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Hello there, my princess
It's true that you find it weird that I'm calling again
For two years now you're not with me
And I'm already sick of hugging my pillow
Waking up alone again
And on cold nights I grab a paper and a pen
Writing more songs for you, etching the chorus in blood
Words spill out like a river
And the night is cold and it's raining again
I leave the house, wander the streets
Can't process it's over
Downtown, I look around
And ask people
Where are you today, where are you today
Come back, I'm lonely
The night is cold, I am scared
And where are you today, where are you today
Where are you today...
Hello there, my princess
I just wanted to tell you how much I suffer and how sad it is downtown
Don't you turn off the light
Do you remember how we used to do everything you wanted in the dark
I was touching you for hours, we took off our clothes
A love with no boundaries and no conditions
Where are all those days
Everyone's allowed, allowed to make some mistakes
I'm only human, I have feelings too
Even the devil is allowed to cry...

Koza Odpada

Ne zelim da me gledas
Dok pustam da mi koza odpada.
Ne mogu da ti dopustim da vidis sta je unutra.
Radije bih se upucao nego da te pustim da me gledas.
Osecam da bi ukrala moju kozu, da bi probala da me nosis.
Bio sam izdat, jos jedan dan mog kratkog zivota.
Ti si bila odnesen.
Nisi imala srama da ugusis moje bice.
Ja sam bio ja, ali ti nisi bila ti.
Lepila si se za mene kao krasta...
Tako da sam te oljustio, i krvario danima.
A onda sam iskoracio iz sebe.
Pustam kozu da odpada, menjam se, propadam.
Kroz naduvene oci, ja sam sanjao da si umrla, uhvacena unutra.
Pustam kozu da odpada, siri se i tanji, otkinuta stabljika.
Stvorio sam kraj, Ja ubijam prijatelja. Pustam svoju kozu da odpadne.
Mislim da ti ovde nije mesto.
Osecam da mi je muka.
Ne pitaj me nista zato sto vrlo dobro znas gde sam bio.
Sa jednostavnom zenom sam prosao kroz sito i reseto.
Ali sam stekao muda da se otkacim od mog Sijamskog blizanca.
Ja te odbacujem. Svakoga dana. Mrtav deo zivota.
Pozadi se davim. Crnilo kljuca.
Izmedju moje zudnje za buducnost.
Krv na mom licu koja je pala sa tvog lica.
Mesavina ljubljenja i krvarenja.
Ubijam te. Gasim te.
Popisao sam te. Odbacio sam te.
Pustam kozu da odpada, menjam se, propadam.
Kroz naduvene oci, ja sam sanjao da si umrla, uhvacena unutra.
Pustam kozu da odpada, siri se i tanji, otkinuta stabljika.
Stvorio sam kraj, Ja ubijam prijatelja. Pustam svoju kozu da odpadne.
Ti se jebes i sisas
Nemas prijatelja. To je beskrajno.
Tvoj cvet se ukiselio.
To je beskrajno. Ti nemas prijatelja.
To je teze i jace.
Ali unutar tebe niko nije bio duze.
Niti cvrsce, niti dublje.
Da bih te skinuo, trebam da te uplasim.
To nije nikakva ljubav. Krvavi dodir.
Slomljeni zglob. Zardjala igla.
Grlo se gusi. Progutani zubi.
Sjebana u glavi. Nemas mira.
Pustam svoju kozu da odpadne, da bih te oljustio sa sebe.
Moras da me volis.
Ukras. Smezurana glava,
Igrackica. Zmijski napad.
Otrovno. Sifilis.
Preplavila si me. Natopila me.
Pustam svoju kozu da odpadne, da bih te isusio iz sebe.
Moras da me mrzis.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

If your window

If your window was facing my window,
I would have told you how much I love you
But where am I & where are you !
A distance between me & you
Neither my eye glimpses your eye
Nor your sea can my fishing nets reach
If your window was facing my window
You the little bird of this neighborhood, take care of your bird
No matter if you sleep, no matter if you fly.. the world, little bird, is small
I'm coming to you & I'll wait for your... If your window was facing my window
I'm waiting for you, holding my heart.. planting my road for you with lilies
I will tell the western district, that you are engaged/confined & in love
Think, & be for me.. If your window was facing my window
We were estranged enough, my heart.. This estrangement really needs an end
And if you are not coming to come, I'm coming to you.. You are not to live without me
And I am not living without you.. If your window was facing my window

I'm in love

I'm in love
And I feel exhilaration in my blood
With the road.. I roam the world of my dreams
Taking me far & taking me near
And I'm in love.. I'm in love
My love, when your time allows.. I race my anguish & come to you
Replying with all my feelings.. Wishing that your nearness would delight me
They say happiness is a chance.. & my fear is that my chance might miss you,
And pity cracks my heart.. & never find someone to comfort me
And I'm in love.. I'm in love
At a night I intended to forget.. the years I lived wishing for you
Your overwhelming beauty showed up to me.. & renewed all what's inside me
Renewing the longings in me, the desire of my own self to please you,
The joy of my heart when I see you.. & a dream that got lost in my eyes
And I'm in love.. I'm in love
My dreams yearn to seeing you.. while sleeping, thinking of you
And the night your guise visits me.. Your abandoning me comes to awaken me
I want to see you, to be close to you.. & from the spring of passion to water you
And I want in the sea of your tenderness .. to be drenched & watered
And I'm in love.. I'm in love

For Every Lover A Homeland

For every lover a homeland.. & for every bird a harbor
And for every sun a sunrise.. after the sunset to live
And for every heart a lover.. written upon it to meet (destined for)
Fate brought us together.. & gave meaning to the life
Tell me 'I love you'.. let the whole world hear it
Hold me, heal the wounds.. of my heart that, before you, got worn out
Love means destiny.. binding two together
And the prettiest of the dreams.. is a dream between two hearts
My hand in yours, that's it.. we care no longer about people
And enough for me to live.. with your heart & say 'Thanks God!'
For every lover a homeland.. & for every bird a harbor
And for every sun a sunrise.. after the sunset to live
And for every heart a lover.. written upon it to meet

Yusuf where are you

All that Waqt1
He was making Dua2
And from Allah3
Asking for Yusuf4
Yusuf, Yusuf, where are you?
Yaqub5 cries, and speaks:
Yusuf, where are you?
Yusuf was thrown,
By a brother, in a well,
Who brought his shirt
Covered in blood
Many sleepless nights
Yaqub has spent crying
From all of his cries
He lost his sight
Allah doesn't allow
The sorrow to the Rasul6,
After all the many years,
He had seen Yusuf again 2x
  • 1. 'Waqt' [arab. وقت] = 'time'. ()
  • 2. 'Dua' [arab. دعاء] = prayer/invocation/supplication/plea. ()
  • 3. 'Allah' [arab. الله] = 'the God'. ()
  • 4. 'Yusuf' [arab. يوسف‎] = Joseph. ()
  • 5. 'Yaqub' [arab. يعقوب‎] = Jacob - also known as 'Israil' [arab. إسرآءیل] = Israel. ()
  • 6. 'Rasul' [arab. رسول] = 'Messenger' [of God (s.w.t.)]. ()

Father the Great Wild Field (S)

At the moment when a whirlwind over you is getting stronger
Give a harness and spurs to your black horse. It’s time to roam
Only dust will rise behind you on the road hoofed all over
For the last time look back and go
At the moment when a whirlwind over you is getting stronger
Right beside you, your friend will be
O’er the Rapids you, good Cossack, will find out you’re no orphan
Homed by Father, the Great Wild Field 1
Father, the Great Wild Field
Spare your life for no nothing in this world, my Cossack, hear
That a life of the young is short-lived like midnight’s pitch
Should you one day lay it down, not a soul would shed tears
Over her sons never mourns the Sich 2
When you hear a black raven over you begin to croak
Friends will cover your eyes with silk
And with freezing cold ground and green grass you will be cloaked
By your Father, the Great Wild Field
Father, the Great Wild Field
Such is any Cossack’s lot to go fighting till his life ends
Each of them must pick out his way, his only life way
You are not the one who pardons, nor the one who comes to labour
You’re a free-willed Cossack at large
At the moment when a whirlwind over you is getting stronger
No fiend will escape your tight fists
And you fear no one ‘cause they are both at your shoulder
Mother Sich and the Great Wild Field
Father the Great Wild Field!

When I'll fall apart

The days go by and bring me only pain and no peace
I burned my heart and all the souvenirs to forget you
It's weird to wake up suddenly all by myself
When there is no one to breath in any more
I comfort myself a little in thinking that this is not a definitive end yet
I'm thinking about how you are doing now
It must be as hard for you as it is for me
I waver if it would be right to call you and ask to sit and talk
People told me you have found a home and a job, exactly as you dreamt of
Things don't work out for me, how come that we've become strangers
When I'll fall apart, the reality will hit me without you
At every place your face will be haunting me
I can't understand how you are able
To look like that at my body stretched out in front of you
If a heart is smashed by longing, where else do I find love?
Even when I calm down and it's warm in my heart
You block the sun away from me
You show up with a plate of pain and serve with a smile
Maybe a few more months and I'll get cured
When the loneliness would sink this
You would stop being be like a shadow of longing, playing with me
When I'll fall apart, the reality will hit me without you
At every place your face will be haunting me
I can't understand how you are able
To look like that at my body stretched out in front of you
If a heart is smashed by longing, where else do I find love?
When I'll fall apart, the reality will hit me without you
At every place your face will be haunting me
I can't understand how you are able
To look like that at my body stretched out in front of you
If a heart is smashed by longing, where else do I find love?
The days go by and bring me only pain and no peace...

Who knew that it would be like that

This is not a dream
The day will come
The day that we'd been waiting for two thousand years:
The last war
We leave our home,
Leave our friends,
Put on the olive uniform
And go into different days
Who knew that it would be like that,
That in several nights far from his mother
He will grow up from a teenager
To a young man, attacking forward
This is not a dream
The day will come
The day that we'd been waiting for two thousand years:
The last war
Days without home,
Days without friends
Instead of grass just sand
Hills, valleys and mountains
We will return to our homes,
Return to our friends,
Throw aside olive uniforms
And return to the days themselves
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

I take you to my wife

I take you to be my wife,
this is what I will say when you will put on
the bridal dress
the singer will sing for you
my sweet soul
and I will agree in a harmonious voice
Oh, beautiful bride,
I swear to you, in the name of love
oh, beautiful bride,
I will ask for your hand even in the next world
Hug me and we will close our eyes,
and remain forever two flowers
You and I are a match made in heaven,
so let's have a chupah (canopy)
with all the lovers
I take you to be my wife,
this is what I will whisper
I will take you to dance on the dancing floor
when the party will be over, my beautiful,
we will go on our honeymoon
and will seal our love forever
Oh, beautiful bride...
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

In the Beginning

In the beginning there was love
It waited for fertile soil as it would wait for water
It waited for the sun, for the sun setting into the sea
And to a wave of longing
In the beginning there was love
And it waited until it would have the heavens
To look up to the stars
And it waited for Adam and Eve
Someone is waiting for you at home
Maybe around some corner
A place you will call home
That when you go inside it will become yours
In the beginning there was love
And it waited until it would find some rest
And it waited for children in the courtyard
And for a tree to climb and to rest in its shade
In the beginning there was love
And after it sorrow was created
And the tears and the broken heart
And after them came consolation
Someone is waiting for you at home
Maybe around some corner
A place you will call home
That when you go inside it will become yours
Someone is waiting for you at home
Maybe around some corner
A place you will call home
That when you go inside it will become yours

I don’t suit you

I’m walking barefoot in the rain
Sorry, it feels like I’m leaving you
lа-lа lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
It’s hot in Moscow, and you’re not properly dressed,
It’s time for you to go home,
Because now you’re out of fashion
А-а lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
You love me more than anyone else in the world
But, you know, out of love are born children
А-а lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
You play your records only for me
I’m sorry, maybe you forgot that I’m A blond
А-а lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
Don't even try to please me again
I know you’ll think your find happiness with another girl
And don’t call me beauty anymore.
Hasta la vista, my dear
Hasta la vista, my dear
Hasta la vista, my dear
Hasta la vista, my dear

Who knew that it would be like that

This is not a dream
The day will come
The day that we'd been waiting for two thousand years:
The last war
We leave our home,
Leave our friends,
Put on the olive uniform
And go into different days
Who knew that it would be like that,
That in several nights far from his mother
He will grow up from a teenager
To a young man, attacking forward
This is not a dream
The day will come
The day that we'd been waiting for two thousand years:
The last war
Days without home,
Days without friends
Instead of grass just sand
Hills, valleys and mountains
We will return to our homes,
Return to our friends,
Throw aside olive uniforms
And return to the days themselves
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט


Verse 1:
All you need to know about me
Is my name
I'm not like everyone else.
You've had so many of them.
It's not all so simple, but you, you're so sweet
And my questions are a bit naive
You, just draw your own conclusions
Do I like you or c'est la vie?
I'll run and leap into your arms
Hold me, I go crazy when we're apart
And I crack up, shaking the heavens
Greetings Mr. Sun, I've gone crazy!
Greetings Mr. Sun, I've gone crazy!
Verse 2:
Tell me why I'm drawn to you
And what kind of game this is
In this world where we're so easily hurt
With every breath I take, I want to get closer to you
To be truly happy in your embrace
You, just draw your own conclusions
Do I like you or c'est la vie?
I'll run and leap into your arms
Hold me, I go crazy when we're apart
And I crack up, shaking the heavens
Greetings Mr. Sun, I've gone crazy!
Greetings Mr. Sun, I've gone crazy!

sahan varge harp farmer lyrics translation in English

Rehna ain tun adiyan pagaun te (you always find ways to broke with me)
Muk chali jind meri russe nu manaon te (x2) (My Life getting over by convincing you & your Anger)
Dil torh da rehne ve (You broke my heart always)
Koi laara ee bun leya kar (Give me some Hope)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (listen you like my breath)
Koi gal taan sun leya kar (x2) (please listen me)
Tere layi dabiyan ne (for you i controlled my feelings)
Dil vich jo sadraan ne (which i have in my heart)
Tere kite hor nishane (but your Targets somewhere else)
Tenu na kadraan ve (You don’t understand me)
Nit adiyan pugdiyan nahi
Kade pyar vi chun leya kar (please choose love)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (listen you like my breath)
koi gal tan sunleya kar (x2) (please listen me)
Akhiyan vich chehra ae (Your Face is in my Eyes)
Sacchi ve tera ae (I Swear it’s your)
Tu hi ni banda saada (you are not mine)
Baki sab mera ae (everything is mine)
Naam tera likheya dil te main (i wrote your name on my Heart)
Tun baanh te ee khun leya kar (can you wrote it my name on your arms)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (Listen you like my breath)
Koi gal tan sun leya kar (x2) (please listen my any word)
Kiti ki galti (what i did wrong)
Ehna tadpaone kyon (why you suffer me a lot)
Gairan de gall vich baahan (you always holds someone unknowns)
Saanu chhadd paauna kyon (by leaving me)
Ho kudi marju Happy ve (Girl Will Die without You)
Sada haada hi sun leya kar (please listen me)
Sun sahan vargeya ve (Listen you like my breath)
Koi gal tan sun leya kar (x2) (please listen me)

Half Sugarism

It is just the blowing of the wind,
I want to go to the seaside and memorize oneself's freedom
and only chat a long with friends
I forgot to leave for a while and occasionally make you think about me
Even if you hold me tight, it doesn't mean that I belong to you
I have my own life and love is not dependent on life every day.
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
Always making you feel sceptical
If there is no sweetness, I will not feel tired
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
We really do not have to stick together every day
Love is hard to come by
How gentle is it?
But sometimes my phone does not receive
My love is only for you. Why don't you trust me?
If you always want to have the control
Overbearing is not a kind of gentleness. I can only say that fate is not sufficient.
Maybe we're not inseparable every day
The secret of love is to maintain a fair distance
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
Always making you feel sceptical
If there is no sweetness, I will not feel tired
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
We really do not have to stick together every day
Love is hard to come by
How gentle is it?
It's true love, let go of my hand and it will not go with the wind
It's true love, heart and mind, why so many sweet words and honey?
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
Always making you feel sceptical
If there is no sweetness, I will not feel tired
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
We really do not have to stick together every day
Love is hard to come by, don't let me not breathe
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
Always making you feel sceptical
If there is no sweetness, I will not feel tired
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
We really do not have to stick together every day
Love is hard to come by
How gentle is it?
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
Always making you feel sceptical
If there is no sweetness, I will not feel tired
I want to adhere to the half sugarism of love
We really do not have to stick together every day
Love is hard to come by
How gentle is it?

How are you?

How are you?
I hope you are fine
you fill my heart and eyes
I'd die for your life
where can I find someone like you?
I wasn't alright when you were away
but with you, everything is perfect
I love you so, and I wish to live the best years with you
and even if you don't leave my mind and my soul departs
I'd die for your sake, if you allow me just one hug, it's enough for me
we'd never have a fight until death, and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
a sigh of pain in my heart is running with the blood through my veins
and hear me out: if I were to be cut in half
if they blocked my eyes, your eyes will guide me
look, I've come to you in a state which requires your relief
I'm waiting for you and after meeting you, my life got longer
take my soul and all my love, swear you'll never forget about me
I consider you the ice even though you're the fire that's burning me
I love you so much, and if you asked for my eyes I'd tell you: here you go
my eyes will be damned if they ever forget about you, you're my life and years
my heart is open for you, come in as you please
even if there were a hundred wounds, one hug will heal me
you own softness and senses
your love is a crown on my head and you're living in my breaths
and you're never away from my eyes
you're my eternal love, I've chosen you over everyone else
and you're the most beautiful dream to ever come true, your love alone is enough for me
take my soul and all my love, swear you'll never forget about me
I consider you the ice even though you're the fire that's burning me
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


This world has a short span

Dunya1 has a short span,
Pay attention to what awaits you.
Akhirah2 is our destination,
Where will your soul end up?
Your life will pass so quickly,
Akhirah is our place to go.
There will be no rioting there,
For everyone will account for themself.
Chorus (2x):
Take care, o Mu'min3 brother,
To which group you will go.
Do not scold anyone then,
But rather rely on yourself.
May all the sinners know,
That's where the Justice reigns.
The Judgement will be right,
Nobody will be hiding anything.
Chorus (2x).
All will have a concern then,
When they read the Book.
If the Book comes from the right,
Then fortune will dawn upon you.
But if you receive it from the left,
Then you'll suffer with a great anguish.
If doesn't give Mercy,
You will be an eternal misery.
Chorus (2x).
  • 1. 'Dunya' [arab. دنيا] = a word signifying 'this world' - material/physical/perishable/earthly world. Arabic language has three words for 'world' - 'Dunya' (material world - of this life), 'Akhirah' (spiritual world - of afterlife) and ''Alam' (a general word for 'world'). ()
  • 2. 'Akhirah' [arab. آخرة] = word which signifies the 'other world' - the spiritual/metaphysical/eternal/transcendental world. One of three Arabic words with the meaning of 'world'. ()
  • 3. 'Mu'min' [arab. مؤمن] = 'Believer' / 'Faithful person'. ()


When the sun will rise, the screen of light will show
Scents in various colors intoxicate me
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway
Now it's moon time, we'll scatter to the stars
'What are running from? Are you scared', she asked me
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway, anyway
Behind the sun there's a place that's only yours and mine
And an evening wind reminds me of who I am
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway, anyway

Who you are? Is up to you

The Journey which I've taken for you is long.
I've already known you.
I know, life once robbed you.
(But) this doesn't redraw you.
Your heart is waiting for a new destiny.
Who you are? Is up to you.


SHINee’s Back…
SHINee’s Back…
SHINee’s Back…
Back Back Back Back
Instinctively, it all stopped.
And I’m sure you already know.
The true key to seeing through a clever trick.
Shall we begin our mystery?
Like Sherlock we’re chasing after it. oh
It’s true, you don’t miss a hint no matter how small.
You’re after it right? The treasure in my mind.
It’s you? Those anxious eyes just won’t stop.
Don’t hide them. Look directly at me. Freeze!
Until the truth is revealed,
The strict rules are
Black or white.
Countless sparks are flying.
Oh I’m curious yeah.
This whole time I was searching only for you yeah.
Oh I’m so curious yeah,
I’m so curious yeah
Let’s play hide and seek girl.
Come one tell me I’m in doubt. ah
Why do I feel like you’re scheming?
Girl hey let me hear it I’m in doubt.
Don’t run away. After this I think I will
Understand what fun is.
Oh I’m curious yeah.
This whole time I was searching only for you yeah.
Oh I’m so curious yeah,
I’m so curious yeah
Maybe it’s all a dream.
Even your appearance before my eyes.
What’s the truth?
Because I don’t know for sure. Where’s the truth?
It’s painful…fade out…
You don’t say, baby.
So you’re the one playing Sherlock?
No, it can’t end this way! It won’t end this way.
In our delusion of hunting down the criminal,
no one else is allowed, sorry.
There’s no escape!
Don’t erase the evidence.
Here is where we make a story.
Oh I’m curious yeah.
This whole time I was searching only for you yeah.
Oh I’m so curious yeah,
I’m so curious yeah
Tonight SHINee’s in the house wo ho
So give it up give it up give it up for SHINee
Give it up give it up give it up for SHINee

God Knows

God knows
I've never upset anyone
I pretend not to be there
if one time someone treats me unfairly
No words will help
and regret is no longer of use
Don't cross the line
when you're standing before The Eagle of Upper Egypt1
A thousand thanks to the circumstances
and the days that opened my eyes
The day I open up my records
I won't be lenient for anyone's sake
And whoever owes me something should bring it
And those who abandoned me in times of hardship
Should sit down and repay me
And I won't give away what's rightfully mine
Days come and go
And the one who wants tomorrow to come
Will find nothing but nothingness
And for the ones who forgot the wrong they've done me
I have a surprise and a present
And a favor is never forgotten
And to those who used to hug me
And kiss me on the cheek
This will be no longer, forget about it
It's a matter in the past
You see, my heart is full of grudges towards you
Its mistake is that it trusted you
Were you listening,
or should I say even more?
And to those who betrayed me once
I'll remember for them a thousand treacherous actions
And I challenge you to withstand them
Time and time you have received [my warnings]
And today you still don't believe me
Bring us people who can count
A thousand thanks to the circumstances
and the days that opened my eyes
I used to be keen on keeping you one day2
And now I've sold you out and lost in that trade
But I will start it all over again
Your actions are rather bizarre
And if a loss is coming from near
it's better than a profit coming from afar
You are always full of greed
You've taken the money of the entire world to yourselves
And tomorrow you'll depart and leave it
You abandon virtues
and you've suddenly forgotten traditions
And you even hurt people who are your own
And the ones who think they are hot stuff
I dare them to even say one word to me
And they will taste the bitterness of my words
You should be thanking me
And honoring me in the media
What can I say?
You lack in education3
I will just say this and nothing more
Forgiveness is only for considerate people
Don't be upset about how honest I am
If you've forgotten, I still remember
Everyday I write it down and study
And I don't give value to cheap people
A thousand thanks to the circumstances
and the days that opened my eyes
God knows
  • 1. The Eagle of Upper Egypt (Nisr el sa'eed) = the title of the show this song is from
  • 2. Idiomatic, literally: I bought you one day
  • 3. Or upbringing/knowledge.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Teach me how to love

Teach me how to love.. teach me how to forget
you're a sea with a lost coast and harbor
teach me how to be gentle.. teach me how to be cold
pass by me.. just wipe my tears and go away
pass by me.. bring me a heart and a soul
pass by me.. if you remembered the wounds
you're a tyrant, a look is a mistake.. and you reward my generosity with stinginess
when I'm the one who gave you safety, an eye and an eyelid 1
this one is the bed and the other one is the cover 2
where do I begin, my wound
and you've been with me since I was born
my hand refused to wave you goodbye
but you've taught me to be cold.. since I failed to learn.. I will show you how to be loyal
  • 1. means he was always watching over her to keep her safe
  • 2. means the eye and the eyelid
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


You Better Don't

And I can as well
Do this exactly like you
Never seeing any care from me
Or a word said tenderly
And I can also deal with you in the same attitude
The same I can compliment you & cover your faults
You better don't make me go for this
Because I'm sure
Life will be hard like this
And that's why I'm hesitating
And actually I also
Have been tired of you for long
And keeping words inside me
Which-- if I said them, it would be hard for you to sleep
And I can also annoy you more than you can imagine
But I'm keeping quiet by my own will, hoping you would change

Listen to me

she appeared before me and love woke up in my heart
you're still on my mind, but you can't come back
I know your eyes
they've betrayed, they know no loyalty
if you know the meaning of desertion
listen to me
listen to me, the love is futile
listen to me, it's a sin if we get back together
listen to me
your time has changed, it has passed and gone
myself said to me: how will you be able to replace her?
my wound that is still open
is hurting me, and this soul
is telling you: you're not allowed to come back
listen to me, the love is futile
listen to me, it's a sin if we get back together
listen to me
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Sacred War

Versions: #3
Arise, enormous country,
Arise for deadly fight
Against dark Fashist force,
Against than darn horde!
Let the noble anger
Blazing, like a wave, -
This is the war of nation,
This is a Sacred War!
Just like contary polars,
We're utterly hostile:
We fight for light and peace,
They fight for world of dark.
Let's push back all the stranglers
Of all fervent ideas,
All the rapists, robbers,
Torturers of men!
Your black wings won't dare
To fly over our Motherland,
Don't you dare to step on
Its wide fields!
Rotten Fashist scum
Will get a bullet in forehead
Waste of a mankind
Will get a solid coffin!

D.A.D - I Am Me Because of You

You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
Its been a year, suddenly I realize I haven't told you goodbye
I was so busy in making your dream come true
I was so busy in not being there all day
Because in that home you built there, you haven't left me any room
And it's not because I didn't want to and it's not because of you
I understand it's hard to see a better version of yourself
I did everything for you, I just wanted a smile in return
Till I've already reached the top and your party was over
I never told you goodbye... and it's not because I didn't want to
You abandoned me there all alone in the street where I lived
And it's surely not what you wanted... and it's what you did
And all the anger in my heart is because you didn't even try.
You... I wanted you to be proud of me, I wanted you to see in me
All that... all that you didn't have in you, burst out of me
And it's true that because of you I knew what it's like to be poor
But I realize now that... dad... because of you, I am who I am.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
It's true, everyone calls me 'Sky' and sky means the heavens
Which is exactly where you went and got twice as far away from me
Murphy is no one's friend and definitely not mine
But I know that in the end, you didn't leave because of me
And to think that when you left, I was dancing on rooftops
Because I didn't know you left, I was filming successes
And I was swaying like a leaf and there goes another plane
While my dad was laying sick in his bed
I didn't believe you could go and I thought you would win
I didn't know time would catch you as it runs
I find myself screaming to the heavens up there
I don't care who hears it, God, Jesus or Allah
I turn to whoever sits in the heavens
The one that plays with us all and pulls at the strings
I don't ask for too much, I want nothing for my life
Just to be David's grandson, the father of Ilan Chaim.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
And it's been a year since and you still didn't visit
And when I fell down and got back up again, you were always missing
And the cold dwells in the house, the AC isn't helping
In an abandoned studio, there's a picture of us from the kindergarten
Do you remember the beginning? 'Cause I only remember the ending.
Covered in fake smiles, just wanting to smile in the end
Because of you I am cursed, a frustrated musician
Who'll die for his music and it won't be easy for him
Because of you I am hated, because of you I am scared
Because of you I'll end up alone
Because of you I am sad, because of you I can't sleep
Because of you, in order for me to open up, I light up and smoke
And I don't complain of all that I got because of you
Because I am loved for all those things and it's all because of you.
You built me up... d.a.d.
You built me up.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.


It's like I'll disappear as soon as I close my eyes
I feel like I've turned into someone that even I don't recognize
Sadly, I've become so small
I want to be rescued, but instead of sighing
I vomited up my loneliness, and just lay there,
measuring it all up
Amidst this drop of time gone dry
My heart is drowning and writhing
These lies that make me dizzy
I took them and tore them up
And with that, I became lost
In a world of thin darkness.
For the sake of those whom I should trust
I chose to come here, a cage into which I've locked myself, and now
there's no escape.
Deep inside my parched throat
Lies the reason for this growing impermanence
Scared of the approaching tomorrow
I cower and collapse
But it seeks me out and whispers to me
This voice of thin darkness.
Amidst this drop of time gone dry
My heart is drowning and writhing
These lies that make me dizzy
I took them and tore them up
And with that, I became lost
In a world of thin darkness.

My Princess

My love, I'm going far away
I'm going drinking
To tear this city to a thousand pieces
I don't really have any friends
Or some kind of a 'Love Scale'
Everything is temporary
Everything is temporary
I promise to try and love you a little less
And not to cry anymore, no longer cry
You have the set of keys
To my heart - that's not good
That's not good
And you didn't bother me, it's just
A little weird for me to talk to you
This way, like strangers
You always repeat
You always say
'You are my love'
And you didn't bother me
It's just a little weird for me to lose you
So very often
You always repeat
You always say
'You are my princess'
You are my princess
My love, I knew this would hurt
But I've learned now
Not to make the mistakes that I've made
I really do try so hard
To put my heart in the wash
And dry it off and cleanse it of you
And you didn't bother me, it's just
A little weird for me to talk to you
This way, like strangers
You always repeat
You always say
'You are my love'
And you didn't bother me
it's just a little weird for me to lose you
So very often
You always repeat
You always say
'You are my princess'
You are my princess

Свети Рат

Устај, огромна земљо,
Устај на смртни бој
Са мрачном фашистичком војском,
Са проклетом хордом
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат
Пружићемо отпор нападачима
Свих ватрених идеја
Насилницима, отимачима
Мучитељима људи
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат
Не смеју крила црна
Над отаџбином летети
Поља њена пространа
Не сме непријатељ да гази
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат
Поквареном фашистичком олошу
Ћемо сместити метак у чело
За душманина човечанства
Направићемо чврсти гроб
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат

Someone Here With Me

Take yourself and let's run away
To a place where the sun is shining, on us
It'll still shine on us
I have no doubt that we can fix things, let the song move us
It'll move us, you know...
There's a faraway place that I want to go to
There's no room for fear so I lose myself on the way
And learn from everything that happened
And don't stop anymore, don't bother about the time
Searching for the essence, a moment of a little happiness
I know someone is here with me
Someone is here with me
Take yourself and let's run away
On the balcony, we'll dance and rejoice, just us two
How we'll rejoice, just us two
Listen, every question has an answer
And know where you came to us from
Where you're going to go, who knows...
And don't stop anymore, don't bother about the time
Searching for the essence, a moment of a little happiness
I know someone is here with me
Like a crazy I don't know where
When I felt alone how you threw me a sign
I know someone is here with me
Someone is here with me


Shelly, I’ve reached this place
Tumblin’ around
Shelly, was I too impatient?
I rashly threw it
All away but
Shelly, those days were like a dream.
I’m a guy who has lived for the dream but
Shelly, it’s just like you said,
I’m not sure what life is for, dreams or money?
Sometimes you come off lookin’ bad
Supporting my lifestyle of tumblin’ around
Shelly, gently scold me
And then hold me tightly
Your love surrounds it all
Shelly, when will I be able
To crawl to my feet?
Shelly, where must I go,
To get where I’m going?
Shelly, I sing for all those I love.
Shelly, what should I do
if I meet someone
in an unfamiliar place
Shelly, I’m a loner
I can’t smile
the way you do
Shelly, if its dreams we’re after
I won’t be afraid of loneliness
Shelly, if you’re living on your own
One mustn’t show the tears, right?
Sometimes you hold back the tears
supporting my lifestyle of tumblin’ around
Shelly, I don’t want your pity
cause I’m not a loser
I’ll walk on to the truth.
Shelly, does my singing sound OK?
Does my smile look alright?
It’s not too obsequious is it?
I’m not being misunderstand am I?
Are you still calling me foolish?
Do you still hate me?
Do I deserve your love?
Have I not made a huge mistake?
Am I walking on toward the truth?
Shelly, when will I be able
To crawl to my feet?
Shelly, where must I go,
To get where I’m going?
Shelly, I sing
For all those I love.
Shelly, when will I be able
To crawl to my feet?
Shelly, where must I go,
To get where I’m going?
Shelly, I sing
For all those I love.