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Antique Doll

Open up to the night of the moonlight,
Dance the dance, You are an antique doll
Let's play hide and seek with me
Come on, the star is a mirror ball
Take off the dress, You are an antique doll
Let's play hide and seek
Leave it up in the air or leave it to instinct
Who cried in the glass maze?
Leave it up in the air or leave it to instinct
Come c'mon and open the windows 
In the night, the sky sings out
You who invite that call are an antique doll
Let's play hide and seek
Leave it up in the air or leave it to instinct
Who cried in the glass maze?
Leave it up in the air or leave it to instinct
Come c'mon and open the windows
Let's play hide and seek with me...
Leave it up in the air or leave it to instinct
Who cried in the glass maze?
Leave it up in the air or leave it to instinct
Come c'mon and open the windows
Let's face up now...

Why do you need me?

First Verse:
I can't look at the mirrors
Where I saw us.
I gave you everything then.
So why are you with me now?
I could let everything go, I lied to myself.
Well, yes, I am no longer yours anymore.
You had to know that I lived for you
But I didn't understand why do you need you.
If you don't love me anymore
If the heart burns in the fire.
You can forget me tomorrow.
So answer, why do you need me?
If you don't love me anymore.
And love is burning down in the fire
You can forget me tomorrow.
So answer, why do you need me?
Why do you need me? Why do you need me?
Why do you need me?
Second Verse:
Everything burned here to the point.
What do you want - resurrect it.
I didn’t believe you anymore.
I'm not strong enough to trust you.
I believed in happiness before
Breaking the fate of the terrain.
Let's pretend we didn't exist.
Let it go!
If you don't love me anymore
If the heart burns in the fire.
You can forget me tomorrow.
So answer, why do you need me?
If you don't love me anymore.
And love is burning down in the fire
You can forget me tomorrow.
So answer, why do you need me?
Why do you need me? Why do you need me?
Why do you need me?

Now Give Me Your Hand

Now I know for sure, now I understand
Every single thing you did was a lie,
Everything was fake
I came to know that too late.
We have a long past together,
What kind of love is this?
It is easy to cheat and be cheated,
Tell me about my mistake.
You came smiling and you said: “I love you”
The moment I turned back,
you always smiled at other girls.
You came smiling and you said: “I love you”
The moment I turned back,
you always smiled at other girls.
Now give me your hand, our love shouldn’t end
Even if the world falls apart, you are my only love.
I’ve just forgotten everything. Hear my voice,
Know my worth, so understand me
Now give me your hand.

Скретање у мојој трезвености

Versions: #2
Свој Божјој деци треба обућа за пут
Склања твоје проблеме одавде
Сви добри људи читају добре књиге
Сада ти је савест чиста
Чујем те, девојко
Сада ти је савест чиста
Ујутро бришем чело
Бришем километре с њега
Волим да мислим да имам јаку вољу
И никад не урадим како ми кажеш
Никад те не чујем
И никад не урадим како кажеш
Погледај, очи су ми само холограми
Погледај, твоја љубав ми је исклизнула крвава из руку
По мојим рукама знаш да никад нећеш бити
Више од скретања у мојој трезвености
Више од скретања у мојој трезвености
Више од скретања у мојој трезвености
Мало смо чачкали празну питу
Из зезања, к'о што раде људи ноћу
Касно ноћу не треба ми непријатељство
Стидљив осмех и пауза до слободе
Не марим за њихове другачије мисли
Другачије мисли су добре за мене
Накострешена, чедна и потпуна
Сва Божја деца носе своје бреме
Шоља чаја, време за размишљање, да
Време да се ризикује живот, живот, живот
Слатка и згодна
Мека и буцмаста
Преједаш се док не прогледаш
Преједаш се док не прогледаш
Пола људи чита новина
Чита их пажљиво и темељно
Лепи људи, нервозни
Морају да нешто продају
Вести морају да се продају
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Хајде да заборавимо све и побегнемо од свих,
И нека нас цео свет причека,
Нестали смо до сутра.
Само се у твојим рукама,
Ја топим као снег,
Ти си за мене моја тврђава,
Моја вера и истина.
За тебе даћу своје срце,
Свој живот, своју душу,
Само си ми ти потребан,
Мој најбољи.
Поново сам се сва најежила,
Само ме љуби нежно,
Држи ме јаче, све је савршено.
Очи у очи, длан у длан и тако заувек.
Хвала ти што ме чиниш срећном.
Између нас су космос и бескрај,
Ми смо једна целина, ми смо нераздељиви.
Очи у очи, длан у длан и тако заувек.
Хвала ти што ме чиниш срећном.
Између нас су космос и бескрај,
Ми смо једна целина, ми смо нераздељиви.
Ми смо нераздељиви, ти и ја, ти и ја, ти и ја.
Ми смо нераздељиви, ти и ја, ти и ја, ти и ја.
Нешто ме тако вуче ка теби,
Као да је срце магнет.
Додирујем уснама, и све око нас гори.
Бришемо све границе, тонем у твом океану.
То што је сада између нас су ураган и цунами.
Не могу да се заситим тобом,
Поклони ми још један уздах.
Научи ме поново да летим високо.
Буди са мном као да је последњи пут,
Да би поново по телу струјила струја,
Хоћу да те осетим тако лако.
Очи у очи, длан у длан и тако заувек.
Хвала ти што ме чиниш срећном.
Између нас су космос и бескрај,
Ми смо једна целина, ми смо нераздељиви.
Очи у очи (очи у очи),
Длан у длан и тако заувек (длан у длан)
Хвала ти што ме чиниш срећном.
Између нас су космос и бескрај,
Ми смо једна целина, ми смо нераздељиви.
Ми смо нераздељиви, ми смо нераздељиви... Ми смо једна целина, ми смо нераздељиви.
Ми смо нераздељиви, ми смо нераздељиви, ми смо нераздељиви...

Consistent Fantasy Is The Reality

Oh, what a life is this!
What a head is that!
Makes your ass damn kicked out
We flow like the water, float in the pain
And we're flying up, right
That's because we're high
Consistent fantasy is the reality
Is the death real or is it a dream?
May my pain share yours
May your lovely wine be filled up with dreams
Ride on my hobbyhorse**, I'm tuckered out
I couldn't grow out of, been kicked out from everyplace
We're like the seagull chiming in with the sea
Wherever the wind blows we go there
Consistent fantasy is the reality
The death is real and that's a dream
May my pain share yours
But screw that, life's rock'n roll


Versions: #2
Yeah, ah
Mannequins and Cannabis, Kappa is on Druggy Shit
Have with my Tumblr-Bitch On weekend Paname-Trips
Kiss kiss bang is the slang, When you jam withe me
Rich as fuck show me what you got show me what you dont know
Hang out with the same gang In the same corners
With the same food breaking the law because nobody gets me away
Just need some grams, shit, And a bad bitch
And i wont leave the bed
Next stop hotel Costes sleep in four seasons burn money just like weed
This is no business just a family trip
Coulet check new sneaker write it on my visa
Its the fucking life, Supreme Jordans on the street, beam me in the tgv to paris
Everyday it gets tajine
Dont need 5 stars, where I chill finds no gps
PSG seat in a box pack the trunk pack the mercedes benz
Step out of the sportscar and piss before the press on the red carpet
I stay trill, with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what I want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love
Thats why i stay trill with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what i want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love
Today here tomorrow there with the bros on the road
So much shows but i will come home everytime, home sweet home
Get my iphone on fly mode change the timezone
From boarding time to boarding time Sign for warner here and there
Sit with all my guys on the table, smoke a spliff
Tilt some drinks here it does not interest anyone where you are
Ask anyone here how we speak , how we go, move us
Its the same manner to live, give more than I take
Sold more grams than singles and still come into heaven
The one up there knows, my heart is gold, the rest is business
Bitches better have my money, like rihanna
You have the coos on the heels me the jumpman
Laying in the sun at the cote d'azur my wife in haute couture
Barbecue and dope and beer all what i need is here
Good life, never came in the clubs
Today they pay 20 thousamd for only 2-3 hooks live
I stay trill, with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what I want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love
Thats why i stay trill with the guys and chill
All I need is here, All I want, what i want
I have friends, I have family, I have dreams, I have desires
I have as much sex as I want, a lot of dope and I have love

I've learned vagrantly

You can't be hurt anymore
Let me go, enough
You did so much for me, enough
My heart isn't worth it
It know to come back
I don't wanna push you in the fire
I've learned vagrantly to spend my nights
To be a punk and spread my love
To false love that drop blood, the end
You can't be hurt anymore
Let me go, enough
And throw away the regrets from my heart
What soul will I give (when I die)
If I charge my mistakes
I've burned your dreams in fire
I've learned vagrantly to spend my nights
To be a punk and spread my love
To false love that drop blood, the end

You didn’t hear I called you

You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
You didn’t notice I asked you, you didn’t ask what I wanted
You were in your world and going, You were whispering something all the time
You were traveling on the skies, Always troubled and rushed
Now you ask me where I have been, have I been away from you for a moment?
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
That you are determined to go to the Loveland, that you won’t come back till you are in love
That unkindness perished you but you didn’t perish the flower of love
Why didn’t you pass my door, why didn’t you holler at this troubled lover
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
You didn’t notice I asked you, you didn’t ask what I wanted
You were in your world and going, You were whispering something all the time
You were traveling on the skies, Always troubled and rushed
Now you ask me where I have been, have I been away from you for a moment?
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
That you are determined to go to the Loveland, that you won’t come back till you are in love
That unkindness perished you but you didn’t perish the flower of love
Why didn’t you pass my door, why didn’t you holler at this troubled lover
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you

There's no faith left in me for love

Promise I gave my promise , I have take an oath
to never love again
I have already asked these peculiar emotions
about love and
If I am afraid , certainly there's a reason
place where fire burns , the suffering
suppose you didn't heard of it
follow the traces in me
There's no faith left in me for love
do not ask do not ask
you gave me your hands shamelessly
do not ruin do not ruin your pleasure ...


She lives in the center and eccentrically
For work she's a student
That falls under VAT
Addicted to cosmetics
At Hondos drugs are distributed
She shops at Zara and is an activist
She hoards cats and dogs
And only eats organic food
Instead of change, she gives kisses
With her body that looks like a drawing
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
She lives in the center that's why she knows a lot
Be careful, you might see her in your dream and like it
She'll like it then
But don't do her wrong
She'll cut you in half with two eyes like swords
She sleeps late at night and doesn't wake up in a good mood
Unless you do her with the shutters still closed
She talks and changes the dictionaries
She only eats magazines
She looks up high and sees rats with wings
While dead flowers fall and invisible violins play
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
She lives with precaution in a country of old people
And she doesn't even want to have kids
She radiates something provocatively
In a frequency I can't hear
Depressed by nature
By nature
By nature
By nature...
I don't want
I don't want to sleep
I don't want to close my eyes and sleep

I Won't Love Anymore

I'm not going back to you
I'm not going back to you
I won't love anymore
It's all my fault
No matter how much you cry
No matter how much you beg
I'm not going back to you
End this ordeal anymore
I can't take knowingly
Tell me what you say
This life doesn't pass
I'm not going back to you
You broke my hopes
You destroyed my dreams
You took my curse, my curse
Now you're alone
End this ordeal anymore
I can't take knowingly
Tell me what you say
This life doesn't pass
I'm not going back to you

Deep Night, Gardens Rustle Quietly

Deep night, gardens rustle quietly
Only you, mom, are not sleeping.
I hear a rustle of your mouth - you´re repeating everything
In your hot supplication there is my name.
I know, the God hears your prayings
For your dear child
And in my soul with thanksgiving
I regain the light and the warmth.
What would I do if I wasn´t
On the trial next to you.
Mom, you sent me to God
And brought me to the church of God.
Grey hair is already on your temples
My dear mom - that is all me.
But I am begging you mom, forgive me
That I caused you grief, forgive me.
On your face, familiar since childhood
Life left traces of grief.
Mom, it was me with the disobedience
I hurt you without thinking - you cried.
May the Lord reward all our mothers
For their prayers for their children.
So they could see in eternity
All their sons and daughters.

Sanitary Napkins

Versions: #2
Tampon or sanitary napkins?
What a question!
But it drows
But it drows
Sanitary napkins!
Sanitary napkins!
You drink tampon like wine
Yo yo yo cockroach with bikini
And l have birthday on March 8 but eho cares?
Take the sanitary napkin and hit the baby's head with it
Tampon or sanitary napkins?
What a question!
But it drows
But it drows
Sanitary napkins!
Sanitary napkins!
You drink tampon like wine
Yo yo yo cockroach with bikini
And l have birthday on March 8 but eho cares?
Take the sanitary napkin and hit the baby's head with it
Oh, yeah, hit the baby's head, hit his head
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality!

Sex On The Grass

Versions: #2
Dry pussy, never sorrows
Fate hit me which is like an miserable girl
And l said to hit a bitch which is like a steak
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Condoms finished
But l can't stand it, l dry
I wanna be dried without drop water on me
My sweet baby, l'm getting horny!
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality!

tick tack tick

the clock ticks on, the hour hand uninterruptedly moves to the next hour
the day, goes faster than I want, I would want the time to freeze
so I can stay small forever
I won't grow bigger, in my dreams I dream that it's possible
Tik tak tik, the time goes way to fast for me
I still have to exercise, dance, sing but the day's already over
Tik tak tik, I want so much all at once
I run and run but in the meanwhile I find no time, no time
Tik tak tik tak tik tak tik
Tik tak tik tak tik
I bicycle through weather and wind, my peddles are flying everywhere
I still have to feed the cat and walk the dog
It dazes me so I limp towards my bed
Exhausted I fall onto my bedsheets, I've set my alarm
I dream that I could stop the time
That I won't grow bigger, in my dreams I dream that it's possible
No time, no time
No time to hang out
or sit in front of the tv
I would want it a different way, but the clock ticks on and on
it has control over me
Ooooh, oh no, no time, oh yeaah
No time!


The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
And you won't believe what harbors in my house,
You won't believe!
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness.
A single rouble, a single rouble.
Two people can't pull us apart, two people can't pull us apart.
And you won't believe what harbors in my house,
You won't believe!
Gadopiatkina, Gadopiatkina
I need women, tender women.
I need women, tender women.

I lost you

Versions: #2
I lost you, oh,the most precious one...
I lost love and kindness
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time.
You left and who stayed with me?!
to feel my laugh and cry
and even the wound as you're away
is invading me and I'm welcoming it
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time
Can you believe? as much as I'm yearning,
I see you in the house's corners
and talk to you about my sadness
and I feel as if you know about it…
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time.
What can I do with the pain and the aaah (groan),
but the permanence is only for God
he will provide me with patience as you're away
and this is my destiny and I accept it…
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time

Curses to the mobile phones

Curses to the mobile phones
Curses to the mobile phones and the guy that invented them
And whichever time your woman likes
She can find you
Curses to the mobile phones
I've lost my sleep
I've lost my sleep
I saved my girlfriend on my contacts as 'Thanasis'
Curses to the mobile phones
You always regret it
You always regret it
One night you have some fun, a thousand you pay for it
My mobile phone I threw away and now I'm fine
My mobile phone I threw away and now I'm fine
And from the internet I went out with another 'Thanasis'
And from the internet I went out with another 'Thanasis'
I no longer give 'doubts' in my house
I no longer give 'doubts' in my house
Because through facebook I'm getting dates
Because through facebook I'm getting dates
If you want my opinion, throw away your mobile phones
If you want my opinion, throw away your mobile phones
Do just what I did and sleep tight
Do just what I did and sleep tight

Užurbana ptica juga

Dan podrhtava u zemlji gde živim
hiljade oblaka plače
nisi tu
Prazan svet
gledam spolja
koliko god da se vratim
neću te naći
Nekada si bila ranjena
užurbana ptica juga
nisi mogla da poletiš
nisi mogla da zaboraviš
U praznoj kući
kao bajci
svila si u mome srcu
toplo gnezdo
ali sada znam bajke
pobeđuje ih navika, zaborav..
Nekada si bila ranjena
užurbana ptica juga
nisi mogla da poletiš
nisi mogla da zaboraviš
Dan podrhtava u zemlji gde živim
sve kao da govori
nisi tu
Dim i prašina
ne dišem
evo, kraj je zapisan, šta da tražim više
Nekada si bila ranjena
užurbana ptica juga
nisi mogla da poletiš
nisi mogla da zaboraviš


Не...не...не...не...не, није Фата, Ната, ни Ката
Најс то мит ју, мај нејм из граната.
Про...про...пропао сам
име...име те издаје да си опасна
Добра, згодна црномањаста
одма сам почео да је манијачим
Рекла је причај Шпански
неће да прича Енглески јер мрзи американце
Познајем само мало Еспањол
Пор фавор вен аки ми амор
Ту ерес белисима комо Куба
ја би само да те љубим
Ја ћу бити терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пази пада бом бо бо бом бомба
Мора да будем терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пор ми бела сењорита
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста
Бум, бум, бум, ба, бап ба бап
Мора да сам будала
Ово место је грозно а ти си тако лепа
Само нек ти буде комотно
ja ja ja се борим зо твоjу слободу
И у добро и у злу, мада више и злу
Иако 30 година ништо се није сменило
Ја су постати Афганистанац
Ту да нам расту деца и стебла марихуана
Познајем само мало Еспањол
Пор фавор вен аки ми амор
Ту ерес белисима комо Куба
ја би само да те љубим
Ја ћу бити терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пази пада бом бо бо бом бомба
Мора да будем терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пор ми бела сењорита
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста

My past loves

My past loves
my lost loves
beautiful like Sundays
my past happinesses
As I'm bringing you by my side
while it's getting late
in the ashes of your dreams
the bitter tears are being shed
My past loves
the years have taken you
sadnesses that brought yesterday,
it will be covered in snow

You cut my heart into slices

Versions: #2
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
You cut my heart into slices
You cut my heart into slices

Oluja U Mom Srcu

Ti si vetar u mojoj kosi
Moje suze što padaju
Pri samoj pomisli na tebe
Ti si vatra u mom srcu
Ti si moje sve
Ti si vetar u mojoj kosi
Moje suze što padaju
Sa svakim tvojim šapatom
Ti si svetlo u mom mračnom životu
Ti si oluja za mene
[ Hor: ]
Ti si oluja u mom srcu
Jer ti mi budiš osećanja, o, ti mi budiš osećanja
Izvadi trn iz mog srca
Zaustavi krvarenje, ja voleću te iznova
Uzmi me u svoje naručje noćas a ja ću te ljubiti do kraja života
O, ti mi budiš osećanja
O, ti mi budiš osećanja
Ne obraćaj pažnju na moje grehe
Ja ću praštati sve tvoje greške
Budimo ljubavnici zauvek, bebo
Ti si vatra duše moje
Ti pališ vatre svojim pogledom
Ponekad se pitam da li me možeš usrećiti
Da li si pravi muškarac za mene
Ti si oluja za mene
Zar ne vidiš svetla?
Pojaviće se opet
Put koji vodi do mene
Ti si bebo, znam da jesi
Uvek oluja u mom srcu
Zar ne vidiš oblake?
Opet će padati kiša
Divlja oluja mi već na pameti
Uragan u mojoj duši
Ali uvek velika oluja u mom srcu
(Hor ) (2x)
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki

The Plastic Ladybird

When I saw you first time,
you came by a huge track.
I fell in love with you
but you didn't, but you didn't look at me.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
A beetle came to the ladybird.
He knocked at the little window
and the ladybird cleared her throat quietly,
'Go away beetle, go away beetle, I have a horse-fly.'
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
I confessed my love to you.
You betrayed me with a beetle.
Then I showed you
what is, what is the power of the penguin.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
This is the end of this song,
my beloved viewer.
If you enjoyed it,
sing, sing together with us.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.


Vrati mi se
Vrati mi se
Bila sam nesmotrena prema tvojoj ljubavi
Znam to zaista
Oh, šta dovraga da radim?
Tvoje ruke me čine da se osećam predivno
Oh, šta da radim?
Bila sam nesmotrena prema tvojoj ljubavi
I ovo je istina
Zar se ne slažeš, oh, zar se ne slažeš?
Prati me
Vrati mi se
Bila sam nesmotrena prema tvojim očima
Sada mogu jasno da vidim
Šta sam mogla da uradim
Oh, šta si uradio
Bila sam nesmotrena

Srce se kvari

Moje srce se pokvarilo, onaj put kad si rekao
'Ne mogu više ovo, ne mogu da nastavim'
Osećala sam se kao da pijem otrov
Otrov, otrov, otrov
Osećam se kao jelen uhvaćen od strane lovaca
Osećam se kao riba van vode
Osećam se kao da mi se srce pretvorilo u milion komadića
Moje srce će uvek pamtiti
Moje srce kvari
Moje srce želi da plače
Želi da viče, želi da umre
Do kraja vremena
Moje srce se kvari
Ne znam da li sam te zaista volela
Ili sam bila previše ponosna
Ili sam bila do smrti bolesna za tobom
Ako te budem videla jednog dana, negde sa njom
Kunem se da ću piti dok ne umrem
Držaću oči zatvorene zauvek
Samo ću se sećati
Moje srce se kvari
Zaista kvari
Moje srce se kvari
Moje srce želi da plače
Želi da viče, želi da umre
Do kraja vremena
Moje srce se kvari
Ne znam
Da li sam te zaista volela
Ili sam bila previše ponosna
Ili sam bila do smrti bolesna za tobom
Moje srce gori
Oh, dušo
Oh, dušo
Oh, dušo
Moja prelepa ljubavi
Ljubav nikada ne razočara
Tako ide priča
Ljubav nikada ne razočara
Tako se stvari dešavaju
Moje srce se kvari
Moje srce želi da plače
Želi da viče, želi da umre
Do kraja vremena (x2)


Oh, spasio si me ponovo od smrti
Oh, vratio si me, vratio si me u život
Oh, nikada ne bi pomislio da bih
Da bih, da bih, da bih...
Ogorčeno srce i slatka odanost
Tako mogu da vidim
Tako mogu da osećam
U celom svom životu, misteriozni čoveče, ne želim nikog sem tebe i tvoje jadno srce
Ti si za mene čudo
Ti si čudo, čudo, čudo, da
To si za mene čudo
Čudo, čudo, čudo, da
Voli, živi, pusti da umreš
Voli, ozari se do sunčevog svetla
Budi moj čovek i ja ću biti tvoja žena
Budi moj dečko i ja ću biti tvoja devojka
Za života, za života
Ti si čudo
Ti si čudo, čudo, čudo, da
To si za mene čudo
Čudo, čudo, čudo, da (x3)

Kraljevstvo tvog srca

Svi lepi konji
Svi divlji konji
Oni me uvek podsećaju na tebe
Ti i tvoja divlja ličnost
Ti trčiš, smeješ se, živiš, plačeš
I idemo opet ispočetka
Pusti me unutra, pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Pusti me da ga ukradem, pusti me da budem tvoja kraljica
Pusti me da se borim za ovo
Pusti me unutra, pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Mogla bih da umrem za tebe, znaš to
Pusti me da se borim za ovo
Svi lepi konji
Svi divlji konji
Oni me uvek podsećaju na tebe
Ne sećam se koji je bio dan onog dana kada sam te prvi put upoznala
Dozvoli mi da ukradem poljubac
I idemo opet ispočetka
Pusti me unutra
Pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Pusti me da ga ukradem
Pusti me da budem njegova kraljica
Pusti me da se borim za ovo
Pusti me da budeeeemm....
Gledaj me
Diraj me
Ljubi me
Grli me
Voli me
Jebi me
Ženi me
Nije preteško, ako se dovoljno potrudiš...
Pusti me unutra
Pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Pusti me da ga ukradem
Pusti me da budem njegova kraljica
Budi moj kralj dragi


Oh, kada me on pogleda
Oh, kada osetim da je on najbolji čovek u celom univerzumu
Oh, kada me on pogleda
Oh, kada sam u njegovoj orbiti...
Svaka čovekova istina je drugom čoveku blago
Moje blago je on
On i njegove vruće, prelepe oči
On i njegove vruće prelepe oči
Neću više plakati za ljubavlju
Jer sam našla bebu za koju nikada ne bih plakala
Našla sam bebu koju nikada ne bih raskinula pored njega*
Padam, padanje je veliki rizik, ali koga briga?
Ljubav može da sija više nego sunce
Oh, kada me on pogleda
Oh, kada osetim da je on najbolja ljubav koju sam ikada imala
On je savršenost
Oh, kada sam u njegovoj orbiti...

Zalazak sunca

Versions: #2
Jedino što želim je da osetim ovu sreću
Ovo zadovoljstvo, ovaj mir u svome srcu, duši, telu
I sad osetim zimu u kostima dok zahlađuje, o
Nedostaje mi sunce, nedostaje mi leto
Zalazak sunca bio je jedini dokaz tvog postojanja
O drago leto, želim ti reći
Da ti si najbolje godišnje doba
O, drago leto, zašto bar malo duže nisi ostalo? Bar još malo...
Slavuji pevaju bajke
O kraljevima, zmajevima, vilama
Zima je, zar ne osetiš?
Vrhovi planina pod snegom su, o, nedostaje mi sunce, nedostaje mi leto
Zalazak sunca bio je jedini dokaz tvog postojanja
O drago leto, želim ti reći
Da ti si najbolje godišnje doba
O, drago leto, zašto još nisi potrajalo?
Ostalo bar malo duže (x3)

Američki san

Osećam kao da ću te izgubiti
Osećam kao da sam zapela
Kažu da ništa ne traje zauvek
To su samo bajke
Hiljade carstava je izgrađeno
Milion zvezda je stvoreno
Stotinu je duga bilo gore na nebu
Par ptica se zaljubilo
Zar ne čuješ zov prirode?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Zar ne osetiš nalet krvi do svoje glave?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Hiljade carstava je izgrađeno
Milion zvezda je stvoreno
Ti si Bog ljubavi
I ja jasno razumem zašto?
Zar ne čuješ zov prirode?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Zar ne osetiš nalet krvi do svoje glave?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Ohhhh, američki, američki, američki san
Ohhhh, američki, američki, američki san
Budućnost nas zove
Ovo je naša generacija, bebo
Zar ne čuješ zov prirode?
Zar ne osetiš nalet krvi do svoje glave?
Pa, ovo nije još jedan američki san (san, san, san)