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Број резултата: 80


Smeta mi

Znam da ti daje više
I zbog toga na njega
Se ne ljutim
Ali, kako noć prolazi
Zamišljam vas
I nerviram se
Smeta me što te čeka i po kući pali sveće.
Smeta mi što kada spavate leži na mojoj strani.
Smeta mi što mu dozvoljavaš da ti dodiruje telo.
Smeta me što me ti ne vidiš dok sam tu virtuelno
Smeta mi... smeta mi...
Znam, to doživljavam sebično
Da se držite za ruke
Kad vas vidim.
Znam, zaslužuješ sve najbolje
Ali da ti to dam, ja nemam.
Smeta me što te čeka i po kući pali sveće.
Smeta mi što kada spavate leži na mojoj strani.
Smeta mi što mu dozvoljavaš da ti dodiruje telo.
Smeta me što me ti ne vidiš dok sam tu virtuelno
Smeta mi.


Tvoj karakter je taj koji nas je rastavio
Koji nas ipak nije odveo do kraja
I san koji smo imali je ubio
Kao da je bio plaćeni ubica
Zbog toga svake noći pred tvojim vratima
Biću tamo, možda ti nešto pokvarim
Meni si se zaklela, ali si me izdala
To ću da radim dok te ne prebolim
Svidelo se nekom ili ne, takav sam
I neka me skupljaju pijanog ispred tvoje kuće ponovo
Svidelo se nekom ili ne, kakav god da sam
Ne znam šta mi je, pa dolazim ispred tvojih vrata
Hiljadu je uspomena nakupljenih
I jedna knedla koja me ceo dan guši u grlu
Želim da izađeš, na kiši ću čekati
Želim da čujem sa tvojih usana reči 'Volim te'
Moj karakter je taj koji me nije pustio
Da me zanese tvoja vrteška
Suoči se dakle sa onim što si želela
Da odem ja i da se neko opet vrati
Sedi onda i ne viči, šapući
U tuđe uvo da ćeš se jednog dana vratiti
Ja sam završio sa tobom, ljubavi
Stalno to pričam, ali želim da opet dođeš
Svidelo se nekom ili ne, takav sam
I neka me skupljaju pijanog ispred tvoje kuće ponovo
Svidelo se nekom ili ne, kakav god da sam
Ne znam šta mi je, pa dolazim ispred tvojih vrata
Hiljadu je uspomena nakupljenih
I jedna knedla koja me ceo dan guši u grlu
Želim da izađeš, na kiši ću čekati
Želim da čujem sa tvojih usana reči 'Volim te'

Sve se vraća, sve se plaća

Zabolelo me je večeras, zaplakao sam opet zbog tebe
I hteo sam da uradim nešto povodom toga
Hteo sam da odem, da stavim tačku
Hteo sam da potražim ljubav da nađem.
Ali, gde da odem, volim te
Koliko snage večeras da nađem
Koga da dodirnem, gde da prenoćim
Kom prijatelju o bolu da ispričam?
Ali, gde da odem, volim te
Koliko snage večeras da nađem
U šta da poverujem, ispao sam
Nanela si mi veliko zlo
Ali, sve se vraća, sve se plaća...
Zabolelo me je večeras kada su mi pričali o tebi
Da imaš nešto, nešto skriveno
Kao da me je u srce pogodio metak
I hteo sam da odem daleko da se spasim
Ali, gde da odem, volim te
Koliko snage večeras da nađem
Koga da dodirnem, gde da prenoćim
Kom prijatelju o bolu da ispričam?
Ali, gde da odem, volim te
Koliko snage večeras da nađem
U šta da poverujem, ispao sam
Nanela si mi veliko zlo
Ali, sve se vraća, sve se plaća...

Prošlo je 3

Sekunde brojim
U vrata uporno gledam
Jedna me misao drži budnim, gde li skitaš
I mozak pretvaram u pepeo
Gorim dok tražim izlaz
Šta li sam uradio, kad bih znao, pa me suzama čašćavaš
Prošlo je 3, kada ćeš se pojaviti
Gde li skitaš bez da te je briga za mene
Prošlo je 3, kako vidim, doći ćeš kada se umoriš
Ali, ne trudi se da uđeš, biće zaključano
Ludilo me je obuhvatilo
Telefone sam polomio
A duša mi se ispraznila, gde li skitaš
Gubim se sa konstantnim idejama da sa sumnjivim društvom
Daleko od mene ove noći bez griže savesti se provodiš

Koga obmanjujem

Dobro sam, pogledaj me, promenio sam se
Sklonio sam se od svega što me boli
Našlo je svoje mesto, svoj ritam
Srce ponovo
Nije bilo, što bi se reklo, nikakve štete
Dobro sam, do tebe mi više nije stalo
Napred gledam, ne stajem
Ne trebaš mi
Koga obmanjujem
Nikoga drugog, samo sebe
Sve mi je gore
Svakog dana bez tebe
Iako se trošim
Na navodne ljubavi, na noći nameštene
Ne obmanjujem nikog drugog
Osim sebe
Dobro sam, sve je gotovo
Ono što smo osećali je kilometrima daleko
Udaljio sam se i pokidao sam
Sve veze
Nisi napravila, što bi se reklo, nikakvu štetu
Dobro sam, do tebe mi više nije stalo
Napred gledam, ne stajem
Ne trebaš mi


Šta više da kažemo, šta više da vidimo
Kad se ne slažemo u osnovnim stvarima
Šta više da uzmeš, šta više da dam
Slažemo se da se ne slažemo nas dvoje
Budimo dakle realni
Ova veza ne ide dalje
Ljubav je kao soba sa senkama
A ja u njoj nemam vazduha
Ne mogu da se vraćam ponovo
Ne mogu da radim isto što i juče
Večeras se rastajemo, pa šta bude
Budimo, dakle, realni
Snove si imala, snove sam imao
Probudio sam se opet i ne verujem više u snove
Ako to ponovim, izgubiću vreme
Sada je vreme za objašnjenja, a ne posle


Svaka suza je kao more pred nama
A iznad je samo nebo
Ljubav koja nam je ušla u kosti
Sada pada kao papirni zmaj.
Soba je podeljena na pola
U atmosferi koja je neprijateljska
Odavno plafon nije pao
A vrata su stalno otvorena
Udri pravo u grudi, ne oklevaj
Samo bol možeš da pokloniš
Udri, moje telo uspravno ostaje
Ali srce mi je palo na kolena
Svake noći mučenje počinje
I nema nameru da prestane do zore
Pred lažima istina crveni
Kao postiđena sada trči da se sakrije
Ljubav nas gleda iz ogledala
Čas jednog, čas drugog, tiho
I zavesa naše ljubavi sada pada
Jer smo glumili oboje pognute glave.
Udri pravo u grudi, ne oklevaj...

Slušaj mene

Mnogo toga govore o nama
nema smisla da odgovaraš, nek pričaju
Voli me koliko možeš
Ničega nemoj da se plašiš
Niko se ne voli kao mi, nema šanse !
Slušaj mene, a ne ludake :D
ma i ja sam lud, ali samo za tobom
Slušaj mene, u teškim trenucima
Ti ćeš za mene goreti, a ja ću se topiti za tebe
Slušaj me, slušaj me
Dali smo svetlo, zapalili smo vatru
I ja želim isto što i ti, naše je
srce, glas
i tako će biti zauvek
Lažni prijatelji nemaju mesta pored nas
Slušaj mene, a ne ludake :D
ma i ja sam lud, ali samo za tobom
Slušaj mene, u teškim trenucima
Ti ćeš za mene goreti, a ja ću se topiti za tebe
Slušaj me, slušaj me
Slušaj mene, a ne ludake :D
ma i ja sam lud, ali samo za tobom
Slušaj mene, u teškim trenucima
Ti ćeš za mene goreti, a ja ću se topiti za tebe
Slušaj me, slušaj me

Greet You Once

I greet you once,
Entitle my heart with your name,
I take you out from so many lovers of yours,
And I will tame you,
Who and what you are,
That everywhere I go you are there,
Even in those nights,
Drunken and drunken,
Who and what you are,
That everywhere I go you are there,
I greet you once,
Entitle my heart with your name,
I take you out from so many lovers of yours,
And I will tame you,
I wrote you about my being in love,
Without reading you tore it,
You tore it into pieces,
You made it like stars,


You do not know how scared I was of your absence from the first people
Saying a world does not mean with you, I will burn a world next to you
Although I heard you very badly, I did not want to believe any of them
I wanted to make your heart feel the way it is anyway
Please do not be more cruel
Do not pass me, do not get worse than this
It's as simple as torture
Do not hate me in everyone's eyes
You do not know how scared I was of your absence from the first people
Saying a world is not with you, I will burn a world next to you
Although I heard you very badly, I did not want to believe any of them
I wanted to make your heart feel the way it is anyway

Dude! Do You Prevent Others From Writing for the Sake of Money?

Dude! Do you prevent others from writing for the sake of money?
Dude! Mark my words that you will lose
Imagine you got a good position?
Imagine you got a business soon
The day the situation changes
You will be amazed at the work of the world
If you got a bow and arrow, be carful!
...that are you aiming a head or an apple?
I buried it myself, there is no dead inside
The grave that you are crying on it
Tomorrow that the truth appears
Dude! Where are you going to hide?

Dva života

Jedan život tvoje tuge....razbijam što su me razbile kao staklo
Jedan život volim te zbog onoga što su te drugi ostavili
Ne pitaj zašto
I rekao sam
Obala unutar mene, pogled
Tvoj topao, dubok
Jedan život da sam vazduh i
Tvoja krv, nije dovoljno
Dva života da imamo oboje
Dva života tebe da volim
Koliko god da te gledam, toliko sam te žedan
Poljubac tvoj slatka moja usta
Dva života da živimo ovde
Da se budimo pod istim nebom
Da ti kažem ostani, životi naši
Jedna kap u okeanu
Jedan život uništićeš samo da budeš uvek prisutna u mojoj duši
Vraćaćeš se, kožu će mi podilaziti jeza
Od dodira ruku
Jedan život sve sakriveno i ostalo o čemu se ne govori
Tišina će reći
Dva tela ćemo biti koja će goreti u
I za to nije dovoljan jedan život

Sign of the five-pointed star

The two-headed eagle had folded its wings
On the ruins of a famous great land,
Then from the heaven a star fell on the Kremlin
It was like a symbol of hope for healing,
Proud in hearts we were when we wore this sign.
It seemed to us that it was always and will be forever.
At the turn of the time of the legendary years,
When troubles were not waited by us
We often saw a dream of a bright amber imprint,
Looking like a five-pointed star.
Leaders of epochs and peoples sunk into oblivion,
The heroes of labour went into non-being.
Children escaped mistakes because of their boyhood.
Lots of dissemblers opened their mouths,
And soon to their flattering singing
Once again Judas was ascended by Satan to throne.
At the turn of the time of the legendary years,
On the threshold of a new fight
We often saw a dream of a bright amber imprint,
Looking like the five-pointed star.
The two-headed eagle has stretched its wings
over glory of a new land,
But tears and blood were washing that cruel years.
Suddenly false started looking like truth
Conscience of gunmen appeared be pure
But still in the distance I see now figure of Christ
At the turn of the time of the legendary years,
Over memory of our great land,
Somewhere afar once again I see scarlet
It’s the light of the five-pointed star.
At the turn of the time of the legendary years,
Over memory of our great land,
Somewhere afar once again I see scarlet
It’s the sign of the five-pointed star.

Believe again

For so long
this feeling here
remains the same, the same.
It's so dense
if I think of you, (but) for you
it's normal, normal.
I need to know,
I feel like it was yesterday
that I just met you,
everything is colorful again.
You know I feel good with you,
and this time I'll ask Heaven
that you never go away because
with you I can believe again.
I wake up today and embrace you
strongly one day more.
Everything starts again,
I can't find
a way to express
the love I feel for you,
it seems to never end.
I need to know,
I feel like it was yesterday
that I just met you,
everything is colorful again.
You know I feel good with you,
and this time I'll ask Heaven,
that you never go away because
with you I can believe again.
That I just met you,
everything is colorful again.
You know I feel good with you,
and this time I'll ask Heaven,
that you never go away because
with you I can believe again.

I sense

I get the feeling that you don't like me anymore.
I get the feeling that my being is too much.
Why so quickly did you cut away from me.
Me, that was your flowery head dress.
I get the feeling that these days you don't want
Even one moment to see me.
If only I knew the love from my yesterday.
When tomorrow comes, who will you be sitting next to.
You don't like me, I know, you don't like me.
But I read in your eyes that you are restless.
God should make it that you return you to me.
Without you I will go insane.
You don't like me, I know, you don't like me.
But I read in your eyes that you are restless.
God should make it that you return you to me.
Without you I will go insane.
I get the feeling that my presence next to you
Is the cause of your heart's discontentment
Maybe my trip away will be a new chapter for you in your life
I feel like I have to leave from this place.
A place that nobody understand its ways.
I have to leave so that you will know my worth.
A while for you to stay alone is not a bad thing.
I get the feeling that you don't like me anymore.
I get the feeling that my being is too much.
Why so quickly did you cut away from me.
Me, that was your flowery head dress.
You don't like me, I know, you don't like me.
But I read in your eyes that you are restless.
God should make it that you return you to me.
Without you I will go insane.
You don't like me, I know, you don't like me.
But I read in your eyes that you are restless.
God should make it that you return you to me.
Without you I will go insane.

Plant Me A Kiss

I told loneliness
So she can be aware
To find a home
(Because) snow is coming
I also told rain
So she can be aware
Whatever she says
You are coming
You will knock
Before you ask
I will tell you to come in
Don't speak
I will be the one speaking
I'm in a great rush, you know
And hear me out so you can understand
I'm saying what you want (to hear)
I love you so much
I'm in a rush, I don't have much time
You can tell me the rest on the way
There is only one thing I'm interested in
Plant me a kiss
A kiss
A kiss
I told cloudiness
So she can be aware
To make room
For you to pass through
I also told silence
So she can be aware
No matter what she says


The love you gave to me was a ray of sunshine,
It was spring, and from the beginning you liked me.
But when it rained one night until dawn broke,
You betrayed me without shame, even though I had loved you so much.
Burn the pictures and keep the ash
I have such a large grudge against you,
I have such a large grudge against you.
You opened a window into my dreams,
With your heart and your body, you tolerated me,
But whatever I felt, you didn't feel it,
And like a thief, you left, even though I had loved you so much.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

I’m OK

[Chorus: B.I]
I’m OK
Don't comfort me
You don't have to have pity on me
You don't have to stay with me, I'm fine
I’m OK
Don't worry about me
You don't have to mind about me
I'm used to be alone
I’m OK
[Verse 1: Bobby]
I don't want to hear any hopeful words
I can hardly fall asleep because the reality is to difficult to handle
I tried to find things that can fill me up, which eventually turns out to be drinks
I become indifferent to any situations
Even though I'm better off by myself, loneliness hits me from time to time
Even though I want to do many different things, I become lethargic
My answer will always be a huge smile if anyone asks how I'm doing
[Pre-Chorus: Song, Chanwoo]
I feel like everyone has turned their back on me
I feel bad for myself, I feel so small
When I become lonely
If you ever witness my tears, please walk past by me
[Chorus: June, Jinhwan]
I’m OK
Don't comfort me
You don't have to have pity on me
You don't have to stay with me, I'm fine
I’m OK
Don't worry about me
You don't have to mind about me
I'm used to be alone
I’m OK
[Verse 2: B.I]
I don't want to hear any hopeful words
Why is everyone making it a big deal when I'm fine?
My breakup was a bit tough, left me with a small scratch
I know it is going to be way better after a day or two
Silence means 'please be happy'
Tears mean 'I truly loved you'
I won't die just because she left me, so please don't look at me as if you're looking at someone who's dying
[Pre-Chorus: June, DK]
Just like when the wind blows, the autumn leaves tremble
And just like when the waves occur, the ocean trembles
I trembled because the love past by me
If you ever witness my tears, please walk past by me
[Chorus: Bobby, Jinhwan]
I’m OK
Don't comfort me
You don't have to have pity on me
You don't have to stay with me, I'm fine
I’m OK
Don't worry about me
You don't have to mind about me
I'm used to be alone
I’m OK
[Bridge: Jinhwan]
You've broken every piece of me when you laughed out
As if my sadness didn't mean anything to you
Leave me alone, don't come to me
I don't want to start anything when i know you're going to leave me in the end
[Chorus: June, Jinhwan]
I’m OK
Don't comfort me
You don't have to have pity on me
You don't have to stay with me, I'm fine
I’m OK
Don't worry about me
You don't have to mind about me
I'm used to be alone
I’m OK
[Outro: DK]
You don't know anything
Don't act like you know everything
You say that this is all for me
Well what can I say
I want to be alone
So please leave me alone


Versions: #2
Sweet pictures of the past
surround me as the holy days come close.
So many things to hear and to feel,
so many past lives to live in just one moment,
I feel like watching an old movie.
Crazy sights of the present
enclose me on days of mourning.
I don't know where to start from,
let alone where to end.
The experience of today are a tornado
in which I'm getting lost, with my mind and my soul.
Risky situations of the future
pave my way for the pure or for the corrupt.
Many are the challenges awaiting for me,
as well as the surprises that I'll unravel
and there lies an interest unknown for me to discover.
Here am I and there lies the divine waiting for me.
My life is pictures,
as well as anything I haven't ever or yet seen.
Pictures brightful and dark,
pictures bizarre and normal.
One picture is worth one thousand words,
and yet, from so many pictures
I have composed my entire life !
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

Šta će mi sad to

Subota je, 5 sati ujutru
Neko mi kuca na vrata po kiši
I onda tišina
Onda tišina....
Poznat glas mi traži da izađem
Mislim nemoguće je, grešim
I otvorio sam da vidim
Otvorio sam da vidim...
Stojiš na vratima, pognute glave
I govoriš mi da želiš da se pomirimo
Šta će mi to sad
Bukvalno pet minuta pre nego što umrem
Sažalila si se
I povrh svega mi još i tražiš nešto
Šta će mi to sad
Bukvalno pet minuta pre nego što umrem
Podsetila si me
Šta će mi to sad...
Podsetila si me
Šta će mi to sad...
Subota je, 5 sati ujutru
Neko mi kuca na vrata, kao da se izgubio
Ili je poludeo
Ili je poludeo...
Vidim senku, loše predskazanje
Ali šta imam da izgubim više, ne brinem
I imam šta da vidim
I imam šta da vidim...
Stojiš na vratima, pognute glave
I govoriš mi da želiš da se pomirimo
Šta će mi to sad
Bukvalno pet minuta pre nego što umrem
Sažalila si se
I povrh svega mi još i tražiš nešto
Šta će mi to sad
Bukvalno pet minuta pre nego što umrem
Podsetila si me
Šta će mi to sad...
Podsetila si me
Šta će mi to sad...
Šta će mi to sad
Bukvalno pet minuta pre nego što umrem
Sažalila si se
I povrh svega mi još i tražiš nešto
Šta će mi to sad
Bukvalno pet minuta pre nego što umrem
Podsetila si me
Šta će mi to sad...
Podsetila si me
Šta će mi to sad...

Ne volim te

U tami svetli samo nepoznato
I hladnoća mi već neko vreme izjeda dušu
Moj mozak je toliko bolestan
Kao rana neizlečiva je zbogom koje si rekla
U tami sija samo nepoznato
I izjeda mi hladnoća dušu
Ne volim te
Ne tražim te, ne fališ mi, nije mi stalo do tebe
Ne mrzim te, prosto mi ne trebaš mnogo
Nemam više ni minut vremena za tebe
Preboleo sam te
Ne volim te
Vikaću ti to ispred tvojih zaključanih vrata
Jer to su bile tvoje poslednje reči
I u poslednje vreme imam potrebu da ti ih kažem
Dugujem ti to
Sija u noći ogorčenje
Od ludila do depresije samo je dva minuta
U glavi mi je odgovor
Ali, izlaza nema nigde
Sija u noći ogorčenje
I izdržaće ludilo dva minuta
Ne volim te
Ne tražim te, ne fališ mi, nije mi stalo do tebe
Ne mrzim te, prosto mi ne trebaš mnogo
Nemam više ni minut vremena za tebe
Preboleo sam te
Ne volim te
Vikaću ti to ispred tvojih zaključanih vrata
Jer to su bile tvoje poslednje reči
I u poslednje vreme imam potrebu da ti ih kažem
Dugujem ti to
Ne volim te
Ne tražim te, ne fališ mi, nije mi stalo do tebe
Ne mrzim te, prosto mi ne trebaš mnogo
Nemam više ni minut vremena za tebe
Preboleo sam te
Ne volim te
Vikaću ti to ispred tvojih zaključanih vrata
Jer to su bile tvoje poslednje reči
I u poslednje vreme imam potrebu da ti ih kažem
Dugujem ti to

Now What Should I Do With That

It's Saturday, 5 a.m.
Someone is knocking at my door while it rains
And then silence
Then silence...
A familiar voice is asking me to come out
I am saying like 'it can't be possible', I am wrong
And I opened to see
I opened to see...
You are standing at the door, with your head down
And you are telling me that you want us to try again
Now what should I do with that
Five minutes before I die
You got emotional
And you also demand
Now what should I do with that
Five minutes before I die
You remembered me
Now what should I do with that...
You remembered me
Now what should I do with that...
It's Saturday, 5 a.m.
Someone is knocking at my door, like they are lost
Or crazy...
Or crazy...
I see a shadow, (I get a) bad feeling
But I have nothing to lose, I don't worry
But then I saw it...
But then I saw it...
You are standing at the door, with your head down
And you are telling me that you want us to try again
Now what should I do with that
Five minutes before I die
You got emotional
And you also demand
Now what should I do with that
Five minutes before I die
You remembered me
Now what should I do with that...
You remembered me
Now what should I do with that...
Now what should I do with that
Five minutes before I die
You got emotional
And you also demand
Now what should I do with that
Five minutes before I die
You remembered me
Now what should I do with that...
You remembered me
Now what should I do with that...

Pity me

Pity me
and come again
The evening is endless tonight
bend over and cut my flower of pain
Pity me
and come again
I'm alone with sadness and I'm fighting
in pain I'm forming some laughter
Pity me...
Pity, pity me because
your mistake that you left is big
I've only got you in life
and nothing else
Pity me...
Pity me
and come again
it's a shame that I'm telling you this,
and yet, you must
right now as the God is watching over us
Pity me
and come again
Our life has traps and you will fall
You're a kid and I don't want you to get hurt
Pity me...
(refrain, bis)
Pity, pity me because
your mistake that you left is big
I've only got you in life
and nothing else
Pity me...

Sažali se na mene

Versions: #2
Sažali se na mene
i vrati se...
Noć je beskrajna večeras
Savij moj cvet bola i pokidaj ga
Sažali se na mene
i vrati se...
Sam sam sa tugom i borim se
u bolu malo smeha priželjkujem
Sažali se na mene...
Sažali, sažali se na mene jer
tvoja je velika greška što ti otišla
Tebe samo imam u životu
i ništa više...
Sažali se na mene...
Sažali se na mene
i vrati se...
Stid me je da ti to kažem,
a ipak moram
U ovom trenutku čak i Bog odozgo nas gleda
Sažali se na mene
i vrati se...
Život naš ima zamke i upašćeš u njih
Ti si dete i ja se plašim da se ne povrediš
Sažali se na mene...
(Refren x2)
Sažali, sažali se na mene jer
tvoja je velika greška što ti otišla
Tebe samo imam u životu
i ništa više...
Sažali se na mene...

Na primer

Mnogo stvari nas na kraju razlikuje
I nisu zidovi ni ulice ono što nas razdvaja
Oko mnogo stvari se ti i ja ne slažemo,
Ne žalim se više, samo se izvinjavam
Mnogo stvari te na kraju udaljava,
a moje nedelje su se ili završile ili smanjile
Na primer,
Još uvek bih dao život za tebe,
Još uvek i od metaka imaš odbranu
Jer bih ja stao ispred tebe, da treba.
Na primer,
Ja te nikad, nikad ne bih ostavio,
Moje srce ne pravi pauze,
Kao što bi tvoje uradilo,
na primer...
Mnogo stvari ne mogu da razumem,
Ako si ih ti razumela, iskreno, bravo
I iako si govorila o vatri, sada govoriš o pepelu,
Mnogo stvari si mi, na kraju, drugačije rekla
Čak i ako me mrziš, dozvoljavam ti,
Na kraju, vidim i ja da je sve drugačije.
Na primer,
Još uvek bih dao život za tebe,
Još uvek i od metaka imaš odbranu
Jer bih ja stao ispred tebe, da treba.
Na primer,
Ja te nikad, nikad ne bih ostavio,
Moje srce ne pravi pauze,
Kao što bi tvoje uradilo,
na primer...

Ubija me

Ubija me, ponovo
Tvoji tragovi ostaju
I oni me muce
Ubija me
Okrenuo sam ti ledja kao da si stranac
Ali zasto sam ovako usamljen?
Mislio sam da cu biti drugaciji posle raskida
Ali cak i najmanju naviku koju sam delio sa tobom
Nije lako zaboraviti je
I kao budala ne mogu da nastavim dalje
Prolazim kroz nesto kao zaleci se na proslost
Iako si ti dobro bez mene
Ja sam polumrtav unutra
Nikada nisam znao kako ce raskid biti tezak
Bio sam sebican da ne pogledam tvoje suze
Ubija me, ponovo
Tvoji tragovi ostaju
I oni me muce
Ubija me
Okrenuo sam ti ledja kao da si stranac
Ali zasto sam ovako usamljen?
Ubija me
Imati osecaj slobode i upoznavati nove ljude
Ali na kraju to donosi potisteno srce
U mrklom mraku, ponovo sam sam
Ovo nije ono sto sam zeleo
Njeno postojanje je bilo deo mog zivota
Bili smo nerazdvojni ali jednom kad smo se razdvojili
Sve se srusilo
Zato sto se nisam na vreme pripremio za ovo
Nikada nisam znao kako ce raskid biti tezak
Bio sam sebican da ne pogledam tvoje suze
Ubija me, ponovo
Tvoji tragovi ostaju
I oni me muce
Ubija me
Okrenuo sam ti ledja kao da si stranac
Ali zasto sam ovako usamljen?
Zasto sam upoznao tu devojku
Zast sam odlucio da raskinem sa njom
Izgleda da sam je voleo previse
Izgleda da vatra koja je nestala pocinje opet da gori
Da li to slomljeno srce cezne za njom?
Ili je to moja sebicna samoca?
Ubija me
Izgleda da sam je voleo previse
Izgleda da vatra koja je nestala pocinje opet da gori
Da li to slomljeno srce cezne za njom?
Ili je to moja sebicna samoca?
Ubija me, ponovo
Tvoji tragovi ostaju
I oni me muce

I Sit Beside The Window

I sit beside the window's edge
I sit beside the window's edge
I sit beside the window's edge,
Looking upon the stars,
I sit beside the window's edge,
And I think to myself thus.
Will you come on by my dear, or not,
I dream of you so often?...
I come nearer to the window's edge,
And you stand there smiling.
Love - loving, is like the flower,
Which blooms there in the morning,
Like that butterfly in the spring
Flying up there oh so high.
So do you guard your dear hearts,
That you don't love too early,
For the gardens will bloom in the spring,-
Your love will not return.


Ya ready now
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
My heart pounds at the touch I’m used to
Thinking about it too hard for no reason
I end up looking at you
Even when you call me with the same tone of voice
It seems mysterious, ambiguous
And I am used to it, but nervous
An itchy feeling comes
How come today you seem like a woman, not my friend
What is the mysterious feeling?
Also, were you always this pretty?
Especially today
Am I drunk?
Why do you look prettier today?
I’m falling for you right now
Why do I see you as a woman today?
I’m slowing falling for you
Sing it like
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
It’s weird, is it you or me? I’m not sure
But something’s wrong
Uh uh am I sick? My whole body shakes and
Why is my heart pounding?
The line we drew together
As close friends
Behind your high heels you’re directly in front of me
Our faces are closer, beautiful you
Today my heart is reacting to you uh
An itchy feeling comes
How come today you seem like a woman, not my friend
What is the mysterious feeling?
Also, were you always this pretty?
Especially today
Is your make up done well?
Why do you look prettier today?
I’m falling for you right now
Why do I see you as a woman today?
I’m slowing falling for you
All my fellas say
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
Stop starring at me eh
Since I feel especially awkward today woo
You might not know how I feel eh
This complicated feeling
Might be love
Why do you look prettier today?
I’m falling for you right now
Why do I see you as a woman today?
I’m slowing falling for you
All my fellas say
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
Something's different

Rubber Band

Rubber band, rubber band
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh uh uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh uh uh uh
Our love temperature is a bit lukewarm
These days, I wanna be alone, oh no
I don’t even get angry anymore
I know after this phase ends, it’ll really be the end
So I’m staying extra cautious
You and I, we’re both so sly
Neither of us want to be the bad guy
Like walking on a sheet of ice
We’re so risky right now
A tight rubber band
We’re holding onto the end and being cautious
Don’t wanna give or receive scars
Only because of our attachment, we’re dangerously enduring
Rubber band, rubber band
Need to let go now
Someone’s gotta hurt, we gotta go
Rubber rubber rubber rubber band
Our memories are breaking apart
One of us has to let go of these hands
Even though it was so cold
Your jacket pocket was as hot as the summer
I hope you’ll cherish the beautiful memories
During this winter night
You and I, we’re both so sly
Neither of us want to be the bad guy
Like walking on a sheet of ice
We’re so risky right now
A tight rubber band
We’re holding onto the end and being cautious
Don’t wanna give or receive scars
Only because of our attachment, we’re dangerously enduring
Rubber band, rubber band
Need to let go now
Someone’s gotta hurt, we gotta go
It was a really good journey
Don’t think I can forget you easily
After all this time
Our end has finally come
We had a good run
No more lingering feelings
After many seasons
Our end has finally come
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh uh uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh
We gotta go

Welcome Back

Wait a minute, Listen
Baby oh! Welcoming you back here
For me, I’m still the same guy that hasn’t changed a single bit
Except for the fact that I’ve realized how precious you are
Except for the fact that I’ve fixed my selfish self a little
But for that? I’m just the same like my broad chest
Because I need to embrace you when you’re sad
I held back from punching walls when I was angry
Because you like guys with pretty hands
Seeing you again for a the first time in a while
It feels like my heart that hurt for so long
Is getting perfectly well again
Your beauty and grace is still the same
Although my life without you was really lacking
I can’t explain it with words
How were you doing this while
Who did you lean on when you were struggling
I found that I couldn’t stand for anyone but you
I mean I never went searching but
There’s not another girl like you in the world, for real
It was really lonely, nothing was new
Every day by day was really just boring
What I want to say is thanks for coming back
Welcome back I’m glad you returned
I’ll treat you better now
Welcome back I really missed you
Now will you take me into your arms?
Your scent, your small motions
All the way to your soft touches
Welcome back I’m glad you returned
Baby I’ll be different now
Because those words “time heals everything”
Is a lie to ease your heart
Saying that I’ve never regretted our goodbye
That I felt better being alone, it’s all a lie
Oh I was so lonely I was so bored every minute, every day
Even your nagging
That I thought I didn’t need
Those were days I missed even that
Your face when you smiled for me
Every song that I serenaded you with
It just all seemed like nosie to me now
Even if I didn’t know anything else
Without you i was all meaningless
Even my weekends were empty without you
When I saw those evening sunsets
I reminisced those days with you
It was really lonely, nothing was new
Every day by day was really just boring
What I want to say is thanks for coming back
Welcome back I’m glad you returned
I’ll treat you better now
Welcome back I really missed you
Now will you take me into your arms?
Your scent, your small motions
All the way to your soft touches
Welcome back I’m glad you returned
Baby I’ll be different now
Oh girl I’m sorry Oh girl I was wrong
I’m so pathetic, I’m honestly so useless, aren’t I? I know
Girl why are you laughing
Oh I see you aren’t really that resentful after all
But still, thank you for coming back
Welcome back I’m glad you returned
I’ll treat you better now
Welcome back I really missed you
Now will you take me into your arms?
Your scent, your small motions
All the way to your soft touches
Welcome back I’m glad you returned
Baby I’ll be different now
Don’t act like you hate me, I see you smiling
I’ll treat you better, please don’t leave me
Weren’t definitly meant to be
Let’s take it slow, let’s last real long
Welcome Back!


I sing to youth
Letting us breathe
It’s a new start for us
Come on let’s do it again
Cheer louder
To feel the freedom
Its a new generation
And it’s a new day
Yo, resting a beat
Yo, resting two beats
Sinosijak Showtime showtime
Sinosijak Showtime
Dance dance Dance like me
Dance dance Dance like me (sinosijak)
Uh let’s start fresh
Waging a war of nerves with the audience after a long time
Like usual
Do it as you feel like
Make a scene
Then just peace out coolly
My passion is always hot
Still got nothing to fear
Got nothing more to lose
Nothing’s changed
Still making a history
Casually ignoring the designated roads
And walking my own way
I sing to youth
Letting us breathe
It’s a new start for us
Come on let’s do it again
Cheer louder
To feel the freedom
Its a new time
And its a new day
Yo, resting a beat
Again resting two beats
Sinosikak Showtime showtime
Sinosijak Showtime
Dance dance Dance like me
Dance dance Dance like me (sinosijak)
The show has begun
And the song is playing yo
Your cheers
Set fire to my blood
Get ready for an all-nighter
Before I force
You onto the beat
Do whatever your body tells you to do
No alcohol
Only soft drinks or juice
Hey, we are clean!
Don’t you worry and just
Bounce and move
If you don’t want to then go home
Are you ready?
One two three four
Look closely, I’m gon do whatever
Look closely, I’m gon do whatever
Look closely, I’m gon do whatever
Do whatever
And it’s a new day
Again resting a beat
Once again resting two beats
Sinosijak Showtime
Dance Dance Dance like me
Dance Dance Dance like me (Sinosijak)
Dance Dance Dance like me
Dance Dance Dance like me

Cocktail (칵테일)

Ohh I feel good under the hot sunset yay
We're gonna party yay
Fragrant cocktail yay
Wait a minute
Hey ladies take a cocktail
I'll make your day fun
Hey ladies take a cocktail
Just trust me
I'll take you to the best
Sunglass, beach bikinis that steal my gaze
Everyone gather, let's take a picture
When I say 2,3do cheese or Kimchi
This is the place to meet
Cocktail in one hand one shot
She said hold on to me
My eyes are purified and mind peaceful
It's like fantasy
Ay, there's fun loving girl
Long bronzed hair
Skin hotter than sun
Would you like something to drink
Guys and girls both
Day and night keep it chill
The youth that know how to party
Would you like something to drink
Martini or mojito
I'm getting tipsy
The seaside is heaven oh girl
Come here and take a cocktail
I'll make your day fun
Hey ladies take a cocktail
Just trust me
I'll take you to the best
And it goes like
Oh oh oh oh oh oh I feel good
I feel so good under the hot sunset yay
We're gonna party yay
Oh oh oh oh oh oh I feel good
Fragrant cocktail yay
We're gonna party
I'm soaked in your majesty
Your fingertips touching my cheeks
I feel peace give me a lil bit more
P l e a s e
only be good to me when the night comes
Let's try to be like the name of the cocktail
Please be sexy only to me
Ay, there's fun loving girl
Long bronzed hair
Skin hotter than sun
Would you like something to drink
Guys and girls both
Day and night keep it chill
The youth that know how to party
Would you like something to drink
Martini or mojito
I'm getting tipsy
The seaside is heaven oh girl
Come here and take a cocktail
I'll make your day fun
Hey ladies take a cocktail
Just trust me
I'll take you to the best
And it goes like
Oh oh oh oh oh oh I feel good
I feel so good under the hot sunset yay
We're gonna party yay
Oh oh oh oh oh oh we feel good
Fragrant cocktail yay
We're gonna party
Uhm Blue night, stars, moon
Everything perfect I want to say here forever
Oh oh oh oh oh oh I feel good
I feel so good under the hot sunset yay
We're gonna party yay
Oh oh oh oh oh oh we feel good
Fragrant cocktail yay
Wait a minute
Hey ladies take a cocktail
Hey ho hey ho
Hey ladies take a cocktail
Hey ho hey ho
Hey ladies cocktail