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Број резултата: 41


Еа, еа

Ја ла еа еа...
Ај, дођи мени, дјечаче мој
Ај, дођи мени, дјечаче мој
спавај поред мене
јер у мојим грудима имаш скровиште
скровишташце за своје муке
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Сузице са Нила
бесане ноћи
Дјечаче мој, када умрем
нека ме сахране на Мјесец
па да те сваке ноћи видим
па да те сваке ноћи видим
па да те сваке ноћи видим
сваке ноћи, осим једне
Ај, дођи мени, дјечаче мој
Ај дјечаче мој, малени мој
малени, моја љубави
нека ме у ноћи обасјају
твоје очи које сијају као Cунце
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Сузице са Нила
бесане ноћи
Дјечаче мој, када умрем
нека ме сахране на Мјесец
па да те сваке ноћи видим
па да те сваке ноћи видим
па да те сваке ноћи видим
Идемо, Бланка Палома!
Дјечаче мој, када умрем
нека ме сахране на Мјесец
па да те сваке ноћи видим
сваке ноћи, осим једне
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Сузице са Нила
бесане ноћи
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа
Ја еа, еа, ја еа, еа

Госпођица Брутална

Све погледе скупљаш
Где год да одеш прате те очима
Хоћу, желим
ове вечери да те одведем у рај.
Све погледе скупљам,
стижем са црним жезлом.
Шта ме гледаш, зар не знаш
да вечерас нећеш играти са мном.
Еј, чуј шта ћу ти рећи
нема шансе да их не издоминирам
Јешће ми прашину - обећавам.
Овим кучкама се лако не дајем.
Еј, Мис Госпођица Брутална,
преда мном се не прави ненормална,
знаш да те хоћу и да те желим,
иди са мном да ти покажем рај.
Хеј, ти, зашто ме провоцираш,
немој да ме нервираш, јер ћу ти учинити да трокираш.
Зар ме не видиш - ја сам прва класа,
ово је ВИП, ниси за мој сто.
Ово је ВИП, ниси за мој сто.
Дајем повода за злобу,
ја сам читава у ногама, а ви гола вода.
Хабиби стално вади из џепа,
јер за доручак опустошим шопинг центар.
Дајеш повода за злобу,
с твојим начином хода, као Мадона.
Тело ти је уникатно,
непоновљиво и феноменално.
Ове вечери се троше милиони,
наручујем ватромете, Дом Перињоне.
Још мало па ћу да отварам Банско,
после до Дубаија, мало на арапско.
Еј, Мис Госпођица Брутална,
преда мном се не прави ненормална,
знаш да те хоћу и да те желим,
иди са мном да ти покажем рај.
Хеј, ти, зашто ме провоцираш,
немој да ме нервираш, јер ћу ти учинити да трокираш.
Зар ме не видиш - ја сам прва класа,
ово је ВИП, ниси за мој сто.
Ово је ВИП, ниси за мој сто.


Фаталној жени говоре иза леђа
У лице нико не сме.
Говори и ти сада, за ту добру рекламу
ћу теби бити дужна.
Како си 'ме био сломио, скоро уништио,
срце ми је било у парчићима'
Истину знамо ја и ти,
овако звучи - само тебе боли!
Жене плачу на раскиду,
али их прође за два, три дана.
Мушкарци говоре да им није ништа
али нас памте заувек.
Ја сам већ плакала, хвала, добро сам,
С тобом ми је све као у сну,
а ти се распитујеш с ким сам, где сам
На једном специјалном месту сам
У добрим рукама сам!
Ти ћеш после мене бити жив, али никада срећан,
Онако каквим сам те ја чинила
Пустила сам те на слободу, али изгледа у самоћи
ти пролази ноћ.
Већ сам те упозорила кад си отишао
назад не можеш да ме вратиш.
Купујеш си љубав, али купљено горчи
Знам, још ти недостајем.
Жене плачу на раскиду,
али их прође за два, три дана.
Мушкарци говоре да им није ништа
али нас памте заувек.
Ја сам већ плакала, хвала, добро сам,
С тобом ми је све као у сну,
а ти се распитујеш с ким сам, где сам
На једном специјалном месту сам
У добрим рукама сам!

Тајна воде

Већ се чује
Већ се чује тајна воде
Већ лети наранџе цвет
Већ се осети
Већ се осети светлости лет
Већ се чује тајна воде
Већ уздише
Већ уздише голубица
Већ се чује њено певање
Више нико неће моћи да заустави
њену песму док лети
И нека цели свет то види
сада њена песма лети
Већ се чује
Већ се чује тајна воде
Већ лети наранџе цвет
Више нико неће моћи да заустави
њену песму док лети
И нека цели свет то види
сада њена песма лети
Више нико неће моћи да заустави
њену песму док лети
Заспаће звери
већ лети наранџе цвет


Hello, look me in the eyes real good
You're not gonna see them again
I told you don't, you know nothing about women
But I've had it with your lying already
Your end is just about to come
Time to finish, bye bye bambino
Did you lose it, I already hear tinonino
Bim-bam-boom, it's time for me to live
Does it annoy you so much that I even started singing
Come on, come on, the new smash hit is coming
Come on, come on, are you going to bed, too bad
Turn it up, up, I'm coming for the party
Whoever doesn't play is shown the (red) card
I was a good girl already
But it got boring and I stopped
That's my sweet sin
That's your fetish now
You're not sleeping cause of him again
And you're thirsty for him again
Without me you're going, going nowhere
Hello, look me in the eyes real good
You're not gonna see them again
I told you don't, you know nothing about women
But I've had it with your lying already
Your end is just about to come
Listen to me now
Listen to me you little pest
I'm not here for a day and it seems like a year for you
One two three and you're here when I whistle
Something went wrong, I can't stay put
Come on, let's drink for the new things I've got
Come on, come on, go away, go to her
Turn it up, up, my honey's calling for me
You're no match for us, I've put you only on 'Ignore' now
I was a good girl already
But it got boring and I stopped
That's my sweet sin
That's your fetish now
You're not sleeping cause of him again
And you're thirsty for him again
Without me you're going, going nowhere
Hello, look me in the eyes real good
You're not gonna see them again
I told you don't, you know nothing about women
But I've had it with your lying already
Your end is just about to come

Live in a way that makes everyone want to know

I was in the car, screaming at the traffic lights
Knowing it wasn't a solution.
I went to see the doctor, he gave me a yellow slip*
But said that this is no solution.
I tried to save my strength
And had so much rest that I did nothing at all.
I wanted to catch up on the things left behind,
But in the end, I only kept chasing my iceberg.
I stuffed myself with food, smoke and people,
And I learned that that isn't a solution.
And my fortune, I just threw it out of the window
And realised that that's no solution.
Wanted to stifle the idiots' rituals at birth,
Point my finger at them, not to be an idiot.
So I often stayed home alone at night
But wanted to love all humans anyway.
My friends' problems I wanted to solve for them,
And ended up being a part of the problem.
I wanted to be close to myself and of no use to anyone,
Only to experience the system's revenge.
And I used you, because you're weaker than my last girlfriend,
For whom I was no solution.
We tried to pretend we were only bed buddies
And you noticed that that's not a solution.
Don't talk about it, except when someone asks you!
Live in a way that makes everyone wanna know!
People's thoughts are only a breeze.
Don't give me what I wish for, but what I need!
I never thought of yesterday, nor of tomorrow.
It is night,
I'm standin' at the window, and for one moment, I'm living in the Now.
Meeting the hate of the world and its stupidity with cynicism
wasn't enough to live.
Seeing only the beautiful didn't work either,
Because there are too many things that have no beauty at all.
I made an effort to pulse with the seasons,
And eventually, I fell out of time slow-motion.
And my smartphone friends told me to keep up with the spirit of the times
And I almost would've fallen out of myself.
I squeezed those topics out like lemons
And I wanted to remodel all the people.
I tried to make sense of the great picture
but lingered over a thousand questions.
And someone I knew back in the day, he said:
'Won't you just let people stay the way they are!
Don't use them as a white bench for your dissatisfaction!
Be a man and don't be a child!'
That seemed simple enough to me, and my conscience grew bad.
And there was a thought saying: 'Do right by everyone!'
I went home to re-think myself
And to reinvent myself in the best case.
And I got lost in the city
I've been living in for years now,
And I gave my last money to a blind man,
Who then said that immortality had been bestowed on him,
But I knew that wasn't a solution.
Evening came, then night, then morning, I stayed awake the whole time,
Knowing it wasn't a solution.
Don't talk about it, except when someone asks you!
Live in a way that makes everyone wanna know!
People's thoughts are only a breeze.
Don't give me what I wish for, but what I need!
I never thought of yesterday, nor of tomorrow.
It is night,
I'm standin' at the window, and for one moment, I'm living in the Now.

At the East of Eden

Someone said that I want to sing my favorite song
That I learned by heart from the fields of rice,
In hours of despondency, when a wound hurts most,
Between mountains of plows and lack of seeds.
Peasants and students pull back that curtain
And in the distance, strands of light and silver can be seen
Bathing their naked skin behind the mist
Where the night hides, sharpening its sword.
And in the dawn of the free poets
I heard singing at the east of Eden,
Almonds and laurel,
I saw you again at the east of Eden.
Someone said I can fly, I have real wings,
They grew in my cell between walls of ice.
When the key went round inside of my loneliness,
A ladder came down to me from heaven.
And in the dawn of the free poets, I heard singing at the east of Eden,
Almonds and laurel, I saw you again at the east of Eden.
I saw other smiles return more happy than ever,
With what I had thought I lost beneath the weight of metal,
Beyond the horizon, I know your mouth awaits
My lips, chapped by salted roads.
And in the dawn of the free poets
I heard singing at the east of Eden,
Almonds and laurel, I saw you again at the east of Eden,
At the east of Eden...


6 a. m. and without realizing it got dark
How difficult it is for me to leave, you know me
You say that I didn't want to stay the other time
Today I will stay, eh
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
I got addicted to your gaze
There are no grey days by your side
I want you to take care of me forever
I don't like it when you say goodbye
Tell me the time
We'll cancel everything, I only think of now
You give what I don't want to end
I know time goes by but I stay up late
I didn't see the time
We'll cancel everything, I only think of now
Easy, you can blame me
I know you already have a plan, but you prefer to stay
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
Fuck the bag, I don't want it, I don't need it, nah
Rather lay up with you, make a cinema
Tight grip on me, now we speak in tongues
This not really like me, I don't fall in love
Sixteen hours a day, I can't get enough
And those other last eight, it's you I'm dreamin' of
Fuck the bag, I don't want it, I don't need it, nah
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
6 a. m. and without realizing it got dark
How difficult it is for me to leave, you know me

I'm Drippin'

I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
Paloma Mami (Oh)
I'm drippin'
Feelin' like you need a Spanish mami in your life (Ey)
[Verse 1]
Pull up to the scene
You see me coming in, I'm too much for you (Too much for you)
Hair and nails on fleek, all-natural since I was born(Born, -orn)
A royal swagger, Fendi, Loui' V
Expensive for you, but not for me (Not for me)
I didn't choose this
Comin' from New York, well I'm like that (Eh)
Drop by drop, I go, fly from head to toe
Drop by drop, spent a hundred thousand on my clothes
Drop by drop, tasty, exotic, guanábana* (Oh)
Drop by drop-op-op, I'm not easy (easy


[Verse 1]
I want to fight
I want to fight
I want to love
I want to love
I want to fight
I want to love
I will fight
I will love
I will be both
I will be both
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
[Verse 2]
I can't tell you why ravens of all things have this effect on me
Maybe because of that evening so many years ago
You know when the photo is in front of me again
I can see how the pigeon flies again
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove

Too badly hurt

Too badly hurt, because of you, my friend,
I have been left.
So badly hurt, that to think about seeig you again,
no way.
I feel sorry for the one who may come now
trying to handle my life,
wanting to get involved, trying to love me
with a lie.
Too badly hurt,
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.
Too badly hurt
for you to ask me to start anew,
you will pay the blame, may God wish
that never will happen to you.
Too badly hurt
Open widely your eyes, this is the good-bye,
and, on closing the door, you must forget me
for the rest of our lives
Too badly hurt,
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.

Црна голубице

Уморан сам од плакања, а не свиће,
не знам више да ли да те проклињем или да се молим за тебе.
Бојим се да те тражим и пронађем
тамо где ме пријатељи уверавају да идеш.
Постоје тренуци када бих волео да пукнем
и повадим клинове из мог бола,
али моје очи умиру ако не гледају твоје
и моја љубав са зором те поново очекује.
А журку си преузела сама,
црна голубице, црна голубице где, где ћеш?
Не играј се мојом поносом, сплаварушо,
ако твоја миловања нису моја, нису ничија.
Иако те лудо волим, не враћај се,
црна голубице, ти си решетка затвора.
Желим да будем слободан, да живим свој живот с ким год желим,
Боже дај ми снаге, умирем да кренем да је тражим.
А журку си преузела сама.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


De Palma
Tell me that everything now is as it seems,
that our life has returned like before
And if I watch outside from the window,
the sun is still scalding the world while it turns
And you are like that melody
because I always have you in my head, night and day, and you don’t go away
Tell me that despite everything, you’re mine
cuz I wanna give a name to all this nostalgia
This night calls
The wind blows your voice this far
They sing Paloma out on the streets like in Medellin
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
I saw you there alone
and I wondered if someone so beautiful falls in love
with someone grew up between the palaces in the area
But you told me everything without saying a word
and sorry if I go fast
Hey, gently, do you wanna dance tonight?
I feel my heart that turns upside down
and it hasn’t ever beaten strongly like this
This night calls
The wind blows your voice this far
They sing Paloma out on the streets like in Medellin
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
It’s enough that you touch me even just one second
and the rough sea then becomes calm
I want your eyes in order to watch the world
and your lips in order to forget it, uebe
I would like to bring you with me
where none of our fears
can harm us
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
De Palma

The Dove

When I left Havana, help me God
nobody saw me leaing save myself
A prety dove was where I went
It followed me, oh yes, sir
If to your window ever comes a dove
treat it with love for it is mine
Tell it of all your loves in life
and crown it with flowers for it is mine
Ay, chinita oh yes!
Ay, give me your love!
Ay, come with me, chinita
to where my home is!
(If to your window ever comes a dove)
(treat it with love for it is mine)
Tell it of all your loves in life
and crown it with flowers for it is mine
(Ay, chinita oh yes!)
(Ay, give me your love!)
Ay, come with me, chinita
to where my home is!

Black dove

Versions: #1
I am tired of crying and not getting out of bed
I don't know whether to curse you or pray for you
I'm afraid of looking for you and finding you
Where my friends assure me you go
There are moments in which I would just rather crack
To yank out the nails of my sorrow
But my eyes are dying without looking in your eyes
And my affection with the dawn returns to hoping
And all on your own you took off with the parranda (festival)
Black dove, black dove, where can you be?
Don't play with my honor, parrandera (musician for parrandas)
If your caresses must be mine, and not anyone else's
And although I love you madly you don't return
Black dove you are the bars of a jail
I want to be free to live my live with whomever I want
God give me strength because I am dying
To go look for him
And all on your own you took off with the parrandas

Paloma Blanca

Yes we know the homeland
Every scrub and every tree
We move around towards the south,
That was always our dream
High palms, colourful flowers
A beach so white like snow
Yes we wanted to experience it
And so we stuck out in the sea
A Paloma Blanca
Dreamboat of love for two
A Paloma Blanca
You make us happy and free
Surrounding us only sky and sea
In the little fishing villages
There was fish and bread and wine
Yes and outside on the pier
Lay the boat in the sunshine
After the many beautiful days
Came the time to go from the decks
And we said: white dove,
We will see you once again

Paloma Blanca

When the Sun says hello again
Like a sunflower, golden yellow
And when the sky turns blue
May you have a nice trip
Fly into the sky1
That you know oh so well
And fly over all the mountains
To tell her I said Hi2
Fly paloma blanca3
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
I'm writing her a letter again
In which I tell her I'm hers
Though we're not close anymore
I'm beside her every moment
Fly paloma blanca
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
I'm following him in my thoughts
It's like he's here with me
How I want to get him back
That's love, he knows about it
Fly paloma blanca
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
Fly paloma blanca
  • 1. Lit. 'fly into the heights'
  • 2. Lit. 'to give her greetings from me'
  • 3. 'White dove' in spanish

Not Steady

As you arrive to me at seven a day
That they want me to have
And I'm not looking for love
Or anything that could compromise me
I know you imagine yourself testing my body
But in order to win, you have to be an expert
No one dominates me
Daddy, I'm your adrenaline
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
They try to fall in love with me
They will not be able to
If you want to play, we can do it
As long as you do not fall in love with me
So that is looking for another shawty
I want a guy who likes me
With me, It does not help all that lip
You want it to be yours and I'm not from anyone
Everyone wants what's mine and I do not want anyone
Boy you been wasting your time
Don't try to front I ain't callin' you mine
Lying on my name I don't know why you try
Baby tonight I plan on leaving you dry
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
Holding you there
Lying in bed while i'm kissing your neck
The shit unsaid
Sorry if you misunderstood what i said
Got me second thinking
Bout you and me linking
Then I realize real quick
Who the fuck I am
I don't change for no dick
Please don't get me twisted
I ain't with that lame shit
Have me trippin man
As you arrive to me at seven a day
That they want me to have
And I'm not looking for love
Or anything that could compromise me
I know you imagine yourself testing my body
But in order to win, you have to be an expert
No one dominates me
Daddy, I'm your adrenaline
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady

Don't fall in love with me

I'm not what you think and if you let yourself go
I can't be held responsible if your heart doesn't recover
You are good, I am evil
And I do not usually get used to
Nobody taught me to love
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Your heart can go,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me, no,No, no, no
I'm from those who when it's weekend, go to parties (On exit)
That one who ignores you if you try to get closer
Tell me, what makes you think I'll be for you? (For you)
Tell me if my hips are who excite you
Because I know they don't forgive
Wild as amazon
There's no one who could tame me (Tame me)
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Your heart can go,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me, no,No, no, no
My body is art
No one touches it, I'm like the Mona Lisa
I let him, he dies to play it hurry
Only win who get me goosebumps
Don't fall in love, forewarned is forearmed
I make them sin with my hip and smile
I make him spend his Visa inadvertently
Who-Who-Who can, can, and I can
Baby, if I surrender, take advantage of it
Everything is discreet, I don't believe in others
In this case it's not you, it's me
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Your heart can go,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me, no,No, no, no
Feel like English-Spanish, mami, your life
But don't fall in love, daddy (Daddy)
Paloma Mami (-ma Mami)
Hear This Music (Music)
Rimas de Balcón (de Balcón)
What's up, Jowny (What's up, Jowny)
DJ Luian (DJ Luian)
Mambo-Mambo Kingz (Mambo-Mambo Kingz)
(No, no, no)
(No, no, no, oh)
(No, no, no)
(I make them sin with my hip and smile)
(I make him spend his Visa inadvertently)

Folirao si se

(Znam da me još uvek voliš)
Znam da je bila laž
Znala sam da me lažeš
Uvek sam znala da je laž
Sve one lepe stvari koje si mi govorio
A ti mislio da sam tvoja
Nisi ni shvatio da si me izgubio
Mislila sam da je stvarno
Čestitam ti na dobrom foliranju
Nikad nisi osećao isto što i ja
Kada sam plakala, kada sam bila usamljena
Kada sam se osećala praznom
I dalje se sećam kada si me izneverio
Kako ću zaboraviti taj dan
Nikada se nećeš vratiti
Znam da me još uvek voliš
Ne želim čuti za tebe
Ponovo, ne želim te videti
Ako želiš, možeš nestati
Neka bude jasno da sam te zaboravila
Sve tvoje poljupce sam izbrisala
I osećanja sam ubila
Ako želiš, zaboravi
Više ne želim da se vratiš
Već da nestaneš
Kada me budeš video sa drugim
Nemoj se izjedati
Rešićeš već svoje probleme
I neka bude jasno da sam te prebolela
Jako mi je žao, ali se završilo
Naše se završilo
Malo pomalo je umrlo
Znala sam da me lažeš
Uvek sam znala da je laž
Sve one lepe stvari koje si mi govorio
A ti mislio da sam tvoja
Nisi ni shvatio da si me izgubio
Mislila sam da je stvarno
Čestitam ti na dobrom foliranju
Znam da me još uvek voliš
Tvojom krivicom se ne mogu zaljubiti (zaljubiti)
Postao si isti kao i drugi (drugi)
Na kraju ostao si sam (sam)
Izgubio si vreme, a ono je dragoceno (dragoceno)
Više ne želim ništa sa tobom (tobom)
Ne želim te ni kao prijatelja (ne)
Zato okreni se i nestani
Više ne želim da se vratiš
Već da nestaneš
Kada me budeš video sa drugim
Nemoj se izjedati
Rešićeš već svoje probleme
I neka bude jasno da sam te prebolela
Jako mi je žao, ali se završilo
Naše se završilo
Malo pomalo je umrlo
Znala sam da me lažeš
Uvek sam znala da je laž
Sve one lepe stvari koje si mi govorio
A ti mislio da sam tvoja
Nisi ni shvatio da si me izgubio
Mislila sam da je stvarno
Čestitam ti na dobrom foliranju
Znam da me još uvek voliš
(Znam da me još uvek voliš)
Paloma Mami
Izgleda da ti je potrebna Spanish mami u životu
(Znam da me još uvek voliš)

Crni golube

Slomljena sam od plakanja.
Zora ne dolazi.
Ne znam da li da te proklinjem
ili da se molim za tebe.
Bojim se da te tražim.
Da li ću te naći tamo
gde su me uputili
tvoji prijatelji ?
U trenutku želim
da se raspuknem
i noktima isčupam moju tugu.
Oči će mi umreti, ne vide li tvoje.
Zaljubljena, čekam te ponovo u osvit zore.
Odmaglio si već, onako za svoj račun
u kafanu da piješ.
Crni golube,
Crni golube,
Kud, kud ti ode?