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Број резултата: 91



Uuu, uuu~
Kada sam imala sedamnaest
Mislila sam da znam sve
Iskradala sam sve svake nedelje
I tata bi me uvek pratio
Do žurke na kojoj sam bila
I svako je bio naduvan
Uuu, uuu~
Kada sam imala sedamnaest
Mama se uvek ljutila na mene
Pušila sam mnogo trave
I sestra bi me uvek tužakala
Sanjala sam san dok mi je malorija čitala priče
Ako je sve što vidim samo fantazija
I sve što sanjam moja prava stvarnost
Previše sam se drogirala u mojim dvadesetima
I sada krijem svoje sopstvene pare
Od same sebe
Uuu, uuu~
Kada sam imala sedamnaest uvek sam bila tamo gde tinejdžer nikada ne bi trebao biti
Ali osećala sam se slobodno i pretpostavljam
Da mi se samo posrećilo, možda sam i malo naivna
Pa dođi, naduvaj se sa mnom
Ako je sve što vidim samo fantazija
I sve što sanjam moja prava stvarnost
Previše sam se drogirala u mojim dvadesetima
I sada krijem svoje sopstvene pare
Od same sebe
Uuu, uuu~
Mi smo tamo negde, ti si tamo negde
Ljubav je tamo negde, ljubav je tamo negde
Mi smo tamo negde, ti si tamo negde
Ljubav je tamo negde, ljubav je tamo negde
I ja te trebam, ali ne znam zašto
Kada te vidim, osećam se tako živo
I ja te želim, ali ne znam zašto
Kada te vidim, osećam se tako živo, oo-oooo
Uuu, uuu~
Previše sam se drogirala u mojim dvadesetima
Uuu, uuu~


Znaš da sam bez tebe tako usamljen
Kada nisu tu zovem 911 (192)
U tvoju toplinu ponovo ronim
Dušo ti Dušo ti baby
Borim se unaokolo u krugovima gde je izlaz
Jer znam da je naša ljubav bila toplija od sunca
Yeah ukus ove tekile koje pijem sada
Nije ništa gorča od mog srca
(Ako znaš ovo)
Želim da znam naš problem krvna grupa ili DNK
Prijatelji vide moj feed i brinu se, da li se i ti babe? Yeah
Čekao sam tvoj poziv svake noći
Ali ne mogu da čekam više
Zovem te-e-e, izvini Dušo ti
Znaš da sam bez tebe tako usamljen
Kada nisu tu zovem 911 (192)
U tvoju toplinu ponovo ronim
Dušo ti Dušo ti baby
Znaš da sam bez tebe tako usamljen
Kada nisu tu zovem 911 (192)
Padam do tebe uvek ronim
Dušo ti Dušo ti baby
Dušo sa mnom ispod sunca
Znam da si ti moja jedna jedina
Ne želim da te pustim
Ne mogu da zamislim sebe samog
Šta treba da radim
I moram da ti ukažem do znanja
Imaš moje srce kao da je tvoje
Ne želim da se oprostim
(Ako znaš ovo)
Želim da znam naš problem krvna grupa ili DNK
Prijatelji vide moj feed i brinu se, da li se i ti babe? Yeah
Čekao sam tvoj poziv svake noći
Ali ne mogu da čekam više
Zovem te-e-e, izvini Dušo ti
Znaš da sam bez tebe tako usamljen
Kada nisu tu zovem 911 (192)
U tvoju toplinu ponovo ronim
Dušo ti Dušo ti baby
Znaš da sam bez tebe tako usamljen
Kada nisu tu zovem 911 (192)
Padam do tebe uvek ronim
Dušo ti Dušo ti baby
Vidim tebe, ti vidiš mene
Ja brinem za tebe, ti brineš za mene
Možemo da budemo sve što nam treba
Obećavam da te neću nikada uzeti zdravo za gotovo
Bolje ću te tretirati (Bolje ću te tretirati)
Videću te bolje (Videću te bolje)
Tako da draga dođi u moje ruke yeah
Poljubi me baby
Poljubi me baby
Znaš da sam bez tebe tako usamljen
Kada nisu tu zovem 911 (192)
U tvoju toplinu ponovo ronim
Dušo ti Dušo ti baby
Znaš da sam bez tebe tako usamljen
Kada nisu tu zovem 911 (192)
Padam do tebe uvek ronim
Dušo ti Dušo ti baby

예쁘다 (Pretty U) (Prelepa Ti)

Versions: #1
Seventeen, Yes!
Imam toliko puno stvari da kažem
ali ne mogu da se organizujem
Pomozi mi, S.O.S
1, 2, 3, 4
Na koji način
mogu izraziti svoje srce?
Da li da iznesem svoje srce na kopiranje
i nalepim ga za tebe?
Na jednom lepom danu
magično si se pojavila
Uzela si mi srce i moje oči su bile privučene za tebe
pohlepna si
Šta sam hteo da kažem je
Nemoj ovo pogrešno da shavtiš
Ali ne mogu da vidim ništa drugo sem tebe
Tako si hladna hladna baby
Ali u isto vreme me topiš
Ne mogu da se zasitim
Hoću da ti pokažem sebe bez sakrivanja i jedne stvari
Oh izabrali smo jedno drugo
iz milijarde ljudi
Kada te vidim, izgubim dah
Inače nisam ovakav
Hoću da izaberem i skupim sve
najlepše reči za tebe
One se nagomilavaju u mom grlu ispred tebe
Obećavam sebi, dok pijem
času vode ujutru, da ti kažem
Priznaću šta je bilo
na vrhu jezika sutra
Veoma si lepa
Lekovi za prehladu
Hrana za glad,
ja za tebe
Želim da definišem tebe kao ja
baš tako u rečniku
Usput šta da radim danas?
Da li da pitam internet?
Šta da nosim, gde da odem
Kamo sreće da sam se ovako trudio kada sam učio
Oh izabrali smo jedno drugo
iz milijarde ljudi
Kada te vidim, izgubim dah
Inače nisam ovakav
Hoću da izaberem i skupim sve
najlepše reči za tebe
One se nagomilavaju u mom grlu ispred tebe
Obećavam sebi, dok pijem
času vode ujutru, da ti kažem
Priznaću šta je bilo
na vrhu jezika sutra
Veoma si lepa
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Imam nešto da ti kažem
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Baš sada, ću pokušati
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Hteo sam da napišem pismo
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Ne mogu da izdržim
Baby ti si moja dama
Trčim do tvog srca
Baby malo mi fali da stignem
Obećavam sebi, dok pijem
času vode ujutru, da ti kažem
Prelepe reči kao one iz filmova
Reči koje sam pripremio preko noći danima
Želim da ti ih kažem sutra
sa mojim stisnutim rukama
Veoma si lepa<3
Voli me
Ne voli me
Brojim latice ceo dan
Voli me
Ne voli me
Da li će mi letice dati odgovor?

Spreman da volim

Spreman sam da volim
Reci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Nakon što sam te upozano moja osećanja su porasla
Nije dovoljno za nas da budemo prijatelji
Osetio sam svoje srce kako ludi po prvi put
Nikada nisam ni pomislio da će tako brzo kucati
Sve što hoću je da pobegnem
Zato što si ti moj izlaz baby
Ljubav nema granica, samo hoću odgovor Ay
Spreman sam da volim
Reci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Pobegnimo na drugu stranu sveta
Uzmi moju ruku
Još uvek ću da trčim
Veruj mi sad
Da ispunim moje srce do vrha
Kao da sam bez daha (Samo mi dopusti)
Dala si mi svrhu
Već znam yeh
Izraz koji je izgubljen u mislima
Tajni recept koji će te usrećiti
Momenat kada su te moje oči videle
Odmah sam sve znao
Reči nisu bile ni potrebne
Osetio sam svoje srce kako ludi po prvi put
Nikada nisam ni pomislio da će tako brzo kucati
Sve što hoću je da pobegnem
Zato što si ti moj izlaz baby
Samo treba da ti budeš spremna Ay
Spreman sam da volim
Reci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Pobegnimo na drugu stranu sveta
Uzmi moju ruku
Još uvek ću da trčim
Veruj mi sad
Da ispunim moje srce do vrha
Kao da sam bez daha (Samo mi dopusti)
Dala si mi svrhu
Kako dani prolaze
Moja osećanja samo nastavljaju da rastu
Ne želim da traćim više
Trčaću za tebe
Spreman sam da volim
Reci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Pobegnimo na drugu stranu sveta
Uzmi moju ruku
Još uvek ću da trčim
Veruj mi sad
Da ispunim moje srce do vrha
Kao da sam bez daha (Samo mi dopusti)
Dala si mi svrhu

Silent Boarding Gate

The dark clouds silently fade out
The love I didn't say then
You're the departure, I'm the future
After a few years of 'bad'
My heart suddenly felt better
You're not here
At the silent boarding gate
I saw the clouds flying away, the half orange half grey sky
Wanting to fly towards the next me
Shivering in the cold, I tighten my collar, unable to land
Our timelines not keeping in touch
At the boarding gate
I don't know where to go, I'm the one who can't let go
There's a path but I don't have the heart to take it
How long does it take for someone to say 'I'm better now'
Guess how it turns out afterwards
The loneliness ignited the long-awaited disaster
I reap what I sow
At the silent boarding gate
I saw the clouds not moving, half conscious I surrendered
The one waiting to board wasn't me after all
Tears in my heart, I know that even after I land
Our timelines are in parallel
At the boarding gate
I don't know where to go, I'm the one who can't let go
There's a path but I don't have the heart to take it
How long does it take for someone to say 'I'm better now'

Run to You

Holding my tears I hide my weakness
Now, to look for you
I’m going
Before I fall asleep, I remember you
When I awoke, I noticed that I ran outside
Even if I don’t know where you are
I go strait to the compass
With help of the map in my mind
 I’ll go to looking for you how it’s far away
Along the line which connects us
When you call my name
My time has stopped
Something the same, I’m looking forward
As it isn’t now, I expect to meet you again someday
You must be fine until that day
As I looking forward to you
 The time with you and that without you
There’s no expiration date for my thought to you
The time without you
I never stop the second hand in my heart
I believe The day should definitely come
I’m going to look for you regardless of the length
Along the line which connects us
When you call my name
My time has stopped
 Something the same Yes, I’m looking forward
As I haven’t it now, I expect to meet each other again someday
 You must be fine until that day
To you
 My words I’m going forward Even if I tell you it
Even if it doesn’t reach you
Even if I’m breath out more, I’ll hurry
Only a little while Wait me there
Your time My time
When they cross I’ll hug you
You must be fine until that day
Until the twelfth of never, I expect to meet you


Yesterday you were still here
With me enjoy this feel
Hope all will never end
With you
With you
Yesterday the world looked beautiful
And you feel this all
Passing this black and white life
With you
With you
Now alone here
Looking for you don't know where
May you calm down there
I always remember you
Wish you luck every night
May you calm down there
Now alone here
Looking for you don't know where
May you calm down there
I always remember you
Wish you luck every night
May you calm down there

All my love

My love only amounts to this
Hi, my joy
Even in my deep despairs
You always make me smile by my side
It makes me momentarily forget about everything
Turn on a song we know and take one step
We hold hands and our feet move two step
Before I know it
You make today’s me look forward to tomorrow’s you
Baby it’s alright
Oh it’s okay
Because it’s only you who knows all my lies
O ah I’m more thankful
When I often see you tired with your head down
Me, who doesn’t know what to do
What can I possibly do?
I’m sincerely sorry
My love only amounts to this
But thank you for staying by my side my baby
Even if my love only amounts to this
I’ll be your spring during any winter
My heart can only say these words
Like a meteor shower
Be a light in the dark sky
I can do everything for you
I only have a big heart that wants to give you everything
Me, who has become pathetic
I’m a fool who only receives
At some point, I started hating myself
I’m even more apologetic towards you
Baby it’s alright
Oh it’s okay
Because it’s only you who knows all my lies
O ah I’m more thankful
When I often see you tired with your head down
Me, who doesn’t know what to do
What can I possibly do?
I’m sincerely sorry
My love only amounts to this
But thank you for staying by my side my baby
Even if my love only amounts to this
I’ll be your spring during any winter
My heart can only say these words
Although it’s just this song and lyrics,
Which contain my feelings that I wrote down with difficulty
For you, for you, for you, for you
I sing this song for you tonight
So that I can get closer to your love
My love only amounts to this
But my heart won’t change it’s only for you baby
Even if my love only amounts to this
I’ll be your umbrella when it rains
I’ll protect you throughout all your days

247 (Japanese ver.)

I'm careful when I fall asleep
That nobody visits my dreams
I'm scared of being found out
That I only dream of you
Why, oh why don't you know?
Lonely me
Hey, why, oh why
I only want you to notice me
247 I search for you
The place I reach after wandering and drifting
Held tightly in my two hands
Are a fantasy of you
No matter what words I try to choose
If it's not you I can't be fulfilled
Memories from 247
They'll continue till the end of the universe
From Monday to Sunday
Walking and looking for you
My footsteps tell a tale yeh
Directionless and lonely
I'm right here
Looking only at you
A moonlit night
Clad in light, I think of you and dance
It might have been a mistake to hold up hopes
That courage might have been too
247 247 247 247
247 I search for you
The place I reach after wandering and drifting
Held tightly in my two hands
Are a fantasy of you
No matter what words I try to choose
If it's not you I can't be fulfilled
Memories from 247
They'll continue till the end of the universe
247 if we manage to meet
Would you call my name
A 13th month with only us
I wonder if you remember it
No matter what words I try to choose
If it's not you I can't be fulfilled
Memories from 247
I'll continue till the end

Chilli (Japanese ver.)

Dress up fashionably and come over
With an overcoat on too
It's brighter outside than expected
I'll be there to meet you so come over
Overlapped in a corner
It gets warmer
Feels as if it's summer
Why don't we turn it up
If it's Chill Chilli
Call that guy over, he must be lonely
The voice I'm getting tired of hearing
It's not coming through
It's gonna get even colder, right
Surely it'll still be warmer than
The blizzard blowing
In the next coming winter
Even with a blanket it's cold cold heaters turned on on
Hands and legs are freezing O e oh
My friends I call call they don't come over
Feels like I'm gonna melt alone
On such a day
Nobody's coming?
'Cause outside's so chilly
Doesn't stop us from breathin'
White breath
Watch me and my team
All year round we just chillin'
All eyes on us
Saucin' on 'em like chilli
Oh so chilli
Oh so chilli
All eyes on us
Drip drip my chilli sauce
Drip drip my chilli sauce
I don't want no other sauce
F-feeling so chilli, the wind's strong too
Sweet like chocolate
Wanna be like Willy
Wanna spend the winter indulgently
Woo, if in my chilly hands I had a
Hot pack that would be great (Right that would be great)
Yeah, what about a chilly heart then? I don't know
Even with a blanket it's cold cold heaters turned on on
Hands and legs are freezing O e oh
My friends I call call they don't come over
Feels like I'm gonna melt alone
On such a day
Nobody's coming?
'Cause outside's so chilly
Doesn't stop us from breathin'
White breath
Watch me and my team
All year round we just chillin'
All eyes on us
Saucin' on 'em like chilli
Oh so chilli
Oh so chilli
All eyes on us
Drip drip my chilli sauce
Let's show them what we got, tingling
Let's show them what we got, tingling
Drip drip our chilli sauce
A world frozen still


Secretly laughing, secretly crying
While hiding my state
The day that seems too much for me passes by
Today, too, the words can't be said
And can only be reflected in one's heart
It's hard, it's hard, it's hard
Whenever it's hard (for you)
You can get a hug from me
I am the same
No matter how much you hide it
You know you can't hide it forever
So we can smile together
Don't be sorry, don't worry
Don't be scared, now don't cry
To me you are very precious
You can tell me today was tough
I am here, you suffered a lot
I love you
I will hug you
Whenever it's hard (for you)
You can get a hug from me
I am the same
No matter how much you hide it
You know you can't hide it forever
So we can smile together
Don't be sorry, don't worry
Don't be scared, now don't cry
To me you are very precious
You can tell me today was tough
I am here, you suffered a lot
I love you
I will hug you

I Found You

Half of my steps, all this time
Was walking without stops
My life is like the aridness of the world
Barren without love
My heart finding a love
Until I found the real one
I will still find it even when I am worn
Someone that I love
Now that I've found you, at the end of my heart break
Was weary waiting for, the love that will save me
Now that I am with you, promised to live together forever
Until the end of time, we will always be together
(Now that I've found you, at the end of my heart break
Was weary waiting for, the love that saved me)
Now that I've found you at the end of my heart break
Was weary waiting for the love that saved me
Now that I am with you promised to live together forever
Until the end of time we will always be together
Until the end of time we will always be together


Always be by your side
That’s the most important thing
If you’re there beside me, that brings to perfection ay ya ya
Widely like the sky
Above the clouds moving Other than us is nothing
Nothing to fear Paradise just for two of us
The clock hands (Oh yeh) is spinning on and on (Oh yeh)
And the touching line of fortune in the same time
Thinking only about you (Thinking) always (Thinking)
I’ll always be with you (Closer) with you (Closer)
We’re surely going to see each other always forever
Let’s not leave each other even for a second together
Actually, time is not fair, you know
Given eternity is not enough not enough time to think about you
Yeh, as the indispensable air,
Yeh I want to be by your side as I am
And the touching line of fortune in the same time
Thinking only about you (Thinking) always (Thinking)
I’ll always be with you (Closer) with you (Closer)
We’re surely going to see each other always forever
Let’s not leave each other even for a second together
Want to play with you 24 hours
But that’s not enough, right?
I’ll climb the stiffly breezing mountain just for you
Thinking only about you (Thinking) always (Thinking)
I’ll always be with you (Closer) with you (Closer)
We’re surely going to see each other always forever
Let’s not leave each other even for a second together


My friends whom I haven't seen them for a long time diminish
My stories to tell add up
We bring out each of our worries
Our ages increase by ones and twos
I stumble upon a wall that is time of pulling out myself
Us,who were filled with courage no matter if we are asleep or awake
In front of us is dark,too dark
Wanna take your heart's compass out?
Even if the swaying compass is frustrating
If we are together
Even if we can't know,we would know
Even though my every day doesn't go to my
own accord and becomes blurry like smoke
There are many paths,in front of me
Even if the world revolves the other way
We won't lose our way
And we will walk it properly
Let's go together
Same morning and same days in which the sun sets
Are beautiful but if feels like being on a tread wheel
Because I know the name youth that is nice to see
Because it's nice to go forward
We may think we are not capable of things
It's not easy so
In front of us is dark,too dark
Wanna take your heart's compass out?
Even if the swaying compass is frustrating
If we are together
Even if we can't know ,we would know
Even though my every day doesn't go to my own accord and becomes blurry like smoke
There are many paths,in front of me
Even if the world revolves the other way
We won't lose our way
And we will walk it properly
Let's go together
Like people whose names are unknown passing by
If we are forgotten meaningless
I think it would feel lonely
That one day is every day
That one day in tomorrow that comes by fast
Even if the world revolves the other way
Even though my every day doesn't go to my own accord and becomes blurry like smoke
There are many paths,in front of me
Even if the world revolves the other way
We won't lose our way
And we will walk it properly
Let's go together

Left & Right

Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Seventeen ha
Don't forget when you are at the starting line
Keep you eyes wide open and your chin up
Come on!
After you get on your knees and gain momentum
Baby wanna go ahead first
Come on!
Call all our friends I'ma celebrate
No one can stop us
We party today
Run toward the climax
swinging your tail again
You know,like a buffalo
Run on the red carpet
You'll be better of tomorrow
Pierce the atmosphere
Go go go go
Laugh louder ha ha ha ha
Twenty more times ha ha ha ha
Crossing the finish line with a ceremony
Exhilarating yeh it goes like
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip it Rip it
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip it Rip it
When you are feeling good with no worries
More more confidently
Follow me
Yeh it goes like
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip it Rip it
I run up I run up
I run up I run up
Don't listen to anyone else
They talk away talk talk
Whatever whatever be quiet Shh
What we need
Is a sweet tomorrow
Toss it up toward the sky
Up up up up
Even if we run run run
When can we get ahead
Running itself is tough enough Yeh
Then what should we do
No running is an answer too
Who cares what we do yeh yeh
Laugh louder ha ha ha ha
Twenty more times ha ha ha ha
Crossing the finish line with a ceremony
Exhilarating yeh it goes like
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip it Rip it
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip it Rip it
When you are feeling good with no worries
More more confidently
Follow me
Yeh It goes like
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip It Rip it
You are not alone
We are us
So no need to be afraid
You are not alone
We are us
So we run again with no worries yeh
So uh
Passionate ceremony
Count to four and go
One ,two,three, four
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip it Rip it
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Rip it Rip it
Let's go together with no worries
More more confidently
Follow me
Yeh it goes like
Left and right
Left and right
Left and right
Yeh it goes like
One two three four two two three four
Three two three four four two three four

My My

Yeh keep in step Run Away
Yeh even if it's a dry desert it's okay
Yeh clouds become umbrellas for the sunshine
Oh I'm not alone
Everyday I open my eyes
And I always find something new
I meet myself in the mirror
And blossom a new me
Just paint the time
(Just paint it)
Nothing set in stone
(Yeh yeh)
Nothing's too fast or too slow
Our life is lalalalalala
Row your dreams beyond the parallel lines
Time of happiness fill the pockets of our hearts
No need to rush,you are doing fine
Just stay as you are
My journey starts with me
Over the sun my my my my my way
Step by step get closer closer
This is the place I dreamed of
Keep hold of our hearts
And come to me oh oh
Closer my my way
Brrrr baa all the things you are grasping
Brrrr baa let it go of me
Hey getting somewhere closer
Hey (where to go?)
It's yet to be decided hey hey
No one can decide for me,only I can lalalalalala
Fly over the sea,spread our wings of dreams
The weight of happiness can't be measured by anyone
No need to rush,you are doing fine
Just stay as you are
My journey starts with me
Over the sun my my my my my way
Step by step get closer closer
This is the place I dreamed of
Keep hold of our hearts
And come to me oh oh
Closer my my way
My life is a journey,journey,journey
Walk walk through my heart
This road is my own road movie
My road is an old,old song
Over the sun my my my my my way
Step by step get closer closer
This is the place I've dreamed of
Keep hold of our hearts
And come to me oh oh
Closer my my way

Getting Closer

(You) sweep through my mind
(You) dig through every corner
And bump around (in my mind)
Get ahold of yourself, careful, careful
Or else, or else falling down down
Down down fall down
Muted shouts can't get out out
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom
Paralyze paralyze me
I cannot cannot do anything
My darkness is sinking sinking more deeper
My darkness is sinking sinking more deeper
Brr Only for you am I
Quick quick automatic
Mm ah I look around, look around, look around
For your heart
Oh oh Even if my heart is aching
My heart continues to grow, continues
Come into my mind
Deep inside, I want you to come (into my mind), want it
With whatever words, you make me stop
Breathlessly, breathlessly
Breathlessly I want you
This dance is getting closer to you
Breathlessly I want you (want you)
You don't know anything about my feelings
I wonder if you know how I feel
You are my one and only
For some reason, it's awkward for me
I really don't want to hate you
Breathe it in, breathe it in much deeper
My mind is blank uh
My memories that are inside out, inside out
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom
On the inside, I run around in the same place
At this moment, I take a breath of you
I go crazy and can't control myself,
My body reacts again to your scent
Brr Only for you am I
Quick quick automatic
Mm ah I look around, look around, look around
For your heart
Oh oh Even if my heart is aching
My heart continues to grow, continues
Come into my mind
Deep inside, I want you to come (into my mind), want you
You stop me by saying that you're not there
Breathlessly, breathlessly
Breathlessly I want you
This dance is getting closer to you
Breathlessly I want you (want you)
The heart fades and blooms again, those words
Woah woah~
Briefly cover my heart
What kind of answer did I expect?
Somebody shine the light
Nobody feel me now
Where are my friends
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Somebody shine the light
Nobody feel me now
Where are my friends
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Breathlessly (Yeah yeah~)
Breathlessly (Woah~)
Breathlessly I want you
This dance is getting closer to you
Breathlessly I want you
Want you

Good to me

Versions: #2
There's been a time like that
Just by looking at the eyes, you can
Already know the reason of the 'Oh My'.
Wanting to know this emotion
When walking by my side.
Don't even to let go of your hands.
The heart fluttering feeling is because is you so everything is just so nice

Breathlessly (Getting Closer)

Dig into my head, deeper and deeper.
Dig every nook and cranny. Run and hit. (Hit)
Pay attention and be careful.
Otherwise, you'll fall down.
Down down, fall.
Mute, clamor
Can't get out out
(Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom)
Paralyze paralyze me.
I cannot do anything.
I'm sinking deeper and deeper in the dark.
I'm sinking deeper and deeper in the dark.
BRRR, only to you
Faster faster Automatic (Ah)
Um ah,
I'm looking around your mind.
Oh oh
Even if my heart hurts.
My heart is growing.
Come into my head.
I want you to come in my heart.
You keep stopping me by saying you're gone.
Breathlessly breathlessly
I want you breathlessly.
This dance is getting closer to you.
I want you breathlessly.
I want you.
You don't even know what I'm thinking.
You don't know how I feel.
You are my one and only.
It's awkward for me for some reason.
I really don't want to hate you.
Drink it, drink it more.
Feeling dizzy, Uh
Memories are Inverted and jumbled.
(Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom)
I keep running inside.
Drink it up again around this time.
The scent has thickened. I'm going crazy. I can't handle it.
My body reacts to your scent again.
BRRR, only to you
Faster faster Automatic (Ah)
Um ah,
I'm looking around your mind.
Oh oh
Even if my heart hurts.
My heart is growing.
Come into my head.
I want you to come in my heart.
You keep stopping me by saying you're gone.
Breathlessly, breathlessly
I want you breathlessly.
This dance is getting closer to you.
I want you breathlessly.
I want you.
The words
that are broken and blooming again
cover my heart for a moment.
What kind of answer did you expect?
Somebody shine me light.
Nobody feel me nah.
Where are you, my friends?
Yeh yeh yeh yeh
Somebody shine me light.
Nobody feel me nah.
Where are you, my friends?
Yeh yeh yeh yeh
Breathlessly, breathlessly
I want you breathlessly.
This dance is getting closer to you.
I want you breathlessly.
I want you.


Today, get your swag yeah
Take your outside clothes and go out yeah
The weather outside is nicer than what you think
I will take you there so come out yeah
Let’s pile up in the corner
Cause it's gonna be hot soon
Like the humid summer
Let's set the atmosphere up
As it gets chilly chilly
Call your sulking friend and gather
The sound we hear til we get tired of it
We cannot connect
Every year, every time it's colder
Stick to the winter next year
Rather than the cold wave, today is
more more less cold
Even if you cover up with blanket, it's cold it's cold. Turn on the heater, turn it on
Both hands and feet are frozen, kkong O e oh
Call your friends, call them. It's cold so even if they don't come out
I can play freeze tag by myself
In this kind of weather
No one comes out
‘Cause outside’s so chilly
Doesn’t stop us from breathin’
Blowing one's breath on the excitement
Watch me and my team
All year round we just chillin'
At the glares
Saucin’ on ‘em like chilli
Oh so chilli
Oh so chilli
At the glares
Drip drip my chilli sauce
Drip drip my chilli sauce
I don't want no other sauce
Feeling so chilli, the wind is harsh oh
Sweet like chocolate
Wanna be like Willy
I hope it passes by sweetly this winter
Woo kkong kkong my two frozen hands
I'm okay with just one hot pack
Yeah my cold chest, let's make it jump with whatever I don't know
Even if you cover up with blanket, it's cold it's cold. Turn on the heater, turn it on
Both hands and feet are frozen, kkong O e oh
Call your friends, call them. It's cold so even if they don't come out
I can play freeze tag by myself
In this kind of weather
No one comes out
‘Cause outside’s so chilly
Doesn’t stop us from breathin’
Blowing one's breath on the excitement
Watch me and my team
All year round we just chillin'
At the glares
Saucin’ on ‘em like chilli
Oh so chilli
Oh so chilli
At the glares
Drip drip my chilli sauce
Ooh woah
Let’s show them what we got um spicy flavor
Ooh woah
Let’s show them what we got um spicy flavor
Ooh woah
Drip drip our chilli sauce
This frozen world
Ooh woah


When I was little I wondered
Would anyone ever understand me?
Does love really exist?
Who'd steal away my first kiss?
I don’t know what to do
Where do I start?
All the sayings about youth
I don't need to hear them
You don’t give a fail about
I'm just another high school kid
Til I take a test
I'm sick of being judged
Wanna be with my friends now
I see you standing next to me
I'm encouraged by you
Tell me your thoughts
Tell me tell me
Eighteen, it won't ever come back
I give this moment to you
All in all in
Eighteen, this very moment
This might be my everything
Everything everything
Oh Yeh
This might be my everything
Everything everything
This only moment in this hot summer
Even if it rains through the sun
We are all singing brr brr la la la
My heart as pure as the clouds wants you
My clumsy words express my feelings
Just say anything
You make my heart pound
This strange feeling
It'll be my first and last because of you
I see you standing next to me
I'm encouraged by you
Tell me your thoughts
Tell me tell me
Eighteen, it won't ever come back
I give this moment to you
All in all in
Eighteen, this very moment
This might be my everything
Everything everything
Oh Yeh
This might be my everything
Everything everything
Eighteen, I won't regret it
I give this moment to myself
Eighteen, this very moment
This might be my everything
Everything everything
Oh Yeh
This might be my everything
Everything everything

U sedamnaestim

Naučila sam istinu u sedamnaestim
Da je ljubav stvorena za lepe kraljice
i srednjoškolke sa čistim osmesima
Koje su se udale mlade i onda penzionisale
Za Dan ljubavi nikada nisam znala
Petak uveče raznoliko mladih
Proveden je jedan još lepši
U sedamnaestim sam naučila istinu...
I oni od nas sa uništenim licima
Odsutni u milostima društva
Što su očajno ostajali kod kuće
Izmišljajući ljubavnike na telefonu
Koji su zvali da kažu ' dodji, pleši sa mnom'
I promrmljaju nejasne odvratnosti
Nije sve kako se čini u sedamnaestim...
Devojka sa smeđim očima u ruke mi predaje
Čije ime nikada ne bih mogla da izgovorim
Rekla je: 'Šteta onima što služe
Oni dobijaju samo ono što zasluže'
Vrlo bogata rodna kraljica
Udaje se za ono što joj treba
Sa garancijom od strane društva
I utočištem za starost...
Pa zapamtite one koji su dobijali igre
Izgubili ljubav koju su nastojali da dobiju
U kvalitetnim zaduženjima i sumnjivih integriteta
Njihove male gradske oči će te zagledati
Sumnjivo iznenadjeni kada plaćaju zbog
Prekoračenih računa primljenih u sedamnaestim...
Za one od nas koji su osećali tugu
Dana zaljubljenih koji nikada nisu dolazili
I za one čija imena nikada nisu prozvana
Kada su se birale strane za košarku
To je bilo davno i daleko
Svet je bio mlađi od današnjeg dana
Kada su snovi bili sve što se besplatno davalo
ružnim pačjim devojkama poput mene...
Mi svi igramo igru i kada se izazivamo
Varamo u solitaru (kartaška igra)
Izmišljajući ljubavnike na telefonu
Kajući druge nepoznate živote
Oni zovi i kažu: 'Hajde, pleši sa mnom'
I mrmljaju nejasne odvratnosti
Ružnim devojkama poput mene, u sedamnaestim...

Oh My!

My night grows deep deep
The TV is on
It’s loud like my heart
Why do you keep turning my heart on and off
However you want?
I didn’t say I didn’t like it
I’m just worried
That you’ll get too tired
That’s how I feel
If it’s you, I need no other
You’re like the summer without the overbearing heat
You’re the boiling point to my loneliness
I can’t sleep because of you and suddenly it’s morning already
What do I do with you?
I look at you but I think of you even more
You’re my only one
What do I do?
What do I do with you?
What do I do because of you?
Every day, every day, every day
I like you so much, what do I do?
How about you?
Is it hard for you to sleep because of me too?
If you keep making my heart flutter
What do I do?
What do I do?
I like you more each day
I’m a bit careless and clumsy
But for you, I won’t ever back down
Let’s hum together
Let’s share earphones
On the sketchbook of my brain, I draw you out every day
(What am I saying)
Anyway, I just like you
Sorry for repeating the same thing
But this is all
I can try using hard words
But my true feeling is this, every everything
What do I do with you?
I look at you but I think of you even more
If this was all really a dream
What do I do?
What do I do with you?
What do I do because of you?
Every day, every day, every day
I like you so much, what do I do?
How about you?
Is it hard for you to sleep because of me too?
If you keep making my heart flutter
What do I do?
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I really like you
Oh oh oh oh
Better tell
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Better tell somebody
Oh oh oh oh
You’re all mine
You’re so bright
You shine so brightly that it reaches outer space
Without you, what would I do? Woo baby
What do I do with you?
What do I do because of you?
Every day, every day, every day
I like you so much, what do I do?
How about you?
Do you even know my heart?
I can’t go on without you
What do I do?
What do I do?

I Don't Know

Let’s go in for a bit
The sensitive and sharp sound of the clock can be heard in this room
The questions get shorter
In comparison to the curiosity
Silence is breaking in our conversation
Unhappy feelings are filling up
It’s overflowing, can’t do this anymore
Our surroundings are buried with sighs, it’s quiet
It’s suffocating but it’s better
To keep my mouth shut
Our hardened relationship
Our unsolved fights
The opening door is becoming the focus point
As we turn our heads
Let’s talk next time
We’re wandering in the same place again
Everything feels so unfamiliar
Is it the end this time?
I don’t know, I don’t know
Tears fall again
Unknown tears are falling
Am I longing for the past?
I don’t know, I don’t know
Tears fall again
Tears endlessly fall
Do I really need to end things now?
I don’t know, I don’t know
Daydreaming in the midst of the night
You brush my thoughts
And sweep my sleep away
Now I miss all the times
I don’t need this
There are plenty more times
We’ll miss anyway
It’s painful to face you
I know you wanna hear me say something
But my emotions are going awry
The scars and guilt twist up again
This wall of destruction crushes us
We’re wandering in the same place again
Everything feels so unfamiliar
Is it the end this time?
I don’t know, I don’t know
Tears fall again
Unknown tears are falling
Am I longing for the past?
I don’t know, I don’t know
Tears fall again
Tears endlessly fall
Do I really need to end things now?
I don’t know, I don’t know
We’re on different streets
I’m asking you, who is blankly standing on the other side
Can’t we go back?
I don’t know, I don’t know
We’re on different streets
I’m asking you, who is blankly standing on the other side
Can’t we go back?
I don’t know, I don’t know
Oh oh oh oh why?
Tears fall again
They endlessly fall
I think I know, no I know now
I can’t go on without you, I can’t let you go
Why now?
Why am I seeing you now?
Can you hug me even though I’m far away?
I don’t know, I don’t know

Adore U

Whoo, baby, yeah
I’m a little strange, I’m talking less
All of my friends are worried about me
My heart flutters when I’m in front of you
I’m sorry that I’m so clumsy
(Whoo) I can’t take control
(Whoo) You tell me to stop playing around
Why are you putting up a front?
No no no
So what I’m trying to say is
I want to know everything about you
I sing about you U Hoo
I sing about you U Hoo
Even when my lips are dry
I’ve got to say what I need to Baby
You’re so precious to me that I get dizzy
You’re precious to me
No yeah, no no whoa
If somehow we make eye contact
I turn my head
And agonize alone
I shouldn’t be doing this
So what I’m trying to say is
I want to know everything about you
I sing about you U Hoo
I sing about you U Hoo
Even when my lips are dry
I’ve got to say what I need to Baby
You’re so precious to me that I get dizzy
You’re precious to me
Oh yeah Oh yeah
Oh yeah Oh yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah
You can lean on me
You can cover your hurt with me
Tell me about everything that you’re feeling
So that I can see you
I want to be able call you too
Baby you’re my angel
So what I’m trying to say is
I want to know everything about you
I sing about you U Hoo
I sing about you U Hoo
Even when my lips are dry
I’ve got to say what I need to Baby
You’re so precious to me that I get dizzy
You’re precious to me
Yeah, you’re precious to me, yeah


I have to start running again today
It’s different from before
The destination is clear
I jump over everything like hurdles
I finish this year
To the end with you
And when the new year’s sun rises
I want to greet it with us in embrace
But first,
Let’s focus on this week
Without letting it go easily
Each week I get tested
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
I earnestly wait for the one thing
And calm myself
I’m hungry for that Sunday candy
But there’s a whole week left
There’s no movement in the sun
But the day of the week has changed
I closed my eyes
But my room is too bright for me to fall sleep
I don’t need an alarm
The moment I wash and lay down
I have to get up and get ready to go out
For 6 days I throw on a hoodie
In my clockwork life, there’s one day Sunday
You’re here and a light shines upon me
I get a happy phone call and start the morning
I hope the sun goes down quickly
And I hope the moon doesn’t rise
Hold on girl I want to see you every day for a week
Hold on girl you fill me up all the way
Hold on girl even if it’s for one day
Monday to Saturday when you’re not there
It’s hurray after that
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
When Sunday comes around yahoo
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
I’m running to you now
Uh, look at my style
I’ve been waiting for this day
All the times that are running towards Sunday
Are so slow like turtles
I feel like I’m Gyunwoo
When is the Ojak Bridge rising
When Sunday comes around
I run to see my Jingnyuh
But Sunday is short and the sun sets early
I don’t want this time to pass by so easily
I look to the stars and pray and pray
I wish that each minute goes slowly like a year
Monday to Saturday
I think to myself, I wish those days are deleted
And imagine if every day was a Sunday
A warm Monday morning
Like I haven’t woken up
From dreams of yesterday
I remember those moments
I forget them again
And have to go work
That’s how the week I wait for you
Will pass by quickly
That’s how I endure 6 days
I roll up my sleeves and my pants
And think of our memories together for 3 days
And of what we’ll do for the other 3 days
My face gets red
Even though you’re not in front of me
So when the day comes
I raise both of my arms and freeze
Hold on girl I want to see you every day for a week
Hold on girl you fill me up all the way
Hold on girl even if it’s for one day
Monday to Saturday when you’re not there
It’s hurray after that
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
When Sunday comes around yahoo
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray yeah
Hurray hurray hurray yeah
I’m running to you now

Love Letter

Starting early in the morning
I awkwardly mmm
Take out a pen and a paper
And write down the words I had deeply swallowed
My handwriting isn’t pretty
Please don’t be disappointed
Please let it go if I suck
On this letter I want to write down our story
Every little thing about you and me
Write everything down about us on a love letter
(Throw it in the air)
And throw it into the empty sky
The wind will embrace us
So that your painful days of the past are erased
(Throw it in the air)
I will hold you tighly and never let go
I will always be by your side
1, 2, 3
Worrying all night about my bad handwriting
Which is about as bad as how I express my feelings
I try to sincerely express myself but I can’t get it out
I try to wrap my head around this all night
But I can’t deliver my feelings
I wonder if you know how much I’m worrying
When do I give you the letter in my pocket?
I approach you without thinking
And calm my breath
“Can you give me your hand?
Here, this is for you”
On this letter I want to write down our story
Every little thing about you and me
Write everything down about us on a love letter
(Throw it in the air)
And throw it into the empty sky
The wind will embrace us
So that your painful days of the past are erased
(Throw it in the air)
I will hold you tighly and never let go
I will always be by your side
There are still
So many things
I ended up not able to tell you
I open my arms
And swear to the sky
I won’t leave you and run away
Write everything down about us on a love letter
Mmm and raise it in that sky
You know I can’t get
Any better than this babe
So that your painful days of the past are erased
I will hold you tighly and never let go
I will always be by your side
Write everything down about us on a love letter
(Throw it in the air)
And throw it into the empty sky
The wind will embrace us
So that your painful days of the past are erased
(Throw it in the air)
I will hold you tighly and never let go
I will always be by your side