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Број резултата: 378


Far from your life

Have you lost your memory?
Or is it that you lost your conscience?
Don't try to confuse me, I am not going to let you play with my mind
It's no secret that I loved you
It's true, I won't deny that
I was always at your feet, doing even the impossible to see you pleased
But I grew tired of giving and giving without receiving
What we had is over, I didn't want it that way
It was you who put out the fire of love and passion, I no longer feel the same for you
I want to be far from your life
It's too late to talk about love
I forgive you but what you did to me, I'm not going to forget, I am not going to forget
I want to be far from your life
I regret the time I lost
Don't you ask me to start over
I don't want any more hurt, the kind you caused me
It's no secret that I loved you
It's true, I won't deny that
I was always at your feet, doing even the impossible to see you pleased
But I grew tired of giving and giving without receiving
What we had is over, I didn't want it that way
It was you who put out the fire of love and passion, I no longer feel the same for you
But I grew tired of giving and giving without receiving
What we had is over, I didn't want it that way
It was you who put out the fire of love and passion, I no longer feel the same for you
I want to be far from your life
It's too late to talk about love
I forgive you but what you did to me, I'm not going to forget, I am not going to forget
I want to be far from your life
I regret the time I lost
Don't you ask me to start over
I don't want any more hurt, the kind you caused me
I want to be far from your life
I regret the time I lost
Don't you ask me to start over
I don't want any more hurt, the kind you caused me


Aren't you afraid of rejection?
Aren't you afraid of being left out?
Aren't you afraid of falling into compromise?
When true love is declared from nothing
The arrogant rose withers bit by bit
Even though you're sorry and remorseful
True love, once fallen, can't fly anymore
Don't expect me to understand
Don't expect me to have a moment of truth
Love can't come back at the nod of the head
Happiness, sadness, there's no difference
A broken heart will be fixed in the end
Don't expect me to understand
Don't expect me to have a moment of truth
Love isn't meant to fill your empty space
There's too much going wrong, and it's too late to stop
I don't want to be stuck with this broken beauty
This broken cycle

There's no Way to turn back Time

Vivid beauty is fading,
come close and you'll see the roses bloom,
vivid beauty is fading,
and the roses are withering, no one gave them drink.
I know they aren't yours,
you are just waiting for your ones to bloom,
and happiness is so fleeting,
guard them, don't let them wither!
No, no, there's no way to turn back time.
No, no, you can't bind the time.
No, no, you can't give nothing and take everything.
No, no, it's impossible to take back words of yours!
How many faces do you have,
how many times have you loved and hated,
how many times have you lied and cursed the truth
and have been ashamed of yourself later on,
and have made promise to yourself?
None of that, you just wanted to but you honored nothing.
By one word you created
impregnable stone castle of yours,
where you been warming yourself when things were worst,
where you ran away to,
the dust falling on it (:beauty) will never disappear again.
The vivid beauty is fading,
and the roses are withering, no one gave them drink

José Antonio

Down a lane comes
riding José Antonio,
he comes from the Barranco
to see the Amancaes flower
in a creole Barb,1
he goes along the way
with Panama hat, handkerchief
and white linen poncho.
As the morning runs,
its memory is playing2
and with joyful romp
the horse lazes aroud.
Fine June drizzles
kiss both of his cheeks
and four hooves singing
are on the way to Amancaes.
How beautiful is my horseman
how elegant and snazzy
he holds the fine silk rein
which is white and red.
How tenderly the brake governs
with only silk ribbon
when taking an elegant swerve
the creole Barb.
Jose Antonio, Jose Antonio
Why did you leave me here?
When I find you again
may it be June and drizzle.
I'll snuggle up to your back
under your linen poncho
and on the hat ribbons
I want to see the Amancaes
that I pick up for you
when you carry me on the rump,
of that your golden dream3
of your horse of fine steps4
that of the Peruvian crossing. (Bis)
  • 1. a horse breed
  • 2. could be 'his memory'
  • 3. the horse is the dream
  • 4. a Peruvian horse breed

10 godina

Zajedno smo već deceniju sada
Idalje si lepa, volim te više
Ako bih mogao sve ovo da ponovim
Verovatno bih uradio sve isto kao i pre
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam imao tvoju ljubav
Nisam bio svoj dok te nisam upoznao
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam osetio tvoju ljubav
Volim sve u vezi tebe
Počelo je tako brzo
Sada možemo da usporimo
Ali potrebno je vremena
Potrebno je malo po malo vremena
Jer stari kao vino
Kako ona postaje sve bolja?
Svaki dan naša ljubav nalazi način da postane veća
Vreme koje provodimo zajeno
Hmm, jednostavno je lepo
Ova naša stvar dobro ide
I onda kada sam pomislio da mi je srce puno
Nađem mesta koja nikada nisam istražio
Tako si fascinantna
I ne mogu da se setim poslednjeg puta kada mi je bilo dosadno
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam imao tvoju ljubav
Nisam bio svoj dok te nisam upoznao
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam osetio tvoju ljubav
Volim sve u vezi tebe
Kako ona postaje sve bolja?
Svaki dan naša ljubav nalazi način da postane veća(nalazi način da postane veća)
Vreme koje provodimo zajeno
Hmm, jednostavno je lepo
Ova naša stvar dobro ide
Kako ona postaje sve bolja?
Svaki dan naša ljubav nalazi način da postane veća
Vreme koje provodimo zajeno
Hmm, jednostavno je lepo
Ova naša stvar dobro ide

The Galaxy

A poor homeless hopelessly walked on this earth
The rain was cold and the steps heavy
Poor hung his head in silence
Then Venus was visible twinkling white on the firmament
The night was silent and the land was dark
Poor hold up your face
When hope is out of sight
Destinys fall behind
Eternity take us
The night sky conceals my desire
Destinies fall behind
The galaxy over the blue ocean
Eternity take us
The night sky conceals my desire
Destinies fall behind
The galaxy blue
To deny god was my lot
By some was said that better was to stay silent
About such highness, so crushing a lie
Scepticism and science won
Even if it's cold outside and the goal is hidden
On a dark night to fall into despair, to loose hope
Is not an option ever discussed
The ancient hero that swung his sword
The star gathering swung the sword of time
Man gathering few low in numbers
The star gathering swung the sword of time
The gravesilence gray


Nothing is so bold
That it doesn't become all (that it doesen't end someday)
Now a galaxy approaches
Destiny the condition of existence
When Norns coldly
Counted all days
Though endless eternity is
Mercilessly towards end it goes
Days fly by
Ancient century upon century (ancient age upon age)
Fortune flows and ebbs (rises and falls as the tide)
Destiny of man is cold
Hopelesness piles up a cairn
Decreases the mass of days
Days fly by
Destiny of man is cold
Fair stay with me
Until resting evenign comes
And cold the winter came
Love the edge of existence
Though it still freezes
Warm fire burn with me
When the snow lay cold
The warm stare heats
Darkening uncome years
Silent falls a tear
Love the the ancient site conceals
Silent slave to music
Taken by cold silence
Step into history and legend
Burn like a shooting star
Fallen into the atmosphere on a winter night


Zatekao sam se na parkingu u tri
Imao sam svadju na igralištu, ogrebao oči, ne mogu da vrištim
U mom autu sam i preplavljen emocijama, pa zato plivam
Pozovem te, ti kažeš da ti lepo ide
A unutra se raspadaš
I znam da me želiš blizu
I samo pokušavam da ti budem prijatelj
I ne pokušavam da budem neprijatnost
Samo pokušavam da budem tvoj brat
Vruće je u mojoj sobi i ne mogu da vidim
Da li je zbog groznice ili mene?
Maglovito je i ja sam lenj
Zašto ne mogu da te zovem svojom dušom?
Jer mogu, ali neću
I znam da me želiš blizu
I ja samo pokušavam da te smirim
Znam da ti nedostaje tvoj dragi
Ali ja samo pokušavam da budem tvoj brat.


Amidst longing seconds, I count the minutes obsessively1
inconceivable good news, a never coming tomorrow
Such a long summer, such a tempestuous last day
Loneliness was not our deal, you in heaven, we here
For lips which do not utter a word, for eyes at sleep
What should I sing, so you open your eyes, say something, call [me]?
You are gone, I’m all tears and sighs, wistful to steal a glance at you
I wish each and every moment someone says “here comes your moon”
Counting moments to your arrival, to sit on your porch, to do something
But the moment I get to your alley, my longing heart wishes to wail
My longing heart wishes to wail
For lips which do not utter a word, for eyes at sleep
What should I sing, so you open your eyes, say something, call [me]?
You are gone, I’m all tears and sighs, wistful to steal a glance at you
I wish each and every moment someone says “here comes your moon”
  • 1. Lit. so much

When the lights shine

When everything in this world shine
When those lights once again
Shine upon our dark existence
When roses are resurrected
And beautiful things
Become a reality
When joy is reborn
And your mouth and mine
Can touch each other freely
When those lost lights
Come back to shine upon
Our lives again
When those lost lights
Come back to shine upon
Our lives again.

Do what the hell you want

Is it difficult to leave or to stay ?
One thousand questions in your mind,it's difficult to understand you
You are so immersed in thought
Darling, whatever you do it is difficult (to decide)
Did you decide,honey, is your situation certain ?
It has been just a few days,stop and listen to me !
Come to me, to the place where I am
And then see what is the life
Or go others' way
Do what the hell you want


Versions: #1
It’s not funny anymore
This isn’t blues clues
Did you choke on pizza? (Haha)
Or how have you been?
Again in Ibiza (mhm)
Your lights got cut off
Did you lose your visa?
Or why haven’t you arrived?
It’s that
I always get what I want when I want, but you don’t notice me.
Could it be you’re an idiot?
If you knew that you’re missing out on what’s good but you don’t care.
You’ve got me acting like such an idiot
Idiot, idiot
Idiot, idiot, such an idiot
Idiot, idiot
Such, such an idiot
I’m such a good girl,
100 percent certified
I have everything so resolved, I live chill like on vacation
The best at yoga, Aikido and meditation
But you’re an Idiot
Come take my clothes off without any conditions
Heat me up the soup and put in the injection
I’ll give you the first 5 letters of my reputation
You’ve got me like the llorona, you’ve got me crying, ayyy
Who do you think you are?
Because I gave you a crown?
It’s not like that here (uh)
Well you can put that crown in your- (uh)
I always get what I want when I want but you don’t notice me (no, no, no)
Could it be you’re an idiot
If you knew you’re missing out on what’s good but you don’t care.
You’ve got me acting like such an idiot
Idiot, idiot
Idiot, such an idiot
Idiot, idiot
Such, such an idiot
I’m such a good girl,
100 percent certified
I have everything resolved, I live chill like on vacation
Beers, billiards, dice and tacos are my tradition
But you’re an idiot
That’s why I’ve now had six drinks, two shots
A cigarette, to be more of an idiot
Bri-bring me tequila,
Let the cumbia continue
And when I dance everything on my body bounces
You’re an idiot, I’m an idiot, you’re an idiot, I’m another idiot, you’re an idiot, I’m an idiot and together we’re idiots

Ostap Bender's Song [No, I'm Not Weeping]

Versions: #2
No, I'm not weeping, and I'm not crying
To every question I am honestly replying
That our life is a game, and I'm the one to blame
For getting so addicted to this game!
And why should I have to say I'm sorry?
They will give in, I take the offer. End of story.
I'd say my natural gift and my internal fire
Are worth a humble prize that I desire.
Let gales travel, howling and raging,
Through our misty daily-life sea.
There goes my boat's white sail, so lonely and fragile,
Amidst giant vessels of steel.
I bet you'd like to possess the talent
To hit the bull's eye every time without an effort!
The tigerish look, the force, a gracious move to boot —
Here's on a platter forbidden fruit.
To walk the blade's edge is so breathtaking —
Oh angels, freeze mid-flight and watch the moves I'm making,
The casting of my sins leave till the day I'm dead,
Admire the beauty of my game instead!
I'm not a brigand, and I'm not sinless,
My life is not a bed of roses, I can see this.
And it may well turn out the busy life of mine
Will make my head go grey ahead of time.
But I'm not weeping, and I'm not crying,
I don't know if I win or lose, so I keep trying,
Although there is a chance that luck will crack its grin,
And I will forfeit more than I could win.
There goes my boat's white sail, so lonely and fragile,
Amidst giant vessels of steel.


Научио си, љубави, да погађаш право у мету,
дође ти тај налет и онда изађеш кроз врата.
Чинио си све да се осећам безначајно,
то си све време хтео, а ја никад то нисам приметила.
Водио си ме за руку у срце таме,
није ме било брига, само сам те због тога желела још више.
Боже, твоја љубав ми се чинила тако безопасном,
никад то нисам приметила.
И мрзим што си отишао,
и мрзим што не желим да пустим све то,
и мрзим што мислиш да сам слаба
зато што нећу да дозволим да сазнаш
Сазидаћу куле
од рушевина твоје љубави,
од рушевина твоје љубави.
Бићу више него што си
икад мислио да јесам,
икад мислио да јесам.
Сваки пут кад би отишао, осећала сам глад,
осећала сам се тако мртво, нисам више могла да трпим
да губим твоју љубав, али то ме је учинило јачом,
а да никад то нисам приметила.
И мрзим што си отишао,
и мрзим што не желим да пустим све то,
и мрзим што мислиш да сам слаба
зато што нећу да дозволим да сазнаш
Сазидаћу куле
од рушевина твоје љубави,
од рушевина твоје љубави.
Бићу више него што си
икад мислио да јесам,
икад мислио да јесам.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Paradoks plamena

Znači tu si,
Tražio sam te dugo.
A opet si tu,
kao da se neko zeza s mojim čulima.
Kako želim da me poneseš daleko od sve patnje, da osiguraš da sve što smo ostavili ostane zakopano duboko, da bi naša srca izdržala.
Znači tu smo,
Razumem da su nam namere drugačije.
Nije ničija krivica što su svetlosne godine među nama.
Kako bih želeo da još osećamo isto,
da se nikad nismo promenili
i da smo delili sutra-
nema dovoljno vremena da popravimo naše pute, a da ne iščupamo srca.
Molio sam dok mi kolena nisu zabolela
Trudio sam se mnogo više od tebe-
nikad nisi slušala moje reči i osećao sam a nikad nisam dovoljno dobar za tebe.
I sad ovde stojimo slomljenim srca, izgubili smo naš put, nekako ga izgubili
I nema mržnje, ja možda još volim-
Paradoks plamena.

Chemtrails Over the Country Club

na trci sam sa tobom,moja slatka ljubavi
nema nista lose razmisljati o bogu
ispod chemtrails over the country club****
nosimo nas nakit u bazenu
ja i moja sestra samo igramo kul
ispod chemtrails over the country club
izvadi svoju tirkiznu i svoj nakit
idi u radnju,deca u bazenu
bebo koji je tvoj znak
moj mesec je lav,rak je moj mesec
neces da se igras,nisi zabavan
ne zanima me sta oni misle
trkam se u mom malom crvenom autu
nisam ne vezana,niti ne srecna,samo sam divlja
na trci sam sa tobom,moja slatka ljubavi
nema nista lose razmisljati o bogu
ispod chemtrails over the country club****
nosimo nas nakit u bazenu
ja i moja sestra samo igramo kul
ispod chemtrails over the country club
idemo na kafu
u osnovnoj skoli
smejemo se nicemu
dok se leto sabire
prelepo je,kako strmo
normalnost se slegne na damnom
nije mi dosadno niti sam sam ne srecna
ja sam jos uvek tako cudna i divlja
ti si u vazduhu,ja sam u vodi
niciji sin,nicija cerka
gledajuci chemtrails over the country club
Suburbia,Barbarina ulica market
sta da radimo sledece,bebo svidece nam se
bela ograda chemtrails over the country club
moja ljubavi moja ljubavi
perem moju kosu,perem ves
nek bude kasno vece,zelim te da me drzis
kao kada smo bili deca
ispod chemtrails over the country club
nikada nije kasno bebo ne odustaj
nikada nije kasno bebo ne odustaj
ispod chemtrails over the country club
ti si rodjen u decembru ja u junu
jea ispod chemtrails over rhe country club
ti si rodjen u decembru a ja u junu
moj rak je sunce moj lav je mesec
moj rak je sunce moj lav je mesec
da da da da da
da da da da

Prison of Heart

Behind these windows, one's heart aches
You know about the sadness and the sorrows of my heart
When I speak of my life,
You know that I get teary eyed.
It's been a lifetime that sadness has been locked in my heart
My heart has a prison, you know that
No matter how many times I've told it (the sadness) that it's free to go
'I love you', it says. You know that
I want to complain to God tonight
You know about the complaints of my heart
I want to ask him 'why is my life so dark?' (why am I so ill-fated)
Why my life is so dark, you know that.
When the windows are closed, the night is going to come
My eyes are going to be restless, you know that
If tonight passes, it's going to be tommorow
What will happen tomorrow, you know that
It's been a lifetime that sadness has been locked in my heart
My heart has a prison, you know that
No matter how many times I've told it that it's free to go
'I love you', it says. You know that
Behind these windows, one's heart aches
You know about the sadness and the sorrows of my heart
When I speak of my life,
I get teary eyed, you know that.
It's been a lifetime that sadness has been locked in my heart
My heart has a prison, you know that
No matter how many times I've told it that it's free to go
'I love you', it says. You know that


Versions: #1
Your body reminds me of a summer noon
Your eye color reminds me of rain
When you're not here, my life is no different than a prison
Your sulking reminds me of the bitterness of prison
I'm in need of seeing you every day
[I'm in need of] hearing 'I love you' from your lips
You are majestic, like the moment it starts to rain
You are the same blood which flows in my veins every moment
You are like how a red rose sleeps, you are as smooth as a dream
I'm the one who will not survive without you
I'm in need of seeing you every day
Hearing 'I love you' from your lips
You are like being tempted to chase a butterfly
You are like the joy of running a kite
You are always full of adventures like a fairytale
You are like the satisfaction of putting a doll to sleep
I'm in need of seeing you every day
Hearing 'I love you' from your lips
You are exquisite, like the shapes that clouds make
The petunias lose their colors when they see you
If men in fairytales find out that you're here,
They'd be galloping all the way here with winged horses to take you with them
I'm in need of seeing you every day
Hearing 'I love you' from your lips

The artist and the model

You scream that I’m your tyrant,
and, flourishing with hatred,
you bend, like an animal bold,
your blue spine and a neck naked.
I can’t take your undignified words,
I will run white with venomous anger.
I adore you so much that it hurts,
so don’t change, stay like this forever.
People will pray for you, dirty thing,
While I’m here, while I’m living.
(c) Andrey Voznesenskiy
(c) translated into English by Maryna Tchianova

Heal me

I'm sick, heal me please, my friend...
Give me a drink of baptismal water of life.
Warm up my soul in the palm of your hand,
The titmouse that got lost in the sky.
On the wings that were cut by the stars
The scarlet threads are tangled.
If it's not too late, heal my scars!
Or leave me alone on cold granite.
Calm waters will foam, when the day ends,
I will step right into the icy abyss.
I'm in pain! Heal me, my friend!
My back is scarred from my sins!
An invisible stork will fly above the land
Over wounded titmouse, fallen to the grave.
I did not know, my friend, that I would repent.
You forgive me, I don't know how to pray…

May Seem Contrary

Stop floating arround ye fellow, scorn this wretched one not
In every forbade, freedom will be set for us
Being a lover also a poet and also being an antialcohol
What kind of paradox is this, it may seem contrary

How Far?

Versions: #1
Did they cast you down,
Break you, knock your heart out?
No one got the picture, no one ever heard you out
I would hear you out, why did you elope..
Give it a burl, see how wretched I am
I'm a wretch who's broken-down by virtue of pain and distress
I'm a fusty ruin who's been vandalized
I loved you ever too much
Leave me in the lurch without thinking, go faraway
Go away even if my tears shed like a flood
My eyes stare into space at night, but you go to the realms without me
You're a sufferer, I'm a sufferer, come on, do tell
How far will it go like this?

True Love

Like a knife
thru butter,
you came into my life
when I was dying.
Like the moonlight
thru a crack,
that's how you
came into my eyes.
and that's how I began
loving you on a daily.
Without any laws
and without time.
and that's how you woke me up
from every dream that
you were in.
and no one was looking for it.
and no one planned it like this,
that in my destiny,
you would be for me.
no one was betting
on me being so happy,
but cupid had pity on me
like rain in
the desert,
you watered my heart with faith and
drowned my fears.
Like a sweet voice,
in the silence,
that's how love came to us,
true love.


We were sitting in the moonlight
I kissed you on your wrist
Then I kissed you while standing
I kissed you on your lips
I kissed you in front of the door
I kissed you from your breath
There were children in the garden
I kissed you from your child
I took you to my home, to my bed
I kissed you on your spoon
We met other houses
I kissed you from your marrow
Finally I took you to the streets
I kissed you from your source

You Possess

I have you sleeping with me
You're beautiful, not to mention...
Your lovely crimson, upon the desk
Keepin' it to your husband...
Though your husband doesn't have my arms
Peel an orange, in slices
I'm from Uzunminare*, born and bred
Can't keep myself away from the sea...


Three people at the stop
The man, woman and kid
Man's hands were in his pockets
Woman were holding her kid's hand
Man was woebegone
Woebegone like woebegone songs
Woman was beautiful
Beautiful like beautiful memories
Was woebegone like beautiful memories
Beautiful like woebegone songs

Vitamin Ğ

Thanks to our men and women of letters
They found a vitamin
When you work a little bit

Tombstone Flowers

70.000 love and 90.000.000 lines of poetry
The world-renowned poet İlhan Berk lies here!
Please passenger, it's a good deed, don't you be too lazy to
Add another zero to that number thyself


Death comes back to my memory, a death at a shot
I'm hanging on a tree's shadow

The Poem Of The One Who Gave Up Smoking

Back in the day, burning1 was my precedency
Now, not to burn is my precedency
  • 1. Smoking a cigarette can be used as 'Burn' if you want to say it in a hilarious way


You're beautiful sweetie
But at very close range!

Kiss Me Then Give Birth To Me

Versions: #1
It's the skulduggery that granulates
At the spicas of the fair-haired kids
From the oasis
A blindfolded syringa's scent from the oasis
Is revolving around our little old sun
Brimming over the houses, gazebos
And taking up my voice's residence
The loose-jointed cicutine of my voice
The variegate cicutine of my voice
And towards the birds