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Here Comes the Stork

Here comes the stork
Nearing her* destination-
She* shall bring to you and her
a baby in a package.
Both rich and poor,
In the village and in the city,
A millionaire shall get his own
like the baker and the butcher. The stork
is on her* way,
So one must prepare for a girl or a boy.
She* shall find you at any place,
For this is her* duty,
So please welcome the stork.
Here comes the stork
Nearing her* destination,
She* brings joy
to the whole family.
Tiger, giraffe and kangaroo-
Hold your breath-
You might be on the list!


You're so afraid, you don't want to tell me where you're running with no map
You're lost and you're looking to find 1 love in another kiss
You won't find the recipe 2
You'll hurt when you learn how to love
You won't find the recipe
You'll ask, and you'll wonder.
You don't want to say how much you miss me, how you're doing without me
You don't want to see yourself in foreign 3 hands again.
You won't find the recipe
You'll hurt when you learn how to love
You won't find the recipe
You'll ask, and you'll wonder.
  • 1. lit. searching.
  • 2. probably referring to a 'recipe' for love.
  • 3. can also be translated as 'strange' or 'a stranger's'.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

A Little Beside Myself

Life burns in my throat
And everything I've done goes wrong
But right now, I don't give a shit about anything
Let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
Life seems wrong somehow
And the world outside makes me shy
But right now, I don't give a shit about what happens
Let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
I know where this is going
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
And life knocks in my head
And the Lord doesn't doesn't pick up his phone
But I don't care to talk with anyone anyway
So let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
I know where this is going
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
When the sunlight is struggling desperately to break in through the cracks in the bed sheet I use as a curtain
And the birds tweet as soon as I open my eyes to see that it's day again
Fuck everything
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I can't fucking stand
I can't fucking walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

my heart is crushed

A dead world
drinks the cold milk
boats come and go
they bring more deads
mothers lose their kids
kids cry because they lost their mothers
monsters play cards
-Throw the five!- scream the dead killer
suddenly the lady sh't and watermelon speaks again
until the red moon takes out the knife
and starts killing
My heart is crushed in the poetry
and from the stones and the tears are rolling down
of the fat kid the thorns and dreams
Music of the machine of the boat
Lets never end ,hands in the port
its from you and for you I am in pain
i know a word of yours when it comes
its the joy of the empty market
because your arrow crossed inside
the roof of a bloody ambulance
hands,parties,promises everywhere
seven months babies that lived
and mothers always to worship
My heart is crushed in the poetry
the schedule of this boat
i want a silver word as well
and worked year in the forgetfullness of the wheel
to promise you
even if i am the last student

Mračna strana

[Strofa 1 - Tomine Harket]:
Nismo zaljubljeni
Ne delimo nikakve priče
Samo nešto u tvojim očima
Ne boj se
Senke me znaju
Hajde da ostavimo svet iza nas
Vodi me kroz noć
Padni na mračnu stranu
Ne treba nam svetlo
Živećemo na mračnoj strani
Vidim to
Hajde da osetimo to
Dok smo još uvek mladi i neustrašivi
Pusti svetlo
Padni na mračnu stranu
Padni na mračnu stranu
Prepusti se mračnoj strani
Pusti svetlo
Padni na mračnu stranu
[Strofa 2 - Au/Ra]:
Pod nebom
Crni poput dijamanata
Ističe nam vreme
Ne čekaj istinu
Da dođe i da nas zaslepi
Hajde samo da poverujemo njihovim lažima
[Pred-refren - Au/Ra]:
Veruj, vidim to
Znam da možeš da osetiš
Nema tajni vrednih čuvanja
Zato me prevari kao da sanjam
Vodi me kroz noć
Padni na mračnu stranu
Ne treba nam svetlo
Živećemo na mračnoj strani
Vidim to
Hajde da osetimo to
Dok smo još uvek mladi i neustrašivi
Pusti svetlo
Padni na mračnu stranu
Padni na mračnu stranu
Prepusti se mračnoj strani
Pusti svetlo
Padni na mračnu stranu
Vodi me kroz noć
Padni na mračnu stranu
Ne treba nam svetlo
Živećemo na mračnoj strani
Vidim to
Hajde da osetimo to
Dok smo još uvek mladi i neustrašivi
Pusti svetlo
Padni na mračnu stranu
Padni na mračnu stranu
Prepusti se mračnoj strani
Pusti svetlo
Padni na mračnu stranu

Fell Like Dream

Yesterday has faded
But as your light's coming up again
It approaches
It still stays in me
Just like precious times that won't come back
Your breath is softly blowing away
The days in the lingered loneliness
You are the destiny approached me step by step
I tried so hard to hide it from you, I couldn't speak those words out
Always be next to me
To me you are love
That fell like a warm yesterday's dream
My way is full of emptiness
But because I'm with you, I'm happy
You are the destiny approached me step by step
I tried so hard to hide it from you, I couldn't speak those words out
Always be next to me
To me you are love
That fell like a warm yesterday's dream
Now I can't hide my feelings
My love that filled me up
I'll give it to you
You are the destiny
Approached me step by step
The only one love, I love you
I see you, even if I close my eyes
Always be next to me
You are my everything
Of a dream-like yesterday and tomorrow too
You are indelible

Beautiful In My Life

Don’t walk away I’m falling down
Don’t walk away I’m falling down
The starlight in the night skies
Is only getting deeper
And I'm still at the same place waiting for you
Even if you don't say anything for a long time,
Just by peering into your eyes
I know it all, I feel you
Far in the night sky horizon wrapping up the sunlight
I'll become your star and protect you forever
The most beautiful times in my life
I've been saving them for you
I hope my heavy breath
Can reach you
Don’t walk away I’m falling down
Don’t walk away I’m falling down
Days that were helplessly passing
Times you were lonely
Are slowly getting further away
And It hurts cause I feel you
Far in the night sky horizon wrapping up the sunlight
I'll become your star and protect you forever
The most beautiful times in my life
I've been saving them for you
I hope my heavy breath
Will let you know It's only you for me
Look at the skies flowing in my heart
Come a step closer, don't go further
Day by day I'm at the same place
I'll stay by your side
Forever with the most beautiful in my life you

The Boy

The boy flies along with music
And travels only to listen to the F* that
Vibrates in harmony with the planet
The boy flies, wants to imagine
That the speed of the sea rushes ahead
And he will hear the entire symphony of the planet
Because when he flies far away
The distance and the wind are reduced
And he's brought back home again
The boy flies along with music
And travels only to listen to the F* that
Vibrates in harmony with the planet
It goes, it goes
Vibrating in harmony with the planet
To go forward without direction, away from home
Until he reaches a distant place
In search of the F* that makes him return

Do kraja

Negde na dnu vlasti
A nas dvoje nismo njeno posedstvo
Kao da bi bez nas vrela
Dugi put pun anekdota
Pizdarije svuda
A potom je isparila
Ukrala je vreme
Uzela najbolji vazduh
Neka ubijamo kao svi
Okolo bez svesti
I tako oboje umremo
Gde je suština šta je Bog
Preporođen će doći
Onaj dan, kad nam niko ne smeta
Doći će novo vreme
doneće bolji vazduh
Odavde idemo do sunca, do kraja
I tamo sad možemo da dišemo nadalje
Ma šta nama fali
Kada smo srećni smo večni
Nazad neće biti nas
Nas neće biti
Idemo odatle
Dolazi novo vreme
i bolji vazduh
Sve lakši je korak
Slobodno od sad
Bije srce
Bije u ritmu napred
Uzeli smo vreme
Uzeli smo najbolji vazduh
Odavde idemo do sunca, do kraja
I tamo sad možemo da dišemo nadalje
Ma šta nama fali
Kada smo srećni smo večni
Nazad neće biti nas
Nas neće biti
Idemo odatle

Sweet Brownie

Didididididi Iyaa
Didididididi Iyaa
So that I can go on a heart-pounding trip that I have wished
Sweet Brownie
Sweet Brownie
Follow the constellation upon the sky
Take a step then go to see you sleeping
A mail is too short to contain my thoughts
Approach quietly if you recognize me by any chance
Do you hear my heart-pounding feeling again
A whisper under the sky Ooh Chocolate-like your love Ooh
I just want to dream here together with the sweet feeling
Forever under the sky Ooh Feels like gleaming in a rainbow Ooh
So that I can go on a heart-pounding trip that I have wished
Follow the way that rape flower waved its hand
Go on a trip together with our wings spread
There's no way you could know how heart-pounding it is but it doesn't matter
Sometimes I wonder if I search my memory and find you somewhere over there
Do you see my step to you again?
(Didididididi Iyaa… [×4])
Sweet Brownie


Kada sam bio mlad zaljubio sam se
Držali smo se za ruke, čoveče, to je bilo dovoljno
Onda smo porasli, počeli da se dodirujemo
Ljubili smo se ispod svetla u zadnjem delu autobusa
Oh ne, tvoj tata me nije baš voleo
I nije mi verovao kada sam rekao da si ti ta
Oh, svakog dana je pronalazila način da se iskrade kasno kroz prozor
Nalazila se sa mnom na Eastside
U gradu u kome sunce ne zalazi
I znaš da smo se svakog dana vozili
Sporednim ulicama u plavom Corvette
Dušo, znaš da samo želim da odem večeras
Možemo ići gde god poželimo
Voziti se dole do obale, uskočiti u sedište
Samo me uhvati za ruku i pođi sa mnom
Možemo da uradimo bilo šta ako se potrudimo
Da uzmemo ceo svoj život i povučemo crtu kroz njega
Moja ljubav je tvoja ako želiš da je uzmeš
Daj mi svoje srce jer ga neću slomiti
Zato hajde, počnimo danas
Započnimo novi život zajedno u nekom drugom mestu
Znamo da su sve ove ideje iznikle iz ljubavi
Zato dušo, pobegni sa mnom
Sedamnaest godina i sanjamo o porodici
Kući i svemu što ide uz to
A onda, oh, odjednom smo napunili dvadeset tri
Sada smo pod pritiskom da ozbiljnije shvatimo svoje živote
Imamo svoje beznadežne poslove i račune za plaćanje
Polovina naših pirjatelja sada su naši neprijatelji
Sada ja-, ja razmišljam o vremenu kada sam bila mlada
O danu kada sam se zaljubila
Nalazio se sa mnom na Eastside
U gradu u kome sunce ne zalazi
I znaš da smo se svakog dana vozili
Sporednim ulicama u plavom Corvette
Dušo, znaš da samo želim da odem večeras
Možemo ići gde god poželimo
Voziti se dole do obale, uskočiti u sedište
Samo me uhvati za ruku i pođi sa mnom
Možemo da uradimo bilo šta ako se potrudimo
Da uzmemo ceo svoj život i povučemo crtu kroz njega
Moja ljubav je tvoja ako želiš da je uzmeš
Daj mi svoje srce jer ga neću slomiti
Zato hajde, počnimo danas
Započnimo novi život zajedno u nekom drugom mestu
Znamo da su sve ove ideje iznikle iz ljubavi
Zato dušo, pobegni sa mnom
Pobegnimo sada
Pobegnimo sada
Pobegnimo sada
Pobegnimo sada
Pobegnimo sada
Pobegnimo sada
Nalazio se sa mnom na Eastside
Nalazila se sa mnom na Eastside
Nalazio se sa mnom na Eastside
Nalazila se sa mnom na Eastside
U gradu u kome sunce ne zalazi

1000 Years, Always By Your Side

I have to tell you something.
How I wanna be with you… Be with you, girl
The things that can’t be seen still have a form
If you force your way into them, they’ll break
Love is the key to the heart
Look, its the same, this miracle
It’s okay to open up your heart
My feelings begin to pour out (ah ah ah),
this is my love (Ah ah ah)
Additionally, more and more, it continues to grow
Right now,
I can’t tell you everything (Ah ah ah ah)
I want to tell you one day (Ah ah ah ah)
Even if it takes a thousand years,
always stay by my side
I’m also gently putting the puzzle pieces of memories
that you spoke about together with mine, that are so similar
It’s not something anyone can see
I’m drawing a map of our future
Hidden in your eyes
Look, its the same, this sea of tears
It’s ok to show me
My feelings begin to pour out (ah ah ah ah),
this is my love (ah ah ah ah)
Additionally, more and more, it continues to grow
Right now,
I can’t tell you everything (ah ah ah ah)
I want to tell you one day (ah ah ah ah)
Even if it takes a thousand years,
always stay by my side
Taking a ride on your name,
like going on a long trip
I want to go back before we met
and repaint our memories
One day, surely, I want to tell
the snow-white mountain campus
about you and I again and again
My feelings begin to pour out, this is my love
Additionally, more and more, it continues to grow
Right now,
I can’t tell you everything (ah ah ah ah)
I want to tell you one day (ah ah ah ah)
Even if it takes a thousand years,
always stay by my side
My Heart Is Yours…
My Heart Is Yours… (So You Know I Wanna Be)
My Heart Is Yours… My Heart Is Yours…
Oh my baby


Fire flares,
five cold corpses:
they painted the place in red
in cursed hours.
Heavy bullets have fallen
amidst thyme fronds.
Who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
Blindly, weapons
have burned the flowers:
the obsequies are denied
to the unlucky ones.
A last sparkle
goes out in the well:
who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
Honking the horn, they carry
you around till the highway:
men are treated like
skins of wild boars.
The mercy sucked
a bitter breast:
who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
Warm blood is gushing
from your heart:
not even a gold medal
you’ve got, Vincent.
They are crying in sobs
children and wife:
who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
How long will it take,
still, my brother,
before we’ll come out
of barbarity?
And the women of the village
won’t sing the dirge anymore?
Who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?

Mračna strana

Živeo sam u tami
Čitav svoj život bio sam progonjen
Bila bi uplašena
Kada bi mogla osetiti moj bol
I kada bi mogla videti stvari koje ja mogu videti
Izbavi me
Izbavi me
Dopusti mi da pobegnem
Izbavi me
Izbavi me
Oslobodi me
Šaljem pozdrav sa mračne strane
Čitav svoj život bio sam opkoljen
Bila bi uplašena
Kada bi živela sa mojim očajanjem
I kada bi mogla osetiti stvari koje ja mogu osetiti
Izbavi me
Izbavi me
Dopusti mi da pobegnem
Izbavi me
Izbavi me
Oslobodi me
Izbavi me
Izbavi me
Dopusti mi da pobegnem
Izbavi me
Izbavi me
Oslobodi me
Spasi me od mračne strane
Izbavi me
Izbavi me
Oslobodi me


[1. strofa]
4 ujutru je, ne znam gdje da idem
Sve je zatvoreno, trebala bih prosto otići kući, da
Stopala me vode do tvojih ulaznih vrata
Znam da ne bih trebala, ipak, samo bog zna
da o, nuspojava mojoj samoći si ti
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
[2. strofa]
Ovo se dešava svaki put kad pokušam da miješam
Donošenje odluka sa previše popijenih pića
Ali oh, ako kasnonoćni prijatelji imaju posljedice, ok kul
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
O, mislim o tebi sve vrijeme
Učini da se to desi u mom umu, govorim ti, da
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
Vrijeme me je trebalo naučiti lekciju
Krenula sam tražeći znak, ali umjesto toga dobila sam pouku
Skidam svoj ponos svaki put kad se svlačimo
Nacrtaj liniju, ja sam pored linije, da
Vrijeme me je trebalo naučiti lekciju
Krenula sam tražeći znak, ali umjesto toga dobila sam pouku
Skidam svoj ponos svaki put kad se svlačimo
Nacrtaj liniju, ja sam pored linije
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
Ja, ja mislim o tebi sve vrijeme
Učini da se to desi u mom umu, govorim ti, da
O, ti si sve što želim
Ne znam da odustanem od tebe
Dođi i voli me noćas
Vrijeme me je trebalo naučiti lekciju
Krenula sam tražeći znak, ali umjesto toga dobila sam pouku
Skidam svoj ponos svaki put kad se svlačimo
Nacrtaj liniju, ja sam pored linije, da
Vrijeme me je trebalo naučiti lekciju
Krenula sam tražeći znak, ali umjesto toga dobila sam pouku
Skidam svoj ponos svaki put kad se svlačimo
Nacrtaj liniju, ja sam pored linije, da

I Sit Beside The Window

I sit beside the window's edge
I sit beside the window's edge
I sit beside the window's edge,
Looking upon the stars,
I sit beside the window's edge,
And I think to myself thus.
Will you come on by my dear, or not,
I dream of you so often?...
I come nearer to the window's edge,
And you stand there smiling.
Love - loving, is like the flower,
Which blooms there in the morning,
Like that butterfly in the spring
Flying up there oh so high.
So do you guard your dear hearts,
That you don't love too early,
For the gardens will bloom in the spring,-
Your love will not return.

From the other side of the mirror

From the other side of a mirrored glass
Where there is no joy, no pain, and no sadness,
Observing how quietly my life has passed
And years zoomed by like mere moments.
I did not fight, I did not strive for heavens,
My soul did not seek the distant stars,
From trifle things I built my whole life
And it's too late for any changes.
I am too weak, I am far too lonely
Flame has long burnt out in my soul.
This world was so cruel to me
That I myself became as cold as stone.
No place to run to - just to my bleak home,
Where once again to each other we will lie.
Where in the loneliness we will stay together
Tiredly moving in a vicious circle.
And just as soon and sudden will come the hour,
When oblivion envelops all of us,
And finally it will release us
From this insane movement.
But maybe all of this is just mirage,
Where we struggle not knowing the answer:
Why in the dark is our not so long life,
When all around there is so much light.

A Birdie Sits On The Cherry Tree

[Guy]: A birdie sits on the cherry tree, hey, it pecks little flowers,
Why did you, my dear, make the whole my world sad.
[Girl]: I didn't make it sad, you did it yourself,
You've been coming to me for three years, but on the fourth year you took another girl.
[Girl]: Oh, my dear, what have you done, hey, you have left me,
I've been waiting for you for three years, hey, but you fell with other.
[Guy]: Oh, my dear, what have you done, hey, you've been making a mess of me,
I have mowed for you all your meadows ,1hey, but you've been walking with other.
[Girl]: I've not been walking with other, hey, I've been waiting only for you,
And for those meadows, that you have mowed for me, hey, I repaid with my caress.
I do not fear you, I will not be yours,
And I will never be waiting for you by the window anymore

Smejući se spolja

Smejem se spolja
Plačem iznutra
Zato što sam toliko zaljubljena u tebe
Viđaju me noću i danju
Kako se super provodim
Ne znaju kroz šta prolazim
Ja se smejem spolja
Plačem iznutra
Zato što sam još uvek zaljubljena u tebe
Niko ne zna da je to samo poza
Pretvarajući se da mi je drago što smo razdvojeni
Ali kad plačem, moje oči su suve
Suze su u mom srcu
Dragi moj, zar se ne možemo pomiriti?
Od našeg raskida
Pretvaranje je sve što radim
Smejem se spolja
Plačem iznutra
Zato što sam toliko zaljubljena u tebe
Smejem se spolja
Plačem iznutra

Svet vani

Postoji svet vani što ga više ne osećam
i teško mi je odlučiti se
Postoji devojka koja je pristojna, koja čeka na vratima
i želi da te učini sretnim na svoj način
Da li si primetila da mi je sve bilo dosadno?
Da li si primetila da sam spavao tokom dana?
Više to ne osećam
sećanja jednog vremena
Pa, to me šokira
ali uvek ima druga devojka
Pa napustismo naše mesto koje možemo pokušati zadržati
zar ti je to trebalo ili si se tako osećala?
Ja sam u redu i znaš da izgledaš dobro
ali još slušam tu glazbu svako veče
Da li si primetila da mi je sve bilo dosadno?
Da li si primetila da sam spavao tokom dana?
Više to ne osećam
sećanja jednog vremena
Pa, to me šokira
ali uvek ima druga devojka
Drugi put, drugo mesto
ne dopusti stvarima da se nađu na putu
Zelenije na drugoj strani
Ja sam na svojem putu
i postoji svet vani
Imam svoju kartu
postoji svet vani
ja sam na svojem putu
Ako naiđete na grešku u mom prijevodu, slobodno mi napišite i obrazložite! :)

If you run into a mistake in my translation, feel free to comment and explain it to me! :)

Orion Lady

Kelt je vek
zoo šest devet
apo kali psa na suncu
u glavu me udara
Poznato je svima
arofa vi minar sve je
eboran sve je
što imam daj mi.
Orion lady
nije samo di što je nord
opet je mir u jednom smeru
opet je mir.
Svetlost a b c d
mašina klinik nije samo
jedini je bio mornar
nord gospodar.
Usiljen smeh je samo
neopažen u nama
obavezan greh grabi
angele para
doxalne mistike u nama.
Orion lady
nije samo di što je nord
opet je mir u jednom smeru
opet je mir.

Od visine se zavrti

Nikada više, oh jer ne može da bude tačno,
Nikada više, oh jer ne može da bude tačno,
krila su mi se istopila od straha,
nikada više ne letim njima
i nikad ne saznam, da su samo papir,
zamjevi, koji već toliko godina vise nada mnom.
Jer već mama je govorila,
da sa visine se ne vidi sve,
da nikada ne saznaš, da su samo papir,
osmesi, koji već toliko godina se smeju sa tobom.
Od visine se zavrti, sakrij me u svoj dlan,
svoj mekani dlan, svoj topli dlan.
Uzmi me na svoju stranu, sakrij me u svoj dlan,
možeš da mi vratiš kartu još večeras,
želim samo, da me vide sa tobom.

The Last of You

[Verse 1]
My melancholy roars
I ought to run away now
Our home is ablaze
I've blocked my way out
I wonder if you're burning out
[Verse 2]
Memories on the wall
Turn to ashes in the frame
I want to forget your face
Before I freeze in the heat
I wonder if you're burning out
If you forget, I'll wait
And at the end of everything, I'm probably still burn
If you forget, I'll wait
And at the end of everything, I'm probably still burn
[Verse 3]
The soil is steaming
I woke up on the bottom
With a cramping heart
And your name on my tongue
Why are you still here?
[Verse 4]
Reborn in this world
Under piles of ashes
Carried by pain,
I'll carry and shatter
Why, why are you still here?
If you forget, I'll wait
And at the end of everything, I'm probably still burn
If you forget, I'll wait
And at the end of everything, I'm probably still burn
I can't get rid of you
When the last of you is me
If you forget, I'll wait
And at the end of everything, I'm probably still burn
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

O the machine world beauty

Versions: #2
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't leave me
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't go down in power
O the machine world beauty,
you're flowing your love in numbers
you're taking engine in your hands and pampering
Hey, electric wife
Can I give a kiss in your blood less chin?
Can I make roses bloom out of it?
Can I feed you only the clean data?
Hey, I'm the conductor for your bus
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't leave me
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't go down in power (2)
O the machine world beauty,
you're flowing your love in numbers
you're taking engine in your hands and pampering
Hey, electric wife
You are the food and feeling for my sensor
You are the one who sends and receive through my cable
You are my website's dizziness
You are the filling moon inside my neurons
O the intelligence who speaks
O words
My calculator,
You are my computer Rajini..
O melting iron
Let's melt today itself and become one
Alpha, my alpha,
it's you hereafter.
Mega, Omega
it's you hereafter.
Love you from
Zero to infinity
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't leave me
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't go down in power
O the machine world beauty,
you're flowing your love in numbers
you're taking engine in your hands and pampering
Hey, electric wife
Can I give a kiss in your blood less chin?
Can I make roses bloom out of it?
Can I feed you only the clean data?
Hey, I'm the conductor for your bus
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't leave me
O my life of life, O my battery
Don't go down in power

I Have Scary Contacts

Don't you laugh at me kid!
Don't you never deride me
My world is here
And I have scary contacts (he has scary contacts)
It's just an echo gentlemen
A game that we have here in Louisiana
A little trick, don't worry...
Have a seat
Be cool
If you relax
I can introduce myself to you
I will tell you your future
I will trade 'I can'
I will go inside your soul
You have a soul right Laurens?
In your secret dream
I got spells, I gor sorcery,
I got tricks, I give wishes
Because I have scary contacts (he has scary contacts)
Cards, cards, will tells us
They will see the 'before', the 'now' and the future
Cards, cards, three of them are enough
Let's go on a trip to the future together
You kid are coming from the ocean
And you are from a royal family
But I am also blue blood due to my mama
A true reveller but you are also broke
You should marry a rich baby immediately
Hm your parents disinherited you, playboy?
Eh, I confess it
And you have to marry
But you will also be enslaved
You want to go around from a place to another
But freedom has green color
Life needs green color, green color
But I think green fits you a lot
I don't have anything to say about you little poor man
They press you for a lifetime
You have on your back,
Your mama, your sister, your brother
And if you get married
You would have a heavier dept
But you do have a future and I see there
That you will live an unrepeatable life
Let's shake hands
Come on boys
Don't think about it, come, you are coming too
We are starting (we are starting)
We are starting
Transform (transform)
Reform (reform)
And change now
Change, change, change
You wanted all of these
But if you didn't, I am not to blame!
My scary contacts are to blame
(He gave you all)
(But he took all double)

don't talk to me about anything

Don't talk to me about hell
i've lived it whole
don't talk to me about heavens
about a heaven garden
don't talk to me about heavens
about a heaven garden
Don't talk to me about the children
who were searching in the streets
like those wise thugs
they don't know about the law
like those wise thugs
they don't know about the law
Don't talk to me about anything
i don't know what to answer
in the ruins of the times
i am going to build a life
in the ruins of the times
i'm building a life

Као смејем се

Сви ме виде како излазим, плешем
и безбрижно флертујем,
срећан са неком новом.
Као смејем се,
а плачем у себи,
јер сам и даље заљубљен у тебе.
Виде ме како се и дању и ноћу
лудо проводим,
а не знају кроз шта пролазим.
Као смејем се,
а плачем у себи,
јер сам и даље заљубљен у тебе.
Нико не зна да је то само поза,
претварам се да ми је драго
што нисмо заједно.
А кад плачем, нема суза,
оне су ми дубоко у срцу.
Љубави, зар не можемо
да се помиримо?
Од како смо раскинули,
све што радим јесте да се претварам,
као смејем се,
а плачем у себи,
јер сам и даље заљубљен,
и даље сам заљубљен у тебе.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

One of the two

Lately, nothing you say has any meaning to me
I've been holding a grudge against a meaningless love that's fading away
Don't think the stars will be painted black too, after us
If faith has it a lover, a lover will get old lonely
Let them forget what you did, my heart won't
Let my memories be faded away just like a mark on wet sand
In love, one of the two is always unhappy
Let my memories be faded away just like a mark on wet sand
In love, one of the two is always unhappy

Friends from Another Place

Don't you disrespect me, little man!
No one can erase me, or break me
My world has rules
And friends from another place
(Friends from another place)
That's just an echo, gentlemen
A little something we have here in Louisiana
Just a cheap trick, I wouldn't worry
Let your bodies rest, let your heads detach
If you'll relax I could do for you, anything I desire
The future is clear to me, I'll change it if you want
If I'll look into your souls
[You do have a soul, don't you, Lawrence?]
Dreams will come true
I got voodoo
I got hoodoo
I got many things to tell
And friends in another place
(Friends in another place)
The card, the card, the card will tell
The past, the present, and of course the future
Pick three - from my hand
Come and let's take a peek at the future
Now, he traveled just to see me
You can tell he's sensitive and royal
[I'm a royal myself on my mother's side]
He lives with style, but his pocket lacks
We need to find him a woman whose father's a millionaire
[Your mom and dad aren't supporting you, playboy?]
[Eh... too bad, but true]
[Now you wanna get hitched, but hitching ties you down.
You wanna be free, hop from place to place.
But you know, freedom costs.]
Greens, greens are missing
It's all in the cards, a sweet and green future
I don't have too much time for the little man
You've been controlled you whole life
Those who control you are your mother, your sister and your brother as well
And if you'll get married then - your wife will control you right away
In the card you can clearly see a future
Where you are the man you always dreamed of being
[Let's shake hands. Come on boys.
Won't you shake - a poor sinner's hand? Yes...!]
Now's the moment!
(Now's the moment)
Now's THE moment!
Super transformation
(Super transformation)
Can you feel it
Your body's changing, every part of you is being replaced
Are you happy?
But if you're not, don't blame me
{Blame} my friends from another place
Anything you wanted!
To lose it all!

You made us this way

You're nobody these days unless you got money
Your 'sweet children' are already in prison at age 15
You call the police because every other guy got drugs
But you don't have to wonder why, no, you made us this way
[Verse I - Sido:]
Things are a little different where I come from
Even if nobody's attending school, we all got our special skills
We learned how to survive
Fuck those incessant questions, standing before a judge and saying nothing
I know how to do that - I keep my mouth shut - I'm loyal like The Sect1
Sometimes I may not follow the laws to the letter
But you don't have to wonder why, you're the ones who made me
Nobody gave a damn about me, nobody cared whether I did the right thing
That's why now I know where to get the best cocaine
And that you better flush it quick when the cops turn up
I know how to sell weed, I can sell anything
I know how to rough up people who owe me money
Street kids like us always exaggerate to the max
Fuck maths at school, we're studying the street price of drugs
I know what it feels like to have no place to live
On the streets without a roof, you made me this way
[Verse II - Massiv:]
This is the street - ssshhh when you're spitting blood
Every cop suffers from high blood pressure
Seriously, this is more than just a single person's fate
No bullshit, everyone ends up in the courtroom
We're kanaks who committed serious crimes, wearing leather jackets
Rolling on chrome, wearing Picaldi jeans
Anti-social middle class with gang tattoos
Pure uncut cocaine (uh), yeah, you can buy that2
We are arms dealers, drug sellers, dog owners
Lots of potential but everyone's just hanging with their dogs, man
The law doesn't hold sway here, fuck your court session
Brawls make you stronger, bums sell heroin
When the gun clicks, your neck breaks
And buff M-A-S is stabbing you
That's a fight for survival like during world war
The neighborhood is teaching the brown guy that nothing here is for free
[Verse III - Sido:]
I know how to break into your car, I know who steals your radio
I know you're getting on my nerves, I blow you down like a house of cards
I'm showing a tough stance, go tell everybody
They can all come, but they're only allowed to talk to my penis3
I know how to smoke weed, how to seel drugs, how to steal
How to do illegal things - just come and ask me, I know it
You're not happy about this, you're entertaining this guy
I'm your product, you don't have to wonder why
You can surround us with concrete, lock us up
But you can never kill our pride because we're blowing up
This is tough shit, now you know what the streets are like
(Money means nothing but problems, my friend) - you don't expect anything
When the bullet grazes you or you get shot dead
Rest in peace, I'm lining you in chalk
Insh'allah the tables are turning
Me and Sido need more than just attention
  • 1. Sido's rap crew.
  • 2. Can also be meant ironically, 'yeah, that does exist (but that's not what we're selling)'.
  • 3. Pun. The previous line 'Bei mir hängt der Harte raus' can also mean 'I got my hard-on on display'.
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.

Sideshow Bob

Hey dear, it's just a joke
This is my kind of humour
I wished you only my contagious delight
And clean forgot you don't actually care about fun
It's not me being reserved
But just some pains to only laugh about
It's been going quite well
Only were some dreams lost
Hey dear, it's just a joke
I kept telling myself
Silence is what I'd prepare for you
To have you be yourself
I could now sing out loud
Going through my list of exotic restaurants
And movie theaters as I want
But can't stop thinking of you anywhere around
Hey dear, am I a joke ?
I was way too naive
That I thought I had to always contribute
Apart that you don't need my company any more
Well, I'm born to be labouring
Fit for monologue
I was proving you my ability...
When one spent too much time rehearsing his memories,
he himself would then turn transparent
Yeah, it's for me a jaw-dropper
In the moment, my begin ended itself
I learnt not to try too hard any more
Not only you. There should be somebody nice as well.
Let alone I always reminded myself
That I promised to be alone
Hey dear, it's just a joke
This is my kind of humour
I wished you only my contagious delight
And clean forgot you don't actually care about fun
Well, I'm born to be labouring
Fit for monologue
I was proving you my ability...
When one spent too much time rehearsing his memories,
he himself would then turn transparent
Yeah, it's for me a jaw-dropper
In the moment, my begin ended itself
When one spent too much time rehearsing his memories,
he himself would then turn transparent
How swiftly did you flee away!
Again, I'm the one left to make an end

Let’s hang out

Ay, good! Ay good!
Ay, good! Ay good!
Would be good
O yeh
If you would come
My sweetheart
Moon crescent is in the sky
Above the wide river
Come soon, sweetheart
What’s the problem, really?
We will just hang out
Good, good
Good, good
Would be good
To make the other girls jealous
If you’d came to me
Like the one who was promised to me
Oye, the shoreline will soon
be covered with weeds
Come on my friend
Let’s chat
Good, good
Good, good
Would be so good
To be kissing until we die
Why have you not found me?
Obviously, you got lost
Oh, wait, do you have someone else?
Fine, but not fine