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O pretty! Fix some tea.

O pretty! Fix some tea
from the caddy to the teapot.
O pretty! Descend to the valley
and bring fresh mint (leaves).
O pretty! It wasn't you whom I spoke (ill) of.
I am dazed by your eyes.
O pretty! Tell me yes or no.
If it is no, then break it to me and break my hope.


There once was Ukraine
In glory and honor,
They heard and knew Ukraine
In both Moscow and in Germany
They destroyed the Kozaks
The Moscow walls,
They did not smear the Polish Lords
With salt upon their skin.
The Kozaks did remember
And the blue sea they had
Covered with their boats, of oaks,
Forgotting all their troubles.
Oh, we went to the Turks as guests,
To the poles for a wedding,
From there, they turned
To the Horde for a hangover.
Flourished with lush flowers
The Kozak glory,
The native song the nightingale
In the villages had chattered.
They lived a simple life
Yet they praised God,
There was grief, but without grief
Where can one so live?
Ukraine had ruled,
And not for very long,
There flew in trouble and sorrow,
There was misfortune.
Black clouds had blown in
And the sun they had covered,
It had thundered, lightning flashed,
A blizzard had blown in.
The wind picked up from the steppe
There breaking branches ,
It had rained, the droplets
Watering the furrows.
It was not the clouds that went upon the sun
Across the blue sky,
It was an army that went into Ukraine
Over the level steppe
Oh, from the north, the Muscovites had come
And from the south the Tatars came,
And in the evening, the Polish lords
Noisy had flown in.
Guns had thundered all around,
The the sun covered by smoke,
The bullets flying, dear Kozaks
Washing the pathway with blood.
The Kozaks had fought well,
There were various situations
Both to the Muscovites and Polish Lords
To all they left their mark
Oh, it was not their strength that broke them,
But a wicked word,
The Polish word is sweet,
Moscovite negotiations.
They flew into Ukraine
the Poles and Muscovites,
The Jews sat upon the rent,
Taking away the land.
Oh, they chained the dear Kozaks
With a saber they then plowed
Upon the Lord, and upon the Jew
Plowing them in the field.
They came, took everything,
And the freedom, and destiny,
No longer can we hear the joyous singing,
That poured out into the fields.
It is not joyful in Ukraine -
To hear a foreign language,
They moan, cry in captivity
The hungry people.
Working for their masters
Day - night without rest,
Ukrainians forgetting
Their acient glory.
Forgetting, others will not forget
Some, pretty well
They will tell the children everything
About Ukraine- their mother.

Ukraine Went up to God

In a maternal embroidered shirt, where there's fire-a ruin,
In the morning, early. our dear Mother-Ukraine went up to God
The wind unravels there her braids, in the sky a black cloud,
There she had stood and asked of the Lord:
-For what is such a punishment?
Our sons are slain, in a pure field, the graves are as wounds,
They want again to put shackles upon my freedom.
See, how the Kalyna now is troubled, for she is a widow:
'Had I not fervently prayed you?' Did I not beseech you?
Before the Poles I had defended the Orthodox faith ,
The Holy Cross I did not cast away in the Siberian cold.
Rain, in the field, has beaten down the rye, no one's there to harvest:
- How many tears must I yet shed and bury there my sons?
An angel of God then spoke from heaven:
- Soon the day will come,
He who lifted up the sword against thee shall stand upon his knees.
A Holy truth, freedom and destiny shall be in your home,
Only the executioner will neither God nor the people forgive ..


Where yesterday lied ruins,
Will arise again in the center of Europe
Free, strong, powerful country
Which received back its freedom.
We carried through many years
Our dream about free state.
And now in the hope of our parents
We have the right to our state.
We have the right!
Ukraine, you belong to me!
Ukraine! After several years
World will see the great country,
And it will be, it will my Ukraine!
We're not indifferent to the fate of the nation
We have our own grounds for this
How long we can live in the sludge?!
I'm so tired of all of this!
Ukraine - you are the one and only mother.
Ukraine - you are my fatherland.
I see the crash and degradation around.
Arms is our only way.
Ukraine, you belong to me!
Ukraine! After several years
World will see the great country,
And it will be, it will my Ukraine!
Where yesterday lied ruins,
Will arise again in the center of Europe
Free, strong, powerful country
Which received back its freedom.
We carried through many years
Our dream about free state.
And now in hope of our parents
We have the right to our state.
We have the right!
Ukraine, you belong to me!
Ukraine! After several years
World will see the great country,
And it will be, it will my Ukraine!

I don't hear you well

I'm drinking Mai Tai for the end
To get back with me- Don't Try
I'm putting you on switch off
You're bothering us, we're making love
You're think that I'm drowning in Alchol and in tears
Every night I throw a party that you're no longer near me.
Chorus (x2)
Did you say 'it's final' I don't hear you well from Hawaii
I'll call you from Morroco, Zanzibar and Dubai
The connection is bad, But for me it's great
With joy from every part of the world Im telling you: 'No'
He is a rich stud, and he is good-looking and young
for me he is building a palace, hope that I feel bad for you (x2)
Only you my dear baby, for my birthday I wished myself for a day, you to be as far away as possible from me.
Chorus (x2)
I'm drinking Mai Tai for the end
To get back with me-don't try
I'm putting you on switch off
You're bothering us, we're making love
He is a rich stud, and he is good-looking and young
For me he is building a palace.
Chorus (x2)
I'm drinking Mai Tai for the end
To get back with me-don't try
I'm putting you on switch off
You're bothering us, we're making love

Ukraine - It's All Of Us

We've been born here in Ukraine!
In Polissia, in Bukovyna,
In Podilia and in Volyynia,
By the grey Carpathians, in Crimea.
My native country, beloved country,
If one should happen to ask of me:
'What is this, do tell me, a Ukraine?'
I should quite, frankly, tell him :
O Ukraine - this is me!
O Ukraine - this is you!
O Ukraine -it's all of us!
O Ukraine!
Nightingale's wondrous song
Gardens set in white flowers
The Black Sea, Donbass, the highlands!
We - are all one clan,
Sisters and brothers are we,
We together with you are this nation!
O Ukraine - this is me!
O Ukraine - this is you!
O Ukraine - it's all of us!
O Ukraine!
O Ukraine - this is our language,
The Kobzars O so burning word,
It's the rapid Dnipro - the Cheremosh
It's the spruce that is so enchanting,
But foremost it is - the people,
It's the youth who loves to daydream,
It's the maiden, who faithfully does love,
It's the people, who love to sing songs!


This tonight is not a party but a safari
I'm on the prowl for unique male specimen
Who's gonna get burned by my kisses?
Hey, is it going to be you? 1
Hey, is it going to be you, baby?
Hey, is it going to be you?
Hey, is it going to be you?
You don't often allow yourself to feel anything
Give me a minute
If I sit on your lap, I'm gonna upgrade -
in a matter of a minute
Give me a minute
If I sit on your lap, I'm gonna upgrade your evening
in a matter of a minute
I want something sextreme2 , something out of this world
for adults
With you, something sextreme, something immoral
in the summer nights
Don't, don't, don't use your mouth for speaking
Talk to me in the body language
Make me forget my names
Hey, hey, can you do that?
Hey, hey, can you do that, baby?
Hey, hey, can you do that?
Hey, hey, can you do that?
You don't often allow yourself to feel anything
Give me a minute
If I sit on your lap, I'm gonna upgrade your evening
in a matter of a minute
I want something sextreme, something out of this world
for adults
With you, something sextreme, something immoral
in the summer nights
Two pair of lips, yummy thoughts
Yummy, but dirty
You'll go crazy of you stay
But you'll be thankful afterwards
I want something sextreme, something out of this world
for adults
With you, something sextreme, something immoral
in the summer nights
in the summer nights
in the summer nights
  • 1. Ти ли си това? literally means Is that you? but here in can be interpreted the other way
  • 2. combining sex+extreme
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.

Нежна полиција

Хајде бре, кажи, није ли злочин
да сада устајеш и излазиш?
Тачно си ми зграбио интересовање,
тачно ти, што ме не схваташ?
Стани, не мрдај! Где ћеш?
Говори Нежна Полиција!
Ухапшен си ради ноћи,
задржан ради љубави.
Стани, не мрдај! Где ћеш?
Говори Нежна Полиција!
Имаш само једно право -
да будеш самном докле желим.
Ради кога ме овде остављаш?
Сто мушкараца ми је досађивало.
Нема шансе да ћу да те пустим,
постоји начин како могу да те зауздам.
Стани, не мрдај! Где ћеш?
Говори Нежна Полиција!
Ухапшен си ради ноћи,
задржан ради љубави.
Стани, не мрдај! Где ћеш?
Говори Нежна Полиција!
Имаш само једно право -
да будеш самном докле желим.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please.
СР: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'.
EN: You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author.
СР: Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена.

Ти си ми све

Знам колико ме волиш,
но страх у мени шапуће.
У животу све је могуће -
можеш другог срести ти.
Ти си љубав коју желим,
чујеш ли, чујеш ли...?
Све почиње и завршава с тобом.
Ужасно много волим те.
Ништа од мене не би остало
ако бих некад остао без тебе...
Сваки трен без тебе
чини ми црњим живот.
Желим да заувек са мном будеш,
обећаваш ли то?
Ти си ми све...

Македонска девојка

Македонска девојка,
цвеће шарено.
у башти набрано,
неком поклоњено.
Да ли има на овом белом свету
неке лепше девојке од Македонке?
Нема, нема, неће се ни родити
нека лепша девојка од Македонке.
Нема звездица лепших
но што су твоје очи,
да се смрачи на небу,
дан ће разданити.
Да ли има на овом белом свету
неке лепше девојке од Македонке?
Нема, нема, неће се ни родити
нека лепша девојка од Македонке.
Када косу расплете,
као да је од свиле,
лепа је, и чак лепша,
од сваке виле.
Да ли има на овом белом свету
неке лепше девојке од Македонке?
Нема, нема, неће се ни родити
нека лепша девојка од Македонке.
Када песму запева,
славуја натпева,
када коло заигра,
срце разигра.