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Give me a promise

I was wandering, what have I done with your heart,
When I was charmed with your eyes.
Heartbeatings came to the sky,
But until now I haven't told you that I love you.
My eyes left in yours.
I was calm and asked about nothing.
Each your glance told
It wants to be returned.
Give me a promise.
Give me a promise,
You won't leave me.
Promise me that you will stay loving me
As much as I love you.
I've never known what does love mean
Until I met you.
After that hour when I saw your eyes,
My eyes no longer can see.
I was afraid of your charm on my heart.
Moreover, I became weak with it.
I can't stop tell you that I love you.
There's no other love except you.
I don't know, what is your secret.
I couldn't resist your love.
For the first time in my life
I felt love and surrended.
I've never dreamed in my life
To see anyone with such a beauty you have.
From the moment when I've seen your eyes
My heart forbade anyone, but you.


Maybe we were born in the same place, you and I
Maybe what you see from your bed is similar
Maybe it snowed over the pyramids
And perhaps a train to the sea was waiting for us here
Maybe we both saw the sky and it took our breath away
Opened books in the same bookshop
or in that supermarket on Saturday
Maybe it’s true that to find oneself is already a miracle
Like songs without words
A ball that does not roll
We are all like aliens on the pavement
Looking for home and our other half
I’m almost sure I know you, you have a broken button
and blue shoelaces
We will fall in love at airport my love,
my love
What then, maybe in the crowd you said hi
Like that, I would have taken tourist photos in Camden Town
Maybe you smiled at me, waiting at a traffic light
Maybe we’ve been meeting for centuries already
Like songs without words
A ball that does not roll
We are all like aliens on the pavement
Looking for home and our other half
I’m almost sure I know you, you have a broken button
and blue shoelaces
We will fall in love at airport my love,
my love
But maybe nothing is true
I just like imagining you here
Telling my stupendous lies,
Feelings so beautiful and stupid, stupid
Like songs without words
The swing that does not swing
We are all a bit strange on the pavement
Looking for home and our other half
I’m almost sure I know you, you have a broken button
and blue shoelaces
We will meet again somewhere my love,
my love

amazarashi - Flowers Will Bloom Atop Someone's Corpse 花は誰かの死体に咲く

Versions: #2
The roadside trees are seeped in scarlet and feigned ignorance, while I stand beneath a frigid sky with a feeling of betrayal.
The world is full of awful news, but if I plug my ears, I won't be able to hear the departure bell. Lord mercy on me.
A mother stands stupefied on the desolate Asahi street, as bomber planes fly over the peaceful coastal waters.
Life and fantasy are but a mere shadow of popular culture and escapism.
It's been about seven million years since the dawn of humanity. And if the corpses of all those who have died to this ay are buried in the ground, then the whole world, even the town where you live, is all somebody's grave.
And though that might sound pretty morbid, I take solace in that fact.
Even these high-rise buildings and apartments are like tombstones.
Can you take apart my melancholy, misery, and memories?
Though they might not be beautiful, tiny flowers have bloomed.
They legitimize your pathetic existence: living without a choice, not even given a name.
Discarded, rotten garbage. Those who died with their regrets unresolved.
Even dreams of strangers which could never come true.
They'll all return to the earth, leaving nothing behind, and flowers will bloom atop someone's corpse.
The city tries to keep the night away, so beneath the starry sky, we've made so much commotion that it's sparked a wildfire: Glittering skylines. Illuminated billboards.
At long last, the city has triumphed over lonesomeness.
And yet, compared to wandering alone through the countryside at night, why the hell does this thriving city feel so lonely?
It must be the way I compare myself to others. All my happiness has been relative.
Though they might not be beautifu, when my worn-down friends smile, it legitimizes all my failures: there's neither shame nor honor on a path I didn't choose.
The person you once held so tight. The scorn in the headwinds.
Even your victories, which were never once appreciated.
They'll all return to the earth, leaving nothing behind, and flowers will bloom atop someone's corpse.
Even if makind started anew on our former battlefields, even if we brought flowers to the sites of disastrous tragedies, even if trees continue to take root in the tows we've abandoned, even if insects should swarm on the offrings to our forefathers, we're living in vain. Just go ahead and laugh!
Farewells are over in an instant. Just go ahead and sing!
At dusk, when we hold onto our withering lives and weep, offer a eulogy to life upon this trodden earth.
Though it might not be beautiful, if life still smiles upon us today, it will legitimize the hubris of mankind: Live as though we could escape this fate!
The days when were able to smile together.
The suffering on days when we faced loss.
Even our lives, which seem like they could be snuffed out without warning.
They'll all return to the earth, leaving nothing behind, and flowers will bloom atop someone's corpse.

Rivals of destiny

A new adventure, a new day
New tasks, one after the other
The duty doesn't let us rest
There's still a lot to do for us
No, no way is too far away for us
Because we manage to do everything side by side
We stand close together
And go through ice and flames
And if the ship shatters, our friendship remains
And if the world falls apart, we don't despair
Standing upright, going forwards
Because the destiny wants it so
No questions remain open
You're what leads me forwards
Just how can it be?
The power's in the two of us
And if the ship shatters, our friendship remains
And if the world falls apart, we don't despair
Standing upright, going forwards
Because the destiny wants it so
You're my right hand
You're my left
You give me the power
Not to sink in the chaos
Ooh - Wherever I fight
Ooh - Wherever you are
Ooh - We sense together that everything's alright
And if the ship shatters, our friendship remains
And if the world falls apart, we don't despair
Standing upright, going forwards
Doing better than just watching
Because the destiny wants it so
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Izneveri me lagano

Izneveri me lagano
Iako tvoja ljubav za mene vise nema
Izneveri me lagano
Jer mislis da je pogresno da ostanes
Mi smo unisteni zbog drugih
Al' popravljamo sami sebi
Mi utesimo se kod strancima
Al' ne cini mi se da to pomaze
Da bih svaka budala nosila krunu
Ja bih bio kralj a ne klovn
Zato sto ljubav ne smije, oh
Blize od nase ruke i noge
Al' mi je izgubljeno
Ohhhhh ohhhh
Al' mi je izgubljeno
Izneveri me lagano
Iako tvoja ljubav za mene vise nema
Izneveri me lagano
Jer mislis da je pogresno da ostanes
Nije bilo slade voce od ovog
Bez gorkog ukusa
Bilo je toliko svezo i slatko prije
Al' nomogu vise da okusim
Bio sam kao covek bez slatkisa
Imao sam sve
Al' sve je izgubljeno
Izgubljeno, izgubljeno za mene, yeah
Izneveri me lagano
Iako tvoja ljubav za mene vise nema
Izneveri me lagano
Iako tvoja ljubav za mene vise nema
Izneveri me lagano
Jer mislis da je pogresno da ostanes
Na bolji dan
cekali bih na uglu naseg
Prodajuci snove spasenja
Al' ovaj put si otisla na svoj put
Pa ja cu na moj
Daleko od ociju, daleko od ljubavi, van vremena
Izneveri me lagano
Iako tvoja ljubav za mene vise nema
Izneveri me lagano
Iako tvoja ljubav za mene vise nema
Izneveri me lagano
Jer mislis da je pogresno da ostanes
Izneveri me
Izneveri me lagano

Devojke vole

Sve devojke su kao, rekle da sam ja glavni
Sve što mi je trebalo je plan
Recite J.K da još uvek motam
Da, recite Russell-u da sam brend
Da, zapali taj skank
Niko se ne zeza sa bandom
Možda ću uzeti let za vikend, da
I otići u Kan jer mogu
Spustite se nisko, spustite se nisko, svi se spustite nisko
Imao sam par hitova i par solo (albuma)
Sada imam par BRIT-ova i par MOBO-ova
Izbacio sam 'Pass Out', svi poludeli
Nekada sam društvo odbacivao u Polo-u
Sada sam sa društvom u polo-u
Mogao bih da nateram ribu da mi da svoj poslednji Rolo
I ja kažem naravno, yo, znaš kako to ide
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Oni hoće tu dobru stvar
Oni hoće da dobiju malo
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Zato izvoli i dokaži mi da sam u pravu
To je ono što devojke vole
Da, Roleks na mom zglobu, to sam ja, ja
Muškarac godine, otmen sam
Čuo sam da par muškaraca žele da budu ja
Oni ne mogu biti TT
Reci im da je samo pobednicima dozvoljeno
Nema diggity, nema diggy-sumnje
Bio sam ispaljivan pre nego što su devojke počele da se daju
Rekao sam im da ću se vratiti žestoko kada sam bio na jugu
Spustite se nisko, spustite se nisko, svi se spustite nisko
Pošto me ona želi, ona ne želi CoCo
Zato sam je naterao da 'peva nazad' kao da je Moloko
I imam Mercedes, nemam Volvo
Nekadasam imao crnu Nokia Sirocco
Sada svuda gde idem, ljudi hoće sliku
Mogao bih da nateram ribu da mi da svoj poslednji Rolo
I ja kažem naravno, yo, znaš kako to ide
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Oni hoće tu dobru stvar
Oni hoće da dobiju malo
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Zato izvoli i dokaži mi da sam u pravu
To je ono što devojke vole
Ne treba mi momak koji je prijatelj
Bolje me pokupi u Benz-u
Volim da se vozam po West End-u
Nema Netflix i chill, to je mrtvo
Sve devojke su kao
Svaki dan kada se voziš sa prijateljima
Sve devojke su kao
Ne trebaju mi tvoje pare za stanarinu
Sve devojke su kao
Nisam ja ni 8 ni 9, ja sam 10
Sve devojke su kao
Koja ti je ono opet šifra of Wi-Fi-ja?
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Oni hoće tu dobru stvar
Oni hoće da dobiju malo
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Sve devojke su kao
Zato izvoli i dokaži mi da sam u pravu
To je ono što devojke vole
Sve devojke su kao, rekle da sam ja glavni
Sve što mi je trebalo je plan
Recite J.K da još uvek motam
Da, recite Russell-u da sam brend
Da, zapali taj skank
Niko se ne zeza sa bandom
Možda ću uzeti let za vikend, da
I otići u Kan jer mogu
Spustite se nisko, spustite se nisko, svi se spustite nisko
Imao sam par hitova i par solo (albuma)
Sada imam par BRIT-ova i par MOBO-ova
Izbacio sam 'Pass Out', svi poludeli
Nekada sam društvo odbacivao u Polo-u
Sada sam sa društvom u polo-u
Mogao bih da nateram ribu da mi da svoj poslednji Rolo
I ja kažem naravno, yo, znaš kako to ide
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele
Sve devojke su kao
Znam te, znam da želiš tu dobru stvar
Sve devojke su kao
Znam šta momci vole
Znam šta oni žele

you taught me

You taught me…..
to hold the word.. on the lips of love
You taught me…
to shut my feeling, and my heart never forgot
You taught my eyelashes… never to speak
…even if your eye lashes are asking
Why the pain and fire ?
why what goes around comes around?
And why am I stubborn with you , and on that persistence?
And why have you forgotten the love????
Why the pain and fire ?
why what goes around come around?
And why am I stubborn with you , and on that persistence?
And why have you forgotten the love????
Oh my alienations oh my ,
oh my sufferance in adoring you
I stay on your memory lost,
wondering with no port
Oh my alienations oh my ,
oh my sufferance in adoring you
I stay on your memory lost,
wondering with no port
I remember the nights of your love
And I cry the nights of your abandons
And I stay up on your memory
Why love have you forgotten??
Iam all love and adore
Iam all sufferance
Oh how cruel are the days
And you are more cruel than them
Iam all love and adore
Iam all sufferance
Oh how cruel are the days
And you are more cruel than them
Why the pain and fire ?
why what goes around come around?
And why am I stubborn with you ,
and on that persistence?
And why have forgotten the love????
Oh my alienations oh my ,
oh my sufferance in adoring you
I stay on your memory lost,
wondering with no port
I remember the nights of your love
And I cry the nights of your abandons
And I stay up on your memory
Why love have you forgotten???


Crna je noć
Crna kao moje srce
Crni sati otkako smo rastavljeni
Glas na vetru
Neprestano doziva tvoje ime
Novembar je došao
I sa njim umrla je naša ljubav
Listovi padaju na tle
Sat otkucava
Molim te, vrati se draga
Jedina ljubavi
Pisma koja pišem
Nikada neću poslati
Svet je siv
Ogrnut velom
Bez koraka na stepeništu
Niko ne zvoni
Za Veroniku
Novembar je došao
I sa njim umrla je naša ljubav
Suze padaju na tle
Sat otkucava
Ne ostavljaj me draga
Jedina ljubavi
Pisma koja pišem
Nikada neću poslati
Svet je siv
Ogrnut velom
Bez koraka na stepeništu
Niko ne zvoni
Za Veroniku


Prisoner, what do you want? There is not
anything to change.
The world goes around you, and
it cannot wait for you.
Stop, I do not want to see anymore,
I do not want to hear anymore.
I want to go far, I want to
close my eyes, I do not want to
listen never again.
Prisoner, what do you defend?
Look around you.
And if you want to sleep at night,
sit and do not think.
Stop, I do not want to see anymore,
I do not want to hear anymore.
I want to go far, I want to
close my eyes, I do not want to
listen never again.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Dve sudbine

Sećaš li se jasnih letnjih dana,
kada smo u šetnji pričali.
Budi mi bliže,sada kada se plašim,
zato što se u ovoj žurbi sve troši,
nikad,ne bih voleo da vidim da se menjaš,nikad.
Zato što smo dve sudbine koje se spajaju,
zatvorene u jednom trenutku,
koje označavaju duboku putanju unutar njih.
Prevazilazeći prepreke,
ako nas život zbuni,
samo zato što pokušavamo biti bolji,
da opet gledamo izvan,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno.
I zbog toga te molim,
da uvek tražiš one prave stvari,
koje nas čine dobrim ,
nikad,ja ih neću izgubiti nikad.
Zato što smo dve sudbine koje se spajaju,
zatvorene u jednom trenutku,
koje označavaju duboku putanju unutar njih.
Zato što smo dve sudbine koje se spajaju,
zatvorene u jednom trenutku,
koje označavaju duboku putanju unutar njih.
Prevazilazeći prepreke,
kojima nas život ne uči,
samo zato što pokušavamo biti stvarniji,
da opet gledamo izvan,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno.
Prevazilazeći prepreke,
ako nas život zbuni,
samo zato što pokušavamo biti iskreni,
da opet gledamo izvan,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno...

You Betrayed Me

You betrayed me and my heart knew. From your treachery/betrayal his blood dried.
He asked me: 'Is it possible that this is how loyalty is treated?'
I couldn't answer him, I became silent. I answered myself in silence.
There are people that have treachery in them, they become weak when it comes to treachery.
You don't deserve love, and you weren't made to live in a heart.
Everything I've taught you from the book of loyalty disappeared. You didn't learn a letter from it.
You have no idea about the extent of my tragedy .
You made me hate tomorrow and my memories.
You don't know what you've done to me, and the effect your distance has on me.
You're so loyal* that you left me in the hardest situation.

Douse me with Martini

She is the hottest babe at the party but isn't blonde
Lamps shine in my eyes like the traffic lights
You will be, you will be mine tonight
Tomorrow studies start at 7 am but we won't go
'Cause we are in the club till morning tonight
We will ditch exams as usual
'Cause it's hot, it's hot tonight
Douse me with Martini, call me Houdini
I want you to scream
And maybe it'll be hot as you want tonight
We'll do it with you
You told me that you were ready
I looked at the clock
It was a half past two, I thought
You were ready to dance
'Vulgarly' was all I was thinking about that night
Douse me with Martini, call me Houdini
I want you to scream
And maybe it'll be hot as you want tonight
We'll do it with you
Get into a car after the club
We don't need the license
You solve all the problems with one call
I don't know where are we driving
Still don't understand
But you know that tonight you are mine
Douse me with Martini, call me Houdini
I want you to scream
And maybe it'll be hot as you want tonight
We'll do it with you

Ali sada sam se vratio

Draga moja Marija
Ovde sam da te vidim
Zar nećeš molim te, molim te, da otvoriš vrata
Kupio sam ti cveće
Čekao sam satima
Ne mogu više to da podnesem
Evo šta se desilo
Kada si dremala
Izašao sam samo za meze
Osećao sam veliku glad
I onda sam nestao
Ali sada sam se vratio
Sada se vratio
Jeo je meze
Sada se vratio
Srce mi žudi
Za našom ljubavi
Za tim morem zvezda
Dozvoli da uđem da mogu da ti dokažem
Da niko drugi
Ne može da te voli, devojko
Kako te volim ja
O, kako mi nedostaješ
Želim da te ljubim
I da te držim čvrsto u naručju
Od sumraka do svitanja
Pa, hajde da se pomirimo
A kada se probudiš
Obećavam da ću biti tu
Znaš da te volim
Sanjam samo tebe
Zato, molim te
Molim te, poštedi me
Otišao sam
Samo na par dana
Ali sada sam se vratio
Sada se vratio
Poštedi ga
Sada se vratio
Marija, dušo
Pretpostavljam da možda
I dalje si malo ljuta na mene
Ali postaje kasno i
Momci čekaju
Moram da uzmem nešto da jedem
Bolje da sada odem
Nadam se da sada znaš
Volim te, to je činjenica
Moram da požurim
Ali ne brini, dušo
Jer ću se vratiti
Vratiće se
To je činjenica
Vratiće se
Ne osuđuj ga

My homeland

My homeland, my homeland
Glory and beauty, sublimity and splendor
Are in your hills, are in your hills
Life and deliverance, pleasure and hope
Are in your air, are in your air
Will I see you, will I see you?
Safely comforted and victoriously honored
Safely comforted and victoriously honored
Will I see you in your eminence?
Reaching to the stars, reaching to the stars
My homeland, my homeland...
My homeland, my homeland
The youth will not tire, 'till your independence
Or they die, or they die
We will drink from death, and will not be to our enemies
Like slaves, like slaves
We do not want, we do not want
An eternal humiliation, nor a miserable life
An eternal humiliation, nor a miserable life
We do not want, but we will bring back
Our storied glory, our storied glory
My homeland, my homeland...
My homeland, my homeland
The sword and the pen, not the talk nor the quarrel
Are our symbols, are our symbols
Our glory and our covenant, and a faithful duty
Moves us, moves us
Our glory, our glory
Is an honorable cause, and a waving flag
Is an honorable cause, and a waving flag
O, behold you, in your eminence
Victorious over your enemies, victorious over your enemies
My homeland, my homeland...


As long as the sunset comes
until the earth exists
You, my Lord, give to the people
what they ask.
To people who don't see, the eyes,
peace to those who have not
and the hope to the elders
who want to stay.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
To who ask for power
give him to satisfy
to whom ask for money
give him as much as he wants.
And then give the coward
legs to escape
and to all the vagabonds
a bed to sleep.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
As long as the sunset comes
You can do eveything
and to whom ask for violence
You give more
please give freedom to the oppressed
give humility to the righteous,
I ask only
please don't forget me!
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


Voleo bih da sam cigareta bez filtera
Da me upališ i da izgorim
I od prstiju do usana
Da ideš gde god želiš
Nikotin tvoj da postanem
Tvoja potreba da postanem
Svaka četvrt sata dušo moja
Da se svojoj pakli vraćaš žurno

Men don't change

Versions: #3
Me too I've been a child
In love with my father.
For him I'm always wrong and I am his sloppy daughter.
I tried to conquer him
and I've never succeeded
and I've struggled to change him,
You'll need another life.
Womens' patience starts at that age
when rise in the family those fuzzy spites
And you lose yourself in an illusion
dreaming to go away
with the first that passes and lies to you.
Men don't change,
they talk about love
and then they leave you alone.
Men change you
and you cry for thousands night asking yourself why.
But, men kill you
and with their friends they laugh at you.
Me too I cried the first time
Forced in a corner and beated.
He was doing (sex) and couldn't understand why I stayed still and silent.
But I understood by time
and becoming a little harder
that if a man in a group is meaner
when he's alone he's more frightened.
Men don't change
they make money to buy you and then they sell you.
At night, men don't come back
and they give you what you don't want
Why men that are born
they are womens' sons,
but they aren't like us?
My love, men who change are almost an inexistent ideal.
They are those in love like you.

Woman's portrait

A woman's portrait can't be done with two colours
It's an idea that we have to discuss
You're surprise, but I've got a soul, and I can want or not, but I see and I hear, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
I sing and love with freedom
And I look for a world, a continent, to meet each other, but truly.
(Na, na, na ....)
Again you pretend me lover, woman and child
(Na na na...)
I have got few or I haven't got joys or thoughts of mine
I sing and love with freedom
And I look for a world, a continent, to meet each other, but truly.
I see and I think, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
And I look for a world, a continent to meet each other but truly
I see and I think, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
And I look for a world, a continent to meet each other but truly

Little man

Two cold hands into yours
White doves of the farewell
What a sad day is my day
If now you get rid of me
Of me, that I'm so weak
And i'll get lost without you.
Little man, don't send me away
Me, little woman would die
It's the last chance to live
You'll see I won't miss it - oh no!
It's the last chance to live
I might be wrong, yes I know
But with you I'll get it, oh yes!
For that I tell you:
Little man, don't send me away
Me, little woman would die
Rain air onto us
And... you don't talk to me anymore, what's up with you?
For sure, if I was in your shoes
I already know what I'd tell myself
I'd blame myself
And then I'd forgive myself
Little man, don't send me away
Me, little woman would die
It's the last chance to live
You'll see I won't miss it ('cause I can)
I must - I want to live
With you i'll get it
(And... and I must do it)
It's the last chance to live
You'll see I won't miss it
('cause I can)
I must - I want to live
We'll get it together
Little man don't send me away
Me a little woman I would die
Little man don't send me away
Me a little woman I would die

The Hidden Ones

We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are more than a thousand
We are the uncivilized city
For ten, ten thousand
For a hundred, a hundred thousand
We are your millions
And we get closer
To you
To you
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are that nothing
That doesn't count for anything
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the swarm
That is under the city
You, man, where are you?
The world is not here
But it is here that it will change
And it will get mixed up
And it will restart
From here
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
We are the defeated ones
Beaten and won
And if we lose,
We lose nothing
And nothing is nothing
It doesn't count for anything
We are those that don't have
In the world we are
We are children and mothers
And fathers and children
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are the excluded ones
And the illegal ones
We are the strangers
Of the entire world
Wherever we are
We are outside
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
Asylum, asylum