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Преврћући се увек изнова у све ширим круговима
Соко не може чути соколара

Негде моја љубави (Ларина тема)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Негде, љубави моја, биће песама за певање
Иако снег покрива наду у пролеће
Негде брдо цвета у зеленом и златном
И постоје снови које ваше срце може задржати
Једног дана ћемо се поново срести љубави моја
Једног дана кад год пролеће пробије
Доћи ћеш ми из давнина
Топло као ветар, меко као пољубац снега
Лара моја, мисли на мене с времена на време
Боже убрзај моју љубав док опет не будеш моја
Доћи ћеш ми из давнина
Топла као ветар мека као пољубац снега
До тада моја слатка помисли на мене с времена на време
Дај Боже моју љубав док опет не будеш моја

Ти си мој најбољи пријатељ

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ставио си ми златни прстен
Донео си ми љубав какву никад нисам знала
Дао си живот нашој деци
А мени разлог да наставим.
Ти си ми хлеб кад сам гладна
Ти си ми заклон од немирних ветрова
Ти си ми сидро у животном океану
Али пре свега, ти си мој најбољи пријатељ.
Када ми треба нада и инспирација
Увек си јак када сам ја уморна и слаба
Могла би да претражим цео свет
И даље би био све што мени треба.
Ти си ми хлеб кад сам гладна
Ти си ми заклон од немирних ветрова
Ти си ми сидро у животном океану
Али пре свега, ти си мој најбољи пријатељ.
Ти си ми хлеб кад сам гладна
Ти си ми заклон од немирних ветрова
Ти си ми сидро у животном океану
Али пре свега, ти си мој најбољи пријатељ...

Without me

(Verse 1 - William Segerdahl)
I go to bed when my neighbours wake up
Can't fall asleep until the sun's up
I have to keep the TV on, want to hear someone talk
I'm not used to it being too quiet
I used to hate your clothes on my floor
Now i sometimes miss how you made a mess
My wardrobe is too empty now
How am I ever gonna get used to that?
(Bridge - William Segerdahl & Malin Christin)
I just want you, but I don't fit in
In the frame you had
Because you saw someone elses' picture
I just want you, but I'm not enough
I turned all I could but
No matter how much I want it
(Chorus - William Segerdahl & Malin Christin)
You're better off
Without me
Without me
You're better off
Without me
Without me
(Verse 2 - Malin Christin)
I wore heels to be a little bit higher
I tried to reach your level
And I know it bothered you
I never reached it anyway
I can't become the one you want me to be
We can give it time, but we're wasting days
Doesn't matter how much I want to go back
I'll never be yours anyway
(Bridge - William Segerdahl & Malin Christin)
I just want you, but I don't fit in
In the frame you had
Because you saw someone elses' picture
I just want you, but I'm not enough
I turned all I could but
No matter how much I want it
(Chorus - William Segerdahl & Malin Christin)
You're better off
Without me
Without me
You're better off
Without me
Without me
(Outro - William Segerdahl & Malin Christin)
Are you better off without me?
Are you better off without me?
Are you better of without me?
Better off
Without me

Sonet 150

O, koja te snaga, tako moćno snaži,
da zaljulja srce što imaš mi u vlasti?
Da svoj sušti pogled silim u laži,
i kunem svetlost dana, da milinu mi ne daje?
Otkuda ti takva ljupkost pakosna,
da i u samim ostacima dela tvojih
tolika je snaga i zavet umeća.
Da tvoje najgore, u svesti mojoj, bit je najboljem ?
Ko te nauči, da činim ljubav za te više,
što više, samo za mržnju razlog, bdim i čujem?
O, mada volim, što drugi omrznuše,
S drugima, ti se mojim stanjem ne igraj.
Ako tvojom bezvrednošću moju ljubav budiš,
vredniji više ja biću voljen za te.

Shall I compare you to a summer day?

Shall I compare you to a summer day
You are more amorous and more temperate
Sturdy winds shake the darling sprouts of May
And summer lingers for such a short time
Sometimes it is too hot that the eyes of heaven blaze
And often his gold complexion diminishes
And every marvel sometimes declines
By chance or by the natural and untrimmed changing course
But your eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession if the wonder that you own
Nor shall death vaunts rendering you wander in the shadows
When you grow in lines which are eternal as the time
So long as men can breathe and eyes can see,
So long this lingers and this brings you to life

All that glisters is not gold

All that glisters is not gold
You have often heard this saying
I am a man who has sold his life
But my outside is beheld:
Gilded tombs fold the worms
You had been as wise as bold,
Young in limbs, old in judgement,
Your answer had not been scrolled
You are spellbinding, your suit is cold
Cold, indeed, and labour lost
Then, farewell, heat, and welcome, frost!

The mirrors in the mud

Versions: #1
In the storm ° of an ageless wood,
Not too far ° from Poitou,
The autumn ° when I was living with you,
I saw the fine face ° of a young, wild girl
who wore a ° nice jewel,
Her green eyes ° swallowed by her red hair,
The autumn ° when I was living with you..
God's making pictures, up there, with the clouds,
The rain's making mirrors in the mud,
I've roamed the world for you !
I keep a mirage ° locked in a strange cage,
As all lunatics know° how to make..
I've roamed the world for you..
She was° of age° to go wandering
bare-footed on the stones
in the rivers° where the ° wolves come drinking..
As I passed by, she took all my luggage,
Followed me everywhere,
Up to the floor where I had my window,
Her green eyes swallowed in her red hair..
God's making pictures, up there, with the clouds,
The rain's making mirrors in the mud,
I've roamed the world for you !
Day after the storm, there was message:
Yes, I truly liked you..
But I don't think that now I will need you..
Her green eyes swallowed in her red hair..
God's making pictures, up there, with the clouds,
The rain's making mirrors in the mud,
I've roamed the world for you !
I keep a mirage ° locked in a strange cage,
As all lunatics know° how to make..
I've roamed the world for you..

Vilijame, ovo zapravo nije bilo ništa

Kiša pljušti u dosadnom gradu
Ovaj grad te je ponizio
Oh, kiša pljušti u dosadnom gradu
Ovaj grad te je ponizio
Oh, oh
I svi treba da žive svoje živote
I Bog zna da ja trebam živeti svoj
Bog zna da je trebam živeti svoj
Vilijame, Vilijame, ovo zapravo nije bilo ništa
Vilijame, Vilijame, ovo zapravo nije bilo ništa
Ovo je bio samo tvoj život
Kako možeš ostati sa debelom devojkom koja će reći
'Oh, da li bi me oženio?
I, ako hoćeš, možeš kupiti prsten'
Nju je baš briga
'Da li bi me voleo oženiti?
I, ako hoćeš, možeš kupiti prsten'
Ne sanjam ni o kome
Osim o sebi
Ooh, Vilijame, Vilijame, ovo zapravo nije bilo ništa
Vilijame, Vilijame, oh-oh-oh-oh


Yet another lonely day
where everything comes undone.
See, I never knew
how to talk to people.
I feel ill-at-ease,
somewhat frightened.
Slowly, gently
I sink like a boat.
I'm a poor captain,
just a laggard
people turn their back on.
But if you had time
to listen to me more
and I had the proper words
to catch the images
I'd say to you
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.
But I just stand there
not daring to say much.
A first glass too many
in a last smile
and that's more than enough
to love you to death.
I'd like to fall asleep
slowly, gently
under the Bridge of Sighs
or in the first subway train
like a last delirium.
But if you had time
to listen to me more
and I had the proper words
to catch the images
I'd say to you
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.

Veliki Pokvareni Bil (Sada je slatki Villiam)

Pa, tamo negde dole u gradiću Louisville,
Živeo je mačor po imenu Veliki Pokvareni Bil,
Želim da ti kažem,
Mačor je bio grub i žilav i mnogo se šepurio
​​čitav grad bi nasmrt uplašio,
Kad je prolazio, svi su zadržali dah,
On je borben čovek, sasvim dovoljno
A onda je Bill sebi nabavio ženu,
Sada vodi drugačiji život..
Veliki Pokvareni Bil je sada slatki Villiam,
Bračni život ga je nekako promenio,
On je čovek kojeg se grad nekada plašio,
Sad ga svi zovu dragi slatki ćale Vili,
Jači od Samsona, to izjavljujem,
poput suvonjave žene,
kratko ošišane kose
Veliki Pokvareni Bili se više ne tuče, (Ne, ne mora)
Pere posuđe, briše podove (da)
Pa on znao izlaziti i da se napije,
U potrazi za tučom,
Sad mora da gleda ženu, svako veče,
Veliki Pokvareni Bili je sada slatki Villiam
Ah, igrajte momci.
Sviđa mi se taj džez.
Veliki Pokvareni Bili se više ne tuče, (Ne, ne mora)
Pere posuđe, briše podove (da)
Pa on znao izlaziti i da se napije,
U potrazi za tučom,
Sad mora da gleda ženu, svako veče
Veliki Pokvareni Bili je sada slatki Villiam (pere suđe)
Veliki Pokvareni Bili je sada slatki Villiam (čisti podove)
Veliki Pokvareni Bili je sada slatki Villiam
Trač ..


Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Even if that makes me a megalomaniac
Come and tickle my ego
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let me enter into your matrix
Let me taste your delights
No one can talk me out of it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to accompany you
How stubborn I am
I'm fine in my bubble
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
As long as I command it
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
What have you done with my head?
This dishonest transformation
That’s not what I was asking
Let's go, let's go, let's go
The buzz was only a fake
I’m not in the matrix anymore
There’s no one left to talk about it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to recover
What I’m currently wasting
I'm out of my bubble at last
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
Before my ego imposes itself
I’m done looking at you
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Ego Ego (x10)
Let's go, let's go, let's go


Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Even if that makes me a megalomaniac
Come and tickle my ego
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let me enter into your matrix
Let me taste your delights
No one can talk me out of it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to accompany you
How stubborn I am
I'm fine in my bubble
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
As long as I command it
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
What have you done with my head?
This dishonest transformation
That’s not what I was asking
Let's go, let's go, let's go
The buzz was only a fake
I’m not in the matrix anymore
There’s no one left to talk about it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to recover
What I’m currently wasting
I'm out of my bubble at last
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
Before my ego imposes itself
I’m done looking at you
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Ego Ego (x10)
Let's go, let's go, let's go


A-a-aitio got that smoke
Believe me when I say that we'll shine again
Believe me when I say that we'll try again
Believe me when I say that we'll win again
We'll win again
I just want that my name will be remembered when I depart from here
I want them to remember how this guitar sounded
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
Copycats everywhere
Copy my stuff carefully
All the facts that you printed using my style
Aitio has a sticker that says, don't you wanna die young
We're not vegans, we don't avoid steak
And he's with us, he has trained his aim
I trust my guys, I trust my clique
I trust my plug, no need for fiction
Now it's time for me to shine like a star
Time to pop the pills like a rock star
You said that you wouldn't leave, but you left anyway
Now I can't trust anyone anymore
Believe me when I say that we'll shine again
Believe me when I say that we'll try again
Believe me when I say that we'll win again
We'll win again
I just want that my name will be remembered when I depart from here
I want them to remember how this guitar sounded
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
Copycats everywhere
Shoutout when mom gave birth to a goat
So what if I spend my money
Plot twist for you, I can't spend them when I'm dead
These guys are trying to sit down at a table that has already been set up [for dining]
If you were not with us from the beginning, you're not with us now
This is my wave and it's too high up for you
This is my wave and it's too high up for you
No sense to even bother to try [?] till Christmas Eve
Concentrate on yourself and ride your own wave
I stay productive, I slap together these substances
And with the help from them, I'll achieve everything
Believe me when I say that we'll shine again
Believe me when I say that we'll try again
Believe me when I say that we'll win again
We'll win again
I just want that my name will be remembered when I depart from here
I want them to remember how this guitar sounded
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
I know that they try to copy me but they can't