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Don't rustle, meadow,
Green forest!
Don't cry, don't grieve,
Young Cossack!
I'm not crying myself
Brown eyes cry,
That there is no peace
Neither day nor night.
Close neighbors
Are bitter enemies:
They won't let me walk about
And love my girl.
But I will walk
And I will love
I'll take her with me
I will live with her!
You can’t take it all away
You can’t take away my day
You can’t trample on my pride
You can’t make me run and hide
Hey hey!
You can’t penetrate my heart
You can’t break it all apart
You can’t stop the summer breeze
You can’t bring me to my knees
Hey hey! Hey hey!
Don't rustle, meadow,
Green forest!
Don't cry, don't grieve,
Young Cossack!
I'm not crying myself
Brown eyes cry,
That there is no peace
Neither day nor night.
Close neighbors
Are bitter enemies:
They won't let me walk about
And love my girl.
But I will walk
And I will love
I'll take her with me
I will live with her!
You can’t smash me on the door
You can’t press me on the floor
You can’t terrorize or tease me
You can never crush or squeeze me
Hey hey!
You can’t silence all my voices
You can’t take away my choices
You can’t make me sing your tune
You can’t steal the sun and moon
Hey hey! Hey hey!
'Well, bye for now', I say in parting,
'Bye, life!
Farewell', I say to those who remain
To live on,
'Well, bye', - I say to Earth and Water
'Bye for now, I'll be back'...
And I stepped over the edge.
Don't rustle, meadow,
Green forest!
Don't cry, don't grieve,
Young Cossack!
I'm not crying myself
Brown eyes cry,
That there is no peace
Neither day nor night.

March Of The Ukrainian Army

We, who were born in this great hour,
From the fires of war, and the flash of gunfire,
We were strengthened by Ukraine's painful fate,
Anger and rage have grown unto our enemies...
We were strengthened by Ukraine's painful fate,
Anger and rage have grown unto our enemies!
We go into battle marching victoriously,
Solid, strong, indestructible as granite,
For sobbing has not made anyone yet free,
He who is the champion, he gains the world...
For sobbing has not made anyone yet free,
He who is the champion, he gains the world!
The primary cause is the same for everyone,
Our proud-hearted call goes out to the people,
Be faithful to the Fatherland unceasingly,
For us, Ukraine comes before all...
Be faithful to the Fatherland unceasingly,
For us, Ukraine comes before all!
The glory of our heroes leads us to the fight,
For us, the rule of law is the highest decree,
This nation is the united Ukraine -
For a century, from the San to the Caucasus...
This nation is the united Ukraine -
For a century, from the San to the Caucasus!

After June

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed
Everything is so bright in my heart
Now there are not many days left
It's too late to pick up the piece of paper at my feet
It's like a cocoon about to break through the pressure
After leaving school, everyone stays up all night
Dark circles in the morning, a little sleepiness in class
Day after day
I just want to hold back the fleeting years
And say goodbye
My regrets and gratitude can't go back to yesterday
I just want to remember this moment
And the light years we spent together
After June, these light years will become memories
This class is too arrogant, we don't speak at any class
But it's still very warm, with the greetings between classmates
Holding textbooks, copying homework and glancing during exams
Thinking about this now, doesn't this feel very kind?
I just want to hold back the fleeting years
And say goodbye
My regrets and gratitude can't go back to yesterday
I just want to remember this moment
And the light years we spent together
And arrive at the agreed place
I just want to hold back the fleeting years
And say goodbye
I engrave your smiling faces in my heart
Watching the meteors cross the horizon, we make our wishes
Let the present be forever, forever, forever
La la la~ la la la la~ wu~


Ходам напред сама
ти ми кажеш да не идем тако брзо
али сам споријa но што мислиш
опрезна као твој додир
и када желиш да се опустим
ја сам озбиљна колко и твоји поглед.
и кад желиш да поверујем, вау,
Шуњам се иза угла
са планом мог љубавника.
Да, са планом мог живота
боље да побегнем у заклон.
Шуњам се иза угла
са планом мог љубавника.
Да, са планом мог живота
боље да сам побегла у заклон.
Ходам напред сама
кажеш ми да те не оставим
али ја сам већ отишла.
Даља сам од зида
који си саградио око твоје будућности.
Да, виша сам од куле
на коју се пењеш у самоубилачким мислима, ох, ох, ох.
Ово је план твоје прошлости.
Ово је план твоје судбине.
То је све што твоје
и то је све што је моје. Да.
Шуњам се иза угла
са планом мог љубавника.
Да, са планом мог живота
боље да сам побегла у заклон
Шуњам се иза угла
са планом мог љубавника.
Да, са планом мог живота
боље да сам побегла у заклон
Шуњам се иза угла
са планом мог љубавника.
Да, са планом мог живота
боље да сам по-по-по-бегла. Да.
Шуњам се иза угла
са планом мог љубавника.
Да, са планом мог живота
боље да сам побегла у заклон, по-бе-гла.
Шуњам се иза угла
са планом мог љубавника.
Да, да, да, да, да,
шуњам се иза угла
са планом мога љубавника
боље побећи, да, побећи у заклон, да.

Say So

By my side all night till morning
Please tell me you gave me a sign
Didn't notice at all, there nothing else I can do
If you want me just say so
By my side all night till morning
Please tell me you gave me a sign
Didn't notice at all, there nothing else I can do
If you want me just say so
Since when have you been (without loving)
Why didn't you open up to me?
What should I do? (tell me)
I've seen through you, I wanna stop but I can't hold back
We can continue like this
Blaming each other
Look, if you want me, scream
You have to
By my side all night till morning
Please tell me you gave me a sign
Didn't notice at all, there nothing else I can do
If you want me just say so
By my side all night till morning
Please tell me you gave me a sign
Didn't notice at all, there nothing else I can do
If you want me just say so
I puff out my chest and catch my breath
Never seen me in a dress like this
There's nobody so fine
Prolly why you're silent like zip
Like it, love it, can't hold back
Take it, own it, stole it
Boy, stop playing, concentrate
There's no need to hesistate (Hot)
Shut it, save it, go ahead, speak up frankly
Knowin' you want all this woman
Have a taste (yah, yah)
Even if others disapprove I have you with me
Our friends are sayin' you mad committed
Realer than anybody you're one of a kind
All of the body-ody, go ahead and touch it
By my side all night till morning
Please tell me you gave me a sign
Didn't notice at all, there nothing else I can do
If you want me just say so
All night till morning
You gave me a sign
Didn't notice at all
If you want me just say so
Oooh ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Oooh ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
By my side all night till morning
Please tell me you gave me a sign

Blinding Lights

As precaution
I don't want to be alone anymore
Will you love me?
It's painful
But just from your touch
I came back to life
I looked around
In the cold city
There are no critics around
Where have you gone?
I said ooh...
I was dazzled
Can't sleep, 'cause you're not here with me
I said, ooh...
I sink into the night
'Cause when it's like this there's no one but you
Hey, hey, hey
(There's no one but you)
We're out of time
I saw the rising sun
That's why I'm speeding up
In the cold city
There are no critics around
Where have you gone?
I said ooh...
I was dazzled
Can't sleep, 'cause you're not here with me
I said, ooh...
I sink into the night
'Cause when it's like this there's no one but you
There's just one thing I wanna let you know
But I can't say it over the phone
No way I could ever say it
I said ooh...
I was dazzled
Can't sleep, 'cause you're not here with me
Hey, hey, hey
I said ooh...
I was dazzled
Can't sleep, 'cause you're not here with me


Прохожий, мне больно каждый раз!
Ты заставляешь меня чувствовать себя шл*хой!
Жаждущий и голодный, всегда просишь большего
Этой ночью с тобой, завтра с другим
Эгоистичные придурки, вы даже не беспокоитесь!
Ты даже не удосужишься спросить, что я чувствую
Когда я задыхаюсь и утопаю в слезах
Сломана, увлечена мелодией
Пытаюсь держать себя в руках, потому что ты пялишься на меня
Лицо, которое ты видишь, смотря на меня, это не я!
Это просто кожа и мышцы, не настоящая я
Не меня ты слышите, когда я пою для тебя
Не меня ты чувствуешь, когда я тебя касаюсь
Не меня!
Прохожий, это больно каждый раз
Когда я открываюсь, исповедуюсь тебе
Безжалостный, ты пожираешь меня живьём
Но всё же, ты — мой единственный выход, моё спасение!
Я знаю, что глазурь на торте сладкая
Но внутри он горький
Лезвия бритвы во рту
Потеряна в зеркальном лабиринте смерти
Прохожий, это больно каждый раз
Когда я открываюсь, исповедуюсь тебе
Безжалостный, ты пожираешь меня живьём
Но всё же, ты — мой единственный выход, моё спасение!
Здравствуй, тёмная сцена!
Прими меня в свои объятия!
Позволь времени проходит мимо меня, сотри меня!
Позволь мне раствориться в тишине, проглоти меня
Я задыхающаяся и ничтожная, прости меня, прости!

Too Much to Say

I can’t remember where it was
that I first met your eyes
Perhaps it was when you held me close
during that spell of heavy rain in my dream
I can’t make sense of these memories
Would it be better for me to forget, or to remember?
I don’t want this to just be a game,
I can’t do as I please
There’s so much
that I’ve been wanting to tell you,
that I don’t want to hold back anymore
But maybe once that day arrives when you can say that you love me,
I won’t look back anymore
Every step I take after will be brave,
I won’t run away or hide from you again
I’ll only fall for you
I can’t remember where it was
that I first met your eyes
Perhaps it was when you held me close
during that spell of heavy rain in my dream
I can’t make sense of these memories
Would it be better for me to forget, or to remember?
I don’t want this to just be a game,
I can’t do as I please
There’s so much
that I’ve been wanting to tell you
that I don’t want to hold back anymore
But maybe once that day arrives when you can say that you love me,
You won’t have to be lonely anymore,
Because I’ll finally understand the gentleness
behind that cold face you wear
The two of us
will go down to where the wind blows,
and even when the sun finally sets,
we won’t leave each other, we won’t pull away
until you finally tell me that you love me today
Before the entire world goes silent
we will let our tears be carried away by the wind
and give shape to the promise we make
There’s so much
that I’ve been wanting to tell you
that I don’t want to hold back anymore
But maybe once that day arrives when you can say that you love me,
You won’t have to be lonely anymore,
Because I’ll finally understand the gentleness
behind that cold face you wear
The two of us
will go down to where the wind blows,
and even when the sun finally sets,
we won’t leave each other, we won’t pull away
until you finally tell me that you love me today
Before the entire world goes silent
we will let our tears be carried away by the wind
and give shape to the promise we make

Be Yours

These blue skies and soft winds
are as gentle as you are
When you went away, you left behind the silhouette of our fate
I’ll wait until one day
after a heavy rain comes during a drought
to see if whether or not
you will remember what I once said to you
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako, hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako, hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)
Remember when you were young,
and your grandmother once said to you in a soft voice
that you must be brave,
and give everything you have for all that you love
There isn’t any time to wait for the warmth of spring
to come and heal your wounds
And as for me, I will wait
until the moment you come to me
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako
hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako
hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)

O pretty! Fix some tea.

O pretty! Fix some tea
from the caddy to the teapot.
O pretty! Descend to the valley
and bring fresh mint (leaves).
O pretty! It wasn't you whom I spoke (ill) of.
I am dazed by your eyes.
O pretty! Tell me yes or no.
If it is no, then break it to me and break my hope.

I Am From Austria

Your heyday’s gone, an ancient story.
All hell broke loose, but now you're free.
There is nothing left of fame and glory.
Who pays respect and treats you honestly.
Except me!
I know them folks.
I know them rats.
Stupidity without a rhyme.
I stand by you.
I pay your debts.
There’s nothing left for me to say
That’s where I’m from, where I belong.
The ice melting in my soul.
It takes my frostiness away
It’s long forgotten in our mind
There are no deeper ties that bind.
Just as a brook is flowing down
Overwhelmingly and straight.
Touching like a baby’s frown
Rushes my blood a storm of fate.
Say it proudly to the world!
No matter how alone you are
I am from Austria
I am from Austria
Once I was jealous
of storks and swallows.
Today I fly farther away.
Oceans apart, beyond the rainbows
I dream with longing of coming back to stay

The Earth Is Our Mother

The Earth is our mother, we have to take care of her,
The Earth is our mother, we have to take care of her.
Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon, Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon
The ground is sacred and on him I walk,
The ground is sacred and on him I walk.
Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon, Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon
The Earth is our mother and she will take care of us,
The Earth is our mother and she will take care of us.
Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon, Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon


Meet me on the stairs and streets
Meet me late in Kronvalda park
Take me like an envelope
Stick stamps on me
Meet me in high treetops
Meet me in a blooming owl's tail
Keep me in your palms
Hold me, but don't throw me in the postbox
Hold me in times of strife
Hold me during each joke
Hold me stubbornly like a stinging wasp in your hand
Nearly like that time someone will roam into the postbox
Nearly like that time enticed into your trap
Meet me in your morning coffee
And for that I shall be thankful
I shall sleep in your postbox
Invited. Enclosed. For eternity!
Hold me in times of strife
Hold me during each joke
Hold me stubbornly like a stinging wasp in your hand
Nearly like that time someone will roam into the postbox
Nearly like that time enticed into your trap

A mixing of races

There is a lot of warmongering on earth
Now tell me, how to solve this issue?
There can only be one answer!
All races should become mixed.
So there is one colour, one tongue
So one folksong can be heard
So that someone from Papua becomes brother to someone from Selonia
But Bedouin can be my father!
And then there won't be hatred between the races
And wars will sink into nothingness
How beautiful a view it will be
When everyone is born the same colour
Then there won't be Russians, Turks or Danes
Everyone will have a unified minaret
Then there won't even be any Muslims
Just a big rasol and vinagrette
And Mongols will then sail the seas
But someone from Piebalga will ride on the steppes
And Arabs by the Western Wall
Will discuss with Jahvi himself
And the Chinese will then play the kokle
And dogs will meow, cats will bark
But Cubans with a Windboard
Will sail in the Gulf of Rīga
If however there will be some
Who won't want to share with everyone
Then in the name of the future and happiness
Sadly they shall need to be raped


The beautiful moments don't stop,
But that can't be said about those moments most annoying,
Moments most distasteful.
Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah.
But I think,
The sun is shining and the rain is soft, water gleams,
The air is fresh,
The calm side of the rainbow teaches me self-mastery.
I can feel the spring in my lungs, the ghost of love is growing, growing
The beautiful jasmine branch, it circles in the lungs, spring in the lungs
One has to know when to stop, even if you often feel like the loser,
You can't be so stubborn a mule,
One who drills holes in the thin table
Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah
But I think,
The sun is shining and the rain is soft, water gleams,
The air is fresh,
The calm side of the rainbow teaches me self-mastery.
I can feel the spring in my lungs, the ghost of love is growing, growing
The beautiful jasmine branch, it circles in the lungs, spring in the lungs
And so I learn to count the beautiful moments, learn to retreat, learn from my mistakes, to make love during springtime
Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah
But I think,
The sun is shining and the rain is soft, water gleams,
The air is fresh,
The calm side of the rainbow teaches me self-mastery.
I can feel the spring in my lungs, the ghost of love is growing, growing
The beautiful jasmine branch, it circles in the lungs, spring in the lungs

there is too much of everything

The sun shines into sunglasses, I close my eyes, look away.
I look into storefronts, I don't have enough money, I sigh.
Yes I would want to, how I wish to gain, that which I don't yet have
Yes I would want to, how I would want to already be the Prince of Wales
Ho ho!
Show yourself, show yourself,
Sun, where have you hidden, happiness, where did you get lost, now show yourself, show yourself!
Stay still, stay still,
Who knows how how things will change, who knows what will happen, now stay still, stay still!
I like how nick cave dresses, the car that Jamiraque drives, I enjoy girls undressing and I'm not the only one
Yes I would want to, how I wish to gain, that which I don't yet have
Yes I would want to, how I would want to already be a formula 1 Racer
Ho ho!
Show yourself, show yourself,
Sun, where have you hidden, happiness, where did you get lost, now show yourself, show yourself!
Stay still, stay still,
Who knows how how things will change, who knows what will happen, now stay still, stay still!
Everything is too much, too much, too much
And I'm lost, I'm lost
Everything has long since been too much and I'm lost
Yes I would want to, how I wish to gain, that which I don't yet have
Yes I would want to, how I would want to already be ten years younger already
Show yourself, show yourself,
Sun, where have you hidden, happiness, where did you get lost, now show yourself, show yourself!
Stay still, stay still,
Who knows how how things will change, who knows what will happen, now stay still, stay still!

A Little Bird

The light is slippering over my hands
And tickling me so innocently
The heart is flowered with such a feeling:
The body is in the petals amidst the night
This miracle will be here until the morning
I am touching you like strings,
I will sing a lullaby in the morning
It seems like opium is flowing inside my body.
I caught a little bird in the morning
The little bird is in my hands
And it is not hard to realize -
This bird is still loved by some bird.
I have something for you:
It is already on my lips
As soon as I deprave you
the fear will dissapear between us
As soon as I deprave you
the fear will dissapear between us
I caught a little bird in the morning
The little bird is in my hands
And it is not hard to realize -
This bird is still loved by some bird.
I have something for you:
It is already on my lips
As soon as I deprave you
the fear will dissapear between us
As soon as I deprave you
the fear will dissapear between us
I wanted to understand
The sweet love to whisper
For when it caught us
Like the wounded birds
Under the soft, gentle feet
The soft ground will be touching us
And let it be - before you fall in love
You know that, and I know that
I caught a little bird in the morning
The little bird is in my hands
And it is not hard to realize -
This bird is still loved by some bird.
I have something for you:
It is already on my lips
As soon as I deprave you
the fear will dissapear between us
As soon as I deprave you
the fear will dissapear between us


Tell me, are we strangers,
And who has dashed my hopes?
Tell, why are you leaving me again,
I'll never see your eyes,
And there were no more lucky nights,
But I'll never forget you.
Romana, Romana, a girlfriend,
Romana, Romana, where is your love?
Romana, Romana, long-awaited,
Romana, Romana, be mine forever.
I met you, but you aren't alone,
Someone else hugs your shoulders,
I'll never kiss you on the lips,
Tell me, are we strangers,
And who has dashed my hopes?
Tell, why are you leaving me again?


And our Faun-Lord has a green fur coat
Maidens were dancing, they tore it in prancing,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
Hey, let us guys, plait Faunus nicely,
Plait our Faunus and take a dance bonus,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
Hey, plait yourself, Faunus, yourself do plait,
With green periwinkle, creep nicely, great,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
And our Faun-Lord has a green fur coat
Maidens were dancing, they tore it in prancing,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
Hey, plait yourself, Faunus, yourself do plait,
With green periwinkle, creep nicely, great,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
And our Faun-Lord has a green fur coat
Maidens were dancing, they tore it in prancing,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
Hey, let’s unroll Faunus, let us unroll,
We will unroll Faun-crown and will dance and bounce,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
Hey, unplait yourself, Faunus, yourself do unplait,
With green periwinkle, creep nicely, great,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow the little jute,
I sow-I winnow, I sow-I winnow so green and cute.
Translated from Ukrainian into English by Ivan Petryshyn, ALTA

Return Home , O Daughter from the Foriegn Land

O mother has worried, her braids turning grey
Some where in a country far off fate has taken her daughter
On my knees in the quiet of night have I prayed to God
How are you O daughter there in a foreign land...
Blossomed have the cherries in white - so white
A day with out you my daughter has become so empty
On my knees in the quiet of night have I prayed to God
Do not stumble my daughter upon foreign thresholds
Do return home upon there your pathways
On my knees in the quiet of night have I prayed to God
How are you O daughter there in a foreign land...
And the morning star has gifted the dew
My daughter, maybe you're aware of your mother's tears
On my knees in the quiet of night have I prayed to God

In a Foreign Land

The pathway is laid out in the field
There to my native village,
And I see this there in my dreams,
For now I am in a foreign land
In a foreign land, a foreign land,
Short are the nights - long are the days,
There is no one here to converse with,
And my dear heart's pounding every night.
The garden, and house is small,
Mother there has looked after me,
And my eyes are in sorrow-
Why am I in a foreign land.
And at home the children are young
All calling to mother in their dreams
- O where has she gone off to
And what is it - this foreign land.
O my dear beloved mother,
You have grand children, your not alone,
The native language and our land
And as for me there only a foreign land

Grey Cat

Versions: #1
Grey cat,
White cat,
Furry cat,
Don't wander around the home.
Don't wander around the home,
Don't wake a child.
The child will sleep,
The cat will purr.
Ah, the purring is for the cat,
A sleep is for the child.

With You

I remember
All the times I’ve been trapped
And in pain
The bigger my feelings for you grow
The more afraid I get
The warmth reflected in your eyes
Makes me cold again
When actually, my heart is saying
I want to stay with you
I want to be with you
I want to be with you
I want to protect you
I hope we can meet again
I hope we can love then
The warmth reflected in your eyes
Makes me cold again
When actually, my heart is saying
I want to stay with you
I want to be with you
I want to be with you
I want to protect you
I hope we can meet again
I hope we can love then
Even if there is no forever
It’s only you
I will be staying with you
I will be there with you
I will be staying with you
I will be there with you

I'll become a waterfall

I remember our nights by heart.
I remember the taste of your body.
We haven't put the end to it.
You are Mozart, and I am your tint.
I can't play with you I'm powerless
We've grown through to each other no clothes.
And eventually, love caught up with us.
It doesn't want to let us go, holds tightly.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.
I'm getting used to you day by day.
I didn't even try to resist.
I just don't squeeze with my hands.
The movements look like a dance.
I'm burning with you again.
I'm burning the doubts in my kiss
There are a few seconds left for us to Paradise.
Squeeze me as tight as you can.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.

Ah kakva žena

U bučnoj sali restorana,
usred veselja i obmana
zalutalog pesnika luka
Do suprotnog stola
sediš ti, poluokrenuta
Sijaš usred noćne tame
I odjednom se desilo
Reči su mi krenule same
zavrtele glavu pijanu
Ah, kakva žena, kakva žena
ja bih takvu.
Ah kakva žena, kakva žena
Ja bih takvu!
Ispod sebe ne osećam pod
Među zemljom sam i nebom
Kao u snu plešem s tobom
Miris tvog parfema tako prija
izluđuje i opija
Ah kako slatko tonem ja
Naša tela su tako blizu
dok blesave reči
šapćem ti bez stida
Ah, kakva žena, kakva žena
ja bih takvu!
Ah kakva žena, kakva žena
Ja bih takvu!
Otićićeš s drugim, znam
On te odavno miluje
I ne pratim te kući ja
U grudima jače od vatre gori,
ti nisi moja, nisi moja...
Zašto sam sad u ljubomori
pa koliko mi treba vina
da iz sećanja proteram ja
i zaboravim svoj ludi san
Ah, kakva žena, kakva žena
ja bih takvu.
Ah kakva žena, kakva žena
Ja bih takvu.

forever utopia

Sometimes I feel depressed and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust fly, forever utopia
Sometimes I’m downhearted and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust circle in the air, forever utopia
I always run into the muzzle of dreams
You want me not to fantasize again
And no longer gnaw on the steamed bun of dreams
That isn’t a real utopia
You want to find the answer to the question
You gave your chance away for that early
I want to give you the exit of this era, the exit of this era
That’s the answer to the question!
Sometimes I feel depressed and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust fly, forever utopia
Sometimes I’m downhearted and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust circle in the air, forever utopia
There are some bad businesses
I tell you, do not dream again
And I’ve done a lot of evil deeds
You want to find the answer to the question
You gave your chance away for that early
I want to give you the exit of this era, the exit of this era
That’s the answer to the question!
Sometimes I feel depressed and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust fly, forever utopia
Sometimes I’m downhearted and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust circle in the air, forever utopia
Today I’ll see who roars
Tomorrow I’ll know who is leaving
I want to hear one again who said GO and who said NO!
Sometimes I feel depressed and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust fly, forever utopia
Sometimes I’m downhearted and take the past to heart
At times I let the dust circle in the air, forever utopia

Easter is red

Easter is red, Easter, the Lord's Easter!
Easter is an honorable shine for us!
Easter! Let's hug each other!

There's no more music

[Verse 1: Mr. Rain]
There's a part of me that nobody wants
That sadder side that you liked
And that other people hated
I have two clouds inside my eyes
And a silence full of words
And even if it's sunny outside
Inside it ends up raining
[Verse 2: Mr. Rain]
You only know what you want when you really lose something
We are voices that go around the world and never change like an echo
Only yoi could see me better than I was
[Pre-Chorus: Mr. Rain & Birdy]
Now that there's no more music
What's left of me?
[Chorus: Birdy]
I'm still counting the days
Since you've gone everything's black and white
And I keep hearing your name
I see you in my dreams almost every night
I'm looking up at the sky that used to be full of stars
There's no more music if I'm not where you are
In silence, we pray
That you wait somewhere out there in the dark
[Verse 3: Mr. Rain]
And we never remember every day
But who made them better
We don't remember the music
But the moments that bind us to the songs
The words are all the same
But they change their appearance depending on who's telling them to you
A painting that has no colour
Is just a sheet of paper with a frame
[Verse 4: Mr. Rain]
We are stars silently falling from the same sky
Two tracks with different roads leading to one train
But I gave you the worst part of what I had
[Pre-Chorus: Mr. Rain & Birdy]
Now that there's no more music
What's left of me?
[Chorus: Birdy]
I'm still counting the days
Since you've gone everything's black and white
And I keep hearing your name
I see you in my dreams almost every night
I'm looking up at the sky that used to be full of stars
There's no more music if I'm not where you are
In silence, we pray
That you wait somewhere out there in the dark
[Post-Chorus: Birdy]
Oh, are you out there in the dark?
Mm-mm, mmm
Somewhere out there in the dark?
[Chorus: Birdy]
I'm still counting the days
Since you've gone everything's black and white
And I keep hearing your name
I see you in my dreams almost every night
I'm looking up at the sky that used to be full of stars
There's no more music if I'm not where you are
In silence, we pray
That you wait somewhere out there in the dark

Ring -a -Ling

O on Christmas day
From house to house
The children with a creche
Go out caroling.
Ring– a- ling, |
Ding– a- ling, - I
Jouyfully let's sing out! |
Ring – a - ling, |
Ding– a- ling- |
Let us glorify God! | (2)
Before us is a star
Lighting up our path,
Shepards in the field
Playing on their pipes.
The wisemen bowing
Low their heads,
The angels in heaven
Singing joyfully.
Let us carol loudly,
That the world rejoices ,
Rejoice O you Ukraine -
Christ has been born!

Switch To Me

You’re way too good for him
Even though I’ve never seen your man
I can’t really explain it
But I think I’m the right guy for you
Please give me a chance
I know you have a man
But I’m sorry, I want what’s his
I know he’s not a bad guy
But you’re way too special to be with him
How does he treat you?
Does he even know how special you are?
Does he look at you the way I’m looking at you right now?
If not, then…
You’re way too good for him
Even though I’ve never seen your man
I can’t really explain it
But I think I’m the right guy for you
Please give me a chance
Please switch to me, please switch to me, please
Switch to me, please, switch to me, please
Who’s your man?
Why is he leaving you alone like this?
If it were me, even after we had kids and grandkids
I would never leave you alone
Let me love you and hold ya
Look at me right now
This opportunity may never come again
So don’t look at your gold ring
But look at me
Look at your smile reflecting in my eyes
How does he treat you?
Does he even know how special you are?
Does he look at you the way I’m looking at you right now?
If not, then…
You’re way too good for him
Even though I’ve never seen your man
I can’t really explain it
But I think I’m the right guy for you
Please give me a chance
Please switch to me, please switch to me, please
Switch to me, please, switch to me, please

Some Nights There Are

Versions: #1
Some nights there are so wondrous white
that all is touched with silver hue,
and many a great star gleams as bright
as if it guided shepherds to
a Jesus they may find anew.
Strewn with a dust of diamonds
lie field and flood, a broad expanse