Резултати претраге страна 35
Број резултата: 2269
Судњи дан
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
Не могу да се сетим дана када смо се срели
Избацила сам га из сећања
Закључан си у свом подруму
Осуђен си да живиш у болу
Имали смо прилику да поправимо ствари
Што је била грешка за грешком
Тамо где сам некада видела блистави ореол
сада осећам лажно крзно.
Пред престолом стоји огледало
и то је цена славе коју си платила
На дан када си се суочила са ужасавајућим страхом
У ноћи у којој си полудела
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
Глава ти добро стоји у пластичним кесама
Постаје ти када вриснеш
Предвидљива плочица на којој пише губитник
Иде савршено уз тебе
Имали смо прилику да поправимо ствари
Што је била грешка за грешком
Тамо где сам некада видела блистави ореол
сада осећам лажно крзно.
Пред престолом стоји огледало
и то је цена славе коју си платила
На дан када си се суочила са ужасавајућим страхом
У ноћи у којој си полудела
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
Чуј Израелу
Боже наш,
Једини боже
Чуј Израелу
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
The Broken
Tonight with the contacts
It is titled, the broken one, let's go
And just firm, old man
There it goes buddy erick
Scratch it adam my buddy
And I put up with everything
So I told my mom
When she saw that I was stopping being a youngster
When in groups on the corner at night I hanged out with the cholos
And that in the cars they looked at me very quickly
At night or during the day, I wanted to hang out with those crazy people
The druglab
Hot land with the laws
With the fingers and with the thieves
I grew up in a neighborhood over there on the dead side
Where we formed the creams
That's my team, that's my shirt, that's my house
And still here we are very ready for the fight
On some streets they say that I was walkingthe neigborhood
And that they saw me rattling
But times have already changed
I carry two guns and I'm part of a company
And the one who looks for me, he finds me
They already have it verified
And just to make it clear
Pure music VIP, old man
And so the firmsounds, hey
And pure contact
You know, be alert
There goes a special greeting for aunt Films
Bring me the tuba, man
Time was passing
And little by little the gropu started to form
And movement started to happen
They were no longer twenty
There were large amounts that we were moving
Along my brother-in-law
To whom I thank so much, that his children are my children
All his advice
Good champagne
And in the clubs reserved the VIP, that there is no lack of laundry
And a San Juditasis tattooed on my forearm
That must just be silent
They already know that even if I don't go crazy, I'm a starter
That I don't like to look for problems but there are times that
Two hearts
When I’m gone, I want to be there
When I’m there, I want to be gone
And the truth lies in the middle
It has hidden itself from me
On a silver platter
I am exorbitant, restless
And always hyped up
I have my head in the clouds
Both feet on the ground
To stay or to go, it’s all the same
And yet both are far too nice
Opposites are not my problem
Two hearts
Beat in my chest
Two hearts
Sometimes louder, sometimes softer
And not always in rhythm
But in my chest there is space for two hearts
How often I wanted to stay
Yet how often I left
And how often I thought I was finished
Wanted to start over
Rather straight away than sometime
I let myself simply drift
With an oar in my hand
I get homesick watching TV
I’m always happy to get there
To stay or to go, it’s all the same
And yet both are far too nice
Opposites were never my problem
Two hearts
Beat in my chest
Two hearts
Sometimes louder, sometimes softer
And not always in rhythm
But in my chest there is space for two hearts
There’s nothing here that doesn’t fence me in
And everything is so…
Everything is as it should be
Two hearts
Beat in my chest
Two hearts
Sometimes louder, sometimes softer
And not always in rhythm
But in my chest there is space for two hearts
So much space
Sometimes louder, sometimes softer
And not always in rhythm
But in my chest there is space for two hearts
[Verse 1]
There’s three of us
To deal with everything that’s happening around the two of us
There is us three
When you kiss my lips in the evening on the stairs
There is three of us
When I give you a necklet down in the child’s room
There’s us three
Me, you, and Grigorov on a picture
That Monday was ours, together we howled for a month
The raid drenched us, we hid under the fountain
[Verse 2]
There is three of us
To deal with everything that’s happening around the two of us
There’s us three
With the whole gang on the scooters during the summer
There’s three of us
Let’s wreck the display on Kominarska*
Me, you, and Grigorov on a picture
That Monday was ours, we howled together for a month
The rain drenched us, we hid under a fountain
Your chubby face, I will form from the clay
That Monday belonged to us…
[Verse 3]
There’s three of us
To deal with everything happening around us two
Me, you and Grigorov, ooooh
That Monday was ours
The rain drenched us, we hid under a fountain
Your chubby face, I will form from the clay
That Monday belonged to us, we rattle together in a cupboard
There's a lot of light to keep
Just like that, no doubt about it
This world will change
Going upwind won't make you run
The darkest sea
Won't drown you
Don't let go of my hand yet
You'll always hold on
'Cause joining together encourages the dream
The stage is both light and dark
This supersong
Conveys a lot of love
It's the love song
That'll encourage us
You need to trust yourself
And just like that, no doubt about it
Your future will change
I wake up to a frozen world
But I never give up, it's over
I might be tiny but I'll hold on
'Cause my hands hold love
The stage is both laughter and cry
Feelings give the world faith and togetherness
Going upwind won't make you run
The darkest sea
Won't drown you
Don't let go of my hand yet
You'll always hold on
'Cause joining together encourages the dream
The stage is both light and dark
This supersong
Conveys a lot of love
It's the love song
That'll encourage us
'Cause my hands hold love
The stage is both laughter and cry
Hey, supergirl, sing your song
Feelings give the world faith and togetherness
Listening to the rain
It's raining on my town
Oh, does it annoy me!
Without you, I am, now
What a pain!
I listen to the rain
While stroking my sweet dreams
Your love for me, so big
How important it is!
What a nasty weather
At which to stare outside!
Your love for me - crucial
May we see each other!
I listen to the rain
While stroking my sweet dreams
Your love for me, so big
How important it is!
With your kisses
With your kisses you make me feel good
I simply love how you are
When you walk you kill any man
And I really did fall in love with you
You're driving me so crazy, thinking about you all day
Maybe I would dare to bring you to the band
I'd write you songs, scream your name
It's true that I already have someone
To live live with, go through it constantky
Get to know romantic places too
Take you to the moon or bring it down to you
Wherever you want it, my girl, you know I'll fight for you
I'll be the man who'll give you what you wish for
I know very well by just seeing you that you love me
When I'm with you I feel like a martyr
You ccalm me down talking sweet
There you are right where I need you
You complete my life like a book
You are flawless, I see your perfection
And if we fight one day
I know that our love is not broken
No matter what will happen you'll be with me
Nothing is better than caressing you
All the nights tracing your beautiful skin
Always gorgeous with or without make up
You dress so casually, you dont aim high
That's why I fell in love with you for the first time
I knew it would be different with you
Hopefully our story will never end
I get goosebumps when you get closer
Your pretty smile, it's what delights me
You're saying little things into my ears
Biting your lips you hypnotize me
Draw the curtains, light some candles
What I want now, you want it too
This role suits you my girl
Thanks a thousand times for having me in your life
Осмех, молим
Осмех, молим
Сабери се и осмех, молим
Ствари постају боље све време
Нека изгледа као да си моја
Овде смо заједно у нашем посебном свету
Седимо у овој кабини, ту је лепо са тобом насамо
Људи ће се питати шта радимо овде
Тако да је боље да убацимо динар и сликамо се
Дакле, хоћеш ли
Осмех, молим
Сабери се и осмех, молим
Ствари постају боље све време
Нека изгледа као да си моја
Хајде и
Осмех, молим
Потребно је само мало па
Осмех, молим
Стави мало љубави у њега за мене
Мораш да пустиш цео свет да види
Диван начин кад ме погледаш
Немој бити толико негативна
Сигуран сам да ће испасти добро
Ситуација ће ускоро бити боља ако
останемо овде још мало
Дакле, хоћеш ли
Осмех, молим
Сабери се и осмех, молим
Ствари постају боље све време
Нека изгледа као да си моја
Хајде и
Осмех, молим
Потребно је само мало па
Осмех, молим
Стави мало љубави у њега за мене
Мораш да пустиш цео свет да види
Диван начин кад ме погледаш
Дакле, хоћеш ли
Осмех, молим
Сабери се и осмех, молим
Ствари постају боље све време
Just give the order to our division
Under the hand of the distinguished commander of Paektusan,
Our matchless division has grown into a powerful force.
Firmly defending the headquarters of the revolution,
We have prepared the bayonets for the decisive battle.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
With our commander, the best in the world, at the forefront,
Our division of steel will achieve only great feats.
With the spirit of guns, bombs and shells prepared to die,
We will defend our Juche homeland.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
Following the great General's leadership,
Our invincible division will only achieve victory.
Flying high the red banner of the revolution,
We'll raise the salute on the square of unification.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
Just give the order to our division!
I want to be normal
I want to be still
But my everything is extraordinary
just can't
Just when I was wandering
music found me
regardless of my will
you brought me here
You put me on the stage, turn everything upside down
Call me human torch I just want to be a fire
there's nowhere to run
I can't be gone
Yeah Im Mr. Fantastic
please i want to be normal
Baby are you down tonight
Baby imma give you the world
Baby are you down tonight
Baby imma teach you the world
We gon burn the night
We gon
Special, burn
Oh baby how you like that
a thug on stage
The moment you meet me, you join my fan club
Just give me a beat, I'm a messi
Burning Europe to Mexico
Oh, what time is it now?
Errbody just let it go
What can I do about being born like this? Antis are invisible now
I'll show you the miracle that the guy who only burned soy sauce burns up the earth
surprise me
Baby are you down tonight
Baby imma give you the world
Baby are you down tonight
Baby imma teach you the world
We gon burn the night
We gon burn the night
We gon burn the night
We gon
Special, burn
Normal, burn
Special, burn
Normal, burn
Fantastic, elastic
I got the thing thing thing
Fantastic, elastic
I got the thing thing thing
Fantastic, elastic
I got the thing thing thing
Fantastic, elastic
I got the thing thing thing
Baby are you down tonight
Baby imma give you the world
Baby are you down tonight
Baby imma teach you the world
We gon burn the night
We gon burn the night
We gon burn the night
We gon
Special, burn
Normal, burn
Special, burn
Normal, burn
My Mother's Voice
When I thought I couldn't take it anymore
I wanted to throw the money in the fire
I said that my life was over
But something inside, called me
The warmest voice was in my mind
My dear mother's voice was calling me
Stop wandering, mother*!
Please come home again, because I am heartbroken!
Rather than living and missing you
I prefer to have only one leu**
But I know you're by my side
I leave everything behind, and come to you
You are old, mother, with good heart (x2)
I could never say, no
Your soul won't let you do it
But missing me, is making you suffer
I know, you want to see me home again
The warmest voice was in my mind
My dear mother's voice was calling me
Stop wandering, mother*!
Please come home again, because I am heartbroken!
Rather than living and missing you
I'd prefer to have only one leu**
But I know you close to me
I leave everything behind, and come to you
You are old, mother, with good heart (x4)
Welcome us coming, village
1.All of us mates of same class
We look like buds of a rose plant
‘My children best wishes
We were accompanied and greeted
Oh this land of ours, sweet
Like honey.
Our sweat
Makes it prosperous.
Open armed you welcome us
We come to you
With cheerful heart.
2.Boys and girls we set to work
Like once in school we are all together
Every single soil lump from our land
Warms our heart like fire.
- Refrain
Versions: #1
Without any expectations
A play of fate makes worlds intertwine
Having only make them cross just once
Something creaks intensely felt inside
Don't you think it's worth the--
pain, and all things else that
I'll never, NEVER ever let you through...
You are given away,
all because your eyes--
are screaming out for love's desire
Won't you just take it--
This faulty affection?
We're secretly hopin'
From northward and westward--
You are my ending
I am your resting place
I will be your saving grace...
Wherever are we headed?
Naked-feet and filled with glorious wonder
The storms of destiny keep forcing me into
The warmth inside your loving arms
Why don't you say that--
Which you won't admit?
Or will you just let it
Get blown by the wind?
Don't be afraid of
The whispers inside your heart...
I am here, and I am all ears to you
Hoooahh woah...
Portrait to Iaiá
Versions: #1
Iaiá, if I sin it is in the will
To have a true love
Well, that way, on you, I threw myself
And I went to find you
To see that I was wrong
After having lived the utopian obvious
Kiss you, and have joked about sincerity
And say almost everything that was natural
I went there to see you, to tell you
Let it be as it will be!
When we meet each other
Through the tree, the sky of a park witnessing us
Let it be as it will be!
I'll go without worrying
And believing to see how much I can guess
Up close I didn't want to see
That all the annunciation was in vain
I found out a long time later
Even you saw it before me
That looking at you i saw another woman
And now what is left?
The final close-up of a movie
Me, blacklisted in a sketch
Exposed in diagnosis
Experts analyze and judge: oh, não!
Let it be as it will be!
Everything put in its right place
So, trying to predict was only to fool me
Let it be as it will be!
Me, in my right place
On an upside-down continent
In black and white, in hotels
In a clear and simple frame I am what you see
I Don’t Know The Reason
I wonder
Do I love, do I not love
Inside of me there is a void
I cannot see why
I squeeze shyly next to you
When you go, I miss you, I miss you.
I’m glad to see you
My eyes are almost full (of tears)
In my heart it doesn’t come that way
Stop it and say goodbye
In his heart he doesn’t want anything
I don’t know the reason … I don’t know.
The name is a lie
It destroyed us
Because my heart loves,
It forgave (him) again
See what this love of mine did.
There is not enough
courage to make me happy
There is his betrayal
She got me from him, she got him from me
Maybe the day will come,
When I take my medicine
Maybe my state
will get worse as I go
Please be patient a bit as my heart tells me what happened
I Can Sing
Love is already here
Dance in the sky
The sea is so deep
The warm sun
The star twinkling
The wild wind again
Perhaps with us singing
I hear it
I can sing
The joy of the world
I can sing
My joy again
I can sing
Telling like this my story
I can sing
I can finally sing at last
I can sing
I can finally sing at last!
I can sing!
I can sing!
I can sing!
I can finally sing at last!
Athena's Song
The waves can beat
Sometimes the weather is calm
Above us just a bright sky
The waves they measure
Our time they adjust
Rocking and swinging
I Remember It
Above us just a bright sky...
Hey! Now I remember it
The melody is familiar
I remember how I sat beneath the moonlight and I heard
Where did I hear?
That I remember
Do - I know it from somewhere
Magic of time
It brings back happiness that glided like a boat
I remember it so
I remember it
Oh! I can remember Mom
From that time
I remember how in the evenings I sat as well as waited
I remember the song
Above us just a bright sky
The waves they measure
Our time they adjust
And now I remember
Now I remember the song
And I will defy
The law of silence
Now I will sing majors (and) minors
Every single note
Like so
So she also did
Now I remember the song
And I remember love!
Pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli ljudi
Pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli ljudi
Alo, treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Čoveče
Alo, treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Čoveče
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti, zločini nikad neće nestati
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti (ko je pao u zamku nezadovoljstva?)
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti, zločini nikad neće nestati
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti
Nije li ti se smučio razlog života više? Nije li ti se smučio razlog života više? Nije li ti se smučio razlog života više? Čoveče
Nije li ti se smučio razlog života više? Nije li ti se smučio razlog života više? Nije li ti se smučio razlog života više? Čoveče
Alo, treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Čoveče
Alo, treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Čoveče
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti, zločini nikad neće nestati
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti (ko je pao u zamku nezadovoljstva?)
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti, zločini nikad neće nestati
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti
(1) HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Pripadnici ljudskog roda HEJ HEJ! će se plašiti
HEJ HEJ! Pripadnicima ljudskog roda mi ćemo zauvek biti strah
Ah, ljudi . .
Boluju od bolesti prljavo bogatih, nestabilni su
Bela kuća nam nikad neće spasiti budućnost
UPOZORENJE!! za ceo svet
Punom parom smesta reformiraj život
Pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli ljudi
Pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli, pogodnost, pogodnost - živeli ljudi
Alo, treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Čoveče
Alo, treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Treseš li se od ljutnje zbog mene? Čoveče
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti, zločini nikad neće nestati
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti (ko je pao u zamku nezadovoljstva?)
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti, zločini nikad neće nestati
ŠTA IMA - puno straha i nesigurnosti
(2) HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi. Ljubav beži, da l' se plašiš?
HEJ HEJ! Pripadnici ljudskog roda HEJ HEJ! će se plašiti
HEJ HEJ! Pripadnici ljudskog roda, vi ste zauvek pripadnici ljudskog roda koji znaju samo cmizdreti
Koja ste vi jednostrana podmukla govna od ljudi - mrdnite se malo i pobijte se sa mnom
Preseci postojanje svog prirodnog neprijateljia svojim očnjacima sadističkih kazni
Od ovako tipične pohlepe za sve što vam je ispred očiju država se promeniti ne može
Podsmevajmo se teoriji rata ovih glupavih debila
Podsmevajmo se teoriji rata ovih glupavih debila
(3) HEJ HEJ! Himna ljudi!! Ah, ljudi . . Ljudi, je l' vas je strah!!
Sleepy night, honey filled moon
Sleepy night, honey filled moon
This moon is so dim
As you're there, Oh dear, today this night
It doesn't feel to be all alone, not at all
Far away, very far away, on the other bank of the river
Who's yearning for you along the tunes of the flute
Losing myself along those tunes, getting soaked in the moon
Today I look for you all alone
You're a distant star, you couldn't understand
The heartbreak of Kumudini [feminine moon],The heartbreak of Kumudini
You're the blue waves, I'm the sea-beacj
You just touch me and receede fast into the seas
If you're close, I can't tell you anything
If you're far away, I miss you a lot
If I catch you this time, I'll finally tell you, this is what I always think
But I can't muster up the strength for it, can't muster up the strength
Sleepy night, honey filled moon
This moon is so dim
As you're there, Oh dear, today this night
It doesn't feel to be all alone, not at all
Whether I remain or not
Whether I remain or not, you'll stay inside me somewhere
If I sleep the last among us, then do come in my dreams
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
May I remain or not, you'll stay inside me somewhere
If someday the rain arrives, then take it as me being in the drops
If the sunrays tease you in the morning, then take it as me being in the rays
If someday the rain arrives, then take it as me being in the drops
If the sunrays tease you in the morning, then take it as me being in the rays
Whether I say or not, do listen to me forever
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
Wrapped in the winds, I'll pass by touching you
If you feel like it, then stop me, I'll stop by in these lips
Wrapped in the winds, I'll pass by touching you
If you feel like it, then stop me, I'll stop by in these lips
Whether I see or not, do feel me
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
Whether I remain or not, you'll stay inside me somewhere
In Good Buzz
Where the eye can't see
Secrets disappear
Bitter is the taste of love
That poisons our blood
In mother's hems, in bladed weapons
Leaks blood from the womb to the neck
Stream of life turns into river
Fall of death closes in its arms
Closes in its arms!
Six bullets! (Hey! Hey!)
Six players! (Hey, hey!)
Six shots! (Hey! Hey!)
And not a single winner!
[Chorus 1]
In a good buzz for a week or two
Call a taxi even to oblivion
You empty the clip, and to last drop
Pieces of your soul are now drowned
Week or two
Week or two
[Verse 2]
Children in their small shoes
Try to get into world of the adults
One step is already too much
When the road is coated black with tar
Coated black with tar!
Six bullets! (Hey! Hey!)
Six players! (Hey, hey!)
Six shots! (Hey! Hey!)
And not a single winner!
[Chorus 1]
In a good buzz for a week or two
Call a taxi even to oblivion
You empty the clip, and to last drop
Pieces of your soul are now drowned
Six bullets! (Hey! Hey!)
Six players! (Hey, hey!)
Six shots! (Hey! Hey!)
And not a single winner!
[Chorus 1]
In a good buzz for a week or two
Call a taxi even to oblivion
You empty the clip, and to last drop
Pieces of your soul are now drowned
[Chorus 2]
In the black coffin for the last journey
I concentrate to remember the way
I'll send a message if i get there
And walk beside you even if you won't notice
We are the dispatchers
Step up, we are the dispatchers!
Step, logistics proletariat!
Ding-Dong, always deliver, never wait,
nobody there, message in, stairs down!
Delivering through the blizzard on demand, bikinis from Zalando.
Even if I do not look like this, I live in a Ford Transit.
Packages heavy, packages big, at least not homeless.
No minimum wage, no break time, trapped in self-employment!
Step up, we are the dispatchers!
Step, logistics proletariat!
Ding-Dong, always deliver, never wait,
nobody there, message in, stairs down!
I never complain that work is crap, even if I'm employed with a time limit.
When sushi rings at the front door, people are exploited!
My barrack cold, my location will be tracked via app!
Freed from the protection of labor law, trapped in self-employment!
Step up, we are the dispatchers!
Step, logistics proletariat!
Ding-Dong, always deliver, never wait,
nobody there, message in, stairs down!
What is separating rover from sub-sub-sub-sub-entrepreneur?
He is not human, he is not an animal. No, he is a parcel courier.
I am not human, I am not an animal. No, I am a parcel courier.
I am not human, I am not an animal. No, I am a parcel courier.
Step up, we are the dispatchers!
Step, logistics proletariat!
Ding-Dong, always deliver, never wait,
nobody there, message in, stairs down!
Divine Answer
My mother prayed for me when I was a sinner
She sent God a humble request
That there would be a true regeneration inside my heart
That is what she asked for in her request
Oh, what pleasure there is in my soul
Because Christ saved me
He heart the requests
of my mother's prayers
My mother raised her voice to heaven in prayer
I never wanted to hear her advice in her voice
But she, with faith and love, told me about the Savior
She always would tell me, 'Son, look for your God.'
One day by grace I felt in my being a blessing
I felt a new change inside my heart
A beautiful pleasure that made me see that the salvation
Of Jesus that I received because of his grace and compassion
Chorus (Encore)
Drum and Bass
Versions: #1
looks in the mirror
and watches his image morph
on an early metro
totally alone
sitting across from himself
he feels his defeat
someone's watching
talking to him
from the other side
but he hears none of it
that's just how he is
it's just the drum and
the bass pounding
in his head
talks to himself and
eats dog food
if he gets money he jumps on the phone
always needs something
when love knocks his ass down
sits him on the ground
screws him like noone else
he sees it but doesn't recognize
that, that's all he knows, only he knows
when the drum and the bass
pounds in his head
violates you if you're not cautious
have your back turned
and if in the mood
jumps you
and moves until ..
it starts back again, like
boom bap and the dude is mixing
it calms him, thefunksoulbrothercheckitoutnow
o yea
only the drum and the bass pounding
in his head
drum and bass pounding
in his head
New Vibe
H-O-N-I-G man
H-O-N-I-G man
H-O-N-I-G man
H-O-N-I-G man
show me if you really really wanna stay
baby take it ticky ticky it all the way
tell if you want it want it want it all
come mami mami come
foll-lo-lo-low us
come boost the bass
no this isn't getting boring
aw aw
compressed rhythm
fan me the time flies
I have the ace
oh ooh
what's the story share your story
baby it's da new new vibe
come with us don't you worry
everyone's in the love love love vibe
tiqi tiqi tam tiqi tiqi tam tam
tell me what's the story
tiqi tiqi tam tiqi tiqi tam tam
it got hot hot here
a bit where the stories propel me
everything here is fresh you refresh look
look at me
come click on the like I brought here a strike
you came in chick such chic
foll-lo-lo-low us
come boost the bass
no this isn't getting boring
aw aw
compressed rhythm
fan me the time flies
I have the ace
oh ooh
what's the story share your story
baby it's da new new vibe
come with us don't you worry
everyone's in the love love love vibe
tiqi tiqi tam tiqi tiqi tam tam
tell me what's the story
tiqi tiqi tam tiqi tiqi tam tam
it got hot hot here
H-O-N-I-G man
H-O-N-I-G man
H-O-N-I-G man
H-O-N-I-G man
Are you also here?
A really clever farmer
Has done nothing but tricking people
He came up with
One excuse after the other
He says that he wants
The best for our agriculture
The small farmers all said
'The devil should get him!'
Now he's in front of the door of hell
There all devils shoutet:
'Are you also here? Are you also here?
We've been waiting for you so long!
Yes, we love such snacks
That was a good catch!
Are you also here? Are you also here?
You'll soon go up a flue!
You will make some good juicy smoked ham
We're already excited for it!'
There was a folk festival in Bavarian Riad
There was so much to see!
A beer tent and a swingboat
And even a bull show!
There came a famous man
As patron and as official speaker
He was the first in line
For the bull cage
He stears really stupidly into it
And so the bull shoutet out:
'Are you also here? Are you also here?
What are you doing here in your tuxedo?
I think we had the same father
We have the same neck!
Are you also here? Are you also here?
Watch out, I've got an idea:
I'll be minister-president
And you'll go in here!'
A restaurant owner from Altötting
Wanted to be someone more important
He was a loyal server
Like a Wasti for his master
He thinks 'When it will be passed down
I could be the heir!
Before there is someone else in front of me in line
I'll crawl into him from behind!'
And as he comes through the opening
Stoiber started singing:
'Are you also here? Are you also here?
I hardly believe my eyes!
Now look at your face
You're already really brown!
Are you also here? Are you also here?
Now we're complete:
Over there in the duodenum
Is the rest of the cabinet!'
He lives in the cold
He has no father or mother
He lives in the woods
He only knows winter
He is thirteen today
He has no friends I think
Sometimes he dreams at night
Sometimes he chops his wood
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
He doesn't read newspapers
He already knows all he needs by heart
He doesn't listen to the radio
He prefers to chop his wood
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
The Ballad of happy people
Versions: #1
Our old Earth is a star,
Where you are also shining.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
You have no title and no rank
But you say 'tu' when you speak to God.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Journalist, for your headline,
You may write whatever you like.
We'll offer you a wonderful title,
The Ballad of happy people.
We'll offer you a wonderful title,
The Ballad of happy people.
You who planted a tree
In your small suburban garden
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
He falls asleep and you look at him,
He's your child, he looks like you.
We've come to sing to him the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
We've come to sing to him the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
You the star on top of the world,
Come down to us, you'll see us better.
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Should you be a king of flirting and jokes,
Should you be a gambler or a nice old man,
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Like a chorus in a cathedral,
Like a bird giving it its all,
You've just sung the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
You've just sung the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Versions: #1
You were barely fifteen
You wore ribbons in your hair
You lived very close
To the Grand Palais
I called you every morning
And together we rode the train
To go to highschool
Michèle, sitting next to you
I was waiting for the break
To go to the café
Drink a chocolate
And then kiss you
One day you turned seventeen
Your hair was flowing in the wind
And often you would sing
'Oh, yesterday...'
Every Thursday afternoon
We would go to the cinema
See the movies, of Marilyn
Michèle, one night on December
Snow was falling on the roofs
We were, you and I
Asleep together
For the first time
Time went by slowly
And blurred out the Prince Charming
Who was offering you travels
In his clouds
I was told you got married
In April, last spring
That you live, in Paris
Michèle, all of this is so far away now
The streets, the joyful cafés
Even the suburb trains
Are mocking you, are mocking me
Michèle, all of this is so far away now
The streets, the joyful cafés
Even the suburb trains
Are mocking you, are mocking me
Are mocking me !
And I sing
I see a train coming
On a cloud from the past
I see a hand holding flowers
But it has no fingers
I see a dog dying
From wanting to keep up with my pace
I see the winter smiling
To the blue years of afterlife
I hear the rain fall
In the garden of magicians
I hear symphonies
Played by a thousand musicians
I hear a grey bird screaming
To the wind in the distance
I hear my life crying
Stuck in my memory without future
I see cities sink
In the middle of hidden oceans
I see eyes shining
In the silence of great rocks
I see a set of skittles
That I can't topple
I see a little girl
Buried at the mirror of passing years
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
I hear the rain fall
In the garden of magicians
I hear symphonies
Played by a thousand musicians
I hear a grey bird screaming
To the wind in the distance
I hear my life crying
Stuck in my memory without future
I hear an old drum
sounding the charge of statues
I hear a cry of love
That I never recognised
I hear the last days
Pounding my bare head to death
I hear a bard sing
About the time that will not come back
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing
Either Karabakh or death!
[Verse 1]
My heart cries with the weeping ones
With those mourning in Karabakh
Karabakh can't erase its tears for 70 years
Freedom has come but Karabakh couldn't smile yet
Let the world hear this voice!
This voice is the voice of the East
The voice of the honorable race praised by the Prophet
This voice is the voice of Azerbaijan
This voice is the voice of Turks
These armenians encroached and still encroaching on our lives
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 2]
There's blood in Karabakh, Azerbaijan's crying
Azerbaijan's bleeding in Karabakh
The snow melts from the spilled blood, Azerbaijan's crying
Hey, cruel world! Turn and look at us!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 3]
World! Enough! Don't turn a blind eye to this crime of humanity
Look at the blood thirsty armenian villain
Which said 'It's mine' and invaded my land
Either finish this or get out of the way
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 4]
If Azerbaijan was an eye Karabakh would be its pupil
The very middle of Azerbaijan, its navel
Is it my eye that this armenian bastard covets?
Take him away from our door, world, this bastard is yours
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 5]
I already know well the peculiarity of the armenians
I've known this since 1918
I know them by their hands which were covered in my blood
It's time to cut off those hands
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 6]
While a black saga was being written in Karabakh
While those innocent people were being pushed under the bullets
While babies' heads were being smashed by stones
No one can say to me now grit your teeth
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 7]
Young, elder, women, girls perish endless
Arms cut eyes gouged out
Their cries spreading around like waves
The grave of a martyr is now more than one
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 8]
Where are you Muslims?
Tell me, don't you see this torments, this savagery?
Today is the day of Unity, be united
Say 'Allahu Akbar!' and become one
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 9]
The friend of turks - is Allah, we believe in Islam
Islam says 'Loving the Motherland is part of faith'
World, don't tell me it doesn't
Say 'Jihad' to me already!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 10]
Why is the world silent? Let your voice be heard!
Make up a truce, where's your truce?!
If they want, don't let this fire stop
Now shove this truce up your ass - World!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 11]
The armenians will drink our blood like a vampire
And will a truce make our pain go away?
Those who sow this wind will reap the storm
Ozan Arif says that, the arrow has already left the bow!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!