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Između reči

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (Afrikaans)
Između reči leži toliko sati zahvalnosti
Između reči lete moji snovi kroz zidove
A ja znam da sam ništa bez tebe
Evo ih snovi, evo ih reči
Evo ih sunčevi zraci u kojima sam ja
Toliko ljubavi da ti dam, kao morski talasi
Od kojih su moji snovi
Evo ih koraci, evo ih imena
Evo ih srca, koja nosi moje reči dalje
I moje srce hoće da se zahvalai, jer mogu da imam ovaj san
Mnogo više nego što tražim
Između reči leži toliko zahvalnih sati
Između reči lete moji snovi kroz zidove
A ja znam da sam ništa bez tebe
Šta sve zajedno gradi moje snove i ko me drži
U tvojim očima je razlog što pevam u mraku
Kada se smeješ, ja čujem kako se anđeli smeju
Ono što moje srce hoće da ti kaže, leži u tišini između reči
Evo ih svetla, evo ih zvezde
Evo ih ritmovi koji me vode dalje
Ono što čujem i vidim, kako to ikada mogu da zaslužim?
Ovo čudo za mene
Evo me uveče, evo ih pesmice
Evo ih ruke, koje dodiruju žice moga srca
A moja duša hoće da ti peva, moje srce hoće da te obmota
Ti si pustio da se moj život razbudi
Između reči leži toliko zahvalnih sati
Između reči lete moji snovi kroz zidove
A ja znam da sam ništa bez tebe
Šta sve zajedno gradi moje snove i ko me drži
U tvojim očima je razlog što pevam u mraku
Kada se smeješ, ja čujem kako se anđeli smeju
Ono što moje srce hoće da ti kaže, leži u tišini između reči
Između reči leži toliko zahvalnih sati
Između reči lete moji snovi kroz zidove
A ja znam da sam ništa bez tebe
Šta sve zajedno gradi moje snove i ko me drži
U tvojim očima je razlog što pevam u mraku
Kada se smeješ, ja čujem kako svi anđeli lebde
Ono što moje srce hoće da ti kaže, leži u tišini između reči
Ono što moje srce hoće da ti kaže, leži u tišini između reči

Flowers in the mud

And as I discover the world, I learned about flowers in the mud
Flowers in the mud
I remember Sotiris
A special person
We were friends, I thought that nobody could be bored around him
The 20 years between us mattered not at all
even though I worshipped him
He taught me about Pink Floyd
He taught me about Arcanoid
He told me about how they brainwash kids in the special forces
He told me about the power of woman in this world
using Yoko Ono as an example
He told me I would I would make it big
He was certain that I would reach the stars
That I don't even need to worry about it
And if my man is somewhere up there
He's sent me to the stars again
He told me that I can achieve whatever I want
but that I should prefer to make the world a better place
so that when I leave this world
I leave behind me something creatively magic
He told me I would feel lonely
But that I should turn my loneliness into a gift
Through my work and my unique way
even if it means I die 5-6 times a year
I was 10 years old, how much could I really understand of the things he was talking about?
I asked him about it, he told me to be patient
and that I would understand some day
'People like you aren't born every day'
I kept looking at him as I wondered
with eyes wide open hoping to understand something
'Where you were born is not a coincidence, little Vangelis
You were, and you will continue being, a flower in the mud
You were, and you will continue being, a flower in the mud'
I might have been
the flower in the mud
But I don't think so
Pay attention and you will understand
Listen, listen
Time passed
I grew up, I understood more
'Kid, don't compromise, you will make it big
the world is your oyster
your tongue will break bones one day
fuck money
You will be a king as long as you can manipulate words
You know how to arrange them appropriately
So ask for the things that those around you don't'
Little by little I understood
And I started to bring down my defenses in favor of inspiration
Anger started accumulating and so I named myself Iratus
And when I saw insincere eyes
I covered my face in a balaklava
And I convinced them, my man Sotiris
They trusted me a few days after you left this world
My word was a weapon
I achieved my goal
I awakened a part of this throng
I swear there will be more
I love you
I never got to tell you this
You made me feel special amongst the herd
It's not me
It's you that is a flower in the mud
Did you get it?
Just say you got it
They are flowers in the mud
I will tear up first, and then I will touch them
Something like that
I don't know how to describe this better
And... I am not a flower in the mud
Maybe I've done a few things to feel special
Maybe I've done a few things because I am special
But for me
Special are the people who make other people feel special
See ya

Don't underrate a child

[Verse 1]
Never underrate a child
Children are just as good as adults
At least me
I might not have as much strength as adults
But I have just as much skill
Adults think children are bad because they're smaller
But children are sweeter
Don't underrate a child, don't
Really don't
Don't underrate a child
At least not me
[Verse 2]
Why do adults underrate children?
They have no difference
Both are human
Adults might be bigger and stronger
Children might not be experienced at all
And children aren't blind at all, yeah
Children are more important than adults
Adults have worse eyesight
So never underrate a child
Remember that
Don't underrate a child, don't
Really don't
Don't underrate a child
At least not me
[Verse 3]
Adults boss children around
Adults say: 'School benefits you when you're older'
Even though I couldn't care less about adults' bullshit
I have decided to make it in the music industry
And not in school
Adults also say: 'Don't eat too much candy, you get caries'
Maybe I'll just brush my teeth
Don't underrate a child, don't
Really don't
Don't underrate a child
At least not me
[Verse 4]
Adults also say: 'Don't stay out too late'
I know to come home in time, hey
Or then they say 'Don't stay up too late'
I'll go to sleep when I'm tired
Pertus gives his view on this
Many children must've also noticed these things
Hopefully adults learn something from this
So don't underrate a child, never
At least not me
Don't underrate a child, don't
Really don't
Don't underrate a child
At least not me

Little star

A little star came down from the sky
And said, a little out of breath
I fell in love with Samuil
With Samuil Marshak1
I searched for him a long time
Rushing around, flying everywhere
More than a few years have passed
And at last I found him!
He alone is dearer to me than anyone
He's not a boy, well, and what of it?
After all I'm not a young girl either
I'm seventeen centuries old, praise God
Samuil, having heard this
Laughed long and hard
You're funnier than anyone in the world
A merry widow
She wore out Samuil from laughing
She tired out the old man
I've been in the sky a long time
Come fly here
You looked for too long
And found a needle in a haystack
There's no sense in this, star
Go back again
A little star fell from the sky
She got caught on a hook
She hung there and said
Hello, dear little fool
You're the one I've been looking for
My dear beloved
You always look so mournful and
I came running after you
I've been watching you from on high
I like you, the only trouble is
You don't know how to fly, for sure
Lamented the star
But I'll sit on a rocket
And set off after the star
I have a wife and children
I'll take them with me
And the star answered me: Hold on, stop!
You're a bit too hasty, my dear
Let's start over from the beginning, la la la
Come on, repeat after me
A little star fell from the sky, la la la
And resolutely said, la la la
Goodbye my dear, sweet friend
I bid you farewell
It's time for me to go home
  • 1. Russian and Soviet writer (1887–1964)

My heart

Bes Kallaku, Klajdi Haruni, thanks a lot
Where are you my heart, hey my heart
With the key I carve hearts on the trees, hey my heart
With the key I'm telling you I carve hearts, oh my heart where are you?
Where are you hey, oh my heart where are you?
And she told me, baby listen
I like Haruni and Bes Kallaku
Your songs are all awful
And whatever Albanian (words) you know, you learned from Plaza
And I told her 'I'll love you forever'
And I bought a house in Sarandë
With garden and self-owned and a veranda on the front
But she said she got tired of me and got lost forever
Where are you my heart, hey my heart
With the key I carve hearts on the trees, hey my heart
With the key I'm telling you I carve hearts, oh my heart where are you?
Where are you hey, oh my heart where are you?
I went to Tirana, Durrës, Elbasan, Vlorë
Shkodër, Fier, but I haven't found her yet
From Korçë I went to Berat
I stopped for a cigarette in Lazarat
Kamëz, Patos, Lushnjë‎ and Peshkopia
Laç, Pogradec, Kuçovë and Tepelenë
I arrived in Përmet from Gjirokastër
She keeps on disappearing and drives me crazy
Where are you my heart, hey my heart
With the key I carve hearts on the trees, hey my heart
With the key I'm telling you I carve hearts, oh my heart where are you?
Where are you hey, oh my heart where are you?

Defying Gravity (Polish version)

Elphaba! Couldn't you just sit on your butt for once instead of being hysterical as usual?
Are you happy now?
You can be happy!
Are you proud of yourself?
You had a chance,
You lost it forever!
Are you happy now?
You can be happy!
Are you proud of yourself when
you're able to hurt close ones
for fame and ambition?
Why did this all happen, tell me
Aren't you regret it yet?
Elphie, not all is lost. Saying one magical word -
'sorry' is enough.
You can still be with the wizzard
You tried so much
I know how much you dreamed of it
That's true
However, I don't want to
No! I cannot
return there
'Cause something snapped inside of me
Something changed me
I won't play anymore
in a cruel deceptive game
I know I won't undo my mistakes
but I don't want to live like this anymore
So it's time to trust me
Jump to ... soar
And for the first time
I'm rising during falling
Against the rules
I'm rising during falling
and you won't stop me!
I don't want to listen to this nonsense anymore
because even you don't believe in your words
I'm sick of all these rules,
someone made them up
I cannot change the world, but
no fear will rule me anymore
I was still fighting for love
I could take anything for it
But this love
cost me too much
Today I feel like
I'm rising during falling
Fear has disappeared somewhere
for I ascend during falling
Nobody can stop me
Glinda, let's get out of here. Together, we can still do so much
The time has come
set out to amaze the world
Because if someone can reach to the top
it's you and me
Glinda, we'll reach our dreams
When we will be together
There are none like us two
Take my hand
and let's rise together
Let them threaten us
and we will not give up
Nothing can stop us
So what? We fly?
I wish you good luck…
You could find them here
Me too
if you want to stay here
Have what you always wanted
may you not regret it
Be happy, my friend!
May good fate always be with you
If you want to catch me
catch the west wind
Someone recently told me:
everyone has the right to rise at least one time
Though I'm flying alone
at least I have freedom
Without mean people
the world will be much better
Like a phoenix what
is born out from ashes
Against to them
I'm rising during falling
Soon they will hear of me
I don't look down, I don't look back
and I can finally be whoever I want
You'll never stop me anymore
Have what you wanted
Catch her! It's a witch!
Get her!
Never again
Catch her! It's a witch!
Don't let her go!

This Earth holds not uninteresting people

This Earth holds not uninteresting souls.
Their fates akin planets history -
Each planet is unique on its own,
And no other bears semblance to its mystery.
And should someone unheeded thus lived -
With his obscurity amicable seemed -
Amongst the people, he stood out, surround
in his imperceptibility shroud.
Each one is engrossed in their own secret world.
This world has the best of moments gold,
This world has the worst hour still to pass,
But all of this is yet unknown to us.
And should this person happen to die,
Then his first snow, long gone, would now him belie -
His first kiss, as well as his first battle -
Going away, all of this he'll settle.
Yes, there will remain books and bridges,
And artists canvases, and widgets,
Yes, much is fated to remain,
But something anyhow will be lost in vain!
Thus, is the rule of a ruthless game -
Not people die, but worlds cease all the same.
We remember people, sinful and mundane,
But what did we know of them, again?
What do we know of brothers or friends?
What do we know of our chosen ones in the end?
And our father, mother - those whose names we call,
Knowing all, we do not know anything at all.
People leave… There isn’t a way to bring them back.
Their secret worlds won’t be revived, alack.
And each time I want to scream against
This irreversible and irretrievable event.

The Misty Mountains Cold

Far away, beyond the chill of the Misty Mountains
The road to Erebor lies
With dawn on the way. Must return
The gold of those forgotten times.
The products of the dwarves in their former land,
Amazed everyone by their beauty.
And the hammer sang, in drakness tinkled
In the empty halls beneath the mountain.
The wind howled eerily that night,
The pines crackled, the fire danced
And there was a relentless fire,
The whole forest blazed like a torch.
People in Dale rang the bells.
Unfortunately, the battle was eneven.
From the skies, a dragon
Burned their tower and houses to the ground.
And the dwarves heard in the distance
The steps of the dragon that brought death.
The battle is lost, and under the moon
They left the halls.
Far away, beyond the chill of the Misty Mountains
The road to Erebor lies
With dawn on the way. Must return
The gold of those forgotten times.

My favorite room

Just before 10 o’clock the alarm clock rang
I had no time for more, so I closed my room.
I’ve written all my psalms on the wall
to live better.
And I’ve started to explain my own story
on the concrete walls.
I recalled phrases that I already forgot,
random words from higher worlds
My room is reading my screams,
my voices, it’s my room.
Just before three my lexicon finished
Too naked to tell, that what was written -was erased.
And nothing was true, Im myself was a lie,
it was spinning inside.
Drunk with sweat, mad about life.
My landlord was not me.
It is my room, who reads my screams, my voices
It’s my room…

Romance in 625 lines

Syntax error,
total collapse.
I didn’t take a pill
for the carnal incontinence.
Verb “to love”, amplified with pluperfect,
look for a place in the market.
Papier-mache brides,
Kisses scheduled on the agenda.
Slow down, love, don’t hurry,
there is a pause and publicity.
There is a romance in 625 lines,
passion in the individual envelope.
Verb “to love”, amplified with pluperfect,
look for a place in the market.
Papier-mache brides,
Kisses scheduled on the agenda.
Cry with a command, I love you on a paper,
Tune yourself on the pain of a skinless romance.
Cry with a command, I love you on a paper,
Tune yourself on the pain of a skinless romance…

My amplifier

I placed my classified advertising
'Amplifier in good conditions for sale'
I'm sitting in front of the phone
The time is running out and nobody has called
Nobody has called
My eighty watt amplifier
Is waiting for a buyer, call, please
I'm sitting in front of the phone
The time is running out and nobody has called
Nobody has called
Buy my amplifier
Please, take this opportunity
Buy my amplifier
And you'll get the sound that you've always dreamed of
Due to travel plans, I'm selling it at cost
This amplifier that does everything
Plug in your guitar and you'll get
The sound that you've ever dreamed of
Buy my amplifier
Please, take this opportunity
Buy my amplifier
And you'll get the sound that you've always dreamed of
You've always dreamed of

Before the fight

The day breaks, it is foggy and wet and cold
Dew on the shield, the sword is dripping wet
So much sadness in our people
Hoped, yet lost, now it is too late
Today is the day where we go down
But we will fight, not silently fade away in the night
We will not back down nor flee
The last walk to Valhall towards the ancestors
The sky threatens, the wind blows through the tree tops
So black are the clouds and muffled sounds from the forest
We sally out up to the hills
Up to the place from where no one returns home
Today is the day where we go down
But we will fight, not silently fade away in the night
We will not back down nor flee
The last walk to Valhall towards the ancestors
Down there they stand, with their lances ready
So many, so many, a sea of metal
A last grin and a last kiss
We will meet again in the next realm
Today is the day where we go down
But we will fight, not silently fade away in the night
We will not back down nor flee
The last walk to Valhall towards the ancestors
Today is the day where we go down
But we will fight, not silently fade away in the night
We will not back down nor flee
The last walk to Valhall towards the ancestors

Without vows, life would be dreary

Without vows,
life would be dreary
like deepest gloom of rainy nights.
So don’t begrudge me them, my dearie,
don’t be afraid to tell me lies.
Life often treats us so unkindly,
There’s so much bustle nowadays...
Don’t fear the words,
most honeyed, idle,
short-lived like flower bouquets.
They’re bringing joy to every person,
without them the world is doomed...
And don’t they serve a higher purpose
Within brief span when they’re in bloom?


The sun is parting, I want to see you
Dancing around, I burn
Touch my heart you will see
That what I have is good
Your body is still in my new song
I know my singing is good
If I check 'one, two, three', it will be your feet
Those who dance again.
Maria, Maria, Maria
We waste you
Don't cry, the flowers grow back
Maria counts the days
How long is pra você left?
Don't cry, Maria! He will come back soon.
The sun is parting, I want to see you
Dancing around, I burn
Touch my heart and you will see
That what I have is good
Your body is still in my new song
I know my singing is good
If I check 'one, two, three', it will be your feet
Those who dance again.
Maria, Maria, Maria
We waste you
Don't cry, sweethearts! grow back
Maria counts the days
How long is pra você left?
Don't cry, Maria! will be back soon.
Maria, Maria, Maria
Is that part
What I would give to love María
Is that part
Maria, Maria, Maria
Is that part
What I would give to love María
Is that part
Maria, Maria, Maria
Is that part
What I would give to love María
Is that part
Maria, Maria, Maria
Is that part
What I would give to love María
Is that part
Maria, Maria, Maria.
The sun is parting, I want to see you
Dancing around, I burn
Touch my heart you will see
That what I have is good
Your body is still in my new song
And I know that my singing is good
If I check 'one, two, three', it will be your feet
Those who dance again
Those who dance again
Those who dance again
Those who dance again