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The Next Right Thing

I've seen dark before, but not like this
this is cold, this is empty, this is numb
The life I knew is over, the lights are out
Hello darkness, I'm ready to succumb
I follow you around, I always have
but you've gone to a place I can not find
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down
but a tiny voice whispers in my mind
You are lost, hope is gone
but you must go on
and do the next right thing
Can there be a day beyond this night?
I don't know anymore what is true
I can't find my direction, I'm all alone
the only star that guided me was you
How to rise from the floor,
when it's not you I'm rising for?
Just do the next right thing
Take a step, step again
it is all that I can, to do
the next right thing
I won't look too far ahead
It's much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath
this next step, this next choice
is one that I can make
So, I'll walk through this night
Stumbling blindly towards the light
and do the next right thing
And with the dawn,
what comes then?
When it's clear that everything
will never be the same again?
Then I'll make the choice
to hear that voice
And do the next right thing

The Farewell Song

Versions: #1
Let's talk now in whispers, Let's not be aloud,
Let's bid our farewells now, and go.
A week, an another, and we will calm down
What was, that was, it's gone
Of course it is horrible, so stupid and senseless,
Oh how could one turn back the time?
The past can't be turned back, it's rather unthinkable,
And even don't have it in mind.
Let's deal with our lunches, let's deal with our clothing,
Let's fill our living with cares,
It's easier that way, it´s a lot simpler truly
It truly is hurting much less
Let's not be so cunning, let's not charm the fate
By god, it is not worth the pain,
Oh, yes, gentlemen, not maybe, not sometime
But never, ever again.
Say, ain't it so sweet
And so very good,
Came and went away,
Was and left for good.

It’s getting dark

You were swinging on a swing,
I was swinging on a swing.
You started laughing all of a sudden,
And I started laughing with you too.
How wonderful it is,
Isn’t is wonderful?
How beautiful it is,
Isn’t it beautiful?
It’s getting darker, can you imagine...
Getting darker, hah!
A broken umbrella
Was lying
On the wet bench nearby.
The wind really messed it up
A broken umbrella...so be it
How wonderful it is,
Isn’t is wonderful?
How beautiful it is,
Isn’t it beautiful?
It’s getting darker, can you imagine...
Getting darker, hah!
Your slippers are completely covered in mud,
My shoes are dirty too.
So what are you seeing so special here
That brings you so much joy?
How wonderful it is,

Blood of Kings

He went in search of another land
he left his homeland and parted from there,
he boarded his ship and sailed off,
plowing through the endless seas.
And in the night he remembers his love,
promising to return where he one day left her.
Sailing the wind through the sea,
quickly his ship traversed the storm
to fight in a foreign land,
in a war he never wanted part of.
But soon the war will end
and a thought will flood his mind,
he will return home
and will embrace her once again.
Blood of kings,
his blue blood still runs through his veins,
blood of kings
that flows through the loyal,
the ones that follow their king.
At last the wait is over
and in the air betrayal can be felt,
of those who want to usurp him,
to steal his throne and take over his home.
And in his eyes vengeance will shine
sowing fear in his enemy, he must kill them,
and even if the end comes,
through his veins will run the....
...blood of kings,
his blue blood still runs through his veins,
blood of kings
that flows through the loyal,
the ones that follow their king.

One (Unique)

Neither am I a mountain
Neither are you a sea
Neither am I absent
Neither are you present
Neither we are far apart
Neither are we neighbors
Neither are we higher
Neither are we level
Neither am I built
Neither am I destructed
Neither am I slave
Neither are you master
Neither am I a lake
Not like water
Neither are you a hallucination
Not like a dream
Neither are you the moonlight
Neither are you like sunlight
You are dark
You are rare
You are from earth
You are alone
You are the same color as me
You are off, you are low light
You are why, far from light
My dear friend, simple flower
Your friend is night and wind
Don't be the sun
Not like rain
Be yourself and come out
See for yourself, without you am so handless(helpless)
But with you, I am someone
Someone who isn't in the conversations
Someone who is like no one else here
I am like that person
That is not alone with you (because of you)
Neither am I a mountain
Neither are you a sea
Neither am I absent
Neither are you present
Neither we are far apart
Neither are we neighbors
Neither are we higher
Neither are we level
Neither am I built
Neither am I destructed
Neither am I slave
Neither are you master
Neither am I a lake
Not like water
Neither are you a hallucination
Not like a dream
Neither are you the moonlight
Neither are you like sunlight
You are dark
You are rare
You are from earth
You are alone
You are the same color as me
You are off, you are low light
You are why, far from light
My dear friend, simple flower
Your friend is night and wind
Don't be the sun
Not like rain
Be yourself and come out
See for yourself, without you am so handless(helpless)
But with you, I am someone
Someone who isn't in the conversations
Someone who is like no one else here
I am like that person
That is not alone with you (because of you)

I Won't Write A Love Poem Anymore

That was she, I recognized her at first sight
Frivolous like birds
Unexpected like children
The moon stretched brightness to my darkness
Wherever she stretched out her secluded neck
She was most beautiful woman in the world
I wish she could comb her hair all over
I wish she sit, but she wouldn't
Blood woman, your horses were like wind
I always remembered how lively you were
Of course it was her mouth
Adjusted to all sensitivities
Alhambra* from the kind of kisses
In the unlimited sea of ​​all sheets
Her busy mouth would move
Oh, now my eyes
Crying nonstop
There is a woman's skirt on me
The blueness of the day is from her
The rooster of the night is from her

Kings of the Night

We were so much more than nothing,
we were lies, we were the worst.
We were the soldiers at sunrise
for that ambition.
And now I'm free,
and now that I can think,
about not going back to being the same as before.
And how much sadness there is in town, love,
sunny saturday.
And in the middle of the pain statue
I felt motionless, I felt motionless.
We were so much more than everyone,
kings of the night, of this storm.
If I sold you, if I stole from you, I betrayed you,
it was for one more.
And now I'm free,
and now that I can think,
about not going back to being the same as before.
And how much sadness there is in town, love,
sunny saturday.
And in the middle of the pain statue
I felt motionless, I felt motionless.
We were dogs of the night,
rusted with sadness.
And how much sadness there is in town, love,
sunny saturday.
And in the middle of the pain statue
I felt motionless, I felt motionless.
And to want what you want,
without having to harm anyone,
remembering that your love
stole my dignity,
let's forget, the both of us,
let's not start again,
for what? for what?

This is ours

This is a devastating love,
It breaks down into the middle of the
The burden of passion
A divisive love,
The bread divides the water
Three meals a day
This is treacherous love
A thief enters your house
And the police enter his
Illegal love,
to get married
Does not he ever think?
This is a robber love,
Of the most ordinary tunes
The joys are demolished
The love's roots outside
Dante and Beatrice
It imitates fiercely
This love is an invading,
Says haystack is a place for those who make love
It doesn't say anything else

Следећа најбоља америчка плоча

Мој драги би стално плесао испод моје архитектуре
Уз Houses of the Holy*
Док је пушио цигарете
Мој драги би стално плесао испод моје архитектуре
Био је готиван до бола
Био је готиван до бола
И били смо опседнути с писањем следеће најбоље америчке плоче
Толико да смо дали све од себе, док нисмо отишли у кревет
Јер смо знали да можемо
Били смо тако опседнути с писањем следеће најбоље америчке плоче
Јер смо просто били толико добри
Просто је била толико добра
Шта год да се пушта** вечерас
Само желим да се забављам с тобом
Топанга*** је врела вечерас
Скидам свој купаћи костим
Због тебе се осећам као
Да постоји нешто што никад нисам знала да желим
Мој драги би стално плесао испод моје архитектуре
Био је као из 70-их у духу
Као из 90-их по начину размишљања
Мој драги би стално плесао испод моје архитектуре
Изгубили смо појам о простору
Изгубили смо појам о времену
И били смо тако опседнути
С писањем следеће најбоље америчке плоче
Да смо дали све од себе, док нисмо отишли у кревет
Јер смо знали да можемо
Били смо тако опседнути с писањем следеће најбоље америчке плоче
Јер смо просто били толико добри
Просто је била толико добра
Шта год да се пушта вечерас
Само желим да се забављам с тобом
Топанга је врела вечерас
Скидам свој купаћи костим
Због тебе се осећам као
Да постоји нешто што никад нисам знала да желим
Свирали смо Eagles**** доле у Малибуу и желим то
То си ти, сви путеви воде ка теби
Све што желим и радим
Све што говорим
Истина је, сви путеви воде ка теби
Као низ 405***** возим
Свако вече и сваки дан
Ја те видим онаквим какав заправо јеси
Зашто на хиљаде девојака
Воле како Бил свира гитару
Шта год да се пушта вечерас
Само желим да се забављам с тобом
Топанга је врела вечерас
Скидам свој купаћи костим
Због тебе се осећам као
Да постоји нешто што никад нисам знала да желим
Свирали смо Eagles доле у Малибуу и желим то
Постоји нешто што никад нисам знала, да желим


Versions: #1
Cold wind with heavy rain
Strengthened a hundred times
Everything says us one thing
That there is no back turning
That I am no longer your honey
And you are not my darling
That our love has run out of
Battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
I missed you so much
In the times of parting
You came back to me
Through dreams and distances
But even after all this
Fate-villain came
And our love has run out of
Battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Seems like everything is as always,
All the same cups and spoons
The same water in the tap,
All the same chair without a leg
And all the same in the morning
A chirping canary bird
Only our love has run out of
Battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love
Oh-oh-ee-ya-ee-yo, battery of love

The Three Kings

Who are the three that come at once
and once a year they fill us with gifts?
Kings, the Three Kings
once a year they fill us with gifts
On which animals they are traveling?
On an elephant, a camel and a horse
Kings, the Three Kings
once a year they fill us with gifts
on an elephant, a camel and a horse
How are we going to call them?
Melchior Caspar and Balthazar
Kings, the Three Kings
once a year they fill us with gifts
on an elephant, a camel and a horse
Melchior Caspar and Balthazar
And what´s that the kings are carrying?
They carry gold, incense and myrrh
Kings, the Three Kings
once a year they fill us with gifts
on an elephant, a camel and a horse
Melchior Caspar and Balthazar
they carry gold, incense and myrrh
And how will they get there? What map they will use?
A great star guides them
Kings, the Three Kings
once a year they fill us with gifts
on an elephant, a camel and a horse
Melchior Caspar and Balthazar
they carry gold, incense and myrrh
a great star guides them
And what is the reason of the celebration?
They come to adore the Child of God who was already born
Kings, the Three Kings
once a year they fill us with gifts
on an elephant, a camel and a horse
Melchior Caspar and Balthazar
they carry gold, incense and myrrh
a great star guides them
they come to worship the Child of God who was already born
Kings, the Three Kings

Dust smoke

Versions: #1
No reason to love is asked to anyone
I became a flag, I was waved in your hands
If your love is poison, it won't touch a gram
We are in the deserts on the roads that we are forced to
It is not easy to love my father, we are obliged, we are tired
Navy blue sea if red fire [x2]
Believe it, this door opens
Believe me all the time screaming your name
Stay in place with the order of order
A dark blue, red, dust everywhere!


Leila ah Leila ah
Alas alas!
Leila ah Leila ah
I’m compelled to you, but I cannot return
Alas alas!
I can't poison the nights for her again
Leila ah Leila ah
I’m madly in love with you, but I don’t know about you
No, impossible
I can’t tell you to love me by force again
Whatever I do is in vain,
If you’d only see my condition,
I wish
If a miracle would happen
Very difficult
If I’d tell my problem
No no,
I'm falling on evil days, give me back me
I come to me once in a while but
I hid the most beautiful pain for you
The world in a side and you in another
The end is empty but again the memories are many
Come back to me and run to my slope
Ask again, come and ask me again
You can’t find me
Ask the lonelinesses Leila
Ask me about me Leila
Ask the memories Leila
But it’s very tough Leila
Save me Lord
Leila ah Leila ah
Alas alas!
Leila ah Leila ah
I’m compelled to you, but I cannot return
Alas alas!
I can't poison the nights for her again
Leila ah Leila ah
I’m madly in love with you, but I don’t know about you
No, impossible
I can’t tell you to love me by force again
At my peril
Run away, come back to me
Don’t hurt my soul with the wounds you’ve opened
I won’t cry, no, never
But forgive me, look it’s hard
Ask Leila
Ask me about me Leila
Ask the memories Leila
But it’s very tough Leila
Leila ah Leila ah
I’m compelled to you, but I cannot come back
Alas alas!
Leila ah Leila ah
I’m compelled to you, but I can’t come back
Alas! Alas!
I can’t poison the nights for her again,
Leila ah Leila ah,
I’m madly in love with you, but I don’t know about you,
No, no way,
I can’t tell you to love me again by force

My Moon

Alright, I'm leaving now.
Please remember me in your prayers,
keep the taste of my name
on your tongue...
Keep my good deeds
in the box of your heart,
and also keep my greetings
in the letters and telegrams.
I have taken your darkness upon myself,
and named my bright shining star to you.
Oh my moon,
Oh my, my moon,
Oh my beloved moon..
Oh my beloved.
Although I'm no longer in your gatherings,
there is no sadness,
there is no sadness..
stories of ours of our closenesses,
aren't any less,
aren't any less
so many times I have turned
my mornings into evenings sitting in your presence.
Oh my moon,
Oh my, my moon,
Oh my beloved moon..
Oh my beloved.
I'm turning away from your path and leaving,
Just like the sandalwood, leaving my fragrance with you...
Leaving my heart's desire under your pillow.
covering myself in a simple cotton cloth as I take my leave.


Don't lie, look into my eyes
This time, don't lie, look into my eyes
This time, don't lie, look into my eyes
This time, look into my eyes
This time, look into my eyes
How couId I fall for your eyes?
How couId I fall for your words?
My head spins again because your eyes are hazel
Because your eyes are hazel
Your eyes are hazel
Help me, help me, help me, help me, help me
You know, this guy is always pensive, always pensive, always pensive
Believe me, I can't give up on you
I am drunk again, staying up all night
I have questions in my mind, can't solve them
I can't see if it's day or night
Don't say 'It's only your fault'
I won't accept this
Hit me, even if you always pin me down as doing this.
Pride is not temporary. It consumed, spent my life.
How does it happen to me? I got into this wreck once, My early termination is coming.
If I have one little kiss from your lips, it is enough.
My life is wasted, no need to prolong it.
You are a sad song in my ears.
Life, believe me I am tired of this, you're full of traps.
Don't lie, look into my eyes
Don't lie, look into my eyes
Don't lie, look into my eyes
look into my eyes
look into my eyes
Don't lie, look into my eyes this time
Don't lie, look into my eyes this time
Don't lie, look into my eyes this time
look into my eyes this time
look into my eyes
How couId I fall for your eyes?
How couId I fall for your words?
My head spins again because your eyes are hazel
Because your eyes are hazel
Your eyes are hazel
Believe me, I can't give up on you
I am drunk again, staying up all night
I have questions in my mind, can't solve them
I can't see if it's day or night

Lešnik (Boje lešnika)

Ne govori laži, pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put, laži, ne govori laži, pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put, laži, ne govori laži, pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put pogledaj me u oči
Kako se desilo, prevario(prešao) sam se tvojim očima
Kako se desilo prevario (prešao) sam se tvojim očima
Opet mi se vrti u glavi jer su ti oči boje lešnika, jer su tvoje oči boje lešnika, jer su ti oči boje lešnika
Pomozi, pomozi, pomozi, pomozi, pomozi, pomozi
Znaš da je ovaj dečko
uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, zamišljen
Veruj tebe ne mogu da te prebolim
Opet sam postao pijanac
Noćima ostajem
U mom umu pitanja
Ne mogu da rešim
Da li je dan ili noć to ne mogu da vidim
Samo je tvoja krivica,
Nikako ne reci meni, ne prihvatam, prodji i uvek ti pucaj, iako svaki put tako uradivši zaključaš(završiš).
Ne prolazi ponos, prolazi mi život trošeći ga. So na vratu mi se kuva (sprema).
Kako sam se ovde našao ?
Pao sam u ovu nevolju jednom dolazi mi rani kraj, rani kraj. Kad bih uzeo još jedan poljubac sa tvojih usana. Pusti, prolazi život, nema potrebe da odugovlačiš. Tužna pesma, u mojim ušima. Život veruj, dosadilo mi je, ne prolazi od tvojih zamki.
Ne govori laži, pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put, laži, ne govori laži, pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put, laži, ne govori laži, pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put pogledaj me u oči
Ovaj put pogledaj me u oči
Kako se desilo, prevario(prešao) sam se tvojim očima
Kako se desilo prevario (prešao) sam se tvojim očima
Opet mi se vrti u glavi jer su ti oči boje lešnika, jer su tvoje oči boje lešnika, jer su ti oči boje lešnika
Pomozi, pomozi, pomozi, pomozi, pomozi, pomozi
Znaš da je ovaj dečko
uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, uvek zamišljen, zamišljen
Veruj tebe ne mogu da te prebolim
Opet sam postao pijanac
Noćima ostajem
U mom umu pitanja
Ne mogu da rešim
Da li je dan ili noć to ne mogu da vidim.

My Moon

Alright, I'm leaving now.
Please remember me in your prayers,
keep the taste of my name
on your tongue...
Keep my good deeds
in the box of your heart,
and also keep my greetings
in the letters and telegrams.
I have taken your darkness upon myself,
and named my bright shining star to you.
Oh my moon,
Oh my, my moon,
Oh my beloved moon..
Oh my beloved.
Although I'm no longer in your gatherings,
there is no sadness,
there is no sadness..
stories of ours of our closenesses,
aren't any less,
aren't any less
so many times I have turned
my mornings into evenings sitting in your presence.
Oh my moon,
Oh my, my moon,
Oh my beloved moon..
Oh my beloved.
I'm turning away from your path and leaving,
Just like the sandalwood, leaving my fragrance with you...
Leaving my heart's desire under your pillow.
covering myself in a simple cotton cloth as I take my leave.

To pass with you through the desert of the world

To pass with you through the desert of the world
To face together the terror of death
To see the truth, to lose fear
Beside your steps I walked
For you I left my kingdom my secret
My quick night my silence
My round pearl and its east
My mirror my life my image
And I abandoned the gardens of paradise
There outside in the unveiled light of the hard day
Without the mirrors I saw that I was naked
And the wasteland1 was called time
Because of this with your gestures you dressed me
And I learned to live in full wind.
  • 1. field, but considering the desert of the world image, wasteland fits better here
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

I shall return

I shall return to the poem like to the fatherland to home
Like to the ancient childhood that I lost due to my carelessness
To search obstinately the substance of everything
And to scream with passion under a thousand lit lights.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

The cicadas

With the fire of the sky the calm falls
On the white wall the shadows are straight
The light persecutes each thing until
To the most extreme limit of the visible
The cicadas are more audible than the sea
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.


In a waterless desert
In a moonless night
In a nameless country
Or in a naked land
No matter how great the despair
No absence is deeper than yours.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

There are women who bring the sea in their eyes

There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
Not by the color
But rather by the vastness of the soul
And they bring the poem in their fingers and in their smiles
They remain outside of time
As if the tide had never taken them
From the beach where they were happy.
There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
through the greatness of the immensity of the soul
through the infinite way in which they encompass things and Men...
There are women who are the tide in all nights of evenings...
and calm
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Empty horizon

Empty horizon in which nothing remains
From that fabulous party
Which one day illuminated you.
Long ago your lines were deep and vast,
But today they are empty and wasted
And it was my desire that wasted them.
The night dancing in silent steps
Descended from the green pinewood,
And in that piece of the sea the infinite
Calling of spaces blazed in the distance.
In the beaches it sung of clarity,
And in the irrepressible ascent of its line
Each pine tree contained
The explanation of all heroic character.
Empty horizon, skeleton of my dream,
Fruitless dead tree,
In your surroundings I depose
The loneliness, the chaos, and the mourning.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Che Guevara

The prudence of the intelligent and the boldness of the fools was raised against you
The indecision of the complicated and the shortsightedness
Of those who confuse revolution with retaliation
From poster to poster your image hovers in the society of consumption
Like how Christ in blood hovers over organized absentmindedness of the churches
In front of your visage
There meditates the youth at night in his room
When he seeks to emerge from a world that is rotting
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Fear of Loving You

Fear of loving you in a place so fragile like the world
Bad from loving you in this place of imperfection
Where everything shatters for us and grows silent
Where everything lies to us and separates us.
May no star burn your profile
May no god remember your name
May not the wind even pass where you pass.
For you I shall create a pure day
Free like the wind and repeated
Like the blossoming of the ordered waves.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Helena Lanari's Poem

I like to hear Brazilian Portuguese
Where the words recuperate their total substance
Concrete like neat fruits like birds
I like to hear the word with all of its syllables
Without losing even the fifth of a vowel
When Helena Lanari said 'coconut tree'
The coconut tree became much more plantlike
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.


When my body rots and I am dead
The garden will continue, the sky and the sea,
And just like today the four seasons
Will dance at my doorstep.
Other people in April will pass through the same orchard
Through which I have passed through so many times,
There will be long sunsets upon the sea,
Other people will love the things which I have loved.
It will be the same shine the same party,
It will be the same garden at my doorstep.
And the golden hair of the forest
As if I wasn't dead.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Izgubljena bez tebe

Stojim na platformi,
gledam te kako odlaziš
to je kao nijedan drugi bol
koji sam ikad osetila
voleti nekoga toliko
da nemaš kontrolu
ti si rekao: 'Ja želim da vidim svet'
a ja sam rekla: 'Idi'
Ali mislim da sam izgubljena bez tebe
osećam se smrskano bez tebe
bila sam jaka toliko dugo
da nikada nisam shvatila koliko mi zapravo trebaš
mislim da sam izgubljena bez tebe
Stranci ruše prošlost
samo pokušavam da dođem kući
ali izgleda da si ti bio jedini
siguran raj koji sam poznavala
pogodilo me u punoj brzini
osećam kao da ne mogu da dišem
i niko ne zna
za bol unutar mene
moj svet se raspada
nije trebalo nikada
da te pustim da odeš
Mislim da sam izgubljena bez tebe
mislim da sam izgubljena, izgubljena
Oooh-way, oooh-way, oooh-way, ooh, ooh
mislim da sam izgubljena bez tebe
osećam se smrvljeno bez tebe
zato što sam bila jaka toliko dugo
da nikada nisam shvatila koliko te volim
Stojim na platformi
gledam te kako odlaziš
ti kažeš: 'Ja želim da vidim svet'
a ja kažem: 'Idi'

Set the Battery Down

Set the battery down, I don’t have time for this 1
I’ll tell you about tastes and trivia
There is only an address, and there they fell in love.
See you there, see you there.
Mind your words and close your eyes.
And I kiss you intimately 2
Mind your words and close your eyes
But when you’re with her don’t mention us
It is visible in the mirror how the stars fade
And why do I go crazy without you 3
And for a moment under the ashen sky it begins to warm up 4
Don’t warm up yet, oh, come on not yet.
Set the battery down, I don’t have time for this
I’ll tell you about tastes and trivia
There is only an address, and there they fell in love.
See you there, see you there.
Mind your words and close your eyes.
And I kiss you intimately
Mind your words and close your eyes
But when you’re with her don’t mention us
  • 1. I’m sorry but am I missing something? Like am I seriously missing something? This line makes no sense. I went to ReversoContext and it doesn’t seem to be slang, I went to every dictionary, I am seriously confused right now as that makes no sense at all in any context unless “battery” is referring to “phone” but even then it doesn’t make sense.
  • 2. What? The battery….?
  • 3. What…..the battery?
  • 4. Those Lithium-Ion Batteries, I tell you they’re always blowing up.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

The Adventure of Love

The sky of our world was left without stars
The adventure of our love was left unfinished
You left and I still can't believe it
I can't believe this heavy silence
I'm thinking about what's going on in your mind
That you grew tired of forgetting about me
To what or to whom have you become attached?
I'm thinking about what's going on in your mind
That you grew tired of forgetting about me
To what or to whom have you become attached?
Whoever asks how you are doing, I tell them you are fine and we are still together
I tell that lie so much so you might hear and come back one day
Whoever asks how you are doing, I tell them you are fine and we are still together
I tell that lie so much so you might hear and come back one day
I'm thinking about what's going on in your mind
That you grew tired of forgetting about me
To what or to whom have you become attached?
I'm thinking about what's going on in your mind
That you grew tired of forgetting about me
To what or to whom have you become attached?

Neka budu problemi

Neka budu problemi
Čaše će se prepuniti
Dok ja gubim Žetelac gleda na mene
Ti čuješ ali ne vidiš
Odvešće te oni od kojih se kriješ.
Ne znam koliko vatre pakla se ugasilo u meni
Misle da sam lud
Traže me
Postoji li neko ko me video?
List koji je pao - san moje mladosti
Zapisivajući pravila
Bol prestaje
Ako donesem odluku moje ruke će biti u krvi
Stvoritelj me baciou blato
Od smrti ka grobu

Mama, you were right

Mama, you were right
I didn't go through life straight
People talked behind my back
And how they talked, how they talked.
So many words were said, mama
Mama, you were right
I've made a lot of mistakes
There were the highs and the lows
But I was always true to myself
Sorry I haven't turned out to be the man
You dreamed i would be
But try to understand that I can't start over
Sorry that I haven't become stronger
Sorry that I haven't become kinder
Life turned out to be more difficult
The pain turned out to be more painful
Mama, you were right
You taught me to be kind
But that was yesterday
Now time has moved on, and it has changed me drastically
Mama, you were right
Maybe it would be easier for me to go with the flow
But I've chosen to ride the storms because I can't live differently.
Sorry I haven't turned out to be the man
You dreamed i would be
But try to understand that I can't start over
Sorry that I haven't become stronger
Sorry that I haven't become kinder
Life turned out to be more difficult
The pain turned out to be more painful