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Број резултата: 80


Brother's / Sister's control is right!

* Why do I have a stupid brother?
Telling him my birthday, then he forgot it right away.
The skirt that he bought for me is always a bit long.
He always touch my head and say 'Good girl!'.
It was said by strangers that our looks are like the couple.
Obviously we don't look like anything except family name.
He stayed at home all day long,
and the keyboard is polished by him.
I don’t admit that I have such a brother.
Kamisama, come save me quickly.
Why I became strange recently?
Obviously he just a sick state of affairs and foolish.
What's the point and how good he is?
It must be illusion and don't think too much.
Why my heartbeat doesn't listen to me?
When our eyes are contacted,
Why my heartbeat will go up to 100 miles ?
What can I do?
* Why do I have a stupid brother?
Telling him my birthday, then he forgot it right away.
The skirt that he bought for me is always a bit long.
He always touch my head and say 'Good girl!'.
It was said by strangers that our looks are like the couple.
Obviously we don't look like anything except family name.
He stayed at home all day long,
and the keyboard is polished by him.
I don’t admit that I have such a brother.
Kamisama, come save me quickly.
Why I became strange recently?
Obviously he just a sick state of affairs and foolish.
What's the point and how good he is?
It must be illusion and don't think too much.
Why my heartbeat doesn't listen to me?
When our eyes are contacted,
Why my heartbeat will go up to 100 miles ?
What can I do?
Giving up the defense and accepting the reality,
it turns out that I'm just a fool.
Finally I admit my true thinking,
because brother's / sister's control is right!

Silicon Against Sexism

I run through the night, through the labyrinth
Strobe lights are love – blinding us all
You say the borders blur like ice in champagne
I’ll break every that you taste after me
Who’s getting Prince Charming from his high steed?
I don’t believe in fairy tales – but hear the voiceover
When the clock tower strikes, I’m there again
No carriage, no dress, no caviar
I think I’ll trade the bridal bouquet
For burning Molotovs
Uh uh, uh uh, call your hounds back
Before I pull the trigger
Uh, uh, leave your home tonight
From the home you’re making for me
I can sell myself, does that make me a product?
Who does my body belong to when the newspaper prints it?
How much can I show off and why should I shame myself?
And you exactly are you, damn it, and what’s your problem?
Uh uh, uh uh, call your hounds back
Before I pull the trigger
Uh, uh, leave your home tonight
From the home you’re making for me
Are you coming too close to me? Are you going to far?
Can you see me behind all the hype?
Do you want to sleep with me – for what I’m not?
I could fly off the handle, I just don’t know where to
Uh uh, uh uh, call your hounds back
Before I pull the trigger
Uh, uh, leave your home tonight
From the home you’re making for me

There Was A Fine Icon Painted

There was a fine icon painted – and in the rain forgotten
Virgin Maria’s eyes fainted, got washed away by water
Paints drizzled down as tears – it was the sky that blubbered
Men took refuge under ceilings – they didn’t know about that
Only the skies were sullen, turning the air bluer
Broke out a tempest, sudden…
Sheep jostled, as if gluey
Lightnings struck in the windows, strong winds blew off the roofings
Dogs at the doors sat whingeing, in barns mice raged as like true fiends
Children held mothers’ dresses, grandfathers started crossing
Kneeling at their places, prayed to their icons’ glosses…
Sunny then came the morning, wet dogs were tiredly woofing
People came out, yawning, started to mend the roofings
And quite aside, near the doorsill were lying the shreds of canvas
People’d forgotten God’s will, they all were shrugging manwise…

Слушај и схвати

Слушај и схвати, дај уразуми се
Тражи да нађеш када си полудела
Моје стрпљење је потрошено
Слушај и схвати, промени се
Не играј се више с људима
Јер наплаћују грешке с каматом
Слушај и схвати како стоје ствари
Иди без речи и суза
Личе на представу, нису за мене
Слушај и схвати, готово је са чудима
Готово је и са нама, батали драме
Спуштам завесу сместа
Слушај и схвати, готово је с тобом
Ја више нећу бити твој судија
Осудиће те сам живот
Слушај и схвати, промени се
Не играј се више с људима
Јер наплаћују грешке с каматом

Не тражим ти много

Versions: #2
Желим да променим сценографију живота
И да потражим позајмљени месец
Да саградим небо које на тебе личи
Љубави моја и страсти изненадна
Ја ћу те у сну освојити
И ако на крају изгубим, не занима ме много
Не тражим ти на месец да ме водиш
Нити моје грешке да волиш
Да си поред мене, само то ми је довољно
Да не буде мој живот затвор
Не тражим ти да ме водиш на небо
Нити сам ти тражио јефтину љубав
Тражим ти да ме закључаш у једном телу
И да бациш заувек кључ
Желим да променим сценографију живота
И да те одеведем на неко магично путовање
Да видиш какав је живот када слави
Љубави моја и страсти изненадна
Ја ћу те у сну освојити
И ако на крају изгубим, не занима ме много

Имам право

Затварам очи и мислим на тебе, око моје слатко
Где ли си сада и кога гледаш, светлости моја, нежно
Где ли си сада када се губим у непознатим водама
Недостаје ми твој мирис, на уснама твој додир
Ах, кад би се вратила опет
Имам право да те тражим
Да се опијам и да лудујем ноћима
Да пишем стихове и да ти их посвећујем
И да певам само за тебе
Имам право на пола да пукнем
Да остајем без душе и да те волим
Затварам очи и причам са тобом
Око моје слатко
И ми смо, говори ми ова ноћ,
Два ватромета
Где ли си сада када се губим у непознатим водама
Недостаје ми твој мирис, на уснама твој додир
Ах, кад би се вратила опет

Два месеца

Два месеца, како да одем
Чекао сам те
Завесе не отварам
Ни данас
Изброј недеље, изгубили смо многе
Два месеца који ми изгледају
Као да су два живота
Два месеца како те немам
Мислим да више од овога не могу да издржим
Шта да урадим да поверујеш
У шта да се закунем
Два месеца, толико има
Од како сам други човек
Само када се вратиш
Бићу опет ја
Два месеца, круже приче
Да сам луд
Час умирем због гриже савести
Час оживљавам
Измерио сам снагу, нема више ни ње
Два месеца који ми изгледају
Као да су два живота

Ако треба да дођеш

У пола ноћи зовеш
Веома често мене на мобилни
И твоја анонимна 'Волим те'
Остављаш на мом ауту
У пола ноћи питаш
Да ли те волим, мог најбољег ортака
Да ли ти грешке опраштам
И да ли сам пронашао себе
Ако треба да дођеш, немој да ми телефонираш
Не шаљи поруке да ме и даље желиш
Ако треба да дођеш, позвони на интерфон
Као некада љуби ме и реци ми просто 'Извини'
Ако треба да дођеш, покуцај ми на врата у зору
И ако не ме нађеш, тражи ме по целом граду
Покајничка 'Волим те' говори уз сузе
Не желим речи од тебе, само дела
У пола ноћи пролазиш
Веома често кроз мој крај
Гледам те како посматраш сатима мој прозор
У пола дођи, своје грешке ми објасни
И ако више не будем сам
Иди и не говори
Ако треба да дођеш, немој да ми телефонираш
Не шаљи поруке да ме и даље желиш
Ако треба да дођеш, позвони на интерфон
Као некада љуби ме и реци ми просто 'Извини'
Ако треба да дођеш, покуцај ми на врата у зору
И ако не ме нађеш, тражи ме по целом граду
Покајничка 'Волим те' говори уз сузе
Не желим речи од тебе, само дела
Ако намераваш да се вратиш, доказима ме убеди
Пољуљано је моје поверење
Ако намераваш да се вратиш, питај ме за ране
Без тебе сам крварио, прошао сам свашта

Long Time No See

There’n no one like you. There’s only you
I have nothing. But I have nothing to add
My world I keep stopping
When you’re not around.
There’s not even a flower around me
Long time no see. This is for you
The eyes that look at me. What is this. You were in
the center of me – You are now buried in my memory
To stand before you again. I always worked hard
The thought of seeing you again. It makes me excited
I’m so used to calling your name. I talk about you all day
I don’t want nobody else
I ran all the way, baby. Hold on just a bit more
On the other side of my memory, you were waiting
I now stand before you ooh yeah
Long time no see
How have you been
You’ve waited too long
I won’t go anywhere, baby don’t worry
Long time no see
I longed for you a lot too
I got lost on the way to see you
I wont go anywhere, baby don’t worry
Ah~ah~ Long time no see
Ah~ah~ Long time no see
I made you wait crossed our little fingers
I made a promise to you.
I didn’t keep it, I’m sorry
Why so late I’ll explain
The pain given by god I was getting over it
Brothers that share blood and flesh I was trying to protect
My mind filled with emptiness. I drained it
My dreams getting bigger I had to keep achieving them
Very late
My shattered dreams, It was hard to patch them again
Finally I am where I am now.
And you are still beautiful
Long time no see. I’ve missed you a lot
On the other side of my memory, you were waiting
I now stand before you ooh yeah
Long time no see
How have you been
You’ve waited too long
I won’t go anywhere, baby don’t worry
Long time no see
I longed for you a lot too
I got lost on the way to see you
I wont go anywhere, baby don’t worry
Oh Baby don’t worry
Be with me, forever
I will stand by you. I prosime
Oh Baby don’t worry
Be with me, forever
Where you are. I will be there
Don’t worry
Long time no see
How have you been
You’ve waited too long
I won’t go anywhere, baby don’t worry
Long time no see (oh)
I longed for you a lot too
I got lost on the way to see you
I wont go anywhere, baby don’t worry
Ah~ah~ Long time no see
Ah~ah~ Long time no see

Love Scenario

We met and loved each other
And it became an unforgettable memory
A nice melodrama which has a good conclusion
That's enough, I loved you
Now, the light went out
If the last page is turned over
The drama will end quietly
Facing a break-up is a bit hard
We have yesterday and today but not tomorrow
It hurts a bit
But if I spent more time with you, my broken heart would be worse
I loved you and you loved me as well
I'm okay with it
The memory, Sometimes I'll remember that
If you're in there, that's enough
We met and loved each other
And it became an unforgettable memory
A nice melodrama which has a good conclusion
That's enough, I loved you
Now, the light went out
If the last page is turned over
The drama will end quietly
Something feels funny between my libs
Your eyes which let me know that I'm being loved
I learned a lot from you, it filled my half
You're too precious to put in the past
The memory, Sometimes I'll remember that
If you're in there, that's enough
We met and loved each other
And it became an unforgettable memory
A nice melodrama which has a good conclusion
That's enough, I loved you
I already miss you
But I'm not trying to think of you
I'll remember you as a movie and a warm spring
Now, the light went out
If the last page is turned over
The drama will end quietly
Sometimes we fought and were jealous of each other
But we loved each other passionately
It's enough
We met and loved each other
That's enough
I loved you
Don't forget to press thanks
Thank You ❤️

Dari Be Chi Fekr Mikoni

What are you thinking about?
I'm thinking about why the time doesn't get/reach 7:00
In order to meet you, so I have set my heart on seeing you from now.
And now I’m thinking that what to wear tonight.
I'm thinking about you every time even when I’m taking a shower!
What are you thinking about? Would you answer me or not?
Tell me 'do you imagine my picture wherever you go?'
What are you thinking about? Would you answer me or not?
Tell me 'do you imagine my picture wherever you go?'
I'm thinking about that my life is vacant without you.
I measure my direction as though I run into you in your path.
I'm all the time thinking about your face which looks like a drawing.
I'll mope to death without you. How can I carry on without you?
What are you thinking about? Would you answer me or not?
Tell me 'do you imagine my picture wherever you go?'
What are you thinking about? Would you answer me or not?
Tell me 'do you imagine my picture wherever you go?'
I can't understand it that how your eyes can be such cruel and unkind although they are so lovely and pretty
I treated like a child I shouldn't have let you know that I loved more than usual.
You are kind to anyone but toward me you behave like a wooden doll!
You even misbehave me in order to show off your friends.
What are you thinking about? Would you answer me or not?
Tell me 'do you imagine my picture wherever you go?'
What are you thinking about? Would you answer me or not?
Tell me 'do you imagine my picture wherever you go?'

For some reason

For some reason
I met you and now I've lost you
But my tears couldn’t wash you away
Like ink from my sopping paper
For some reason
The weight of those who hurt us is heavier
Than that of those who love us.
Tell me: when you look deep into yourself,
Does it frighten you at least a little?
Who knows whom you are bewitching,
what kind of life you are living...So, what are you looking at?
Everything happened for some reason
It seems, it was the will of fate that you should have left me
I loved you to be hurt by you
And to be ruined on the earth. Oh, Heavens!
Everything happened for some reason
And if you'll ever want we find it
For one reason everything is happening to us in this life
And maybe we’ll never understand
This reason… for some reason
For some reason
I cannot solve your riddle
All the things that bound us together I will dissolve
And you'll be a blur in my memory
For some reason
I gave everything to you: what was stolen, and what was given
Eyes, my doors, my locked windows
And if hope passes it will not come
I'm leaving it
Who knows whom you are bewitching,
what kind of life you are living...So, what are you looking at?
Everything happened for some reason
It seems, it was the will of fate that you should have left me
I loved you to be hurt by you
And to be ruined on the earth. Oh, Heavens!
Everything happened for some reason
And if you'll ever want we find it
For one reason everything is happening to us in this life
And maybe we’ll never understand
This reason… for some reason

You'll Pay For It All

It's time for you to go, what are you looking at, what are you waiting for?
Leave, as you wish
But your decision will be your destruction
Whatever you say
Remember that you will be the loser
Some day you will see it, you'll pay for it all
In the flame that burns me you'll melt
Some day you will see it, you'll pay for it all
And you'll regret it so bitterly
It's a wheel, you'll turn, as much as you wronged me
You'll hurt just as much
After so many mistakes the only thing you've learned
Is to torture me
Remember that you will be the loser
Some day you will see it, you'll pay for it all
In the flame that burns me you'll melt
Some day you will see it, you'll pay for it all
And you'll regret it so bitterly

Everything is paid off here

I thought I should do something about it
I thought I should give an end
I thought I should look for love
But there is no way to run away from you because I love you
How much strength am I capable of finding tonight
Where to lean my body to pass the night
Where to find a friend to comfort me
But there is no way to run away from you because I love you
How much strength am I capable of finding tonight
I don't know what to believe, I was wrong
You did bad things to me
But everything is paid off here
I felt an ache when they told me about you
That you hold a secret
The bullet was shot at my heart
And I thought I should run away to save myself