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Probaj me

Moje usamljeno srce, molim te ne ostavljaj me
Videćeš da sam vredna toga
Bez obzira na sve
Vredna sam
Vredna sam
Moje usamljeno srce, molim te oprosti mi
Ali probaj me i videćeš da sam se promenila
Promenila sam se
Bez ozbira na sve
Promenila sam
Probaj me, molim te
I videćeš
Zar ne pomisliš nekada da je to samo traćenje ljubavi
Ili gubljenje vremena
Volim te
I to je sve što znam
Volim te
I to je sve što znam
Prestani da gledaš svoju bivšu, ona to ne zaslužuje
Probaj moje srce, ono može
Probajj moju ljubav, ona može
Zar ne pomisliš nekada
Oh, zar nekada, nekada
Pokušavam da nađem svoju zemlju čuda
Kako bih te videla opet
Pokušaj da me nateraš da se osećam dobro
I ja ću isto pokušati
Kunem se u ljubav
Probaj me, molim te
I videćeš
Zar ne pomisliš nekada da je to samo traćenje ljubavi
Ili gubljenje vremena
Volim te i to je sve što znam (x3)

Oseti vetar

Oko mog tela
Osetim to večeras
Osetim to svaki put
Nevernost, da, to je moja priča
To je problem
To je nešto novo
Mrzim sebe što osećam nešto gore od smrti
Pokušavam da budem otrovni bršljan
Kako mogu da živim ovako?
Mi smo sudbina
Ja sam tvoja sudbina
I ti si moja
Ti si moja sudbina
I ja sam tvoja (tvoja, tvoja, uistinu tvoja)
Osetim vetar
Osetim svetla
Osetim nebo
Osetim mesečinu
Osetim dodir
Osetim ljubav
Osetim bol
Osetim otkucaj srca
Osetim lom u svojim kostima
Osetim krv u svojim venama
Svakog trenutka svog života (x2)
Živeti u svetu bez tebe
Ovo je katastrofa, katastrofa
Umreti za tebe, to je istina
Raj je predaleko i želim da idem samo sa tobom
Želim da živim tamo samo sa tobom
Želim da živim tamo samo sa tobom
Vojniče katastrofe, dođi i spasi me od pakla
Osetim vetar
Osetim svetla
Osetim nebo
Osetim mesečinu
Osetim dodir
Osetim ljubav
Osetim bol
Osetim otkucaj srca (otkucaj)
Osetim lom u svojim kostima
Osetim krv u svojim venama
Svakog trenutka svog života (x2)

Crna lutka

Udaram glavom o svet
O ljubav i bol
Usamljeni, plavi mesec i crvena kiša
Udaram glavom o svet
Muka mi je da mi se vrtiš i vrtiš po glavi
Okrećeš u krug poput pčele, ponekad kao leptir
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku* i nikada više nemoj izlaziti
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku i nikada više nemoj izlaziti
Od usana do tvog srca
Ovo je put ljubavi
Uvek u mom srcu
Uvek u mojim mislima
Uvek u mojim snovima
Uvek ispred mene
Proganjaš me, bebo...
Po prvi put sam te videla...
Izađi mi iz misli
Nadala sam se da će se ovo dogoditi još pre nekoliko godina
Nikada se nije desilo, nikada se nije desilo
Možeš li da osetiš otkucaj mog srca, jer od sada, ono će kucati samo za tebe
Uvek u mom srcu
Uvek u mojim mislima
Uvek u mojim snovima
Uvek ispred mene
Naše delo je na zidu, šta misliš?
Ne treba mi niko više u mom celom životu
Jer kunem se zauvek na ljubav, odanost, vernost tebi
Imam tebe bebo, ali nemoj biti, nemoj mi biti u mislima
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku
Uvek u mom srcu
Uvek u mojim mislima
Uvek u mojim snovima
Uvek ispred mene...
Uvek ispred mene...
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku i nikada više nemoj izlaziti

(Love) Confession

I am suffering by every move you make
I thought I knew you, but I don't
In every sight of yours, in every glance of yours
There is a truth and a lie, what can I say.
Love with you is a mystery.
The passion and the lust in your body
Every doubt of me relieve
And I have the feeling we are the only lovers.
I am burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment
Your shape is a sign on my mind.
It fills my gap* every night.
My undying love**
I have learn to pay for your mistakes, what can I say....
I'm burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment.
'It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality...'

Luda ljubav (opsesija)

Mmmmmm, mmmmm...
Bio je to prvi i poseban put da se ovako osećam
Nikad nisam pipnula staklo, jer bojala sam se, ali sad sam sva isečena
Dođavola, izgledao si kao Bog u mojim očima, kad sam te prvi put videla
I dalje imam ovaj utisak o tebi, ne pokušavaj da me izlečiš
Jer si me već ubio
Mmm, oduzeo si mi dah...
Mmm, ti si moje sklonište...
Tvoja koža, tvoji lepi zlatni zubi, tvoje oči, tvoj osmeh
Tvoje lepe usne
Opekle su me
Tvoj glas, tvoja kosa, tvoje ruke
Brižni plamenovi tvog tela,
Želim da dodirnem svaku njegovu ćeliju
Navučena sam na njih sve
Navučena na tebe,
Osetim čežnju...
Ti si kao neprirodno biće, veličanstveni čovek
O, svaki put se za tebe osuše moje suze
Tvoj glas je himna za moje uši
Predoziram se svaki put kad te čujem i vidim
Mislim o tebi
Luda sam za tobom
Ovo se, dušo, zove
Ovo se zove luda ljubav
Kao opsesija je...
Tvoja koža, tvoji lepi zlatni zubi, tvoje oči, tvoj osmeh
Tvoje lepe usne
Opekle su me
Tvoj glas, tvoja kosa, tvoje ruke
Brižni plamenovi tvog tela,
Želim da dodirnem svaku njegovu ćeliju
Navučena sam na njih sve
Navučena na tebe,
Osetim čežnju...
Kao opsesija je...
Ovo je iskrena ljubav, ovo je prava ljubav
Nemoj ići dušo, nemoj da si ikada napustio moj život
Ovo je iskrena ljubav, prava ljubav, besmrtna ljubav
Šarena ljubav, zbog koje plačem
Muka mi je od svake sekunde kad mislim na tebe
Ovo je iskrena ljubav, ovo je prava ljubav
Ovo je luda, luda ljubav
O, ne mogu da živim bez tebe
Ako ti umreš, umirem i ja
Ako odeš, idem i ka
Kad se smešiš, smešim se i ja
Tvoja koža, tvoji lepi zlatni zubi
Tvoj osmeh
Tvoje lepe usne
Opekle su me
Kao opsesija je...

Nisam Ona Stara

Niko ne zna kako mi je sada
Devedesetdevet demona mi na pameti
Zašto se ovako osećam?
Šta je sa mnom?
Šta je s nama?
Ne razumem u čemu je problem
Zašto me demoni progone, zašto mi stvaraju mučninu,
Zašto me teraju na povraćanje?
Zašto mi brišu sećanja?
Čine me zombijem, i mrtvom i živom u isto vreme
Ne razumem
Ali jedno znam
Nisam više ona stara
Ti i ja, različiti ljudi, različita srca, usamljena srca
Trebamo jedno drugo, vidim to u tvojim očima
Trebaš me, želiš me, trebam te, želim te
Ali imam brdo problema na pameti
Kako da živimo s tim?
Čine me zombijem, i mrtvom i živom u isto vreme
Ne razumem
Ali jedno znam
Nisam više ona stara
Zašto me ne ostave na miru?
Šta se dođavola događa?
Zašto me ne puste da zaista krvarim?
Dosta mi je svega...
Demoni me čine zombijem, i mrtvom i živom u isto vreme
Stvarno ne razumem
Ali, eto...
I onda...
Ja neću više biti ona stara
Neću biti ona stara
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki

Besmrtna ljubav

Besmrtna, besmrtna
Znam da je ova ljubav luda
Ne mogu se odupreti više
Da te nemam
Da te ne grlim
Znam da je pravo
Pravo je
Ali bih više volela da ti kažem
O, tvoje smaragdne oči
Čine da oživim
Čine da sva moja čula ožive
Jer se osećam ludo kad sam s tobom
Osetim to kada se dodirujemo
Izgledaš mi kao halucinacija,
Osetim se ludo svaki put, svaki put
Vidim te u tom crnom odelu
I samo želim da plačem
O, ova ljubav je
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je luda
Ova ljubav je besmrtna, besmrtna
Ova ljubav je luda
Ova ljubav je besmrtna, besmrtna
Besmrtna ljubav
Ljudi mi uvek govore kako će mi se život
U budućnosti promeniti
Ne želim da ga menjam, ne
Ne želim
Ne želim, sve vreme mislim na tebe
I dalje ne verujem u čuda ali moram ti reći
O, ova ljubav je
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Dušo, voleću te zauvek
Voleću te do smrti
I dalje ću te voleti od gore
Jer ova ljubav je nedodirljiva
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna


Svetlost, svetlost mog života
Vreme je uvek bilo protiv mene
Jedino što sada mogu da radim je da plačem
Umirući čekam ovaj trenutak
Za mene si kao duh
Opsedaš me
Svaki sekund mog života
Uvek si mi na umu
Nešto duboko u meni govori mi
Da te još volim
Ali sad moram da živim sa svojim sećanjima, nadama, snovima, iluzijama
Ali nešto duboko iznutra na mene viče
Da još volim te
Ali sad moram da živim sa svojim sećanjima, nadama, snovima, iluzijama
Ali nešto duboko iznutra na mene viče
Da još volim te
Ceo dan me opsedaš, celu noć
Sad je to moja uspavanka
Život mi je u opasnosti
Otvorila sam Pandorinu kutiju i svo zlo sam oslobodila
Ali tamo je bila mala nada koja me živom održava
Nema lečenja za ovu vrstu bola
Prelepog bola
Duboko u mom vatrenom srcu...
I dalje gorim, o, ljubav je vrela...
Ali sad moram da živim sa svojim sećanjima, nadama, snovima, iluzijama
Ali nešto duboko iznutra na mene viče
Da još volim te
Da još volim te

What's Done Is Done

Every time I trail off and sadness creeps under my skin
When I walk down what used to be city
I come to realize why people leave here
'Cause they can't look at folded pants
'Cause those same people ruined gardens
And instead of flowers they keep garbage under their windows
But hey, what can you do, it's hard to live on asphalt
Believe me, I lived easier with grenades during war then now with consequences of war
Let's look at life from the brighter side
Let's look at our new uptown girls and what they do
So, I approach one, she looks hot, I start to talk
But she can't hear me, she still hears cattle in her head
I'm not confused, don't get me wrong, some things still work
I show off my Mercedes benz and start the engine, they get that part
We're in my room, I start to take off her clothes, trace her breasts
She starts to moan like she's giving birth
While I'm struggling with condom, I don't know where to begin
I didn't even put it on and she already says 'Wow, it's big!'
And said condom is full before dawn
But who'd change it then, while we're still at it like we just begun
Or, what if it breaks, sudden thought crossed my mind
And she realized what's on my mind, yelling
'Don't come inside of me, I beg you, don't!'
'Well, shit, this is already my second time.'
What's done is done
There's no going back in time
What's done is done, aaaah...
No matter circumstances, town is still cheerful
you know, we're becoming well known in the world and all that shit
And what's more important, we're becoming well known
As following story tells:
I wake up this morning, start masturbating again
It's been seven days since I had sex
I'll find someone to stick it soon, hell, I'm not a leper
So my righty, my first love, can finally have some rest
AIDS is big these days, I can already hear my mum inside my head
Even so, it's better to risk it than keep it in my pants
I get dressed and go out
Partisan movies aren't enough to describe the horror of the scene, ugly faces dominate
In that moment, membrane pulsates in my pants
'Who cares about your standards, desperate times...!'
Since my cock isn't picky but it's prone to throwing up,
I'll call it 'He' from now on
I approach her, she looks good enough, I'm fixing my mojo
Her clothes is expensive
Her shoes are huge enough to fit two babies, I'm thinking it over
And He says: 'She just grew out healthy, probably grandad's genes.'
She moves so smoothly, she could easily move an average elephant
If she was mixing concrete, I'd already be ready for a building
She steps wide, I'm running behind, everything boiling on the inside
Her legs defy gravity.
I'm thinking for myself, it would charitable to fuck her
And He says: 'Charitable? You'd fuckin' beg for more!'
'Nice to meet you, I'm Micha.' and she smiles:
'Nice to meet you, too. I'm Dushica but they call me Dushka.'
She ask whom I live with, do I live nearby, she has to go to toilet.
With my mum, I say, she asks, do we have any kids.
We storm inside, I'm thinking, who cares about manners
She didn't even close the door, she pees standing up
Thought crossed my mind, Look at this asshole
and He says: 'She maybe had some surgery and her pussy went up higher'
I pull her hair and scream:'What a fuck is this, bitch?!'
And she says: 'I feel like a woman, but I was born a man.'
I reach for her pussy and down there, a prick.
What's done is done
There's no going back in time
What's done is done,
f**k my life.
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki

Suve Usne

Ponoć za poljupce
I to je sve što želim
Moje usne žeđaju za tvojim
Moje usne umiru za tvojim poljupcem
Suve usne žeđaju za tvojim
Suve usne umiru za tvojim
Pusto srce još uvek je samo u noći
I umirem za tobom
Jesi li spreman na moju blizinu, srećo, dušo?
Jesi li spreman na moj dodir?
Jesi li spreman da osetiš strast?
Jesi li spreman da ljubiš moje modre usne?
Oo, moje usne umiru za tvojim, dušo
Suve usne žeđaju za tvojim
Suve usne umiru za tvojim
Pusto srce još uvek je samo u noći
I umirem za tobom (x2)
Umirem za tobom (x4)

Moj plavooki princ

Moj plavooki princ će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Ovakve misli
Ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
Dođi, inspiracijo moja
Moj mladi kralj će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Zbog ovakve misli
Moje suze mi peku obraze
Moj plavooki princ će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Ovakve misli
Ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi

Najbolja ljubavna pesma

Napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada čuo
samo za tebe
biti sa tobom
očigledno je moja jedina šansa da dišem
budi sa mnom, dušo, a ja ću ti napisati milion ljubavnih pesama
samo za tebe
Napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada voleo
to je tačno, to je stvarnost, ne boj se
ludost je neuništiva, ali mogu se nositi s tim
moja ljubavi, moja krvava ljubavi, plakaćeš prvi i poslednji put, tako da
Napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu zbog koje si ikada plakao
na dobrom sam putu da izgubim razum
izluđuješ me
dušo, dušo, dušo
ali još uvek dišem, još uvek živim
samo za tebe
Zato ću napisati najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada voleo
napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu zbog koje si ikada plakao
napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada čuo
napisiću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu ikad


Moj lave
pusti me da budem tvoja večna ljubav
ja sam tvoja sudbina
i ti moja
Ispod mesečeve svetlosti
zaželim želju zvezdi
da budeš moj
čitav život
Dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
neću da te razočaram
nikada neću da te izneverim
dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
Vatra pod mojim stopalima
sada mogu da je osetim
dušo, obožavam te
ne mogu da dišem bez tebe
Dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
neću da te razočaram
nikada neću da te izneverim
dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
Učini me svojom Julijom
pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
učini me svojom Julijom
pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
Glava mi je u oblacima zbog tebe, dušo

Marunouchi Sadistic

The reward's on the parallel lines after joining a company
I love Tokyo but there's nothing there
Gimme a Rickenbacker 620
Don't have the 190,000 Ochanomizu
It's so rough I get off on the smell of the Marshall
Every night I'm just going to the top
Making one Rat the tools of my trade
And then I trip when Benji reflects in my lungs
Lately been playing cops in Ginza
Even when you cross the border all glories must fade
Gimme a receipt
No tax accountants here Korakuen
In the future I want you to be a monk and get married
Every night on your bed just playing games
I wanna try being a pizza place girl
And then Benji smacks me with his Gretch
Blue bite it and come for me
I said I'll go home on the last train Ikebukuro

My Deception

It amuses me thinking about
why I was having a hard time moving on from you before.
Am I not supposed to be really forgetful?
I don't know why it was so
but it really had been impossible to forget you.
But now it's finally changed,
If ballpens can easily be (misplaced and) lost,
how much more of feelings?
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception,* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (2x)
*My deception*...
Moving on as if there's a breakup to move on from
What is it with my presumptuous heart?
Why I was having a hard time letting go
when I wasn't being held on to at all.
Try stopping me too, please?
May I now finally learn
that there's absolutely nothing I can reap
from this love that is (constantly) being given then taken back.
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
I shall start moving away ever slowly,
just ever slowly,
just in case maybe,
you'll (be wanting to) catch up to me,
but that's *just (my) deception.*
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Don't deceive me anymore.
I shall not assume (anything ever) again,
I shall not get carried away (ever) again,
I shall not (allow myself to) be beguiled (ever) again
by you, who leads people on.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception.* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)
*My deception*...
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)

An F in Math

Hey bros, it's statics law
I got an F in math
The Chemodan is a kind of problem
I got an F in math
What makes each following day a bit warmer for fellas
I can even say that the shadow is dead
We're in the car, too lazy to open the windows
Tinted windows hide the faces
I'm not a killer, but I can kill with precision
If you meet me in the street, you'll recognize me by the way I walk
Cheap vodka hits right in the bull's eye
Cigarettes between our teeth, we chat when we meet up
And not about butts hidden under the skirts.
The problem is how to pay for the cellphone plan
The perfume of the southern fields
I like those nature's gifts which are more fun
No need for pneumatic weapons
An F in math
The laws on the streets and their aesthetics
Were taught to you in school, but it's all in vain
You'll get a black eye in between the brick walls
Hey bros, it's statics law
I got an F in math
The Chemodan is a kind of problem
I got an F in math
It's sperm on the lips it's toothpaste
Respect for those who's often in my headphones
How many of you fucking rastas are there?
I'll stop lighting up only when I kick the bucket
Feel the difference, I'm a gambler, you're a favorite
Fuck your Russia, Algiers is in my home
In a minute I'll find the lever and flip the world
Explain to me which part of your ass isn't fat
High on glue with my people
I'm walking all dressed up in my Calvin Klein socks
And not cause of glue I try to hit and miss
If rap is a hobby for me, then I can fuck off
Fuck it, hit the crotch and there will be no noise
There are many angry teens in my neighborhood
When I ride on the pony even when I'm cool
My town is cool - they bring it from St Petersburg
The guys are having fun online, look
There are hair rollers on the chest, listen, fuck off
I love Baha's rap, check it out Paha
Since if it's just a hobby, then I can fuck off

Chair Romance

Chair* is often a boring place,
but when you pass across it
the sun starts shining and, like falling out of a dream,
the hansome guys from Chair get awake.
A short skirt and everyone open wide their eyes
and I am not at all better than them.
So small and sweet as a bajadera**
everyone would eat you with delight.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.
People tell stories that you are in the Company
only of tycoons and directors.
Your eyes overstrain my heart,
I sweat as if I were in the spotlights.
As i see, waiting will not bring me an advance,
I will have to do a hard work on my own.
I have to be a hero, to come to you and
to propose you a marvellous plan.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.
Stuck as a gun, with sophisticated tactics
I went out to find you.
And I saw someone giving you a hug
and I lost hope when I heard what he is whispering to you.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.

Because Of (All These Reasons)

I coated the night while you were sleeping
I smelt the purest piece of the morning
Were you the only one who makes me good?
(I've never had somone as good for me as you)
Still i've a festering sore
Were you the only one who gives me everything?
Still nobody understands me
I wasn't looking for anybody because of all these reasons
I couldn't replace you with anyone in this night

Love will not die, if you believe

I miss your voice as a silent prayer of the heart
Nobody understood that, insight is far away
Those nights are restless, forgotten paths home
Why is your soul fluttering? You are so precious to me
I tell you every day
Be with me
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Silence will kill us soon, you are farther than I thought
My thoughts, perhaps, will not know where you are
Nights are asking what will happen, if two hearts get lost
Other continents and times are other too
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe

We Gave Up, Too

I'm very regretful
I still love you
In the middle of our dream
Didn't we give up?
We gave up too
We both gave up
We gave up when we still love each other
Tell me, didn't we give up?

You used to be beatnik

Hey, where are your high-platform shoes,
And where did you shove your double-breasted suit?
Better put your house slipppers far away, old man,
Come on, earlier you wouldn't give even five cents for them
But you used to be beatnik, o-o-oh
You used to be beatnik, o-o-oh
You would give away your soul for rock'n'roll,
Extracted from someone's diaphragm's X-Ray.
And now you have TV, newspapers, football,
And your old mom is happy with that
But you used to be beatnik, o-o-oh
You used to be beatnik, o-o-oh
The rock'n'roll time is gone forever,
Gray hair cooled your yound mind off.
But I believe, and I'm happy to think so,
That deep inside you're still the same.
But you used to be beatnik, o-o-oh
You used to be beatnik, o-o-oh

The Word Is Your Word

The word is not mine in love
The word is your word
Tell me what do you want, and ask for it
I will make your wishes come true
I never left any woman in this world
But madly in love with me
But you are not any woman
The word is your word
Your eyes are experienced in love
I do not think I fell in love with you by accident
To bring my heart down to earth1
One glance [from you] is more than enough
My heart did not accept anyone but you
To live in it
I love you by words and actions
It is written all over me
Your love is my land and playground
You cannot run away from me
You are going to get from my love so much
Warmth and tenderness
  • 1. Meaning here is to make me fall for you.

Ko Pha-ngan

Maybe in Mumbai , maybe Urugay
Maybe a few days in Tokyo or Shanghai
Maybe in Paris , Cairo or Seoul
Maybe in Bogotá but more than anything
I want a hotel in Ko Pha-ngan
With a hand to the sky and a foot on a hammock yeah
I want to make a mess there
From morning till night
I've got a two year old aunt, drive for two weeks
For a vacation or two
I haven't executed it yet , it's in plans for now
Give something nice with sunset and water
And there's nothing like disconnecting from work
Take a break to fold and leave a note
And if they're searching let them search i'm disconnected
Make me some noise if the plan makes you feel desire
I want a hotel in Ko Pha-ngan
With a hand to the sky and a foot on a hammock yeah
I want to make a mess there
I want a hotel in Ko Pha-ngan
With a hand to the sky and a foot on a cloud
I want to make a mess there
From morning till night
I've already written on a board for me , Omri needs to rest
Also Erez and Duvduv for sure
And the plan's still in development, and i've already got a nut
Something nice with Mangos Pinapples and soul
Because there's nothing like starting the week
On a forsaken quiet beach in an unknown place
And if they dare say alas
I'd tell them you know what?? Let's go Ko Samui
I want a hotel in Ko Samui
With a hand to the sky and a foot on a hammock yeah
I want to make a mess there
I want a hotel in Ko Samui
With a hand to the sky and a foot on a cloud
I want to make a mess there
From morning till night
Maybe in L.A. maybe in Toulouse
Maybe in Ocho Rios with the ganja and the rum
Maybe in Nepal in Yaffo or Akko
Maybe in Riverre but more than anything
I want a hotel in Ko Pha-ngan



From all newspapers It became known
What's in the basement of your house
Is walking someone exactly like you
All machines are working in the hall
Posters of Virgin Mary
Are looking down, casting a shadow.
That's right, don't open to no one.
Stay and live as you do. Drink your tea.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Friends, what are your like?
Gothic is closer! Gothic Dark!
Easier, quieter, and you fell asleep.
Easier, quieter ...
Who will be your procurator?
Who will make you awake?
People are screaming: eat! sleep! Stop! go!
Only the old curved trees
Were able to do everything like it should be.
Who were asking them?
Bed! Table! Knife! To theirs back!
That's right, don't open to no one.
Stay and live as you do. Drink your tea.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Friends, what are your like?
Gothic is closer! Gothic Dark!
Easier, quieter, and you fell asleep.
Easier, quieter ...


The wind is ripping, like we were just pages
That somebody threw away after browsing
We wouldn't be anything pretty to read
Lines mixed up, nothing much to tell
Hold on, hey, to me
Then I can hold you
You always need to get support from a friend
But rain or shine, we try
To get to spend1 the night at a friend's
We have shouted in yard's: 'Come and open'
But people are away or just hiding
Refrain 2:
Hey, we are swaying again, but we don't fall down
Maybe we're a bit tired, but now is not the time for sleeping
Hey, we are swaying again, but we don't fall down
We don't regret or rewind the past
It's not our fault, if we've lost our way
The clocks run backward, the world is tilted
The flags flutter wet, maybe they celebrate
This day, on which half the country got medals
We couldn't even be manufactured into being heroes
Good if we even stay on the sidewalk
Refrain 2
Into the morning
Frosty, the sun rises
So beautiful is the ground
Everyone still has time to party
We begin again
Refrain 2 (2x)
  • 1. viettelemään can also mean to seduce

Life Without Narcotics

Give me four wheels so I can drive off
And the fifth I'll take on the steering wheel
I have no hut, no job, no success
But I've got a half-full box and a water pipe
And there's a sea of booze,
I lack only the mind,
To understand how to finally apply
I don't need any of this shit ever again!
Alcohol and drugs - darts in the target of my health
With every 'battle' and hell they get closer to ten
My way of life, probably, will cause my death
But if I say that I'll quit, don't believe me
After all, every time when I quit
When I'm trying, and I have guests
Suddenly someone comes and puts
Something into a cigarette...
My habits won't leave me in peace:
I live in the wrong place, with the wrong friends, and my company
Won't give me a chance to find out how good life is,
If you don't kill yourself and make friends with your body!
Life without narcotics...
Bright life, without narcotics...
Hi, I'm Noize MC's liver, I already have no strength
Look at what this fool did to me:
I look like I'm sixty years old,
I'm completely yellow – any more is impossible!
Brain, come to your senses, before it's too late,
We're here with a couple of kidneys, it's just too fucking much!
And the pancreas also advocates
For you to give it up.
Don't believe us? You there, ask the lungs:
- How many years does the rapper MC have left?
- Well, from his strength, say, two or three, but I can't say
He's managed to shit on us from the inside.
But, for this party, we've still got enough
So let's beat this joint, come on,
Don't forget to pass it around in a circle,
And whatever happens, know...
My habits won't leave me in peace:
I live in the wrong place, with the wrong friends, and my company
Won't give me a chance to find out how good life is,
If you don't kill yourself and make friends with your body!
Life without narcotics...
Bright life, without narcotics...
Choose a life without narcotics,
A bright life without narcotics!
My habits won't leave me in peace:
I live in the wrong place, with the wrong friends, and my company
Won't give me a chance to find out how good life is,
If you don't kill yourself and make friends with your body!

Tike tike tak

Dođi devojko da te vidim, umreću ti
Od tvojih očiju i usana ću izludeti
Ako tebe ne gledam, ne mogu spavati
Tebi ću doći
Tike tike tak raka taka tak
Na vratima umreću
Raka taka tak tike tike tak
Tebi, devojko, doći ću
Ustaj, ustaj, draga moja
Ustaj, ustaj, slatka moja
Otvori mi svoja vrata
Pijan sam, pašću
Svoju gitaru ću slomiti
Samo tebe da vidim ja
Hajde ustaj, ustaj ti
Ljubim te u usta
Vrata neko otvara, al' nje nema
Majka njena reče mi da idem ja
Slušaj, matora, ne idem nigde, dok ne vidim nju
Odavde ne idem
Pevaću, sviraću, nju ću probuditi
Kroz pesmu ću reći, šta me boli
Nije ti žao da ostaviš me, umreću ti
Odavde ne idem

I'm afraid that maybe I loved you and adored you

I'm afraid that maybe I loved you and adored you
And that the love might threw me in your home
And every night I miss you
and I ask myself how I loved you
The black eyes have been stolen you
Oh my heart ,you have been forgotten
Oh my heart ,you are not promised
just by sadness
They changed you and then they have gone away
They alienate you and then they have gone away
They have gone away to become comfort this evening
Our eyes are promised for nights of love
A blissful turning come from your eyes
The poems are crying
And the way is waiting for us
Tell her what happened
You ,a bird of eve


Spring come again and bring love. Attach each lover to his beloved.
Spring is here, flowers are open. My heart got in love again.
Spring is here, weather is great. My beloved is so modest.
I went to the field. What a great fragment it has. I went to the sea. What a fascinating weather it has.
This fragments and smells made me in love again.
This violets breeze made me in love again.


And I don't need math
To figure out what your tactic is
You're from a bad place
And that's problematic
A girl from the ghetto doesn't care about that
The romantics
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
I like everything about you
And I know you're the one
We'd talk for the whole night
And I don't look at the time
I like everything about you
'Cause you always keep the guard up
'Cause everything's so right with you
While the whole city looks for us
And I don't need math
To figure out what your tactic is
You're from a bad place
And that's problematic
A girl from the ghetto doesn't care about that
The romantics
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yea
I like everything about you
And I know you're the one
We'd talk for the whole night
And I don't look at the time
I like everything about you
'Cause you always keep the guard up
'Cause everything's so right with you
While the whole city looks for us
And I don't need math
To figure out what your tactic is
You're from a bad place
And that's problematic
A girl from the ghetto doesn't care about that
The romantics
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yea

Distant Road

Sun raised in my palms, spring on my face
Life caress my soul, deep inside
Does anybody know where my mind is? You took it away
I would like to ask, are you a breeze or love?
I came from a long road, my behind is empty
I used to say I wouldn't turn back from the way of love, who is drunk?
Take a look at the distant, spring on my face
Would this roads go to him/her? Who knows where he/she is?
I came from a long road, my behind is empty
I used to say I wouldn't turn back from the way of love, who is drunk?
I came from a long road, my behind is empty
I used to say I wouldn't turn back from the way of love, who is drunk?

I fell in love with you

Versions: #5
  --- 1 ---
We happened to meet
At one crossroad of life
But the quick love fell
Now we donțt want nothing more to say.
In the night, my heart blame me
When the hearts get broken in three
Wounds how to cure them
Why do you want them ...?
   --- R ---
I fell in love but still pay
I'm paying with the pain of heart mistakes
But it's good if you were here
Love of a single night.
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.
  --- 2 ---
It's empty in the eyes you looked at me yesterday
Even the nights are full of heavy clouds
Trains of life may have delays
Why do you want them ...?
   --- R ---
I fell in love but still at a cost
I'm paying with the pain of heart mistakes
But it's good if you were here
Love of a single addition.
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.
   --- R2 ---
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.