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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 41


To a dove

White dove, vidalita
of pink eyes
I sang to you before, vidalita
like in love.
Pretty dove, vidalita
sad vidalita,
so little you have left, vidalita
of what you were.
Skinny dove, vidalita
of hungry beak
all the feathers, vidalita,
were gone with the wind
It's a bad wind, vidalita
it's a cold wind,
it left you featherless, vidalita
and with the empty crop.
Foolish dove, vidalita
of stupid beak
take care of your nest, vidalita
because the wolf is loose
Poor dove, vidalita
of wandering flight,
if you don't face him, vidalita
he'll undo your nest.
Pretty dove, vidalita
ugly dove
get the beak ready, vidalita
for the fight.
Sick dove, vidalita
of broken wings
if you don't gather strength, vidalita
you'll be left with nothing
Black dove, vidalita
of red beak
grow dove, vidalita
pull out his eyes
Grow your wings, vidalita
grow your heart
grow dove, vidalita
and become a falcon.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Absent Dove

Five are the nights I cry
In the paths
Five are the written letters
Taken by the wind
Five are the black kerchieves
They are the witness
Of the five sorrows
I have inside me
Absent Dove
White Dove
Blooming Rose
I spend whole moons
Looking at the sky
With only one wish
On my mind:
That it doesn't comes down hurt
My dove
The one that comes molten
To the elements
It says, in a paper written
With green ink,
That with some patience
Everything can be reached
One that got it
Went to dance
From its garden to the Ark
Of the Covenant
A cage in the air
Is coming down
With all its bars
Of calamity
All the little birds
Are trilling
Although that, I can tell apart
My Swallow
I'm going to put on
A buttlefly's suit
Tomorrow, when it arrives
My dove
In the fingers, flags
Of three colors
And in the eyelashes, thousand
Of small candles.

Само љубав може да боли оволико

Versions: #2
Говорим себи да ми ништа не значиш
и да оно што смо имали не утиче на мене.
Али кад ниси ту, ја се просто распаднем.
Говорим себи да ми није толико стало,
али осећам се као да умирем док не осетим твој додир.
Само љубав, само љубав може да боли оволико,
само љубав може да боли оволико.
Мора да је то био смртоносан пољубац,
само љубав може да боли оволико.
Кажем да ме не би било брига да одеш,
али сваки пут кад си ту, молим те да останеш.
Кад се приближиш, једноставно треперим
и сваки пут, сваки пут кад одеш,
као да ме нож пробада право кроз душу.
Само љубав, само љубав може да боли оволико,
само љубав може да боли оволико.
Мора да је то био смртоносан пољубац,
само љубав може да боли оволико.
Само љубав може да боли оволико,
твоји пољупци пеку ми кожу,
само љубав може да боли оволико.
Али то је најслађи бол,
пече страшно кроз вене,
љубав је мучење, још сам сигурнији.
Само љубав може да боли оволико.
Само љубав може да боли оволико,
само љубав може да боли оволико.
Мора да је то био смртоносан пољубац,
само љубав може да боли оволико
Само љубав може да боли оволико,
твоји пољупци пеку ми кожу,
само љубав може да боли оволико.
Само љубав може да боли оволико,
спаси ме, спаси ме,
само љубав, само љубав,
јер само љубав може да боли оволико
и то мора да је био смртоносан пољубац.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

White Doves, Paloma

Uhuhu ...
Slowly the purple sun goes down,
Full of memories1 is then the sunset.
Fly, white dove, Paloma!
Longings bring you over the sea,
To my girl, Paloma.
Tell her, so heavy is my heart!
Uhuhu ...
So much tenderness I've found in your eyes,
Many happy dreams with you I've dreamt.
Fly, white dove, Paloma!
Longings bring you over the sea,
To my girl, Paloma.
Tell her, so heavy is my heart!
In your eyes there were farewell tears,
When you told me: 'Tonight stay with me!'
No one can take those splendid dreams from us,
Even also when in suffering you've for sure lost your heart.
And from there she flies, the little white dove,
My hope, through the evening wind.
Fly, white dove, Paloma!
Longings bring you over the sea,
To my girl, Paloma.
Tell her, so heavy is my heart!
Tell her, so heavy is my heart!
  • 1. Lit., 'remembrance'.


Bila sam kriminalna, napravila grešku
Verovala u nestvarno
I onda dopustila da sve nestane
Ne mogu prihvatiti svoja verovanja
Mislila da alternativa izgleda kristalno čisto
Utopljena u mutnim vodama
Živim u najgorim strahovima
Preklinjući te kroz suze da se vratiš
Imao si ovu sliku mene
I sada pošto sam razbila tvoje snove
Znam šta sam učinila i vidim istinu
I to me ubija
Da, kriva sam
Ne prilazi mi
Jedina stvar u kojoj sam dobra je uništiti nešto tuđe
Dušo, kriva sam
za pretvaranje slatke ljubavi u otrov
Zadobila sam ožiljke, ako pričaš o povređivanju same sebe
Dušo kriva sam kao pakao
Sedim ovde sasvim sama, nema više odbrane
Želela bih da sam kući
Ali zaglavljena sam ovde i to svojom krivicom
Na ranu mi je dodata so
Mislila sam da ću biti dobro bez tebe i
Sad shvatam da je sve to bila samo užasna laž
Primi me nazad, mogla bih umreti
Imao si ovu sliku mene
I sada pošto sam razbila tvoje snove
Znam šta sam učinila i vidim istinu
I to me ubija
Da, kriva sam
Ne prilazi mi
Jedina stvar u kojoj sam dobra je uništiti nešto tuđe
Dušo, kriva sam
Za pretvaranje slatke ljubavi u otrov
Zadobila sam ožiljke, ako pričaš o povređivanju same sebe
Dušo kriva sam kao pakao
Tebalo je da znam da ne mogu nastavliti bez tebe
Umesto da odem, znajući da ću se osećati prestravljeno
Znam da pogrešila, i sad povređujem samu sebe, volela bih da sam znala
Molim te, primi me nazad ne želim verovati da je ovo zbogom, oh
Da, kriva sam
Ne prilazi mi
Jedina stvar u kojoj sam dobra je uništiti nešto tuđe
Dušo, kriva sam kao pakao (da, kriva sam)
Oh, kriva sam
Ne prilazi mi (ali znam)
jedina stvar u kojoj sam dobra je mešanje u tuđe (molim te, oprosti mi dragi)
Dušo, kriva sam
za pretvaranje slatke ljubavi (pretvoriću slatku ljubav) u otrov (u otriv, o ne)
Zadobila sam ožiljke (oh ne), ako pričaš o povređivanju same sebe
Dušo, kriva sam kao pakao

New York

Dani su bili tako dugi a noći tako hladne
Stranice se okreću i priča se odvija
Ostavio me je zbog druge dame
Stajala je tako ponosito i nikad nije spavala
Nije bilo ni jednog trena za kojim bi mogao žaliti
Ostavio me je zbog druge dame
Jednog dana uzeo je moju ruku i rekao mi
Da on odlazi
Ja nisam verovala
I ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja
Morala sam ga pustiti
Njeno ime beše New York, New York
I ona je odnela njegovo srce oh
Njeno ime beše New York, New York
Otrovala je njegov slatki um
Vukovi su zavijali za moju dušu
Pala sam niz duboku crnu rupu
Ostavio me je zbog druge dame
Ona je sipala piće i sipala moć
Dijamantska devojka koja bi mogla pričati satima
Ostavio me je zbog druge dame
Sad sam sama
Rekao mi je da odlazi
I ja sam molila
I ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja
Morala sam ga pustiti
Njeno ime beše New York, New York
I ona je odnela njegovo srce oh
Njeno ime beše New York, New York
Otrovala je njegov slatki um
Najbolji provodi
Ne želim čuti o njima
Tvoje nove smešne fore
Ne želim ih čuti
Tvoji novostečeni prijatelji sa kojima te je ona upoznala
Ne želim ih znati samo želim biti s tobom
Molim te nemoj me terati da idem u...
New York, New York
Odnela je tvoje srce oh
Njeno ime beše New York, New York
Otrovala je tvoj slatki um
Otrovala je tvoj slatki um.

Your Love

Your love is the most beautiful thing I've ever known.
Your love is the most beautiful thing that I have.
If your love is by my side I am happy,
For you, I feel that heaven is in my heart.
I can never forget that beautiful night,
It made me laugh and everything lit up,
Kissing you, I heard bells ringing,
and you came to me, and I knew love.
Your love is the most beautiful thing I've ever known,
Your love is the most beautiful thing that I have.
If your love is by my side I am happy.
For you, I feel that heaven is in my heart.
I will love you all my life,
You'll love me like that, forever like that, forever like that.

The Dove

Versions: #2
To you, in the warm light of the golden sun,
the white done of our love will come.
And you, happily repeating my song,
one of them will see you laying on your balcony.
That dove stands out in the blue sky
with so many things written in a whisper.
Believe that message of his is my heart,
it is the white dove of our love.
To you, in the warm light of the golden sun,
the white dove of our love will come.
And you, happily repeating my song,
one of them will see you laying on your balcony.
If you could too
unfold the wings in a flight
and return to my sad and lonely heart
to not leave it anymore!
Give me your love!
Give me your love!

Hawk or dove

You didn't stop looking, you were alone,
absolutely beautiful and sexy.
Something swept me towards you, like a wave,
and I went and I said, 'hello, how are you'.
That night, in your arms, I fell into the trap,
you caught the apprentice of seduction,
and I ate from your hand
becoming your humble servant.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
Stupid me, naive talker
that I was a dove trying to be a hawk.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
I was undressing you, slowly,
and you didn't let me even talk,
you only whispered, 'I need you,
hold me more tightly, more'.
When I looked at you, i felt disilusioned,
just your warmth made me fill cold,
little by little, from my arms, I let you go ,
and I said, 'be quiet, please'.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
Stupid me, naive talker
that I was a dove trying to be a hawk.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
Stupid me, naive talker
that I was a dove trying to be a hawk.
My friend...