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Фаталној жени говоре иза леђа
У лице нико не сме.
Говори и ти сада, за ту добру рекламу
ћу теби бити дужна.
Како си 'ме био сломио, скоро уништио,
срце ми је било у парчићима'
Истину знамо ја и ти,
овако звучи - само тебе боли!
Жене плачу на раскиду,
али их прође за два, три дана.
Мушкарци говоре да им није ништа
али нас памте заувек.
Ја сам већ плакала, хвала, добро сам,
С тобом ми је све као у сну,
а ти се распитујеш с ким сам, где сам
На једном специјалном месту сам
У добрим рукама сам!
Ти ћеш после мене бити жив, али никада срећан,
Онако каквим сам те ја чинила
Пустила сам те на слободу, али изгледа у самоћи
ти пролази ноћ.
Већ сам те упозорила кад си отишао
назад не можеш да ме вратиш.
Купујеш си љубав, али купљено горчи
Знам, још ти недостајем.
Жене плачу на раскиду,
али их прође за два, три дана.
Мушкарци говоре да им није ништа
али нас памте заувек.
Ја сам већ плакала, хвала, добро сам,
С тобом ми је све као у сну,
а ти се распитујеш с ким сам, где сам
На једном специјалном месту сам
У добрим рукама сам!

NATO tanguillos

Vote yes! Vote yes! Vote yes!
Vote no! Vote no! Vote no!
Vote yes! Vote yes! Vote yes!
Vote no! Vote no! Vote no!
The debate about peace and security will begin
The president of the government has the word
The canyons that the NATO has
are make believe canyons.
They don't shoot nor kill nor anything,
they sound less than a dishwasher.
The guns are made of cork
the missiles of paper,
and the bombs instead of exploding
they play Alberto Cortez songs.
And the bombs instead of exploding
they play Alberto Cortez songs.
That's why you have to vote for the NATO,
and who doesn't vote will be doomed.
Oh, NATO. How good you feel in the NATO.
Oh, how warm it is.
Oh, NATO. How obvious becomes
that sooner or later thy give us back Gibraltar.
If you vote against, I don't care.
Whatever you vote, I'm not going to leave.
I'd like to run away
But Reagan said in January:
'Do you want to leave the NATO?
I wouldn't if I were you, foreigner'
He seriously menaced me:
'If you leave the NATO,
you won't find in the whole world
anyone who buys you shoes.
You won't find in the whole world
anyone who buys you shoes.'
That's why you have to vote for the NATO,
because eating shoes sits bad for me.
Oh, NATO. How good you feel in the NATO.
Oh, how warm it is.
Oh, NATO. How obvious becomes
that sooner or later thy give us back Gibraltar.
If you vote against, I don't care.
Whatever you vote, I'm not going to leave.
It's not hard to leave the NATO:
One can do it by himself
presenting a legal license,
an application and the baptismal certificate.
But you don't have to worry
because when they see us coming,
if they have common sense,
they have to kick us out.
If they have common sense,
they have to kick us out.
That's why you have to vote for the NATO,
and who doesn't feel comfortable, can leave and that's it.
Oh, NATO. How good you feel in the NATO.
Oh, how warm it is.
Oh, NATO. How obvious becomes
that sooner or later thy give us back Gibraltar.
If you vote against, I don't care.
Whatever you vote, I'm not going to leave.
It's supposed that by being in the NATO
we will live quietly for a while
because if someone wants to annoy us,
Reagan comes and shoots them.
If for example the moors
make a disgusting mess,
the Pentagon agreed to send
the Seventh Cavalry.
The Pentagon agreed to send
the Seventh Cavalry.
That's why you have to vote for the NATO,
because the hijabs make me think.
Oh, NATO. How good you feel in the NATO.
Oh, how warm it is.
Oh, NATO. How obvious becomes
that sooner or later thy give us back Gibraltar.
If you vote against, I don't care.
Whatever you vote, I'm not going to leave.
Everybody face it and bullfight again.
Whatever you vote, I'm not going to leave.
Everybody face it and bullfight again.
Whatever you vote, I'm not going to leave.
Everybody face it and bullfight again.

Coup tanguillos

Everybody stay still
Sit down goddammit
To the floor, to the floor, to the floor, to the floor
Those civil guards
who interrupted the voting
Screwed the inauguration
of the chief of the nation
They kidnapped the government
the press and the opposition
There was , what a fuss
With his black three cornered hat, his green suit and his mustache
He got up the stair and spoke to everybody
'Everybody stay still, please'
And the people was shit scared
Under their seats knocked on the floor
Suddenly went to Tejero
Oh shit, by little they don't kill him
Tejero as I said, without moving from his place
Started to shot at the chamber ceiling

And the poor of Sagaseta1 kneeling and praying the credo.
And even the curls of hair get steeper
What a night we spent
the spaniards, how funny!
If doesn't solve this
They'll take us off the democracy
The strikes, the syndicates
And even the constitution.
The tanks go crazy by Valencia
Fortunately Juan Carlos convinced them little by little
And seeing how the situation is going
The Joint Chiefs of Staff gather
And after a while they release a note
That says: 'Tejero, don't be a moron.
Surrender immediately, don't be stupid
Because the coup plotters abandoned you'
Tejero without flinching, without leaving the rock bench
Gives Aramburu Topete2 the finger
'Noboody moves from here, I'm the Trojan horse
And I'm willing to smash half congress if they don't support me
Because I'm up to the mustache that they take me for a fool'
  • 1. Fernando Sagaseta, spanish communist politician
  • 2. José Luis Aramburu Topete, spanish militar who tried to suffocate the coup

The Company of Warriors

They arose and revolted! Revolted! Revolted!
That glorious company of warriors! Revolted!
They arose and revolted! Revolted! Revolted!
The Loyalist company of warriors! Revolted!
Revolted! Revolted
The company of warriors!
Courageous Loyalists!
Loyal to the c***f!
The company of warriors!
The company of warriors!
Standing firmly behind!
Standing firmly behind!
The land!
They arose and revolted! Revolted!
The brave war leader!
Fearless Robert Wilcox!
With Robert Boyd!
And the Loyalist warriors!
The company of warriors! Strove, indeed!
To restore the rights of Kalâkaua
The Loyalists! Revolted! Revolted!
The company of warriors!
With red shirts
Inside the grounds!
Of `Iolani Palace!
The company of warriors!
Who fought bravely!
Against the enemy of the King!
Against the revolutionary government!
The company of warriors!
Though they failed
Against the enemy!
Of the Hawaiian nation!
The company of warriors!
Not forgotten!
Not forgotten!
For their bravery!
Great love for the Loyalists!
They arose and revolted!
The company of warriors!
Loyal to the King! The brave Loyalists!
Standing firmly behind the land!
Patriots, indeed!
Patriots, indeed!

Тајна воде

Већ се чује
Већ се чује тајна воде
Већ лети наранџе цвет
Већ се осети
Већ се осети светлости лет
Већ се чује тајна воде
Већ уздише
Већ уздише голубица
Већ се чује њено певање
Више нико неће моћи да заустави
њену песму док лети
И нека цели свет то види
сада њена песма лети
Већ се чује
Већ се чује тајна воде
Већ лети наранџе цвет
Више нико неће моћи да заустави
њену песму док лети
И нека цели свет то види
сада њена песма лети
Више нико неће моћи да заустави
њену песму док лети
Заспаће звери
већ лети наранџе цвет

Lepi tužni ljudi

(Lepi, tužni ljudi)
Strofa 1:
Skrivena dobro iza filtera,
Od majke nesavršenost.
Leče komplekse na tren,
Dupe i sise za lajkove.
Insta, dnevnik odmora,
Samo se osmesi vrednuju.
Kad im ponestane motivacije,
Čitaju postove trenera.
Sve crkne za sat,
Sve crkne za minut.
Na tren opušta,
Pažnja je lek za tugu*.
Ekran osvetljava tamu


This month will be a long one
All around us only the evil, nasty wolves
And you are just a scared sheep to them
Running with fear
River flows away
And soul flickers like candle in the wind
It is all so painful, absurd
You are silent with fear
Just want to howl
Nothing to look for
As if show falls and fals
Heart like a pistachio
And cable buckle will tie our hands
Not everyone can see how scary it is here
Looking into the void
The little bull is walking, crying and shaking,
Patience is getting thin, he sees,
I will soon fall down
How long should we hold on like that?
I want to love, not to be afraid
I want to forget everything at once
To paint it over from the inside
But heart won't forgive this quiet betrayal
And highways are pulsating in temples
I know, yes, it is spoiled
Too much love
Let's hit the brakes
Tramway is coming back to depot
And country is full of tears
And you are my window in it


Hello, look me in the eyes real good
You're not gonna see them again
I told you don't, you know nothing about women
But I've had it with your lying already
Your end is just about to come
Time to finish, bye bye bambino
Did you lose it, I already hear tinonino
Bim-bam-boom, it's time for me to live
Does it annoy you so much that I even started singing
Come on, come on, the new smash hit is coming
Come on, come on, are you going to bed, too bad
Turn it up, up, I'm coming for the party
Whoever doesn't play is shown the (red) card
I was a good girl already
But it got boring and I stopped
That's my sweet sin
That's your fetish now
You're not sleeping cause of him again
And you're thirsty for him again
Without me you're going, going nowhere
Hello, look me in the eyes real good
You're not gonna see them again
I told you don't, you know nothing about women
But I've had it with your lying already
Your end is just about to come
Listen to me now
Listen to me you little pest
I'm not here for a day and it seems like a year for you
One two three and you're here when I whistle
Something went wrong, I can't stay put
Come on, let's drink for the new things I've got
Come on, come on, go away, go to her
Turn it up, up, my honey's calling for me
You're no match for us, I've put you only on 'Ignore' now
I was a good girl already
But it got boring and I stopped
That's my sweet sin
That's your fetish now
You're not sleeping cause of him again
And you're thirsty for him again
Without me you're going, going nowhere
Hello, look me in the eyes real good
You're not gonna see them again
I told you don't, you know nothing about women
But I've had it with your lying already
Your end is just about to come

I let you go

Love does not reside here
Although I occasionally feel it
Longing does not exit from here
Despite earnestly wanting so
I let you go
Although I turn into pieces
I do not forbid, do not fear
I will make a path in the shadows
Cold, strong November winds
Would be bearable, if they had not
Struck a wedge between us
Whims of fate, that's why you are gone
I let you go
Although I turn into pieces
I do not forbid, do not fear
I will make a path in the shadows
My longing to be beside you
Takes shape in these verses
Akin to winds relaying a message
I can still hear you
I let you go
Although I turn into pieces
I do not forbid, do not fear
I will make a path in the shadows
I let you go
Although I turn into pieces
I do not forbid, do not fear
I will make a path in the shadows
I let you go
Although I turn into pieces
I do not forbid, do not fear
I will make a path in the shadows

In Iolite

You hung your goat on the back door
Intended to stay
Held by the stoplight stuck on
Things you’d love to say
Staying up all night
Flying colored kites
It’s just another year
So let’s get out of here
You took your time on the backroad
It reappeared
And you were afraid you would step on cracks and
Tarnish their revere
So let’s get out of here
I’ve been waiting in Iolite
I’ve be waiting for you to come around
I’ve been waiting in Iolite
I’ll be waiting for you to come around
You hung your heart on the lifeline
Lit up inside
Let’s stay a little bit longer
Let’s go a little bit further
Staying up all night
Flying colored kites
It’s just another year
So let’s get out of here
I’ve been waiting in Iolite
I’ll be waiting for you to come around
Give me one more day
And give it one more year
A thousand yesterdays
A thousand more will come your way
Are here to stay

Once I crossed the Rhine

Once I crossed the Rhine
Once I crossed the Rhine
on the lead of one lily, one lily
small was my ferry
My beloved house I found
My beloved house I found
The doors were locked there, locked there
And tightly latched this ran
I will not let you herein
I will not let you herein
outside you promise me faith, faith
to become one with me
I do not believe you
I do not believe you
how I would love to love you, love you
but you must not have me
Three sisters there were
Three sisters there were
the youngest then opened the door, the youngest then
and the boy was let in
He sold joy for a sorrow
He sold joy for a sorrow
they bound his hands and feet, and feet
and out the window they threw him
Because of this he got you
Because of this he got you
Live well, well and sweet, well and sweet
no longer will I come to you

I will go up an uphill road

I will go up an uphill road, I will pace through paths
to find the steps leading to Freedom
I will leave behind my relatives, my mother, my father
headed towards forested valleys and mountain slopes.
In my search for freedom i will have as my only companion
the white, bright snow, the mountains and the stream shores.
Even if now is winter, the summer will eventually come
bringing freedom to cities and villages.
I will go up an uphill road, I will pace through paths
to find the steps leading to Freedom.
I will go up the steps, i will enter a palace
-i know that it won't be a real one, it will be just an illusion-
I will wonder around in the palace, until i'll find the throne,
where an one and only queen will be sited .
Most glorious lady, i will say to her, stretch your wings
and take me with you, this is all i am asking for.
Goodbye, my old classmates. I am writing my last words for you. And if any of you want to find a lost brother of his, an old friend, may he go up an uphill road, may he pace through paths, to find the steps leading to freedom. Along with freedom he will also find me. If i am still alive, he will find me there.

Whether you come or not

Whether you come or not
either way i'll drag my heavy steps there
lying my tired body
over the secret, deserted rock.
And i shall await and i shall die
and i will resurrect - i speak, i stay-
with your speech
Whether you come or not i will hug you
and i will fit in my mind
your depiction .
Night. I will go and search in the soil
to fight your footprint, to grasp
and kiss in my handful the soil
and i will enclose inside my hands
the coolness of grass and of the branches
as if it were the coolness of your flesh.
Away from my country, here and there
mocking of me, the oil lamps
will evoke me your ghost.
With all the lamps of the night
i will search to find your passage.
And with the shaking of the pale terror
or staring ecstatically
towards the familiar side of the street
Even if you'll come, even if you won't, i shall wait for you.
Crazy perseverance, all around me
the secret, silent night
my heart shall be fulfilled
only by your chanting voice.
And the warriors ​who shall pass by me
and everything rooted around me
shall announce something about you
and shall deprive me of something of you.
For your sake I found again and I took again
my twenty-year-old lyre,
and i covered
my bent shoulders with the purple color of the alluring passion.
I am the son of ardour
you are the breath of wild lilys
you are my worship, the amulet
of lovelorn barn owls.
Is this a last curse, an evil fate
this yearning, close to you, away from you
or is it the wish of a compassionate angel
that is, to pass away saying your name?
Whether you come or not ,
either way i'll drag my heavy steps there
lying my body over the secret, deserted rock
over thy feet, oh shadow.

So much I love.

So much I love joy and love and song,
mirth, sport and courtesy,
that in the world there is no wealth nor riches
that could make me feel happier.
Therefore I know well that my lady holds the keys
of all the good that I expect and hope for,
and none of this can I have without her.
Her great courage and her modest look,
her gentle speech and her fair company
have made me always love her dominion
more than any other's I have seen before or since

Paratroopers [Money-stealers]

In our childhood, we all used to be different,
We'd ask the oddest questions:
'Momma, what's that thing flying in the clouds called?
Oh, momma, look, something's dropping from it --they look like money-stealers!'
The woman smiles: 'That, sonny, are paratroopers.'
'Oh, momma, look, something's dropping --they look like money-stealers!'
The woman smiles: 'That, sonny, are paratroopers.'
Time has gone by, the little boy has grown up.
His mother is all in tears, silence hangs over the railway platform.
His sweetheart presses her lips to his


Til death takes you
Til death takes me
It's our vow
Sealed with words
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
To make us happy
To free us
These four letters1
Invite us to live
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Do you want her2?
The one who is eternally fluttering?
Can you love her3?
This strong yet weak woman?
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
You'll never hurt her, right?
The one who was vulnerable from the beginning
Can you love her?
The one who sometimes goes crazy?
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
I say yes to that
Who is my new self
I say yes to that
Who says yes to herself4
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - when you cry
Yes! - when you're afraid
It should be a yes
What you experience
Yes, you can
Easily you can
Say yes to it
Yes! - when it's good
Yes! - when it's painful
When you stand in front of yourself
You should be thinking yes
Yes, you can
Easily you can
Say yes to it
The 'til death do us part' is genuine
That's how I stand in front of the mirror
I vow with a yes
And I become one with myself
  • 1. 'Igen' (yes) consist of four letters.
  • 2. Or 'him'. The 3rd person pronoun isn't gender specific in Hungarian.
  • 3. I assume it's a 'her' because the word 'woman' is used in the following line.
  • 4. Or 'himself'.

I Won’t Change The World

I won’t change the world, I won’t,
I have no illusions.
Nobody will succeed in it,
Although revolutions are for people.
I won’t start a new war
And I won’t end the old ones.
It’s all utopia
And the objectives are ridiculous.
But I can change myself
And I can change you.
We can change our home
So that we feel like in Heaven.
I won’t start a new war
And I won’t end the old ones.
It’s all utopia
And the objectives are ridiculous.
But I can change myself
And I can change you.
We can change our home.
But I can change myself
And I can change you.
We can change our home.


You need to hear this
I've been keeping it in for hours
Take me as far as possible
Come on, take me out from Zagreb
Lights are going out
I'm sliding with the wind
The city behind us is misty
Just like before
Humidity isn't a hassle
It's slowly driving into immensity
The sea smells because of you
And everything inside us is better
Everything inside us is better
The sea smells because of you
And everything inside us is better
Everything inside us is better
In the depth of the sea
We'll find each other in the infinity
I haven't had enough
I don't need the dawn of the day
Lights are going out
I'm sliding with the wind
The city behind us is misty
Just like before
Humidity isn't a hassle
It's slowly driving into immensity
The sea smells because of you
And everything inside us is better
Everything inside us is better
The sea smells because of you
And everything inside us is better
Everything inside us is better
The sea smells because of you
And everything inside us is better
Everything inside us is better
The sea smells because of you
And everything inside us is better
Everything inside us is better
The lights are coming
And I'm sliding with the wind
The city behind us is misty
Just like before
Humidity is heavy
Slowly driving
Slowly driving

What you give me

I think of you wherever I am, without exception
I cling to your look without reason
Your lips that kiss me like the sun
I want your heat
Maybe I shouldn’t look for you even by mistake
I’d like to find a way to love
Don’t think of it anymore
Get carried away, no need to talk about the rest
Let’s get close without seeing what’ll happen, without asking
Nothing matters more than what you give me
Than what you give me
You tempt me without reason
I don’t want your version
I just can’t with this tension
You’re my ruin
Maybe I shouldn’t look for you even by mistake
Nor miss your way of loving
Don’t think of it anymore
Get carried away, no need to talk about the rest
Let’s get close without seeing what’ll happen, without asking
Nothing matters more than what you give me
Than what you give me
I dance slow and if I don’t call don’t ask for more
It hurts us
I wait for you one more time
Only one more time
I don’t want to forget
Get carried away, no need to talk about the rest
Let’s get close without seeing what’ll happen, without asking
Nothing matters more than what you give me
Than what you give me


Sometimes it’s nice to get away from the sounds of the city,
when I leave, when I think in a different way,
until every movement seems to be useless.
Scarecrows seem to be swimming in the middle of wheat

Live in a way that makes everyone want to know

I was in the car, screaming at the traffic lights
Knowing it wasn't a solution.
I went to see the doctor, he gave me a yellow slip*
But said that this is no solution.
I tried to save my strength
And had so much rest that I did nothing at all.
I wanted to catch up on the things left behind,
But in the end, I only kept chasing my iceberg.
I stuffed myself with food, smoke and people,
And I learned that that isn't a solution.
And my fortune, I just threw it out of the window
And realised that that's no solution.
Wanted to stifle the idiots' rituals at birth,
Point my finger at them, not to be an idiot.
So I often stayed home alone at night
But wanted to love all humans anyway.
My friends' problems I wanted to solve for them,
And ended up being a part of the problem.
I wanted to be close to myself and of no use to anyone,
Only to experience the system's revenge.
And I used you, because you're weaker than my last girlfriend,
For whom I was no solution.
We tried to pretend we were only bed buddies
And you noticed that that's not a solution.
Don't talk about it, except when someone asks you!
Live in a way that makes everyone wanna know!
People's thoughts are only a breeze.
Don't give me what I wish for, but what I need!
I never thought of yesterday, nor of tomorrow.
It is night,
I'm standin' at the window, and for one moment, I'm living in the Now.
Meeting the hate of the world and its stupidity with cynicism
wasn't enough to live.
Seeing only the beautiful didn't work either,
Because there are too many things that have no beauty at all.
I made an effort to pulse with the seasons,
And eventually, I fell out of time slow-motion.
And my smartphone friends told me to keep up with the spirit of the times
And I almost would've fallen out of myself.
I squeezed those topics out like lemons
And I wanted to remodel all the people.
I tried to make sense of the great picture
but lingered over a thousand questions.
And someone I knew back in the day, he said:
'Won't you just let people stay the way they are!
Don't use them as a white bench for your dissatisfaction!
Be a man and don't be a child!'
That seemed simple enough to me, and my conscience grew bad.
And there was a thought saying: 'Do right by everyone!'
I went home to re-think myself
And to reinvent myself in the best case.
And I got lost in the city
I've been living in for years now,
And I gave my last money to a blind man,
Who then said that immortality had been bestowed on him,
But I knew that wasn't a solution.
Evening came, then night, then morning, I stayed awake the whole time,
Knowing it wasn't a solution.
Don't talk about it, except when someone asks you!
Live in a way that makes everyone wanna know!
People's thoughts are only a breeze.
Don't give me what I wish for, but what I need!
I never thought of yesterday, nor of tomorrow.
It is night,
I'm standin' at the window, and for one moment, I'm living in the Now.

Ordinary woman

[Verse 1]
You can win a million, or win a car,
you can be good at golf or do somersault,
you can be cool, or be lucky at cards,
having a big house, or to party everyday,
but I know I won the first prize... An ordinary woman.
[Verse 2]
You can be a businessman and man know-it-all,
you can make a tunnel* and don't be thrown in jail,
you can be the boss and drive a Porsche,
but having such a woman as you do, it seems worse to me
and that's why I know I won first prize... An ordinary woman.
She's as ordinary as a summer meadow and always looks at me kindly,
she doesn't make waves if I do,
she's soothing like a summer breeze and has a lot positive traits
so I'm humming every morning:
[Verse 1:]
And that's why I know I won first prize... An ordinary woman.
[Verse 2:]

I promised

I promised not to see you again
And I threw away the keys so I couldn't escape
I promised not to see you again
We agreed on it together so we wouldn't explode
But things are never as easy as they say
And they get out of control
They get out of control
They almost always get out of control
I promised to close the door forever
And to stop hurting the heart
But desire stepped in and was so strong
And we went out again to look for each other again
You're worse everyday
You don't distinguish well between pain and love
There is not a word between us two
That wouldn't culminate in confusion
But we are so addicted to the infinite scandal
That it gets out of control
It gets out of control
It almost always gets out of control
I promised to close the door forever
And to stop hurting the heart
But desire stepped in and was so strong
And we went out again to look for each other again
I have been planning an escape for a long time
Maybe this time it will work
I can't call you back anymore
I am going far away....
And I don't plan on coming back
I don't plan on coming back
I don't plan on coming back
I don't plan on coming back
I don't plan on coming back
I promised to close the door forever
And to stop hurting the heart
But desire stepped in and was so strong
And we went out again to look for each other again
And we go out again
To look for each other again and again and again and again

Dancing slowly

I wrote you to tell you that I was there
I am coming from the season
that saw us dancing slowly
It was a month ago, really not even a month
We saw the dawn
oh oh, dancing slowly
Where are you now? I don't know
But the last moon will make you come back
For something unresolved, for a maybe
I know that there you will be
From close nights to the end
Of a year that can't do it any longer
Always to the same place
Tired of the city
The highway will call us
December dancing slwoly
I found you, I said some things and they came out well
Phrases that I invented
all in exchange for some slow dances
It was a month ago, next to the mountain and minus three
Fools from the dawn away
oh oh, dancing slowly
Where are you now? I don't know
But the last moon will make you come back
For something unresolved, for a maybe
I know that there you will be
From close nights to the end
Of a year that can't do it any longer
Always to the same place
Tired of the city
The highway will call us
December dancing slwoly
I know
I know we never were anything
Anything more than a distraction
The adventure without control
I know
I know that it will forever be
An open end
And we will come back looking for more
December dancing slowly
Forever dancing slowly
At parties without an invitation
Forever dancing slowly

Једноставно неодољива

Како то може бити дозвољено?
Она угрожава мој принцип,
да да
Та врста љубави је митска
Она је све само не типична
Она је помама коју бисте прихватили,
она је моћна сила
Дужни сте да се прилагодите
кад нема другог курса
Некад ми је изгледала добро,
али сада сам је нашао
Једноставно неодољива
Једноставно неодољива
Њена љубав је тако моћна, ха!
То је једноставно неизбежно
Тренд је неповратан
Жена је непобедива
Она је природни закон и
оставља ме у чуду
Она заслужује аплауз
, Предајем се јер
Некад ми је изгледала добро, али сада сам је нашао
Једноставно неодољива
Једноставно неодољива
Једноставно неодољива, она је тако добра,
не може се рећи где је новац отишао
Једноставно неодољива, она је сва моја,
нема другог пута
Она је неизбежна,
Наслоњен сам на зид
Она ми даје таква осећања
Никад се раније нисам тако осећао
Кршим обећања,
она крши сваки закон
Некад ми је изгледала добро,
али сада сам је нашао
Једноставно неодољива
Тако је добра,
нема приче
куда је новац ишао
Једноставно неодољива, она је сва моја
Нема другог пута!
Њене методе су неуверљиве
Доказ је необорив,
Тако је примамљива да се пољуби, ха
Наши животи су недељиви
Она је помама коју бисте прихватили,
она је моћна сила
Дужни сте да се прилагодите
кад нема другог курса
Некад ми је изгледала добро,
али сада сам је нашао
Једноставно неодољива
Једноставно неодољива
Она је тако добра, нема речи
'куда је новац отишао
Једноставно неодољива, она је сва моја,
нема другог пута
Она је тако добра, нема приче
куда је новац отишао
Једноставно неодољива, она је сва моја,
нема другог пута
Једноставно неодољива!

Hymn to Luís Carlos Prestes

The call that comes from this brave
That has taught Brazil with his word
Brings fear to all the bourgeoisie
And the value between the world of the parasites
Brings fear to all the bourgeoisie
And the value between the world of the parasites
The Brazilian people
Forms it's fighters
To the sound of the call
By Luís Carlos Prestes
Faithful people, who were asleep,
Your enslaved existence is over
Let's help the Brazilian people
Who is preparing to fight the great battle
Let's help the Brazilian people
Who is preparing to fight the great battle
The Brazilian people
Forms it's fighters
To the sound of the call
By Luís Carlos Prestes
Let's help the Brazilian hero
That, fighting at the head of his hosts,
Has conquered the hearts of an entire people
Long live the leader Luís Carlos Prestes!