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The fire in my eye is close to my heart
I thought our love would last a lifetime.
No more separation
You said so.
If you know how
The fire in my eye is close to my heart
I thought our love would last a lifetime.
No more separation

I'm All Right

Versions: #2
Breath in, and inhale me inside of you, then hold me there.
That's our only thought. Don't stop!
This is more than just an ordinary feeling.
These fake emotions pound against my temples.
Without thinking, we forgot the word 'stop'.
We fell, cuddling one another, in this fake dream.
We swam effortlessly, as if we were melted wax in the water.
You understand me so easily, how can you do that?
Don't look at me like that, I'm alright.
I'm okay, I'm okay
The night's already gone, but the fog stayed behind.
It's perfect. It's fine.
Don't look at me like that, I'm alright.
I'm okay, I'm okay
The night's already gone, but the fog stayed behind.
It's perfect. It's fine
It's bitter. Don't you know that's normal.
I wanted to share my joy with you from the very beginning.
But you couldn't do that with me.
But, everyone has their own weaknesses.
Fake moonlight cast upon our heads.
It's still there between us, hiding.
We swam effortlessly, as if we were melted wax in the water.
But it's not easy for us just to quit
Don't look at me like that, I'm alright.
I'm okay, I'm okay
The night's already gone, but the fog stayed behind.
It's perfect. It's fine.
Don't look at me like that, I'm alright.
I'm okay, I'm okay
The night's already gone, but the fog stayed behind.
It's perfect. It's fine.
Don't look at me like that, I'm alright.
I'm okay, I'm okay
The night's already gone, but the fog stayed behind.
It's perfect. It's fine.
Don't look at me like that, I'm alright.
I'm okay, I'm okay
The night's already gone, but the fog stayed behind.
It's perfect. It's fine.

Surfing Karma & DNA

How many times have I been
Face to face with the worst half?
The memory in the mirror
Hope on the other side
How many times do we survive
The moment of truth?
In the absence of something better
I never lacked the courage
If I only knew what I know now
I would miss everything exactly the same way
I have lived one day a week
Finish the money, month still has
No past or future
I live one day at a time
How many times have I been
Face to face with the worst half?
How many times do we survive
The moment of truth?
If I only knew what I know now
I would leave before the end
Surfing Karma and DNA
I don't want to have what I don't have
I'm not afraid to make a mistake!
Surfing Karma and DNA
I don't want to be what I am not
I'm not bigger than the sea!
Lacking what to do, I invented my freedom!
Surfing Karma and DNA

Обале љубави (Олуја)

Моја љубавнице
Јеси ли изгубљена на мору ноћас?
На дивљем мору чији ветрови
кидају твоја једра?
Да ли се небо руши на тебе као
звер са очњацима?
Док је тама затрована
Да ли се таласи разбијају
о невидљиву обалу?
Али моја љубави,
ми морамо прећи на другу страну ноћас.
Срешћемо се, под нашом љубави.
И пловићемо са звездама изнад нас
А све што знам је да ме твој додир
шаље у пловидбу ка обалама љубави
Обалама љубави
Наше путовање је тајно
Нико не зна име места
на којем ћемо се срести
Хајде да не изненадимо ноћ
твојим гласовима.
Негде је упаљена лампа
у тихом дворишту,
у којем ћемо се загрлити.
Какво је то страствено путовање
које нас чини тако неустрашивима
пред ноћу и олујом?
Вечерас ћемо напустити свет
рубина и бисера
и ући у наш свет љубави и пољубаца.
На уснама нам је потребна песма
И ружа у нашим рукама
И неколико осмеха на нашем путовању
До места страсти.
Срешћемо се, под нашом љубави.
И пловићемо са звездама изнад нас
А све што знам је да ме твој додир
шаље у пловидбу ка обалама љубави
Обалама љубави
Кроз урлик ветра
Чућемо зов божанских љубавника
Чије име нико не зна
Пристаћемо без звука
И нико нас неће видети када будемо дошли.
Али светлост ће нам испунити дом,
И благословити сваки прах у њему.
Када смо пристали
на обале вечне љубави.
Срешћемо се, под нашом љубави.
И пловићемо са звездама изнад нас
А све што знам је да ме твој додир
шаље у пловидбу ка обалама љубави
Обалама љубави

Echelon's Song

Echelon after echelon,
Echelon after echelon:
The road begins to widen.
The commander orders to point!
Waving a small white handkerchief
To the Don’s blue hand. 1
Voroshilov, you’re with us, 2
Hiking through life, we became friends,
Together we flew into battle:
Remembering the enemies with longing
Fighting for the white Kalitva, 3
Fighting for Kalach station.
For the Tsaritsyn, for the Tsaritsyn
We’ll fight through day and night,
Crossing peak after peak:
Don’t wash it away with the rain,
Don’t blow it away with the wind -
The blood of the peasants and the workers! 4
The commander orders point!
Waving a small white handkerchief
To the Don’s blue hand.
Echelon after echelon,
Echelon after echelon,
The road begins to widen.
  • 1. The Don is a river
  • 2. Voroshilov was Joseph Stalin’s BFF. Folk legends say that the back in the Russian civil war, during the Battle for Tsaritsyn of 1918, Joseph Stalin met Voroshilov
  • 3. Another river
  • 4. from what I can tell, he is saying don’t let the blood of the innocents be forgotten. You know...because Stalin loved his people (I’m joking)
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Dark Eyes

Dark eyes, burning eyes
Passionate eyes, beautiful eyes
How I love you so, how I fear you so
How I met you in the unfortunate hour
[Couplet 1]
Dark eyes, fiery eyes
How they send me far away
Where love and peace reigns
Where there is no suffering, where suffering is banned
Dark eyes, burning eyes
Passionate eyes, beautiful eyes
How I love you so, how I fear you so
How I met you in the unfortunate hour
[Couplet 2]
You should not have met me, so I wouldn't suffer like that,
So I would live my life smiling
How your dark eyes ruined me so
The time taking away my happiness
Dark eyes, burning eyes
Passionate eyes, beautiful eyes
How I love you so, how I fear you so
How I met you in the unfortunate hour
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Never mind the world

July August September
don't stop smiling in every season
Life, believe me is too short
Maybe we won't go out of summer
Never mind Never mind
Never mind the world
If you don't want to cry
you should never mind the world
Ahmet Mehmet Süreyya
All is empty,  all is adream
One day life will end
I had seen the dream
i Never mind i Never mind
i Never mind the world
If you don't want to cry
you should never mind the world, also
They cheat
Forget about past yesterday
Every evening
You can spend every day
i Never mind i Never mind
of this world, i Never care
I swear i do not care about it nor move it from it place
regardless of what would the earth's population would say(about me)


light haired Rita (Yeah!)
Was falling down alone
And you too (o-o-o)
And you too
Not noticing, like a leaf went out
My light haired Rita
And you too (o-o-o)
And you too
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?
(*God dammit!)
Where is my airplane?
But, where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?
We are handsome pilots
Flying to our fleet (Yes!)
Flying to our fleet (To Baghdad!)
With airplanes
We are handsome pilots
Flying to our fleet
Flying to our fleet
With airplanes
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?

Two Girls From Germany

I'm in love with two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
Two girls from Germany
Oh, they are so cute!
White sausages, dumplings, sauerkraut
And three liters of beer
Gisela from Bavaria
Loves it oh so much
But when we kiss
I get nervous
Because she keeps saying
'Boy, what are you doing?'
I'm in love with two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
Two girls from Germany
Oh, they are so cute!
(Everybody singing!)
Two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
How is that going to work?
I think both of them are pretty!
Monika likes to go out
On the Ku'damm in Berlin1
To beautiful Grunewald2
We never manage to get
Hully gully and twisting
She likes every now and then
But when we kiss she says:
'Boy what's your braggin'?'
I'm in love with two girls from Germany
Gisela, (I said) Monika
(I said) Two girls from Germany
Oh, they are so cute!
(Everybody singing!)
Two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
How is that going to work?
I think both of them are pretty!
  • 1. Kurfürstendamm, famous shopping avenue
  • 2. Integral nature reserve near the city


Is it killing me, or is it good for me?
The world passes over my head
We've already been young and belonged to no one
Things return to their spots
As if it were all the same
We are madness and hate
All that is normal
Teaching you my name
I could sing you yours
I just wanted to say it
And for you to say mine
You didn't see a thing in me
And this whole war
In the end, whom's it for?
What side am I on
If I'm the one who's not okay?

Boy Scouts

Young boy scouts're never wrong -
Their heads're cast iron strong,
They themselves are made of tin,
God-damned devils dwell within!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

He falls asleep again

How did it happen, what kind of miracle had he seen?
In the magic she was more
He chewed on excitement, and in the street he found her
With her yellow cape...
That's how he knew that it was good
to keep looking without knowing what you're looking for,
or who you're looking for.
He who wakes up falls asleep again,
if the dream is the one he doesn't want to miss,
he falls asleep again.
And it happened that they went to the cinema and then farther,
the wind in the face, breathing the sea.
A few hours later he could kiss her in his spaceship
and he knew he'd love her.
She didn't dare to put trust in his space hammock
He hypnotized her.
That's how she knew that it was good
to keep looking without knowing what you're looking for,
or who you're looking for.
Today, for it's always yesterday
today for there is still a tomorrow
fortunate ones, look for Eden.

Dixie (A song that reappears)

Versions: #2
Sing me that song of yours
That is playing all the time
In my ears
You know, I don't allow much time
Don't allow much time like before
For music in my ears
Sing me that song of yours
That arises all the time
Like the sun
When it comes, it's never very long
Before it's gone
When it comes
It's never very long
Before it warms my ears
Hey! When you hum it reappears
Now's the time to prick your ears
When you hum it reappears
Pam dee lee dam, dee lee dam pam

Naked Females...

Naked females fly across evening sky -
Missile has hit the bath house on the fly.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

Due to my respect

If I come to world
once again
Not for once
I will love you for thousand times
We've got divorced
I miss you
How many fights we have had
I'm quite now, ah I'm now
Due to my respect, I bended my head, couldn't speak
Due to my greed, I punched walls
Due to my love, I've hardened my heart, within love of mine
Due to my respect, I bended my head, couldn't speak
Due to my greed, I punched the walls
Due to my trouble, I've got loaded, within love of mine
You aremy sky
I'm the territory on which you step
I'm obligated to you
I'm bounded to you
You are my universe
and I who runs
Whatever you have done to me
I'm quite now, ah I'm now


Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen
Who got lost on an unknown road
Their hearth is now in ruins
They lowered their crown, crown, crown
Two stars die
Verse 1:
It seems like the last page of the book of success
Which I read with thirst and didn't understand
It seems that your eyes have said everything from the foreword
It seems that you're the white dream for which I've been waiting a lifetime
A dose of coke, or your punching bag
We lived a paradox, an unorthodox film
Which cooled and became poor, what we had got lost
I feel asleep, when I woke up, you didn't say anything to me
Throw me into the void, put a gun to my head
Slam me against the sun like a raven fallen from its flock
Hold me in the storm and let me shiver
Forget me in the ruins of the earthquake
Give me cyanide, but don't speak to me with hate
Save me from the weapons which can come out of your mouth
Stab spears into my chest, even if it isn't right
Kill me slowly, but don't tell me to leave
Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen
Who got lost on an unknown road
Their hearth is now in ruins
They lowered their crown, crown, crown
Two stars die
Verse 2:
Not even the great legends of science
Figured out how to end suffering
Which is why I don't want to force your heart to pump
Love through your veins, happiness to paint me
Don't ask me for patience, when it hurts so much
Because I'm a fish on the sand a meter from the sea
I lit a fire like a barbarian on his way to the altar
Which is why I'm looking for a glacier to melt so that I can repair it
Queen, lower your crown, come and fill my wound
Because the dense fog here isn't from marijuana
The king lies gently, with his head in the ground
Because yesterday he tripped with a fact and a thought
I myself, without you, have got through everything
I, with you, just with you, saw myself far
I, with nobody, just with you, wrote another book
You, with me, if you stay, let's love for a night!
Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen
Who got lost on an unknown road
Their hearth is now in ruins
They lowered their crown, crown, crown
Two stars die
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

I'd Stay Right Here

You know I can't resist, my patience is thinning
I have to be with you
You have to let me in
I should just keep dreaming, I can only think
About your lips, they're divine
I can't keep these cravings for love quiet any longer
Your heart has to be mine
Don't give it another thought
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
You know my destiny will lay claim to you
If you're not with me now, it's all the same to me
I should just keep dreaming, I can only think
About your lips, they're divine
I can't keep these cravings for love quiet any longer
Your heart has to be mine
Don't give it another thought
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
Whoa-oa-oa-oa all you have to do is give the word yeah-eah
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word

Winter Moon

The snow is gently falling out there
the face of the moon is looking down
You can hear the owl crying
In its dark loneliness
In an echo, far from here
Voices are calling for an answer
Big, white Winter moon, promise me to
Protect those we love tonight
Big, white Winter moon, take me along
And tell me if my world may live in peace
May live in peace
You may feel alone
There are mountains ahead of you
You must trust in your heart
'Cause it's strong and will show the way
You can carry much more
No matter what happens
Big, white Winter moon, promise me to
Protect those we love tonight
Big, white Winter moon, take me along
And tell me if my world may live in peace
Big, white Winter moon, hear me out
I know that we can get along and find peace
I know that we can get along
I know that we can get along
I know that we can love
And find peace
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Setićeš me se

Nemoj imati sažaljenja da se oprostiš,
ako te povredjuje da podnosiš,
ne čini više pokušaj da ostaneš,
u svakom slučaju znam da nisi više ovde.
I pusi me da plačem samo malo,
ne radim to da bi se osećao loše,
to je samo zato što si mi beskrajno bitan,
ali od danas počinjem da te zaboravljam.
Stvarno više ne očekujem da ostaneš,
niti da se vratiš,
ja nikad više neću ponovo verovati.
Setićeš me se kada budes želeo da me zaboraviš
i tražićeš u nekome ono što si već imao ovde
i pazićeš da ne kažeš moje ime,
zatvorićeš oči da bi mogao ljubiti mene.
Setićeš me se kada razjasni jedno jutro,
kada ti bude potreban istinski zagrljaj.
Setićeš me se kada razumeš
da je sad kasno i da nema nikoga
da te voli kako sam te ja znala voleti.
Setićeš me se kada budeš u pratnji
i osetiš više nego ikada samoću.
Ne traži me ponovo, preklinjem te,
neću izdržati još jednom,
odmah sada umiru naši snovi,
blindiram se za tebe, neću se ponovo predati.
Stvarno više ne očekujem da ostaneš,
niti da se vratiš,
ja nikad više neću ponovo verovati.
Setićeš me se kada budes želeo da me zaboraviš
i tražićeš u nekome ono što si već imao ovde
i pazićeš da ne kažeš moje ime,
zatvorićeš oči da bi mogao ljubiti mene.
Setićeš me se kada razjasni jedno jutro,
kada ti bude potreban istinski zagrljaj.
Setićeš me se kada razumeš
da je sad kasno i da nema nikoga
da te voli kako sam te ja znala voleti.
Setićeš me se kada budeš u pratnji
i osetiš više nego ikada samoću.

Badass Love Stories

I curse
The timeservers
Who compromise through big lies
And ignore collateral
Gag law
I curse
The penny-pinching rich
The hodgepodge of all sorts, I love
Plain pasta,
Plain pasta
Is what I love, no problem
I like
Badass love stories
That sucks
Such is the case
I admit it
Badass love stories
Such is the case
That sucks
I admit it
Stories, stories, stories
Badass love stories
I curse
Those obsessed with their own selves
Amid their own delicatessen,
And their own conceit
(No kidding?)
As for me
I’m sick of the chef’s specials
I’m sick of fat slobs
Of clichés without any right
To full-blooded life
To public illustrations
To eye-killing images
But I like
Badass love stories
That sucks
Such is the case
I admit it
Jerome, can you turn up the volume for
'Badass Love Stories?' I can't hear very well
What are you doing tonight?
Stories, stories, stories
Badass love stories

Kasnije, kučke

Zar dođavola misliš da moram čekati u redu?
To je kompletno i totalno sranje!
Ako ti pokažem svoje sise, da li ćeš me pustiti unutra?
Možeš li samo-samo da popiješ još jedno piće sa mnom?
Kasnije, kučke!
O moj Bože!
Ovo izgleda kao- ovo izgleda kao, najbolja pesma ikada!
Ja samo- ja samo ovo jako volim!
Sranje, ne osećam se dobro
Nije mi trebalo to poslednje piće
Kasnije, kučke!
O moj Bože
Sada sam jako napaljen
Nisam to trebao izgovoriti naglas, ha
Sada ne nosim donji veš
Pa, ti znaš
Mogu li da dobijem još jedno piće?
Hej, pre nego što izađemo odavde
Možeš li-možeš li samo da mi učiniš jednu uslugu?
Možeš li reći, ''Kasnije, kučke!''

Forget about you

I'll undress myself of you
as if you were a suit that I like no more
I won't talk because everything I say
you've said it already
Quietly I'll light another cigarette
to shut my mouth closed!
Forget about you
Erasing everything
I must do it NOW
Forget about you
one time, maybe one time
but now it's not possible!
I'll forget about you
between a look and an invite
it's inevitable
and I'll breath you in my everything things
but it's only a moment
it won't be too bad
I'll have to resist to the impact
and start all over again
Forget about you
Erasing everything
I must do it NOW
Forget about you
one time, maybe one time
but now it's not possible!
I'll undress myself of you
and you slide on me
and I miss you right now
that I know who you are
Forget about you
of your reasons
of our mistakes
Forget about you
and every time, and every time
beginning to live again
still living!

Leave me, please!

x 2
I can never forget your look/ glance,
When you told me...I cannot, my love, no,
That for no one you ever change
Otherwise you wouldn”t be yourself.
(chorus x 2)
Leave me, please!
Make me miss you!
Because you kept me in place enough
Go, go, go well!
I'm sorry
Because you”re pleased/ happy!
That”s how it looks like and that hurts me.
When you tell me it's over,
That you”re free, that I didn”t know how to be a man,
That you never matter/ count for me ...
No, no, that's not true!
Maybe I did not show you
All the love that I had for you,
But if that's how I am,
It doesn”t mean I didn”t love you.
Farewell, good soul!
That”s all your crazy one tells you
I'm sorry I lost you,
That I did not know how to cherish
Everything I've had ...
x 2
You were accustomed that I always forgive,
You were accustomed that I call you back,
You just brought only bad things in my life,
Today ”we” do not exist anymore!
(chorus x 4)
Leave me, please!
Make me miss you!
Because you kept me in place enough
Go, go, go well!
Share music and kindness! :)

The Lone Accordion (S)

Versions: #2
And again it’s gone still till the sunrise
No door squeaks, no lights to come on
Only down the far street, it sounds
Like a lone accordion goes
Only down the far street, it sounds
Like a lone accordion goes
It would go through gates into wide fields
It would come back again and again
As if looking for someone in darkness
As if looking for someone in vain
As if looking for someone in darkness
As if looking for someone in vain
In the air is light breeze from meadows
Apple blossom comes fluttering down
Won’t you tell us who’s that you are craving
Young accordion player, let on!
Won’t you tell us who’s that you are craving
Young accordion player, let on!
What if your darling is but so close
Unaware it’s her that you seek
Why then do you meander alone
Why then do you keep all girls off sleep
Why then do you meander alone?
Why then do you keep all girls off sleep?

Get Up My Ram, Get Up

A ram lies behind that mountain
And misty mountains look at my ram
Who said that the enemy gives us a black look
Get up my ram, get up let’s go to a friend
Hay la lalalla lalalla lalalla
Hay lo lalalla lalalla lalallo
Hay la lalalla lalalla lalalla
Hay lo lalalla lalalla lalallo
Girl, let’s hold our hands together
The mountains became green and the flowers bloomed
Girl, let’s go down to that beautiful meadow
Come and see, what does the world have
translated by Eren Polat


Memory, memory, what do you want of me? Autumn
Makes the thrush fly through colourless air,
And the sun casts its monotonous glare
On the yellowing woods where the north winds hum.
We were alone, and walking in dream,
She and I, hair and thoughts wind-blown.
Then, turning her troubling gaze on me,
‘Your loveliest day?’ in her voice of fine gold,
Her voice, with its angel’s tone, fresh, vibrant, sweet.
I gave her my answer, a smile so discreet,
And kissed her white hand with devotion.
– Ah! The first flowers, what a fragrance they have!
And how charming the murmured emotion
Of a first ‘yes’ let slip from lips that we love!

By closing your eyes

[Verse 1]
I closed my eyes to calm myself
In the moonlight, I like this place
I have to leave right away, I may have understood
I was locked up in my pain
[Verse 2]
In fact, I'm scared
Even at home, that I was sad, every day,
I am filled with love, I had tears in my eyes
I can change the dark colors of my life
Where to swim?
Until when the rain,
Will it finally stop? I do not know
Walk even wet
I am looking for my nest,
In this black city,
I see a huge rainbow
[Verse 3]
Closing your eyes, to slow down
Illuminated by the moon, I must leave
I am so alone, locked up
I am waiting for the weather to clear
Safe in my heart
[Verse 4]
Having to fly, on it's own
Lose my way
I found the light
Where I did not think
Buried in me
The warmth of my hands, motivates me
[Verse 5]
I'm not afraid, even in thunderstorms
Today, every day
Not even afraid in the dark, late
Until the next day
That life allows me to pass with faith
An infinite awakened awakening, the eternal joy
Where to swim?
Until where to run?
Clear my troubles at the river
As I know a sunny place unconsciously
The ice started to melt, slowly
If it starts to rain suddenly
I see a huge rainbow

You Devil

Life is born, Murder is born
All out of the same mother's dying
From start to finish, a small breath
A moment in a lap leaves it cold
A wolf is in the sheep's clothing
Tears apart and neglects
A cold eye is watching
When life escapes from a small body
You drown, eradicate and bury
You feed, love and whip
A cruel woman in God's shoes
Your soul is a pig that your mind loves
You brought your son into a casket
So small that it can be held with one hand
The soul is crying, the dad is crying
A child that begged for your love is gone
You aren't sick, you are the sickness
You, who can kill innocent
Your blood's embodiment is dead because of you
Does the government kill, or the mother's hand
A moment of silence
That never happens anymore
You can rush to play without worry
There where it's always summer
You devil
You brought your son into a casket
So small that it can be held with one hand
The soul is crying, the dad is crying
A child that begged for your love is gone
You drown, eradicate and bury
You feed, love and whip
A cruel woman in God's shoes
Your soul is a pig that your mind loves
You brought your son into a casket
So small that it can be held with one hand
The soul is crying, the dad is crying
A child that begged for your love is gone
What did I do wrong

Storm on my skin

I have the feeling that your honey-black eyes
look for me
And agitate all in me
And I don't know where you are
Wherever I am, I call for you
I don't know exactly on what it depends
And when you will come again
You are the storm on my skin
And the stammering in my voice
The earthquake in my stomach
You are the storm on my skin
I don't know how it started
And how it shall stop
Your honey-black eyes snatch at me
Why aren't we together?
If we both want the same
My heart explodes
And my head runs from there
And towards you
You are the storm in my skin
And the stammering in my voice
The earthquake in my stomach
You are the storm in my skin

This is why

«I want to be everywhere
Get to know all the places I’ve never been to
I want to be stronger
Tears are not weakness
Tears could be strength
I no longer fear anyone »
For all the olive groves, blooming to new seasons
For all the flowers in the fields, for the sound of birds singing
For the November sun, warming homes
For this earth that never stops turning until our eyes wither
For the mountains and the valleys, the journeys still untraveled
For the sea and the waves, for crossing new horizons
For me,
For who I am coming to be,
A far-reaching tuneful voice
For all that was and what will be
This is why I sing
For the little girl inside of me who forgot to grow up in time
And for the mother inside of me who forgot how to celebrate her dreams
This is why I sing
For my willpower,
for my dignity and my freedom
For all those who slipped away
to charming forlorn places
For the faith I have in mankind,
in humanity
I raise my voice, loud and free,
I am the hope that tomorrow will bring
This is why I’m speaking up
«Be strong, love yourself more
I want to grow in confidence
I deserve to be loved
If I’m sad let me be
If I’m happy let me be
If I feel like crying, then I’ll cry
Enough repression
No more fear»
I can hear a voice coming from afar,
Carrying hopes of a new day
Breaking down the wall of fears
And creating dreams
For me,
For who I am coming to be,
A far-reaching tuneful voice
For all that was and what will be
This is why I sing
For the little girl inside of me who forgot to grow up in time
And for the mother inside of me who forgot how to celebrate her dreams
This is why , this is why , this is why
I sing

In the Ward

You have been through a lot since your mother and father broke up, since that you have been living in fear in a way
You started to cut yourself, you said it makes you feel better, you say that you're anxious but you just can't tell why
Father home alone wondering what went wrong, a suicidal daughter in a ward in Pitkäniemi1
Treatment periods one after another, all these different pills you should take
You started to escape, started to drink too, started to give sex for alcohol
You looked at others being happy while at the same time you tried to kill yourself harder
When you thought of life, you always started to cry, you cut your arms and were given stitches in the hospital
'What is wrong with the world' you pondered in a psychiatric hospital
You felt like no one needed you, rather anxiety, depression and insomnia started to bother you again
So young yet so much problems
You wondered if it was just easier to stop living
It feels so bad to be in the ward
It feels so bad to be in the ward
You're locked in your room, security guards behind your door
Bloody scars in your arms and legs
Yesterday you tried to kill yourself once again, nurses come and as how you feel
Well what do you think, no one helps me
Let me out of here already, for fuck's sake
The last bit of joy dies in the closed ward, you hit your head on the wall and try to bite through your skin
None of these nurses know how you feel, they have been giving you pills for a long time without anything changing
The girl escaped and flipped off at the nurses, boozed and was raped at night
Little girl, I don't want the pain to win, and when you messaged me saying that you get empowered from me
I took up a pen, wrote your life down here
I and your family care about you, you're safe here
I want to see you smile today, and I know you smile when you listen to this
I want to see you smile today, and I know you smile when you listen to this
It feels so bad to be in the ward
It feels so bad to be in the ward
  • 1. Alongside with Niuvanniemi in Kuopio, Pitkäniemi in Tampere is one of the two psychiatric hospitals in Finland which offers treatment for especially difficult-to-treat adolescents. Both Pitkäniemi and Niuvanniemi are infamous for being the 'last place' a young person should be taken to

Carmen '77

My name is Carmen
Of course, it's my nickname
They say I have the image
Of someone dancing with a rose in the mouth
I'm Carmen, yet naive
They say I'm too innocent
Becoming a woman like the fire at home
I plan to make you stagger
This is my conclusion
Nothing more but this
I'll surely try to make you my prisoner
Lalala Carmen Carmen
I'll surely make you love me
I'm Carmen, that's it
I don't seem sex-appealing
A woman is something that changes suddenly
Next time you'll be excited
Latest rumours are about Carmen
They say I'm a dangerous woman
The people who gradually understand it
It seems to increase
This is my conclusion
Nothing more but this
I'll surely try to make you my prisoner
Lalala Carmen Carmen
I'll surely make you love me
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.