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Број резултата: 49


Ти који познајеш срце моје

Рођењем, смрћу
У овом или другом свету
Где год ме одведеш, увек ћеш бити Ти
Ти који познајеш моје срце
Повежи га са сутрашњицом.
За оног ко Те је упознао
Нико није странац
Нека никада не изгубим радост
Да будем с Тобом, с Тобом Једним
Како ме водиш међу многима.


Стојим пред вама - као пред Богом...
И певам своје песме - као последњи пут ...
У овом ужурбаном усамљеном свету
Не треба ми ништа осим ваших очију.
У овим звуцима нека звучи моја истина:
Причаћу вам о љубави и радости - шта је сада унутра,
И о томе што боли у души и што је заувек нестало ...
Уопште, све је као сви остали, као и ви.
Хвала вам! Даћу све
Да изгорим на сцени
Од светлости ваших очију!
Хвала вам! Нећу издати
Док сам жив и док ми срце куца,
Док љубав није на продају!
Хвала вам!
Стојим пред вама, сећајући се:
Колико сам различитих путева оставио за собом
Само да вас данас упознам
И да осетим главну ствар - ви сте са мном!
И нека сва моја истина звучи у овим зидовима:
Причаћу вам о љубави и радости - шта је сада унутра,
И о томе што боли у души и што је заувек нестало ...
Данас певам на сцени само за вас!
Хвала вам! Даћу све
Да изгорим на сцени
Од светлости ваших очију!
Хвала вам! Нећу издати
Док сам жив и док ми срце куца,
Док љубав није на продају!
Хвала вам!
Хвала вам! Даћу све
Да изгорим на сцени
Од светлости ваших очију!
Хвала вам! Нећу издати
Док сам жив и док ми срце куца,
Док љубав није на продају!
Хвала вам!

Karadzic, the Serbian People

All the Serbs joined him, and all together they decided, not to give Serbian land to anyone in this world
Karadzic, the Serbian people will be free with you, I can't lie to them, we have our falcons
Now they have risen against the Serbs, they have come far in their lies, and now they want our Serbian land, they are just empty wishes
Karadzic, the Serbian people will be free with you, I can't lie to them, we have our falcons
We are proud of Dr. Rasha, because he creates our republic, let the Serbian people be proud of him, I am glad to mention his name
Karadzic, the Serbian people will be free with you, I can't lie to them, we have our falcons

Life has two doors

My last night
tonight I'm going through
and those who hurt me a lot
now that I am leaving from life
all of them I forgive.
Everything is a lie
a breath, an exhale
like a flower, some hand
will cut us one dawn.
Where I am going they don't pass
the tear and the pain
the tortures and the sorrows
here they will stay, in life
and I will leave alone.
Everything is a lie
a breath, an exhale
like a flower, some hand
will cut us one dawn.
Life has two doors
I opened one and entered
I wandered one morning
and until dusk arrived
from the other I left.
Everything is a lie
a breath, an exhale
like a flower, some hand
will cut us one dawn.

The happiest country in the world

The stone sled gets heavier but to bear it I do have strength
Restrictions will end and quarantine shit
Restaurants were closed and the tangle of debt gets bigger
The people's coffers precipitate but the homeland is the most beloved
I put residual toilet paper on the walls of the out house
Moonshine in the moonlight, I do a gig for the horses’ hays
Finland is (will be) the happiest country in the world
The whole midsummer it rains but the recession is beaten
Black is the colour of tar, humor and mämmi
Also Koskenkorva (* refers to ”salmiakkikossu”), but the sauna is warm!
Tears of Teppo of Numminen are drying out
Let’s pilgrimage to the statue of Litmanen
Finland is (will be) the happiest country in the world
For as long as there is beer available
For as long as there is beer available
The economic curves in decline and out of Viagra
Homeschool from a zoo, an empty piggy bank
When you open the garage, it smells a bit like moonshine
I disinfect the divorce papers with spirit
But it is not all that bad though
Own happinness still, the left handy is working
Finland, Finland, la-la-la
For as long as there is beer available
Swamp, hoe and Joe (* refering to an important book where swamp is turned into a field)
I am like a single-use plastic bag
I guess it would be better to get a pair of reusable sacks
But in the name of the ancestors, I will find a way
And in a short while they will do that research again
That's exactly how it is!

GOOD DAY (กู๊ด เดย์) Romanized

It’s a good day, it’s a good day
Do What I wanna do I’m in the mood yeah
It’s a good day it’s a good day
I don’t really care what did you say?
ting dtua long and chillin by the pool
It’s a good day, it’s a good day yeah
mai son jai arai be like Fool
It’s a good day. We know it’s a good day yeah
The sky’s bright and the sun’s out
Let’s take a ride mee piang kae rao
reuang raai that you thinkin ‘bout
tee tam hai faa kong ter bpen see tao
ting man bpai mai dtong kit arai
kae tam dtaam jai baby free your mind
Just feel the vibe we just havin fun
Cus we are young and we on the run
tam dtua dtaam sabaai Dancin in the rain
mai dtong dtaam krai kae ter bpen tua eng
Nobody knows about tomorrow
Just Go with flow we Livin for today
reuang tee ter cham jai
kor hai ter ting man bpai
Lemme see you outside
mai bpen rai kae rerm mai
It’s a good day, it’s a good day
Do What I wanna do I’m in the mood yeah
It’s a good day it’s a good day
I don’t really care what did you say?
ting dtua long and chillin by the pool
It’s a good day, it’s a good day yeah
mai son jai arai be like Fool
It’s a good day. We know it’s a good day yeah
everything be alright baby don't cry
lohk yang kong mun bpai dont waste your time
mai dtong kit maak maai this is our life
pror chee widt nee mee wai chai ride or die
I just wanna see your smile
ter mai dtong aai
baby lemme free your mind
ter mai dtong aai
reuang tee ter cham jai
kor hai ter ting man bpai
Lemme see you outside
mai bpen rai kae rerm mai
It’s a good day, it’s a good day
Do What I wanna do I’m in the mood yeah
It’s a good day it’s a good day
I don’t really care what did you say?
ting dtua long and chillin by the pool
It’s a good day, it’s a good day yeah
mai son jai arai be like Fool
It’s a good day. We know it’s a good day yeah

Two boys from Kurikka

Two boys from Kurikka are moving handsomely like this. [2x]
The cuffs were red and the tobacco pipe with a mounting was (made) of silver. [2x]
Guys, let's get on a ride and visit the inn! [2x]
There are girls there serving and rectified spirit in a goblet. [2x]
Dad said 'Let's buy a house', but how will we drink then? [2x]
How will we then bring ring ears home for mom? [2x]
Over there you can see the red house and the white windowsill. [2x]
The boy's own darling is there, and mom's anger does not help. [2x]
What's glowing red over there on that lake? It must be an island. [2x]
While in five, six parishes the boy has a grandfather-in-law. [2x]
On the table of my significant other's chamber, a light green lamp is shining. [2x]
Now one and another wander there, and before s/he used to be so choosy. [2x]
It is no wonder if the children of the poor become drinkers. [2x]
After all, children of the elites become false judges. [2x]
First there was a forest* and then there was water and then there was a rushing rapids. [2x]
And on the shore of the rushing rapids lived a red-cheeked girl. [2x]
First there was a forest** and then there was water and then there was a stream. [2x]
When you love someone equal you need not be humble. [2x]
Two so goddamn handsome ones are standing on the mouth of Steppe Alley. [2x]
The liquor dram tastes good in that Hakolaanen's mouth. [2x]
*Could also mean: First there was nectar...
**Same here.

A Coat of Many Colors

A coat of many colors was worn by the garden
And richly woven garments were the clothes of its grass
And a tunic of chequer work was donned by each tree
Which then showed its beauty to every watching eye
Each flower bud has rebloomed for the new springtime
And laughed as spring drew near
But then the Lily passed before them
A King for high is His throne
Out He came from His prison cell
And changed out of His prison uniform
Whoever does not drink wine in His honor
Is a sinner, who shall be punished.

Celestial passion

I want to take out
what I keep in my soul
all this crazy love too much.
I want to scream really loud
all my heavenly love,
immortal love ...
Light blue
Whoever wants celestial
that it costs you.
They are things that are learned
in the life.
I take it here, tattooed on the skin
neighborhood heritage
that saw me being born.
Light blue
The pain of your rostrum is mine
Her joy did not change
for none.
That our passion
help you fight
with the faith of the one who faces
and life is at stake.
I want to wave flags
I want to paint my face
with the color of the sky here.
I want to feel inside
all the fury of the wind
overflowing my oriental love.
When a murga choir sings
the Charrúa finds his voice
(I want to take out)
Bristling skin of drums
(of the soul, all this love)
ringing in the heart.
I want to shout
(When a murga choir sings)
Very strong, all my love
(the Charrúa finds his voice)
I want to feel
(bristling skin of drums)
Inside all the fury
(ringing in the heart)
Where do you go touch it and take
It goes by the tip
and can't stop
Can't stop, stop screaming
Uruguay up with force.
Ball on the floor
head up
Take it to your house, let's party
Paint it light blue, very light blue
Up with us, with strength Uruguay
Light blue
Whoever wants celestial
that it costs you.
They are things that are learned
in the life
I have it here tattooed on my skin
Neighborhood heritage
who saw me born
I want to take out
what I keep in my soul.
All this crazy love too much
I want to scream really loud
all my heavenly love,
immortal love ..
I want to wave flags
I want to paint my face
with the color of the sky here
I want to feel inside
All the fury of the wind
Overflowing my oriental love.
Ball on the floor
head up
Take it to your house, let's party
Paint it light blue, very light blue
Up we, with strength Uruguay.
I want to take out
what I keep in my soul
all this crazy love too much.
I want to scream really loud
all my heavenly love,
immortal love ...
I want to wave flags
I want to paint my face
with the color of the sky here
I want to feel inside
All the fury of the wind [...]


Hajde, hajde sa mnom hajde da nema, nema kraja noći
Od dosade i samoće ću te spasiti
Hajde, hajde sa mnom hajde da nema, nema kraja noći
Želećeš da ovaj zemaljski raj nema kraj.
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao slatko, ali nije ona je kratko
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao šećer, rastopiće te, rastopiće.
Hajde, hajde sa mnom hajde da nema, nema kraja noći
Želećeš da si ti sa mnom svaki dan
Hajde, hajde sa mnom hajde da nema, nema kraja noći
Kaži mi nežno: 'Želim te'
Želim te.
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao slatko, ali nije ona je kratko
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao šećer, rastopiće te, rastopiće.
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao slatko, ali nije ona je kratko
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao šećer, rastopiće te, rastopiće.
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao slatko, ali nije ona je kratko
Od ljubavi ćeš se udaviti a da ne možeš da zaboraviš
Ljubav mi je kao šećer, rastopiće te, rastopiće.


Why are you scolding yourself?
I'm insignificant, I'm a virus, I'm an aphid
Do you want to know what I think?
You can try, but it will be in vain
Day is born at night
I love you very much
I'm a bottomless barrel
For your problems
Well, though,
You know that you
Are my friend
When you stand, your back straight
Your image is complete
A superhero can be weak
You are fighting
With yourself
Cool down, snuggle up to me with you soul
Take your backpack, let's go home!
We'd better go for a walk tonight!
Try to remember that feeling
When you were not alone
And weren't sad
Try to remember
Who you are!
Having fun with friends
Today it is your call!
They are waiting for us tonight
All of us
You are welcomed everywhere
You all
There is no hope, but there is faith and truth
We can play chess, or we can play cards
You will love to hear our stories
We have fireworks and firecrackers as an ammunition
We're trying to have a party here
There is only one life. So let it be a fairy tale!
So what if we're dancing for days?
Join us, we are not dangerous!
My friend!
When you stand, your back straight
Your image is complete
A superhero can be weak
You are fighting
With yourself
Cool down, snuggle up to me with you soul
Take your backpack, let's go home!

Fire And Passion

You don't know how much they have talked about us...
They think because we are lovers, we are shameless.
It's hard to know how deep we are in...
If only they knew I love you like nothing else in the world!
They say our love is something forbidden,
that I have my wife, and you, your husband...
They say we don't care at all, not even our kids,
that we don't deserve anything but punishment...
We don't live on what they'll say,
because people loose talk...
A paper is not happiness,
I love you, and that's the truth.
They don't know...
All our love is pure,
it's fire and passion, which will never die,
I assure you.
We are doomed by our love,
They say our love is immoral,
we are just lovers, nothing else.
They say we are the shame of the place,
they don't know...
All our love is pure,
it's fire and passion, which will never die,
I love you, I swear.

The Pacific

A Powerful wind blows
From the Japan, to Vancouver
It brings the salt and the sand from Japan
And also, the proverbial pesimism of Japanese people
I used to cry with staring at Med. Sea
Now at Pacific, with the wine in my hand
All alone in Vancouver
Canadian Flag upon my head
I'm crying, I'm crying for the world
For people who are hurt, who are sufferers
I'm now pesimist
I have no joy upon my face
How could I have
Would you even expect?
After those disasters?
Would you expect to see me happy?
Well, fuck off then
Thanking god... Shall I thank for my sorrows
Shall I thank for my everlasting tears
Or should I thank for my everlasting headache
Even if the god exist, it is not my god
Take me for one moment
Got something to say
I'm ungrateful, if I don't talk to you
I shall storm at someone, maybe someone innocent
Satan was right, human is worthless
Worshiping to Adam is stupidity, to stupid Adam
Or to moron Eve
Satan is much more greater than you
Decent people exist
But there is no decent god
Bad satans exist
But there is no bad animal

Реге кумбија (Ако имаш патњу у души)

Ако имаш патњу у души
Допусти да ти кажем шта мислим
Не предај се, не губи се
Уживај у животу, не размишљај превише
Ако имаш патњу у души
Допусти да ти кажем шта мислим
Не предај се, не губи се
Уживај у животу, не размишљај превише
Гледај како је укусна
Како ужива
Мешај куковима лењивче
Не остај кући
Ако те румба провоцира
Као луда,
Да, господине, са укусом
Aj, aj aj aj aj, љубави
Ја не желим више да те гледам како патиш љубави
Остани са мном, ја ћу те забавити
Па ра ри ра ра ра
Па ра ри ра ра
Па ра ри ра ра ра
Па ра ри ра ра
Ако имаш патњу у души
Допусти да ти кажем шта мислим
Не предај се, не губи се
Уживај у животу, не размишљај превише
Не размишљај превише

Ey, I Have Such Passion

Ey, I have such passion
ey, wearing beaded necklaces.
Ey, a ring on my finger
Going with my boyfriend to a party.
Ey, when I sing
ey, I don´t need any accompaniment.
Ey, I can even dance to
my singing.
Ey, I sing a lot,
ey, but not happy songs.
Ey, because in my heart
there´s not much happiness left.
Ey, there´s only little left,
ey, but there will be more.
Ey, because in that Kyiv
there are many happy people living.

Шапати срца

Месец као брод низ тело је склизнуо,
o забрањеним морима тајно нам говорио
Очију ужарених, речима на данашњи дан
за тебе сам уклонио станице и границе
Шта мора и не мора бити ни за трен нисам помислио
Ја сам се смртно у тебе заљубио
Ка теби ме воде сви кораци
чак и да морам прећи четрдесет мора
Месец као брод у нашем кревету
наша миловања и љубав ослобађа
На мапама и у градовима са шапатима срца
гореће оно, светло моје, што није било за нас
Шта мора и не мора бити ни за трен нисам помислио
Ја сам се смртно у тебе заљубио
Ка теби ме воде сви кораци
Чак и да морам прећи четрдесет мора