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That They Burry Me While Singing

Now that I'm alone in this world,
Alone, alone in this world wandering,
I don't care if I die one day,
I only want that they burry me while singing.
I've spent my life rolling,
I've spent my life drinking,
but I swear that from this day forward
you will only see me drinking.
One day I will go up and I'll give back
what the lord has lent me.
One day I will go up and
nothing will matter to me
the day I die.
And that day that I die
I don't want to hear you all cry,
What I want is that you all bring guitars
so I can hear you all sing.
If one actually loved me
then let it come from their heart,
I want to hear you all cry strongly
and sing to me this humble song.
One day I will go up and give me back
what the lord has lent me.
One day I will go up and nothing will matter to me
the day that I die.

happines advertisement

Versions: #1
she added the story
tagged the august
her pictures consisted of
a happines ad
she removed her lipstick
in a hotel room
it's obvious that she left the past on the asphalt
she was so beautiful that
you would be ruined
she whispered a song* to that emptiness
she looked at the mirror and lit a cigarette
the birds typed her pain on the telephone
she said 'i've forgotten your voice' but
what kinda a lie is it**

It's over

I no longer know, I can't feel the tips of my fingers anymore
I wouldn't know how to say it
As for my longing, I ignore it and turn back to my fears
I have things to do
And what I am, where I am
What is left of me
It's over, it ended this very moment
It's gone
I'm not going anymore, I'm not walking out the door
Suddenly, I forgot how to live
As for my longing, my other half ignores
The voice of my desire
And what I am, where I am
What is left of me
It's over, it ended this very moment
It's gone
And my love is not coming back
Where has it gone?
Please, I don't deserve it
It ended, just a minute ago
It's gone

Poverty and Famine

Poverty and famine came
That’s something no man could withstand
Horrible grief fell upon the land
Whoever had legs ran away in the morning
Children scream, women are scared
Whoever was alive yesterday is dust today
Even the holy men are afraid now
I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes
But we don’t care
So we’ll have a beer
And drink ourselves stupid like it was the last day
We’ll have fun
And party till the morning
So roll out the barrels and sit here for me
So sit here
And let them out
Show me your knockers
Tomorrow’s Judgment Day
So pour me a drink
Make the world spin
No one even knows today, after all
If Jesus shows up tomorrow or not
And if it’s not the last time

One Day You Shall Return

Versions: #1
The day was hidden in a rose and it acquired the scent of the rose,
You've lived by it for so long and sworn by its beauty.
The snow is now on my face


You too are a flower (Say it)
Delicate, sometimes hiding
I carry you in my heart, inside
Whether or not it has your name
And sometimes it's the reason (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
That in any moment I get bigger
I dedicate this song that I wrote with emotion (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
Whether or not it carries your name (Uh-uh-uh

I want weapons and ammunition

I need weapons and ammunition because I’m going
I too hate the fascism and will fight it.
I’m an Albanian girl, a mountain girl
My strength and heart are same as a man’s.
I’m tough like a man, in combating
I fire the rifle and bombs same as him.
The uniform same as a man-combatant I'll put on
I’ll grab the rifle and ammo bandoleer.
Will have bandoleer bag full of bullets and bombs with me
I'll ambush enemy in every path of its way.

The rosebush has thorns

Versions: #1
With your love I was looking
for a love like I never had before,
like a toy that I wished for
since I was a little kid.
But it turns out that you're like everyone else,
to love you was a mistake.
Running away from my hands is
your rose, which is my delusion.
I was so far away from thinking
that you could be my punishment.
How much more will I weep?
Experience costs dearly.
I was so far away from thinking
that a love could hurt this much.
The rosebush has thorns,
and now my soul is crying.


Versions: #2
E’en the crow is stilled
and listens to the loudness dance
of snow white stars.

Lautari, step forward

Today i wanna drink
I wanna spend my money on all of them,
Lautari1, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
Lautari with money on their forehead2
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will waste my money on them all,
I only want to have fun!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
God gave me good luck
I can even walk on fire,
God, give me good health
Cuz it has more value than anything else!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
  • 1. Musicians, for more detailed info check this
  • 2. Sometimes is the custom to sprey some wine on the bills and stick them to the singers forhead.Part of party shenanigans done for entertainment.

Ljubavna sećanja

U pravu si, reči ne mogu rešiti puno toga,
ali to je najbolje (što imamo), treba da razgovaramo
U konačnici, naš slučaj nije ništa drugačiji od drugih priča
koje su završile nesretno, i moram da ti priznam
da ću, iako sam već tugovao,
onih noći kad te ne bude, patiti još i više, oh-oh
Potrebno mi je odmah i sad da znaš za moje osećaje
Dođem kući, ne ugledam te, i dođe mi da pobegnem trkom
Osećam kako me samoća i tišina grle,
moja sreća se istrošila,
samo sećanje na ljubav ne prolazi
U konačnici, naš slučaj nije ništa drugačiji od drugih priča
koje su završile nesretno, i moram da ti priznam
da ću, iako sam već tugovao,
onih noći kad te ne bude, patiti još i više, oh-oh
Potrebno mi je odmah i sad da znaš za moje osećaje
Dođem kući, ne pronađem te, i dođe mi da pobegnem trkom
Osećam kako me samoća i tišina grle,
moja sreća se istrošila,
samo sećanje na ljubav ne prolazi
Želim odmah i sad da znaš za moje osećaje
Dođem kući, nema te, i dođe mi da odem trkom
Osećam kako me samoća i tišina grle,
moja sreća se istrošila,
samo sećanje na ljubav ne prolazi, oh-uh-oh
Moja sreća je prošla,
samo sećanje na ljubav ostaje

May it always be summer

You pretend that things don't hurt me
That the storm doesn't break again
I believe each word that comes out of your mouth
But if you hide more than one defeat
I won't divine your skin
I know, you don't get along with my past
There are times that I tend to run
The song where I destroyed your armor
I have the courage to forget about my doubts
Put there are endings that I don't want to promise
Squeeze my hand, may it always be summer
Because our love does not depend on the times we say 'I love you'
It's simple, doesn't require much labor
Looking at each other's eyes and feeling that there is something
You turn on and I turn off the lights
There are tears that you aren't going to understand
If you light up, may it be all on our shadow
If illuminating it shatters us later
It'll be better to let it be seen
I know, you don't get along with my absence
There is no time that I don't want to return to
If your laughter, the most beautiful one of the fountains
Is the reason to extend all the bridges
I don't want to protect myself from your destiny
Squeeze my hand, may it always be summer
Because our love does not depend on the times we say 'I love you'
It's simple, doesn't require much labor
To tremble on each step while I come approaching
Looking at each other's eyes and feeling that there is something

Near the water

Near the water
There's a gipsy girl
And I love her very much
Near the water
There's a gipsy girl
And I love her very much
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water
Near the water
She was sitting alone
She was waiting for me
Near the water
She was sitting alone
She was waiting for me
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water


White snow, white snow, white snow, white day...
White snow, white snow, white snow, white day...
Where are you calling me to?
Hear it? There's a blizzard raging outside,
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
There's a blizzard raging outside, hear it?
Where are you calling me to?
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
White snow, white snow, white snow, white footprints...
White snow, white snow, white snow, white daylight...
I follow after you carefully,
Snowflakes falling upon us,
Stepping in your snow-covered footprints.
Stepping in your snow-covered footprints.
Snowflakes falling upon us,
I follow after you carefully,
Stepping in your snow-covered footprints.
Snow-covered footprints.
White snow, white snow, white snow, a white maple tree
White snow, white snow, white snow, a white dream
Your pink scarf blazing like a torch,
Here we are, you and I and the blizzard, out on the street
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
Here we are, you and I and the blizzard, out on the street
Your pink scarf blazing like a torch,
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around...

100 година

Погледај ме у очи, чиниш ми се другачијом
Бојим се нас
Да је ова љубав изненада потрошена
Поново ме подсети када је све било ново
Дана када си се заљубила
Рекли смо да ће ово наше бити вечно
Не реци ми да одлазиш данас, молим те
Уништићеш ми срце
Ако ми тражиш да се променим урадићу то што ми тражиш
Људски је направити више грешака
Шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој опроштај
Иако кажу да нема зла које је трајало дуже од сто година
Не желим да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Љубав попут наше знаш да се не виђа сваки дан
Љубав попут наше вреди спасити, ох-ох-ох
Ај, дечко
Баци га, мој брате
Хеј, Карлитос
Живели, пријатељу
Мексико и Колумбија
Једно срце, беате
Живеле девојчице
Не реци ми да одлазиш данас, молим те
Уништићеш ми срце
Ако желиш да се променим урадићу то што ми тражиш
Људски је направити више грешака
Ај шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој опроштај
Иако кажу да нема зла које је трајало дуже од сто година
Не желим да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Љубав попут наше знаш да се не виђа сваки дан
Љубав попут наше вреди спасити, ох-ох-ох

100 years

Look me in the eyes, that I feel you different
I am afraid of us
That this love was suddenly spent
Remind me again when everything was new
The day you fell in love
We said that our relationship would be eternal
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh
Oh, boy
Throw it out, my brother
Hey, Carlitos
Cheers, friend
Mexico and Colombia
One heart, brother
Long live the babies
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh


Versions: #1
No feelings
Only doings
No questions
Only endurance
No thoughts
Only service
No tribulation
No life
No life
No death
No nothing - only

Haïku 8 Vera Jahnke

The passing the passing
Of Vera
In the clouds in the wind
Will Always have
For me the same look as
That of a great Swan slow and wise
In my autumn garden.

Not As A Friend

I want to look into your eyes
I want to talk with you
Tell you nice things
Real close to your ear
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
I want your immense love
And for it to be shared with me
And your heart of roses
To be interlocked with mine
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you

Summer Flower

It's goodbye.
Believe me or not, it's the truth.
I see you've cried.
You knew about it, since when?
Summer flower, now... it's over.
An enchanted night.
Stars that shine brightly with light.
I feel tired.
I don't want to say a word, you talk.
Summer flower, now... it's over.
Perhaps I dreamed you lived happily next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
I thought that for you it was enough to get here,
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Pale fires.
We're two gipsies in winter.
The warm games
didn't last long
and the night took them away.
Summer flower, now... it's over.
Perhaps I dreamed you lived happily next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
I thought that for you it was enough to get here,
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Close your eyes and you'll always be next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
And you'll think that you have got here again
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.


Prestani se žaliti o sudbini i mjenjaj
Ustani na noge i uzdiži se
Svakim padom dobijaš bol, naučiš lekciju
Počni sada, otvori oči
Mrtva tijela padaju sa neba
Mi smo majmuni sa vizijom ubijanja
Kiša srama ispunjava rudnike
Nema druge krvi osim moje
Vrijeme je da otvoriš oči na ovaj genocid
Kada očistiš svoj um vidiš sve
Dobijaš zlato boljeg života
Kad promijeniš sebe, ti mijenjaš svijet
Tvoje srce kuca u mozgu
Dok te vuku golog u blato
Djavo pleše na kiši
Kako si mogao pasti tako nisko
Ne! Nikad vas nećemo pustiti
Pustite nas da ih gledamo dok umiru
Vrijeme je da otvoriš oči na ovaj genocid
Kada očistiš svoj um vidiš sve
Dobijaš zlato boljeg života
Kad promijeniš sebe, ti mijenjaš svijet

Pack Your Things

Why continue suffering
and make this agony any longer
I'm tired of giving myself whole and only receiving small pieces
Of a mere fantasy love
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye

Corona 34: the frogs

a frog
into hot water
it stays
getting boiled
i wish
i could
this frog
but that
is sadly
just a
fairy tale

Црна голубице

Уморан сам од плакања, а не свиће,
не знам више да ли да те проклињем или да се молим за тебе.
Бојим се да те тражим и пронађем
тамо где ме пријатељи уверавају да идеш.
Постоје тренуци када бих волео да пукнем
и повадим клинове из мог бола,
али моје очи умиру ако не гледају твоје
и моја љубав са зором те поново очекује.
А журку си преузела сама,
црна голубице, црна голубице где, где ћеш?
Не играј се мојом поносом, сплаварушо,
ако твоја миловања нису моја, нису ничија.
Иако те лудо волим, не враћај се,
црна голубице, ти си решетка затвора.
Желим да будем слободан, да живим свој живот с ким год желим,
Боже дај ми снаге, умирем да кренем да је тражим.
А журку си преузела сама.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Ye Sons Of Men, In Earnest

Ye sons of men, in earnest, prepare your hearts within
The wondrous Conqu'ror cometh, whose power can save from sin
Whom God in grace alone, hath promised long to send us
To lighten and befriend us, and make His mercy known
Oh set your ways in order when such a guest is nigh
Make plain the paths before Him, that now deserted lie
Forsake what He doth hate, exalt the lowly valleys
Bring down all pride and malice, and make the crooked straight
The heart that's meek and lowly is highest with our God
The heart now proud and lofty He humbles with His rod
The heart that's unenticed by sin, and fears to grieve Him
Is ready to receive Him, to such comes Jesus Christ
'Twas thus St. John hath taught us, 'twas thus he preach'd of yore
And they will feel God's anger who list not to his lore
Ah God ! now let his voice to Thy true service win us
That Christ may come within us, and we in Him rejoice !
Translation by Catherine Winkworth


Nije trebalo da znam ko si
Nije trebalo da ispričam svoje tuge
Novembar je uvek tužan
A ti si došla predlažući ratove
Šta ti sve pada na pamet
Ti uvek tako konkretna
A da počnemo ponovo, šta kažeš?
Ja ne znam gde da gledam... a ti tako lepa
Videćeš da ćeš me zaboraviti
I srešću te u nekom baru
Dok skačeš od sreće
I govoriš mi da ono naše
Nije bilo ono što zaslužujem
Biću stvari koje se pričaju
Preokreti u životu
Prvi sam te video, sve ostalo je bilo suvišno
I kad najmanje treba
Ponovo te srećem
Svet pada na pod
Imam šta imam, dugujem šta dugujem
I želim to što želim
Kao da vreme nije prošlo
I juče je
Približiću se polako ovog puta
Ja već znam da ćeš otići
... a ti tako lepa
Videćeš da ćeš me zaboraviti
I srešću te u nekom baru
Dok skačeš od sreće
I govoriš mi da ono naše
Nije bilo ono što zaslužujem
Biću stvari koje se pričaju
Preokreti u životu

You Will Find (What You Seek)

You will find what you seek only in me,
only in me who for so long waits for you.
I will tell you the words that you want
and that so far no one has ever said.
You will find that need only in me,
only in me for I live without you.
No one can find
a step into my heart
if I never have you.
When you favor me
to live next to you,
it will light up my face
and I will find the way
to reach you.
And you will see that life then will be
happier only together with me.
And you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.
And you will see that life then will be
happier only together with me.
Eh, eh, and you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.
And you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.

Autumn 2

Open closed windows
Asian Luna moth, last one,
Temptation in love!

Up to the mountaintops

You liked to wander away from me and you liked to run off alone,
the mountains enticed you as long as I know you.
You spent there many springs, many summers, many winters,
and I was in love, desperately in love, but not with them.
So I found the strength and courage to climb up there,
and wander with you and take a bit from their pride.
Even to sleep in the snow, to hide my tears, why, oh why, I know it today,
I was in love, desperately in love, but not with them.
Up to the mountaintops, where you can hear the wind to play (a tune),
To the region of rock towns and bird nests and stars and stray herds.
We climbed the mountaintops, you and me and I...,
everything seems so long ago, so long ago, so long ago.
You've stopped to wander away, and you won't make a longer hike,
and I'm not the lady who's driving your car right now.
And I'm still enticed by the dome of the mountains,
their defiance and the struggle with them,
All what left in me is the love, the wonderful love, for them.
Up to the mountaintops, where you can hear the wind to play (a tune),
above the line of clouds, up there, where the snow is afraid to melt.
Up to the mountaintops, I climb them alone now, only I,
and everything seems so long ago, so long ago, so long ago.
Up to the mountaintops, I climb them alone now, only I,
and everything seems so long ago, so long ago, so long ago.

Early Spring

Versions: #1
I don't take for granted
any of what I have,
not even the slightest shiver, not now.
There's more oxygen
in my perimeter.
It's a symptom
plain as day.
I confess you're the main cause
now inside me
of everything good in there.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
you're early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the proof that
shows the effect you have on me
Our self-portrait
now... can't be without you.
It's a reciprocal
Because of this, air changes in my lungs.
Out of the rest, you are... you are,
you're everything good there is.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
this early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the example that
shows how much effect you have on me.
Flowers born out of the bramble,
out here, they heal my mistakes.
Ah, ah.
Ah, ah.
Undoubtedly you're the maker
of this spring
inside me... inside me.
Out here... ah, ah, ah.
In our self-portrait.

Spring: Us people of the sea / My friend / Freedom is my woman / Two dogs at church

Us people of the sea
Know that
If you want to save
Someone who's drowning,
You'll be beat down
By him and by the sea
And perhaps you'll drown as well.
If the sea's there
We know that
It's best to be each in our respective homes
And rest
For the calm
Will be back, and then you'll sail.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good sailors
Every man for his own, every man for his own
Will sail his own piece of the sea.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good mechanics
Every man for his own, every man for his own,
Will fix up his own piece of the world.
~ ~ ~
From behind the wall, you stare at
The rest of the world
You speak softly, from afar
You don't understand others
And neither do I
And I pretend
To be sane.
In the darkness of the mind,
In the reality of dreams,
They walk together
The children of the Moon.
My friend, don't worry,
It doesn't matter,
There are no differences
On the Moon.
~ ~ ~
My woman is like freedom,
When she's not there,
I miss her to death.
Then when she's with me
I almost don't realize it
In the morning, I know
That there'll be a smile.
My woman is like freedom,
In my mind, I
Have always thought of her
Even when I
Still didn't know that,
Even when she
Had gone away.
My woman is like freedom,
Like a song you can always sing,
That cannot be quiet, that cannot end,
My woman is my song.
~ ~ ~
We were two dogs at church,
You and I.
And you, you've already left,
Ask Him why
There are many sad lives in this senseless world,
There are many horrendous stories in this wonderful world.
Perhaps He'll answer,
Perhaps even He doesn't know.
Wait for me, in a while
I'll come too
To lend you a hand, to ask why...
And you'll see that even there
We'll get kicked out.