Резултати претраге страна 15
Број резултата: 519
Nikada ne govorim da mi je zao
nikada ne govorim da mi je zao
ja sam klovn za svakoga
nikada te ne izneverim,
stalno sam ovde kao sunce
gubitnik sam, to je sigurno cinjenica
srecna sam cak i kada ne zelis
da me pozoves van na igranku nocas
nisam normalna, znam to, ne marim
nikada se ne izvinjavam
ja sam klovn za svakoga
nikada te ne izneverim,
stalno sam ovde kao sunce
nikada se ne izvinjavam
ja sam klovn za svakoga
nikada te ne izneverim,
stalno sam ovde poput sunca
stalno sam ovde poput sunca, stalno sam ovde
kao duh pratim tvoje korake tako prave
ne treba da me podmicujes ili punis
daj mi samo minut da sijam sa tobom
mogu da te usrecim jako, da te nasmejem
nikada se ne izvinjavam zbog sustine moje duse
ima tako puno nacina da promenim moj zivot
jer zelim da...oh
ja sam poput klovna, ja sam zabava za svakoga...
nikada se ne izvinjavam...
Nothing you can do
I won´t know
say how much I waited
the one who
call and didn´t call
I never counted
the receive behind goodbye
but it comes
like the pain, the betrayal
It was behind
the trail that left
along farewell
the step of love
And it was like an altar
sunbeams with fishing line
I did´t get anything
I lost in the end
If the lack of love
comes to bite
hungry your heart
nothing you can do
it´s useless to fight against him
Like an airplane
in a dive
the happiness
It will slide without condition
where the passion
burned in flame
only ashes remain
little bit more
If the lack of love
want to fill
your heart with ice
nothing you can do
it´s useless to fight, for what
Because if the lack of love
comes to bite
hungry your heart
It makes me so much Good
Listen well love of mine
And trust this song
And every word that's dedicated to you
Can save me from this pain
That had been inside my soul
And teach me what it feels like
To be happy
I would give all
Only for returnning, such love
All that i can give
I feel it will never be enough
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
Yes, I'll come back to find poems for you
And i didn't find words that can describe
'Cause i'm feelin' like flying , when you're here
'Cause i'm trembling when i'm thinkin' that you can be tired of me
I would give all
Only for returnning, such love
All that i can give
I feel it will never be enough
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
What more can i say
If when i gaze at you
All is perfect
Yes, i already know that i am from the street
and humbled
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
But the wealth of mine is you
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
Priđi polako
Ljubavi oslobodila si mi život
Ljubavi svi izlazi
Vode uvek do tvog neba
Promenićeš mi (ulepšaćeš mi) dane
Sada te gledam i gledam
Sada te tražim i pronalaziš me
Ubrzavaš otkucaje srca
Kada si mi blizu
Želim da budem svetlost, da gledam tvoju ulicu
U tišini dok spavaš, ono što ćeš prvo videti kad se probudiš
Ti si moje najveće iskušenje kojem ne mogu odoleti
I bez tebe ne znam
Priđi polako, tako polako
Zagrli me jako da zabole tela
Pričaj mi polako jer me brzo vodiš
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve
Priđi polako, tako polako
Počnimo malo pomalo neka se iscrpe poljupci
Oslobodi ritam tvojih bokova bez straha
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve
Popiću gutljaj po gutljaj tebe
I za mene lanci
Večnosti sa tobom
Biće blagoslovena osuda
Tebi poklanjam vreme
U tebi su moje noći jedrenja
U tebi plovim mirno
Uz tvoje vrele poljupce
Želim da budem svetlost, da gledam tvoju ulicu
U tišini dok spavaš, ono što ćeš prvo videti kad se probudiš
Ti si moje najveće iskušenje kojem ne mogu odoleti
I bez tebe ne znam
Priđi polako, tako polako
Zagrli me jako da zabole tela
Pričaj mi polako jer me brzo vodiš
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve
Priđi polako, tako polako
Počnimo malo pomalo neka se iscrpe poljupci
Oslobodi ritam tvojih bokova bez straha
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve
Reci mi zašto
Kako sam se našao ovde ponovo?
Izgleda kao da uvek prljam ruke krvlju
Dovoljan je samo jedan put i nema me i još hiljadu do kraja
Kako sam se našao ovde ponovo?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi zašto
Mi se sve što volim
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim
Kako to da ništa nikada ne traje?
Ide od dobrog do lošeg do goreg tako brzo
Dovoljan je samo jedan put i nema me i ne možeš izbrisati prošlost
Kako to da nikada ništa ne traje?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi zašto
Mi se sve što volim
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim
Evo me, sam sam ponovo
Sam ponovo
Evo me, sam sam ponovo
Kako to da ništa nikada ne traje?
Ide od dobrog do lošeg do goreg tako brzo
Reci mi zašto
Mi se sve što volim
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim
You Don't Need to Say It
You don't need to look at me
you don't need to say it
you don't need to explain it to me
when you cry or laugh.
It doesn't need to be said
that I want to die by your side
I love you...
You don't need to stay
I don't need to insist to you
You don't need to cry
since we'll see each other above.
It doesn't need to be said
that I want to die by your side
I love you...
We don't need to dream
that it's a lie that death
doesn't exist when there's love
This very story continues
only the scenery changes
on love's stage.
You don't need to lie
You don't need to ask for it
You don't need to miss me
since I will find you some day.
There's no need to say...
We don't need to dream...
I don't need to insist to you
You don't need to cry
since we'll see each other above
It doesn't need to be said
that I want to die by your side
I love you...
Cela istorija Sovjetskog Saveza ispričana od strane jednog skromnog radnika i uklopljena u melodiju iz Tetrisa
U Moskvu dođoh tražeći sreću
Ali me teraju da radim do smrti
Buržoaziji je lako
A Car posipa hleb zlatom
Narod Moskve gladuje
A kakva bi gozba mogla biti
Kad bismo stvorili socijalističku državu
Koja se obazire na ljude kao što sam ja.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje se spuštaju na mene odozogo.
Oni silaze, ja ih okrećem
I uklapaju se u tlo kao ruka u rukavicu.
Ponekad se čini da je u redu pomeriti ciglu
I da će se redovi formirati usput
Onda vidim da sam pogrešno procenio
Ipak ga nisam trebao pogurati.
Mogu li dobiti dugačku?
Zašto ove paklene cigle moraju zapinjati?
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Pođite Moskovljani! Ujedini se narode!
Zajednički režim mira i ljubavi.
Tako vredno slažem cigle
A stanodavac i uterivač poreza me cede
Ali radnici će ustati! Neće biti kompromisa!
Jer znamo da stari režim mora pasti.
Živeo Lenjin, dole Car!
Pozdravljamo srp i čekić!
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Hrana na tanjiru sad pripada državi
Zajednički režim mira i ljubavi.
Nemam izbora u slaganju cigli
Pod Boljševicima ide kako oni kažu.
Po pravilu smo svi isti
I cigle moraju praviti neprekidne redove.
Živeo Staljin! On vas voli!
Svi znamo šta će uraditi ako ne budemo pevali...
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje prave ljudi u Kazakstanu.
Kasne dve sedmice i ne uklapaju se
Ali pratimo Staljinov petogodišnji plan.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže tenkove
Koji će držati sve naciste podalje
Firer je mrtav, a Evropa crvena!
Okrenimo svo oružje na SAD.
Zauvek ćemo živeti!
Možemo započeti nuklearni rat!
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje prave tajnu bazu.
Hip hip ura za SSSR!
Šaljemo ljude u svemir.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Ali svaku noć idem kući i ženi u suzama-
U čemu je poenta svega, kad dižeš zid
A pred očima ti nestaje?
Bezvredan rad za bezvrednu platu.
Ovu igru neću igrati.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle!
Ali mislim da ću sutra ostati u krevetu.
Zima je hladna, imam mnogo zlata
I stojim u redu za veknu hleba.
Možda bi nam bilo bolje
Kad bi svrgnuli Gorbačova
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Tržište je otvoreno! Toliko novca za mene!
Reci mi, šta me briga za mir i ljubav?
Tržište je otvoreno! Toliko novca za mene!
Reci mi, šta me briga za mir i ljubav?
Mir i ljubav, mir i ljubav!
Sad je pao zid, a marksisti tuguju
Po celom gradu su strane radnje
Na Crvenom trgu, ne ojajavaj
Ima Levi's i McDonald's
Amerika nam je dala crystal meth
A Jeljcin se napio do smrti
A sad, kad je Putin vratio čizmu,
Gde nam je kraj?
Mi odbijamo otvoreno poslovanje
I opet će ustati levica
Pripremite zastave za razmotavanje
Mi proglašavamo nezavisnost od sveta:
Povratićemo gruzijsko tlo
Uzećemo naftu Arktika
Složićemo cigle i raditi
Zauvek i još dan.
Kraj igre.
Ja protiv tebe
Potrebno ti je da se drzis ovog pravca
nikada necu saradjivati s tobom
pokusavas da me kontrolises
i bol koji osecam izgleda te cini srecnom
zajebi to
tako sam nisko nemam sta da izgubim
neces staviti misli u moju glavu pokusavajuci da mi kazes sta da uradim
zajebi to
i svakim korakom mislis da sam u tvojoj cipeli
ako mi polomis ledja, ja cu takodje polomiti tvoja
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
evo nas opet
mislis da si u mojoj glavi i pod mojom kozom
nema nicega sto bi mogla da mi predbacis
ne mozes da pobedis protiv moje sorte ludaka
zajebi to
tako sam nisko nemam sta da izgubim
neces staviti misli u moju glavu pokusavajuci da mi kazes sta da uradim
i svakim korakom mislis da sam u tvojoj cipeli
ako mi polomis ledja, ja cu takodje polomiti tvoja
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
zato ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe.
My voice will be reborn
Nights of peace is what our people hopes
Nights of love our heart
a people that souffers, warm wound
the child who doesn't silence is born.
The won't make me feel the cold of loneliness
neither the punishment of locking me in some place,
my voice will be reborn.
Nobody wants to listen, nobody learns to scream
Glory to the being who wakes up and loves in peace
Christmas of doves, I need hope,
I won't hide, I'll go out and sing.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Face To You
'I know about that,' you say
I wonder how many times I told myself not to look at you
Like failing to do the button up
I spilled a single tear
With a single excuse
We began to grow apart
And my forced smile just looked sad
Just like you close your eyes, waiting for the dream,
I can't stop thinking about you
Watching the flow of sand inside the hourglass
I want to embrace the grain containing my feelings
Eventually, I might be able to convey those to you...
One night, my heart tickled softly
Surely a presentiment wanted to warn me
Sometimes fate is just unfair
If a miracle occurs should I take the responsibility?
No matter what excuse,
It won't change anything anymore
And yet I didn't want to show any tears...
Say, your eyes are looking at a distant place,
But it's not me you're seeing there, right?
When did I start to try
Catching a glimpse of your face?
Are time and those desires going to disappear
When I turn the hourglass upside-down?
Remembering your kindness back then, when my heart mourned,
Makes me happier than anyone else
Just like you close your eyes, waiting for the dream,
I still can only think about you
Just like waking up on a fresh day
I want to be honest with my feelings
'I know about that,' you say, but I want you to listen to me
Because I want to say those words while facing you
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Ubijam tvoje lepo lice
On dolazi polako ,beznacajan covek
tako dugo ispuzava iz svoje sopstvene
mrtve koze
on dolazi,on dolazi
Dolazim ovamo da te mucim
dolazim da oduzmem svu tvoju bol
Dva u meni, oni ne mogu da vide ko su
ne,ne,nema sitnog glasa sa velikim uzasom
Dodji upoznaj djavoljeg advokata
ostavi svoju dusu kraj vrata
i udji unutra
Bolnice za umobolne izgubljenih ludilom
poljubac od nekog sporog umiruceg lica
dva u meni , oni ne mogu da vide
ko su,ne,ne,ne
Seks i smrt i americki zapad
jebu nas sve , oprastanje do mesa
Zelim tebe , zelim da te ubijem
da ubijem tvoje lepo lice
ubijem tvoje lepo lice
Hajde daj mi mali komad smrti
mracno srce unutar svoga ja
da zivi uspavano, da umre budno
ubij svoje lepo, ubij svoje lepo lice
ubij svoje lepo lice
Srce istrgnuto od majke
i majka krvari
raspori majku, i izleci majku smrcu.
Данас над Македонијом
Данас над Македонијом се рађа
ново сунце слободе!
Македонци се боре
за своја права!
Македонци се боре
за своја права!
Поново сада застава се вије
Крушевске републике!
Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули,
Даме Груев, Сандански.
Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули,
Даме Груев, Сандански.
Македонске шуме шумно певају
нове песме, нове новине!
Македонија слободна,
слободно живи!
Македонија слободна,
слободно живи!
Prvi put kada sam video tvoje lice
Versions: #2
Prvi put kada sam video tvoje lice
Pomislio sam da je Sunce u tvojim očima
I mesec i zvezde su bili pokloni koje si dala
Mracnom i beskrajnom nebu, moja ljubavi
I prvi put kada sam poljubio tvoja usta
Osetio sam zemlju kako se mrda u mojim rukama
Kao drhtavo srce zarobljene ptice
Koje je bilo tu na moju zapovest, ljubavi
I prvi put kad sam legao sa tobom
Osetio sam tvoje srce tako blizu mog
I znao sam da će naša sreća ispuniti svet
I da će trajati do kraja vremena, ljubavi
Prvi put kada sam video tvoje lice
tvoje lice
I see you are looking for me, I see you are calling me
I see you are leaving me expensive gifts
I see, you would try with me again
Where were you when I needed you?
See, I've became a female deceiver
I lose in everything but I bluff well
You were everything to me, I wanted everything just like you
But the weak ones learn from bad examples
Café café, café café
Welcome to café where tears are served,
Where the sad ones are hanging out
Welcome to my café
Café café, café café
Welcome to café where strangers are kissing
And in the end they always lose
Welcome to my café
See, I've became untouchable
My heart is like a desert at night
You would try with me again now
Where were you, when I needed you?
So You Wouldn't See Me Cry
Like something is telling me
That you don't love me anymore
Heart never lies
It knows when it's the end.
And don't tell me, please,
That you wish all the luck to me
Because I will never again
Be happy without you
(Chorus x2)
Just go too far away
Just go your own way
Just go, I'm begging you
Sou you wouldn't see my cry
Do something for me
I'm not looking for words of comfort
When it's too late for everything else
Just go, let me be
And don't tell me, please,
That you wish all the luck to me
Because I will never again
Be happy without you
(Chorus x2)
Me and my friend Neal
Me and my friend Neal
We always drank a lot
We went around by car
Only in large streets
Me and my friend Neal
We played a little dumb
We sold desires
To the city's losers
And we held a gun upon our heart
And we held a gun upon our heart
And when I saw him
In that ticket office
Parrot that three stupids
Who were seen on tv
Smashed in the screen
They always have a fight
They turn and stumble
And always one of them was hit
And I remember thise days spent at the cinema
When we waited to die with his father
And we go to make love and we go
And we go to sleep and we go
And we go to make love and we go
And we go to sleep and we go
Me and my friend Neal...
With his eyes shining
Now he is more calm
Because all of his bullshit
Were already patented
He told me to relax
While the others always run
Even if they know
That they'll arrive anyway
Even if they don't know
How they 'll arrive
We got notion of time
We got notion of time
And we go to make love and we go
And we go to sleep and we go
And we go to make love and we go
And we go to sleep and we go
Me, just like you
We 'll reach for Heaven
Walking on a smile
Me just like you
A little bit cannibals distracted by a desire of salad
Maybe we'll go to think
And we go to make love and we go
And we go to sleep and we go
And we go to make music and we go
And we go to think and we go
And we go to make love and we go
And we go to sleep and we go
And we go to make music and we go
And we go to think and we go
Me and my friend Neal
What am I gonna do without you?
You were the apple of my eye,
the queen of my heart
my world, my path
a life ahead,
so many dreams to share,
and in one moment, you forgot how to live.
What am I gonna do without you
if you're not here anymore?
How can I give you love
so many kisses I didn't give you.
What am I gonna do without you
if you're not here anymore?
whad do I say to my heart
that can't stop repeating it all?
What am I gonna do without you?
Now you have to leave,
I don't want to be separated from you
If I don't have you, why would I want to live?
What am I gonna do without you
if you're not here anymore?
How can I give you love
so many kisses I didn't give you.
What am I gonna do without you
if you're not here anymore?
whad do I say to my heart
that can't stop repeating it all?
What am I gonna do without you?
What am I gonna do without you
if you're not here anymore?
How can I give you love
so many kisses I didn't give you.
What am I gonna do without you
if you're not here anymore?
whad do I say to my heart
that can't stop repeating it all?
What am I gonna do without you?
Just learning.
Teflon pan
I haven't heard you... In the days of the thundering silence.
I haven't heard you with the mothers of the pain,
you didn't sound neither from afar, for the children, for the elder... forgotten.
I haven't heard you... It could be that I'm not hearing well,
but at the edge of the Neuquen routes,
I haven't heard you while they killed my teacher by the back.
And among our dissapeared songs
I never heard the sound of your resisting cover,
that resists in understanding that there are so many
who in their poor pans only keep an illusion.
Teflon fan, return to the drawer
the street belongs to the militant pans...
With brave smell of spontaneous demonstration.
Teflon fan, go to the bazaars,
or to sound with the militar drums...
As many times I heard you sounding.
I haven't heard you... When the noise of the factories stopped.
when April filled its sea of tears,
I haven't heard you with the parents of the teenager december...suffocated.
I haven't heard you... It could be that my ears hear poorly,
but I haven't heard you at the rural exposition,
claiming for wage of the mate grower hands,
for the profitability of the workers,
for the coming time to come for everyone.
I haven't heard you nor I will because there's no way
of joining your greedy elbow, with my open heart..
Teflon fan, return to the drawer
From the furnitures of the elegant houses,
that the cooks will miss you.
Teflon fan, go to the bazaars,
or to sound in the liberal concerts...
As many times I heard you sounding.
I haven't heard you... In the Kosteki and Santillan bridge,.
I haven't heard you for the sugar cane mill in Tucuman,
I haven't heard you in the evictions, neither in the flooded neighbourhoods...on this side.
I haven't heard you... In the corner of Rosario that blasted,
when the angel of the bike fell,
and his little angels were left without food.
And I never heard you ringing from here below,
for a jobless young, adrift.
It must be because from up there, form the highest floors
the scare and the wounds are never seen.
Teflon fan, return to the drawer...
I'm staing in a student demonstration
where you never sounded.
Teflon fan, go to the bazaars,
or to get filled with the most delicious foods
that can't be found in the street...
Teflon fan... go to cook.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The good which does me bad
I loved you, but I've had enough
You brought this on yourself, so don't cry anymore
But you were like an angel for me
You were a ray of sun and then you hit me like a bolt of lightning.
You are the good which does me bad
And, still, I feel like I'm dying of longing for you
If you understood, if you understood . . .
You are the good which does me bad
And, still, I cry out your name in my sleep
If you understood, if you understood . . .
I loved you, but I've had enough
I've had enough, I've had enough
I need to leave even if my heart cries
Cries, cries
Every day, I still hoped
I kept lying to myself that you had changed
But I don't, don't, don't, don't know anymore what to believe.
You left me a lot of time to understand . . .
You swore to me that I wouldn't suffer from love, no
But you turned my world upside down again
and I don't have air anymore, I don't have air
How can I breathe without you?
Each night, as if in a dream, I see you
When you aren't next to me, it's chaos in my soul
and I don't have air anymore, I don't have air
How can I breathe without you?
You are the good which
Does me the bad that I like
You are the good which does me bad
The good which does me bad
You are the good which
Does me the bad that I like
You are the good which does me bad . . .
The place which saw my birth
If I go back in time, it rains memories on my mind, once more
and I find the memories in which I could reach happiness,
as also moments in which I knew very well what was crying,
and I learnt to be brave... to go on.
I had to grow up, even though, maybe
there was immaturity in me
I had to become strong and face what I never imagined
and here I am, no scratches, despite what I had to suffer
but, while remembering,
you live again.
Despite I got through a thousand barriers,
I can't part with what my frontiers lock up,
I have my sould attach to every detail, evey full-moon,
I'm the tree that even though it grows, it's still part of its land
and despite I found a new world out of its borders,
that I learnt to survive and to be happy my way
I still have the dream to come back...
to the place which saw my birth.
Life has taught me why to win you have to lose,
also what it feels like when you have to start again once more,
and here I am, no scratches and willing, as always, to continue,
but, while remembering... you live again.
Just learning.
I'm afraid
How difficult is not loving you anymore
how difficult is trying to forget
the moments we lived, nights we shared
those minutes of life which gave us joy
How difficult is not loving you anymore
how difficult is trying to forget
the moments we lived, nights we shared
those minutes of life which gave us joy
I'm afraid to know you're not here
I'm afraid that you stop loving me
that I forget you even exist,
I'm afraid to wake up and don't see you there, by my side.
I'm afraid to see you leave, and you forget about me, forever
I'm afraid that, when you're gone I don't find Death.
Gave everything to have you, don't blame you, my life
If you rip me off from your life, I'm afraid to lose you.
I'm afraid to see you leave, and you forget about me, forever
I'm afraid that, when you're gone I don't find Death.
Gave everything to have you, don't blame you, my life
If you rip me off from your life, I'm afraid to lose you.
Just learning.
Thanks to life
Thanks to life, for blooming
thanks to kindness for staying
thanks to light that sow hope
when everything was wrong you made it change
thanks for your help, your good faith
thanks for saving us from falling again
thanks to light that sow hope
when everything was wrong you made it change
there's always a light that gives strength to life
brings calm back, and heal wounds
there's always a reason to fight in life
today I want to thank you and say I'm your friend
and say I'm your friend.
Just learning.
Last night
Last night I explored your body,
unintentionally, with my glance
and soon I realized you liked me
last night I calmed my thirst, drinking from your mouth,
Rain since I tasted it, impregnated your scent
last night the miracle happened
our lips melted together
we caressed our dreams for the first time.
Last night, we flew together
on a cloud of passion
last night the cold walls turned into
fire in our room,
last night, we flew together
on a cloud of passion
last night we won heaven
lost fear
and made love.
Last night, slipped from your body
unintentionally, my glance
and soon I realized you liked me
last night I calmed my thirst, drinking from your mouth,
Rain since I tasted it, impregnated your scent
last night the miracle happened
our lips melted together
we caressed our dreams for the first time.
Just learning.
Smudges of you
You surrender to me without a confession
when I want to love you.
You let fall a tear of emotion
in your cleavage
and I'd like to find the right words
but I no longer really know
whether I should trust your God or your breasts,
and then on my skin you leave
smudges of you
All that I see there in your eyes
is my private business.
And love is the only kind of conversation
I want to have
And even if I often
envy your youth
and stick to it like a slave
would to his mistress,
it's on my skin I want to keep
smudges of you.
All the tears of heaven can wash me away for all I care
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
All the African tom-toms, me, I make them dance
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
Love is not rocket science, you know,
but still you sent me into orbit
Tonight I want us to dance
the apocalypso
as if it was the end of the world
(the apocalypso)
and even if life eventually drives all lovers apart,
efen if the guardians of Eden are causing us trouble,
in my soul I want to keep
smudges of you
All the tears of heaven can wash me away for all I care
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
All the African tom-toms, me, I make them dance
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
love is not rocket science, you know,
but still you sent me into orbit
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Do me zaza zaza
I know a boy that
when the night comes
he gets a girl
and takes her to his home
And then (zaza zaza)
What happens? (zaza zaza)
And then (zaza zaza)
What happens? (zaza zaza)
If the girl doesn't want
because she's not confident
first she drinks a cup
and then zaza zaza
And what does he mean
when he says zaza zaza?
As he lives alone
he makes her clean the house.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
For being born
For being born, in this ground.
I made a deal with God
or maybe with the devil, I don't know.
I just remember the order,
of not silencing what was silenced so much.
Then, doesn't seem to care.
To who, doesn't seem to feel.
Maybe, because saving the bread.
He thinks, he owns a good living.
Poor him.
The right-hand man of the boss.
Whose decrees or shovel hits he orders to boecome law.
To keep safe the loot,
of those who starve the nation.
Where I, am dreaming of dying.
Like who is dreaming of growing.
Then, doesn't seem to care.
To who, doesn't seem to feel.
Maybe, he prefers to forget,
for the best of his own existance.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
[(Three, two, one, fire!)]
Look, I'm flying again, going through the wall
I'm going today, we'll see it, I'm a spaceman
And it's no use to wait me back home
Before galaxies are shattered
Look, I'm flying again, going through the wall
Hey baby, can you imagine that he's a spaceman?
And today galaxies are shattered-red-red-red
And today galaxies are shattered (shattered)
Are you a sheep or a lion?
Would you just lie in the dark underneath a blanket?
That doesn't work, your damsel doesn't promise
Let's make the blanket sway
Evenly lethal pace
Many would rather escape
We have time for only this evening, it's not rocket science
I'm a great choice
If you wish to get off of Earth's surface
Where the asphalts don't go
Baby, take a spaceman
But a wild soul doesn't get along with old wanton women
I've always been more of a spaceman
I'm leaving today, see ya
Just as a joke to stir things up a little
When the flame isn't dying down
Born to move and make others get moved
You can't get it with money
Attitude from cradle to coffin
Somewhere there in the Milkyway (our) sense is running away
Ray-Bans deep in the head, deep-frozen
You can forget this bowling alley, go away
A wild soul doesn't get along with old wanton women
I've always been more of a spaceman
(He's a spaceman) 2x
Don't say anything, I will tame this
Don't say anything, baby, he's a spaceman (2x)
He's a spaceman
Ah, gde je moja ljuba (Ах, где је моја љуба)
Ах, где је моја љуба?
Да ли мисли тај на мене?
Ја за њега само венем
И за њега ја ћу да умрем.
Клечих ја пред њим
И са сузама у очима
Кажи, кажи, верна љубо
Коју љубиш осим мене.
Зашто каже и пред мамом
Када бесмо нас двоје
Ако, љубо, те слажем
Боље је, ја да умрем.
Благо њему, том што љуби
Том што љуби верну љубу
Тај бесцени камен носи
И (тај) је веран чак до гроба.
Aber dođe Donki (Абер дође Донки)
Абер дође Донки, абер дође.
Абер дође Донки са куле,
са куле Донки од аге.
Да их сабереш, Донка, аргате.
Аргате, Донка, невесте,
бећаруше, Донка, девојке.
(Ми) Ће[мо] (да) жњемо, Донка, ће жњемо.
Ће жњемо, Донка, ситан јечам,
ситан јечам, Донка, до колена.
Ти ће[ш] (да) једеш, Донка, рудо јагње.
С агом, Донка, на кули,
аргати ће (да) једу лук и сирће.
Lord, bring again those past times
Lord, bring again those past times
Those times of repentance
//: When with the holy fire of love
We were building altars, one after another
And the Holy Ghost was gathering us together.
When at the sparkling of the stars
We were meeting with so much longing
What sweet times of prayer meetings ://
Lord, bring nowadays time like in the past
Bring the former grace again
//: Lord, bring again those brethren
Pure in their walk and soul
With a clear conscience.
Those who day and night were praying
And even at death they went
For true faith ://
Lord, bring again same longing for Thy house
Bring the same holy thirst
//: When before the dawn
At Thy house's holy porch
We were meetting, dear Jesus
Driven by the same holy shiver
We were gathering at Thy springs
And were building the house on the rock ://
Lord, bring nowadays the signs and wonders
What You did before
//: For if You say just a word
The sick will bounce singing
And they'll bring You praises
No matter how heavy the disease is
At Thy voice it will be healed
Come Jesus again on the valley ://
Domaćine, dobri gosti ti dođoše (Домаћине, добри гости ти дођоше)
Домаћине, добри гости ти дођоше,
Ај, добар абер ти донесоше.
Стадо ти се, домаћине, ојагњило,
Ај, половина облизнило.
Жена ти се, домаћине, породила,
Ај, ти родила мушко дете.
Домаћине, данас се једе и пије,
Ај, данас се свадба прави.
Ако спијеш, домаћине разбуди се,
Ако пијеш, домаћине развесели се.
O master, good guests have arrived
O master, good guests have arrived,
Hey, they brought you good news.
Your flock has lambed, o master,
Hey, half of it got twins.
Your wife has given birth, o master,
Hey, she gave birth to a boy.
O master, today we will eat and drink,
Hey, today we are making a wedding.
If you are sleeping, o master, wake up,
If you are drinking, o master, cheer up.