Резултати претраге страна 49
Број резултата: 2269
Darling's Left to Join The Army
Darling's left to join the army
And told me to date no one.
I won't do it though I'm horny,
If boys call, I'll jump the gun.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Smedj je lešnik
Smedj je lešnik
Smedj sam i ja,da jesam
Smedja mora biti moja devojka
Baš kao ja.
Holderi juvi juvi di ha ha ha.
Devojka me je poljubila
To me je jako zabolelo,
Da jako zabolelo
Uzvratio sam joj,
Ja ništa ne uzimam besplatno
Holderi juvi juvi di ha ha ha.
Moja devojka nema ni dvorište ni kuću,
Moja devojka nema pare, da nema pare
Ali je neću dati ni zašta na svetu
Holderi juvi juvi di ha ha ha.
Smedj je lešnik
Smedj sam i ja,da jesam
Smedja mora biti moja devojka
baš kao ja.
Holderi juvi juvi di ha ha ha. (jodlovanje)
Donosilac oluje
Mi smo samo krv i meso
Ispod Sunca koje nestaje
Dva srca koja lupaju kao jedno
Podignutih u borilištu
Zovi me, zovi me
Oslobodi me, oslobodi me
Ovo je tvoja sudbina
Loš mesec je u porastu
Boriću se za tebe
Ići ću kroz vatru i led
Ne postoji ništa što neću da uradim
I vetrovi će obojiti nebo
Čujem ih kako zovu moje ime
Donosilac oluje, donosilac oluje
Donosilac oluje
Moj put je otvoreno polje
Pratim severnu zvezdu
Tvoja duša je tvoj jedini štit
Put ratnika
Pođi sa mnom, pođi sa mnom
Neka tako bude, neka tako bude
Ovo je tvoja sudbina
Loš mesec je u porastu
Boriću se za tebe
Ići ću kroz vatru i led
Ne postoji ništa što neću da uradim
I vetrovi će obojiti nebo
Čujem ih kako zovu moje ime
Donosilac oluje, donosilac oluje
Donosilac oluje
Suze će ti olakšati bol
Padaju kao kiša
Donosilac oluje
Neka munje vode put
Loš mesec je u porastu
Boriću se za tebe
Vermilion (Drugi deo)
Izgledala je kao da je obucena svim sto je moje
Rasirena po mojoj sramoti
Sva muka i bol
Procurela je i pokrila me
Uradio bih bilo sta da je imam
Da je samo za sebe imam
I sada ne znam sta da radim
Ne znam sta da radim
Kada me ona cini tuznim
Ona je meni sve
Neuzvraceni san
Pesma koju niko ne peva
Ona je mit u koji moram da verujem
Jos jedan razlog je sve sto mi je potrebno da je ostvarim
Ne znam sta da radim (x2)
Kada me ona cini tuznim
Ali, necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x4)
Zamka u mom grlu
Pocepan na komade
Ja necu - ne
Ne zelim da budem ovo
Ali, necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni
Ona nije stvarna
Ne mogu da je ucinim stvarnom
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)
Izgleda da je ona obucena svim prstenjem...
Bivsih kobnosti
Tako krhka, ali i tako nepostena
Ona idalje vidi
Klimatske ruke koje pritiskaju
Njene hramove i moje grudi. Ulazi u noc
Kada se vecno... vratila kuci
Oh (Ona je jedina koja me cini tuznim)
Ona je meni sve i vise od toga
Svecano hipnoticna
Moja Dalija, okupana posedovanjem
Ona je meni dom
Postanem nervozan, izopacen kada je vidim, i gore od toga
I stres je zapanjujuc
Sada ili nikada
Ona se vecno vraca kuci
Oh (Ona je jedina koja me cini tuznim)
Tesko je reci sta mi je privuklo paznju
Fiksiran i lud-- Privlacna vaš
Izrezi mi ime na mom licu, da bih mogao da prepoznam
Taj feromonski kult koji terorise
Necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x4)
Ja sam rob, ali ja sam i gospodar
Bez uzdrzavanja, i neproverenih kolekcionara
Ja postojim zbog svoje potrebe, da zalazem sebe
Ona je nesto unutar mene, sto prezirem
Necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x8)
(Ona nije stvarna, ne mogu da je ucinim stvarnom) x2
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)
I'm leaving you with all the best
I'm leaving you with all the best, my dear parents,
My people and my guests...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To their house...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To their house...
I've crossed the threshold to go outside,
How kind my mother is...
My parents-in-low, just as they had promised,
Have come to take me...
My parents-in-low, just as they had promised,
Have come to take me...
I've shot a glance over the valley
And over the paddock...
I'm leaving in yearning
My homeland where I've grown up...
I'm leaving in yearning
My homeland where I've grown up...
I'm leaving you with all the best, my brothers,
My brothers and my sisters,
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To our house...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To our house...
© Vladímir Sosnín
It's Not Unusual
It's not unusual to be loved by anyone
It's not unusual to have fun with anyone
But when I see you hanging about with anyone
It's not unusual to see me cry
I wanna die
It's not unusual to go out at any time
But when I see you out and about it's such a crime
If you should ever want to be loved by anyone
It's not unusual, it happens every day
No matter what you say
You'll find it happens all the time
Love will never do what you want it to
Why can't this crazy love be mine?
It's not unusual to feel angry
It's not unusual to feel so sad
If I ever find that you changed
It's not unusual to keep in love with you
Days pass, no matter what you say
You'll find that it happens all the time
Love never does what you want it to do
All this crazy love is mine
It's not unusual to be mad with anyone
It's not unusual to be sad with anyone
But if I ever find that you've changed at anytime
It's not unusual to find that I'm in love with you
It's not unusual
It's not unusual
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
You smile and say that it's all as it's supposed to be
but alone you crack your nut of a head
You say that I am the most-most important to you
while you trample over everything that is good between us
On my lap, you prickle like a disorientated hedgehog
but it was you who decided to be here
Everything I say is
like a gust of wind for your ears
I ask myself why I'm still here
Don't spin-twirl a flaxen-haired maiden
if you have no sparks for me in your eyes
Actually, your honesty doesn't have to be painless
Truth is not too much to ask
When you write, then you send me all the hearts in the world
in a message
You bore into my head, you let me think
that I am the best girl in the capital
But then you disappear from the horizons like a sunray
that took me from darkness to darkness
To warn you, I say this here is the final limit
when you ask yourself why I'm not here
Don't spin-twirl a flaxen-haired maiden (Let me spin some more, let me spin some more)
if you have no sparks for me in your eyes (Let me spin some more, let me spin some more)
Actually, your honesty doesn't have to be painless (Let me spin some more, let me spin some more)
Truth is not too much to ask
For the whole summer, I eyed chicks up
'Hey, tattoo my name on your ribs.'
One actually did it, she did a henna
My heart broke, then Lenna came
I said, 'Hello, sugarcube, I know you can sing
You are roughly exactly my 30th singer
and the 45th girl who is well-known in Estonia
Not including bloggers because I messed up counting
I left my glasses home because I just like to hang out
because players just like to play
Oh, sweetie, let's go eat out in Maikrahv
and leave all the sweet talk to me
You are mine but we will split the bill
You called me an ass but names will never hurt anyone
I have many irons in the fire because I said there were a many mes
Don't spin-twirl a flaxen-haired maiden (Let me spin some more, let me spin some more)
if you have no sparks for me in your eyes (Let me spin some more, let me spin some more)
Actually, your honesty doesn't have to be painless (Let me spin some more, let me spin some more)
Truth is not too much to ask
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without written permission of the author.
If you want to base your translation on mine or just translate it, you are free to do it (especially on this website). Just keep in mind that I'd be glad if you mentioned me, referred to me.
You can also notify me (I would check my translation for any overlooked errors and/or I could answer your questions if you have any) but you don't have to.
Most of my translations are works in progress. One never knows when a revelation may strike. One word: recheck.
Целог живота сам се питао зашто
се и даље борим против плиме
Због милиона разлога које сам открио,
могло би се десити, могло би се десити да нисам у праву
Дошао сам до врха и дошао до дна,
Али негде низ тај кривудави пут
Осетио сам да бих могао све да изгубим,
Али, могло би се десити, могло би се десити да нисам у праву
Оваква олуја
би лако могла сломити човека
Али када се све смири
Сви смо живи и здрави
Целог живота сам покушавао да откријем
Значење онога што смо оставили за собом
Кажу да је то сам живот, али
(осећам да би се) могло десити, могло би се десити да нисам у праву
Оваква олуја
би лако могла сломити човека
Али када се све смири
Сви смо живи и здрави
Олуја ће се одмах смирити
Све ће опет бити у реду
Ожиљци из битака више неће бити важни
Али, могло би се десити, могло би се десити да нисам у праву
My mother poked my eyes out during childhood...
My mother poked my eyes out during childhood,
So that I wouldn't find jam on a rack,
To movies I don't go and don't read spy books,
But I can smell and hear every little crack.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
My song
I've tried to hide my pain, I was running away.
I've tried to seek my place for forgetting myself.
A grey sky above my head.
In fog I cannot find my way.
Smiling to our faces they talk behind our backs
and betray that who trust in them.
Is it really a human nature:
why do you live by lies, breaking hearts?
The day after the night, sunrise will come again
and I with my song will come in a new day.
If you're feeling blue or alone,
or you shed the silent tears
this is a sign you still exist.
In my eyes there is a sign:
I'm alive, you hear me again:
I'm eternally grateful for the wonderful
chance to be born.
If you have a dream: the painfully dear dream
that is not given to achieve by reality -
it's a reason that we must
keep reaching to light
Suspense waits for me at the door to nowhere.
Forgetting fear, I hold out my hand.
To all those, who are falling on knees
To all those, who are weak and lost
Just believe in yourself, I gift to you my song.
In my eyes there is a sign:
I'm alive, you hear me again:
I'm eternally grateful, The Cruel World,
that you made possible this meeting.
Три тополе, три трубе
На Мајдану* крај зида Саборне цркве стоје три тополе
Рано ујутру козаци су засвирали три трубе
Црвено сунце у плаветнилу удара у златна звона
Ти и ја још имамо снаге, ти и ја смо козаци
Три тополе, три трубе
Чују се чак до неба
Три тополе, три трубе
Све ће бити како треба
Сурова или благонаклона судбина нам је крила дала
Наш посао, наша ствар – сабља, лула, буздован
На чистом пољу је весели пут, једини пут, без краја
Козаку-запорошцу не приличи да тугује
Три тополе, три трубе
Чују се чак до неба
Три тополе, три трубе
Све ће бити како треба
Три тополе, три трубе
Чују се чак до неба
Три тополе, три трубе
Све ће бити како треба
Три тополе, три трубе
Чују се чак до неба
Три тополе, три трубе
Све ће бити како треба
Три тополе, три трубе
Чују се чак до неба
Три тополе, три трубе
Све ће бити како треба
Karma is coming again, hitting the face
You're shaking me even yesterday
Karma is coming to the road, burning out
It's sinking into my heart
It's like he's reading prepared sentences from a book
Blank stories each
Didn't even close, never counting
Random excuses
I've buttoned up the buttons
Looking forward to love
How can I be in a drop of water
Love, I trembling from my fear
I think you're strikingly charming
Versions: #2
When I look back, I see you.
My eyes to the ground, I see you
Even staring at the sky, I see you
When I stare at the sea, I see you.
On the coast road, down below,
next to the river, I see you.
Even in darkness, I see you.
And in the light too, I see you.
I think you're strikingly charming,
this little something in you
that will drive me blurry.
I think you're strikingly charming,
this little something in you
that will drive me blurry.
When I look straight ahead, I see you.
There on the couch, I see you.
Even in black and white, I see you.
When evening comes, I see you.
When I look back, I see you.
When I get out for a drink, I see you.
Even in black and white, I see you.
When I look straight ahead, I see you.
I think you're strikingly charming,
this little something in you
that will drive me blurry.
I think you're strikingly charming,
this little something in you
that will drive me blurry.
I think you're strikingly charming,
this little something in you
that will drive me blurry.
I think you're strikingly charming,
this little something in you
that will drive me blurry.
I'm in captivity's arms
In the dark of night
My hope is a sea sparkle
A farewell to silence
Don't ask
Please don't ask
What they say
I don't know
Don't touch
Don't touch my dreams
To hold
Even if it's hard
Gelevera creek
You left me and went away, oh
May God damn you
May no one take you
And you stay mine again
My beloved, your love
It scatters my heart
Didn’t you ever think?
That your lover cries like this
Gelevera creek, oh
Gelevera creek is between two mountains
May the scar of my blade
Never gets erased from your face
Everything inside me died of happiness
While I was approaching him
My forest* was green
It was green
We met at the crossroad
We were wandering there
Every bush, every birch
Was happy with us
The whole earth was breathing and shining,
But the spring is gone now.
Birds are quiet, sky is full of clouds.
The war has started
He died near the Medina town.
My pain is in my tears...
Those young, bright eyes
Are closed forever.
Near the road, the inconspicious road
Next to two rowans
With his immortal fame
He´s lying there alone.
News about him, like a bitter poison,
Burned my heart.
My forest was green,
It was green
Sleep sleep
Sleep, sleep beloved son
sleep with no fretting
sleep, sleep restfully.
close your tiny eyes.
Close your beautiful eyes
sleep, sleep restfully.
Close your beautiful eyes
sleep, sleep restfully.
Out of the crib
to enter school
and there, my beloved son
you'll begin to read.
Out of school
to go to the pashas
and you my beloved son
to work you'll go.
Where Do You Go When You Sleep?
When the night comes and you sleep next to me,
I cannot follow you into your dreams—I remain far from you.
Where do you go when you sleep, where do you go, where do you go?
What do you do when you sleep, what do you do?
I do not want to slip into my dreams because you fall into yours without me.
Even if you then speak, you do not agree with me.
I can follow you in this world and walk along with you.
Where do you go when you sleep, where do you go, where do you go?
What do you do when you sleep, what do you do?
I do not want to slip into my dreams because you fall into yours without me.
Where do you go when you sleep, where do you go, where do you go?
What do you do when you sleep, what do you do?
I do not want to slip into my dreams because you fall into yours without me.
Where, where do you go when you sleep?
What, what are you doing?
Where, where do you go when you sleep?
Where, where do you go when you sleep?
What, what are you doing?
Where, where do you go when you sleep?
Lore Lore Lore
U šumi,zelenoj šumi,
postoji kuća šumara.
U šumi,zelenoj šumi,
postoji kuća šumara.
Svako jutro,
tako sveža i bez briga,
šumaska ćerka je napolju,
šumska ćerka je napolju.
ta la la ta ta la la
šumska ćerka je tako sveža
ta la la ta ta la la
šumska ćerka je napolju.
Prelepe su devojke
od sedamnaest,sedamnaest godina.
divne devojke su svuda.
I proleće dolazi u dolinu,
opet mi daj Lore,
Šumar i ćerka,
oboje su dobro pucali.
Šumar i ćerka,
Oboje su dobro pucali.
Šumar je upucao jelena,
ćerka je upoznala dečaka.
Duboko je u mladom srcu,
duboko je u mladom srcu.
Ta la la ta ta la la
Duboko u mladom srcu,maldom srcu,
ta la la la ta ta la la
duboko u mladom srcu.
Prelepe su devojke
od sedamnaest,osmanaest godina.
Divne su devojke svuda.
I proleće dolazi u dolinu,
opet mi daj Lore,
My prosperity isn’t prosperity
This world is mortal
What did I do to you, fate, you turned your back on me
Its robe is purple, my love,
Our reunion is difficult, my love
When I come to your mind,
Ask the rains, my love
When I come to your mind, ask the waves, my love
In the dark nights, I’m a black destiny
Light up my lamp, fate, I’m fine with one candle, oh fate
Take its robe, my love
The eyes are a tale
When I come to your mind, my love,
Dive into the deep, my love
When I come to your mind, my love,
Dive into the faraway, my love
The city wake up and get out to work
The same routine, the same place
So she agrees he has to stop
She does not disagree that she has to change
But she remembers that she has to fight.
Crowded transport, pressed, standing
The city go down to Largo da Sé¹
mechanically it shows faith
on another day's arrival
And in Liberdade² she drink a coffee
Office, boss, card to mark³
The skinny sandwich eaten in a bar
So she's awake, she's trying to scream
Against what tightens you and makes you silent
But she gives up and begins to cry
Ramadan Lightened
Ramadan has a special soul (air)
A door for the neighbor open wide
And children with lanterns going & coming.. singing to Ramadan.
Family & loved ones
And a gathering of friends
The smell of days of generosity & love .. & joy everywhere.
Ramadan Ramadan.. Ramadan lightened (illuminated) everywhere
And generosity overflows & ever increases more
And we feel each others' troubles more & more x2
It has a different taste
And when the sun goes down,
The whole family gather & come together .. the near & the far.
Ramadan is a feeling
Not just days
As it is a month of joy beginning .. & at its end the night of Eid.
Ramadan Ramadan.. Ramadan lightened (illuminated) everywhere
And generosity overflows & ever increases more
And we feel each others' troubles more & more x2
Lady Carneval
Great as Lolo, posh as little Jane
beautiful as Aphrodite once in Athens
All of them together, that's what I call perfect
like this and nothing else is Lady Carneval
One in a hundred - only one can it be
99 times it is not what it seems
There are Ladies everywhere, but Lady Carneval
exists only one time, only one time
When we find each other, that's clear as a crystal
the people say, we are the most beautiful couple
and the one that I mean, knows it for a long time
Today is the day of the most beautiful time that will come
Your eyes are promising so much
although I know that everything is just a game
Red roses, red wine, beeing happy - just for a few days
only with you
El Homiguero (The Anthill)
Here come the ants
We are conquering enemy lands
Invisible, silent and simultaneous
All the invasion is underground
Without shooting into the air, without firing missiles,
Without having to kill people using projectiles
We fight the war without using rifles
We go block by block like bricklayers
A couple cowboys have tried to stop us
But the anthill is already built
We are many brothers with many cousins
The family is large because we do reproduce
We take the place of the cowboy in his offices
Because we work full time and with no tip
We are not welcome
But we enter however we can, we sting you and we punish you
When you are least paying attention the ants trick you
They attack as a team just like piranhas
Although small, thanks to the union
All together become a truck
Poor cowboy who underestimates us
When he falls asleep, the colony gets over him
That's why the cowboys in all corners
We have them eating Latin food
You want war? [x14]
Ants can face any giant
They enter through the trunk of any elephant
They make them collapse without any blood splashing
Formic acid, so it stings them
Don't be too confident if the bite does not burn you now
The burning of the bite, you will feel it later
Even if you have cowboy boots and hat
There are many ants and just a few cowboys
The humble people ate the nobles
By 2020 we will be double,
Here there is no racism, it is not about race
If I work here, well, here I have my house
Being impartial, that is what it's all about
We have to share all the candy of the piñata
But if the cowboy mistreats us
It could be the ants will react like Zapata
As a team, any setback is resolved
When we sting you, we all sting at the same time
There should be no questions about our unity
When facing danger, ants die together
You want war [x8]
A sleeping country is a deserted country
My government gets scared when I wake up
You can even throw at me your federals (FBI)
We are 600 million without counting the illegals
Between the legs I never hide my tail
I prefer to die as a rebel than to live as a slave
I bet your people will surrender first
Because my soldiers do not fight for money
I'm not afraid of confrontations
Because I grew up among invasions
And just like the ants, if I have bad luck
I defend my anthill to death
You want war [x21]
Let's face off to see who is tougher!
Macloud, kakav udarac?
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (huh)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (ne, ne)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara
(O Bože)
[Deo 1]
Osmeh od milion dolara, osmeh od milion miliona dolara (hehe)
Žele da budu isti, ali ne znaju za konopce
Četrdeset i tri, četrdeset, četrdeset i četrdeset
Gram teži ovu ogrlicu, plaćam je sa dolarskom novčanicom (voo, voo, da)
Minimalno 18 karata,
Čak ni tvoja tata ne bi ti ovo kupio
Dobila si Gucci i Pradu (voo)
Ali ti si još uvek gubitnik (da)
Postavi fotografiju sa hashtagom
Uklanjam sve tvoje gotovine (haha)
Ovde imam deset miliona u gotovini
Mislim da je to zbog moje karme
Ja sam to sam izgradila (aha)
Došlo je vreme da se potroši bilo šta
A ono što se dešava je neverovatno (voo, voo)
A ono što se dešava je neverovatno (rrah)
[Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (peng, peng)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (da.)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (rrah)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (huh)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (ne, ne)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara
[Deo 2]
Moj osmeh vredi milion (haha)
Tamo sam, gdje bi htjeli biti (gdje bi htjeli biti)
Ne ponašaj se kao milioner (milioner)
Dobijam više, sve više i više, daj mi više (vu)
Sve ću ih pobiti (da)
I uradim samo ono što želim (da)
Govoriš o automobilima i vilama
Zaustavi svoj film
Dušo, nisam što ASAP
Brejkdens, lažni-prijatelji
Mic-check na hightechu
Suviše daleko za ostale
G, G, G, G, G-klasa
Moram da znam i da se pozdravim
G, G, G, G, G-klasa
2EUROGANG, druga klasa (rrah)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (peng, peng)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (da.)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (rrah)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (huh)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (ne, ne)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara
As the Voices Said
That day I started to hear the voices
That told me things about my destiny
From the day that I would become
From an ordinary subject to a systematic killer
I waited, as the voices said
For the sign of the end of our time
And then I went through the revealed message
Just at the entrance to a large parking lot
I didn't really understand all the voices
I barely understood what the goal was
However, so fast that one speaks
I filled the trunk of the car with the explosives
I parked, as the voices said
On the side, next to the cinema doors
I felt sorry for the imported cars
But the voices guaranteed that it would be worth it
And suddenly all the voices ceased
As if they had never existed
Relief that would be memorable
If I were not responsible for a destroyed mall
And since then I've never heard the voices
But I doubt it will change my luck
My future is somewhat uncertain
From here I head straight for the death row
Today we set sail into the blue sea
Farewell my dear
today we set sail into blue sea
and you my dear
stays there alone
and you wait until I return
ahoy, ahoy
stay true to me
Farewell my dear
today we set sail into the blue sea,
into the blue sea
Paw Patrol Intro (German)
Paw Patrol
Paw Patrol
Call us and we come
If someone got a problem
then are they on the jump
Ryder and his pup team they will bring help
Marshall, Rubbel, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye
We hurry up quickly
Paw Patrol
Paw Patrol
We solve serious cases
Paw Patrol
Paw Patrol
And are very fast there
No Job too big no pup is too small
Paw Patrol we intervene
Here we are
Paw Patrol
Woah oh oh
Paw Patrol
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
To your body's palaces
Since I was a child they kept telling me
you don't live into a fairytale
princesses and princes
don't live in the same house.
But I never listened to
what others said
scumbag they called me
and stubborn.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces.
And now that I grew up
I found the meaning
colour was given to my life
and got imagination.
Even if it was never written
from the world's books
the fairytale became
a true story.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into you hidden paths
to your body's palaces.
In Depths of Dark Siberian Mines
Versions: #1
In depths of dark Siberian mines
Three men sit, shitting on side lines.
Their somber deed won't go to waste -
The dogs will come and get a taste.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.
The fire in my eye is close to my heart
I thought our love would last a lifetime.
No more separation
You said so.
If you know how
The fire in my eye is close to my heart
I thought our love would last a lifetime.
No more separation