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They say there are no myths in the world.
They say love is not real.
They say we should neither dream nor write poems.
They say we are all grown up.
Who knows there are fairy tales in the adult world?
However I met you, you!
I met you.
Is it like oriental Night?
Ah! or is it a fairy tale or a myth?
Is it a dream, a poem or a picture?

State Anthem of Ingushetia

In the most beautiful part of the mountainous region
Thou liest, Ingushetia.
Proudly goes on the way to the future,
May you live forever, Ingushetia.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
God bless Ingushetia!
The land may asunder,
From the wounds inflicted by your enemies.
May the sons who died in battles be noble,
The survivors will avenge them.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
Give us the strength to avenge the fallen!
We're not looking for an easy life,
We want to live without black hatred.
Our land is cultivated,
Let's have the strength to do so.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
Give us the strength to cultivate the land!
Your thoughts about justice,
Your heart is burning,
It will start to burn from a spark like a fuel.
Be forever free, land of our fathers.
We ask that God.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
Let Ingushetia be free!

Left Behind

I enjoy watching you walk ahead of me like a child
Exploring the world as if for the first time
Telling me how many vibrant colors there are
You were never able to rid the habit of stopping and turning back
As if to confirm something out of habit
Like you were going to hold my hand or walk together with me
All the way till the world around us fades away
I will be right behind you
Watching over, as you find out what's behind the end of the road
The skies above us, and waiting for life on the other side
Can you promise me
That when it's time to bid farewell perhaps you'll go first
Please leave all the pointless sorrow to me
And let me deal with the loneliness you left behind
Can you promise me
That when it's time to part ways you'll look back without a worry
And help me understand that once I have held your hand before
I would be able to wave goodbye to you after letting go without letting the tears fall
Remember you have loved, you must remember that you have loved
Remember where you have been, and remember to keep going
Remember that my eyes have seen you stay
And that your silhouette will always linger in my world
Can you promise me
That when it's time to bid farewell perhaps you'll go first
Please leave all the pointless sorrow to me
And let me deal with the loneliness you left behind
Can you promise me
That when it's time to part ways you'll look back without a worry
And help me understand that once I have held your hand before
I would be able to wave goodbye to you after letting go without letting the tears fall
Don't be in a rush to make me those promises
Don't say those saddening words
Just enjoy this peaceful gentleness
Can you promise me
That when we meet again you won't recognize me evermore
Don't let me endure having held your hand once
Only to have you wave goodbye to me when we meet again

Deep Forest

I'm sure that the heart I left behind
still lies hidden in the heart of the deep, deep forest.
Exhausted, without the strength to search
people vanish into the infinite darkness.
Could we still have seen if we were there?
Could we've seen it if it were little?
If it's so small, I wonder if I can see it even now?
As we live on,
we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies,
we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out
The days pass by and change,
without us even realizing how blue the sky really is.
Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present,
and our rusted hearts begin to beat again!
If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again
We live our lives
wandering to the ends of the earth.
Believing (in you?), now I begin my journey with you,
in search of the light.
As we live on,
we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies,
we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out
We live our lives
wandering to the ends of the earth.
Closing off
the way back,
we walk on for eternity.
We live our lives standing frozen to the spot,
unable to cry out, for eternity...
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Although the Prophet isn't with us anymore

As it was said by Muhammad (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam1):
'All my followers will enter the Jannah2,
Except those who refuse entering the Jannah.'
'Who will be the ones which will refuse it?',
- The Sahabah3 asked.
'Whoever follows my Sunnah4 will enter Paradise,
And whoever doesn't follow my Sunnah is the one who refuses (to enter the Jannah).',
He replied.5
Chorus (2x):
Although the Peygamber6 isn't with us anymore,
His Sunnah will be with us forever.
All your deeds we will practice,
Your Sunnah, we will revive.
O Muhammad, your Ummah7 is breaking apart,
As much as you are not with us.
They are fighting against your words,
Making up something which isn't Islamic.
Chorus (2x).
Those which know your Sunnah,
Those which know the Haqq8.
Your As-Sahabah were truthful,
But since a long time they've been under the earth...
Chorus (2x).
Now we are striving to live,
Your Sunnah, to practice,
For we know that only through you,
We can achieve the Jannah.
Chorus (2x).
As said by Muhammad (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam):
'The Ummah of Jews will split into 71 sects,
The Ummah of Christians will split into 72 sects,
And my Ummah will split into 73 sects,
72 of which will be in jahannam9, and one in Jannah.'
The Sahabah asked:
'Who are they, ya Rasul Allah10?'
He said: 'Ahli Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah11!
Those which will follow, and live my Sunnah,
in the Jama'ah.'12
  • 1. 'Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam' [arab. صلى الله عليه وسلم] = 'May Peace and Blessings be upon him'. ()
  • 2. 'Jannah' [arab. جنّة‎] = 'Paradise' / 'Heaven'. ()
  • 3. 'Sahabah' [arab. صحابة] = 'Companions' (of the Prophet Muhammad [s.a.w.s.]). ()
  • 4. 'Sunnah' [arab. سنة] = 'Teachings/Practices/Habits/Customs/Tradition'. ()
  • 5. Sahih al-Bukhari 7280 (Book 96, Hadith 12):
    'Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, 'All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse.' They said, 'O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Who will refuse?' He said, 'Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it).'
    Also see:

  • 6. 'Peygamber' [pers. پیغمبر] = 'Prophet' / 'Messenger' (of God Almighty). ()
  • 7. 'Ummah' [arab. أمة‎] = 'Community'. ()
  • 8. 'Haqq' [arab. حقّ‎] = 'Truth'. ()
  • 9. 'Jahannam' [arab. جهنم‎] = 'Hell' / 'Inferno'. ()
  • 10. 'Rasul Allah' [arab. رسول الله] = 'The Messenger of God'. ()
  • 11. 'Ahli Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah' [arab.أهل السنة والجماعة] = 'The people of the )
  • 12. Sunan Ibn Majah 3992 (Book 36, Hadith 67):
    “The Jews split into seventy-one sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy in Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects, seventy-one of which will be in Hell and one in Paradise. I swear by the One Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy-three sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy-two in Hell.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” He said: “The main body.”
    Also see:


The Priest And The Tramp

Destiny at the crossroads of two ways
Brought together the priest and the tramp
The ecclesiastic by looking out from under hoary eyebrows
Had slightly embarrassed by the situation
'How dare you block my way?' -
He haughtily said to the wanderer.
'You hasn't brought an ounce of use to the world,
And I serve God my whole life!'
'Temper your ardor, churchman.
There is no special need to teach me.
You'd better stop yelling and screaming,
And generously give me a coin.'
'I gave alms to many in this life,
But I'm not going to put in your palm, wayfarer.
Your appearance tells me you're a libertine
And gave your soul to the Devil.
You've never honored God's rules.
Your glance inspires a fear to people.
You ravaged and robbed a lot of people.
All this I've read in your eyes.'
'There is no need to anger on the cross,
All your dogmas turned to ashes.
And trust me, you aren't such a saint already,
My faithful brother in Christ'
'How dare you call me a brother?
Your sins will be surprised even the Gomorrah!
I bringing the peace and you sowing
The dawning of anger, fear and pestilence.'
'Even though I robbed a lot,
Even though I took the alms to stay well-fed,
But I only deprive them of wealth,
And you sell them faith for money!'

Your Girl-friends

[Verse 1]
She doesn't have sentiments, Oy oy, oy oy.
And so many compliments*, Oy oy oy oy oy
When she calls me, I come, no longer (I) throw away the tie.
And she's beautiful and also baker*, and a bit ghetto*,
and she has character, (it's) son of a...*
She doesn't drink, and doesn't smoke, she doesn't want trouble.
She waits for the sun to rise, so she could sunbathe.
Not on her lonesome, cause it ain't fun.
So tell me
Where are all your girlfriends, I wanna see hands (up).
Tell me what will be the end with you, I no longer get down on my knees.
Hopa, (she) does to me hopa,*
Tell me what will be with her, what will be with you girls.
What's this, tell me what's this?
(She) does me 'chiqi chiqi dam dam' like this all day.
[Verse 2]
If I don't answer her, Oy oy, Oy oy.
It comes (to her) in waves, raises up, Oy oy oy oy oy.
Game of thrones, game of tongues,
A kiss and cutie, go sleep.
Don't get mad go take a smoke say Amen,
She doesn't want to get married.
What will you do when the day comes,
When you'll be on your way to the wedding canopy?
if she'll run away that depends on her mood,
and the nature of that time.
She'll hit the jackpot.
So tell me
Where are all your girlfriends, I wanna see hands (up).
Tell me what will be the end with you, I no longer get down on my knees.
Hopa, (she) does to me hopa,*
Tell me what will be with her, what will be with you girls.
What's this, tell me what's this?
(She) does me 'chiqi chiqi dam dam' like this all day.

Golubi letyat nad nashey zonoy (Голуби летят над нашей зоной)

Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет,
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На родную землю улететь.
Но забор высокий не пускает
И колючек в несколько рядов,
Часовые с вышек наблюдают,
И собаки рвутся с поводов.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк.
На тюремных нарах напевает,
Что-то напевает паренёк.
Он поёт, как трудно жить на свете
Без красивых ласковых подруг,
А ещё труднее жить без воли,
Вся тюрьма заслушалася вдруг.
Плачут в дальних камерах ребята,
Вспоминая молодость свою,
Вспоминая прошлое когда-то,
Как говорили ласково - люблю.
Даже самый главный надзиратель
У стены задумчиво стоит,
Только он один и знает
Сколько пареньку осталось жить.
А под вечер вздрогнули засовы,
Повели по лестнице его,
Он сказал последние три слова -
Приведите сына моего.
На площадку лестницы тюремной
Привели парнишку лет пяти,
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк,
А под утро вся тюрьма узнает -
Ночью был расстрелян паренёк.
Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет.
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На свободу к маме улететь.

Again Over there Into The Ocean of Light (Aria of Mister X)

The clock is ticking fast
I am ready to come out
Arena is calling for me...
Again over there into the ocean of light
Despite my despair I must thrill and excite
Intense is the limelight, fanfare’s at full blast
The audience applauding, be brave the gymnast!
Defying the death
Courageous and brave is my stunt
Everyone’s silent
My statement is blunt
Listening to the violin
The ladies will keep their cool
They’ll say with a smile:
“A courageous fool!”
Yes, I am a jester, a fool, a stuntman
Those are names chosen for me by the noblemen
So aloof, disengaged they will not comprehend
They will never stretch a helping hand …
One sacred dream
Is in my heart disturbing strongly
And I look forward to the performance -
Will in the audience I see my one and only
The only lady I used to love?
The one and only I am thinking of…?
The day I met her
Was a curse from above
Since then I am desperately and forever in love
The lovely features of her face follow me
Wherever I go – oh, how I want it to be!
Her eyes are shining like nothing else in the world
My one desire - to cherish her and to hold
The look in her eyes
Captivates like a song
Oh dreamy blue skies…
That’s all bygone!
Yes, I am a jester, a fool, a stuntman
Those are names chosen for me by the noblemen
So aloof, disengaged they will not comprehend
They will never stretch a helping hand …
V.L. (Vesper Lynd) aka Eva Trussell

Don't play the game of love with those older than you

You left the relationship, but there's still a collar on the neck
Trampling my love, you chose money
You could call yourself a slut and shoot porn.
You fool, don't tell me that in love age is just a number
while I loved you as if it were the first time
We were together 2 years, yet it went by like an hour
The choice you gave me was in a form of a verdict:
'My friends or you'. No, that went too far.
You know what? I well know that you freeze up
when you close your eyes with him, you're imagining me
You hate yourself, but you need a family
You need money, fame, and you need me
You are 18 and he's around 30
Well, tell me where are your life principles now?
But I don't care anymore.
When you walk by - I won't even look in your direction
It's your choice, to be driven by good life
Mixing up destiny with drugs, washing it down with whiskey
You were so sweet... when I fell in love with your looks
Such a pity, but one can't turn back time
Don't play the game of love with those older than you
You open your heart up to them
It will be painful .. very painful, breaking up...
I was in love with you. A naive boy
I was very jealous. As a matter of fact, way too much!
And remained calm, most likely playing along
And you realized that you have beat me in this game
My expectations were, that you missed me when not together
and have always waited for me
But you were waiting for someone else, who could
make all your materialistic wishes a reality
He who would simply be richer and older
And who gives a fuck, that after work he is always tired
or after school, or after meeting friends
Regardless, he has thousands of reasons and ideas
not to be with you, and he also plays
the same game that you used to play with me
except now you are a pawn, and he is the king
Would you still choose the successful one? Or this time love?

I saw her by chance

I saw her by chance
opened the door of my heart to her
I swear I wasn't aware
when I told her that I love her
I'd give her my soul if she wanted me to
I begged her to stay by my side
I showered her with winks
I hugged her and laughed to her
I saw her by chance and she made me feel easy
opened the door of my heart to her
I swear I wasn't aware
when I told her that I love her
she can take whatever she wants from me
I swear by her eyes, I won't turn her down
just to stay by my side
and to leave my hand in hers
my love for her is growing every day
I don't want anyone else, world
I give her my heart and my soul
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Disco of our love

Look at the weather
Throw away this Internet of yours
The sun makes people feel free
And the whole world is wearing flowers
A small white dress
Pearls on the chest and on the ears
For me you are the happiness that came by chance
You are so good.
I'm calling you exactly at seven
And to the music of Boni M
Together we'll take a walk
Kissing and dancing
I'll return you sharp at five
Your mom will not sleep
Will be angry, but that's life
This is the disco of our love
Give me gentle nights
And it does not matter what's after
I need you, girl, very much
Without you everything became as if
the past wasn't somehow with us
Two in a black-and-white movie
The feeling is given to us by heaven
so that it may never end
She will be angry, but that's life
This is the disco of our love.


Since I've been in my room these days
I wonder how long is someone expects to live
My drip coffee is too bitter
And I don't even know how to make it properly
Inside a dusty room
Only my records are moving on
I wanna catch the future
I'm gonna catch the future
Only if I go to another destination
Can I be a new person
So I'll start
Let’s say Hello to new me
Who will I become?
My true self awaits, I won't hesitate
Let’s say Hello to new me
It's a new life
It's not up to anyone to decide
Just let my feel and go
I don't need a character
So deeply stained
As well as
A boring and simplistic affection attitude
I wanna catch the future
I'm gonna catch the future
How much of my life
Has passed?
After all
I ain't able to stop my moments yet
Let’s say Hello to new me
It's brand new, my room
Only genuine items are inside of it
I won't hesitate
Let’s say Hello to new me
It's brand new, my room
It's not up to anyone to decide
Just let my feel and go
Let’s say Hello to new me
I can't go back
Everything starts today
I won't lose my way
Let’s say Hello to new me
It's a new life
Give up deciding for me
Just let my feel and go
♫Reprint it, spread it to the world!
If this was useful to you, please consider supporting me!♫

A heavy rain's about to fall

Where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Where have you been, my little child?
I climbed to the mountaintop, and further
I went on the main road, and crawled
Into the deep forests, where I hid
Went to the ocean coast that died on me
Went into the grave that's always waiting for me
Very soon, very soon, very soon, very soon
A heavy rain's about to fall
And what did you see there, my blue-eyed son?
Yes what did you see there my little child?
I saw a fox, and a wolf waiting for him
I saw a golden path, that no man can walk upon
A black wing, flowing with the waters
A man with a hammer, wounding his hands
A saw a dream, walking on crutches
A man without tongue, talking all the time
And a sleeping boy with a rifle and sword
Very soon, very soon, yes very soon, very soon
A heavy rain's about to fall
What will you do now, my blue-eyed son ?
Yes what will you do now, my little child?
Now I will go down, for the rain is in the storm
Now I will go, deep into the forest
Where there are people without hands
And the shit is rising there, inundating the waters
And dead pigeons, covered with olive leaves
And a hangman's face staring out of every house
There everything is ugly, and a soul without value
The color is black, and the Zero is King
I want to tell, and breathe
And think, and bring it all here
So that everyone can see it
Stand all by myself against the sea that drowned me
And remember the song that I knew and once sang
Very soon, very soon, yes very soon, very soon
A heavy rain's about to fall
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

I want to live beautifuly

I've put jewels from all around the world on my body
but I still don't know what is the true meaning of joy
Someday I will scream beyond the despair
I want to go and find the meaning of life somewhere
Ah, I want to go on living beautifully
just like that perfectly clear​ blue sky
Ah,I want to find a pure love
just like your clear eyes
Like the waves that break onto shore and return to the sea
I stand aimlessly alone on the hill like rubble
One day I want to tell you that living and persistently chasing your dream are both the same thing
Ah, I want to always keep on walking
just like the hope that keeps gushing forth
Ah, I want to calmly watch time flow
just like that endless sea of stars
Ah, I want to always keep on walking
just like the hope that keeps gushing forth
Ah, I want to go on living beautifully
just like that perfectly clear​ blue sky
Ah,I want to find a pure love
just like your clear eyes

Song About A Magic Flower

Somewhere there is a deep scarlet flower,
It is bright, fiery like a dawn,
The very sunny and unheard-of,
Not in vain it is called 'a dream'.
Maybe there, behind the seventh mountain pass,
Fresh, like a gulp of the wind,
The very fairy and unheard-of,
The very magic flower will flare up.
The very fairy and unheard-of,
The very magic flower will flare up.
Remembering the happy miracle,
Walking far in ringing dew,
Many people are looking for that flower,
But, of course, not all of them find it.
Maybe there, behind the seventh mountain pass,
Fresh, like a gulp of the wind,
The very fairy and unheard-of,
The very magic flower will flare up.
The very fairy and unheard-of,
The very magic flower will flare up.
Please don't hesitate to correct me, especially if the translation language is your native language.
With Best Regards,
© Alexander Laskavtsev

ona mi je u mislima

ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ne mogu da spavam nocu
jer ona nije pored mene
video sam mnogo lepih lica
ali ni jedno poput njenog
i nikada nisam imao ljubav kao
jednu koju smo znali
reci mi zasto sam igrao kao klovn
stalno praveci nered okolo
ne mogu da prestanem da mislim kako sam te izneverio
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ne mogu da spavam nocu
jer ona nije pored mene 2x
moji prijatelji kazu da je zadrzim
ali ja sam je pustio
ne znajuci koliko mi je potrebna
dok sam terao po svom
pio sam ali istinu necu utopiti
ne, istinu necu utopiti
los medikament nece spustiti, spustiti,spustiti
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ne mogu da spavam nocu
jer ona nije pored mene
ooh,uvijanje je gotovo
ako sam sanjao da sam te grlio
ne mogu da prestanem da mislim
da li sam cak u tvom umu
sada, noci su hladnije
nedostajes mi na ramenu
nedostajes mi tu na mom obrazu
svake noci
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ne mogu da spavam nocu
jer ona nije pored mene 2x
ooh,uvijanje je gotovo
falis mi na mom ramenu
falis mi tu na mom obrazu
svake noci
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ona mi je u mislima, ona mi je u mislima
ne mogu da spavam nocu
jer ona nije pored mene


If you are heart rending.Come and take this heart.I will Cry, you laugh on my behalf.
I support you from a distance yet, dont say I didnt love you, No, dont say s/he was bad.
If you feel sad,remember me, my heart loves you, it said it before.
you wanna go, OK,I want you become happy,I never said 'you leave, so what about me?'
But I miss you step by step,I want to come to you by walk.
I turned the pages of under the rain, in your Remembrance.I made all that memories lonely.
But I miss you step by step,I want to come to you by walk.
I turned the pages of under the rain, in your Remembrance.I made all that memories lonely.
You left,but its OK, I felt very sad,The tears that fell down asked about you.
When I get worse,It destroyed again,All my memories passed in front of my face.
But I miss you step by step,I want to come to you by walk.
I turned the pages of under the rain, in your Remembrance.I made all that memories lonely.

My Little Girl

I have a little girl
Never cries without cause
She has her own reasons
Which she keeps to herself
Everything she hears
And that she knows
She sees everything with her eyes
And she understands everything
And if you will see someone like
My little girl
Doesn’t want to sleep now
So we are both in bed
And her mother says
May she only be healthy
May she only be good
As she herself already is
Like my little girl
Like my little girl
My little girl whispers
Speaks without words
In the white nights with her
A small caressing voice
And when she smiles at me
It’s always from all of her heart
So I fall in love with her again
And every day it gets stronger
And if you will see someone like
My little girl
Doesn’t want to sleep now
So we are both in bed
And her mother says
May she only be healthy
May she only be good
As she herself already is
Like my little girl
Like my little girl

Ona nije tamo

Niko mi nije pričao o njoj o tome kako je lagala
Niti mi je rekao o njoj, koliko je ljudi proplakalo
Ali je sada kasno izviniti se
Kako sam mogao znati i zašto bi trebao brinuti?
Molim te, ne pokušavaj da je pronađeš
jer ona nije tamo.
Ooh, Niko mi nije pričao o njoj. Šta sam mogao uraditi?
Pa, niko mi nije pričao o njoj iako su svi znali.
Ali je sada kasno izviniti se
Kako sam mogao znati i zašto bi trebao brinuti?
Molim te, ne pokušavaj da je pronađeš
jer ona nije tamo.
Pa, dozvolite da vam kažem kako izgleda,
kako deluje. boji njene kose
Njen glas je bio sladak i hladan
Njene oči su bile kristalno jasne ali ona nije tamo.
Ali je sada kasno izviniti se
Kako sam mogao znati i zašto bi trebao brinuti?
Molim te, ne pokušavaj da je pronađeš
jer ona nije tamo.
Pa, dozvolite da vam kažem kako izgleda,
kako deluje. boji njene kose
Njen glas je bio sladak i hladan
Njene oči su bile kristalno jasne ali ona nije tamo.


And she says to me fly to me
She flew up to me, wall climbing to me
Airplane lights in the middle of the night
We won't worry another night at Ben Gurion
Here every night is a holiday
Straight to the shores of Thailand
Sun bathing so come and we'll take off now
Swaying like a leaf, the plane coming up
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
And again the place is packed, and your body is saying
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
Watch out, not a bird and not a plane
Vulture is a predator so I came here to run him over
And we didn't come here to be mad, we came to blast off tonight
And whoever isn't dancing, good for her
Come on, fly, run, and don't worry, I'll bring your friends from outside
She wants in so she doesn't need an excuse
Whoever knows Ron doesn't need to be stressed
Got it? Come on, come to the bar
And don't forget to order the most expensive drink
Tell him you're on the singer's tab, what, it's from DubiGal, with the excessive makeup
She said really?! I said of course!
I learned in school drinks are always blooming
I'm not bragging about all this like a peacock
They call me Ron Nesher, just the name of a pilot
And she says to me fly to me
And I feel the ascent, wall climbing to me
Stars lighting up the night
We won't sleep like another old story
I'm not the shy type
What a smile God gave her
Not falling asleep, she's like a smoke screen
Swaying like a leaf, the plane coming up
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
And again the place is packed, and your body is saying
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
So you're with me tonight on a world tour
No one is drunk she's going around everyone
Jaws drop as she goes by in front of them
She looks like some 10k likes on Instagram
Got it? Yea the girl takes a boy
The boy takes a girl maybe the boy takes a boy
I'm not complaining, we love everyone here
From Ramat Gan to Haifa, Dimona to Metula
No matter she's skinny or curvy, I don't care
Invite everyone here for a drink, how much will it cost me
How much will it cost me?! Come, sweetie
We won't get back days we weren't happy
And she says to me fly to me
She flew up to me, wall climbing to me
Airplane lights in the middle of the night
We won't worry, another night to Ben Gurion
We'll return with the close of the holiday
Straight from the shores of Thailand
Sun bathing so come and we'll take off now
Swaying like a leaf, the plane coming up
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
And again the place is packed, and your body is saying
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh

Prazna Nebesa

Pogledaj me oči, šokirane stravom.
Paralizovanu, povuci me u život.
Tako sam glupa, a ti si tako pametan.
Prouči moj najbolji trud.
Dolazi dan kada ću otići, na ponos moj.
Ti ćeš tu biti.
Prazna nebesa, ali leptirova krila, poput vazduha tiho pobedjuju
Oslobodjena od prekršenog obećanja, rekao si da ćemo se tamo naći
Prazna nebesa, ali leptirova krila, poput vazduha tiho pobedjuju
Oslobodjena od prekršenog obećanja, rekao si da ćemo se sastati tamo
Sastaćemo se tamo.
Ti znaš da čekam.
Napustila sam sunce iz Afrike
Da bih bila sa tobom, da poletim
Preko okeana
Da usnama dodirnem vatru
Svaki pokret
Izgovara tvoje ime.
Dolazi dan kada ću otići, na ponos moj.
Ti ćeš tu biti.
Prazna nebesa, ali leptirova krila, poput vazduha tiho pobedjuju
Oslobodjena od prekršenog obećanja, rekao si da ćemo se tamo naći
Prazna nebesa, ali leptirova krila, poput vazduha tiho pobedjuju
Oslobodjena od prekršenog obećanja, rekao si da ćemo se sastati tamo
Sastaćemo se tamo.
Ti znaš da čekam.
Dolazi dan kada ću otići, na ponos moj.
Ti ćeš tu biti.
Prazna nebesa, ali leptirova krila, poput vazduha tiho pobedjuju
Oslobodjena od prekršenog obećanja, rekao si da ćemo se tamo naći
Prazna nebesa, ali leptirova krila, poput vazduha tiho pobedjuju
Oslobodjena od prekršenog obećanja, rekao si da ćemo se sastati tamo
Sastaćemo se tamo.
Ti znaš da čekam.


(She's waitin' for her man...)
If it is so, the man stands again
Again recklessly goes onward
I guarantee, she’ll draw you in again
With tricks, with her gaze
Long leg -
She alone -
Is known for it -
For it known -
Yes incredibly acknowledged
She without Wäsch'
And with the Flash
from her right hand.
If it is in a way that it goes so further
Everyone exists only on their groove
Is quite clear, it is true, the blues catch up with you
Your patients will become perpetrators -
She alone
with and without
Whether without appearance, it becomes nothing else remains
When she becomes your gift
She becomes your gift
And you are her Pusher
She alone
with and without
Whether without appearance, so it always remains
When she becomes your gift
She becomes your gift
And you are her Pusher

In the woods

A grove of philodendron shrubs, blooms in autumn (1)
When the foliage of the pine trees
Is covering the forester's nakedness
A cool wind
A light breeze
And tiny poison mushrooms
And Dana was annoyed
At what I just said
But she's already known in the forest
What has happened to Snow White ?
She bit into the apple
It ate her heart
And now she's no longer a virgin
A grove of philodendron shrubs, blooms in autumn
When the foliage of the pine trees
Is covering the forester's nakedness
Poor Snow White
Year after Year
She dreams of the tip of an umbrella
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

THOUGHT by Taras Shevchenko

THOUGHT by Taras Shevchenko
The water flows into th’ blue sea,
And never comes out,
A kozak looks for his fate,
But it can’t be found.
The kozak went to the far lands,
The blue sea is waving,
The lad’s heart is patting,
And, the thought is craving:
“where d’ you go without a blessing?
In whose care have you left
The father and your elderly mom,
And your young sweet lassie?
In foreign lands, the folks are strange,
Living with them’ s hard,
There’ll be no one to share concerns,
To talk heart-to-heart”.
The lad’s sitting on th’ other side,-
The blue sea goes high and low,
He thought he would meet his fate,
But he met a woe.
And the cranes are flying right
in perfect flocks home.
The lad’s crying- the olden ways
With thorns, are overgrown.
Translation from Ukrainian into English by Ivan Petryshyn

The Town Sheikh (Possessed)

Listen to me, this boy
was treated at the town Sheikh,
the Sheikh doctor carefully read the Surat al-Falaq to him (2),
tell him, oh Mr. Sheikh of the youth,
he said, safety, safety, safety (3),
treat and cure us and this boy
from the jinn (4) and all the curses.
Safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety.
Oh sheikh pray in the honor of god and all that rises above me,
safety, safety, safety, safety.
On the bed his body ascended when his mom was calling,
'oh Shiekh what happened with this boy, he's not remembering, what is he? a slave? (to the demon) (5)
he returned to consciousness, opened his eyes, and screamed
oh mama! oh mama!

His Nerves Are as Cool as a Fridge

It wouldn't be difficult for me to harm him
If he checks out someone else, I don't want him
And I would leave him in the blink of an eye
I wouldn't hold onto anything between us
He has been acting strange
It's almost two days
and we can't even agree upon anything
I get upset
But God bless him,
his nerves are as cool as a fridge...
Whenever I go this way he goes that way
He's at peace while I am miserable
I'm letting him be although I'm sure
there is something fishy about the situation
He's always absent-minded, and somewhere else
What is up? Seems like there's a problem
It's been a couple of days and I've been enduring this
Till I can finally understand what's going on
Half of what he now says is algorithms
He even sometimes forgets that I exist
I'm scared of him and I see things
that frankly worry me
Oh no, I would tear down the whole world upon him
My heart does not belong in the hands of his highness
If I go through with this, he would see what I can do to him
I would show him an ugly side of me
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Poor niggerslave

Tell Swerko crosseyes*, that is the way it should be
Tell him that Heidi is like parabol
His father always hitting socialist** it was one of both
A wholehaltered*** gullshit said Elsis major
Poor niggerslave! His genitalia will give warts.
Wart pigs will roar when I'm done sharpening
Not so nice mirages - Sivan I fucking regret
Hashish were in syringes, the police ran in teams!
Tell 'radiationfish' to everyone, he told me to test it.
The goverment, a viking, his foot said 'saliva'.
He hugs, yes damn! And catch Nairobi
He thought he choose but he scrambled in
He lived with Swerki, they played cops
A wasp, a farmer girl, a man a girl will become
In rasta Mothers stomach there is salt à la Cheesecake
A brother with his neighbor will help a car

the conversation is dead

the conversation is dead, no more talking
you've left me and now you've come
to apologize, alright
I would never accept your apology as long as I'm alive
why would I wait for you to care
when you've dumped me and were unfaithful?
I came to you with all my love
but after you shunned me down, I walked away
but after you shunned me down, I walked away
the conversation is dead, no more talking
the conversation is dead, no more talking
the conversation is dead, no more talking
the conversation is dead, no more talking
we were never the better
until you started cutting me
I had no luck when you were around
my world is done with you
let's see if you will be able to sleep
and I dare you to find bliss without me
I'm leaving, goodbye
I've forgotten about you, I swear
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Linda Linda

Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one held her arm
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one held her arm
she has an address book filled with names
Toni, Mike, Ma'rouf and Sami
Toni, Mike, Ma'rouf and Sami
Ahmed Butrus, Fahd and Mor'os
Ahmed Butrus, Fahd and Mor'os
the address book is driving me crazy
it doesn't have my name, I'm officially asking for her 1
it doesn't have my name, I'm officially asking for her
you've made my heart melt
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one held her arm
all her dresses are short
they barely cover tiny bits
all her dresses are short
they barely cover tiny bits
look at the rest of her clothes
look at the rest of her clothes
the clothes line is in the balcony
and when she hangs them
she instantly show them off
and oh, how many times have I seen them
she comes to tell me 'tomorrow is going to be better
forget about our past'
you're one with a heart that never changes
how could I forget the memories?
she comes to remind me of her love
that made me her prisoner
she comes to remind me of her love
that rendered my eyes sleepless
I repent, I repent, I repent
I'm never going to believe him
he who changed on me
she comes to tell me, she comes to tell me
she comes to tell me 'my love
I'm the one at fault'
she comes to tell me that he's wasted
his life not caring about me
and when his dear ones abandoned him
I've held on to me
she comes to remind me of her love
that made me her prisoner
she comes to remind me of her love
that rendered my eyes sleepless
I repent, I repent, I repent
I'm never going to believe him
he who changed on me
I repent, I repent, I repent
I'm never going to believe him
he who changed on me
she comes to tell me, she comes to tell me
she comes to tell me 'my love
I'm the one at fault'
I swear, your heart is not aware of me
love with you is deprivation
  • 1. hand in marriage
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها



Love, this is a lovesong for you
To prove how much I love you
I love you since they let you go from Bohnice
And that smoke that comes out of your lungs
Gingerbread is the only thing you can bake
Alcohol - the only thing you can drink
But love, you know that I don't mind anything (Ha)
I don't mind that you don't have anything
You know, I love how you look
When you have a knife in your hand and you're sleeping
You know, when I'm with you
I don't care what others are saying
I don't care about other people
We are the two who laugh at them
We are the two who always get high
Take a pill - I'll take it too
Wanna jump? I'll jump with you
under the cars, look, they are already going
You look like a queen in that straitjacket
I love how pale you are
I know it far too well that what you're giving me
No one else will give me
No one else is this crazy
I have sixteen stabs
Even through it happens that sometimes
I don't know how to run away from you (Ha)
Every time I come back home
I see you standing in the dark
Just white eyes
And a red flame burning in them
I'll be with you until I die
You don't have to ask me
I just say that it will be a month
At most two
I love it how you smile at me
Take that gun, show that demon you're hiding!
I know that you love me and curse me at the same time
I'll put a pill into your drink, I see how you're falling asleep
I love it how you smile at me
Take that gun, show that demon you're hiding!
I know that you love me and curse me at the same time
I'll put a pill into your drink, I see how you're dying
There were days when you were taking drugs
more than you should take (Take)
I'll get tattooed with your name (Tattoo)
I'll let myself being nurtured by you
I'll let myself being driven with sentences
This cutted flow is just for you
Blood is flowing in rivers, pills are falling on you like a rain
Everyone has to love you now
When I'm with you
I don't care what others are saying
I don't care about other people
We are the two who laugh at them
We are the two who always get high
Take a pill - I'll take it too
Wanna jump? I'll jump with you
under the cars, look, they are already going
You look like a queen in that sheet
You hold a needle in your hand
I know that I won't find it anywhere
more heroin
You have beautiful red eyes
Cold skin in hot weather
I'll just tie you, come on, don't growl, don't snarl
I know that I will sit down after that (Ah)
Every time I come back home
I see you standing in the dark
Just white eyes
And a red flame burning in them
I'll be with you until I die
You don't have to ask me
I just say that it will be a month
At most two
But we'll be forever together, love
Yeah, ha..
I love it how you smile at me
Take that gun, show that demon you're hiding!
I know that you love me and curse me at the same time
I'll put a pill into your drink, I see how you're falling asleep
I love it how you smile at me
Take that gun, show that demon you're hiding!
I know that you love me and curse me at the same time
I'll put a pill into your drink, I see how you're dying
Yeah, Sheen..
I hope that you won't die soon, my love!

Talk To Me More

Versions: #2
Talk to me more,
Tell me that you're sick of this fence between us,
Tell me that something's missing,
Tell me stories about how it feels when it passes.
As if you know.
You can get closer,
I'm tired of throwing you love from the other side,
It's me again,
Close enough to wake up with a sorrow of my own.
Too far away to touch.
And again more time passes,
What for have we waited for him to come,
If you're always standing next to him when he arrives?
Say it's over,
Tell him you were with him more on paper,
Another something that passed.
Tell him at nights how the second he fell asleep,
You waited for me to arrive.
Tell me when.
Tell me that all those who were here before me,
Were just a preparation for me.
Say that you keep nothing from me,
Or say something calming.
And again more time passes,
What for have we waited for him to come,
If you're always standing next to him when he arrives?
What for have we waited for him to come,
If you're always standing next to him when he arrives?
It can't be that you have nothing to tell
Talk to me more.
And again more time passes,
What for have we waited for him to come,
If you're always standing next to him when he arrives?
What for have we waited for him to come,
If you're always standing next to him when he arrives?