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Преводи песама на српски и енглески страна 27

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Нешто се догодило на путу ка рају

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Имали смо живот, имали смо љубав,
Али не знаш шта имаш док то не изгубиш
То је било тада, а ово је стварност
И желим да се вратиш
Колико пута морам да кажем да ми је жао

Како нешто тако добро може испасти тако лоше
Како нешто тако исправно, може испасти погрешно
Не знам, немам одговоре на сва питања
Али желим да се вратиш
Колико пута морам да кажем да ми је жао

Можеш да побегнеш и да се сакријеш
Али нећу отићи, осим ако не кренеш са мном
Имали смо проблеме, али сам ја на твојој страни
Ти си оно што ми треба, молим те веруј у мене

Хтео сам само некога да волим
Али се нешто догодило на путу ка рају
Обузело ме и није ме пуштало
И желим да се вратиш
Колико пута морам да кажем да ми је жао

Можеш да побегнеш и да се сакријеш
Али нећу отићи, осим ако не кренеш са мном
Имали смо проблеме, али сам ја на твојој страни
Ти си оно што ми треба, молим те веруј у мене

Можеш да побегнеш и да се сакријеш
Али нећу отићи, осим ако не кренеш са мном
Имали смо проблеме, али сам ја на твојој страни
Ти си оно што ми треба, молим те веруј у мене

Кажу не можеш понети са собом
Када одеш
А ја верујем у то
Али да узмеш оно што имам и што јесам
са собом, знаш
Ја бих то радије оставио.

Имали смо живот, имали смо љубав,
Али не знаш шта имаш док то не изгубиш
То је било тада, а ово је стварност
И желим да се вратиш
Колико пута морам да кажем да ми је жао

Можеш да побегнеш и да се сакријеш
Али нећу отићи, осим ако не кренеш са мном
Имали смо проблеме, али сам ја на твојој страни
Ти си оно што ми треба, молим те веруј у мене

Мушкарци се не мењају

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)

И ја сам била девојчица
Заљубљена у свог оца
У његовим очима, никада нисам ништа исправно учинила
Била сам његова својеглава ћерка
Покушавала сам да га победим/освојим
И никада нисам успела
Борила сам се да га променим
Али би ми за то требао још један живот.

Женско стрпљење
почиње у тим годинама
Када повремена непријатељства
почну у породици
И изгубиш се у биоскопу
Сањарећи да побегнеш
Са првим мушкарцем који наиђе
И изговори ти лаж.

Мушкарци се не мењају
Говоре ти о љубави,
а онда те оставе саму
Мушкарци мењају тебе
А ти плачеш хиљаду ноћи питајући се зашто
У међувремену, мушкарци те убијају
И оду да ти се подсмевају са пријатељима.

И ја ам плакала први пут
Сатерана у ћошак и поражена
Док је он одлазио, нисам схватила
Зашто сам остала мирна и тиха
Иако сам то открила с временом
И постајући мало јача
да је мушкарац злобнији када је у друштву
Али је плашљивији када остане сам.

Мушкарци се не мењају
Зарађују новац да би те купили
А онда те продају
Ноћу се мушкарци не враћају
И дају ти све оно што ти не треба
Зашто је то тако да мушкарци који су рођени
буду синови жена
али нису попут нас?

Мушкарци који се промене
су скоро непостојећи идеал
То су они заљубљени, као и ти.

Желим да горим

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Упетљан у твоју игру
Повлачим први потез
Храним свој его
Без грешке, пун погодак

Ако ме погледаш и одбијеш да видиш шта си ме натерала да створим
Осећам да ћу, ако те изазовем, нетарати да се опет помолиш,
увезан сам у твоју игру, рај је далеко
Искрени хир је забрањен, а желим га
Опрости што нема светлости, али више се не терам да сијам
Тајне жеље онога што јесам
Тишина у ноћи која ме тера да вриштим.

Сада, када је поново сваниуло
Светлост ми помаже да видим
Да ме ниси пустила да будем оно што сам
Сада, када је поново свануло
Светлост ми помаже да схватим
Да желим да горим у паклу


Упетљан у своју игру
Сада сам оно што желим да будем
И даље сам овде затвореник
Али те више не молим
У замци ноћи, видим твоје лице у тами
заједно смо на овом месту
Време је да позирамо заједно

Сада, када је поново сваниуло
Светлост ми помаже да видим
Да ме ниси пустила да будем оно што сам
Сада, када је поново свануло
Светлост ми помаже да схватим
Да желим да у паклу


Упетљан у игру, ја увек пуцам први
Светло ме тера да схватим да сам и даље у паклу
А ја само желим да горим
Ја желим да...
(желим да горим... желим да горим... желим да горим)

Pogubljen u Maksiju i DIS-u

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Kanda sam u supermarketu izgubljen
Ne mogu više srećno da kupujem
Doš'o sam tu zbog te posebne ponude
Pouzdane osobe

Nisam se tol'ko ni rodio kol'ko sam samo ispao
Niko me nije ni primetio
Imali smo živu ogradu u predgrađu di smo živeli
Preko koje niš' nisam mog'o videti

Čuo ljude što žive na tavanici
Di vrište i svađaju se najstrašnije
Slušanje ote galame bilo je moje prvo osećanje T
ako je bilo svud' oko mene

U supermarketu potpuno sam pogubljen
I ne mogu više opušteno da kupujem
Ovde sam doš'o zbog specijalne ponude
Pouzdane osobe

Skroz sam naštiman, pratim sve akcije
Čuvam iz pakovanja čaja sve kupone
Imam svoj džinovski album disko hitova
Cugam iz flajke, kanda me malko drma sloboda

Klinci u holovima i cevi u zidovima
Društvo mi prave svojim zvucima
Udaljeni posetioci upućuju iz daljine pozive
A tišina me osamljuje

U supermarketu sam pogubljen
I ne mogu više opušteno da kupujem
Ovde sam doš'o zbog specijalne ponude
Ugledne osobe

Ovde nije

U supermarketu potpuno sam pogubljen
I ne mogu više opušteno da kupujem
Ovde sam doš'o zbog specijalne ponude
Pouzdane osobe

U supermarketu potpuno sam pogubljen
I ne mogu više opušteno da kupujem
Ovde sam doš'o zbog specijalne ponude
Pouzdane osobe

Čun na reci

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Odve'te me do mog čuna na reci
Moram se tamo obreti, moram se smiriti
Odve'te me do mog čuna na reci
I neću više suze roniti

Vreme stoji dok piljim u vode njene
Smiruje me, dok nežno dodiruje mene
Vodama što teku pored mog čuna na reci
Pa ondak, više nečete uplakanog videti mene

Reka je mudrica
K'o talasi po pesku, ona se života mog' dotiče
Putevi svi vode do tog izvora mirnoće
Tamo gde svaki grč mi lice napušta

Odve'te me do mog čuna na reci
I neću više nikad liti suzice

O, duboka je reka
K'o talasi po pesku, ona se života mog' dotiče
Putevi svi putevi vode do tog izvora mirnoće
Tamo gde svaki grč napušta mi lice

Odvedi me do mog čuna na reci
Moram se tamo obreti, oćeš li me dole pustiti
Odvedi me do mog čuna na reci
I neću više nikad suze liti !
E neću nikad više plakati!
Ajde, boga ti, ma neću više plakati!

Iznutra i spolja

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Dušo, nikako ne mogu s'vatiti
Što su tol'ko medeni tvoji poljupci
Slatkim lažima ne mož' me kupiti
Za ono što pokušavaš uraditi

Živim na prevarama tvojim
A bol u sebi gojim
Taman da me natera uplakana na kiši da stojim
Volem te zanavek a ti brate, izluđuješ me
Al' još uvek držim se
Joj, joj mene

Pobediću, ona sam što nikad ne popušća
Ljubav naša furtom je snažna
Tol'ko švalerki za jedan život prevrnuti
Ta od tog' mož' mandrknuti
Ophodiš se prema meni ko' da sam prikaza u noći
Neko ko će iza tebe stati
Kad se tvoj svet krene raspadati
Devojka sam, nisam vizija
Koja vole te spolja i iznutra
Ja drukčije voleti ne znam
U nazad i unapred srcem svim uz tebe sam
Šta ćemo da radimo ako zgasne nam taj plam

Spakuj me i još jedared me povedi kući
Od previše bola u životu, srce će mi pući
A to što te greje, s'vati ljubav da je
Pusti ovaj trenutak večito nek' traje
Pa nikad osetiti nećemo oluja šta je
Devojka sam, nisam vizija
Koja vole te spolja i iznutra
Ja drukčije voleti ne znam
U nazad i unapred srcem svim uz tebe sam
Šta ćemo da radimo ako zgasne nam taj plam

Da kažeš da je gotovo, nemoj ni pokušati
Ni jednu reč ni redak o tom ne mogu saslušati
Voleti te više od mene, ne mo'ž ni jedna
I plačem baš zbog toga
Ti ne možeš promenuti ono što osećam iznutra

Razlog si za moju sreću i za moju tugu
Ugasi sveću, ja ću sutra upaliti drugu
Niko na svetu ne mož' stati izmeđ' mene i ljubavi moje
Ma kolko me povređiv'o, voleću te sve do smrti svoje

Devojka sam, nisam vizija
Koja vole te spolja i iznutra
Ja drukčije voleti ne znam
U nazad i unapred srcem svim uz tebe sam
Šta ćemo da radimo ako zgasne nam taj plam

Volem te i spolja i iznutri
U nazad i unapred srcem svim uz tebe sam
Drukčije da volem ja ne znam
Šta ćemo da radimo ako zgasne nam taj plam?

Od iznuti i spolja(al' šes puti)

I am Moana

[Gramma Tala:]
One girl of the island
Isn't like the rest of the girls
She loves the ocean and the water
And hundreds of people are proud of her
Life might seem tough
A life that leaves behind pain in the heart
The pains will heal and dreams are what'll

Life events teach us,
And we follow those we love
But nothing can hold back
The whisper inside of us
And when it asks 'Who am I?'
Moana, you know
Moana, come on, say it, don't you know?

Who am I?
I am a girl who loves the island
And loves the water of the ocean
It calls me
I am the daughter of the chief
Descended from sailors (voyagers)
Who roamed the sea and the seas
(They) call me
Just like you, I've overcome dangers
And spread my sails
Everything I've seen still calls me

That hidden sound still calls me
Just like waves that fill my imagination
You'll remain in my heart, a sound that reminds me
that whatever path I take
I am Moana!


On the Path That I Take

On the path that I take
Shines the sun, shines the moon
Shine love, light and power
Every day and every night

Even if the destination is far
It is the path that keeps me up
In my heart shines a star
That guides me through this world

Whatever happens to me
On my journey over the sea
I always have trust
In the path that I take


Doraemon, you, will make true

Look where I look, go
where I go,
you are into my heart. (You are into my heart)
You fill my dreams.
I want to go through doors,
travel around the world.
—The take-copter!

I want to fly through the sky and
watch with your adventures,
go to a far country.
Quick, now open the door
and, like that, we all together, can go.
—Anywhere door!

I know that one day I will get older
and, maybe, I will forget this,
but you never stop thinking
that friendship will join us.

Xa-la-la-la-la. The dream will shine,
it never turns off. Don't stop dreaming.
Doraemon, you, will make true
all the wishes I dreamed about.

Xa-la-la-la-la. Let's sing a song.
We have to stick each one around, give all us the hands.
Doraemon, you, fill of your color
all this world all we happy will be.


Your Scent

Your scent reminds me of a fountain's water,
And it's a mystery how water turns to fire within you...
Your scent is arousing, it's innocent
And it even seems to be stronger when you're absent!

I don't know whether you lend its perfume to your scent,
For I feel that nobody else has a scent like yours
Maybe you are the one most desired by your scent,
I even suspect that it envies you.

It's the essence
That lives in this fado's very skin,
It's a lewd thing
That leaves my song like this, completely drunk.
It's an aroma lighter than shadow, softer than light:
Your scent blends both water and fire!


It's a smell that bludgeons my five senses,
What I'm seeing with my ears is becoming part of me.
How is it possible for your scent to be able
To reach everything and even make my smile fragrant?

And in this scented hour, which becomes eternal,
Your smell is more than a scent of certainty
It's a way for me to feel that time itself
Has already managed to soak your scent into longing.

It's the essence
That lives in this fado's very skin,
It's a lewd thing
That leaves my song like this, completely drunk.
It's an aroma lighter than shadow, softer than light:
Your scent blends both water and fire!



It's the essence
That lives in this fado's very skin,
It's a lewd thing
That leaves my song like this, completely drunk.
It's an aroma lighter than shadow, softer than light:
Your scent blends both water and fire!



I will forget everything

That was the last time,
we are no longer together
For the last time I kissed your lips
If you ever happen to want me,
or wake up in tears
don't call me, you know it's over

I will forget everything
everything that was,
like I have never loved you
I will forget everything
everything that was,
ooooh, for the last time I kissed your lips

Four years have gone by
Photos are all that's left
I don't know how, but colours have disappeared
I haven't seen you in a long time
They say you've changed
Grew your hair and disappeared

I will forget everything
everything that was,
like I have never loved you
I will forget everything
everything that was,
ooooh, for the last time I kissed your lips


Like shadows stretch

Like shadows stretch
From the mountain to the lake,
My heart feel a longing
And a sweet woe.

Like the seagulls fly
Flutter toward shore,
I would like now to snuggle up
To a faithful heart.

Glad in the morning glow
The hiker goes out,
But in the evening always
He would like to be at home.


Dark-Eyed Cossack Girl

Once a dark-eyed Cossack girl
Shod my horse.
She asked for a small amount of money
not highly valuing her work.
'What's your name, young lady?'
And the young lady replies:
'You'll hear my name
In the clatter of your horse's hooves.'

I rode along the street,
I galloped the roads,
And along the path among brown rocks,
And among gray rocks.
'Masha? Zina? Dasha? Nina?..'
None seem to be her name.
'Katya! Katya!' - was sounded to me
By my racer's horseshoes.

And since that time, whether I ride
Or whether I gallop -,
Katya, Katya, Katerina..
I diligently whisper.
What a muddle-head I am!
Because I have another girlfriend!
But I cannot get Katya, like a song,
Out from my soul, brother!

Once a dark-eyed Cossack girl
Shod my horse.
She asked for a small amount of money
Not highly valuing her work.
What's your name, young lady?
And the young lady replies:
'You'll hear my name
In the clatter of your horse's hooves.'


Now or Never (Hebrew)

I packed a suitcase, stamped my passport
And I won't even look back
Tomorrow is still ahead, but the present
Is the perfect time
It's now or never!

Now, now
Now or never!
Now, now
Now or never!
Now or never!

I want to see the world
To find something new
Who knows what I'll find?
Now or never!

Now, now
Now or never!
Now, now
Now or never!


Songs On The Tide

Songs on the tide,
Sounds of our language!
Songs on the tide
Are canticles and nothing more,
Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!

Songs of ,
Sounds of ,
Colours from Brazil
By the quay in Portugal,
Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!

Moon over ,
Sun of ,
The Atlantic ocean bathes
The sounds of our language,
Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!

Wind on ,
Lands with sandbanks,
The Atlantic ocean bathes
The sounds of our language,
Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!

Flickering candles
In a bar, out there in ,
Suns of
In the streets of Lisbon,
Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!

Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!


Songs on the tide,
Sounds of our language!
Songs on the tide
Are canticles and nothing more,
Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!

Songs of Guinea,
Sounds of Cape Verde,
Colours from Brazil
By the quay in Portugal,
Ai-e le le le
Ai-e le le le le le le
Songs on the tide!


güvendim sana

I trusted you
My weakness was gone
You saw my heart
It has faded a lot
Being without you made my heart tired

How many times have I thought
Should I die?
I must not give up
For you
I must not die without seeing your face
I must appear before you
The poster should say 'this is my old lover'
Your loved one sings this song for you
As he listens to me
Did any tears flow from his eyes?
The words I wrote
Only you can understand
You always have a place hidden in my heart

I hid
In case you came
You didn't stay
Inside my heart again

I trusted you
My weakness was not there
You saw my heart
It has faded a lot
The only thing my heart loves
I never saw your smile
I trusted you
I didn't have any weakness
You saw my heart
It has faded a lot
The only thing my heart loves
I have never seen your smile

Smile please
Words from my heart
Coming ' inside me
If I see you
My eyes are looking for you
The only one of my heart
I have already lost

You were not mine, but you are not
You searched for my heart but it was not in place
My heart was broken for you
I fought with myself for my love

I trusted you
My weakness was gone
You saw my heart
It has faded a lot
The only thing my heart loves
I've never seen you smile



I have a friend, his name is Ricardo, he’s hiding from the Mossad
Where’s Eichmann? I don’t know who Eichmann is
I only know Ricardo, Ricardo!

Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricardo
He was really born in Uruguay, his name is not Eichmann (what, no way, ay ay ay)
Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricardo
Ricardo, what have you done? Ricardo
Why are they looking for you?

Ricardo is hiding in my house
It’s definitely not Eichmann
(Where’s Eichman)
Everyone’s looking for this Eichmann
I don’t know Eichmann
His name is Ricardo
(I ain’t seen nothing, I ain’t heard nothing)
I don’t know where Eichmann is
(Ricardo-cardo-cardo Uruguay)
Who is this?
(It’s definitely not Eichmann
Don’t tell the Mossad about Ricardo)

Hello hello who’s on the phone? (Mossad)
They’re asking me about Eichmann (who is that?)
I don’t know no Eichmann
I only know Ricardo

What have you done, Ricardo?
Why are they looking for you?
Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricardo
Was really born in Uruguay
His name is not Eichmann (what, no way)
Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricardo
Fooling everyone, I think Ricardo is Eichmann\
Everyone’s looking for this Eichmann, let’s rat Eichmann out (Ricardo!)
I ain’t seen nothing, I ain’t heard nothing (I don’t know where Eichmann is, who is that?)
Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricardo

Not Eichmann


It's Bye-bye, Goodbye

It's bye-bye, goodbye
It's bye-bye, goodbye

If I could be with you,
the one I love the best,
in my favourite season,
if I could always be with you,
then I would hope morning doesn't get here.

I took you out without saying a thing.
You came along when I had nothing.
The evening I saw that day
was so beautiful, I
just stared without saying a word.

This year, I really want to go again
to the sea where we had fun last year.
Probably, for us, that'll be
our first and our last romance.

It's bye-bye, goodbye,
full of memories.
I see you off with a wave of my hand,
even though I won't have you anymore.
Farewell is goodbye.
From behind, you're going further away,
dissolving into the mid-summer sky,
and quivering white.

The kind of love you can find anywhere
you can't find anywhere.
At some place that takes
a lot of time to get there,
I'll finally find out the answer.

It's not like anyone loves someone
wanting to hurt them.
Yet probably I, nevertheless I
will fall in once in a lifetime love.

It's bye-bye, goodbye
Tomorrow, absolutely,
I'll pretend nothing's wrong
and smile.
Farewell is goodbye.
The few tears I shed
dissolved into the mid-summer waves
and disappeared somewhere.

It's bye-bye, goodbye,
full of memories.
I see you off with a wave of my hand,
even though I won't have you anymore.
Farewell is goodbye.
From behind, you're going further away,
dissolving into the mid-summer sky,
and quivering white.


Romance of the Child Count

The Child Count, for love,
Is a child and he went to the sea.
He's going to give water to his horse,
On the morning of Saint John.
While the horse is drinking
He, is singing a sweet song
All the birds of the heavens
Stopped to listen to him.
The wayfarer who walks
Forgets his way,
The navigator's boat that
Sails comes back there.
The queen was cultivating,
Her daughter was sleeping:
-Get up, Albaniña*
From your soft bed,
You'll hear finely sing
The young mermaid of the sea.
- This isn't the young mermaid's voice, mother,
Those of a so nice song,
Otherwise, the Child Count
Who for me wants to pass away.
Who could be worth him,
In his so sad pain!
-If for your love he suffers
Oh, damned his song is !
And why I never delighted in it?
I'll have him kill.
-If you have him kill, mother
Together, you must bury us.
Him, died at midnight
She, at the hour when the roosters crow
She, as a King's daughter,
They buried her at the altar,
And him, as a Count's son,
Some steps behind.
From her was born a white rose bush,
From him, was born a white thorn
One grows, the other one grows
Both come together
The small branches that reach each other
give each other strong hugs,
And those that didn't reach each other
Don't cease to sigh.
The queen full of envy
Send to cut both
The handsome man who cut them
Didn't cease weeping,
From her was born an egret
From him, a strong hawk
Together they fly in the heavens
Together they fly at the same time.


It's Dawn

It's dawn, another day will come,
It's dawn, but you're not here with me.
I still feel your gaze on me,
I look for you in everything I have.

I shall never forget
The memory of you,
I won't be able to, even if
Life will go on.

It's dawn, another day will come,
And the dawn will live in your memories.

I still feel your gaze on me,
I look for you in everything I have.

I shall never forget
The memory of you,
I won't be able to, even if
Life will go on.

It's dawn, another day will come,
It's dawn, but in my memories you'll be with me,
You will remain with me,
With me forever...


The Nightmare Before Christmas

The shadow of night had already fallen and
a cold autumn wind was blowing strongly
in Town of Halloween
A skeleton just sat down alone on the hill
He was tall and thin a bow-tie around his neck,
everyone called him Jack Skeleton
This place seemed boring to him,
because nothing new was happening here
'I've had enough of scaring people, terror and horror
of being a spine-chilling ghost
These monstrous glances are salt in my eyes
And those ghostly dances.make my legs ache
I don't like graveyards, I want something new
Such constant scaring is no fun'

Suddenly something moved in the grave closeby
and a spectre flew out while howling and whining
It was the ghost of a little dog with a delicate voice
And a nose that glowed in the dark, like a lantern
This was Jack's little dog, Zero, his little companion.
While Jack still pondered something over
a glum dog stood by him

Jack walked aimlessly in a rather unstable mood
For the rest of that night and the whole next day
Until he suddenly came across an unusual sight
somewhere deep in the forest just before dusk
A couple feet from Jack's bony feet
There were three pairs of doors carved into the tree stumps
He was dumbfounded and especially one gate caught his eye
Enchanted, moved, but uncertain of what he was doing
He opened it to a white land

He didn't yet know that his feet had carried him
To Town of 'Xmas' on a main road
The omnipresent glow was no punishment at all
He finally felt what he had always wanted to
Showing his friends that he's not spinning a line
He took a few presents from a nearby fireplace.
the sweets, toys, which the shelves were full of
And a photo of Santa Claus and his whole company
He took the lights, the decorations and the star
from the Christmas tree too
And he snatched a big G from the sign of
Town of 'Christmas'
He took everything that sparkled and glittered
even quite a lot.handful of snow with him straight to Halloween
No one noticed his vile deeds

And when he got back home he together.with
a bunch of his buddies looked at the souvenirs that he brought
Everybody was surprised by such an unusual sight
Some of them were happy, some were horrified

For the next few days, when it was lightning and thundering
Jack sat alone and his head was buzzing:
'Why can they bring joy and fun,
And we cause fear and have a bad reputation?
I wanna be Santa Claus and bring people joy!
Why it's him who takes a part in this every year?'
He spent a whole day thinking this issue in a huff
till he finally he came up with something: 'Sure, why not?'

Just when Santa was finishing getting ready
for the trip in Town of 'Xmas'
there suddenly came a gentle knock on the door
He answered it and was surprised when he saw
the strange creatures disguised strangely
They were short and pretty ugly
'Treat or trick!' they shouted:and took out the bag
Santa was quickly put into it
And taken to Jack who was behind the idea

The whole crew gathered in Halloween once again
Because no one had ever seen Santa here
When they were surveying a rather old gentleman
Jack revealed his plan

'Dear Mr. Santa, it really pisses us,
That you've been Santa all this time!
It'll be me who gives presents and joy all around
Because I will proclaim myself Santa this year
I will wish you a Merry Christmas but
You stay in my coffin or scare yourself!
But please, Santa, don't think bad of my plan
I'll try to do my job well'

Although everyone thought that the road wasn't winding
the most horrible Christmas was held
When they were about to set off out on Christmas Eve,
Jack harnessed the reindeer to the coffin sleigh
But when everything was ready
The fog completely obscured the whole view

Jack said: 'Hold it, there's fog everywhere.
There's gonna be no Christmas and Santa this year.'
Suddenly he saw a light in the thick fog

'What's that? Zero, it's you yeah!'
'Zero, with that shining nose lead the sleigh,
we'll follow your voice.' Jack said
Zero finally felt that they saw his worth
And he was happy to head the family
When a reindeer team shot off
Jack shouted: “It’s Christmas,
so Merry Christmas everybody!”

It was like a Christmas nightmare
Even the mouse under the broom had no illusions
There were socks filled with presents hanging by the fireplace,
But this time what there was inside of them was scarry!
The good kids who slept in their beds now
dreamed about ghosts, monsters and witches.

The moon hanging over the fresh snow
created an atmosphere that was simply terrifying
Santa’s laughter now sounded like groans,
And the sound of bells like bones in the hand…
When people looked up in amazement
They saw a skeleton and a coffin cart
The one who drove it was so hideous
That people knew: “He’s no Santa at all!”

From house to house, with a smile on his face,
Jack gave everyone presents.
He jumped from roof to roof, sauntered
while delivering gifts straight from the graveyard!
Unaware of the fear he aroused in people,
Jack continued to bring joy in his own way
He dropped in on Susie and Dave in their home nest,
They got deathlike mascots
He also visited Jane, when it was her turn
She got a doll possessed by the devil
A giant train with tentacle tracks,
A ghoulish puppet fighting with axes,
A bloodthirsty plant arranged in a wreath,
And a vampire teddy bear with its jaws bared

Folks were afraid of him, but Jack never knew about it
he felt the spirit of Christmas instead!
At last when he decided to cast his gaze to the ground
He saw a multitude of lights, noise and commotion.
'They are celebrating there and having a good time!
They thank me for this and praise my name.'
But these were not fires for fun,
But shells and bullets that were meant to kill
Amidst this din and whistling shells
Jack urged Zero not to fly low
Even if they rose up high to the clouds
But a bullet hit them in the end
When they fell down the graveyard, away from the noise,
'Merry Christmas!' cry came to them from behind the forest

Jack gathered up his bones, sat down by the tombstone
And made a summary of his losses:
'I wanted to be Santa, I had such faith!'
Jack was devastated, filled with regret.
He just looked up not knowing what to do,
He sank onto the grave and cried a river

Jack and Zero were lying on the ground together,
When suddenly they heard a familiar voice:
“Dear Jack,” said Santa, “I know you meant well.
and it wasn't your intention to make a fuss
That’s why you feel sorry and are glum
Taking over Christmas was a bad deed.
You’d be much better off taking care of Halloween
There's something else I'd like to tell you
But I'm pressed for time 'cause it’s Christmas after all.”
He quickly jumped onto the sleigh, then shouting “Merry Christmas!” disappeared out of view with a twinkle in his eye

Jack sadness didn’t last long, because he deduced that Santa rolled up Town of Halloween with Christmas


You are what I want

Tell me
Where do you come from?
To mess up my life
Liek a storm in the blue sky

I wanna be
Your being's fresh water
To always drink with you
and not die of thirst ever again

a moment to think
take me to dance down those streets
where I ain't moved again

'Cause you're what I want
Something that was already really far
and my skin had forgotten
what your kisses can be...

It's like living again
and forgetting all those fears
I wanna get lost with you
I wanna start from scratch

Once again
I feel fresh air
and forget what's old

Once again
I feel fresh air
and forget what's old

a moment to think
take me to dance down those streets
where I ain't moved again

'Cause you're what I want
Something that was already really far
and my skin had forgotten
what your kisses can be...

It's like living again
and forgetting all those fears
I wanna get lost with you
I wanna start from scratch

Once again
I feel fresh air
and forget what's old

Once again
I feel fresh air
and forget what's old


If You Want to Stay

Yes, I know that now you will leave me,
Because I didn't know how to love you,
But not now, I swear to you:
I will not make you suffer
If you want to stay.

Yes, I know that now you'll walk away
But you won't be able to forget
Those words I told you
And which I will tell you
If you want to stay.

But if you leave me
I will deny all love
And when you, you go away
Forever alone I will remain.

I know that now you will leave me,
Because I didn't know how to love you,
But not now, I swear to you:
I will not make you suffer
If you want to stay,
If you want to stay,
If you want to stay.


OMG (Remix)

[Intro: Pitbull]
Mr. Worldwide!
Jose Iglesias!
Sivestre, come on!

[Chorus Candelia & Pitbull]
Oh my God!
Throw all the bad stuff away!
Oh my God!
Give me health and prosperity (Wuh-uh!)

[Verse 1: Pitbull]
Here I go, here I go!
It's Armandito, Candelita,
Let 'em know, let 'em know!
Here I go, here I go!
From 305 to NY, we gon' ride, that's for sure!

[Verse 1: Pitbull]
They can't handle me, they can't handle you!
Congratulations on breaking the bat, my friend! (Dale!)
From the street to the Big Leagues,
And with God always ahead, keep going, keep going!

[Chorus: Candelia]
Oh my God!
Throw all the bad stuff away!
Oh my God!
Give me health and prosperity (Wuh-uh)

[Verse 2: Silvestre Dangond]
We must give thanks for another day of life,
For friends who are few today,
Don't engage in evil, because everything turns around.
One day you're down, and another you're up!
Dreams still to fulfill, and I'm syncing within.
I may be crazy, but I'm not lazy,
And until I achieve it I will press on!

[Chorus: Candelita & Silvestre Dangond]
Oh my God!
Throw all the bad away!
Oh my God!
Give me health and prosperity!

[Verse 3: Candelita]
Let all the planets be in alignment,
May my wallet not be on a diet,
May good luck come to visit me,
To help all of my people! (Go up!)

[Bridge: Pitbull]
Oh my God!
Armandito, Candelita.
Everything bad vanishes!
Oh my God!
Armandito, Candelita.
Everything bad vanishes!

[Chorus: Candelita & Silvestre Dangond]
Oh my God!
Throw all the bad away!
Oh my God!
Give me health and prosperity!

[Outro: Silkvestre Dangond & Candelita]
With strength!
(Fight for your dreams!) Candelita
(Yes you can!) Mauro
(And when you can't find a way out!)
Hey, Yanko!
Oh my God! (How elegant!)
Oh my God! (Turn it up!)


I Feel Like Crying

I feel like crying,
But I don't cry because
You are too close
And i don't want you
To see me cry.

I feel like crying so much
But I don't cry because
I'd rather die
Than to do it
In front of you.

And you, who think
I'm just a friend,
You smiled saying
You were in love,
But not with me.

I feel like crying,
But I smile because
You are so happy
That I couldn't talk
To you about myself.

I feel like crying so much
But I don't cry because
I'd rather die
Than to do it
In front of you.

And you, who think
I'm just a friend,
You smiled saying
You were in love,
But not with me.

I feel like crying,
But I smile because
You are so happy
That I couldn't talk
To you about myself.

I feel, I feel like crying
Oh oh oh oh oh
I feel, I feel like crying
Oh oh oh oh oh


S tobom se ič ne mož' porediti

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Evo već je sedam sati i petnaes' dana tačno
Odkako si svoju ljubav odn'o
Izlazim k'o šišmiš svako veče a danjom spavam k'o na zimu meče Otkako s ljubavlju svojom ti uteče
Otkako si nest'o mogu da radim što god 'oću
Mogu da se viđam s kim god 'oću
Mogu da je'm uveče u nobles restoranu
Al' niš', milu mu nanu
Kažem niš' ne mož' da odnese ove jedi
Jer niš' pod milim bogom
Niš' se ne mož' s tobom da se uporedi

Mlogo je ovdi prazno brez tvog lica
Baš k'o kakva, brez pesme, 'tica Ič ne mož' sprečiti suzu da se ne bi slila
Kaži lolo di sam pogrešila
Mogla bi da skembam svakog švacu
Al' bi me samo podseć'o na tvoju facu
Išla sam kod doktora i znaš šta mi je kaz'o ?
Pogodi šta
Kaže curo bolje se potrudi da se zabaviš
Šta god da radiš,
idi doktore , budi bog s tobom
Jer niš' pod milim bogom
Niš' se ne mož' porediti s tobom

Sva cveća što si mati posadila
Puna ga avlija
Svo je uvelo kad ti otperja
Znam ja da život s tobom nije uvek bio raj
Al spremna sam na još jedan pokušaj
Jer niš' pod milim bogom
Niš' se ne mož' porediti s tobom
Niš' pod milim bogom
Niš' se ne mož' porediti s tobom
Niš' pod milim bogom
Niš' se ne mož' porediti s tobom

Jel' da bi voleo?

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

[Intro: Busta Rhymes & Nicole Scherzinger]
Ok (Ahh)
Da (Ahh)
Sad će da bude vatreno (Ooh, baby)
Dame, krećemo (Uhh)
Momci, krećemo (Lutkice)
Da vam kažem nešto, da vam objasnim
Slušajte (Drugari)

[Verse 1: Busta Rhymes & Nicole Scherzinger]
Vidiš kako se usija
Svaki put kad uletim, kad se pojavim (Spremni?)
Zapalim mesto kao roštilj leti
Tražim najbolju ribu, da, u lovu sam (Plešemo?)
Njišem se lagano kao trbušna plesačica
Mirišem dobro, lepa koža, prava gangsterka (Ooh, baby)
Bez zezanja, samo dijamanti ispod rukava
Daj mi broj, ali pozovi pre nego što odeš

[Verse 2: Nicole Scherzinger & The Pussycat Dolls]
Znam da ti se sviđam (Znam da ti se sviđam)
Znam da je tako (Znam da je tako)
Zato se ona uvek lepi za tebe kad se ja pojavim
I znam da me želiš (Znam da me želiš)
To se lako vidi (To se lako vidi)
I negde duboko u sebi
Znam da bi trebalo da si sa mnom

[Chorus: The Pussycat Dolls]
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba kao ja?
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba luda kao ja?
Zar ne bi? Zar ne bi?
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba divlja kao ja?
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba zabavna kao ja?
Zar ne bi? (Ah-ah-ah), zar ne bi?

[Verse 3: Nicole Scherzinger & The Pussycat Dolls]
Odupri se osećaju (Odupri se osećaju)
Zaboravi na to (Zaboravi na to)
Jer ako nije ljubav (Oh)
Nije dovoljno da ostaviš srećan dom (Uh-uh, uh-uh)
Ostanimo drugari (Ostanimo drugari)
Budi fer (Budi fer, da)
Vidi, nije me briga
Ali znam da ona neće hteti da deli (Ah, ah-ah), ooh, oh

[Chorus: The Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger]
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba kao ja? (Oh)
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba luda kao ja? (Kao ja)
Zar ne bi? Zar ne bi, dušo?
Zar ne bi? Hajde, pevaj
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba divlja kao ja? (Divlja)
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba zabavna kao ja? (Super zabavna)
Zar ne bi? (Ah-ah-ah) Zar ne bi?

[Interlude: Busta Rhymes]
U redu, vidim kako ide
Izgleda da mala hoće malo trojku

[Verse 4: Busta Rhymes]
Dobro, da pređem na stvar
Svaka riba hoće da me gleda kad se pojavim
To je Bog Svemogući, izgledam skroz novo
Ako mala hoće da uskoči u moj Aston Martin
Gleda me kao da stvarno hoće
Pokušava da mi se nabaci dok mi jaja ne postanu plava (Plava)
Hoćeš da se igraš sa igračem, devojko, onda igraj
Skini Chanel i ostavi samo veš (Ha)
Gledaj me i ja ću gledati tebe
Gledam te i hoću da mi slomiš kičmu
Ti si razlog zašto uvek imam Magnum
I sa kolima, udariću te pozadi u Magnumu
Za zapisnik, ne mislim da je to nešto što si uradila
Mala se lepi za mene jer je teško odoleti
Imam ideju koja je super za vas dve
Možete da se ohladite, pa da vas obe kresnem

[Verse 5: Nicole Scherzinger & The Pussycat Dolls]
Vidi, znam da te voli (Znam da te voli)
Razumem (Razumem, da)
Verovatno bih i ja bila luda za tobom da si moj
Možda u sledećem životu (Možda u sledećem životu)
Moguće (Moguće)
Do tada, stari prijatelju, tvoja tajna je sigurna (Vatreno)

[Chorus: The Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger]
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba kao ja? (Oh)
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba luda kao ja? (Kao ja)
Zar ne bi? Zar ne bi, dušo?
Zar ne bi? Hajde, pevaj
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba divlja kao ja? (Divlja)
Zar ne bi voleo da ti je riba zabavna kao ja? (Super zabavna)
Zar ne bi? (Ah-ah-ah) Zar ne bi?


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

[Uvod: Sean Paul]

Rasturamo i palimo na pravi način
Devojke opuštaju glave
I dobro se provode
Da, brate
SPZ, yo, rame uz rame sa RiRi
Ajde sad, Rihanna
Zapali ih, zapali ih, devojko

[Refren: Rihanna & Sean Paul]

Rasturi, dečko
Jer me pališ
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala? (Definitivno)
Zapali, dečko
Napravi mi vatru u telu
(Rasturi, skini sve, mala, skini sve) Rasturi večeras
Rasturi, dečko
Jer me pališ
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala? (Yo, yo)
Zapali, dečko (Yeah, yeah)
Napravi mi vatru u telu
Rasturi večeras (Yo, yo)

[Strofa 1: Sean Paul sa Rihannom]

Muka i bol, to je sve što oseća
Želi dobrog momka da joj da stil
Divlja je, zato je na mom spisku
Dugo je čekam, želim da je osvojim
Osvojim je, moj auto ide kao Nil
I svu energiju želim da joj dam večeras
Dam joj večeras, da se oseća moćno
Da poleti kao zmaj u visine
Ah, dajemo to devojkama
Da se vrte i vrište i da nas zovu
Kad god poželi još, mora da zove Dutty Paul-a
Priznajem odmah, znam pravog Sean Paul-a
Kad su osobine tako dobre
Jer se oseća vrhunski i visoko, šta kažeš?

[Refren: Rihanna & Sean Paul]

Rasturi, dečko (Odmah je broj četiri)
Jer me pališ
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala? (Pumba)
Zapali, dečko
Napravi mi vatru u telu
(Rasturi, skini sve, mala, skini sve) Rasturi večeras
Rasturi, dečko
Jer me pališ
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala? (Yo, yo)
Zapali, dečko (Yeah, yeah)
Napravi mi vatru u telu (Yo, yo)
Rasturi večeras (RiRi, SPZ, yo, yo)

[Strofa 2: Sean Paul]

Bez sumnje
Devojko, trebalo bi da znaš da su SP i izviđač
Vruć znoj, pa viči
Vrišti, viči
Dajem ti ljubav u tvom smeru
Idemo do kraja
Devojko, prati nas ako voliš energiju
Ako želiš pedigre, krstari kao Penelope
Da te vidim kako đuskaš sa Dutty Lee-jem
Dajemo ti Q, U, A, yeah
L, I, T, Y
Devojko, moram da probam (Probam)
Uzimam tvoju guzu, vodimo te do neba
Ženo, moram da kažem (Kažem)
Način na koji se krećeš me pali
Devojko, jer znaš da si S, E, X, Y (Pumba, Pumba)

[Refren: Rihanna & Sean Paul]

Rasturi, dečko
Jer me pališ
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala? (Seksi)
Zapali, dečko
Napravi mi vatru u telu
(Yo, yo, yo, yo, bez sumnje) Rasturi večeras
(Yo, RiRi)
Rasturi, dečko
Jer me pališ
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala?
Zapali, dečko
Napravi mi vatru u telu
Rasturi večeras (Yeah, yo, yo)

[Most: Rihanna & Sean Paul]

Dečko (Uh-huh)
Način na koji me pritiskaš, ja
Želim najjače vino, znam te kao (Ayy, yo)
Sigurno ćemo rasturiti večeras (Yoga-machuga, uh)
Oh, dečko
Ne treba da gubimo vreme (Pevaj)
Dođi da se naslonim na tebe u dancehall stilu (Donesi)
I nadam se, dušo, da ti ne smeta
Jer stvarno želim da rasturimo večeras (Odmah)

[Refren: Rihanna & Sean Paul]

Rasturi, dečko
Jer me pališ (Ayy)
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala?
Zapali, dečko
Napravi mi vatru u telu (Dušo)
(Yo, dušo, yo) Rasturi večeras
(Daj sve od sebe, daj sve od sebe, pevaj)
Rasturi, dečko
Jer me pališ (Yo)
Želim da znam, dečko
Mogu li biti tvoja mala?
Zapali, dečko
Napravi mi vatru u telu

Beautiful Liar

Ay, Ay, Ay
Nobody likes being played
Beyonce, Beyonce
Shakira, Shakira (hey)

He said I'm worth it, his one desire
I know things about him that you wouldn't want to read about
He kissed me, his one and only, (yes) beautiful Liar
Tell me how you tolerate the things that you just found out about

We'll never know
Why are we the ones who suffer
I have to let go
He won't be the one to cry

Ay) Let's not kill the karma
(Ay) Let's not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
Can't we laugh about it (Ha Ha Ha)
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

I trusted him, but when I followed you, I saw you together
I didn't know about you then 'till I saw you with him again
I walked in on your love scene, slow dancing
You stole everything, how can you say I did you wrong

We'll never know
When the pain and heartbreak's over
I have to let go
The innocence is gone

(Ay) Let's not kill the karma
(Ay) Let's not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
Can't we laugh about it (Ha Ha Ha)
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

Tell me how to forgive you
When it's me who's ashamed
And I wish could free you
Of the hurt and the pain
(Both) But the answer is simple
He's the one to blame

Beyonce Beyonce
Shakira Shakira
Beyonce Beyonce
Shakira Shakira

(Ay) Let's not kill the karma
(Ay) Let's not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
Can't we laugh about it (Ha Ha Ha)
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

Poker Face

Click to see the original lyrics (English)


[Strofa 1]
Želim da ih držim kao u Teksasu, znaj (Woo)
Bacim ih, pustim da udare, podignem ulog, dušo, ostani (Volim to)
Ljubavna igra, intuicija, pik karte za start
Kad se upeca, odigraću kartu pravo na srce

Oh, woah-oh, oh, oh
Zapaliću ga, pokazaću mu šta znam
Oh, woah-oh, oh, oh
Zapaliću ga, pokazaću mu šta znam

Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)

P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju
P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju

[Strofa 2]
Želim da se igram s njim, bićemo jak par (Woo)
Malo kockanja je zabavno kad si sa mnom (Volim to, woo)
Ruski rulet nije isti bez metka
Dušo, kad je ljubav, ako nije žestoko, nije zabavno, zabavno

Oh, woah-oh, oh, oh
Zapaliću ga, pokazaću mu šta znam
Oh, woah-oh, oh, oh
Zapaliću ga, pokazaću mu šta znam

Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)

P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju
P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju

Neću ti reći da te volim
Poljubiti te ili zagrliti
Jer blefiram, malo te testiram
Ne lažem, samo zračim svojom ljubavnom energijom
Kao devojka u kazinu
Uzmi svoj novac pre nego što te isplatim
Obećavam ti, obećavam ti
Pogledaj ovu ruku jer sam fenomenalna

Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
Ne može da provali, ne može da provali
Ne, ne može da provali moj poker face
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)

P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju
P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju
(Opčinjen je kao nikad pre)
P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju
P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju
P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju
P-p-p-poker face, baš me briga za nju

Stejin' Alajv

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

[Verse 1]
Vidiš po hodu, sve ti je jasno,
Šmeker sam, za žene, nemam vremena za priču sad.
Muzika udara, žene su vrele,
Od rođenja me šutiraju, al' ja se ne dam.

Sad je sve kul, sve je okej,
Možeš da gledaš na drugu stranu, ako hoćeš baš,
Ali hajde da probamo da skapiramo,
Kako 'Tajms' utiče na čoveka, brate, ozbiljno.

Bilo da si brat ili sestra, il' majka čak,
Opstaješ, opstaješ, ne posustaješ nikad!
Oseti grad kako se trese, svi se ljuljaju,
I opstajemo, opstajemo, ne predajemo se!
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Opstajemo, opstajemo,
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Oh, kad hodaš...

[Verse 2]
Padam dole, skačem gore,
Ako ne mogu ni jedno ni drugo, dajem sve od sebe, znaj to.
Na patikama krila anđeoska imam,
Plesač sam, ne mogu da izgubim, znam to dobro.

(Ponavljanje Pre-Chorus i Chorus)

Život ide u prazno,
Neko neka mi pomogne,
Neko neka mi pomogne, da,
Život ide u prazno,
Neko neka mi pomogne, da,

(Ponavljanje Verse 1, Pre-Chorus i Chorus)

Život ide u prazno,
Neko neka mi pomogne,
Neko neka mi pomogne, da,
Život ide u prazno,
Neko neka mi pomogne, da,
(Ponavljanje 3x)

Ova ljubav

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

[Strofa 1]
Bio sam toliko high, nisam ni primetio
Vatru što plamti u njenim očima
Haos što mi je umom vladao
Šapnuo je zbogom dok se pela u avion
Da se nikada ne vrati
Ali uvek će biti u srcu mom, oh

Ova ljubav me iscrpila je
Previše puta rekla je zbogom pre
I srce joj se lomi preda mnom sad
Nemam izbora drugog
Jer neću više reći zbogom

Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh, oh

[Strofa 2]
Trudih se da joj udovoljim svaku želju
Da je zadržim svake noći tu
Teško ju je zadovoljiti, oh
Igrao sam se ljubavlju kao da je igra tek
Pretvarao se da osećam isto to
Onda bih se okrenuo i otišao opet
Ali znam

Ova ljubav me iscrpila je
Previše puta rekla je zbogom pre
I srce joj se lomi preda mnom sad
Nemam izbora drugog
Jer neću više reći zbogom

Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh, oh

Popraviću sve što je slomljeno, zalečiću krila tvoja
I uveriću se da je sve u redu (U redu je, u redu je, oh-oh)
Pritisnut uz tvoje bokove, uranjam vrhove prstiju
U svaki delić tebe
Jer znam da to želiš od mene da uradim

Ova ljubav me iscrpila je
Previše puta rekla je zbogom pre
Srce joj se lomi preda mnom sad
Nemam izbora drugog
Jer neću više reći zbogom
Ova ljubav me iscrpila je
Previše puta rekla je zbogom pre
I srce mi se lomi pred njom sad
Previše puta rekla je zbogom pre
Ova ljubav me iscrpila je (Oh, yeah, yeah)
Previše puta rekla je zbogom pre (Yeah)
I srce joj se lomi preda mnom sad (Yeah)
Nemam drugog izbora, jer neću više reći zbogom (Yeah)
Ova ljubav me iscrpila je
Previše puta rekla je zbogom pre
I srce joj se lomi preda mnom sad