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This evening

Together again and end of loneliness
I leave myself in your hands again
Together again falling into the fire
falling both and wherever it might bring us
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream...
Together again and our time stops us
in our most secretly of Eros(=love) time
Together again to live for the first time
the most crazy trip in our life
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream...

HAPPY! Stand Up

We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free
We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free
We knew when we were little
Those words move towards happiness
Adults forget
those nostalgic words
Do it
Love's continuation
Do it
Love's lessons
Do it
Earth's voice
Can you hear it?
We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free
We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free
An endless Sunday
Those words echo
An entirely limitless
courage comes forth with those words
Do it
A love greater than love
Do it
Higher than affection
Do it
Even out in space
Can you hear it?
We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free
We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free
We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free
We found it
That's right, get closer
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Flirtatious Love
HAPPY! Stand Up
That's right, stand up
Check it out, Check it out, yo! Yeah
Happy Happy Free

That Distant Shore

The earth became more beautiful
And the sky (became) bright
When you made me discover brand new strange feelings
I think that's why I stayed here
So I would still laugh
When I found colors that I hadn't known about
Maybe sometime I'll sit on our beach and stay*
And I wouldn't be alone
But the fire of the color stops
The shadows toss the light out of the way
The fears are beating in the dark
Drumming the old pain
Do not!*
Now something is wrong with my mind
It's digging at my heart
Because I can't understand your braveness
Maybe sometime I'll stay at our beach laughing
And I wouldn't be alone

Stand By

Even if I stay up till late night,
there's more movies
Something more than what just runs on the TV,
a story similar to you
A melody similar to you,
there are many emotions captured in it
I need you whom I long for,
I'm especially desperate today
Come towards me now,
It's still the same,
the seat I've left there is empty
Without any changes,
I'm ready to welcome you
(Background music)
A sad song that's really slow,
I won't play it, it's obvious,
that there isn't an ending
The long-awaited curtain finally open,
and the light that shines only on you on the stage
I'm ready, stand by.
Even if the end comes, stand by me,
Stand by me
Filling up the background,
We don't talk anymore
The melo starts with an excited sound of breathing.
The graceful cliché feuds
Skip them,
I'm gonna erase the bitter twist
I don't wanna miss a thing
since it's for you, my greed overfills, mise en scène
Deeply buried in my life,
I took out all the crumbled and dull memories and emotions.
This faint nervousness that covers the both of us
And an incomplete drawing till now,
I want it
What a day
What a life
Without any changes,
I'm ready to welcome you
(Background music)
A sad song that's really slow,
I won't play it, it's obvious,
that there isn't an ending
The long-awaited curtain finally open,
and the light that shines only on you on the stage
I'm ready, stand by.
Even if the end comes, stand by me,
Stand by me
The sky was beautiful during the sunset,
but it's meaningless without you
that I had dreamt of
Cause you are my moonlight
Cause you are my starlight
Cause you are my
Cause you are my
The long-awaited curtain finally open,
and the light that shines only on you on the stage
I'm ready, stand by.
Even if the end comes, stand by me,
Stand by me

Моја Атина

Изгубљен ходам уским путевима према брду Филопапу
овуда, куда град не јурца
у центру је почео 'круг смрти', на суботње вече
Вјетар ми пробија тијело
мокрији сам од капута ми
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Из парка допире дим
са балкона миришу јасмини и ноћурак
а на једном раштиманом клавиру свира се Тситсанис
Све ове године, свако вече, али није довољно,
неко ће рећи да ми је ово постала навика,
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Самоћа је вук који завија у ноћи
вечерас ни вријеме није на мојој страни
и пошто киша никако није постала лед, зора је сванула
Прошло је доста мјесеци откако си ми далеко
да је лутка из мог излога сада мрачна
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Жалосно звони звоно са цркве светог Димитрија
као да ми говори да смо и данас изгубили
мјесец се вратио у своје гнијездо, али ја то нисам примијетио
На клупи, док спавам на рукама као на јастуку,
мој ум ме везао за моју гиљотину
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Самоћа је вук који завија у ноћи
вечерас ни вријеме није на мојој страни
и пошто киша никако није постала лед, зора је сванула
Прошло је доста мјесеци откако си ми далеко
да је лутка из мог излога сада мрачна
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини

Les moments

Je ne sortirai plus à la recherche de l'amour jusqu'à ne apprendre à m'aimer comme il le faut, je vais mettre un cadenas et une clé à mon cœur et je laisserait. passer premièrement celui qui sache le démontrer.
Je vais cesser d'être si bon , ne plus me confier
Y valoriser celui qui montre un amour sincère
Ne plus désirer qu'ils me disent je t'aime parce que cela ne se décidé pas y m'empêche de voler de nouveau.
Donc je laisse de côté le mal,
Que mieux on vit quand tu simplifies,
Que s'aimer es une chose de deux mais c'est bon, si tu ne veux plus être dans ma vie alors va-t-en fille.
Aujourd'hui je ne veux plus de poésie négatives parce que la musique ne me fait pas me sentir seul
Et se sais maintenant que la vie va me sourire et que je suis en train de le faire bien si je m'écris une belle chanson et que je pleure.
Si l'amour nous échappe des doigts cela suffit de de le soutenir avec les remède de quelqu'un peut-être.
Qui est aussi fortement sincère à quoi bon ce je suis désolé si tu ne ressens pas que m'as fait mal ?
Dès fois ce qui est juste peut aussi t'offencé, mieux s'en aller à temps que le temps s'en aille et...
Aujourd'hui je vais me concentrer sur l'essentiel, le bonheur se choisit si on règle par moments.
Et si la vie est un mystère je préfère la vivre que de la résoudre.
Je ne prends pas tellement au sérieux les problèmes je trouve toujours des solutions pour réussir à les vaincres
Bien que l'amour nos rend libres, quand tu te serre, pour aimer celui qui te regarde
Et fais que ton monde tourne, il n'arrête pas de pleuvoir la grêle et?
Quelques fois ça fait mal et autres fois ça guéri
Que grandir c'est apprendre aussi que le bien s'achève, valorise celui qui reste et t'aime en biens et males
Que les amours qui vont et viennent ont des heures comptées.
Écoute-moi jusqu'à l'aube, quand se décline l'âme,
Quand le cœur ne supporte plus son poids, je serai en train de t'écrire du rap jusqu'aux beaucoup, comment ne pas choisir celui qui me calme et qui me sauve ?
Si l'amour nous échappe d'entre les doigts il suffit de le soutenir avec les remèdes de quelqu'un peut-être. Qui est aussi courageux que sincères

Stand Up

After it rained, the clouds become clear
The clouds that were dark become white
The sun that was hidden shines brightly
The sunset that sets becomes redder
The quite, tough times has past
Are the painful scars healing
Now I don't feel any pain
How much I've cried
Like a young boy
I remember the memories of that time
Even after I hold onto the innocent wall
The raging fist has not gone down
You need to blow after sighing a 'huh'
You need to cry after shedding a tear
You need to get up after holding and holding it in again
You can get up again even after you kneel and fall down
Joy comes after pain
Happiness comes after joy
After happiness comes love
Don't frown, everything will come and find you
One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two
Three, four let me say hey ho
And you say A YO everybody A YO
leave all your worries aside and yell woo
Stop thinking and just go
Even if it rains all day
Let's go as if it was cleaned
Let's laugh turn up
After it rained, the clouds become clear
The clouds that were dark become white
The sun that was hidden shines brightly
The sunset that sets becomes redder
After it rained, the clouds become clear
The clouds that were dark become white
The sun that was hidden shines brightly
The sunset that sets
Joy comes after pain
Happiness comes after joy
After happiness comes love
Don't frown, everything will come and find you

Look at These Pretty Girls

Look at these pretty girls
And what glowing eyes they have!
Little Helens, Daisies
And other beautiful flowers.
Look at these pretty girls
With golden pigtails!
A song of longing flies in their way,
It's the dear song of the heart,
They pick it up from flying, they sing it together
With voices of larks.
They have silk in their eyelashes
Or gossamer thread,
They make jokes and laugh cheerful
When they see some lad.
And all of them are beautiful,
As if they were sisters,
You don't know which one to marry.
Chorus (x2)
With their magical hand,
Under the indescribable skies,
They weave our happiness
And for happiness, a dream.
The blue sky resounds
By their cheerful song,
'Cause that's how the girls from our place are.

In a Nearly Pink Room

Look, we're alone in this room,
yet there's someone watching us.
Do you hear it? You can't even hear the noises,
yet there's something moving.
Kiss what tastes like you
and turn off this too-strong light.
Beautiful, I'm travelling miles per hour
with you in a nearly pink room.
Here no one can divide
what God has wanted.
Here no one can decide for us.
Caress me without shame.
Even laugh, if you want to.
And you'll see sooner or later you'll do it
out of here.
With no fear and with the sun.
With no more eyes to avoid.
With no fear and with the sun
with the courage of those who want to.
Look, this love becomes greater
and squeezes us inside this room.
So, outside, let's dress again and then go outside,
and let's alight all our dreams.
Under this blue sky, courage.
No one will separate anymore
my hand from yours.
You'll see.
With no fear and with the sun.
With no more eyes to avoid.
With no fear and with the sun,
with the courage of those who want to.
Look, we're alone in this room
yet there's someone watching us.

Velvet Night

Around me is so much happiness,
So many love flowers in sight,
But I stay always thoughtful,
And I stay with night until dawn for advice.
Velvet night
Tell me which my star is?
It isn’t possibly you do not know it
Among so many galaxies,
You have to find it somewhere.
Velvet night
Tell me which is my star,
But if you see it when it wanders,
Tell me which star it talks to,
Maybe in this way I found my love.
But if you see it when it wanders,
Tell me which star it talks to,
Maybe in this way I found my love.
With the soul dressed for feast
I wait for my first sun ray,
For that I stay always thoughtful,
With the night until dawn for advice.

If We Will See Each Other Again

We are parted now by a road of doubt,
How much I’d want to erase the shadows of mistake,
And how close a time of happiness will bring us,
If we open wide the gates of love
If we will see each other again,
If you will wait for me,
I will maybe believe
That I live a dream.
But I will understand then,
That on your sky a star
Of our love has lighted on.
We are parted now by a test road,
How much I’d want we cross the threshold of remembrance ,
And how close a time of happiness will bring us,
If we open wide the gates of love .
Refrain x4
If we will see each other again.

Stand There

'These kids these days1 are different'
That's what parents say:
'It doesn't seem that they have direction...
I'd like to know who's raising them'
'They're different
They're different
Oh, kids these days are different
I don't2 know where they belong
But surely not in my apartment
Shitty music
Filth on the television
What3 beautiful values their brains are absorbing'
'They're different
Oh, these kids are different
Not like in previous times
Kids these days are different'
Why you always stand there?
Why you always stare?
Why you always stand there
Like I ain't even there?
Why you always stand there
With your stupid hair?
I don't understand you
You don't even care
Why you always stand there?
Why you always stare?
Why you always stand there
Like I ain't even there?
Why you always stand there
With your stupid hair?
I don't understand you
You don't even care
'Oh, I don't understand parents'
That's what kids say:
'To work hard for a crumb of money
Just to spend it
So that the world believes they have it'
'Oh, they're different
Living so that others believe
That they have4 everything kings had5'
Why you always stand there?
Why you always stare?
Why you always stand there
Like I ain't even there?
Why you always stand there
With your stupid hair?
I don't understand you
You don't even care
Why you always stand there?
Why you always stare?
Why you always stand there
Like I ain't even there?
Why you always stand there
With your stupid hair?
I don't understand you
You don't even care
Why you always stand there?
Why you always stare?
Why you always stand there
Like I ain't even there?
Why you always stand there
With your stupid hair?
I don't understand you
You don't even care
Why you always stand there?
Why you always stare?
Why you always stand there
Like I ain't even there?
Why you always stand there
With your stupid hair?
I don't understand you
You don't even care
  • 1. 'icet' corresponds to Standard French 'ici', meaning 'here'
  • 2. 'Point' corresponds to Standard French 'pas' as a negating particle
  • 3. 'tcheu' is the Acadian equivalent of Standard French 'quel'
  • 4. 'avont' corresponds to Standard French 'ont'
  • 5. 'aviont' corresponds to Standard French 'avaient'


Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви... на дрвету!
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету

Ostani kraj mene

Kada padne noć
I sve postane tamno
I mesec postane jedino svetlo koje vidimo
Neću biti uplašen, o, neću
Sve dok stojiš kraj mene, stojiš kraj mene
O draga, draga, ostani kraj mene, o, ostani kraj mene
O ostani, ostani kraj mene, ostani kraj mene
Ako nebo koje gledamo
Bude trebalo da se raspe i padne
Ili planine budu trebale da se stuše u more
Neću plakati, neću plakati, neću pustiti suzu
Sve dok stojiš kraj mene, stojiš kraj mene
I draga, draga, ostani kraj mene, o, ostani kraj mene
O ostani, ostani kraj mene, ostani kraj mene
O draga, draga, ostani kraj mene, o, ostani kraj mene
O ostani, ostani kraj mene, ostani kraj mene
Uvek kada si u nevolji, ostani kraj mene,
o, otani kraj mene, o ostani, o ostani kraj mene

The rhythm of silence

Darkness my old friend
I want to converse with you,
it doesn't matter what I've seen
but it will always be inside of me,
a strange nightmare of a neon light
and the rhythm of silence.
In my restless dreams I saw
immense streets without end,
people walking through there,
people walking unable to find an end
and suddenly, I saw a light in the street that blinded me
amidst the silence.
And with that strong light
people talking without speaking
people without singing sang too,
something that I had never learned
because those people would never disrupt
the rhythm of silence.
I told them and yelled at them:
'The silence will come to be
and one day may come when
it will take over us'
but they wouldn't heed me,
they continued in silence.
And the people bowed
worshiping that light,
nothing could be heard
not even a murmur from the sea,
because everyone in my dream
I saw them all looking without finding
the rhythm of silence.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Prayer for water

Versions: #2
They are disappearing, the places
Where my ancient love gathered water
Where the deers quenched their thirst, where the tree frogs lived,
Where pilgrims knelt down and drank from their hands
The water remembers
The water is beautiful
The water has
The water has let down her hair
Protect the water
Don't let it go dark, the stars' age-old mirror
Bring the horse to water
Bring the horse black as night
The water is sad
The water has
The water has tousled hair
And who will dive to the bottom
Who will dive to the stars for the ring
The water is a widow in morning
The water has
The water has ash in her hair
The water longs for us

Stajati mirno

[Strofa 1]
Neba od plavog i ptice od žutog
Cveća rastu samo da bi cvetala
Milion šansi naših pogleda
Upućujemo poglede preko sobe
Ako vreme stoji
Krenuću ka tebi
Ovaj svet je ispunjen
Nekako te vidim
Krenuću ka tebi
[Strofa 2]
Kiša bi mogla da ti lije po licu sada
I ipak tvoja lepota bi sijala
Živeo bih hiljadu života
Ako si ti ta koju sam poslat da nađem
Ako vreme stoji
Krenuću ka tebi
Ovaj svet je ispunjen
Nekako te vidim
Krenuću ka tebi
Pomeri svu vodu, draga
Podigni gore kamenje, plima zaglavljuje
Ništa nas ne može zaustaviti
Pomeri svu vodu, draga
Podigni gore kamenje, plima zaglavljuje
Ništa nas ne može zaustaviti
Ako vreme stoji
Krenuću ka tebi
Ovaj svet je ispunjen
Nekako te vidim
Ako vreme stoji (Ako vreme stoji)
Krenuću ka tebi (Krenuću ka tebi)
Ovaj svet je ispunjen
Nekako te vidim (Nekako te vidim)
Krenuću ka tebi

Alas station

Not Yet… (The Station “SorrY”)
translation by Dmytro Zelenskyy 2016-01-09
Let’s open the novel -
the last page of the stage where it is,
and there you may set
the bookmark made of lucky train ticket.
That is – we arrived …. to the station
with sad name – “SorrY”
And now we have transfer
to route of remarkable “50-ties”
Oh, no need those cheers!
Please command loud orchestra “Off!”
Is there any reason
for a party with standing ovation?
It was long ago,
when we were at “Village of Love”
And now we have often
to be at crossroads “Separation”.
Recall how we crafted
our fates and lives just recently,
and dramas felt fine
with some friends and some enemies by sides.
This days at the station
with strange and sad name of “SorrY”
we build no illusions,
have built for ourselves decent houses.
“Oh, sorry, but you
cannot stay for too long at this place,” -
the switchman directs,
pushing us forward to cataclysms.
Hear siren farewell
in the night from the great express trains -
“Vladimir Vysotsky”
and “Yuri Iosiphych Visbor”.
Don’t push the hard break,
no hysteria – “Final? – Not yet!”
Watch green traffic light,
that’s the color of hope, growth and balance.
Don’t listen to people,
who says “Our cinema dead”.
There will be more movies,
but roles for us are not majors.
For now we streamline
through the bores in rumors and claims
on weak shaky bridges
of lies and the insinuations*.
Straight-lined to reach
station named for common misfortune -“SorrY”,
where we will take new
line for cherished, precious “50-ties”.

Maiden's Tears

How few of bald-shaved're in this building,
How few of them're in other homes.
How few of bald-shaved're out of prison,
So many more are doing time.
I'll tell you of the dreams,
I'll tell you what it's like,
I'll tell you where pain is,
I'll tell you what is high...
All maiden's tears're just a bluff,
They'll only last until the spring.
The spring will pass, and separation pain will too,
And like a dream your childish dreams will melt like snow in spring.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


Versions: #2
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я не люблю ходить рядом с тобой, наши руки то и дело соприкасаются
И каждый раз я хочу удержать её, но не могу
Я не люблю сидеть рядом с тобой, Ты облокотишься на меня и уснёшь
Пока ты будешь спать, мы будем грезить о разных вещах
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я не люблю, когда ты плачешь передо мной, ведь моё сердце разрывается от боли
Я готов сделать всё для тебя, но я не 'тот' человек
Я хочу побыть вот так с тобой рядом ещё чуточку дольше
Но я больше не могу смотреть тебе в глаза и скрывать свои чувства.
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я приду к тебе, я признаюсь тебе сейчас, я хочу держать тебя за руку
Я приду к тебе, я признаюсь тебе сейчас, я хочу мечтать о том же, о чём и ты
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече

I love this country

I love this country
It's so ascetic and beautiful
I love this country
From the islands at the sea to the fjelds
I love this Northern country
The shining glimmer of its summers
I can't describe it in words
Only heart can understand
I love this country
The bitter glow of autumn
I love this country
As long as there's frost and ice in my soul
And when the ground gleaming from spring's ecstasy
Sprouts into blue stars
I'll never forget what we saw here
I have to make my praises
I love this country
The handprints of its people
I love this country
Its eternal songs
I love the quiet country
Where the forest's loneliness can be heard
The singing wind in the pinewood
The brightness of summer, the darkness of night
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Georgi Was Left An Orphan

Georgi was left an orphan,
without a father, this Georgi, but with a mother.
So his mother raised him,
he bacame a big lad.
Wonders his mother, she wonders,
what craft to choose for him.
She chose, his moher, she chose,
to make him a goldsmith.
A young goldsmith in the village,
to make bracelets, rings.
Georgi was pouring gold,
pouring gold, he was.
Twice his face was shining,
twice shined, threefold shined on.

Dear Stano

Dear Stano, pure Stano,
When did you grow, dear, when did you grow?
When did you grow, dear, when did you grow,
A grown woman you've become!
A grown woman you've become!
A grown woman, dear, ready for marriage.
With your cherry eyes,
Whoever you see, dear, you burn him.
Whoever you see, you burn him.
You saw me, dear, and you burnt me, too.
You saw me, dear, and you burnt me, too.
You burnt me, dear, burnt me so bad.

These Moments of My Life

To write—to write
on the walls
'I love you—I love you,
I am sure of it.'
To cry—to cry
in the rain.
To sing—to sing
at midnight.
To run—to run
in the wheat.
To suffer—to suffer
from love of you.
To want—to want
to forget you.
One evening—one evening
to marry you.
These moments of my life
belong to me—
no one but me—
like a photograph
that no one
will take.
The most beautiful memories
are all of those
that I invent myself
for fun.
I loved you.
It is far—it is far.
These moments of my life
belong to me—
no one but me—
like a photograph
that no one
will take.
To write—to write
on the walls
'I love you—I love you,
I am sure of it.'
To cry—to cry
in the rain.
To sing—to sing
at midnight.
These moments of my life
belong to me—
no one but me—
like a photograph
that no one
will take.
To run—to run
in the wheat.
To suffer—to suffer
from love of you.
To want—to want
to forget you.
One evening—one evening
to marry you.
I loved you.
It is far—it is far.

I love you

Versions: #2
Love is like yesterday
With us in the games we play
You've come to me now, my love
I love you forever
Once we watched the world
Now it's flying towards us
Oh, my love forever
I love you
Once we watched the world
Now you're beside me again
Oh, my love forever
I love you
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

The better ones stay

I respect the law…
So that the chosen ones vanquish,
The better ones stay
The better ones stay
I benefit with my performance,
Entitlement to live like a gladiator...
The better ones stay
The better ones stay

Uspomena na jedan trenutak

Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da prestane
Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da umre.
Kada se istinski voli
Ništa te više ne plaši
Ni vreme, ni ljudi
Ni nebo koje se mrači.
A kada stigne, kuca snažno
Ponekad zaboli
Kada sruši vrata
I sruči se u tvoje srce.
Nisi shvatao, nisi znao
Šta je spavalo u tebi
Ova ljubav koju sada osećaš
Veliku i snažnu u sebi
Kada se istinski voli
Ništa te više ne plaši
Ni vreme, ni ljudi
Ni nebo koje se mrači
Uspomena jednog trenutka
Duža je od života
Uvek ostaje uz tebe
Ako je stegneš između prstiju
Ostaje zaključana u naručju
I kada odeš
Uspomena jednog trenutka
Nikada ne može da prestane
Uspomena jednog trenutka
Kada je prava, kada je velika
Može postati i večna
Kada eksplodira u glavi
Ostaje zaključana u tvom srcu
I kada odeš
Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da prestane.
Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da prestane.

Stajanje, trčanje

Stajanje kod prozora
Posmatranje kiše
Razmišljanje o tebi
Eto prijatne vrste bola
Kada mi se plače
Samo me ostavi
Ne želim lagati
Zato, nemoj me pitati
Ne želim da umrem
Molim te, nemoj me ubiti
Ako ne možeš da razumeš
Nemoj ni da me osuđuješ
Ako želiš da letiš
Dođi i pridruži mi se
I seti se zbog čega
Nikad neću reći zbogom
Zamisli me
Reci mi šta vidiš
Ima li nade
Nove šanse za mene
Molim te, pomozi mi!
Pomozi mi!
Pomozi mi!
Pomozi mi!
Pomozi mi!

The Chestnuts In The Orchards

Versions: #2
There are chestnuts in the gardens
They fall down one by one.
Oh my! My darling, come lie near me
Let me drape pearls about your neck
Wandering through the gardens,
I am overcome by your love
Oh my! My dearest, come lie near me
Let me wrap silken scarf round your neck
The orchards, they are now bearing
How grand it is to be in love
Oh my! My darling, come lie near me
Let me entwine red roses about your wrap
There are chestnuts in the gardens
The orchards, they are now bearing
Wandering through the gardens
I am overcome by your love
Oh my! My dearest, come lie near me
Let me plait red roses round your neck
Oh my! My dearest, come lie near me
Let me entwine red roses about your wrap

What Should I Do With (Just) This

Versions: #2
What should I do with (just) this
Me getting two kisses from you, secretly
What should I do with (just) this
What should I do with (just) this
Every look (we give to each other) setting a fire
What should I do with (just) this
In every dream I think
That I can touch you
And every time we meet, I lose you
What should I do with (just) this
I want, you, in this lifetime
To be more important to me than myself
To be able to see, anytime
That I could die for you
Me loving you and you loving me
What should I do with (just) this
You are forbidden to, I am not allowed to
Have something more (with each other)
What should I do with (just) this
The loudly beating heart
What should I do with (just) this
What should I do with (just) this
Me stealing a hug for you, secretly
What should I do with (just) this
In every dream I think
That I can touch you
And every time we meet, I lose you
What should I do with (just) this
I want, you, in this lifetime
To be more important to me than myself
To be able to see, anytime
That I could die for you
Me loving you and you loving me
What should I do with (just) this
You are forbidden to, I am not allowed to
Have something more (with each other)


You think you have it all figured out
Your eyes have come across a new target
It's no wonder you got surprised
It's payback time
You're shining like a diamond
As if the heart is beating
(Karma, karma)
You're playing dead, but there's no escape
And my head's about to explode
(Karma, karma)
Miracle, miracle, miracle
A miracle happened
Miracle, miracle, miracle
Was exactly what I needed
Crazy, crazy, crazy
We love each other like crazy
We love each other like crazy
A miracle happened
If you keep bottling up your feelings
In the end you end up in hell, don't you?
Let the life give me some kind of sign
And show me how to be free and strong
You're shining like a diamond
As if the heart is beating
(Karma, karma)
You're playing dead, but there's no escape
And my head's about to explode
(Karma, karma)
Miracle, miracle, miracle
A miracle happened
Miracle, miracle, miracle
Was exactly what I needed
Crazy, crazy, crazy
We love each other like crazy
We love each other like crazy
A miracle happened

Stojim na ivici

Noćas sam sanjao
Sanjao sam tvoje draži
Stajao sam na ivici ljubavi, dušo
Dok sam te grlio
Šaputala si slatke reči i rekla mi
Rekla si mi da ćeš me voleti
I da ćeš uvek biti verna
I da ćeš stajati na ivici ljubavi zajedno sa mnom
Stajaću sa tobom
Zato stojim na ivici ljubavi
Rizikujem da se okliznem i padnem
Zato stojim na ivici ljubavi, dušo
Čekam poziv tvoj
Mladićev um će se zapitati
I odlutati do udaljenih obala
Ako dođeš ovde i staneš sa mnom
Više neću lutati
Obećavam da se više neću kockati
I da više neću izlaziti po celu noć
Možda ću se potpuno smiriti, dušo
Da budemo dobri jedno prema drugom
Refren se ponavlja 2x
Zato stojim na ivici ljubavi
Rizikujem da se okliznem i padnem
Zato stojim na ivici ljubavi, dušo
Čekam poziv tvoj
Opet te čekam