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We see each other

The walls of the house suffocate me
Longing for you, longing for you
I feel how the silence weighs on me
Longing for you, longing for you
My bedroom is a storm
It's too cold, it's raining constantly
It's as if the mirror is crazy
It makes a face at me when it doesn't see us together
The wind is calling out to you
Come home
Me with my mind on
How beautiful you are
The wind is calling out to me
Come home
You with my mind on
How beautiful I am
We see each other
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other
Only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
The doors slam in my face
Longing for you, longing for you
Whether it's night or morning
I miss you, I miss you
The photos come to life,
They play tricks
They just make movies
My house is foreign to me
And it keeps me outside because it misses you
The wind is calling out to you
Come home
Me with my mind on
How beautiful you are
The wind is calling out to me
Come home
You with my mind on
How beautiful I am
We see each other
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
We see each other only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other...

Smile for me

Laugh, laugh, laugh for a moment
Because I'm taking a photo naturally, don't joke and look here
The light is pretty, an angel is portrayed
I can only see you
An expression that you haven't shown to anyone until now
It's because I'm here on the lens side
Sing, sing your favorite song
Let me hear your memories spilling naturally
I coughed a little to dodge the tears
It's because I'm here humming by your side
Woo Smile for me.
Woo Smile for me. Ha…
Sometimes I'm scared that the focus gets blurry
But you're my eternity
Laugh, laugh, laugh for a moment
You don't know how lovely you are
Until now your tenderness was too much
Because you'll always be in my heart
Woo Smile for me.
Woo Smile for me.
Woo Smile for me.
Woo Smile for me.

Lažan Osmeh

Versions: #2
Posle smejanja dolaze suze
Posle smejanja dolaze suze
Još jedna noć, još jedna žurka, pozdravljam se sa svima
Žao mi je, počeću da idem, moram da idem sada
Imam negde gde moram da budem sada, umirem od gladi
Može li me neko odvesti do kola?
Ako idem sada, neću daleko stići
Srećna sam zbog ljubavi i svega što je iznad
Ako sam iskrena, previše sam prošla
Ne mogu da lažiram još jedan osmeh
Ne mogu da se pretvaram da sam dobro
I neću da kažem da se dobro osećam
Nakon onoga što sam prošla, neću da lažem
Jebeš lažan osmeh, osmeh
Jebeš lažan osmeh, lažan osmeh
Pročitala sam stvari koje pišu o meni
Čujem šta kažu na TV-u, to je ludo
Postaje im sve teže da me šokiraju
Ali s vremena na vreme, šokantno je, nemojte mene kriviti
Znam da je to život koji sam izabrala
Ali, dušo, zahvalna sam, želim da znaš
Srećna sam zbog ljubavi i svega što je iznad
Ako sam iskrena, previše sam prošla
Ne mogu da lažiram još jedan osmeh
Ne mogu da se pretvaram da sam dobro
I neću da kažem da se dobro osećam
Nakon onoga što sam prošla, neću da lažem
Jebeš lažan osmeh, osmeh
Jebeš lažan osmeh, lažan osmeh
Ako sam povređenja, neću da lažem o tome
Ruke su prekrštene sa stavom, usne se napućile
Ako sam ljuta, neću da lažem o tome
Vrat se vrti sa stavom
Ako sam povređena, neću da lažem o tome,
Ruke su prekrštene sa stavom, usne se napućile
Ako sam ljuta neću da lažem o tome
vrat se vrti sa stavom
Ne mogu da lažiram još jedan osmeh
Ne mogu da se pretvaram da sam dobro
I neću da kažem da se dobro osećam
Nakon onoga što sam prošla, neću da lažem
Jebeš lažan osmeh, osmeh
Jebeš lažan osmeh, lažan osmeh

I’ll Smile Even If It Hurts

I still can’t believe it
It feels like I could still see you
I tell myself that it’s a lie
The fact that you left my side
Your face that’s smiling in the photo
The past days that seemed would last forever
But one day, suddenly
You left my side
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
I tell myself that I forgot you, that I’m okay now
But no matter how much I pretend
I keep thinking of you
And tears keep flowing
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
When my heart was aching and hurting
Many good people comforted me
I hope you have that too wherever you are
I pray that you’re happy
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
I’ll smile even if it hurts

Smej se

Versions: #2
Smej se i kad te srce boli
Smej se i kad se ono lomi
I kad je nebo tamno,
Proći ćeš
Ako se osmehneš
Kroz svoj strah i tugu
Smej se i možda Sunce ti donese dugu
Obasjaj svoje lice zrnom radosti
Obriši svaki trag svoje žalosti
Iako je možda suza tako blizu
To je trenutak nadanja,
Daj sve od sebe,
smej se
Nema svrhe od plakanja
Ti shvatićeš da život ima smisla stvarno
Ako daš osmeh samo

Smile for me

My heart can't stop jumping
It dances like popcorn
Softly in our connected fingertips
Love is sprouting
I can't see anything else but you
Let me be by your side, lets join our shoulders
Let's meet each other, look at each other, melt into light
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling
The lemon color wind embraces me
The first love visited me
Just with feeling lightly a light kiss
My heart shivered
Hold me strongly extending both arms
Teach love to my throbbing chest
Let's meet each other, search for each other, we are two since today
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling
I can't see anything else but you
Let me be by your side, lets join our shoulders
Let's meet each other, look at each other, melt into light
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Scars remain

I thought you were joking
When you told that, man
Somebody must've put a curse on us
I thought it was crap
Just a story
Old wives chatter
The cry of the weaklings
Now already 37 days I'm here alone
I cant forgive everything
That you hurt(me) and that you don't fight for us
I don't know what would be right
Pain can be swallowed
But the scars remain
There are many memories
Paths that we walked together
I want to go off to somewhere
Where there is no us
Hundred kilometers an hour
On a narrow gravel road
Nobody forces(me) to do anything
Nobody waits ahead
Now already 37 days, I'm here alone
I cant forgive everything
That you hurt(me) and that you don't fight for us
I don't know what would be right
Pain can be swallowed
But the scars remain

You Make Me Smile

You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry
[Verse 1]
Scenes, climbs end to end
On the chain, which I cut and rejoice
In Super 8, and super blur
Editing taboo images
I make black and white films
And nightmares in colour
Until the hours, of our meeting
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry
[Verse 2]
Dramas, in my script
I do too much, Oscars, actors studio
I make black and white films
That you know in your heart
Until the hours
Of our meeeting
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry
No more tears
No more tears
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry

Сенка твог осмеха

Сенка твог осмеха,
кад будеш отишла,
обојиће све моје снове
и осветлити зору.
Погледај у моје очи,
љубави, и видећеш
све оне љупке ствари
које си ти мени.
Наша чежњива звездица
била је превисоко.
Суза је пољубила твоје усне,
а и ја сам.
Сад кад се сетим пролећа,
свих радости које љубав може да донесе,
увек ћу се сећати
сенке твог осмеха.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Сенка твог осмеха

Сенка твог осмеха,
кад будеш отишла,
обојиће све моје снове
и осветлити зору.
Погледај у моје очи,
љубави, и видећеш
све оне љупке ствари
које си ти мени.
Наша чежњива звездица
била је превисоко.
Суза је пољубила твоје усне,
а и ја сам.
Сад кад се сетим пролећа,
свих радости које љубав може да донесе,
увек ћу се сећати
сенке твог осмеха.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Najbolji lažni osmeh

Ne, ne moraš da nosiš svoj najbolji lažni osmeh
Da stojiš tu a izgaraš iznutra
O o o ako ti ne prija
Ona radi do kasno a pogled joj luta ka vratima
Muka joj je od svih sa njenog sprata
Želi sunce u očima a sve što dobija je zanemarivanje
Ranije se predavala i isto dobijala zauzvrat
Ali sad se upinje u pokušaju da održi iluziju
Znoji se pod reflektorima, i počinje da se lomi
Ne, ne moraš da nosiš svoj najbolji lažni osmeh
Da stojiš tu a izgaraš iznutra
O o o ako ti ne prija
I ne mora da ti bude stalo, zato se na pretvaraj
Nikome ne treba najbolji lažni prijatelj
O oo o ne krij
Bez oklevanja ona sad usaje i odlazi
Ramišlja koliko bola i ponosa ju je to koštalo
Ispraznila je sve tegle za bakšiš ali neće povratiti ono što je izgubila
Kroz prozor im je pokazala znak pobede
Podigla je glavu u znak superiornosti
Ne mora da gleda unazad da bi znala gde mora da ide
Ne, ne moraš da nosiš svoj najbolji lažni osmeh
Da stojiš tu a izgaraš iznutra
O o o ako ti ne prija
I ne mora da ti bude stalo, zato se na pretvaraj
Nikome ne treba najbolji lažni prijatelj
O oo o ne krij
Ako ga ne krvariš onda ti više nije potrebno
Ako ti nije potrebno ustani i ostavi ga na podu
Ne veruj to nije glas koji ne možeš da ignorišeš
Ako ti ne treba ne treba ti ne
Ne, ne moraš da nosiš svoj najbolji lažni osmeh
Da stojiš tu a izgaraš iznutra
O o o ako ti ne prija
I ne mora da ti bude stalo, zato se na pretvaraj
Nikome ne treba najbolji lažni prijatelj
O oo o ne krij
Ne, ne moraš da nosiš svoj najbolji lažni osmeh
Da stojiš tu a izgaraš iznutra
O o o ako ti ne prija
Ooooo oo o ako ti ne prija

Smile (Hana N. Fountainstand)

Let's go!
Spinning around the starry sky
Let's dance together
I know it’ll be fun! Turn the special life
Japanese refinement!
When we're here our hearts jump
There's so many different things
Samurais! Ochimushas! Rebellions?
I don't really get them...
But I love them, they're so cool!
I can't be alone
I'd rather be together with everyone
I want them all to hold me
But a small good bye escaped from my lips...
Let's go!
Spinning around the starry sky
Let's dance together
It'll surely be fun! Turn the special life
I'll come meet you!
So wait right there
Show me your smile!
Made in Japan!
When we're here our hearts tingle
So many things are happening
Takoyaki! Cotton candy! Sea hares?
They look kinda tasty
And also cute, I love them!
I can't have them both
I’ve gotta choose one, but..
They’re both so precious
I loudly and firmly said 'I'm home!'
Let's go!
Under the sun
Let's dance together
I know you won't be able to forget this special life
If we are special friends
Then we're close, even if we're far away
Once our smiles reach each other
Let's go!
We gaze at the faraway skies
Our hearts are connected
And before we know it, our story will break out running
Again today
Spinning around the starry sky
Let's dance together
It'll surely be fun! Turn the special life
I'll come meet you!
So wait right there
Once we hold hands
Show me your smile!

Come with me

Come with me, I will be yours,
You will see where I want to go.
Come with me, connect with me.
Come with me, I will be happy
And maybe you will be happy three times more than me.
Come with me to wish for the good.
Come with me, I will give you what you need,
I will give you things you don't need to pay for.
I will give you things,
that the one, who was there before me, promised you.
All the things he didn't give you.
I will show you the world which you wanted,
I will prove how the little can be a lot.
Just give me a time, so you can understand,
That I am what you've wanted so much.
Take my hand, everything will change.
Let's be connected like a needle and a thread.
Don't worry about that you can't change.
You will not get lost with me, I am your destiny.
Come with me, I will be yours,
You will see where I want to go.
Come with me, connect with me.
Come with me, I will be happy
And maybe you will be happy three times more than me.
Come with me to wish for the good.
Let's stay together forever
Just one for another,
Let's meet our dream that the world doesn't involve us.
We have our own world,
There is just you and me in it,
I wish that nobody can separate us.
Till the end of the time are we.
We belong together,
Even if they say we are not meant for each other.
Take my hand, everything will change.
Let's be connected like a needle and a thread.
Don't worry about that you can't change.
You will not get lost with me,
We are meant for each other.


Why do you complicate your life?
Why the sadness and despair?
If you forgot then remember…
The life of our Prophet, and contemplate…
Follow his advice and be optimistic
Give glad tidings, do not scare people away
And allow none but Allah in your heart
He has the power to turn your hardship into ease
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him (x2)
Stand up to pray and supplicate from your heart
He will take your worries away
As long as you believe in your Lord…
He will be as your good opinion is of Him
And say “O Lord, I am your slave - O Allah!”
“I am content with Your decree and Your justice - O Allah!'
Do your part and then rely on Him
And pin all your hopes on Allah, and pray
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him (x2)
Where did all this despair come from?
Tell me, where is your faith gone?!
Everything that happens is by the will of Allah
And hardship is always followed by ease
Where did all this despair come from?
Tell me, where is your faith gone?!
Everything that happens is by the will of Allah
And hardship is always followed by ease
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him

Rekindle the spark

Child, what do you want to be
When others produce dreams
When all of them around you
Are directed or written
Watch out what you give for money
Traps are laid out
Stare them in the eyes
And don't let them change you
And there's people of good that tell you to give up
But when the heart shouts, I say you listen to it
Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire
If you shove your elbows room will be made
Do the first step, it isn't far away
Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose
Because you can't lose what you never had
Just make the first step, it isn't far away
There's no point in being sad
Life's just a game
You can make it paradise
Hurry up because it will pass
Enjoy today
You'll find reasons for sure
Laugh at all that's fake
And don't let that change you.
And there's people of good that tell you to give up
But when the heart shouts, I say you listen to it
Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire
If you shove your elbows room will be made
Do the first step, it isn't far away
Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose
Because you can't lose what you never had
Just make the first step, it isn't far away
My mom told me to live every day like it was the last
And to dance when the songs come on
When you have something to say, child don't hesitate
Life is simple, just live it and don't complicate it
I said like Gopo to animate it nicely
I feel like Simo on a final of Roland Garros
Oo, and the money's not controlling me
When I go all-in with ten-seven like Negreanu, yo
And if I'll cop it, I'll do like Bute
Because life can sometimes also shake you
But it's nothing, it's nothing and whatever it would be
I've got wings from the trend, from Henri
I fly with the thought and so I see them all
I pass through India with flair from Eliade, ah
Don't say that the plea doesn't hold
Because I'll raise my eyebrow now higher than Anastasia
God, guide my steps
If I'll step in void, make it be like Hagi
And if it goes up in smoke
I will smile like Mr. Iancu
Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire
If you shove your elbows room will be made
Do the first step, it isn't far away
Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose
Because you can't lose what you never had
Just make the first step, it isn't far away

It will be always us...

Black dark with white light
The silence met the noise
A shiny lacquer with a matt laquer
Anarchy and law
The future in the past
And calm hide in anger
A question with an answer
You with me and me with you
It will be always us
Four eyes, four hands
It will be always us
Whatever will happen
It will be always us
Whether at a table or in a bed
Nobody will tear us apart
The time spilled in the space
And a hot dessert and a sea
Stone is turning into sand
And boiling water into ice
January in the middle of July
The sheep are caressing with the wolf
And serpentine road with the straight one
You with me and me with you
It will be always us
Four eyes, four hands
It will be always us
Whatever will happen
It will be always us
Whether at a table or in a bed
Nobody will tear us apart
It will be always us
Nobody will tear us apart

With a Smile and a Song

With a smile and a song
Life is just like a bright sunny day
With no worries and the heart is young
With a smile and a song
The world seems to waken anew
With a blissful gaze, as the song is sung
You shouldn't be grumbling
It's better to be happy
Because anyone
Can shine like a star
Whoever sings and smiles
Walks along to the sounds of life
With a careful step
With a smile and a song

With the flax

We have always wandered down roads, that's what makes a traveller
But now we are going home, the whole gang, with the flax, with the flax
We have brought with us talent, you choose your winner
Andy and Andra and Mihai Petre with the flax, with the flax
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We have made Bartos sexy, and so all the people shout
I am a modest and simple boy, I came only with the flax, with the flax
I have done my repetitions too and I have prepared the decorations
And Maciuca boosts our morale, only with the flax, with the flax
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
Some came with their mothers, others with their admirers
Some end up with fame, but some only with the flax, with the flax
Gather, everyone, wherever you have a television
So that it ends up a good job, everyone open up with the flax, with the flax
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax

Dolu Gülümseme

Eğer üzgünüm dersem
Yalan söyleyen sadece ben olurum
Kollarımda olduğun zaman
Önemsiz olduğumu hissediyorum
Hiç bu kadar tatmin olmuş hissetmedim
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Dolu bir gülümseme
Boş bir bardak
Ve son bir dans
Ele ele yürürken
Tek istediğim sensin
Ve sen yokken evet
Gittiğini fark etmem bile
Zar zor devam ediyoruz
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Bana seni istetiyorsun bebeğim
Bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun?
Hal bebeğim istiyorum
Bellli bir tür karmaşa
Bana seni istetiyorsun bebeğim
Bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun?
Hal bebeğim istiyorum
Bellli bir tür karmaşa
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Dolu bir gülümseme
Boş bir bardak
Ve son bir dans

não posso sorrir sem ti

sabes que não posso sorrir sem ti
não posso sorrir sem ti
não consigo rir, não consigo dormir
nem mesmo conversar com aqueles que conheço
sinto-me triste quando estás triste
sinto-me feliz quando estás feliz
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti
vieste, como uma canção
clareaste meu dia
quem acreditaria que eras uma parte de um sonho
que parecia estar a anos luz de distância
sabes que não posso sorrir sem ti
não posso sorrir sem ti
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti
uns dizem que a felicidade oscila
é difícil de encontrar
na novidade, deixando o velho para trás
sinto-me triste quando estás triste
sinto-me feliz quando estás feliz
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti
na novidade, deixando o velhor para trás
sinto-me triste quando estás triste
sinto-me feliz quando estás feliz
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti

Smile on your face

Smile on your face
what a wonderful place
the situation I like more
Grass under feet
and in a cup some coffee
but just a cigarette to share
Children are playing
and 'SuperSantos' in the air
let's move there a little bit
I sing you a song
That I wrote all alone
I'm even playin it for you, so now what do you want?
for this smile on your face,
what I'd give..
I'm just afraid if I think about it,
With this smile on your face
you make me fool
and it is not good...
Tears down your eyes
I don't understand why
rain came to see us.
Oh no, no woman no cry,
'are you serious?'
everything's gonna be alright.
for this smile on your face,
what I'd give..
I'm just afraid if I think about it,
With this smile on your face
you make me fool
and you walk away.
smile on your face,
what a wonderful place
I don't know anymore what to invent.
and now it stopped raining
I am all wet
...I wanna go back home in a hurry!

What am I doing with you from today?

I forgot to ask how are you doing?
So busy until you let me free.
Once we were close,
Once we were more sincere.
Did I give too little or did you want too much?
You wanted hours from me, I only had seconds.
Now we are hiding behind the silent walls,
Together alienated.
Chorus x 2
What am I doing with you from today?
I've argued with you since yesterday.
I do not even know how much time do I have,
Tomorrow it may not even be anymore.
Guess Who
I knew you yesterday, you're different today
Come on, pour gas.
By tomorrow, by no means
Look into my eyes, you fall!
As I'm not too special either,
Whatever you have done to endure,
All the past, you can burn it
You're indecisive, I'm awake.
I know you from one look
You inspire, you expire dissatisfaction.
How could we match
So different as characters?
How come that the extremes attract each other,
When they go in opposite ways?
When the prides are fighting, who's guilty?
Too bad that time doesn't stop,
And it doesn't go back either.
In vain it passes if there won't be anything of us,
Everything leaves you cold when you have too many needs
You started thinking for both of us.
Chorus x 2
What am I doing with you from today?
I've argued with you since yesterday.
I do not even know how much time do I have,
Tomorrow it may not even be anymore.
Did I give too little or did you want too much?
You wanted hours from me, I only had seconds.
Now we are hiding behind the silent walls,
Together alienated.
Chorus x 3
What am I doing with you from today?
I've argued with you since yesterday.
I do not even know how much time do I have,
Tomorrow it may not even be anymore.


Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because good things will surely come to pass
When I've still got things to do late at night
Nothing goes right at all, so frustrated
My co-workers are about to go home leaving me behind at work
So I'm pointing my rubber-band gun at their backs (missed)
Never thought they got me to do goddamn word-processing
Wouldn't have it that way
That's completely unfair
Because I don't know how to convert my words either
Pah Pah Para-pah (ain't get it)
It's around nine o'clock (my god!)
The show's about to start (what to do)
While I'm doing all this
I should have recorded it early on
Did someone do for me?
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because there's no point
In hanging down and brooding over it
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's get by today again
Because good things will surely come to pass
On a warm beautiful Sunday
When I called my friend
She says, 'I'm sorry, I'm on a date right now'
... I feel like I'm completely alone
What a hassle it could be
Pah Pah Para-pah (ain't get it)
On the way back from the convenience store
I found someone cool (feeling excited)
While I set my front hair
A cute girl is running close to him from the distance
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
While you smile all the time
I bet you'll ever find someone special for you
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because good things will surely come to pass
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because there's no point
In hanging down and brooding over it
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's get by today again
Because good things will surely come to pass
Because someone special will surely come around
Come around just for me

Vidim Tvoj Osmeh

Jezik mi se pomalo zaveže
Svaki put kad pričam s tobom,
Kad te vidim
I baš mi je drago što ti je promaklo
Kako sam zurila
da ti upamtim lice.
Da bih te u mislima ljubila
Da bih te stalno volela
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Previše sam puta rizikovala
Tražeći istinu u ljubavi
Koja mi je u srcu
Reci me ako sam pogrešno nastupila
Reci mi ako sam te postidela
Zato što znam da moram ovo uraditi
Hoćeš li me u tome podržati
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Morala sam ti reći
Šta bi se desilo
Da, morala sam ti
Reći istinu
Znam da moram ovo uraditi
Hoćeš li me
za ruku držati
Hoćeš li
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Ja znam da to
je istina kad
ti kažem da te volim

Smešiću se

Mnogo je vremena prošlo
Nisam mislio da ćeš me ti prva pozvati
'Ako si slobodan,
Hajde da se nađemo'
Kako da odbijem to?
Sada sam polu-uzbhđen
I polu-uplašen
Jer, šta ako
Da mi i dalje nedostaješ?
Ali danas, ja ću se smešiti
Čak iako me voli, ja ću se smešiti
Pred tobom
Pretvaraću se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo
Pretvaraću se da sam dobro
Moram to da uradim
Smešim se, smešim se
Da bismo s vremena na vreme
Mogli da se sretnemo sa osmehom
Moram da se smešim, smešiću se
Ti si i dalje ista
Tvoj osmeh je i dalje tako lep
Da mogu
Pitao bih te
Da mi se vratiš
Ovog trenutka
Ali danas, ja ću se smešiti
Čak iako me voli, ja ću se smešiti
Pred tobom
Pretvaraću se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo
Pretvaraću se da sam dobro
Moram to da uradim
Smešim se, smešim se
Da bismo s vremena na vreme
Mogli da se sretnemo sa osmehom
Moram da se smešim, smešiću se
Kada jedno drugom kažemo 'zbogom'
Moj osmeh će nestati
Ali danas, ja ću se smešiti
Čak iako me voli, ja ću se smešiti
Do samog kraja
Pretvaraću se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo
Pretvaraću se da sam dobro
Moram to da uradim
Smešim se, smešim se
Da bismo s vremena na vreme
Mogli da se sretnemo sa osmehom
Moram da se smešim, smešiću se
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)