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[Verse 1: Asti]
You are a bad actor, at least you didn't fall for her
Only you put your iPhone down again
Your lies are bad manners, I didn't want to listen
But you said I was crazy
I still don't understand
Who is that girl who I was with you
Loved - yes, hated - yes
My love is true, yours is water
I am not me and not the same, I was losing strength
My jealousy only pissed you off
I'm sorry I had to hurt
In another way, you would not remember me
[Chorus: Asti]
You know everything is fine, your hysterical
No more crying, no more crying
A new boy is in love with her
Just out of habit, your hysterical
Take a glimpse of your profile
It's not love anymore
You know everything is fine, your hysterical
No more crying, no more crying
A new boy is in love with her
Just out of habit, your hysterical
Take a glimpse of your profile
It's not love anymore
[Verse 2: Asti]
You're cruel, but weak is a fact, so I'm sorry
That I blew your ego apart
Your feelings are a phantom, they are not even atoms
But you said it was my own fault
Again a new club and again a failure
It was hard to learn to take a punch
Loved - yes, hated - yes
My tears are salt and yours are water
I am not me and not the same, I was losing strength
You are like ice, but I was just carried away
Well I'm sorry I had to hurt
Otherwise I would not have let go
[Chorus: Asti]
You know everything is fine, your hysterical
No more crying, no more crying
A new boy is in love with her
Just out of habit, your hysterical
Take a glimpse of your profile
It's not love anymore
You know everything is fine, your hysterical
No more crying, no more crying
A new boy is in love with her
Just out of habit, your hysterical
Take a glimpse of your profile
It's not love anymore
[Verse 3: Artik]
It's not love anymore, just a dumb habit
Always pain girl, blast girl, match girl
Sad girl, psycho girl, scandal girl
The girl has few feelings, the girl is just tired
You swore to her so much, so often - 'forever'
To heaven, to the stars in endless love, like the milky way
All your words are water. It turned out that it was pouring into the ears
You will understand, but it's too late that she was your best
[Chorus: Asti]
You know everything is fine, your hysterical
No more crying, no more crying
A new boy is in love with her
Just out of habit, your hysterical
Take a glimpse of your profile
It's not love anymore
You know everything is fine, your hysterical
No more crying, no more crying
A new boy is in love with her
Just out of habit, your hysterical
Take a glimpse of your profile
It's not love anymore

Helpless by Myself

Smile again, my rose
Look future in hope.
The queen of my heart, come
May it be good to my heart.
If tomorrow is the day that I will die
If your side is the place that I will die, Okey.
What are memories good for unless you are with me?
If my experiences are destiny
Human should write his destiny himself.
Does the sun rise and go down for lies always?
Life is hard, my sweetheart, cheating people
Ask me my sweetheart, the days are passing without you.
You, let this lovemakings finish
My rose, something left to the end.
Feel the your experiences.
So, things that you make lived, become tasteful
I am stanting alone and helpless with my youth
At this age, I am curious, without a single heart in my heart.
Life is faster than death
I was defeated by him
But I have last word to you
care your eyes
Instead of me, my rose


You did not think it through -
But you left and forgot about summer.
Not a chance that you will return back.
You will send back all flowers….
You were flying in unknown places, not thinking -
Waiting for the heaven to return.
Sad thoughts of sobriety.
Getting drunk from black tea.
It is very far yet to winter and to frosts.
Why these sad memories, why tears.
It is very far yet to spring or to summer.
And maybe someone but not me...
Will give flowers.
No battle has been won
By comparing love to war.
You kicked you out of the house yourself.
And did not take anything to your soul.
Such a wonderful summer
I did not have for a long time.
I wanted to give you the whole world,
But you simply did not hear it.

Sve je još preda mnom

Evo me
Došao sam na svet da bih dao vremena
Svi kojima sam se nadao da ću biti ovde
Svima. Veoma prijatno, spreman sam
Došao sam da razumem svoju sudbinu
Koji je cilj moje posete
Želim da budem sve Da li je to moguće?
Ko će ići sa mnom?
Da li je realna?
I to sve pre mene
Svi trče prebrzo
Pokušavaju da mi veruju
Nije vredelo
Pa da vidimo šta mogu i šta želim
Idite sigurno ili na ivicu
Šta god žele ili šta god ja želim
Predavač ili zadovoljna stranka
Stalno mi govore da znaš
Odlučujem da saznam iz nepoznatog
Reći će
1, 2, 3 Evo ga
Prvo osnovna škola, a zatim i vojna gimnazija
Videćete svet i tada ćete pronaći odgovor
Možda će ljubav zameniti i drugi posao
A ako mi je sve postavljeno, šta ću onda postaviti
Dozvolite da i sam otkrijem učinite sebi uslugu
I sve je još preda mnom ...
Želim da razumem ljudske izvore
Pokušajte da promenite neke svetske poretke
Ostavite trag da budete dobri sa svima i više
I još više i i i i i i i i
Ispuni san nekom strancu
Dovoljno za ples na nekom uskom mostu
Cross Oceans Racing Desert
Budite stvarni i budite srećni
Pa pevam

Novi hebrejski

Imam kašnjenje
Ja sam u mlaznom zaostajanju
Imao sam Uber Vhite
Kupio sam tašnu
Pisao sam mejlove
Dodao sam J. Peg
Nisam u fokusu
Dodaj mi oznaku
O Bože
tvrd jezik
Novi hebrejski
Ne razumem akcenat
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
Ja sam naglasio. Ne! Pod stresom sam
Propušten je čitav odeljak hebrejskog
Imam osećaj da je to kurs
Nije velika stvar sranje
Svi danas rade u Tonti Four Seven-u
Bez mnogo strasti
Sa puno mode
Maštajući o preseljenju
Na luksuznom izlazu
Na Startup Nation
Izlasci na spojeve
Kakav randevu
Jedna petlja
Medja protiv Deje V.
Pijte bičeve
Goniči, piće sa svima
Nastavite na Happi Hour, na Free Hangover
I ne postoji ravnoteža između hi i lau
Life Realiti Shav
Verujte mi, ne
Sa no vi, zdravo
Vreme je za Dat V.
Govori de Langveig na hebrejskom čoveku
O Bože
tvrd jezik
Novi hebrejski
Ne razumem akcenat
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
Kasko osiguranje biće u A.I.G.
Datoteke su u GIF ili BBM formatu
Testovi su SAD, MRI, CT
I da li je VIP uvek vedar
Ne letite ekonomično, letite jeftino
Trenutno ne pišem u fioci, već pišem Navettesu
Ne polažite test, napravite test
U agresivnoj borbi pružite najbolje
A ako umrete na krstarenju, ponovite
Ako nije dovoljno upečatljiv, kontrola koa, kontrola visine
Otpremi u Stori, jesi li propustio? Sirijska ostrva
Sad komentar, nema slave
Ili budi srećan, krofna briga
Imam flešbek, imao sam zatamnjenje
Čekirao sam se, odjavio sam se
Bio sam favorit, dobio sam nokaut
Uzeo sam mikrofon i rasprodao se
O Bože
tvrd jezik
Novi hebrejski
Ne razumem akcenat
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
O Bože
Teški jezik
Novi hebrejski
Ni Ben Jehuda nije znao
Molim vas još jevrejskog mesinga
Pa kako da kažem kako na hebrejskom? Vi-fi
Kako se kaže zaštita na hebrejskom? Zaštita
Kako se kaže selfi na hebrejskom? Selfie
Kako se kaže akcija na hebrejskom? Hajde
Kako se na hebrejskom kaže medij? srednje
Kako se kaže premija na hebrejskom? Premium
Hov to sai Valla nedostaju nam riječi
Hebrejski ima problema sa zajmodavcima i zajmodavcima i zajmodavcima
O Bože
tvrd jezik
Novi hebrejski
Ne razumem akcenat
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
Vai Vai Vai
tvrd jezik
Novi hebrejski
Ni Ben Jehuda nije znao
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
Govori mi hebrejski, molim te
Govorite više hebrejski, molim vas


Indija Južna Amerika je najviše Izraelka
Strana deca u ovom kibucu su najviše Izraelci
Fuge, žetoni, krivolov ekonomska noć
Speak Butt Not Enough je najizraelskiji
Bamba Bamba, Alma guma, od Tel Aviva do Ben Guriona
Šekel Šenkel, O pomirenju, Arik Ajnštajn Veliki
Haida Haida, Haida Hi-Tech - policiji 1-0-0
Dame Dame, dame dame
Volim te Šimone Peres
Novo veče, hladna lubenica
To je to, a ne drugo
Formacija padobranaca s defektom losa
Nemamo drugu zemlju!
Crveno more Mrtvo more Sredozemno more Kinneret
Nedeljska pljačka u subotu koja dolazi i odlazi
Praznična pluta sa kolekcijom košnice
Još jedno Svetsko prvenstvo, ali bez tima
Od brda Halfon do limunskog popsikla
Ko ima posla sa ovim, Miko?
Stavite mi salatu od leblebija i rotkve
Ali sa dijetom ili Cola Zero
I ne zaboravite na aplauz prilikom sletanja
A ako je linija duga, zaobiđite
Tačno obećano kad odrastemo više neće biti vojske
Svi na noge uz pesmu nade
Turska kafa Belgijska vafla je najviše izraelska
Takođe francuski poljubac i grčki ples
Švedski ključ škotski viski španski burger
Obučeni Nachman je najizraelskiji - Govina
To je u redu - istovarim robu
Ako ne bude bilo izbora za vaze - biće u redu
U redu je - Obama će pomoći
Biće dobro - i Bog će zadržati
Biće dobro - pokušaćemo
Biće dobro - postoji gvozdena kupola
Biće dobro - cela pesma je originalna
Biće dobro - samo narodna melodija
Biće dobro

Još jednom

Korača svojim korakom na severnom pristaništu
Ističe se među ljudima koji šetaju okolo
Sa mirisom koji izaziva zavisnost iz neke druge zemlje
Ali glasine kažu da ona živi u tom području
Čuva je njena senka
Da se ​​niko ne bi usudio približiti carstvu
Ali hiljade su se onesvestile iza nje
A ona je lepša i stvarnija otkako je nema
U međuvremenu, dva dana čekam da ponovo dođete ovamo
Ne dižem ruke ...
Tražio sam još
Jednom davno ovde jednom davno jednom samo da bih je još jednom video ovde jednom davno
Samo još jednom da te vidim možda ...
Jer u meni ima više ukusa
I ja sam ono što sam tražio više ...
Jednom davno Jednom ovde Jednom ovde Jednom
Vreme stoji dok stoji ili hoda
I lep je poput ogromnog vatrometa
Na stazi idemo tragom leptira
I verovatno ne zna zašto svi oko nje bulje
Video sam je i verovatno se probudio
Otprilike šest stotina puta ako dobro računam
Ali ona je zrela, ne osvrće se unazad
Nestaje u svetu kao i svi drugi na kraju dana
U međuvremenu je dva dana čekala da se ponovo preseli ovde
Ne dižem ruke ...
Tražio sam još
Jednom davno ovde jednom davno jednom samo da bih je još jednom video ovde jednom davno
Samo još jednom da te vidim možda ...
Jer u meni ima više ukusa
I ja sam ono što sam tražio više ...
Jednom davno Jednom ovde Jednom ovde Jednom

Vrati se kuci

Volim da pronađem svoj trenutak da pobegnem
Putujte dan ili dva radi provetravanja ćelija u mozgu
Volim svoje načine i svoje vreme napolju
Noć na severu pansiona u kibucu
Volim da gledam sa strane
Shvati da znam i sam
Volim ponavljajuće zvuke sale
12 sekundi pre nego što svi uđu
Volim baterijske lampe i svetla
I ruke gore
Ali najviše od svega volim da idem kući
Nakon što nije bio tamo celu noć
Pronađi spokoj u kojem živim
Oduzmi mi život
Kako volim da idem kući
U srce žene sa kojom živim
Vrati mi već moj zdrav razum
Svi uobičajeni trenuci
Kako volim da idem kući
Volim tišinu
Da čujemo stvarnost je tiho
Ulazeći u auto bez smera, Bob Marlei je krenuo
Volim da se vozim na jug od Mitzpe do Eilata
Put četrdeset noću pruža sjajan odmor
Volim čežnju za svim što je ostalo
Pomaže mi da razumem ništa što se podrazumeva
Volim utehu koju mi je pružila pozornica
Svaka prilika je drugačija da se duša rastera
Volim ljude i piće
Voli to Allahu
Ali najviše od svega volim da idem kući
Nakon što nije bio tamo celu noć
Pronađi spokoj u kojem živim
Oduzmi mi život
Kako volim da idem kući
U srce žene sa kojom živim
Vrati mi već moj zdrav razum
Svi uobičajeni trenuci
Kako volim da idem kući
Dakle, ono što je ovde važno čini proračun noću
Jednom nogom na sceni pokušava da bude razuman u kombinaciji
Dakle, prema sledećim koracima
I iza kulisa
Neću svoj život zameniti životom

Nesto prijatno za dusu

Teško sa vestima ovde
Pa ponekad uzmem auto
I putuje severno od grada
Pre nego što započne još jedan rat
I kolena mi se na trenutak tresu
Teško mi je svariti ono što čujem
Više iz istog hora
Izrael Sirija Liban
Moram prekinuti vezu bila je fascinantna diskusija
Sve mi zvuči kao alarm
Mora isključiti buku
Treba vam pesma za ublažavanje nevolje
Pa stavi mi ovakvog Erica da se opustim
Dajte da spustim glavu na minut
Daj mi malo sjaja na trenutak
Nešto prijatno za dušu
Daj mi osvetljavajući bič nade
Jedan pokret u horu sa melodijskim ritmom
Dajte da spustim glavu na minut ...
Težak dan moj
Postoji ta ekonomska stvar
I svi smo vredni, ali među sobom
Radimo radnike, ali radimo na nama
Pa sačekajte sreću u redovima
I obećajte deci još snova
Svi pričaju o kući i bašti
Štednja je polomljena, a nema je ni za stan
Moram prekinuti vezu bila je fascinantna diskusija
Sve zvuči kao alarm
Mora isključiti buku
Samo će muzika umanjiti nevolju
Pa stavi mi ovakvog Erica da se opustim ...
I teško teško, ali drugog izbora nema
Tišina je odsutna, ali zemlja je sjajna
Pokušavam da pronađem neki svetli mali kutak
Glava može pobeći, ali duša ostaje
Dani mi prolaze između svih naslova
Novac Novac Ljubav Mir i ratovi
I niko ne može zaboraviti nevolje
Mi smo jednostavni ljudi sa velikim problemima

Živi na mesecu

Istina, noći su teške
I daleko od mene ljudi
Pa čak i ako još nije viđen
Samo ovde se osećam dobro
Imam balkon i prostor za spavanje
Pogled na Mars i Bliski Istok
Leteći u mislima, glava sprečava mlaz
Nema privlačnosti za čudima mašte
Ovde mi niko ne govori kako da me promenim
Snovi su mi jasni, sve je spora oprema
Ostanite zaleđeni u vremenu, upućeni i u toku
Ne osećam da gubim sve dok je moj život ovde
Istina, noći su teške
I daleko od mene ljudi
Pa čak i ako još nije viđen
Samo ovde se osećam dobro
Živim na Mesecu
Gledajući svet s visine
Ako dođem, samo sam gost
Još nisam pronašao mesto na ovoj planeti
(Nisam našao mesto na ovoj planeti)
Tišina je, postoji zadovoljstvo
100 ari, površina požara
Na nekoj litici ili u krateru
Sama sam, ne stidim se
Živi u svetu bez granica, ali niko se ne može infiltrirati
Nemam pojma hoću li biti ovde zauvek
Ali ako je već sa strane, potpuno netaknut
Okružen zvezdama na grebenu čuda
Stavite zemlju između svoja dva prsta
Još nema ljubavi, ali ja cvetam
Prolazeći kroz moje izazove hodanja po mesecu
Istina, noći su teške
I daleko od mene ljudi
Pa čak i u tihim trenucima
Samo ovde se osećam dobro
Živim na Mesecu
Gledajući svet s visine
Ako dođem, samo sam gost
Još nisam pronašao mesto na ovoj planeti
(Nisam našao mesto na ovoj planeti)
A ako dođem malo, osećam se zaboravljeno
Jer na ovom svetu više ne pripadam
Prsti prekriženi, sve glasine na vratima
Nije sa nama, on živi na mesecu
(Još nisam pronašao mesto na ovoj planeti)


Vrlo dobro, vrlo dobro, vrlo dobro, vrlo dobro, i ti se osećaš užasno brate, ti si ...
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užasu
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Imaš 30 godina, a nemaš ni 30 denara. Stigao si do životnog veka, a i dalje si bez para.
A nisu ni posebno imućni tvoji, molim te
kako ne razmišljaš za više? Status kvo, nisi pomislio sam da se pokreneš, čekaš nekog drugog da te pomeri. 'ali računi su čisti'
pošto ih ne plaćaš ti, još uvek cigare ti kupije
majka. Ti, ti nećeš da radiš, nemoj da
kenjaš da nema posla, mogao si da
konobarišeš, ali te je sramota da šetaš sa
ajncerom, ovako šetaš sa kurcem u rukama,
uzmi napravi nešto barem diluj XG. Ionako po
ceo dan si naduvan, jedina stvar što te ispunjava
i raduje. Postidi se, od ovoga treba da te je
sramota, nema šta da ti objašnjavam znaš i sam
da si...
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
A sada imaš 35 godina i sanjaš da imaš sve. Mnogo sanjaš, brate, vreme je da ustaneš iz sna, u istoj sobi, u istom stanu, ni ženu, ni dete, ni kuče, ni mače, ne, ne, ne, ne, nemaš radnog iskustva, klasična definicija zavese. Imao si devojku, ali sada je nemaš (ne, ne). Potrebna ti je žena, ali ženi ne treba lenjivac. Ne mogu da razumem kako vas nije sramota, da za sve krivite državu, 'Da, da, država je kriva,
država je užas“, pa šta čekaš?
Preseli se, idi u kurac! Tamo će ti biti bolje,
brate ubrazaj, tamo nećeš imati problem,
nikakvu obavezu. Obaveza za tebe je nepoznat
pojam, ajde što nemaš posao, ti nemaš ni
hobi jer si...
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Završio si fakultet, uzeo diplomu i čekaš da te
ta diploma odvede od kuće. Da ti nađe posao i zaposli te (i?), Da ti radi (i?) I zaradi.
Užas, ti si užas, Užas * 6
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas.

The Air

I inhale deeper and to discover that I’m alive,
I’ve found noise and I’m inhaling deeply, this is my air,
Time is like water, it’s not temporary.
Kissing chest, holding breath,
Not to lose
I will try
The gravitational
Time is like water, you’re like the air,
It’s not temporary as much as there’s space within lungs.
It’s not too late to dance like sugar on wounds,
On easy ones it’s easy, hey yeah.
To dance like sugar all over the wounds,
Not easy on easy ones, that’s how.
Sooner or later I still breathe in you,
The sky or the sea, regardless I still breathe in you,
You’re my word my air.
Hey, to dance it is not too early for us
Like sugar on the wounds, on lungs, easily that’s how.
To dance it isn’t too early for us,
Like sugar on the wounds, on lungs, I breathe in you.
The sky or sea, regardless I breathe in you,
Now or a while back, I still breathe in you.
You’re my air, my air.
Easy one easily.
Easy ones, easy,
Easy ones, easy.
I’ll go out into the air and will breathe in.
I will go out into the air and will breathe in.

Cut the crap

It took you a while to call back.
What happened, did life upset you as well?
Everybody turned to where they went
It is the 14th of the month known.
Neither flower nor cake I want
I am mad about you after all.
You will go at the first opportunity
It won't run so cut the crap
Cut the crap
Cut the crap
To dreams again
I will dive and dive and dive and go
I miss you so much
I will write, write, write, write and erase
Now good now bad
I'll give up on myself
I am alone without you
I'll be so relieved


The city lit up its colors
And life lights up the night sparkles,
We don't need masks anymore
Because here we are not alone.
The world is spinning and minutes tick,
We're burning our lives through
And though we aren't birds,
But we still look up at the sky
And we dream about flying
Higher and higher up to the sky,
Higher and higher, you're my antidepressant,
Higher and higher up to the sky,
Higher and higher, you're my antidepressant,
Higher and higher up to the sky,
Higher and higher, you're my antidepressant,
I am lured to [be with] you again,
The bright star's light
They are so far
And only with you this dance
Carries me away to them up so high
The world is spinning and minutes tick
Our lives, we burn through
We still look up at the sky
And we dream that we could fly
Higher and higher up to the sky,
Higher and higher, you're my antidepressant,
Higher and higher up to the sky,
Higher and higher, you're my antidepressant,
Higher and higher up to the sky,
Higher and higher, you're my antidepressant.


Autumn covers the ground with a yellow shroud,
The air is riddled with misty dust.
The stars laugh at those who fear the night,
A random passer will pass and immediately disappear away.
The lantern in blue is dimly lit outside the window,
Autumn walks barefoot on the ground.
The trees were stripped, they were hot, they gave their clothes to the asphalt,
And only a birch leaf twists somersault in the air.
The sun lights up the day with red dawn,
And beyond the red dawn we continue to live .
The sky became lower, the city became different,
The last rain falls on the rooftops, we leave with him.

A Wreath of Flowers

I have received your letter
That I have thought for a long time
Indeed I felt very despicable
Surely you would reject me
Wishing you all the best in your life with your new love
I've given up my fate, as it would end like this
Receive this wreath of flowers as a sign of my love
A pure love only for you, my love
You don't have to worry about me
Suppose it was cloudy, a long time ago
Indeed, I should never have loved you
Now that it's endlessly tormenting me
Wishing you all the best in your life with your new love
I've given up my fate, as it would end like this
Receive this wreath of flowers as a sign of my love
A pure love only for you, my love

Breaking silence

It has been a while since I've been silent.
I hid the thoughts.
The light in me has faded


When I sing with pure tones
That is the sound of heart conveying art
When I talk with my entire soul
That is the treasure hidden deep inside
In a song filled with emotions
What said there is coming from the soul
But I don't understand
My body is concealed
Although still quiet, a thousand eras come and go
But that's it, my art will stay steadfast
When I sing with pure tones
That is the sound of heart conveying art
When I talk with my entire soul
That is the treasure hidden deep inside
In song filled with emotions
What said there is coming from the soul
But I don't understand
My body is concealed
Although still quiet, a thousand eras come and go
But that's it, my art will stay steadfast
But that's it, my art will stay steadfast

Call Me 'Baby'

It's the morning after the storm,
You're there and I'm here, it doesn't feel so bad.
It's kind of hard for me to love you
After almost a week
Of you not looking into my eyes,
And when you do, your gaze is strange.
It keeps sending me 'it's only for the meantime' vibes,
But in the meantime it's over.
And in a week you'll ring me up,
And again you'll call me 'Baby,
Come on, let's sit and talk everything over.'
I will love you more,
Even more than when we first met
Let's sit and talk everything over.
It's the morning after the storm,
Telling myself that I don't need you,
It's kind of hard, I'm almost there
Until you come along.
You're looking into my eyes again,
Oh, how your gaze is fooling me.
I'll run away from you in a day or two,
But in the meantime let's just forget it.


Your face... Mira
Oh your gaze... Mira
Dress up for sure, like the Goddess of Nirvana
Oh my.... Mira
Your face... Mira
Oh your gaze... Mira
Dress up for sure, like the Goddess of Nirvana
Oh my.... Mira
I can't help but look at it.
Even if life continues to drift
Even though the rainstorm hit the rubble, you're by my side.
Oh it doesn't feel so - aaa.. Mira
Smile... Mira
Oh how so... Mira ya ya
The desert is singing, the flowers is dancing
Oh my...
I'm singing for you love
Simple yet rinse
May my offerings be accepted.
How happy is my heart
Mira, You're solace,
Mira's smile, Mira's happy,
Mira's coming, the storm's stopped. (Oh Mira... Mira)
Mira, You're solace, (yauw)
Mira's smile, Mira's happy, (o-o o-o Mira)
Mira's coming, the storm's stopped. (uuuuuuu Yeah)
Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira...
Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira...

You bring me back

You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
I will break all the lanterns and
To make the light go away
I will invite you for a dance
Of midnight shades
And I’m dancing with you
And I’m kissing you
And there are only two of us
You and me
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
Time turning back clock hands
And the guilty switchman wasn’t guilty at the end
And the crooked track knocks on the sleepers
And there are only two of us, you and me
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Bring me back, bring me back, bring me back
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Bring me back, bring me back, bring me back

My big secret

My big secret
Keep it for a little while longer
Sad heart of mine.
Keep it for one more day,
Keep it for another night.
Keep it so he doesn't know,
Discourage me from telling.
Since he doesn't love me
It doesn't matter if I do.
My big secret
My obscure, bitter pain,
My obscure flame.
I'm shivering in fear of giving them away
A word, a look.
I have no reason, no intention of
Giving them away.
Since he doesn't love me
It doesn't matter if I do.


I'm waiting day and night by the window alone
But you're still not coming
Third day no sleep
Who are you falling in love with?
I don't believe that I can't hug you
That I can't snuggle you at night
That I won't drown, that I won't drown
In your affection more
Without you my wings
Are broken, shackled to death
Slowly, I'm falling to the ground
You catch, I'm in your hands
Without you my wings
Are broken, shackled to death
Slowly, I'm falling to the ground
You're (???) and (???).
He's gone forever
Tears in her eyes
She wants to hug him tighter
She's hurt, but it's too late
People are too different
Not really a couple to each other
Too many scandals
But it's not enough much for them
Now it won't be like it was in the past
You can't glue it back anymore
There'll be no more affection
In kisses, quarrels and hysterics
Her world is all crushed
All shattered, in ashes
She's the one on the edge
The wind whispers her ear
Without you my wings
Are broken, shackled to death
Slowly, I'm falling to the ground
You catch, I'm in your hands
Without you my wings
Are broken, shackled to death
Slowly, I'm falling to the ground
You're (???) and (???).
Without you my wings
Are broken, shackled to death
Slowly, I'm falling to the ground
You catch, I'm in your hands
Without you my wings
Are broken, shackled to death
Slowly, I'm falling to the ground
You're (???) and (???).
You're (???).

If only you would look at me

I'll be white on a dark red background
Your mobile which is always in the zone
Let it be, I'll be another broken heart
And glass and 100% alcohol in bottle
I'll be a safe, which can be unlocked by feeling of gut
Rag doll which is pulled in strings
Even an apple which can be stolen from neighboring yard
If only we could be together tonight
Or a tank with the hardest crawler tracks
Gentle butterfly which will sit on cabbage
Sun in gloomy summer mornings
If only you would look at me
If only you would look at me
If you would look at me
In gloomy summer mornings
If only you would look at me
Or a ship which returns at harbor from journey
Soldier, who wakes up at army's barracks
Pine trees at the see, lovers in dunes
And drinker who recovers in neighboring yard
I'll be anything you want
Kangars 1 or resurrected Lāčplēsis 2
Like a comet I'll burn freely in cosmos
I can't imagine this life without you
I can't imagine this life without you
Me, to imagines this life without you
Like a comet I'll burn freely in cosmos
I can't imagine this life without you
  • 1. A character from Lāčplēsis Latvian epic
  • 2.

Let me dream

Once I dreamed about reaching the stars
And saving someone's ship from the black rocks
The wind raised me up on the wings
I believed in miracles and I used to dream
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago
My life was like an old nickelodeon
The same pictures, laugh and cry
But I haven't forgotten about the black rocks
And I have managed to build a bridge to the stars
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago
I've put an ocean in my pocket
I've put seven winds in my other pocket
But I am not a magician
I am just a singer of old Moscow streets and court yards
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago

A Broken Heart

I'm looking for a quiet road
To get away from you
I've promised in my heart
That I won't see you any longer
In the midst of it, the fog bathes the morning dew
The cold makes my heart freeze
You've made a wound in my heart
It is you who made all those false promises
You have been so dear to me
You turned my love into hatred
In the midst of it, the fog bathes the morning dew
The cold makes my heart freeze
You've made a wound in my heart
It is you who made all those false promises
You have been so dear to me
You turned my love into hatred

You Are Always On My Heart

You are always on my heart
Adrift within my soul
I never hesitate, I never worry much
I'll be true to your promise
Blooming inside my heart
The cure for a broken heart
To you I give the stars, to you I give the moon
The eternal witness
As you welcome my hand
You must caress it tenderly
Your love is only meant for me
Until the very end of time
You are always on my heart
Blossoming inside my mind
From the beginning until the end
My love is what I can give


I was being cured for such a long time
By my girlfriends and strong Chivas,
You were the reason of that.
And here I am - jumped down again,
Relapsed, although wanted to be a strong one so much.
Come on, pick up the phone,
I need your damn friendship so bad.
Dialogues with myself and a glass of wine
While I'm clearly going insane.
Sorry, but I'm codependent with you,
Not just simply in love.
When the bitch inside me wins
Against this girl that I loved so much,
You will be listening to my track on repeat
And you will understand, what was that.
That are my feelings
That is my tenderness
That is my depth
That is my loyalty
That is everything that you won't be able to return
That is my pain on the eighth floor
That are my feelings
That is my faith
That is my emptiness
That are my nerves
I loved you so much, fool,
That is my soul, why would you treat it like that?
I was being cured for such a long time
And was being promised that they would fix my heart,
But nevertheless yet again your incoming [call] was accepted.
Don't finish me off, I want to be happy so much,
But there are no more reasons to trust you.
My girlfriends are telling me again
That love is a pleasure, but your love is a poison.
Those are just facts and sheer psychology.
And what do I've got in my soul?
But I only appear to be weak,
The lights go out, the show begins.
When the bitch inside me wins,
You will understand that you've gone too far.
That are my feelings
That is my tenderness
That is my depth
That is my loyalty
That is everything that you won't be able to return
That is my pain on the eighth floor
That are my feelings
That is my faith
That is my emptiness
That are my nerves
I loved you so much, fool,
That is my soul, why would you treat it like that?
Out of the coverage area again, where the heck are you at?
I'm only left to watch you posting stories -
There is some party again, alright then, let it be.
Who are all these people - you don't even know it yourself.
You're making me suffer, whatever, I'll live through it
In your sake, if you feel better this way.
And everyone around had been saying
That we were a perfect couple.
Well then take a look at
What we have become suddenly -
It looks like nothing has ever happened,
But I still have the taste on my lips,
And I'm not your enemy.
That are my feelings
That is my faith
That is my emptiness
That are my nerves
I loved you so much, fool,
That is my soul, why would you treat it like that?


I woke up - and it's dark
And the silence makes your ears ring
The suit has surely been
Made just recently
Not a wedding, not a buffet -
And why is it so dark?
I can hear voices
But they're so far away:
He's a good man
He was a good man'
And I don't wanna be late
For the party either
I put my hand against the door,
Pushed it but it didn't open
I hear voices
Quieter and quieter
And I'm having more and more fun,
I'll sing along:
He's a good man
He was a good man
I'm a good man
I'm a good man'


I woke up - and it's dark
And the silence makes your ears ring
The suit has surely been
Made just recently
Not a wedding, not a buffet -
And why is it so dark?
I can hear voices
But they're so far away:
He's a good man
He was a good man'
And I don't wanna be late
For the party either
I put my hand against the door,
Pushed it but it didn't open
I hear voices
Quieter and quieter
And I'm having more and more fun,
I'll sing along:
He's a good man
He was a good man
I'm a good man
I'm a good man'


Versions: #1
If it's not about me
I'm getting out from your life tonight, right away
Now remember me badly,
I am not sure if there's anything left to remember
Wildfires in those mountains I trust
It's called forgetting you,
The knives in my chest sink, sometimes hurt badly
Why did you look angry, offended?
I worshipped your smiles like gods.
Why did you look angry, offended?
If it's not about me
I am going beserk with rage
'A good man', you said,
I am smiling from fakeness
Wildfires in those mountains I trust
It's called forgetting you,
The knives in my back sink, sometimes hurting badly
Why did you look angry, offended?
I worshipped your smiles like gods.
Why did you look angry, offended?

The Office Rats

A story of the office rats
Who likes to swim in dirty rivers
A story of the office rats
Who likes to break promises and hides away
They're behind my workmate's desk
They're in the steel file cabinet
The cat came and he quickly changed faces
He immediately prides himself as flawless
Never losing his sense of pride
As long as it's not proven, he brushes it off
Rats don't feel full
They're greedy, so greedy, without doubt
This rat's brain is not the same as a prawn's brain
The cat then came but the rat disappears
Just as the cats' sleepy job
They never remember the office rat who comes to terrorize
He's clever and cunning, the rat acts spiteful
Perhaps the cat was pretending to be attentive
The rat knows that the cat is hungry
His beloved piece of bread is on a smooth road
Unfortunately this rat is very clever
Or perhaps the cat is not that quite smart
Rats don't feel full
They're greedy, so greedy, without doubt
This rat's brain is not the same as a prawn's brain
The cat then came but the rat disappears