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Број резултата: 57



Хеј, драги мој, окрени се овде
Погледај ме скроз голу
Не мислиш ваљда да сам само неки тинејџер?
А тако сам плодна
Никада ми не реци збогом, нећу те вратити
Правиш се, као бајаги си џентлмен
Али заправо ћеш пући од вреле страсти
Тако треба!
Највреднија кола, највредније торбе,
највреднији сат и највредније ципеле
Највреднији новчаник и највредније гаћице
Облачиш само највреднија одела
Само на дане када теби одговара, у сате који теби одговарају
Зовеш ме само на места где теби одговара
Мрзим те што толико уживаш у мени само када ти одговара
На домалићу твоје леве руке светлуца прстен
А ти ниси ни помислио да га сакријеш
Баш је то налик теби
Ја сам се непрестано вртела по чудним путевима због тебе
Па наравно да нема шансе само тако да се повучем!
Хеј, драги мој, окрени се овде
Погледај ме скроз голу
Не мислиш ваљда да сам само неки тинејџер?
А тако сам плодна
Никада ми не реци збогом, нећу те вратити
Правиш се, као бајаги си џентлмен
Али заправо ћеш пући од вреле страсти
Тако треба!
Красна ти је кућа, са красном баштом
Красна ти је жена и преслатка су ти деца
У некој фенси фирми си на некој фенси позицији
Само најбољи радници под тобом
Само на дане када теби одговара, у сате који теби одговарају
Зовеш ме само на места где теби одговара
Да ли сам ја теби само мрачна прошлост, иако сам ти толико одговарала?
Мора да сам само препрека твојој најмилијој
Али баш ме брига и да ме зову крадљивицом!
Хеј, драги мој, окрени се овде
Погледај ме скроз голу
Не мислиш ваљда да сам само неки тинејџер?
А тако сам плодна
Неће ти радити тај изговор да си престар
Чак и да се правиш да спаваш и да те је баш брига
Знам да и даље можеш, да и даље пуцаш од страсти
Нећу те вратити и даље!
Хеј, драги мој, окрени се овде
Тебе желим
Погледај ме
Јој, што сам погрешила, не могу побећи више
И док покушавам да се смирим
Не могу зауставити страст од које пуцам
Не може се сузбити!

Make U Smile (Nasmejati Te)

Ti i ja koji smo uvek šaputali ispod tih zvezda
U redu je zaplakati samo misleći o trenutku kada smo bili zajedno
Budi dobro, čak i ako je ovo vreme skroz nestalo, sećaj me se
To je nešto što moraš da uradiš, yeah
Predivne pokreti ruku ispred mojih očiju
Tvoj glas u mojim ušima
Želim da ih zadržim
Ali nisam spremna
Okolo ove zemlje
Kada te vidim ponovo
Naš topli raj
Ispuni praznine ovog putovanja
Ne daj da te vetar potrese
Moje srce za tebe
Obećaj sada
Zaštitiću sve za tebe, obećavam baby
Hoću da ti se zahvalim za sve
I da te nasmešim
Čežnja bez razloga
Suze ispuštene u tajnosti i sada sam usamljena
Jer mi nedostaješ
Oko mojih očiju koje su skroz crne
Sada vidim samo tebe
Idem prema tebi koji čekaš u tišini
Ovako moja priča počinje
Predivne pokreti ruku ispred mojih očiju
Tvoj glas u mojim ušima
Želim da ih zadržim
Ali nisam spremna
Okolo ove zemlje
Kada te vidim ponovo
Naš topli raj
Ispuni praznine ovog putovanja
Ne daj da te vetar potrese
Moje srce za tebe
Obećaj sada
Zaštitiću sve za tebe, obećavam baby
Hoću da ti se zahvalim za sve
I da te nasmešim
Ali želim više da te držim
Na varhu mojih prstiju, sve se menja
Nakon noći oluje, pdalje od oblaka magle
Biće svetliji dan
Na tom zidu, kada se ponovo sretnemo
Oh oh
Nooooo Heya
Ispuni praznine ovog putovanja
Ne daj da te vetar potrese
Čak i moja osećanja za tebe
Obećaj sada
Zaštitiću sve za tebe, obećavam baby
Hoću da ti se zahvalim za sve
I da te nasmešim


After I gave you my heart that couldn’t reach you
I just watched you getting farther away
Now I’m holding onto my feelings that I can’t let go
Closing my eyes again, waiting for tomorrow
I know you’ll be my home Someday
No matter what kind of day it is
I know you’ll be my home Someday
I’m waiting for you
After I gave you my heart that couldn’t reach you
I watched the day ending
Now I’m holding onto my feelings that I can’t put back
I know you’ll be my home Someday
No matter what kind of day it is
I know you’ll be my home Someday
I’m waiting for you
You belong to me You belong to me
You belong to me You belong to me
I tried to be in your embrace again
But it’s too far away
You know I want you so
Oh no I want you so You know
I know you’ll be my home Someday
No matter what kind of day it is
I know you’ll be my home Someday
I’m waiting for you
You belong to me You belong to me
You belong to me You belong to me


Versions: #1
'Farewell. Thank you for everything', I tell you with the best of my voice.
You were something more precious to me than sadness.
With my back leaving yours, I wanted to convey this
so I could be in time for the warmth and agony.
I thought we'd continue on forever as we were.
I had drawn our tomorrow.
While the light was still intense deep inside our hearts,
we called out our names.
Both of us burn brightly. I met you in the middle of a journey,
took your hand, and then let it go for our future.
Every time a single dream of mine comes true, I seem to think of you.
Wishing for more strength, I cried and made this decision our farewell gift.
Trapped by nostalgic thoughts,
I cry and shout at this cruel world.
They're increasing the more I grow up.
I don't want to lose you even a single time anymore.
If I swallow and give in to my sadness,
I'll stop feeling agony, but
your words, your wishes,
I swore to protect them to the end.
Making noise, this one and only
irreplaceable world
crumbles down.
As I reached out my hand, bundles of fierce light held me back.
They shined on me, then vanished for our future.
I'm overcoming my promises with the happiness I was left with
because I'm going to move forward without turning back,
because I'm going to yell facing only forward.
Light up a flame inside your heart.
Until the distant future...

I Was Gay ~Confession~

I was gay
I was gay
I was gay
I was... Ga~! Huh-?
Gay!(Gay!)(I'm no~ttt)
Gay!(Gay!)(I'm nooo~ttt)
Gay!(Gay!)(I'm nooot.)
Why is the sky blue? You say
I can tell you that
It's because you're lying
To your own self
You let out a single 'huh?'
How are you lying to anyone~?
Here, I'll just listen to your own heart now
You can hear it, yeah?
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay~
Why are the clouds white? You say
I can tell you that
It's also because you're lying
To your own self
That time has finally come
My revolution is the real deal~
I can puff up my chest with pride now
And I can say them now, right? These words
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)


Burned, a mountain burned,
In that mountain a band played,
That band played merrily,
Whilst the mountain burned.
It was a good band,
shame it burned up along with the mountain,
It had gone to the mountain to play,
Little did it know that it was going to burn out.
A lot of bands are going to burn this way,
bands that people in town didn't want.
They said that they have different opinions,
Let them go to the mountain to play.
Now the band's playing up there,
where it's impossible to burn out,
And the angels that are going bananas1,
Are enjoying a good band. (nah nah nah)
Burned, a mountain burned,
In that mountain a band played,
That band played merrily,
Whilst the mountain burned.
  • 1. this line is most likely a pun as the word for 'going bananas' used here uses the word for a devil/demon/imp as it's base, basically: 'devilled (up) angels'

Let the heart scream

[Verse 1: Smiley]
Hard words
Which can't ever be taken back
Provoking pain
Weapons which strike us both
And leave us with deep wounds
I leave home, you cry again
There's too big a ruckus in my soul, but I still can't relent
I return, even if you cast me away
[Pre-chorus: Smiley]
Jealo- jealo- jealousy dressed in irony
You serve it to me on a platter
With a side of commotion
Jealo- jealo- jealousy dressed in irony
You serve it to me on a platter
With a side of commotion
[Chorus: Smiley]
Be quiet (be quiet)
Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
(Be quiet) Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
Let the heart scream, let the heart scream
Let the heart scram, let the heart--
[Verse 2: Killa Fonic]
Yeah, let my heart scream
I let it not hope anymore
Sick feeling, not one pleasure
I throw it far and it doesn't perish
Ladi-dadi-da, I'm not living 'la vida loca'
I have a feeling on my tastebuds, it's a sweet enchantment
And it's as if I'm totally losing my head over you, yeah
You're losing your head, baby, like Marie Antoinette
[Pre-chorus: Killa Fonic]
Jealo- jealo- jealousy (jealousy)
You cursed thing, you took my days (cursed, you took my days)
Abracadabra and I disappear suddenly (abracadabra)
I don't give away my heart for nothing, ever (no!)
Jealo- jealo- jealousy (jealo- jealousy)
I pretend like it's good with me
At night, I cry out for you
Get out of me right now!
[Chorus: Smiley]
Be quiet (be quiet)
Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
(Be quiet) Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
Be quiet (be quiet)
Give me a moment of peace!
Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
(Be quiet) Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
Let the heart scream, let the heart scream
Let the heart scram, let the heart--

Tinkling Smile

Versions: #1
Tinkling Smile, I wonder why it's so mysterious?
Whenever you laugh, there's a flickering deep in my heart!
Let's take little steps! One at a time
Let's feel our skips! You and me!
Before I knew it, I became completely absorbed
You told me this kind of thing would happen
When holding your hand in mine, the warmth passes through me
It feel like this can take me anywhere
Tin-ton-tan, in that moment when I stepped forward,
just like a panorama, the world began to unfold
Tinkling Smile, the size of the sky!
I can't notice it if I'm all alone
Our Tinkling Smiles are echoing
They spread through my chest, our kind, happy, and brand new premonitions!
With my heart beating with excitement, I was put through the test,
working through all the sadness and effort
It's just not enough to stay up chatting all night!
I can't stop showing my true colors
Tip-top-tap, I want to know more about you,
and to not be afraid to make lots more memories
Tinkling Smile, the occasional detour is fine
Because it's important to take the occasional short break
Tinkling Smile, we're together once again
Let's keep walking, while looking up to the peak of tomorrow
Even if you can't see what's precious to you,
it will always remain here, within your heart
Tinkling Smile, I can't say it well, but
When you're with me I'm always having so much fun!
Tinkling Smile, the size of the sky!
I can't notice it if I'm all alone
Tinkling Smile, I wonder why it's so mysterious?
Whenever you laugh there's always a flickering deep in my heart
Step by step, let's continue forward!