives
A bit of Christmas to the child in me
Happy Christmas time
Oh Silent Night
Jingle Bells all the way, my boy
What kind of Christmas is it, if it snows
inside your soul, inside you?
It’s a Christmas that you can’t forget
If a music leads me to you
How many things you have
But you live in them and don’t see it
There is a perfume that
Brings you back to yourself
And so many people are looking for themselves
What kind of Christmas is it, if it snows
inside your soul, inside you?
It’s a Christmas that you can’t forget
If a music leads me to you
Happy Christmas time
Oh Silent Night
Jingle Bells all the way, my boy
What kind of Christmas is it, if it snows
inside your soul, inside you?
It’s a Christmas that you can’t forget
If a music leads me to you

Ритам кише

Слушајући ритам кише која пада
И говори каква сам будала био
Желео бих да оде и пусти ме да узалуд плачем
И поново ме остави самог
Једина девојка до које ми је стало је отишла
Желећи нови почетак
Али није знала да је тога дана
Са собом понела моје срце
Кишо, молим те реци сада, да ли је фер
Да је ми украде срце када је није брига?
Не могу да волим другу када ми је срце негде далеко
Једина девојка до које ми је стало је отишла
Желећи нови почетак
Али није знала да је тога дана
Са собом понела моје срце
Кишо, зар јој нећеш рећи да је тако волим?
Молим вас, затражите сунцу да јој срце угреје
Кишу у срцу и пусти љубав коју познајемо да почне да јача
Слушајући ритам кише која пада
И говори каква сам будала био
Желео бих да оде и пусти ме да узалуд плачем
И поново ме остави самог

I am Moana [I am Moana]

There is a girl who lives on an island
She has special qualities
She loves the sea, yes
She brings pride to the family
Sometimes the world will oppose you
Journeys will become battles
When the battle ends, it will tell you where you belong
The love of your dear ones will change you
Things you have learned will show you the way
The voice ringing in your mind
to stop it
there is no one
That voice will whisper to you
'Moana... You will succeed'
Moana, tell us
Do you know who you are?
'Who am I'?
I am a girl who loves her island
I also love the ocean
It calls!
I am the daughter of the island chief
I followed the way of travelers
We found many ways of the world
They call!
I am tracing my ancestors' path
And came a long way
There is a voice addressing me
It calls!
That voice in my heart
resounds today!
Like a wave
It wanes and waxes every day
Now on, I will keep you in the heart forever
I will overcome obstacles
I will find the way
I am Moana!


I cheat the night, but I can't cheat the day
The knife in my heart spoils my plan
All is OK
Just it's not
Guilty in advance, convicted in advance
Officially alive, but estranged from everybody
All is OK
Just it's not
I don't care about the judgement
Nor what the family will say
Let's go until the end
When we've made it this far already
It is all
Just a show
You switch off your head
And turn off the tone
Everybody is right today
And that's it
But we
Are not everybody
I just want to be silent on your shoulder
To hug you and kiss you until we leave
Let everything go
It's too late
And to listen to your breathing, to find salvation there
May they tell stories, I'll live for us
And for the world, I'm
Why don't we go somewhere, where nobody knows us?
Two, two tickets, please, for Vietnam or for the abyss
All is OK
Just it's not
God will be the judge, but there's no time
He loved people, but perished young
It's not fair? Is it?
As if anybody cares?!
I just want to be silent on your shoulder
To hug you and kiss you until we leave
Let everything go
It's too late
And to listen to your breathing, to find salvation there
May they tell stories, I'll live for us
And for the world, I'm

Building Castles in the Air

It's all for nothing,
you know yourself
Tell me what's changed,
still in the same cage
for the innocent
and the long nights
are full of longing
and of our love
All good things are over for me,
and I'm the one to blame
My mind is puzzled,
just mom and dad are there with us,
for ever with us.
That's this building castles in the air of yours,
building castles in the air,
with your bare hands,
it won't save you,
you're hanging by a thread,
it won't save you,
you're done for.
It's over for us,
you're reading the final page,
over for us,
we're done for,
over for us,
you're hanging by a thread,
just between you and me,
I'm out of breath too.
That's this building castles in the air of yours,
building castles in the air,
with your bare hands,
it won't save you,
you're hanging by a thread,
it won't save you,
you're done for.
It's over for us,
you're reading the final page,
over for us,
we're done for,
over for us,
you're hanging by a thread,
just between you and me,
I'm out of breath too.
You know yourself
Tell me what's changed,
still in the same cage
for the innocent
and the long nights
are full of longing
and of the love of the three of us.


Sun or rain, so what I know.
The time doesnt fly, when I sleep insufficiently.
Grief or laughing, the day ends up,
With query,
Shouldnt or should....
Light or umbra,
There is empty frame on the wall,
I dont hear anything, I dont see anything.
Dust already falls on flowers.
Chorus: more than enough confusions,
I have everything inside out,
I dont want cure,
Im waiting for my star,
Im lovestruck...
I just dream of him day after day,
I dream, that I will go with him there.
I wanna be in two in the morning,
To be in two day,
To be in two when I rouse.
Chorus: more than enough confusions,
I have everything inside out,
I dont want cure,
Im waiting for my star,
Im lovestruck...
I am a hundred times,
And I just wanna laugh with him,
Why should I ask,
Inquiring blooms, he likes me, he doesnt like me.
Only sun and rain,
So I dont know, what to do with it now.
I dont hear anything, I dont see anything.
Maybe I'm not going nuts out of it.
Chorus: more than enough confusions,
I have everything inside out,
I dont want cure,
Im waiting for my star,
Im lovestruck...
I just wanna laugh with him,
At least a hundred times,
I dont hear anything because of love,
I dont see,
Maybe I'm not going nuts out of it.
He likes ot dislikes,
Inquiring blooms,
And I do not know, what to do.
Thus Im lovestruck...
Perhaps a hundred times...
Light or umbra,
There is empty frame on the wall,
I dont hear anything because of love, I dont see anything.
Dust already falls on flowers.


When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.
they say that the wind
carries the wails
of those who have gone,
so someone says.
Tell me, mama.
they say that the moon
can turn our luck.
So, can I go up there
to turn it?
Tell me, mama.
Tell me, mama.
When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.
they say that the light…
Why a hope of light
doesn’t descend here
to this side?
Tell me, mama.
the enmity,
brother against brother,
will ever end?
Why are we like this?
Tell me, mama.
Tell me, mama.
When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.

I Desire to Live There (Reprise)

I shall give (it) everything,
to be able to live where you are,
I shall pay everything,
to be able to stay there with you.
What to do, (so that I) may see you, smiling at me.
Go there with you, run across the land,
have my (very) own paradise under the sun.
Just you and me.
But I know that I am not allowed/able to live there.
I don't know when, and how and where.
But I know that something is starting (between) us.
I shall change my own cross.
I will come, you know.
There to live with you!


Forgive me, my God:
I confess, I have sinned.
Contrite and humiliated
I beg for mercy.
Eternal goodness,
sovereign clemency,
in Your presence
I abhor my guilt.
Humbly I rush to your feet,
a miserable sinner,
with sincere sorrow
and crying.
By speaking I blamed myself,
greatly I've offended You,
it’s a great burden for me,
my God.

The Dawn of April

All the valleys are illuminated by the dawn
And in every slope a bird is replying
To another with modulated notes
And in the dew, teardrops seem
To have fallen from the sky
Just to move the hard-hearted people
Who in vain contemplate any beauty
The last stars are vanishing
In the firmament as the sun
Is going to appear over the creeks
The bright water uses to whisper
And the most gentle breezes
Make the fresh leafy branches float
And in the dew, teardrops seem
To have fallen from the sky
Just to move the hard-hearted people
Who in vain contemplate any beauty
The last stars are vanishing
In the firmament as the sun
Is going to appear over the creeks
The bright water uses to whisper
And the most gentle breezes
Make the fresh branches float…

When You Are

Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
When you’re in my arms
when you’re in my arms
there are arcane enjoyments
with the waves of the rivers
and the music of the winds
with the waves of the rivers
there are arcane enjoyments
when you’re in my arms
when you’re in my arms
There are snowy dawns
there are snowy dawns
and sunny woods
and roses every day
when I hold you in my hands
and roses every day
and sunny woods
there are snowy dawns
there are snowy dawns
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
They are beautiful gifts
they are beautiful gifts
those that you give me
with love and fortitude
to fly with good wings
with love and fortitude
those that you give me
are beautiful gifts
are beautiful gifts
I want nothing but you
I want nothing but you
in dances and at home
come here, olive eyes
come and dance, come now
come here, olive eyes
in dances and at home
I want nothing but you
I want nothing but you
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
Dance, dance unrestrainedly

Don't call me Mary

Since the son of my soul
has died harshly,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains.
Call me the distressed one,
call me the sorrowful one,
the one loaded with griefs
and worn-out by pains,
for I’m losing the best life
because of the traitors.
Don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains.
Don’t call me Mary
nor full of grace
but of pain and sorrow,
of torment and agony,
for I see my life
handed over to traitors.
Don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains.

The Washerwomen

In the field half gray and half black
A plow stays without oxes, that seems
Forgotten, in the light vapour.
And the rhytmic washing of the laudresses
Comes from the milcourse
With its thick splashes and long singsongs.
The wind blows and the frond snows under,
And you still don't return to your town!
When you left, how I stayed!
As the plow, in the middle of the fallow.