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Valentine Day

From that
From this
From that too
Shall I kiss you?
On your lips
On your feet
On your every hair strands
Shall I wander?
Without I don't open my eyes
Without I don't make any noice
Without I don't tell anyone
Shall I love?
Look, dear, look at this
14 th February
Happy years to our love
Valentine Day is a just day
I love you everyday
Valentine Day is once
You are my love everybody knows it

It is easy to say

You are crying, Is there a problem?
Are you in love as much as I do?
Who looks for the solution to this?
Who knows what this love does
You are crazy like Mecnun
Death doesn't listen poems
Everything is a lie, that is real
The creater knows this stuation
If you fall delibarately
He/she won't listen if you say my dear
He/she follows if you run
It doesn't stop until it kills you
There is no end this love is like that
It breaks down with just a little word
It becomes a tear in your eye and flows down
It is a wound and bleeds in your heart
Saying forget is easy to say
Fire only burns the place where it drops
My cruel lover doesn't understand
He/she looks me from somewhere which is not near me
I will make you you that is like that
I love you like that if I love you
I live you as your beauty
I fade away with you

If I Hadn’t Met You

Versions: #2
One day, like a beautiful dawn, your love came.
You made the rain stop and the sun to come out again, lighting up my empty nights.
Since I met you, everything in my life has changed
Seeing you, I knew that, at last, my pain would fade away and that we would always be one. (to be two in Spanish is best expressed as to be one in english)
In love with each other, hand in hand forever.
If I had never met you, I don’t know what would have become of me, my love. Without your loving glance, I don’t know if I could live.
Without the beat of your heart.
The world is colder.
Life wouldn’t make sense if I hadn’t met you.
I dreamed my whole life of your arrival
I picture you as a beautiful flower


I earnestly ran through the extremely cold dark road
Not wishing for something like light
Is loneliness frightening? If that's the case, I dare face it
Since if I will run away from it will chase me
Even at the very bottom of despair I won't be afraid for a moment.
I don't feel it. I can't feel it
As long as it has a simple meaning, I will stick to that resolve
no matter how much its power will weaken
My strength, is it just for me sacrificing myself?
There's no such thing as perfection!
So I'll give a hard blow to that heart of mine
What do I seek? What can I protect?
Does the truth lie within my heart?
The screams worn out by doubt and solutions
echo​ in the depths of my heart
In the middle of this sensation I'm jolted for a moment
I breath. I'm breathing
If I were to feel like I've lost myself in the sensation of living
then the dilemma will beckon me
Will the ideal flower eventually start withering?
Reality alone being all there is...
I'll give it a hard blow with this arm
Do I seek nothing? Can I protect nothing?
Do I not understand things like the future and the solution?
The doubts gnaw at the truths and lies of my heart
Tomorrow as well I will hesitate as to what is the chosen future
Repeating it, I will today as well continue towards the future

Pusti je da pleše

Danas, kada Zemlja nije ravna
a ni nauka ne pripada jereticima
Danas, kada u trendu više nisu
crteži iz pećina
Danas, kada više nemaju smisla
golubi pismonoše
Sada, kada konačno mreže
ujedinjuju planetu
Ona nije osjetljiva princeza
koja je došla na ovu zabavu da bi samo sjedila
Ona nije samo to što vidiš
njoj, ni ti ni niko, neće zabraniti da igra
Pusti je da pleše u drugim cipelama
u onim koje ne stežu kada želi da pravi pokrete
Pusti je da pleše dok joj suknja leti
bosa, dok crta novi svijet
Pusti je da pleše
Ona je sudbina, ona je porijeklo
ona je priča i skripta u isto vrijeme
Ona je početak i kraj
pleši sa njom u ovoj svjetskoj zabavi
Danas, kad nema smrtnih duela
svaki put kad te neko iznervira
da bismo mogli da se izduvamo
izmislili smo Tviter
Ako mislimo drugačije
ne moramo više da raspravljamo
ne 'nazdravljaju otrovom'
Ona nije osjetljiva princeza
koja je došla na ovu zabavu da bi samo sjedila
Ona nije samo to što vidiš
njoj, ni ti ni niko, neće zaustaviti
Pusti je da pleše u drugim cipelama
u onim koje ne stežu kada želi da pravi pokrete
Pusti je da pleše dok joj suknja leti
bosa, dok crta novi svijet
Pusti je da pleše
Ona je sudbina, ona je porijeklo
ona je priča i skripta u isto vrijeme
Ona je početak i kraj
pleši sa njom u ovoj svjetskoj zabavi
Čuj, slušaj,
borba je, rimovati
Pusti je da pleše na ovoj zabavi
sa ciljem da se oslobodi nametnutog morala
Da se ne osjeća krivom što traži odgovor
ako mora da se uda, nek se uda za svoj protest
Ovo je samo moj skromni način da kažem
da je onaj koji traži cvjećara onaj koji ne čuva svoj vrt
Tako da, zaboravi sve naučeno, i hajde da plešeš
jer nijedna zvijezda ne traži dozvolu da sija
Pusti je da pleše u drugim cipelama
u onim koje ne stežu kada želi da pravi pokrete
Pusti je da pleše dok joj suknja leti
bosa, dok crta novi svijet
Pusti je da pleše
Pusti je da pleše

O, how sweet is holy love

1. O, how sweet is holy love
And the word is sublime
Life always is a delight
For with the Lord we overcome.
/: Even if the mountains crumble
Into the depths of the seas
We do not fear at all
Our Savior is with us. : /
2. If faith is the foundation
Like a granite stone
Peace is the noble messenger
For the righteous.


If I shut my eyes tears begin to overflow.
Since I can't be a child forever
I always tell myself don't cry but smile.
I've decided in my heart that I don't want to continue being a coward.
Sometimes the people you love or things you want to protect become weapons.
My heart is in pain for some reason I am sad
because I know the pain of loss.
If I realize it again I wont be able to see someone un-replaceable and will be hurt.
Even though I swore ' I will Protect this to the end' I ended up choosing to break up.
If I close my eyes again I'm still living with these regrets.
No matter how far I go I still lose my voice.
I wonder if you can forgive someone like me?
While Hanging my head in shame under this endless shining star.
Meeting and breaking up over and over again.
Is this what I've been learning from my mistakes?
Goodbye to the scared me
I've found the strength to face my problems.
Sometimes you love the people you care about or the things
you want to protect too much.
I want to try to believe , I want to protect it to the end.
I wonder If I can love you.
My heart is in pain for some reason I am sad
because I know the pain of loss.

Тихи врисак

Ухваћена сам у тоја очекивања
Покушаваш ме натерати да живим твој сан
Али стварам ти тако много фрустрације
А ти желиш само најбоље за мене
Желиш да покажем више занимања
Да увек носим велики, ведар осмех
Да будем та розе, мала, савршена принцеза
Али ја нисам такво дете
А у мени расте бура
Зар не осећаш да се наши светови сударају?
Све ми је теже да дишем
Боли ме изнутра
Само ме пусти да будем
Ко сам
Јер то је оно што мораш да разумеш
И ја се надам да ће бол да нестане
И мучи ме
Али не могу се ослободити
И зато плачем и плачем али просто неће напоље
Тихи врисак
Реци ми зашто ме притискш?
И сваки дан ме повређујеш?
То је разлог зашто се осећам тако усамљено
Чак иако ме држиш у свом наручју
Желиш ме ставити у кутију пуну шљокица
А ја сместа покушавам да изађем напоље
И сада се осећаш огорчено
Јер сам те разочарала
А у мени расте бура
Зар не осећаш да се наши светови сударају?
Све ми је теже да дишем
Боли ме изнутра
Само ме пусти да будем
Ко сам
Јер то је оно што мораш да разумеш
И ја се надам да ће бол да нестане
И мучи ме
Али не могу се ослободити
И зато плачем и плачем али просто неће напоље
Тихи врисак
Зар не видиш
Како плачем за помоћ
Јер би требало да ме волиш
Зато што сам ово ја
Удавићу се у океану бола и емоција
Ако ме не спасеш одмах сад
Само ме пусти да будем
Ко сам
Јер то је оно што мораш да разумеш
И ја се надам да ће бол да нестане
И мучи ме
Али не могу се ослободити
И зато плачем и плачем али просто неће напоље
Тихи врисак
Мој тихи врисак

Mr. Leather Vest

- Ah well article 31 still together!
- What voice are you doing?
- I'm doing the set voice, come on, it's set, set, ok, however, before you start you have to make the trademark Jad-O-OOOO
And go '
Hey, mr. leather vest, with rebel tattoo, that you pay dinners to the models, listen', I have something to say to you, more or less could you use it, I can not digest you when I see you in the most 'in' places, resting on the counter you sip a gin looking around
with a look at James Dean with the phone ringing
in constant drin, drin, gin, gin, pay to drink the model, for her a routine thing Check-in to your wallet, you're an evergreen, I saw you punk, metallaro, 'paninaro', dark now you're massacring in the gym to look like Swartzenegher dance the Rock, dance Rap, dances the Regge, skilled transformist do what you asked on the track leader type camorrista look, you see me and turn to the silverlead please
that if you start dancing near me I can not take my breath
so much so that it emits stench sweat and after shaving mixed it's like dancing near a wet dog.
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll beat your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll dirty your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
step aside, step aside...
I'm usually polite and kind, well behaved pleasant and civil, but tonight, I have been drinking a compilation of tequilas and every time you take the back of me dancing I hear the bile go up, Donald Duck's dance it's what you adopted in style, please, bring me a shotgun, I want to get you a little hole in your beautiful manly chest
or at least I make you lame, you came to me once too much dances a little clumsy, jolly when you pose and try to say a funny thing looks like the spot AIDS is missing the pink halo, if you try to board the physically exuberant blonde, run to the bathroom to put the Licya Persona, but when you leave, she immediately comes to my area and it sticks to me
and I do not spring like a snake rubs against my lower stomach
I wonder why maybe he sensed that, only the biceps hardens up to you
and in case you did not tell him that you're watching is not the RAI, what dreams of kissing Brenda Wolsch, that you will buy a Porsche next month Well, come back anyway from your little saint's face model
but in certain things he has more experience than Cicciolina, but when you come back and you're jealous the threatening look, friend, you're wrong, if you like to do the quarrelsome facts, seriously, that I already feel the impulse to pour a knee on your lower abdomen.
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll beat your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll dirty your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
step aside, step aside...

Bet On Rock'N'Roll

I can't give you my heart anymore
I will go where my boots want to go
and if you want me to tell you what to do
I will tell you to bet on my defeat
Take your clothes off, that's fine
Don't leave anything undone
If you have come to buy me, get lost
If you're coming with me, hold on
We'll go away girl, to the sea
There is no sunrise in this city
And I don't know if I was born to run
but maybe I was born to gamble
I know that nothing will happen
But now I'm up against the ropes
and I don't see any way out
but I'm going to bet hard while I can
We'll go away girl, to the sea
There is no sunrise in this city
And I don't know if I was born to run
but maybe I was born to gamble
I can't give you my heart anymore
I lost my bet on rock'n'roll
I lost my bet on rock'n'roll
It's a debt I have to pay
and now there's no point in giving up
There's no point in giving up now
My heart doesn't beat.

Silver & Gold

Versions: #2
Silver & Gold
You used to be my brother,
to be my only friend
I’m victim by intention,
relationship should end
I can never lie, I cannot runaway
There’s nothing to hide,
nothing to say
Why can't you see?
What you meant for me
I’m lost In insanity
I'm your desire
I'm fighting for love
We stay forever
Like Silver & Gold
I’m your desire
Oh mon amour
And whatsoever,
I'm running for you
I'm your desire
Tell me again
How much you love me?
Say it again
You’re my desire
I'm your desire
I’m yours.
Million different people
searching for true love
I know you're different
like you're given from above
Fire in your eyes, makes me paralized
Boy you have the ticket
for a stolen paradise
Uhh, Now I'm ready to belong to you
let it go
I'm your desire
I’m fighting for love
We stay forever
Like Silver & Gold
I'm your desire
Oh mon amour
And whatsoever,
I'm running for you
I'm your desire
Tell me again
How much you love me?
Say it again
I'm your desire
I'm your desire
I'm your desire
I'm fighting for love
Love me forever...
I'm your desire, I'm your desire
We stay forever like Silver & Gold

Hero Milenko Pavlović

Even as a kid I had a dream,
I dream to fly just above the clouds,
With this you born and live every day,
For my country I breathe and I will give her all.
I have an ideal, and I won't surrender,
I came to the finish despite all temptations,
Became a faithful pilot for my people,
Colonel Pavlovic on every movement ready.
And everything is so nice when looking from above,
Until he attacked us aggressor misery,
People are losing heads, to them life is not worth,
For all I prepared, for his never give up.
I now climb to the heavens,
Defend hometown, I know it's right,
They are much stronger but life is not one,
Proud hero fly, the defense is holy.
NATO squadrons over Valjevo,
May 4 ’99,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
I defend my people and I can’t give up.
I hear that nothing is so good,
Fly grenades, they taking fire from sky,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
Long live Serbia I'm not going to surrender.
They are ready to shoot the factory,
Destroy the city, say they have tactics.
Damn you, children won’t dying,
I'm going on a plane and turn on the machine.
Radar is canceled and the sky burning,
Flee cowards here are not welcome,
I'll give my life, let me pain,
I go to them, I am not afraid.
Attacking them with courage, try to break them,
Too many of them, I can’t count.
So they flee if they were 16,
And I have them, but also they have me.
NATO squadrons over Valjevo,
May 4 ’99,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
I defend my people and I can’t give up.
I hear that nothing is so good,
Fly grenades, they taking fire from sky,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
Long live Serbia I'm not going to surrender.


You ordered some hooligans for our gig
They lose their teeth due to slaps in the crowd
And lie around in the first aid tent afterwards
This is TP4L, bitch, TP4L
We've got more cocaine than every drug cartel
And no, we're not selling it, we're taking it ourself
And we booze until the liver dissolves
This is TP4L, bitch, TP4L
'I'd suck your dick but I've got migraine'
Get down on your knees, otherwise you'll poop teeth
Don't talk shit, dude, what honour?
Just imagine I'd be your dad
Pep dealer mugged, continous ectstasy trip
And the coops are after me per wanted poster in a women's refuge
Your solo albums have been way to gay for me
I'll stop doing rap and you three are B2K now
I gift you a treasure chest full of gold at our date
And now follow me in my flat and give me your piss
I've got the musicality of needy warthog
That's the moonshine sonata volume 2
Finest lyrics
We're doing the sound for all fellows who think of plane noises as pussy
Perhaps we are the newest and the last trend
This is lift music, when somebody is stuck in it
You ordered some hooligans for our gig
They lose their teeth due to slaps in the crowd
And lie around in the first aid tent afterwards
This is TP4L, bitch, TP4L
We've got more cocaine than every drug cartel
And no, we're not selling it, we're taking it ourself
And we booze until the liver dissolves
This is TP4L, bitch, TP4L
Trailerpark -- heroes in straitjackest
Cause we scare the shit out of the world again
hearts broken and crap in mind
tattoo stitched by Micheal J. Fox
We ended up in the space shuttle, we tank up the drugs
Driving to the show with a tank
Finally fucking is back
Admit, you forgot what it is like long ago
'I didn't get the message of your lyrics'
Ehh, the message is, go, cook crack for me
My ex was shot on an acid trip last week
My role model consciouness is broken and rusted
German rapper: No talent but facebook likes
They don't have something to say at all but are dropping statements all the time
You're on-stage now, main act, playback, nice
I kill the ghost writer, who texts your gay tracks cunt

Bad Habit

Bad habit -- sry, don't have any
Maybe that I sneak into the kindergarden dressed up as Anders Breivik
Every night the same dream, I am naked in the woods, food's gone cold
Mrs Petry passes by and my penis is about to fall of
I think I don't own any bad habit
Except that I sometimes fuck corpses at the graveyard
I booze all the alc in the pub before driving my car
Is the way back about to get hard: Tim Weitkamp drives backwards in the roundabout most of the time
I'm only fucking girls, other kids are a tabu
This may sound like a pedophile but at least not gay
Take a closer look at your backyard, my shit is swimming in your pool
That's a shoutout to Trump: I'm even more mad than you
Sometimes I show my dick in the Juice-magazin
Cause I meet the editors on my visit in the swinger club
BSE in the blood, they're about to prove it scientifically
Sorry for the deaths, didn't know this is a pillow fight
Did I kick passively again?
I am dancing naked on the table -- bad habit
I fucked my cat yesterday
Sometimes I'm in -- bad habit
And sometimes I get myself a trannie that's got more dick than me -- bad habit
Faster, harder
Scooter -- bad habit
Basti, didn't you plan to stop beating up the groupies?
Ehhh, yeeeah? What's that blood lake about then?
She failed sucking for a moment, so I became angry
And when the police busts in I'm gonna say she's only on her period
Trust me, I don't worry about that whore
Cause I'm a gentleman und even give her a ride to school in the morning
And then I just piss straight into her face
Cause I don't only fuck little bitches, I break them
I'm obsessed with chewing nails
Wouldn't be a problem if they were my own ones
I'm actually normal, but when the sentence 'It's showtime' appears
I chop my own shit precisly, shit into the bread dough, power of the routine
When we're watching movies you've always got to talk and ruin the scene
For me it's the other way around, when you talk I've got to watch movies
In fact I suffer from a sick quirck
Don't worry, my psychiatrist can jot down a scientifically term for you, bitch
Did I kick passively again?
I am dancing naked on the table -- bad habit
I fucked my cat yesterday
Sometimes I'm in -- bad habit
And sometimes I get myself a trannie that's got more dick than me -- bad habit
Faster, harder
Scooter -- bad habit
Did I kick passively again?
I am dancing naked on the table -- bad habit
I fucked my cat yesterday
Sometimes I'm in -- bad habit
And sometimes I get myself a trannie that's got more dick than me -- bad habit
Faster, harder
Scooter -- bad habit

Here Today At The Dance (World Version)

Be strong1and get out front, Argentina,
Be strong and get out front, players,
Because this year we have to turn it around,
Because we all came to Russia to be champions.
Let's go Argentina, you know that I love you,
Today you must win and be first,
Because this crazy fan gives up everything for the Cup,
The one that has Messi and Maradona.
Be strong and get out front, Argentina,
Be strong and get out front, players,
Because this year we have to turn it around,
Because we all came to Russia to be champions.
Let's go Argentina, you know that I love you,
Today you must win and be first,
Because this crazy fan gives up everything for the Cup,
The one that has Messi and Maradona.
  • 1. To 'poner huevo' in this case means to be strong or brave

The Fireworks in Utula'aina Beach

[Let's] go to that beach
[Let's] just walk on the side of the road
We arrive at Utula'aina1
The place of our ancestors.
Unload the fireworks
Hold and face it to the sky
Light it and let it shoot up
[It] bursts forth in the moonlight.
Behold the many colors
Colors of red and green
Blue and white
Crimson and pink.
  • 1. name of a beach on the island of Vava'u in northern Tonga.
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'

Don't dance Rock and Roll at El Corte Ingles

In such country we ended.
Great shops, colors and the rest.
They steal your money with your identity.
You're the business of modernity.
Rockers on the streets, good promotion.
You can be money, said a poofter
Welcome, cousins of rock'n'roll!
Tight jeans, well combed studs.
Black plastic and uniformed.
No more problems, all controlled,
and summer discounts at the end of month.
A new fashion had to be born.
It's spring in El Corte Inglés.
Bend over, it needs to fit good.
Don't dance rock and roll at El Corte Ingles.
Laugh at their ye-ye entrepreneurs.
Don't dance Rock and roll at El Corte Ingles.
Don't be a pie figure.
Do it with your girl, do it well,
don't dance Rock and roll at El Corte Ingles
or your feet will end up hurting.
The boys in the street need to resist
to the memory of Eddie, Holly or Gene.
After a long time I'm still here
sure and convinced of reaching to the end.
So pay no mind at all the fuss,
we laugh a lot at all those fashions.
They won't be able to end with rock and roll.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Fake profile

I bought everything you told me,
(I believed) Every picture in every album that you showed me
Now I don’t believe anything, no matter how beautiful you are
What difference does it make since you’re so fake
If I could have not known you, not known you
I would have been able to save some money
You are a fake profile
You are a fake profile
I don't know you, you are a fake profile
Dressed down to your ankles in Prada, Armani, Versace
Just another spoilt girl, covered in Givenchy
Just give her money to spend, a lot of wads of cash
Viena, Milano, trinkets, toys…
Many shop windows, a lot of gaping at them, tons of makeup, but still transparent
You take only stacks of money, nasty gold diggers
Thirsty for euros, for jewellery, precious stones
What kind of princess are you if you’ve broken so many mattresses, bitch?
I bought everything you told me,
(I believed) Every picture in every album that you showed me
Now I don’t believe anything, no matter how beautiful you are
What difference does it make since you’re so fake
If I could have not known you, not known you
I would have been able to save some money
You are a fake profile
You are a fake profile
I don't know you, you are a fake profile
I’ll put up a billboard with a sign: “Bravo for your movies1, long live NATFIZ” 2
I’m getting sick of it, you don’t have even one soul, but you have 300 profiles
How can I make you part of the team if I know you’ll screw half my people
You won’t choose the one you like better, you’ll choose the richer one.
But if you’re curious, I want something real,
something I can touch
I’ve been through a lot3 , that’s why I can tell you: Fuck you, fake profile
You are a fake profile
I don't know you, you are a fake profile
  • 1. Slang for tricks, schemes.
  • 2. Националната академия за театрално и филмово изкуство (National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts ), it fits with his movie theme
  • 3. Literally, I carried the cross, a Bulgarian expression
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.

The matter of Tahir and Zuhre

It is not a shame to be a Tahir* or a Zuhre**
as well it is not a shame dying for love, too.
The whole thing is capability of being Tahir and Zuhre
in short, is the heart.
For example as fighting at a barricade
for example as going to explore the north pole
for example as trying a serum in your veins
is it a shame to die?
It is not a shame to be a Tahir or a Zuhre
as well it is not a shame dying for love, too.
You love the world at a rattling pace
but it is not aware
you don't want to leave it
but it will leave you
so, if you love the apple
is the apple have to love you back?
I mean, if Zuhre doesn't love Tahir anymore
or if she never loved
What Tahir loose from being Tahir?
It is not a shame to be a Tahir or a Zuhre
as well it is not a shame dying for love, too.


[Verse 1]
Ponekad postanem usamljena
Dobijem potrebu
Zovem te
I znam da je to ludo, da je to glupo
Ali to je istina
Trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam
ali moram biti neka vrsta mazohiste
da povredjujem sebe na ovakav nacin
jer sto te volim je tako lose za mene
oh, ali jednostavno ne mogu da odem.
[Verse 2]
Dobijam sva moja zadovoljstva u tvojoj spavacoj sobi
U tvojim rukama
Ti dobijas sva svoja zadovoljstva od moje muke
Od moje povrede
Trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam
ali moram biti neka vrsta mazohiste, ooh
da povredjujem sebe na ovakav nacin
jer sto te volim je tako lose za mene
oh, ali jednostavno ne mogu da odem.
Sto vise ostajem u ovom ludilu
Sto vise sam povredjena je moja udobnost i oslobadjanje
I mozda sam previse ostecena
Da stvarno znam sta je dobro za mene
Trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, trebalo bi da odem, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam, da znam
ooh, moram biti neka vrsta mazohiste (oh, da)
da povredjujem sebe na ovakav nacin (oh, da)
jer sto te volim je tako lose za mene
oh, ali jednostavno ne mogu da odem (daleko)
Iako je to tako ocigledno (tako ocigledno)
da sve sto mi dajes je bol
moram biti neka vrsta mazohiste , da
jer jednostavno ne mogu da odem
od tebe, od tebe, od tebe
Oh, jednostavno ne mogu da odem, daleko, daleko


Ponekad ne mislim da te zasluzujem
Zato kazem neko glupo sranje samo da bih te povredila
Ali ti znas da radim sve zato sto te volim
Dakle duso, reci mi da sam ona koja te zasluzuje
Da li sam, da li sam, da
Da li smo, da li sam, da
Da li sam?
[Verse 1]
Dorucak ujutru, smejemo se na palacinke
Miris pecene kafe, zaboravi sve greske koje smo napravili
U utorak kad si pomenuo da te je nazvala
Sada, zasto moras ici i uraditi to?
Nije bilo potrebno
Otvaras usta kada je nepotrebno
Mozda sam previse osetljiva
i pronalazim zastrasujucu istinu
Ali mi znamo da sta imamo zajedno je stvarno posebno
Sada zasto zelis da ides i da izgubis to decko?
Mozemo li se zaustaviti na trenutak pre nego sto ova kriza preuzme?
Zao mi je, hajde da popravimo ovo
Ponekad se ne mozemo otarasiti navike da budemo dramaticni
To gotovo da postaje bolest
Ponekad ne mislim da te zasluzujem
Zato kazem neko glupo sranje samo da bih te povredila
Ali ti znas da radim sve zato sto te volim
Dakle duso, reci mi da sam ona koja te zasluzuje
Da li sam, da li sam, da
Da li smo, da li sam, da
Da li sam?
Stavi me na sud
Preuzecu krivicu ovde
Reci sudiji da sam ti kriva za ulivanje straha, govoreci ti da odlazim
Kada znas da to ne mislim
Sada, zasto moram ici i reci to?
To je samo privremeno
Kad god se borimo, to je samo privremeno
To je pasivno - agresivno
Kada kazes da ti ne trebam
Ali mi znamo da sta imamo zajedno je stvarno posebno
Sada zasto zelis da ides i da izgubis to decko?
Mozemo li se zaustaviti na trenutak pre nego sto ova kriza preuzme?
Zao mi je, hajde da popravimo ovo
Ponekad se ne mozemo otarasiti navike da budemo dramaticni
To gotovo da postaje bolest
Ponekad ne mislim da te zasluzujem
Zato kazem neko glupo sranje samo da bih te povredila
Ali ti znas da radim sve zato sto te volim
Dakle duso, reci mi da sam ona koja te zasluzuje
Da li sam, da li sam, da, ooh
Da li sam, da li sam, da, ooh
Da li sam, da li sam, da, ooh
Da li smo, da li sam, da
Da li sam?


Kada odrastem zelim da budem scenarista
Zelim da budem novinarka
Zelim da budem lav
Zelim da budem lav
Ja sam lavica
Zelim da budem superheroj
Ja sam superheroj
Zelim da budem pevacica
Zelim da budem pevacica
Zelim da budem sef
Zelim da budem doktor
Zelim da budem sef
Ja sam jaka
Ja sam nepobediva
Ja sam lider
Ja sam sef mog sveta
Zelim da budem saslusana
Zelim da budem saslusana
Ja cu biti saslusana
Nateracu sebe da saslusam
Ja stvaram svoja pravila
Radicu naporno
Ja sam nicija princeza
Zelim da odrastem i budem predsednik
Zelim da budem predsednik


[Intro: Michael Jackson]
Marija, hej, hej, Marija
Marija, zar ne cujes da dozivam, Marija?
Marija, devojko, znas da si bila jedna jedina
[Verse 1]
Kako sam mogla znati?
Da ce to kostati moju dusu
Nista nije besplatno od tebe
Zelim da disem kroz tebe
I kako treba da se suocim sa ovim usamljenim zivotom koji sam stvorila?
Da li je to cena koju placam?
Zelim osetiti
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Ceo moj zivot, ne bih odustala
Bila sam premlada da bih znala razliku
Kako sam pala tako nisko?
Kada sam postala tako hladna?
Unutar sopstvenog uma, verujem u sopstvene lazi
Ja se suocavam sa ogledalom
Gde, gde, gde je Marija?
Zasto, zasto, zasto je ne vidim?
Ja, ja samo zelim da je vidim
Zasto, zasto, zasto je ne vidim?
Ja, ja samo treba da te vidim Marija
[Verse 2]
Da li sada cujete to u mom glasu?
Da pokusavam da napravim izbor
Ne znam na koji nacin da idem na ovim raskrsnicama
Zatvorili ste mi usta trakom
Cineci da se osecam bezvredno, iskorisceno
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Tako sam umorna od slikanja sve ove sminke
Jer to nece sakriti moje duboke rezove
Oci otvorene, ali ne mogu da vide
Usta otvorena, ali ne mogu da govore
Ja se suocavam sa ogledalom
Gde, gde, gde je Marija?
Zasto, zasto, zasto je ne vidim?
Ja, ja samo zelim da je vidim
Gde, gde, gde je Marija?
Oh, ja samo zelim da te vidim Marija
Oh moj gospodaru
Mozes li skinuti ovaj teski teret?
Ne mogu ga vise nositi
Ja zovem andjela, gde je moj spasitelj?
Oh moj gospodaru
Mozes li skinuti ovaj teski teret?
Ne mogu ga vise nositi
Ja zovem andjela, gde je moj spasitelj?
[Bridge: Michael Jackson]
Cuj moju molbu za simpatiju
Samo zelim tebe ovde sa mnom
Cuj moju molbu za simpatiju
Samo zelim tebe ovde sa mnom
Cuj moju molbu za simpatiju
Samo zelim tebe ovde sa mnom
Cuj moju molbu za simpatiju
Nastavljas da bezis
[Verse 3]
Cujes li me kako zovem?
Moj ceo svet pada
Ne mogu da te vidim, trebas mi
Cujes li me kako zovem?
Moj ceo svet pada
Ne mogu da te vidim, oh, trebas mi
Ne nastavljaj da bezis (nastavljas da bezis)
Ne bezi, ne bezi, ne
Ne bezi, ne bezi, ne
Ne nastavljaj da bezis od mene
Ne nastavljaj da bezis od mene
Gde, gde, gde je Marija?
Ne bezi, ne bezi, ne
Ne bezi, ne bezi, ne
Gde je Marija?
Znas da mi trebas
Gde je Marija?

Osim ako nije sa tobom

[Verse 1]
Nikada nisam zelela da se osecam slabo u ljubavi, da izgubim kontrolu
Nikada nisam zelela da spustim moju strazu, da budem ranjiva
Nikada nisam zelela da se osecam bespomocno ili suvise ugodno
Ja sam to uradila sama, hej
Mnogo sam razmisljala o nacinu na koji se ljudi menjaju
Najlepsi poceci mogu da odu u plamen
Neizbezno je i to je ono sto me toliko plasi,
Radije cu biti sama
Ne zelim nikakvu drvenu belu ogradu
Buket ruza i vencanicu
Bajke su lazna sreca
Ali tu smo i moram priznati
Da, van sebe sam, osecam zbunjenost
Gubim razum, ne znam sta da radim
Zato sto ne zelim da se vencam
Osim ako nije sa tobom, osim ako nije sa tobom
[Verse 2]
Dosao si u moj zivot kada nisam pokusvala da nadjem
Nekoga za ljubav, sakrivajuci sta sam osecala iznutra
Ali ti si me otvorio i sada konacno shvatam
Ja cu biti tvoja devojka za zivot
Ne treba nam velika publika
Hiljade ljudi koje nikada nismo upoznali
Ja i ti i par prijatelja
I tu smo i moram priznati
Da, van sebe sam, osecam zbunjenost
Gubim razum, ne znam sta da radim
Zato sto ne zelim da se vencam
Osim ako nije sa tobom, osim ako nije sa tobom
I oh, znam da je to strasno
Ali znam da je to istina, govorim 'Da'
Zato sto ne zelim da se vencam
Osim ako nije sa tobom, osim ako nije sa tobom
Lupa srce i ruke se tresu
Uzmi me bas ovakvu kakva sam
Jer sve sto zelim je jedno te isto
Do kraja mojih dana, do kraja mojih dana
Mozes me pitati za sto godina
Ako bih i dalje stajala ovde
Kada ostarimo i osedimo, odgovorila bih isto
Nasa ljubav ce ostati, oh, nasa ljubav ce ostati
Da, bila sam van sebe osecajuci zbunjenost
Izgubila sam razum, ne znam sta da radim
Zato sto ne zelim da se vencam
Osim ako nije sa tobom, osim ako nije sa tobom
I oh, znam da je to strasno
Ali znam da je to istina, govorim 'Da'
Zato sto ne zelim da se vencam
Osim ako nije sa tobom, osim ako nije sa tobom
Osim ako nije sa tobom


Versions: #2
Someone stole your heart from me,
which used to cry at night.
Something inside you withered,
you don't even look outside anymore.
Are you going to leave behind that,
that you have dreamed of
and have fought for, for years,
road, that you have walked along?
Ah-ah, Someday your heart
will ask for that,
that you have taken away from it,
without even realizing it.
Oh-oh, Someday your heartwill judge you for that,
that you have lied to it a lot.
Never say 'I do',
when the feelings are missing inside you,
when you are delving into your solitude,
wandering again for which time.
Tired from your run,
you still continue there,
somewhere deep inside you
and you are always left alone.
(Chorus x2)
Ah-ah, Someday your heart
will ask for that,
that you have taken away from it,
without even realizing it.
Oh-oh, Someday your heart will judge you for that,
that you have lied to it a lot.


We can get down oh baby
we can get down…
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it!
Work up a cloud of dust, stomp your feet, Footwork
The place where souls meet
Over your shoulder, they’re beckoning, with passionate profound gazes
If we’re going to ignite hearts that have dried up
Let’s get going
Dance freely, sing freely, in this part where we Rock
The Fandango
Atop a red carpet of passion, we’ll burst blood & wine
The Fandango
Dance freely, sing freely, in this part where we Rock
The Fandango
Flare up, until we turn to ashes
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it!
Brilliantly Do the Fandango
The Fandango
As you please, Do the Fandango
The Fandango
Enchant yourselves, Do the Fandango
Do the Fandango
On the Floor
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it now!
A riot that’s more than we expected
Even if the morning comes, Still hot
The instinct of the left and right brain
Our whole bodies are in an uproar, Jump around
Shimmy shimmy ya Shimmy shimmy yeah
Day & Night
Let’s fly the tri-color sky (FLY)
Get ready (Ha!)
Go get it (Yeah!)
Make some noise rum-pum-pum-pum
Party up!(turn it up)
The time is now
Dance freely, sing freely, in this part where we Rock
The Fandango
Atop a red carpet of passion, we’ll burst blood & wine
The Fandango
Dance freely, sing freely, in this part where we Rock
The Fandango
Flare up, until we turn to ashes
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it!
Brilliantly Do the Fandango
The Fandango
As you please, Do the Fandango
The Fandango
Enchant yourselves, Do the Fandango
Do the Fandango
On the Floor
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it now!
Brilliantly Do the Fandango
The Fandango
As you please, Do the Fandango
The Fandango
Enchant yourselves, Do the Fandango
Do the Fandango
On the Floor
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it now!
Ignite! Fandango
A 6pack is our dress code
Sweat naturally, the SKinny line shows through
The light of the blue moon shines on the VVIP
Dance freely, sing freely, in this part where we Rock
The Fandango
Atop a red carpet of passion, we’ll burst blood & wine
The Fandango
Dance freely, sing freely, in this part where we Rock
The Fandango
Flare up, until we turn to ashes
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it!
Brilliantly Do the Fandango
The Fandango
As you please, Do the Fandango
The Fandango
Enchant yourselves, Do the Fandango
Do the Fandango
On the Floor
Shake it now! Shake it now! Shake it now!

They didn't love you like this

This love ends once it's dead
I didn't tell you, I always kept it hidden but my soul has many pains in the most profound places
Suddenly, you leaving like a thief tore everything apart, there's no need to come back
Another breath, a temporary enthusiasm, let them think that you came up and took these from my hands
Nothing is left, this love became a tower in front of my eyes
They didn't love you like this
they didn't love you like me
Who has that heart
that can pass through your soul?
They didn't love you like this
Let them not love you like me
This love comes once in a man's life
it ends with death.
Another breath, a temporary enthusiasm, let them think that you came up and took these from my hands
Nothing is left, this love became a tower in front of my eyes
They didn't love you like this
they didn't love you like me
Who has that heart
that can pass through your soul?
They didn't love you like this
Let them not love you like me
This love comes once in a man's life
it ends with death.
I wasn't loved like this
I wasn't loved like you
Who has that heart
that can pass through your soul?


I Envy

Opa, I envy whatever touches you, even the wind
that fondles you untroubled day and night (x2)
Opa, I envy whatever touches you, even your clothes
recourse they embrace that body of yours that I love(x2)
Opa, all your neighbors are envy of our love
and they ask for your father to keep you close(x2)
Opa, I envy even the clip you attach to your hair
even the sigh of your heart(x2)
The make-up that makes your cheeks red
and the drop of your eyes when you tear (x2)
And the cross necklace that hangs from your neck
even if I know that's it's an expensive gift from your brother(x2)
Even the belt you wear and embraces you tight
and this envy turns to a knife and slaughters me(x2)
Even the shoes you're wearing, I even envy those
because they help you get together with the ground(x2)
Opa, I never envied palaces and castles
I only envy your two sweet eyes(x2)

Shadows (Reptilectric Version)

They say that she no longer feels
That her throat stole tears
They say you're absent
That you're walking around in loneliness
Don't jump out of the window
Don't kneel to be devoured
Draw your heart and shoot at the
Shadows covering the sun
Shadows covering you
They're only shadows without sorrow or glory
They're an illusion
A projection of you
I regret your thoughts
That you believe nothing from me anymore
Draw your heart and shoot at the
Shadows covering the sun
Shadows covering you
Shadows covering the sun
Shadows covering you (x2)

You Haven't Called

You haven't called
I live inside illusions
I talk like you're here
And I have complaints
You haven't called
To you unfortunately I was just
A wrong number
I'm so frustrated
cause you're no longer here
and everything seems fake
just a bad dream
I'm so frustrated
Cause you didn't let me say
all those that I hold inside
for you, I love you
You haven't called
just a blank on the phone speaker
in the rhythm of my loneliness
it keeps beeping a monotone sound
You haven't called
and a small piece of paper saying 'I love you'
being crumbled long ago
in the trash
I'm so frustrated
cause you're no longer here
and everything seems fake
just a bad dream
I'm so frustrated
Cause you didn't let me say
all those that I hold inside
for you, I love you

Even it's bitter is like honey

help me, I am still in love, it won't get better
it lasted for a short time, it's less, it's not enough for me
how are you so full when I am that hungry
what a love is this, god, even it's bitter is like honey
I don't need me without you
my body and soul are rubbish
hope my memories won't let you sleep when you're with someone else
I don't need me without you
my body and soul are rubbish
let's say my heart forgot you, my medulla and my bones will remember

The fossil man

Since 3 millions years, I've slept in the peat
When a naughy pickaxe slice my collar clean
And made me performing a gracious curve
In the end of whom I'd diving in formalin
At first they'd wanted consolidate my face
They'd begin brushing jaw and temporal bone
followed by a shampoo with potassium bicarbonate
Then they tie a favour around my parietal
Overnight I became a star
Newspapers, TV, it was only for me
So much so in rest, all the other skeletons
Feeling themselves neglected gave me the cold shoulder
Finally the scientists following habits and customs
Wanting baptize me with a latin name
Call me Pithecanthrpous Erectus
Erectus, sounds good to me cause I were horny !
And this learned people, with boots and nose pliers
On the seen of a little bone or a premolar
Understood that I owned a lot of powers
which differentiated me of other mamals
They said that I were a ace of club
Who knocked out buffalos, aurochs and chicks
That I were really good for cartoons
of Callipygian Venus with tits like a moon
They said that I lived formerly in a cave
They said so many things, so many curious stuff
That I were covered with hairs and that I didn't have trousers
While I were living in a sururbs flag
I were like everyone steeped in good manners
All sunday morning I bet on trifecta
I were wearing stiff collars and truss
It was before the war, before all things blow up
It was now 3 millions years ago
But don't worry, no more nuclear fallout