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Walking alone

I resign tearing up from my window
the character of 'tears' that I write
I don't want to meet you
Not even for a moment
Now the love seen from behind
Is fading before my eyes
After the pleasure of falling in love
They taught me the sadness of the farewell
I'm now an adult
I intend to be it
I erase the character of 'Me'
That I write with blue ink
I can't stand to see my face
I'm dislikeable
Though I could say that I like myself
I put on an indifferent face and mourn
I measure the weight of happiness
I wish there are scales
I wonder what kind of happiness is this
Now the love seen from behind
Is fading before my eyes
After the pleasure of falling in love
They taught me the sadness of the farewell
I'm now an adult
I intend to be it
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

When I'm twenty years old

Please, wait until I'm twenty years old
Don't say goodbye yet
Please, wait though I understand
That your heart is free
You make me worry, you say I'm selfish
In my nineteens, in my nineteens
When I'm twenty years old, I'll walk alone
I'll walk in the evening without you
When I'm twenty years old, I'll laugh alone
Forgetting you, I'll laugh alone
Please, wait until I'm twenty years old
Don't burn my letters
I understand that that person of yours
Is waiting outside the door
You make me worry, you say I'm selfish
In my nineteens, in my nineteens
When I'm twenty years old, I'll walk alone
I'll walk in the evening without you
When I'm twenty years old, I'll search alone
I'll search alone for the pillow of my heart
In my nineteens, in my nineteens
When I'm twenty years old, I'll walk alone
I'll walk in the evening without you
When I'm twenty years old, I'll search alone
I'll search alone for the pillow of my heart
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


We turn on the radiophone
We hear the transmission sound
By pressing a button with the speed of light
We reach high frequency
After a fine adjustment by hand
We listen to the Morse band
Electronic sounds from the radioland
Turn the dials with your hand
Till you find the short wave band
Electronic music sounds from Radioland
We are turning dials of the Radio
We are hearing the sound of transmission
By pressing a button fast
We reach the short wave band
After fine tuning by hand
We are listening to the Morse band
Electronic sound from Radioland
  • If this translation was in any way helpful to you, please thank me by clicking the green button at the bottom of this translation. It's a small effort but means the world to me.
  • This translation is my work unless I have stated otherwise below.
  • Feel free to repost my translation, but please credit me by publishing a link to my LyricsTranslate profile as well. As I am the author of this work, at least some credit would be appropriate.  
  • Proofreading is always welcome, even if I didn't explicitly ask for it, so feel free to do so! 


Roses for the Emperor

As my dear Madrid's ambassador,
I go about gifting my songs to France,
And Paris's tender voice
Has told me: 'you're like a fleur-re-lis'.
Even if you exude the fragrance of carnations,
What's the mystery that lies in your eyes,
That your lights and gleams
Cannot be matched by the
Nor the ?
I have repaid Paris's gallantries
With coplas and blossoms from my own country...
Roses for the emperor, 1
From my dear Spain's gardens!
Roses for the emperor
As an homage to his great achievements.
Roses for the emperor,
With my country's perfume.
But be careful, my lord!
For these roses from Madrid
Can unwittingly wound
Even the emperor himself,
Just like the ones from Paris...

When a Spanish woman walks about,
Her golden skin exudes perfume
And, as she crosses a bridge in Paris
They tell her: 'I'm dying since the moment I saw you,
For you have the same face as ah! Our Lady of >
Since I'm in the kingdom of courtesy
I want to infuse my coplas with cheer...
Roses for the emperor,
From my dear Spain's gardens!
Roses for the emperor
As an homage to his great achievements.
Roses for the emperor,
With my country's perfume.
But be careful, my lord!
For these roses from Madrid
Can unwittingly wound
Even the emperor himself,
Just like the ones from Paris...

From the land of the sun
I have come to Paris
With my Spanish grace...
Roses for the emperor!
  • 1. This refers to Napoleon, who invaded Spain in 1808.

Ноћ врло брзо пада

Вечерас бројим своје трагове бола
Наш крај је само питање времена
Почињем да лудим...
Пробудио сам у свом сећању много успомена,
али знам, ти се нећеш вратити
и горим...
И покушавам да окончам ово
И самом себи говорим да те мрзим,
али чим те видим пред собом,
моје срце почиње да бије као лудо
и губим се...
Ноћ врло брзо пада, зора касни
зато што тај који те грли ми је одузео живот
Ноћ врло брзо пада, зора касни
зато што тај који те грли, узео је тебе и одузео ми живот
Нашу љубав бацила си у запећак
и вечерас на моју патњу не мислиш
Желим да знам, где си, шта радиш,
да ли говориш истину или се претвараш да си срећна
И покушавам да окончам ово
И самом себи говорим да те мрзим,
али чим те видим пред собом,
моје срце почиње да бије као лудо
и губим се...
Ноћ врло брзо пада, зора касни
зато што тај који те грли ми је одузео живот
Ноћ врло брзо пада, зора касни
зато што тај који те грли, узео је тебе и одузео ми живот

The paradise bird

From Malaysia
From Malaysia
Whatever you may say
It came to me
The paradise bird
Whatever you may think
He came to dance
In the dim light at dusk
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
Smokes in the trees
And then monkey shrieks
As if Nature
Was spreading a sheet
During twilight hours
I put down my bag
That was on a lakeshore
The lake was as big as a piece of Scotland
Then I took a bath
I drank rainwater
I ate tree bark
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
Just like the cherry tree
Bears cherries
The paradise bird
Danced on the grey earth
An exquisite courtship
With blue and golden
Mesmerizing feathers
Winter aloha
Or else to alaho (up there)
Children pushing
Dugouts on the water
Whatever you may say
It came to me
The paradise bird
In my hand I had
The picture of a village
With ferns as foliage
The ash of the night
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
(spoken) Then I decided to go and watch this kind of passerine birds, with highly shining feathers, head often adorned with lateral tufts, sides with the great plume made of interrupted feathers, tail bearing two more or less extended strands, with white or yellow wraps sharply contrasting with the upper part. I shall mention but a few of them: the lesser bird of Paradise, also called 'Petite émeraude', the red paradise bird, the manucode, the diphyllode or the king of flycatchers, or the epimac...

A song through the streets

The wind that comes from the sea
It's telling that is already spring
and in a moment will make disappear
this light nostalgia
that takes me over
'Cause a lake suddenly becomes an ocean with her
and the heartbeat of the world takes you over
wherever it goes
like a sound in the silence
of summer's leaves from the trees
everything has its own music if she's here
Only with her
It doesn't matter what conditions are, rain or wind
we'll be fine
when we are together I feel
that I'm home in every city in the world
with no destination, with no plan
and with no complications
we'll go around the world like they go
songs go through the streets
a song goes through the streets
Day lasts hardly a moment
when I'm with her time just goes by
because also here on the ground
a star turns on
in her eyes
The music sounds different if she's here
Only if she's here
It doesn't matter what conditions are, rain or wind
whatever will be, will be
when we are together I feel
that I'm home in every city in the world
with no announcement or anticipation
without destination
we'll go around the world like they go
a song goes through the streets
songs go through the streets (Eros:Through the streets!)
Nights which don't sleep until the dawn
'cause life is a miracle
for living, for living
because of her I know that today
new loves will begin
and the guitars will play,
underneath the stars, a song
for her (dance, dance)
It doesn't matter what conditions are, rain or wind
we'll be fine
when we are together I feel
that I'm home in every city in the world
with no announcement or anticipation
and without destination
we'll go around the world like they go
songs go through the streets
songs go through the streets
a song goes through the streets
These songs
Italia and Puerto Rico
give it to me, give it to me
Hermanito (Little Brother)
songs through the streets
Italia Puerto Rico
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

I Like You

The world doesn’t stop turning, time runs, it doesn’t wait.
And what I don’t live with you, vanishes and leads me to despair.
Sleeping next to you is supposed to be a madness,
that’s why I try to reach you
and to cast you a spell.
Wooo, wooo! I like you, I like you.
Wooo, wooo! I like you!
I crumble shark and snake teeth in a soup.
I add the brain of a clever frog.
My hand hurts so much for stirring all day long,
that now I can happily say the spell.
Wooo, wooo! I like you, I like you.
Wooo, wooo! I like you!
Come out from your den,
witches, magicians and charmers.
Please help me to steal her heart.
Came out and spread out vigorously your powers,
and everywhere make her be always in heat.
May she think, when she sees me: “Damn, what a fucking cool guy!”
May she see in me John Travolta
who takes her to the dancefloor and wins her while dancing.
Wooo, wooo! I like you, I like you.
Wooo, wooo! I like you!


Slowly… Slowly… The distance we are separated
How long have we been passing each other by?
Dirty, oozing dissatisfaction, muddy and
Lazy… Lazy… Distorted thoughts
A cherished memory of the un-erasable past
I lay it all out, I face demise
fooling the blind!
I don’t want anybody else to die!
but he said
“Back to hell (bitch) and free my mind”
Until these dirty memories fade
Make sure your fingers are connected together
If you sacrifice, you’ll be saved
Those scars already don’t feel pain
Childish, petty lies
Everything overlaps with that day
Repeated mistakes…
…I vowed in my heart
I want to make an uproar and destroy, am I just mere chance?
and he said
“burn in hell (bitch) it’s now my time”
I cry and I cry, but I cannot go back
Those good old days of frolicking and shining together
I cannot be saved, my character is
As ugly as you are
Preaching lies that you call truth
Greed and pride empowers you.
Through my times of peace, your face appears.
Spreading pure evil that brings me to tears.
Piercing my brain with lies and deceit
Pride and greed is what you preach!
Fuck off and die
Fuck off and die
Seemingly endless time
You also felt it
Even though I know if I exit the room, it will be goodbye forever
Performing together, through pleasure, two people become one
-will dark be bright?
Dream-like warmth does not become cool
Imprisoned, my heart rages
Until these tangled memories disappear
I cannot believe anyone
So, you’ve already been ended
The smiling face I saw before, even today, it is the most lovely
Because it’s changed to memories


I'm throwing off yesterday's world and leaving on a trip for the ocean
This map of the future that I drew with my small mind and this luggage
I threw them out and ran off with one bag
I'm always bad at telling my dreams, with a cold look I'm listening to stories of another place
'Is it like that? That's not what mine's like'
I'm always howling that out only in my heart
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?
It's always noisy inside my head, every day there is a big speech only in there
The world is overflowing with the words of successful people, at any time
The microphone is never turned towards the defeated
That vivid shining, this hand with all one's might
A pointed fingertip, sweeps over the world
If I could be with you on a night like this
I feel like we might reach it
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?


The life that I live belongs to someone else,
I never ever felt as if it was mine,
(you) left me behind, (you) let me wait
I died because of you**, (you) let me wait.
Rain fell
You were nowhere to be seen
The rain fell for you
You were nowhere to be seen
Worms are gnawing at my night,
Like at an old wooden door,
my eyes open and fall shut
bolts flashing before my eyes
Rain fell
You were nowhere to be seen
The rain fell for you
You were nowhere to be seen

Stay With Me

[ Verse 1]
When even the last song has ended
The last sound has already faded,
Lonely objects on the deserted stage,
Overturned chairs and obstinate gloom.
Sheets, a torn poster under our feet
Who says how much of my songs will remain?
Stay with me, help me
Take me home, take my hand
Love me very much, I'm tired
And my heart is heavy
Comfort me, even if you don't believe
That the tomorrow will be better
Say that it may be... say that it may be,
Even if you don't know, that I believe you
[Verse 2]
When even the last song has ended
And the magic has already faded
What will happen to you, the noisy crowd leaves you alone
You're scarred, and you don't know where do you belong

Be weary my soul

Be weary
Be weary
My soul
Who are you sending to bury me?

How Should I Live Without You

How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
I couldn't, no
I'm sure neither do you
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
If you won't be in my life
I'd die
People tell me about you
To leave you, to live my life
They say we are not suited, but it's not like that
I hear voices around me
I don't believe them, I don't want to
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
I couldn't, no
I'm sure neither do you
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
If you won't be in my life
I'd die
As in love
We'll stay as in the first day
We'll always be happy in love
I hear voices around me
I don't believe them, I don't want to
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
I couldn't, no
I'm sure neither do you
How should I live without you
To know you are far from me
If you won't be in my life
I'd die

Tits (Breasts)

Versions: #3
The world will be transformed at once, there will be more beauty all around,
And like a rhinestones the smiles will sparkle and drawbridges will come down,
Our river banks will join together, you'll become more closer and dear,
When I'll implant for myself new tits, the ice will melt and snow disappear.
When for myself, when for myself, when I'll implant for myself new tits,
When for myself, when for myself, when I'll implant for myself new tits,
Tits... (x 6)
Tits...(x 6)
And birds will sing in winter, the problems will be solved with *PHD,
And the sad one will have some fun,
The diamonds, gold, fur will fall in price at once,
And vodka will turn into whiskey in a split,
And there will be light and happiness, when I implant for myself new tits.
When for myself, when for myself, when I'll implant for myself new tits,
When for myself, when for myself, when I'll implant for myself new tits,
Tits... (x 6)
Tits... (x 6)
Tits...(x 6)
The neighbours will stop drilling, their friendly faces will start to glow,
In pubs from taps almost for free, fresh stout will start to flow,
And sanctions will be revoked on the spot, Magnitsky act and names on the lists,
It will be warm, the frost will disappear, when for myself I'll implant new tits.
When for myself, when for myself, when I'll implant for myself new tits,
When for myself, when for myself, when I'll implant for myself new tits,

I have no time left

Today I'll give a step back
To let you live your reality
And I want to be a zero to the ace
As if my dignity didn't exist
I'll stay quiet, I'll deny you
I'll hide myself in the pain
If it's good for you, I can try
To be invisible for a time to help
Because for your love
I have no time left
It's gone with the wind
Together with my breath
Tarara, rara tarara .....
I gift you this melody
for you to remember that I really love you
If it's good for you, I can try
To be invisible for a time to help
I understood, all is wrong
And I won't have those kisses anymore
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Crazy in love

I stared at myself in the eyes
of that girl
I could understand that maybe I have
a hope
I got tangled up in the eyes
of that girl
And I ended singing about love
alone at the beach
I wrote a love song
With a thousand crazy ideas
I swear that for moments I was
Juan Salvador Gaviota
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love I go
I stole to your eyes
If your don't get angry
All that beautiful love glitter
That I like
I can't resist the anxiety
That is teasing me
I must hear love words
In your mouth
I wrote a love song
With a thousand crazy ideas
I swear that for moments I was
Juan Salvador Gaviota
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love I go
I decided without being asked
To be a slave of your life.
And to waste my poems
To talk about my love
I hope you realize
All what you sprout in me
And come for the kisses
That want to play with love
And that's how this song ends
With a wise decision
I swear I'll never see you again
If I cure my madness
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Crazy in love
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Who's gonna sing

When all the poetry is missing
When the people only survives
When weariness kills the joy
We'll be a machine of working
If they globalize our thinking
There will be only one book with the same story
Without the magic of the fantasy
The music of the world won't have a place
I wonder
Who's gonna sing
Who's gonna dream
Who's gonna play the melody of love
Who's gonna sing
Who's gonna dream
Who's gonna ask for the singer to not silence
If every people has a president
That at least rhymes with people
When the share becomes more coherent
We'll have a planet with identity
When love becomes the most urgent
The eastern war won't have an excuse
When racism doesn't have relatives
I'll feel proud of mankind
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I was in love

I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But now I don't feel a thing,
nor your look worries me
Like yesterday
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But now I don't feel a thing,
nor your words worry me
Like yesterday
And the thing is that I loved you one day,
like I never loved before
And the thing is that I always told you
that I couldn't leave you for anything
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But I want to be sincere
honestly, I don't love you
Like yesterday
And the thing is that I always loved you
like I never loved before
And the thing is that I told you one day,
that I couldn't leave you for anything
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mirage On The Nilr

A silver hand
On the golden sand
When some people wake up
Another falls asleep
A silver hand
On the golden sand
Pyramids flyover
At dawn
Mirage on the Nile
Faces in the clay
Turn on the Nile
Clouds passing by
At the summits
The sun comes crashing
Like moored boats
When an eagle
With a reverse of the sword
We light the way to salt water
A silver hand
On the golden sand
When some people wake up
Another falls asleep
A silver hand
On the golden sand
Pyramids flyover
At dawn
Turn on the Nile
Clouds passing by
Mirage on the Nile
Volatile journey

After All, a Fiend Got a Rainbow And a Sun

I love to dream!
I want to say,
Or, to be more precise, to tell you that we've got a hotel
Everyone in hell, who can’t wait for their emigration,
Will love it
After all, a fiend got a rainbow and a sun,
A sinner will smile too, believe me,
Even a killer that was carrying an axe and a knife in their hands
Deep inside in their soul is a child, not a beast
Everyone has their chances
Success awaits all of you
So, visiting our hotel for that purpose is not a sin at all!
Drug addicts and cretins,
Fraudsters, and morons,
And all the fallen heroes,
We'll save you all!
Even if you are a complete alcoholic,
An amoral buffoon and comedian,
And a highwayman,
We'll make the light shine inside of you!
Don't be afraid of us!
We believe in you!
Will help you to get rid of a sin!
Won't let you down!
Will save you in a hotel right in HELL!
There will be no fire
And no human screams,
But only puppies
And sweet dreams
The clouds made of cotton
And you'll be all like 'WOW!'
If you vote for me!
So, all the tossers,
And also repeat offenders,
Which also bring pain to others,
Will have a wonderful chance!
Monsters, thieves, cannibals,
All the bandits and tyrans,
And also all the madmen,
Believe in us!
To overpower sins!
To get over lust!
Just a couple of weeks
And your way through the tunnel will be over! Yeah!
We'll open the door to our wonderful hotel!
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

Parade is outside

I hear your boyfriend beats up homos
And his cock doesn't even twitch when he sees you
He is that fellow who, instead of fucking you
Goes out to the Pride to throw rocks at the fags
And while he throws those rocks on the lesbians
You park yourself on the cock, scream 'fuck me'
He is that fellow, he is that fellow, he is that fellow,
He is gay, gay
I got a message to come to your place
Your boyfriend isn't here, he's fighting the cops at the parade
Those which are protecting lesbians and fags
From aggressive haters which throw rocks
He took a 2x4, nunchaku from his brother
A masked suit, leftover from war
You're always alone, because he's not home
Every weekend he goes to beat up somebody
You call me for a tune-up, to fix the situation
I don't work when you've got menstruation
I come on a skateboard, chock-full of Viagra
My cock stone hard when you simply touch me
You lie half-naked, calling me to bang you
I crawl towards you, with a raised cock
Plowing the parquet, suckling on your thumb
You tell me that I'm the best man for you
I fuck you like the devil, but I do think twice
Cuz your boyfriend might drop by and introduce me to the 2x4
I'm sweating all over, but not from the heat
More like from being nervous, cuz I don't want him to arrive
And see me on top of you, doing push-ups
You're doing the lead vocals, and I'm backing*
Spurting in your throat, my cum is thick
Your fellow at the door, let him in
And French kiss him, and tell him I said hello
A bit of my jizz
It's parade time, and you're stuck alone again
Because your boyfriend hates those who lie with the same sex
Instead of demolishing your peach* like a boss
He is nervous because some people fuck in the anus
Fuck, fuck in the anus
Fuck, fuck in the anus
He is nervous because some people
Fuck in the anus
Let be repeat myself, your boyfriend ought to
Come out of the closet cuz he's homo, baby
It's not a bad thing, moreover, it's quite persuay*
While he's stoning outside, I'm ravaging* your pussy
Cuz I'm tolerant and very modern
And I have a plan that your muff gets shredded
He's a redneck and so narrow-minded
You crave cock like a nun
I saw Dragan in front of the building
How he tore off a huge branch
So you're alone
I'll be right there
I saw your boyfriend in front of the building
How he took a huge branch
So you're home alone
I'll be right there

Neither Gucci nor Prada (Remix)

[Refrán: Kenny Man & Sebastián Yatra]
Yatra, Yatra
She doesn't want Gucci nor Prada, Gucci nor Prada (New beginning)
Gucci, neither Gucci, neither Gucci nor Prada (Panama and Colombia)
Gucci nor Prada, Gucci nor Prada (Official remix)
Gucci, neither Gucci, neither Gucci nor Prada (Kenny Man, Kenny Man)
She doesn't want neither Gucci nor Prada
She wants Kenny Man or Yatra
Because you don't pay for love
[Pre-Chorus: Sebastián Yatra & Kenny Man]
She doesn't want Gucci nor Prada, Fendi nor Louis Vuitton (Neither Fendi nor Louis Vuitton)
She doesn't care about the jacuzzi, limousine or mansion (Why, if she has a mansion)
You thought that with all the money you would have her heart (Heart, heart, heart)
But with sweet letters I take her to my chair (Even if I don't have a million)
[Chorus: Kenny Man, Sebastián Yatra & Ambos]
And that I don't have money
But she doesn't care about it
And when it's time to kiss me
She gives it to me effortlessly
And that I don't have money
But she doesn't care about it
And when it's time to kiss me
She gives it to me effortlessly, gallant, gallant
Has what she has
And even if she keeps it
I do that she comes with me
I do that she comes with me, here, here
Has what she has
And even if she keeps it
I do that she comes with me
I do that she comes with me, here
[Verse 1: Sebastián Yatra, Kenny Man & Ambos]
Yatra, Yatra
Like you, like me
Like moon and the sun
Like Eve and Adam
Wendy Love, Peter Pan (Yatra)
Like the sky is blue, you are hot and you are cool
If you let me, I am your gallant, gallant
Fake, fake, fake, I don't want you fake
You are more than I can take
For you I never escape
I want old school love
Like Jack and Rose, full
If you let me, I am your gallant, gallant
[Verse 2: Kenny Man]
She doesn't want Fendi, neither Gucci nor Prada
She doesn't care if I come to her in a Lada
She is empty with you, with me she feels loved
Even if you have everything and I can't give her nothing
On the weekends, she invites me to your jacuzzi
The clothes which you buy to her, I am the one who look her
I don't know about champagne, neither about Europe nor about sushi
We do it in your bed and in your Gucci jacket
[Chorus: Kenny Man, Sebastián Yatra & Ambos]
Has what she has
And even if she keeps it
I do that she comes with me
I do that she comes with me, here, here
Has what she has
And even if she keeps it
I do that she comes with me
I do that she comes with me, here
[Verse 3: Sebastián Yatra]
You don't fall in love with a Balenciaga
Because you don't pay sincere love
You only care what I do to you
You only care what I do to you
She doesn't want Gucci nor Dolce Gabbana
She wants my kisses all week
Because sincere love always wins
Because sincere love always wins
[Bridge: Sebastián Yatra, Kenny Man & Ambos]
I love you, I love you
Without money, she loves me
But with sincere love, sincere love
I have what she prefers
Because if you love me, I love you
You give him what you have
And I prefer your smile than money
Kenny Man
Yatra, Yatra
[Refrán: Sebastián Yatra & Kenny Man]
She doesn't want Gucci nor Prada
Gucci nor Prada
Gucci, neither Gucci, neither Gucci nor Prada
Gucci nor Prada
Gucci nor Prada
Gucci, neither Gucci, neither Gucci nor Prada
She doesn't want neither Gucci nor Prada
She wants Kenny Man or Yatra
Because you don't pay for love (Wuh)
[Outro: Kenny Man & Sebastián Yatra]
Gallant, gallant
Yatra and Kenny Man (Yatra, Yatra)
Patrón Music
Pucho Bustamante (Oh-oh-oh)
Christian Alberto Tonelada, jaja
Yo', Aldo The Master
Mario Spinali (Kenny Man, Kenny Man)
Official remix
From here to the world

Without Seeing You, Peace Never Arrives

Once upon a time, I was living upon you.
My heartbeat.
When I got stuck, you became stuck as well.
Without Seeing You,
Peace Never Arrives
Every day, rain of your memory fell.
Once upon a time, I was living upon you.
My heartbeat. When I got stuck, you became stuck as well.
Without Seeing You,
Peace Never Arrives
Every day, rain of your memory fell.
Every one of your smiles,
Captivated my heart.
Every picture of yours captivated my sight.
This is how my love is, how can I tell?
I just want you.
Just listen to this heart, my dear.
Do not trample on this big heart of mine.
How can I handle this wound?
Tell my heart.
Yes, you are the one whom my heart wants today.
I remember.
Setting sight with you.
Then sometimes I look at you smiling.
Stealing my sight.
You went along avoiding such moments.
My words wanted.
To tell you something.
Tell my heart.
Yes, you are the one whom my heart wants today.
I remember.
Setting sight with you.
Then sometimes I look at you smiling.
Stealing my sight.
You went along avoiding such moments.
My words wanted.
To tell you something.
But you never wanted to know my heart.
You haven't seen love.
What have you gained from playing with my heart?
See this pain.
Just listen.
To this heart, my dear.
Do not trample on this big heart of mine.
How can I handle this wound?
Tell my heart.
Yes, you are the one whom my heart wants today.
The way I talked due to your love.
Meeting your hands.
Understanding my hands.
I was lost.
Within the notes of your love.
You in my arms.
When sleep escaped me.
The way I talked due to your love.
Meeting your hands.
Understanding my hands.
I was lost.
Within the notes of your love.
You in my arms.
Now what of yours' has gone up in smoke
I can't do without you
Perhaps I was never within your love.
The way you managed to play with my heart.
Look at this pain.
Now how do I look at you?
Just listen
to this heart, my dear.
Do not trample on this big heart of mine.
How can I handle this wound?
Tell my heart.
Yes, you are the one whom my heart wants today.
hm hm hm. hm hm..

Hey. Notice me

Hey. Notice me soon
Don't look away
Hey. Notice me soon
And my feelings
Pinning down my earlobes and putting perfume in my little finger
I wink before the mirror. I'm eighteen
My eyelids look dyed in pink
Won't you tease me?
Somehow I look pretty today
Hey. Notice me soon
Don't look away
Hey. Notice me soon
And my feelings
Wearing a man white t-shirt and turning around
I comb my hair up. I'm eighteen
My closed lips look glowing
Won't you come near playing the devil?
Somehow we go along
Oye. Invite me soon
From the twilight
Oye. Invite me soon
Without delay
Without delay
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Wild pansy

If I reach out my hand, I hold carefully in my chest
That falling petal of a love wild pansy
I won't forget the things of that day
In my first kiss, I felt dizzy
And then I heard that whisper
'The memories of this flower are a secret of only us
If you reach this flower, come running immediately'
Though many days passed, I have no news of you
Cries longing for you, the love wild pansy
You forgot me
To who I tell about my innocent and unrequited love?
I believe in your promise
You said 'This flower blooms for you'
You said 'If you find this flower, remember me'
I won't forget the things of that day
In my first kiss, I felt dizzy
And then I heard that whisper
'The memories of this flower are a secret of only us
If you reach this flower, come running immediately'
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Tie Tongue

The world doesn't look so good about you.
Don't worry, I won't even notice your shirt.
Wait, You're gonna have to stay there.
It's graduation. okay, okay.
If you don't see it, leave the world alone.
Let's go on the rampage as you like.
Embarrassment, difficulty, idiocy.
The life of a heaped mountain
Show me your tongue.
Show him as much as he can.
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
If you want to make it come true, it's just right.
Show me your tongue.
Ignore the annoying voice
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
Let's go.
I finally made a profit like my mom's dream.
Childhood turned Road, road
I was finally able to conceal the pain.
You're not her.
I'm snow, rain, moon, sun and wind.
He was born on October 12, 1993.
Up in apartments I was dreaming as a youngin’ though,
And as I write my thousandth song I’m finally coming up,
It’s been a pleasant day, I bout to blow it down,
I gave you pounds when you ain’t know the name you know me now.
I came in dirty khaki and jeans and cap, I sold you loud,
I took the trolley home and jotted down the coldest vows.
I want to do what I can not easily do, from now on…
Find the treasure from the ground, God…
Write aim to be able to be, endure now…
And we're on our way.
Please throw away the sharpening sense
It's not like that.
I just want to be in love with you.
It's not like that anymore.
He's so stupid that he can be laughed at.
If you want to make it come true, it's just right.
Show me your tongue.
Ignore the annoying voice
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
Let's go.
Tongue, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit.
Show him as much as he can.
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
If you want to make it come true, it's just right.
Show me your tongue.
Ignore the annoying voice
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
Let's go.


Oh, I wonder where are we came from.
I consulted tomorrow every day so that I could not be mistaken.
And one night, from a hole
If everything I do is spilling out
Will you pick it up with me?
Do you want to laugh at embarrassing me?
The color that suits your hair is not in the world yet.
The wind will sleep on your wings.
I laugh proudly at the stars floating far away
Oh, I wonder where are we came from.
I will breathe without knowing where I am tomorrow and where I am yesterday.
I think that's okay because you're here.
The star you pointed to didn't say anything to me.
I'll name it. let's raise it every night.
Oh, I wonder where are we came from.
I consulted tomorrow every day so that I could not be mistaken.
I think that's okay because you're here.


I’m not interested in any betting like in pokers
What’s the point of guessing which is which of them’s the jokers
Plenty of guessing and cheating, already right preachers?
Some say it’s a microcosm of this world, but who cares?
I guess you’ve just chose the different planet all you haters
This one’s not created for men like you, only dreamers
I would kindly ask you not to bother me you creatures
I’ll be good and you go home we’ll meet you in next century
Just a little more.
It hurts.
And let's fall in love again.
Don't leave him.
I guess I'm not old enough to understand my grade card
First of all, how well you know about me Mr Teacher
If I were you it'd take a couple of years to give me grades
Now, it's my turn to give you one what can you do to cheer me
Maybe I'm the only one?
That's the number.
You're shining.
Leave them alone.
It's cold and hard.
And after that, I refrigerated it in the freezer for three and a half hours.
I'll wait. I'll kiss you in the meantime.
Ah, Ah, ah.
Just a little more.
It hurts.
Let's fall in love again and again.
Don't leave him.

Banzai chant

The meaning of aiming for tomorrow with wet eyes
I'll still keep looking.
Is it your goal to live without being laughed at?
You were looking for something that would make you laugh, but you didn't.
I wonder if I can remember until now
I drew a number of dreams that I threw away in the back alleys
But this city even has such a dream
Inhale and spit out a new tomorrow
I'm a little tired of living without being deceived.
The antennae's umbrella's been worn out, too.
I want you to please the sadness inside you.
I want you to be proud of your suffering.
Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing??
Hidden in the shadow of a trembling smile
It's just you.
Grief, your tears,
It grows bigger and stronger today.
You see, that big sigh again
We're waiting for their feast.
That's right those guys are the enemies burst out now.
That smile and the voice, that's why it's broken into small fragments.
They know what kind of face you laugh with
You're laughing like fireworks.
I think you're not laughing.
Come on, let's get you out of here.
I want you to please the sadness inside you.
I want you to be proud of your suffering.
Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing??
Hidden in the shadow of a trembling smile
It's just me.
I want you to please the sadness inside you.
I want you to be proud of your suffering.
Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing??
Let me make you smile.
Banzai chant
The meaning of aiming for tomorrow with wet eyes
I'll still keep on looking.
I'll keep on traveling.

Walking dictionary

That war with you signals my sixth sense
I had a dull dream.
It's a race against the truth. overtaking comes from the right lane.
I can't be told that.
Well, then that's the end failure for both hands.
The triumphant little girls.
Don't lose! I won!
Huge justice is a crime
Jumping'out of place and genius'
With my love that was scattered
With your foreplay
I was playing with the reality of the Leave
ei, ya, sei
I can't see. I'm afraid of tomorrow.
I haven't finished my homework yet.
Even if you do your best, even if you do your best
The world will never budge.
It's one second in parallel with reality.
It's good to have courage.
Read the success book from one end to the other.
Into the city where I was going
You've got a lot of talent coming through.
Free-range melodies and shrieking idiots are seen
You can't get wet with a kiss like that.
I'm not gonna be okay. I'm just getting wet.
I can't do it right where you want it.
I can't see. I'm afraid of tomorrow.
I want to disappear, if it doesn't hurt
I can't see. I'm afraid of tomorrow.
I can't tell you. We're not friends
What do you know about it for decades?
Isn't there tens of thousands of undeveloped and undeveloped?

Nights that don't lead to a dawn

(I have been through) nights that don't lead to a dawn for this love
Nights that I've been depressed cause you are not here.
I fall in love with you deeply, I lose my senses from your kisses.
When you touch me, I start blabbing unintentionally
I will (always) be crazy in love with you, I will show you the stars up close.
You listen to the rythm of my heart.
(I have been through) nights that don't lead to a dawn for this love,
Nights that I've been depressed cause you are not here.
At nights that don't lead to a dawn I feel like Love
Is knocking on my door, greeting me with a 'I love you'.
Dance with me tonight, come and break my heart.
Hold my hand and I will follow you anywhere.
I will spend the whole night in your arms, getting drunk from your kisses,
Only if you smile at me.