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Резултати претраге страна 8

Број резултата: 264


So High

Yeah Byg Byrd hot!
I'm a I'ma brown boy!
Even if u dont realise my authority
Eye like 12 gauge shotgun baby
Hits hearts straightaway
Fly past overhead
Your man has a high status (x3)
I keep nagging them dukki-tukki
Has dangerous life risking hobbies
Boys stand at the distance of a foot
I keep my Glock loaded
Courage is pumped along with blood
Low rider jumps on the road
Drives all the girls crazy
Fly past overhead
Your man has a high status (x3)
My name shines like the sun
I still keep silence on my face
But my success roars in the town
Our gang is on the top (x2)
Whom I'm friends with
Are all armed men with killer guns
Drop the niggas down from the top
Fly past overhead
Your man has a high status (x3)
Girl,I deal from Canada
I have rogue gangsta appeal
When i record four tracks in a month
Other stars feel bad and jealous (x2)
The copycat lyricists
Moose Wala (Singer) will rip them apart
They always wished for my worse
Fly past overhead
Your man has a high status (x3)
My eyes are killer and I rob hearts
My name echoes everywhere in the day and I remain awake at night
Where will one hit me I know even superfluous details
Where you stop thinking I start thinking from there


It's not like before
Without you
Today I'm again
Blank and doing nothing
Guess you have tamed me
Because even without me knowing
My time without you
Is just stopped
Stories only we knew
Promises only we shared
Without you
All of that is just meaningless memory
Day by day without you
I'm withering
I'm colored
With tears that made my eyes wet
You're already done with all of that
I'm not yet
Please, don't go like that
Don't leave me
I'm so scared
Being here alone
Two people were standing
Where have you gone?
That we have broken up
Is too hard for me
Because I'm still there
On that way we often walked
I keep thinking of that song
We listened together to
It hurts even more
Day by day without you
I'm withering
I'm colored
With tears that made my eyes wet
You're already done with all of that
I'm not yet
Please, don't go like that
Don't leave me
I'm so scared
Being here alone
Two people were standing
Where have you gone?
Love is you
For me it's only you
Love is you
Love is only you
Love is you
It hurts so much
Please, don't
Leave me like that and go
I lost the way
That I walked with you
After walking for a long time
I realized you were not there
If you haven't gone far,
Will you come back to me?
Please, look at me
Don't avoid me like that
I'll behave well
Like back then
I'm really sorry
For not giving you a good farewell


Drops spreaded over the eye
They steal light, twinkle and then go
They drew paths over my face
Salty lips hold your hand
There's a desert island in the middle of my heart
I fly over quicksand sea
Threads around the body grew falsely
They don't let you rip off completely
Leave me be, don't drag me like an anchor
Leave me, so I'd be something else to you
And the wind, and a sail
Once I smother you inside me
That silence will be the judge of you and me
I keep quiet, I'm not worthy of a single word
That is why I cry, cracked an thirsty
Leave me be, don't drag me like an anchor
Leave me, so I'd be something else to you
Leave me be, don't drag me like an anchor
Leave me, so I'd be something else to you
And the wind, and a sail
Leave me be, don't drag me like an anchor
Leave me, so I'd be something else to you
And the wind, and a sail

Dan posle dana

Sedim uz park i sanjarim
zivim u proslosti i razmisljam
pusti dani koje sam cekao samo zbog tebe
dodje kisni dan i ja osecam
ne osecam se ostavljenim
pusti dani i ja jos cekam samo na tebe
Ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da dovrsim svoj dan
ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da pronadjem svoj put
ostani, u sred noci ja sam jako uplasen
ostani i pomozi da ucinim da vreme krene
Suncan dan ali ja ga ne vidim
sreca ali ja je ne osecam
stvari koje sam izgubio kada sam cekao samo na tebe
lica kao komete dodju i odu
ali ja ne zelim da znam
dani i noci kada sam cekao samo na tebe
Ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da dovrsim svoj dan
ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da izborim svoj put
ostani, u sred noci ja sam jako uplasen
ostani i pomozi da ucinim da vreme krene

Fellas, let's sit down

In the foundry, where it's so hot that your brain gives up
Production was interrupted in the middle of the working day
Ya-hm la ley lo lo lo la la, la le lo le ley lo la,
Production was interrupted in the middle of the working day
'Everybody bosses us around and holds us speeches
Everybody's mighty clever, but it's us that do the work.'
So grumbled the foundrymen, and then somebody said
'Fellas, the shift is over, fellas, let's sit down!'
Ya-hm la ley lo lo lo la la, la le lo le ley lo la,
When foundry men say: 'Fellas, let's sit down'
The shift supervisor rushed in: 'Guys, what's this about?
How come you're sitting down, are you feeling ill?'
The stoker grabbed a hammer, 'Watch it or you'll be ill yourself,
Sit there in the corner and shut up, or I'll rough you up!'
Ya-hm la ley lo lo lo la la, la le lo le ley lo la,
When foundrymen say: 'Fellas, let's sit down'
The foreman rushed in but he was sat down too
And the manager in a white shirt was crouching on the coal
Thus the foundrymen convened for the managing board
In the heat of their furnaces an information day
Ya-hm la ley lo lo lo la la, la le lo le ley lo la,
When foundrymen say: 'Fellas, let's sit down'
So their wages were raised, everything worked out fine
The story never reached the press and scandal was avoided
But to this day in the factory, during cigarette breaks everybody's taken aback
When foundrymen say: 'Fellas, let's sit down!'.

Магична путовања

Као магнет ме привлачиш
И навукао сам се
Такву љубав никада
Нисам доживео
Дођи, око моје, ближе
Осети вртоглавицу
Моје срце како куца
Опет те желим
Крећемо на магична путовања
Сваке ноћи загрљени међу звезде идемо
Љубав има крила, дођи и идемо
Високо летимо, високо летимо
Као магнет, где год идеш
И ја идем са тобом
Да те грлим
А ти се препусти
Дођи, око моје слатко
И све друго је небитно
Срце поново куца
Опет те желим


Samozvani mini bog
polira geste vežba slog,
spontan za humor a
delimice krut
nekima nekima
prodaje nasvet za lep
mastertip gleda te.
Jel radi dih
jel radi gen za ples fatal
ili izgleda to
šta rade, čista plastika.
Zanimljiv je zalet
kad ih pod krila vidi se sljed.
Zanimljivo, kako ga jebe led.
Neke neke
stajući smijajuće glade noge.
aristocrack jih sruši.
Prevara napunila bi elitu sa aferom.
Mi radije dame zlatnih snova
piccole amore.
Prevara bi zaplivala eliti
u žrelo.
Mi ćemo pogoditi same naše
piccole amore.
Kriv je um, kriva je galama.
Dugačak je obračun.
Tvrd led više i više je zagrijen.
Krila su pocepana,
kriza pali pepeo.
Maske su pale na pod.
Prevara napunila bi elitu sa aferom.
Mi radije dame zlatnih snova
piccole amore.
Prevara bi zaplivala eliti
u žrelo.
Mi ćemo pogoditi same naše
piccole amore.

Pogled iznutra

Sedim ovde kao slomljen muškarac
Provodeći svoje vreme i radeći najbolje što mogu
Okružuju me zidovi i poluge
Ali tvoju ljubav ne želim
Oh baby, oh baby, meni treba tvoja nežna ljubav
Da me drži razumnim u ovoj užarenoj peći
Kad mi prođe vreme budi moje ponovno rođenje
da sam bio dostojan života u ovoj zelenoj Božjoj Zemlji
Moje ponovno rođenje, moje ponovno rođenje
Baby, yeah, mislim na svoje ponovno rođenje, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, požuri devojko
Voda ledena kao led protiče kroz moj mozak
A onda me povuče nadole da se ponovo izbavim
Bolovi i plikovi u mom mozgu i rukama
Od životarenja u onim platnenim vrpcama
Izluđuju me ljudi koji se time hrane
A ja ću ponovo biti sretan kao tek rođeno dete
Bićemo zajedno, devojko, sačekaj i videćeš
Nema više prepreka našoj ljubavi
Yeah, ne mogu…

B Masina

Samo jedan dan je ostao, samo jedan dan
dajemo preostale, mi odlazimo.
Danas svi krademo,
danas smo zivotinja, nema vise lastnine
Dobili smo mozak od divljaka
i krila za let do oblaka
neka padne sunce u ocean
neka nad nama povraca vulkna
za nas ke dosta, da imamo
snagu i znanje, i sa tom sanje,
Dizemo masine u nebo nad sve
neka spavaju oni, koju ne znaju,
da je to zadnji dan i zadnje dan,
taj zadnji se cini kao nikakav.
Imas milion u i ntroglicerin grmlje u nama,
nema nuzde, nema novca i nema vladara,
koji ce nas zaustaviti i menjati lice.
pre nego ustanem, okrenem se,
sada je unisten svaki Problem,
dizem telo i ruke
na vrh svemira idemo u zvijezde.
Dizemo masine u nebo nad sve
neka spavaju oni, koju ne znaju,,da je to zadnji dan
neka spavaju oni, koji ne znaju,
nas napaja divlja masina B, koja se ne predaje
Dizemo masine u nebo nad sve
neka spavaju oni, koju ne znaju,,da je to zadnji dan
neka spavaju oni, koji ne znaju,
nas napaja divlja masina B, koja se ne predaje
koja se ne predaje.


Ovo je mesto bez poraza,
tu nema praznih obećanja,
nema nemih izraza,
sledi period mira.
Nećemo piti ovu vodu,
ni jesti samu so,
izbirsane su sve teškoće,
samo radost sazriva.
Za nas, Brine, Dosta, Krvi, Posvećen, Ponosst, Svest, U nama
Ko gleda ..
Ko nas posmatra iz pakla,
neka vidi ko je deo neba,
nikad više ne nas boli,
kod kuce smo na zemlji čudesni.
Mi ne ukrademo vise bogatim,
postajemo to sami,
ne predajemo bitke,
nece biti potrebno.
prestala je nocne mora,
zlo je nestalo,
pocela je idila,
počelo je lepo.
Za nas, Brine, Dosta, Krvi, Posvećen, Ponosst, Svest, U nama
Za nas, Brine, Dosta, Krvi, Posvećen, Ponosst, Svest, U nama

Fragments of Memories -Tentomon Side-

Koushirou-han, don’t do that!
Koushirou-han, don’t do that!
If you sleep at your desk you’ll catch cold!
It causes stiff neck, lumbago…
Eat my special miso soup and
It’ll give you strength
Overwork is forbidden, your body is an asset
My most-important partner
It’s no use worrying
Don’t make such a sad face
Give me a smile!
Even if I forget everything
And start over from the very beginning
You’ll still know me, right?
I’m sure it’ll be fun
That’s what I believe
Koushirou-han, you’ll be fine
Koushirou-han, you’ll do your best
Koushirou-han, you can see it through
That’s what I’m sayin’
You’ll blow through any mistakes!
(blow through)
It’s especially rough, huh?
Even things you’re good at seem impossible?
Just do your best
‘Cause I’m always by your side
Koushirou-han, don’t do that!
It bothers me when you don’t take me seriously
My partner of many years
Even I kind of get it
Gaining knowledge is like a treasure hunt
And the things you don’t know are the treasure
And of all that hidden treasure
Which is the brand newest?
That’s why it’s fun, am I right?
Koushirou-han, you’ll be fine
Koushirou-han, you’ll do your best
Koushirou-han, you can see it through
My prided partner
The number one genius in Japan
Aren’t you more of a super amazing person
Then you think you are?
So, Koushirou-han
Face forward
No matter what happens
Don’t throw away your hope
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Out of curiosity

Because of that mouth I'm yearning to bite
I don't sleep, I don't sleep anymore
Because of your eyes and your curves, honey
I am love sick, I don't know what to do
That black dress you wear
Got me analysing you from north to south
I am on the highway of your hips
All night long
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear
I was bored
And now, with you by my side, everything is fun
I don't ask what day is it anymore
I don't even look at the clock
I was bored
And now, with you by my side, everything is fun
I don't ask what day is it anymore
I don't even look at the clock
That black dress you wear
Got me analysing you from north to south
I am on the highway of your hips
All night long
That way of dancing you have is killing me
With such rhythm and such attitude
That drives me crazy, drives me crazy
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour (I was bored)
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn (And now, with you by my side, everything is fun)
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear

My Letter to the President

Mr. President
With all the respect I owe due to your position
I would ask you for a little attention
I introduce myself to you as a citizen
Sound in body and mind, in full possession of my faculties
Presently while I'm talking to you, the curfew resounds in the country
I refer to article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights
No labels, I will only judge your actions
Please accept, in advance, my sincerest apologies
[Verse 1]
Mr. President
I share with you my great indignation
Faced with these events, understand my position
I am French, grew up in one of the working-class neighbourhoods
My grandparents defended France during the war
My parents, they too, rebuilt this Republic
Remember those workers they brought from Africa?
And their children ignored by the jus soli law
Second-class citizens, from birth to school
I a thirty years of racism and ignorance
Repression without prevention in France
I blame your politics, your archaic methods,
Centralisation, the law of filthy lucre
Instead of pulling together because we're all French
You only divided, letting the extreme right advance
Mr. President
Don't take offence
But I also believe in democracy in France
I believe in the Republic, the real one
Because it's the dream of the people and the oppressed
Colonisation, unemployment, and instability
Led to violence and inequality
Discrimination, in recruitment, at work, that goes without saying,
Makes the brains leave, leaves a youth without future
Is it by chance that your Minister seduces the extreme right?
These people who would've delivered France without ever fighting
Mr. President
I'm writing you a letter, a letter you might read
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
In the streets, the sixth Republic has just been born
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
Presenting myself to you peacefully
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
My letter to the President
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
Maybe you'll show some understanding
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
The sixth Republic is waiting for your resignation
[Verse 2]
Mr. President
You can't control everything
I understand, even if I'm making my grievances
Your government is plunging the country into chaos
Incapable of discernment, incapable of taking a fresh approach
The people need solutions, not lies
'Liberté, égalité, fraternité' isn't a dream
Incapable of protecting our policemen, our children
From a confrontation which will remain without precedent
We are the future, in our heart the most beautiful dream
Peacefully, the sixth Republic, is the lifeblood of it
The Republic needs a breath of fresh air
A breath of hope, of heart, a wind of tolerance
Mr. President, your Minister is establishing terror
And history will soon say that it was an error
Where has that humanism gone, that made the country great?
Is it in the street, or in these trusses?
The lower classes don't want vocational schools
But more equality and more sharing
Mr. President, from fear, hatred is born
Political infighting is far removed from Republican values
France is an ideal which we have to keep building
In honesty, in transparency, in altruism and in the future
Let us march, let us march, 'vive la France' and all that
But peacefully, and with respect for differences
Sir, how could we have done better? For starters it would have helped to have less fuel thrown on the fire
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
The sixth Republic is being born
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
Presenting myself to you peacefully
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
My letter to the President
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
Maybe you'll show some understanding
Mr. President, I'm writing you a letter
The sixth Republic is waiting for your resignation
Mr. President
Thanking you for your attention
Yours sincerely

Mr Vicepresident

Mr Vicepresident, (how brave...) sorry that I don't address you as tú,
I address my brothers, my friends and my people as tú
and Usted have mocked artfully of my trust,
so why to treat you with the 't' in the initial,
if You don't deserve treat nor family salute.
Mr Vicepresident, (double agent...) don't vice preside me,
even if an ordinary employment is not so easy to find for you,
maybe as substitute goalkeeper or making counterfeit CDs
or better as carpenter with your cutting saw.
Mr Vicepresident how stupid is to treat the others as stupids,
(Seriously and face to face I say it)
make up your mind with certainty if you're passive or active.
(Soon, don't be so hesitating)
Mr Vicepresident, I suggest you another adjective
call yourself straight Mr Vice Negative.
Mr Vicepresident, (I'm angry...) sorry that I don't screw you,
but a good curse makes you more decent
and you sir, decency has failed you lately,
so why to curse you with the 'c' in the initial,
if You aren't worthy for me to make an effort by damning you.
Mr Vicepresident, don't vice betray me,
Don't crawl as a snake conspiring in the corners
Better get a job and clean your broken pride,
though who will help you as helper or copilot.
Mr Vicepresident, by now I say goodbye
(With respect, the one you didn't have with me)
or saying correctly, I stay, you are gone...
(like a bat out of hell of the ship)
Because the vote of the people doesn't go to the oblivion.
Mr Vicepresident, you are who says goodbye.
Mr Vicepresident...
How does it feel...
Mr Vicepresident...
Repelent, depressing, enough.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mračna strana

Ja sam zlikovac i zver
Čudovište ispod tvojih čaršava
Jer ja nisam baš ono što misliš da jesam
Ja sam div i duh
Ja nestanem pre nego što i znaš
Ali večeras ću da te držim u mojim rukama
Ne želim uopšte da se bojiš i analiziraš kada pričamo
Tako su moje usne zapečatile ono što osećam unutra
Jer bilo je šta je bilo
Nije još gotovo
Ništa ne predstoji
Ali mislim o tome svaki minut
Svakog dana
Svakog dana
Dosta više s tim
Ali ja se ne predajem, da
Čak i ako
Pošto sam preko ivice
Jer svako ima mračnu stranu
I sve kapiram, nikada nisam htela da budem loš momak
Ali sada sam izgubljena
I sada, ne želim da ti traćim vreme
Ili iznerviram
Jer svako ima mračnu stranu
Ja sam đavo i prokletnik
Osećam da je svaki trenutak gori
Prodala bih dušu
Da sve ovo nestane
Postoji dobro u svakom zlu
Evo kako stvari stoje, shvati
Verujem da možemo da se promenimo
Jer bilo je šta je bilo
Nije još gotovo
Ništa ne predstoji
Ali mislim o tome svaki minut
Svakog dana
Svakog dana
Dosta više s tim
Ali ja se ne predajem, da
Čak i ako
Pošto sam preko ivice
Jer svako ima mračnu stranu
I sve kapiram, nikada nisam htela da budem loš momak
Ali sada sam izgubljena
I sada, ne želim da ti traćim vreme
Ili iznerviram
Jer svako ima mračnu stranu
Pre nego što nam treba druga prilika
Postoji ona koju već imamo
Ali znam da ti i ja
Se odvajamo
Svako ima mračnu stranu
Svako ima mračnu stranu
Ooooh ne želim da okončam ovo na loš način
Jedino želim da ga popravim jer je pokvareno
Ne želim poslednje piće pred put
Jer ćemo mi da se sredimo
Svako ima mračnu stranu
I sve kapiram, nikada nisam htela da budem loš momak
Ali sada sam izgubljena
I sada, ne želim da ti traćim vreme
Ili iznerviram
Jer svako ima mračnu stranu
Pre nego što nam treba druga prilika
Postoji ona koju već imamo
Ali znam da ti i ja
Se odvajamo
Svako ima mračnu stranu
Svako ima mračnu stranu

Oh master/Lord/Mr.

I will not allow you to hurt my feelings
Or have fun (amuse yourself) with revealing things about my life
I will not allow you to be(or define ) my dignity
or a cheap way to express feelings (2x)
Even if my heart went astray
Even if it screamed ah (2x)
As long as there is life between us ( or as long as we are living)(2x)
My heart refuses to listen to you (3x)
Lord Lord Lord Lord , I repented oh lord (2x)
Even if my heart screams Ah!
As long we're alive (2x)
My heart refuses to listen to you (3x)
Lord Lord Lord Lord , I repented oh lord (2x)


Желим да те волим унутра
Хоћу да те волим унутра
Душо, дај ми то, без сумње
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Желим да те волим унутра
Покажи ми шта ти је унутра
Не желим да знам реч из уста
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Желим да те волим унутра
Желим да те волим унутра
Гледај на ведрију страну
На десној страни си
Ти си најбољи од најбољих, да
Говорим све време
Говорим широм свијета, широм свијета
Не губите време неке друге девојке
Јер кад си са мојом љубављу
Никада неће бити довољно, никад неће бити довољно
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Хоћу да те волим унутра
Душо, дај ми то, без сумње
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Желим да те волим унутра
Покажи ми шта ти је унутра
Не желим да знам реч из уста
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Израстао је на југу Мајамија
Тада сам био кад си ме нашао
Мислио сам да можеш да наставиш без мене
Сада те не могу видети без мене
Небо, небо, ох мој, о мој, мој мој
Јер кад си са мојом љубављу
Никада неће бити довољно, никад неће бити довољно
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Хоћу да те волим унутра
Душо, дај ми то, без сумње
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Желим да те волим унутра
Покажи ми шта ти је унутра
Не желим да знам реч из уста
Зато што желим да те волим унутра
Де Миами и Мексико
Еста цоса се прендио беба
Пусти ме
Ако ме волиш
Хоћу да те волим унутра
Душо, дај ми то, без говора
Зато што желим да те волим унутра

Malene ruke

Odakle su ove malene ruke koje ne poznajem
odakle su sve te reči, iz dna znajući i odlazeći
izbrisane su sve zasluge stvorene u tom momentu
izmaknuta sva obećanja, unapred prodata
Odakle su ove malene ruke koje ne poznajem
zašto su sve zle reči tamo nastale
obrisan na silu ostaje samo onaj vir
priznavajući samo ono, što nudi im papir
Sada se vrhovi za nas ne vide
sve udaljeniji je svet
nema reči koje otopile bi moć
taj pogled izdaje sve te lepote
I ne znamo šta je to kad nestaju greške
i sve ostalo
Više nemamo oblaka iznad sebe
nemamo vlasti iznad nje
velike oči crtaju slavu
gledaju gde im je dom

Na Suncu

Ja ne mogu više u tami da živim,
Ja bih išao na sunce,
ja bih hteo tebe da imam.
Sada mi ne trebaju ostale stvari,
Samo još moji snovi
I čovek kao što si ti.
Mislim da sam video
već mnogo lepih slika,
A posumnjao sam u sebe,
Prestalo je da mi trese kosti.
Sada odmaram na ostrvu
I zidam tvrđave,
U njima lovim sreću.
Pošto ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce,
Ja ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce.
Kada bih video svoju dramu unapred
iz nje sam crtao tugu
i dodavao svoj osmeh.
Svaku dušu, koja me gleda u oči,
Sam pozvao sebi,
Neka još ona to doživi.
Pre nego svoje lice u suze potopim
Zlatne suze sreće
Pre nego što od dobroga poludim.
Voleo bih da vidim, da ti još ideš sa nama
Zajedno ćemo videti
Šta znači adrenalin.
Pošto ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce,
Ja ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce.
Pošto ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce,
Ja ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce.
Pošto ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce,
Ja ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce.
Pošto ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce,
Ja ne verujem u telo, voleo bih da ti pogledam u srce.

One Last Song

Just one night like the others
We sweat close to one another
Just like last time, last time
I won't shut my eyes
'Cause I can see that you're falling asleep
And I hope we'll wake up together
I thought you came to lie her with me
Thought we would talk all night long
I thought you came here to lie her with me
But you sang one last song
I had looked forward to dreaming with you
Dreaming all night long about you
And I'll never forget your curls
The night is lonely, just one like the others
I thought you came to lie her with me
Thought we would talk all night long
I thought you came here to lie her with me
But you sang one last song
One last song
One last song
I thought you came to lie her with me
Thought we would talk all night long
I thought you came here to lie her with me
But you sang one last song
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


You paint everything in colors
instead of black and white
A truck spits smog
a plague of people is called demonstration
the ambulance wonders which is its mission
if killing the one who still lives or to give him air
Of what colour is our president
green, white or red is the present
Of what colour is our president
green, white or red is the present
And a dog killed by betrayal
wanders the streets again now in the stomach
of all those who ate without seeing
that fine gourmet stew of the station
And the bark of the dead in question
becomes a scream, a curse
that our caged nose by notion
liberates the traffic that paralizes the nation
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Προσπαθω να το παλεψω

Δεν μπορω να αντεξω τον τροπο με τον οποιο με ξεγελας
Σε ακολουθω τυφλα ακριβως πισω σου και χαθηκα
Ποτε δεν κοιταζεις για να ελεγξεις να δεις
Αν ειμαι καλα
Σε αυτον τον τρελο κοσμο που ζεις
Ειναι γεματος με λαθη
Εγω , εγω τα χανω οταν σου μιλαω
Το προσωπο σου , τα ματια σου αλλαζουν τι περναω
Τωρα, τωρα δεν μπορω να κανω τιποτα αλλα να φωναζω το ονομα σου
Προσπαθω να το παλεψω
Προσπαθω να το παλεψω
Δεν μπορω να ανεχτω τον τροπο που τα ψεματα σου φαινονται τοσο αληθινα
Τωρα ,καθε φορα που καιγομαι απο μεσα ειναι το μονο που μπορω να νιωσω
Υποσχεθηκες οτι ποτε δεν θα αλλαξεις
Αλλα τα πραγματα μενουν ιδια
Με λυγισες μεχρι που με εσπασες και εκανες να τρελαθω
Αλλα τοτε βλεπω το χαμογελω σου....
Εγω , εγω τα χανω οταν σου μιλαω
Το προσωπο σου , τα ματια σου αλλαζουν τι περναω
Τωρα, τωρα δεν μπορω να κανω τιποτα αλλα να φωναζω το ονομα σου
Προσπαθω να το παλεψω
Προσπαθω να το παλεψω
Ειναι μονο η αφη του δερματος σου
Ο τροπος που με προσελκυεις
Δεν μπορω να το αρνηθω
Προσπαθησα να το παλεψω
Αλλα τοτε σε ειδα να χαμογελας
Εγω , εγω τα χανω οταν σου μιλαω
Το προσωπο σου , τα ματια σου αλλαζουν τι περναω
Τωρα, τωρα δεν μπορω να κανω τιποτα αλλα να φωναζω το ονομα σου
Προσπαθησα να το παλεψω
Προσπαθησα να το παλεψω
Προσπαθησα να το παλεψω
Προσπαθησα να το παλεψω


To kiss your mouth is my aventure
To fly by the winds of your well-wanting
To kiss your mouth is losing the innocence
To kiss your mouth is playing and failing
Because of this, understand that I need you
Because I might get crazy without your mouth
And I know how it costs me
Having a feeling at your feet
My passion drives me crazy
It brings you to me when I try to forget you
Damn time that finishes when I'm with you
Damn, damn time when you aren't here
Damn time that hides you when I need you
And blessed be this necessity
And blessed be this necessity
To kiss you mouth is flying in the infinit
Making no questions, without the knowledge about the reason why
To kiss your mouth is poison and remedy
That heals this fear of never having you
Because of this I retain your kiss
It brings you to me when I try to forget you
Damn time that finishes when I'm with you
Damn, damn time when you aren't here
Damn time that hides you when I need you
And blessed be this necessity
And blessed be this necessity
To kissi your mouth is just everything
It's inside me
Because of this I forget of forgetting you
Damn time that finishes when I'm with you
Damn, damn time when you aren't here
Damn time that hides you when I need you
And blessed be this necessity
And blessed be this necessity
Damn time that finishes...

I Choose

I choose not to be afraid
To go further, beyond these walls
I choose to give wings and wind
Every breath I take at every moment
I choose not to be afraid
Not to fear borders and colors
I choose to throw my smile
Beyond the fence between earth and heaven
I live, I sing
I dream, I dance
I think, I create
In this life yes i hope
I choose not to be afraid
To take my heart and take care of it
I choose to raise courage
Step by step journey after journey
I choose not to be afraid
To live listening and looking out
I choose to leave the ground
Take your breath and explain in flight
I live, I sing
I laugh, I cry
I think, I create
In this life yes i hope
From what I choose today, I will build my life
I keep my fears away and I will open up my eyes
Love is the answer, love to
Because love always kicks out the fear
I’m living, I’m singing
I’m dreaming, I’m dancing
I’m thinking, I’m caring
And I believe in life, I won’t be afraid.


Disguised in hate and love
He got lost in the artificial smile
That hides away the fury
Time is never the same
It's that I already can't see you
One-color chameleon
It's better not to stick around
Without fear that we'll leave today
Forget the fury
Time is never the same
(It's never)
The same, the same


You pack your luggage, not caring how fast everything happens
There's only one moment to live and discover where you're going
And what will make you turn around if not life?
Until you let yourself be with nothing to fear
Camouflage of my blood
In search of the river that calms you, the memory
Arriving doesn't matter to you, even though you know you won't return
You pack your luggage without caring if the course is defined
And what will make you turn around if not life?
Until you let yourself be with nothing to fear
Camouflage of my blood
In search of the river that calms you, the memory
Arriving doesn't matter to you, even though you know you won't return
Camouflage of my blood
In search of the river that calms you, the memory
Arriving doesn't matter to you, even though you know you won't return
And you won't return

The Story

Loneliness was a moment
I didn't know how to do well
And now that I search in my memories
And I'm doing very well
Very well
Who has seen you in my memory?
Who has seen you and who sees you?
Loneliness, that's the story
Of the good, of the good
Loneliness awakens in the ruins your crystal
When I lost myself
I found you hidden in me
Who has seen you in my memory?
Who has seen you and who sees you?
Loneliness, that's the story
To say goodbye

The President's March

A president is going hunting
The field is too big,
The sun is too white
The wind is too high
Too soon, a child...
Playing with his toothache,
Playing with his eye to see inside
He's biting grains of sand with his eyes
In front of the silent concrete
Behind our house, there is a pond
A president is going to kill time
And its great vulture, money
That sees everything coming from high there on the winds
The child sees the president coming
He puts his eyes back into his balloon,
Pretends that time is not dragging by
Aimed at the wind, killed the wind
Mister the child,
Give me your name and rank
For a seven year old boy,
You're quite tall
The child see the president coming,
With the intention to steal his kite
The vulture goes flying higher up,
A child turned his back on them
There is bad weather over the pond
Mister the child,
For a moment,
Talk to the president
Who's wasting his time
Who are you, from all of your seven years of age?
The child says, 'I am the president,
Even though I don't have a vulture
Following me, circling around me'
The vulture asks, 'So when will you?
Tomorrow, or forty years from now?'
The child says, 'Ask this to the wind'
The wind says, 'The child is president'
'It's charming, but most of all quite funny',
Says the president to his vulture,
'This little guy will do great things'
But the child still sees where this is going1
'Tell me, mister the dreaming child,
What will your first laws be?'
The child says, 'First I will abolish
The mining of silver and gold,
And all of the gold and all of the silver2 of time
Will be used for your monument,
The construction of your regiment
With iron and concrete all around it
I will abolish the government
With this president job,
I will blackmail the reactors
In agreement with the blenders
I will hide under your monument
The whole arsenal and weapons
I will only keep the knives,
And then turn my back on you'
Under its wing, it's bleeding
The president
Says to his vulture,
'Go fly around
At the end of my field'
A balloon dying on the pond3
And talking to a kite
The sun goes down with a bloody eye,
And the moon looks like the white balloon
Three ladies go and pick them up
  • 1. 'Voir venir quelqu'un': literally 'see someone coming', as an idiom 'see what someone is going to say/means by something'.
  • 2. 'Argent' is both 'silver' and 'money', I guess any of those could be used here.
  • 3. 'Crever' means 'to die' (for people) and 'to burst' (for ballons).

Why're You Just Now

Versions: #6
Why're you just now?
Why now, when my heart's already taken?
I wish I knew
That you would come to my life
I could have waited then
You should've been the one that I'm embracing
Your hand the one I'm always holding
And not his/hers
Why'd you came to my life just now?
Forcing open my already closed heart
Are you really the one for me?
Should I he/she be the one I should forget?
I need to know
Why'd you came now?
You should've been the one that I'm embracing
Your hand the one I'm always holding
And not his/hers
Why'd you came to my life just now?
Forcing open my already closed heart
Are you really the one for me?
Should I he/she be the one I should forget?
I need to know
Why'd you came now?
J. Oats

Седи птичица

– Седи птичица на трешњи, хеј, она кљуца мали цвет,
Зашто ли си, мила моја, хеј, растужила цели свет.
– Нисам ти га растужила, растужаше га сам себи,
Три лета ми долазио, хеј, а четвртог другој жени.
– Мили, мили, шта учини, хеј, напусти мене ти,
Три године те чакаху, хеј, а сад другу љубиш ти.
– Мила, мила, шта учини, ти си ме заводила,
Све ливаде ти покосих, хеј, а ти с другим стално била.
– А ја с другим нисам била, хеј, само те сам чекала,
И за покошене ливаде, хеј, нежножћу ти платила.
Не, не бојим те се ја, а ни твоја нећу бити,
Нити те под пенџером, хеј, више нећу чекати.

sidi h' bibi

Nobody's coming through my way
I'm drowsing in the crown with nothin' to say
Waitin' for a better day
This is another beautiful Sunday
It's alway the same old show
When trouble is comin' by the door
Love jumpo through the window
Here I am alone with nowhere to go
(No quero no)
Stinkin' with your heavy perfume
The kind I will never lose
Whistlin' your favorite tune
Called the, 'Black widow blues'
Stinkin' with your heavy perfume
Whistlin' your favorite tune
'Soledad lo que a mi me va
Soledad a mi me da la vida'
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.