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Ni Zbog Čega Neću Stati

Ne valja verovati tračevima
Moje srce je naivno
Da sanjam zabavne snove uvek
Je kako volim da živim
Noćas držim grimizne ruže
Da plešem sa onim malim koji je tako lep
Ili možda ipak onom finom čoveku
Da dam svoje vruće srce
Aa, postajem leptir - aa, postajem cvet
Da li ću da vodim ljubav ove noći zavisi od tebe
Aa, samo noćas - aa, samo noćas
Više ni zbog čega neću stati
Na luki se obraćam nekome
Na trgu plešem s nekim
U senci ispod drveta se ljubim s nekim
Šta fali tome ove noći
Požuruju me vatrometi
Sve više mi se vodi ljubav
Ovaj karneval je za jedan letnji dan
Obući ću se lepo i provesti tako, šta fali
Aa, postajem leptir - aa, postajem cvet
Da li ću da vodim ljubav ove noći zavisi od tebe
Aa, samo noćas - aa, samo noćas
Više ni zbog čega neću stati

Secret Lover

The shower stops
The hairdryer starts to turn
My damp heart
Wonders where it's taking off tonight
Midnight Lover
Secret Lover
Insert a small key
To the secret door
Until tomorrow comes
Because you're mine
Midnight Lover
Secret Lover
Why does the night
Ends so abruptly
While all I want is to love you
When no one's watching
Always cautious with strangers' gaze
Our encounter is only at midnight
I'm scalded by your breath
Someday I might as well be a ruined vampire
So for now
I just want to hold you
I want to drown in love
Deep inside you...
When I wake up from my dream
Everything turns into ashes
And you'll suddenly
Turns into a stranger
Why does the night
Ends so abruptly
While all I want is to love you
Forever and ever


SOS Someday
Gather round to hear the sound of hands
Loud people with tongues
Bite your tongue, you taste blood.
I'm unconsciously looking for you again.
To the values I grew up with in the shadows.
I can't speak, I can't speak, I can't speak.
I can't even remember the ninety-nine words
Somehow I don't feel like losing
Seventeen Someday SOS
I just want to laugh at the stupid things.
The day the Earth ends is today.
Still the same
Seventeen Someday in Despair
Before it's all a mess
Please let me hear you say it.
Outside, it's summer before you know it
Watch me now... and the pile up.
I'm losing strength and it's night
I crawl into bed and safari
The three playgrounds in the deep mind that turn
A bullet that is pulled out and is lowered
Aim beyond the running heart
The first prize is for you
Seventeen Someday SOS
I just want to laugh at the stupid things.
There are so many lies, I don't want to hear them.
I can't stop now.
I don't know what to do with my life.
I'm gasping for breath, not knowing.
Seventeen Someday SOS
I just want to laugh at the stupid things.
The day the Earth ends is today.
Still the same
Seventeen Someday in Despair
Before it's all a mess
Please let me hear you say it.

We Are In The Dark (Naked Game)

Under the moonlight, we run off to the porch
And swim through the silver waves
Searching for a place
To leave our loneliness in
Our jumbled breathing mixes together
As we start the naked game
(Come On)
(Ah, faster, make it to my love)
My fingertips take smooth, sweet steps
As they undo the buttons of your shirt
I've forgotten who I am, as naive as a child
I simply mirror what you do
As we play the naked game
(Come On)
(Ah, faster, make it to my love)
Please tell me
Tell me what you want tonight
Cause I'm sure
Our feelings are the same
(We Are In The Dark)
I close my eyes, but I fall down
So I tighten shut the door to my heart
But I won't make it any harder for you
As we play the naked game
(Come On)
(Ah, faster, make it to my love)


Shivering in the dark, it's terrifying
Your legs were frozen, frozen still
The tears that fell back then, you can't ever forget them now
What should I do, because I can't face this pressure
This vague sense of resolve is all I have
My cells are starting to stiffen up
This future we've seen is terrible, huh?
The two of us then, we just envied others
Angry at some unseen thing
Striding forward with one leg, always minding the gap
Unspoken words, torn from our mouths
Shivering in the dark, it's terrifying
Your legs were frozen, frozen still
The tears that fell back then, you can't ever forget them now
You made me strong, and now I offer this to you
The ballad I wrote as part of my pitiful attack
Echoes were ringing within your ears
Standing up and facing it all alone is hard, huh?
Beneath that wrinkled t-shirt, the weak heart you've hidden
You were pretending that you couldn't see it
Carved into that spot, all those different scars
Could you bring me along to the depths of hell?
Broken in the dark, you're fragile, but
You still chased after love
Standing on this stage, the meaning you found
You don't want to forget it now
Floating so far away, the round sun
Wishing to shine with crimson light, it's just like us
Passing rains fall upon your head
'Help me,' you heard
Is that a lie, or the truth?
Shivering in the dark, it's terrifying
Your legs were frozen, frozen still
The tears that fell back then, you can't ever forget them now
You made me strong, and now I offer this to you
The ballad I wrote as part of my pitiful attack
Ah, just now, it seems your heart was burning quietly


Versions: #1
Just how many times have I found myself cowering here
I can't even remember, it’s been so many times
This suffocating scent trapped me in memories
The contents of my heart surging down the drain
I spilled the lemonade down the sink, and the next night
I closed my eyes

I Wish It Would

Other than this shared time
We have nothing with which
To prove that we're in love
I get pleasure from feeling
Your warmth in your arms
That's what I live for
Like the raindrops running down
On the fogged glass window
I keep falling, I keep falling
Deeper and deeper
Even if you're out of my reach
Even if this is a passing romance
The rain will never stop falling
I hear the rain knocking
On the fogged glass window
I wish it would, I wish it would
Rain forever
Goodbye is something tearful
Like a cup of lukewarm coffee
So I wish we could go like this
I wish it would, I wish it would
Rain forever
I wish it would, I wish it would
Rain forever

tiha soba

Moj glas jednostavno neće izaći

Man + Woman = 100%

Hatred seethed out
From the pain in the cheek I hit
If you want to play and do as you please
Then go and play with other men
Let’s settle this
Late night climax
So that we'll never regret it
Man plus woman equals 100%
The jealousy scorching my body
Man plus woman equals 100%
Is turning my love for you inside out
For some reason, your falling tears
Started to touch my heart
This break up game we played countless times
Should have become boring by now
Amidst the silence of
The late night climax
I want to believe in the modesty you showed me
Man plus woman equals 100%
After everything is forgiven
Man plus woman equals 100%
Will love be the only thing remaining?
Man plus woman equals 100%
The jealousy scorching my body
Man plus woman equals 100%
Is turning my love for you inside out
Man plus woman equals 100%
After everything is forgiven
Man plus woman equals 100%
Will love be the only thing remaining?

Baby Baby

Baby Baby can't you hear me?
My heartbeat is running faster
Love me Love me
Please love me
Even a kiss
can't stop me Ready Go!
Baby Baby I'm almost blown up
if I'm broken, I'll catch you up
Knock me Knock me
Beat it
There's no time, I'll catch you up
Ready Go!
oh Why, invisible power
oh Why, connect with it
Baby Baby I don't care
I don't care about their way
Shake me Shake me
I'll be free
Go through it, burn it up
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
oh Why, invisible power
oh Why, connect with it
Baby Baby I don't care
I don't care about their way
Shake me Shake me
I'll be free
Go through it, burn it up
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!

PojPojPojPoPojPojPo Pii!

Drago vam je, mi smo Ajaman Japan!
Kad svršavamo, svršavamo zajedno!
Je'n dva
Nin nin nin, nin nin nin, nin nin nin, joooj, nin nin nin
Nin nin nin, nin nin nin, nin nin nin, joooj, nin nin nin
Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiii~ Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiiiii~
1PPC, PPC. Glasnim se glasom oglasimo, sise! Oooo-ruk!
Grudi gore, guze gore - Ćuuuućuuuu, ćuuuućuuuu
Zajedno sada svi - Ćuuuućuuuu, ćuuuućuuuu
Vaše blago - Ćuuuućuuuu, ćuuuućuuuu
Mišićnom motkom - Ćuuuućuuuu, ćuuuućuuuu
Ne mogu reći, ne mogu reći! Za odrasle je, ja ne mogu reći!
Želim reći, želim reći! Ali za odrasle je, ja ne mogu reći!
Tvoj osmeh je tako lep da ne mogu da prekinem da brbljam
Molim te primeti više ova osećanja, nemam oči ni za koga sem tebe
Na desnom muškarčina, na levom muškarčina, spojimo obe ruke - Sise, siiiise!
Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiii~ Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiiiii~
2S-E-K-S, S-E-K-S. Glasnim se glasom oglasimo, S-E-K-S!
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Mi to ne smemo, Ajaman Japan to ne sme, baš zato
Haruna Aaai~ Haruna Aaai~ samo Haruna Ai sme!
Shvatila sam da sada nije ispravno vreme pa nisam rekla šta sam htela
Da smo se samo malo ranije upoznali, jel' bi možda mogla biti sa tobom?
Na desnom muškarčina, na levom muškarčina, ovaj mišić je - mišić za drkanje!
Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiii~ Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiiiii~
2S-E-K-S, S-E-K-S. Glasnim se glasom oglasimo, S-E-K-S!
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Grudi gore, guze gore - jeb, jeb, jeb, jeb
Neću reći, neću reći! Ajaman Japan su odrasle na kraju krajeva!
Ali želim reći, želim reći! Ne želim da odrastem!!
Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiii~
Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiiiii~
Ma nema veze, ma nema veze
Ma nema veze, ma nema veze, tako da
Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiii~
Poj poj poj popoj poj po piiiiii~
  • 1. sa namerom da se čita 'pipice'
  • sa namerom da se čita 'es, e, ka, es'

Rock N' Roll Widow

Versions: #1
A rock n’ roller in it for the fame.
Your motives aren’t exactly pure.
You’re always walking around,
With pretty blonde groupies by your side.
You nitpick other people’s songs.
Acting like some kind of superstar,
But something’s off.
Acting, acting, acting, acting cool.
You’re getting ahead of yourself.
Rock n’ Roll Widow.
Rock n’ Roll Widow.
Get a grip.
I’m not your mom.
A rock n’ roller in need of attention
With a gold ring on his right hand.
Finding ecstasy in shouting,
Not back till morning if he lets loose.
If anyone should ask,
My husband died a long time ago.
He was a good person.
Acting, acting, acting, acting cool.
I want to cry.
Rock n’ Roll Widow.
Rock n’ Roll Widow.
Get a grip.
You aren’t the only man out there.
Rock n’ Roll Widow.
Rock n’ Roll Widow.
Rock n’ Roll Widow.

Naciljaj I Pucaj

Ja sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Skroz sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Baš sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Celi ovaj svet postoji samo za mene
Samo me vi gledajte
Uskoro ću se udati za bogataša i sve njegove pare
Lepo je sređeno i blistajuće ovo telo moje
Sigurno vredim nečega kad sam takva
Luk mi je povučen skroz do kraja, palim na njegovo srce
Neće mi pobeći, 'puf' se čuje kad ga naciljam i pucam
Bogovi su mi dali ovu lepotu
Bio bi greh da je potrošim za džabe
Samo muškarac koji je broj jedan u celom ovom svetu
Bi mogao da mi dodirne ruku ovu
Ja sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Skroz sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Baš sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Celi ovaj svet postoji samo za mene
Kako bi osvojio ženu
Ništa ne fali ni da poratiš sa nekim
Ako time možeš da kupiš svoj san
A čak nije ni toliko skupo, zar ne misliš?
Luk mi je povučen skroz do kraja, palim na njegovo srce
Neće mi pobeći, 'puf' se čuje kad ga naciljam i pucam
Sav luksuz preko celog ovog sveta
Ću staviti na sebe
Unutar lepo okićene palate
Tog muškarca koji me čeka hoću da vidim

Equator Belle, Thump!

Doki! Thump! Doki! Thump!!
Red, bright sunshine, is frizzling and scorching.
You are making unconcerned face. When you take a step,
heatwave will liven up.
Hey, your eye sight is just like a shadowgraph in the summer.
Even I glance from stylish sunglasses,
I will be nervous when I meet your eye sight.
Mind circuit is short out. Fuse is about to burn out.
My jagged heart is about to jaggedly ripped apart.
You are Equator belle. Love is scorching subtropics.
You are Equator belle. I might be burnt when I hug you.
Doki! Thump! Doki! Thump!!
A phantom that jumped into the blue pool.
Time has cut out your youth intact.
The afterimage is drawn from it.
Dream is shutdown. Alarm bell is ringing.
My jagged scenery is about to jaggedly cracked.
You are Equator belle. Love is scorching subtropics.
You are Equator belle. I might be burnt when I hug you.
Doki! Thump! Doki! Thump!!
Mind circuit is short out. Fuse is about to burn out.
My jagged heart is about to jaggedly ripped apart.
You are Equator belle. Love is scorching subtropics.
You are Equator belle. I might be burnt when I hug you.

Nešto Će Uraditi Nešto Iz Jednog Razloga Ili Drugog

Nešto će uraditi nešto iz jednog razloga ili drugog
Muškarci i žene se zaljubljuju jedni u druge
uprkos tome što su bili rođeni sami
Muškarci ne mogu da se nateraju da žive sami
Žene isto ne mogu da se nateraju da žive same
Nešto je uradilo nešto kako bi se desilo ovako
Goreći ― plačući ― smejući se
Nešto će uraditi nešto iz jednog razloga ili drugog
Onom koji ne pije je nepoznat
taj osećaj kada popiješ sve što se nalazi pod nebom
U trenucima usamljenosti, sake je dobar
U trenucima srece isto, sake je dobar
Nešto je uradilo nešto kako bi se desilo ovako
I u smrti nikada se neću rastati od čaše za sake
Nešto će uraditi nešto iz jednog razloga ili drugog
Cigarete su vešte u ljubljenju
šibicom se pali varljivi plamen
Dim cigareta je kratkotrajna milost
Nečije srce je isto kratkotrajna milost
Nešto je uradilo nešto kako bi se desilo ovako
Ako ga uhvatiš, nestaće i pobeći

I Can't Conform to Him

• Do you really love me? Like I do
I think I might not even love you
but I look at my smile in the mirror and the loneliness can't be hidden
Because you are such an indecisive lover
I would always turn into a blabbermouth with you
Even though it was after I've already seen the love story, ooh
Please don't stop in front of the poster for [1] Violence, okay?
It's just a menu for a Chinese restaurant after all
You really always leave everything to someone else
As I go down the highway, ooh
I can't understand even my true feelings
He's so tough and yet so gentle
He's so cool and yet he never lies
Is that too much to dream of?
* Do you really love me? Like I do
I think I might not even love you
but on my lonely nights I can't make that person I think about disappear
Do you really love me? Like I do
Sometimes it gets even frustrating
I don't even get phone calls from you, you make me feel so heartbroken
I guess I just can't conform to him
Because you are such a philanthropistic person
You always turn around to look at your favorite type
The sloe gin spills from your glass, ooh
I want to confirm just the wavering answer and nothing else
In this casual clothing I could never say it
With a veil on my head I could never see his heart
I wonder what is it that he's thinking
• Do you really love me? Like I do
Even if I sacrifice my shower
Just a call or two, that's all I'm waiting for ― I'm so pathetic
* Repeat
Do you really love me? Like I do
Sometimes it gets even frustrating
I don't even get phone calls from you, you make me feel so heartbroken and I really can't conform to you
Do you really love me? Like I do...

Hajde da plešemo noćas

Svetlost plavih zvezda izdaleka
blista pored plaže
Večeras takođe, večeras takođe
pljusci talasa šušte oko nas
Svetlucanje zvezda je poput
lustera prekrasnog noćnog neba
Dok svitanje, dok svitanje
ne dođe hajde da plešemo
Da, plešem dušo
Da, plešem
Plesaću cele ove noći
Svetlost plavog neba iznad talasa
nestaje kraj obale
Sledeći dan, sledeći dan
će doći dovoljno skoro
Svetlost plavih zvezda izdaleka
blista pored plaže
Večeras takođe, večeras takođe
pljusci talasa šušte oko nas
Svetlucanje zvezda je poput
lustera prekrasnog noćnog neba
Dok svitanje, dok svitanje
ne dođe hajde da plešemo
Da, plešem dušo
Da, plešem
Plesaću cele ove noći
Svetlost plavog neba iznad talasa
nestaje kraj obale
Sledeći dan, sledeći dan
će doći dovoljno skoro

Abduction of Sita

O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
The magical deer bewitched me
The magical deer bewitched me
I asked my husband to get it for me
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
Hearing my response, he went to kill the deer with a bow
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
Hearing the fake SOS in Rama's voice, I dispatched Lakshmana for help
Hearing the fake SOS in Rama's voice, I dispatched Lakshmana for help
Angrily he oblided and set out to respond to the SOS
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
Seeing me being alone, Ravana came to our hut as beggar
Seeing me being alone, Ravana came to our hut as beggar
In disguise of a holy man
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
Holding my hands, Ravana made me sit in the chariot, taking me to Srilanka
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
Tell my husaband to kill Ravana
Tell my husaband to kill Ravana
And rescue me as soon as possible
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
Says Dwija Gopala, Sita became anxious
Says Dwija Gopala, Sita became anxious
And cries while crying in wait of his husband
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer
O hills !O forests! My husband went to kill a deer

The melody of dawn

Before the morning light shines
I wake up and the lonely hours pass
Those friends, those dreams, where are now?
The seasons that won't return
Can be forgotten
Let's care only for the lovely memories
Calmly I hum the melody of dawn
The life of a flower is short
But the years piled up are heavy in my back
All lives have joy and sadness
We love and bid farewell again
We can meet anywhere
Let's care for happiness even if it's small
Calmly I hum the melody of dawn
The seasons that won't return
Can be forgotten
Let's care only for the lovely memories
Calmly I hum the melody of dawn
Calmly I hum the melody of dawn
The melody of dawn

Que sera, sera

When I was small, I asked my mom
If I can become a beautiful girl
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be, whatever will happen
One never knows, one never knows
When I became adult, I asked my boyfriend
If I can be happy everyday
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be, whatever will happen
One never knows, one never knows
If I had a child, my baby will ask me
If she can become a beautiful girl
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be, whatever will happen
One never knows, one never knows
Que sera, sera

The do re mi song

Come on, let's start the practice
With an easy subject
English begins with ABC
The song begins with do re mi, do re mi
Do re mi, the beginning are three notes
Do re mi, do re mi, do re mi fa sol la si
'Let's all sing the do re mi song'
Do is for donuts
Re is for lemon1
Mi is for everyone2
Fa is for fight
So is for blue sky3
La is for trumpet4
Si is for happiness5
Let's sing
La la la
Do is for donuts
Re is for lemon
Mi is for everyone
Fa is for fight
So is for blue sky
La is for trumpet
Si is for happiness
Let's sing
La la la
Do re mi fa sol la si do
Do si la sol fa mi re
Do mi mi mi sol sol
Re fa fa la si si
Do mi mi mi sol sol
Re fa fa la si si
Sol do la fa mi do re
Sol do la si do re do
On every moment
Let's make a line
And all happy
Give our best
Look at the sky
La la la la la la
The song of happiness
Let's sing
On every moment
Let's make a line
And all happy
Give our best
Look at the sky
La la la la la la
The song of happiness
Let's sing
The do re mi song
Do si la sol fa mi re do do

The Bride

White and radiant on her wedding dress
Her beautiful figure hid her heart
I know she has a tear
Overflowing in her eyes, Ave Maria
Standing before the altar, she'll swear a false love
And kissing the cross, she'll ask God's forgiveness
I know she has a tear
Overflowing in her eyes, Ave Maria

The cha cha cha of arithmetic

Two plus square root of two, cha cha
Divided by square root of two plus one, cha cha cha
We'll solve it with the cha cha cha of arithmetic
Look how we made it, cha cha cha
Grouping the numerators by square root of two, cha cha
We have square root of two plus one, cha cha cha
If we simplify the denominators, cha cha
By that square root of two plus one
The answer is simple
And it's only square root of two
Cha cha cha
Sine of theta equal cosine of theta, cha cha
Multiplied by square root of three, cha cha cha
We'll solve it with the cha cha cha of arithmetic
Look how we made it, cha cha cha
Dividing the sine by the cosine, cha cha
We have the tangent, cha cha cha
If the two sides are one and square root of three, cha cha
The hypotenuse will be two
The sine is square root of three divided by two
And the cosine is 0,5
Cha cha cha
Theta plus pi divided by two, cha cha
How much is the cosine?, cha cha cha
We'll solve it with the cha cha cha of arithmetic
Look how we made it, cha cha cha
The graph of cosine of theta, cha cha
Is one, zero, minus one, cha cha cha
Theta plus pi divided by two, cha cha
Is shifted by pi divided by two
Zero, minus one, zero, one
Keeping pace with​ theta
Cha cha cha

Mane of wind

The Moon at the dawn is rocking my dream
A mysterious voice that someone tells me something into my ear
It says: 'wake up from the long sleep' and 'dream time is over'
Hurried by the whispering voice, I opened my eyes
What's reflected in my eyes is a strange vast world
The sky that goes on forever and the dry, cold land
Where did the kingdom of dream disappear? The garden of peacock, filled with light
A tune of music played by gold and silver angels
Ramparts which is getting crambled down, and a wrecked ship holding treasure
And also white feet of a maiden dancing about a bonfire
Now there aren't, nowhere to be found, there's no answer even if I call
Just alone, I'm in alone, and stand on the uninhabited wastelands
The wind is crying out: 'Now at last— at last you got free!'
The wind is beating the sky hard and laughing
I'll also become the wind, and let me go on a journey with the wind
My silver mane receiving the morning sun to be glittering
I can hear your voice calling me certainly
In my heart, like a star, you, who I've never seen, are twinkling
I can hear certainly now your voice calling me
Just alone, I'm in alone, and stand on the uninhabited wastelands

Answer in the water

A poolside photograph taken at the Marina,
Time has erased you from it.
Faded Hawaiian shirt and Puka Shell,
They all happened in the middle of summer, far away.
It's sad, the way adults live,
I'm the only one who chose it.
We kissed in the sparkling waters of the coral reef.
You are waving from the windows of a flying Cessna.
That is a blue illusion.
I heard the news about the wave on the radio.
On your back as you ran to the sea,
I said to you that I can't live on dreams.
That was an excuse I made that day.
Love was the only thing I couldn't change.
It is too late for me to realize that.
I learned that tenderness is the answer we've been looking for.
You who had sunburn are now living happily.
I heard that rumors from a bright wind.
In the distance of summer going away,
I changed into a white shirt.
We kissed in the sparkling waters of the coral reef.
I learned that tenderness is the answer we've been looking for.

Four seasons reprise

Finally, a Holiday together
We cuddled in our room and made plans
Looking at our smarthphones and guidebooks
The time we spent talking was so much fun
Cherry blossoms reflected on the surface of the water in spring
Playing with the swimsuits we chose together in the summer
Walking along a row on ginko trees in autumn colors
Laughing together under the silver world tree
I want to be there to listen to you on happy days and frustrating days
I want to be with you forever and ever, all four seasons
Where should we go this spring?
Where should we go this summer?
The cherry blossoms in spring and the sea in summer
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
Where should we go this autumn?
Where should we go this winter?
The autumn leaves and the winter snow
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
The days that used to be special
I’m asking for asking for things that I don’t take for granted
What is true love?
I’ve been looking for a form, but it’s not enough
I couldn’t do anything about it
The day you scolded me, I realized
You’re the only who knows mw batter than I know myself
I can’t be honest with you, and I’m not cute
I’m not sure if I’m good enough
I want to pledge eternity to you, the sign that links our ring fingers
The church bells are ringing
I look at you with an embarrassed look
Let’s go find a new scenery
All four seasons just the two of us
Where should we go this spring?
Where should we go this summer?
The cherry blossoms in spring and the sea in summer
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
Where should we go this autumn?
Where should we go this winter?
The autumn leaves and the winter snow
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
Special anniversaries and everyday life
The memories you made for me
You’ve taken me everywhere
You’ve taught me so many things
But the truth is, it doesn’t matter where we go
Because you’re the one who makes my world shine
One day, if I have a children, I’ll tell them
I have to tell them about this place
At the end of that summer we made promises and vowed
The place we celebrated our love
Where should we go this spring?
Where should we go this summer?
The cherry blossoms in spring and the sea in summer
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
Where should we go this autumn?
Where should we go this winter?
The autumn leaves and the winter snow
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
Where should we go this spring?
Where should we go this summer?
The cherry blossoms in spring and the sea in summer
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
Where should we go this autumn?
Where should we go this winter?
The autumn leaves and the winter snow
I want to see it with you
I want to be with you
I want to be with you